IMDb Polls

Poll: Lerner and Loewe — Lyricist and Composer

Lerner and Loewe refers to the partnership between lyricist and librettist Alan Jay Lerner and composer Frederick Loewe.

Spanning 3 decades and 9 musicals from 1942 to 1960 and again from 1970 to 1972, the pair are known for being behind the creation of critical on stage successes.

Which is your favorite Lerner and Loewe film or film adaptation?

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Brigadoon (1954)

  2. Vote!

    Gigi (1958)

  3. Vote!

    My Fair Lady (1964)

  4. Vote!

    Camelot (1967)

  5. Vote!

    Paint Your Wagon (1969)

  6. Vote!

    The Little Prince (1974)

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