IMDb Polls

Poll: I want an imaginary friend like ...

The word 'imaginary' is to be taken on a broader meaning, most of these characters are much real from the character's perspective but they're imaginary in the sense that only the main protagonist truly interacts with them. So if you had the chance, which of these characters would you love to have as imaginary friend?

Discuss here

PS: the last 2 options below the 'creepy' one are from "Fight Club" and "A Beautiful Mind", don't read if you haven't seen any of these two films, and do your best to forget about the poll's title ...

Results of 3,333 votes:

  1. 1.

    Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in Fight Club (1999)

    A much more charismatic version of myself
  2. 2.

    Wilson the Volleyball in Cast Away (2000)

    The perfect friend: always smiling, listening, never talking back or getting away from you
  3. 3.

    James Stewart in Harvey (1950)

    A sympathetic, inspirational and anthropomorphic animal (a rabbit for instance ...)

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