IMDb Polls

Poll: Meryl Streep Career Choices

Close your eyes. Pretend you're Meryl Streep. Now stop dreaming and choose which of these directors she should work with in the future.

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Results of 1,278 votes:

  1. 1.

    Quentin Tarantino and Meryl Streep

    Quentin Tarantino - They look good together, but never worked together
  2. 2.

    Ethan Coen and Joel Coen at an event for Burn After Reading (2008)

    Ethan and Joel Coen - Never worked with Ms Streep
  3. 3.

    Pedro Almodóvar

    Pedro Almodóvar - Said he would work in English to work with Ms Streep. You can tell from the picture he's excited.

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