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The Tierney Brothers battle each other because of one's evil tyranny.
mark.waltz22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some criminals just shouldn't be let out of prison, and here, it is obvious from the start, that life-long offender Lawrence Tierney is not about to change his ways no matter how many people give him the opportunity to. His mother (Lisa Golm) gives a heart-felt plea to get him out of prison, claiming he's a good boy and if given the chance, can be useful to society. She will learn a bit too late that a mother's love isn't always meant to be apple pie filled sweetness. Lawrence betrays his own brother (the lesser known Edward Tierney) and gets into trouble, unable to remain calm while under pressure working as a gas station attendant. Women aren't safe around the younger brother, either, and he will destroy one of them in the process as well.

At just an hour's length, this powerful "B" film noir/crime drama is as exciting as many of the higher budgeted "A" films on the same subject. It is totally without pretense or glamour, and there is absolutely no sympathy for the leading anti-hero. Lawrence Tierney is excellent in this part, seemingly years younger than he really was when he took on this role. Edward Tierney is an interesting contrast and their pairing is a unique teaming in screen history. At first, Golm's mother might seem very stereotypical, almost aggravating, seeming to be exactly like Margaret Wycherly's mom in "White Heat", but her final scene is tragically pained as a lifetime of total disappointment is revealed in just a few minutes. Allene Roberts and Marjorie Riordan make interesting weather-beaten heroines with their characters drawn in over their head and against their will as the women whose lives will be forever shattered because the parole system failed to keep one obvious sociopath behind bars where he belonged forever.
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Lawrence Tierney at most feral in brutal, starvation-budget programmer
bmacv24 August 2003
The Hoodlum opens with a montage illustrating Lawrence Tierney's rap sheet, starting when he was a holy terror still in short pants. From preparatory work in juvenile hall to matriculation at the Big House, he majored in recidivism and minored in anti-social personality disorder. When, now a surly menace, he comes up for parole, most members of the board object but are swayed by the tearful pleas of his saintly immigrant mother (Lisa Golm), who thinks he's misunderstood (by the time she's on her deathbed, she's comparing him to the city dump).

Released, he moves back home. He's reluctantly offered, and reluctantly takes, a job at the filling station owned by his straight-arrow sibling (and real-life brother Ed Tierney, later Tracy; actor Scott Brady was a third brother). But, apart from a personal campaign to prove that the customer is never right, Tierney's main interest is getting into the pants of the bank manager's secretary who works across the street so he can plan his next big job. (He also manages, in his off-hours, to rape and impregnate his brother's fiancée, driving her to suicide.) The rest of the movie recounts the brutal bank heist, which is synchronized with a phonily arranged funeral....

The Hoodlum was made at a time when Tierney's off-screen roughhousing was starting to make him, after striking roles in Born to Kill and The Devil Thumbs A Ride, an undesirable in Hollywood. It's a short, stripped-down, starvation-budget programmer. Still, it shows those ragged edges that more artifice might have smoothed away (the rape and pregnancy are startling for their era); a few plot strands seem like distant echoes of the incomparably superior White Heat, of two years earlier. The most noteworthy aspect of The Hoodlum's script is that Tierney undergoes no character development whatsoever: He starts out as a cur and dies like a dog.
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Lawrence Tierney at his toughest in underrated film noir
wrbtu24 August 2001
This is a very underrated B film noir, with Lawrence Tierney at his toughest. If you liked Tierney in Born to Kill, you'll like him here as well. The plot is a common one, but rarely will you see such a vicious character in a 1951 film. There's even a real "dirty word" used in this film (by 1950s standards): "pregnant"! Tierney's performance is not to be missed. He plays a character here with no redeeming qualities (unless you call using his mother a "redeeming" quality), & no remorse. The details of his character's development are fairly well explained; enough of his background is given to understand why he turned out the way he did. For film noir fans, you'll like the darkness of the film, shadows abound, & there's a short narration at the beginning. Lisa Golm (who plays Tierney's mother) also gives an outstanding performance (a little too dramatic at times, but I know quite a few people who act like that in real life); the fact that she strongly reminds me of my grandmother (& was coincidentally born only 9 days after my grandmother) helped me to enjoy this film even more. The most thought provoking aspect of the film is the question of how two brothers who were raised together could grow up to be so different. Tierney's real life brother plays his brother in this film (but he's probably the weakest actor here). I rate it 9/10, but subtract a point if Lisa Golm doesn't remind you of your grandmother!
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An entertaining example of B 2nd features...
AlanSquier11 March 2007
This is typical but quite entertaining B movie fare. Well, not completely typical because the main character of such fare is generally more sympathetic than Lawrence Tierney is here. He's a guy you love to hate as he gets paroled thanks to his sweet and loving mother and then proceeds to be a total heel, raping and impregnating his sister-in-law, robbing a bank and just an overall not-nice guy. He doesn't even evoke sympathy at his dying mother's bedside and that's one of the perverse charms of the film. The ending in a dump is quite satisfying and prompts a feeling of good riddance to bad rubbish. This is a typically short little B film, cheaply made, ludicrous at times, but fun to watch and one which will be appreciated by fans of 40's and 50's 2nd features.
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Lawrence Tierney, the original method actor...
AlsExGal16 April 2020
... because TIerney was such a seemingly tortured soul and his own worst enemy that he really seemed to understand the most memorable characters that he played. His drunken brawling destroyed his movie career in less than ten years. Once he called the police and told them there was a fight in a bar and they needed to come break it up. There wasn't, Tierney just wanted some fist to cuffs with some cops. In the 1970s his girlfriend died from a fall from a high rise window. Tierney was there and told the police that as he had entered the apartment she had just jumped out of the window, seemingly for no reason. Charges were never filed. But I digress.

The point is that here Tierney plays the brooding violent seemingly tormented hoodlum Vincent Lubeck, into far more nefarious stuff than Tierney ever was, but Tierney has the titular character's mood and mentality down pat. VInce is somewhat enigmatic with few words. It is with posture and factial expressions that you come to know this character.

The first part of the film is almost in documentary style. It talks about Vincent's ride through the revolving door of the criminal justice system with his crimes elevating in gravity with his age. Finally at age 25 he is sentenced to 5-10 in the pen for armed robbery. At his parole hearing after 5 of those 10 years, the parole board can't think of why they should loose this guy on the public. But then his gray haired mama enters and after she slings enough chicken soup, cliches, and mixed metaphors at the board she apparently convinces (confuses???) the board into letting Vince go.

But you might as well meet the new VInce, same as the old Vince. He feels the world owes him something because of his impoverished upbringing, living next to the city dump as a kid. But his little brother (and this actually IS Tierney's little brother folks) doesn't seem to have any of Vince's hardness, is enterprising, and has opened a gas station and gives Vince a job, which he needs to stay out on parole.

But Vince is busy eyeing the things he can't have and that he wants. One is his kid brother's fiancee, Rosa. The other is the contents of the bank across from the gas station where he works. And this is where he plans a rather intricate bank hold-up. This is where low budget Eagle-Lion excelled, what they couldn't afford in really big name stars - TIerney is the only one in this film - they spent on rather clever plots.

Tierney gets to show a bit of range here. He even shows fear and regret, although in small doses. And the end of the film is quite ironic. I would recommend this little film.
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Bad To The Bone
seymourblack-116 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The constraints within which filmmakers have to operate when they're working on a low budget can often produce surprisingly good results and this is most often seen in crime dramas where qualities such as grittiness, realism and pace can be produced without any need for high expenditure. "The Hoodlum" is a case in point, as it describes the inevitable downfall of a criminal who, from the outset, is clearly beyond redemption and the way in which his story is told displays all the aforementioned qualities plus plenty of tension.

As a youngster, Vincent Lubeck (Lawrence Tierney) had a long history of involvement in petty crime before being sentenced to ten years in prison for armed robbery. After having served five years of his sentence, the parole board at the state penitentiary meets to consider his case and despite the strong views of the Warden (who considers him to be unfit to be released on parole); the board approves the criminal's release after having listened to an impassioned appeal from Lubeck's mother.

When Vincent returns home to live with his mother, he's required under the terms of his parole to work in the gas station which his brother Johnny (Edward Tierney) had bought using the insurance money from his father's death. Vincent shows no appreciation of what Johnny or his mother have done on his behalf and doesn't acknowledge how well Johnny had done in building up his business and buying the family a new home. He also dislikes working in the gas station and displays a bad attitude to its customers. This naturally upsets Johnny who, unlike his mother and his naïve girlfriend Rosa (Allene Roberts), sees his brother exactly for what he is. Rosa's attempts to build bridges between the brothers leads to her getting seduced by Vincent and eventually committing suicide after discovering she's pregnant and then being very firmly rebuffed when she asked Vincent to marry her.

Vincent notices the collections that are made by an armoured van from the Fidelity Bank which is located on the opposite side of the street from the gas station and dates Eileen (Marjorie Riordan), the bank's secretary, in order to get some more information about the regular cash shipments. Then, after meeting up with some of his old associates, he masterminds a heist and a very imaginative way of escaping with the loot. His quest for easy money, however, soon leads to some undesirable results, both during and after the heist.

Vincent Lubeck's character is very straightforward as he's completely unrepentant about anything he's done in the past, never intends, even for a second, to go straight and is only focused on getting easy money. He thinks that the intense bitterness and anger that's such a powerful part of his make-up is attributable to his family's experience of having lived for years in a home that was close to the city dump and sees the acquisition of a lot of money as being the only thing that can clear the stink that he lived with for so many years. He's vicious, volatile and amoral and brings nothing but misery to his family.

Lawrence Tierney does a great job of portraying the sheer intensity and explosive nature of this selfish sociopath in a style that perfectly complements the fast-moving way in which the on-screen action is delivered. It's these qualities that ultimately make the movie so enjoyable and help to compensate for the poor acting of some other members of the cast.
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"I've been listenin' to your lyin' for five years, another couple of hours won't make any difference."
classicsoncall25 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The title of the picture is short and to the point, the film is appropriately crafted for viewers with a disciplined attention span who just want to get it over with. Lawrence Tierney is all menace here as Vincent Lubeck, freed on parole after a five year stretch against the better judgment of a warden and parole board who've allowed themselves to be influenced by the convincing sob story of a mother who's duty it is to stand up for her son. We'll see how this relationship turns out later, but for now, real life brother Ed Tierney rides to the rescue with a job offer at his filling station with the kind of upward mobility that comes with being located across the street from a bank. I had a sense that pumping gas wasn't Vince's forte when he doused a customer's car with a couple of gallons when he complained about the service. It would have been a worse career move had he been a smoker.

Vince does his level best to convince us that he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever by chewing up and spitting out his brother's girlfriend, leading her to suicide following a rape resulting in pregnancy. As an equal opportunity womanizer, he moves in on a bank secretary (Marjorie Riordan) to firm up plans for the big heist. I always get a kick out of these era films where the crime in progress is the subject of newspaper headlines in real time, a feat that took at least another half century to realize with the advent of the internet.

You can do better than "The Hoodlum" if masterful crime drama is your thing, but for pure sleaze factor, it doesn't get much better than this. Had the elder Tierney cracked a smile even once I would have been disappointed. This one is pure hard boiled and as gritty as they come, and even though it may not stand up to serious scrutiny, how bad can a film be when it winds up at the city dump.
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Low budget thriller lacks a sympathetic lead
Leofwine_draca25 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE HOODLUM is a film noir starring one of cinema's true hard men, Laurence Tierney, an actor who was by all accounts just as volatile and scary off the screen as he was on it. Certainly his larger than life presence is exploited to the full in this otherwise uninteresting thriller that desperately lacks a sympathetic character.

The story sees Tierney's small-time crook planning a big heist and generally abusing everybody around him, even his own family members. There's implied sexual violence and a general ill feeling towards everyone. Of course the viewer can guess right from the outset what's going to happen to Tierney come the end but this is about the journey there. Sadly, it's not a very interesting journey, too constrained by budgetary deficiency to truly impress or indeed entertain.
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No one to Pull For
Hitchcoc25 September 2007
This is a very harsh movie about a very harsh man. It has the scene where the elderly mother comes to the parole board and begs them to let her little boy go. They oblige and that sets the events in motion. The man is a sociopath, using anyone who gets in his way. He is bad to the bone. He plots a big heist and never stops until it is accomplished. Unfortunately there are forces working against. The final scene with his mother is quite striking and can't help but pull a manipulative tear from anyone. The movie goes along quickly with us wondering if the guy will ever see the light. One of the weaknesses is that we are more tuned into victims and when it becomes obvious that this guy is barely human, we see him as a force rather than a man. It's nicely filmed and brings that blackness where criminals chose to be criminals and it was the job of the law to put them away. It's interesting for its time.
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"Forget this address!" ... "I never intended to remember it."
moonspinner5515 September 2011
After five years in the jug, a hard-bitten criminal is reluctantly freed by the skeptical parole board, largely on the pleas of his elderly mother; in no time flat, the hood--now pumping gas at a service station owned by his brother--is plotting the robbery of an armored car along with his cronies. Reunited from the low-budget, critically-acclaimed 1945 gangster film "Dillinger", director Max Nosseck and actor Lawrence Tierney are unable to make lightning strike twice. There are some amusingly rough and tough moments but, curiously, this effort is even more cheaply made than the duo's last (and it only runs an hour!). Opening with a brief flash of the epilogue, the flatfooted narrative then precedes to the jailhouse with some ridiculously melodramatic overacting. Tierney is a solidly unsentimental anti-hero, quick-tempered and rotten to the core, yet he connects with the audience instantly. He might have become a star on the level of Cagney or Bogart had the proper vehicles come his way. This one is just a time-waster, though the logistics of a complicated robbery provide minor interest. ** from ****
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A forgotten film noir gem!
planktonrules3 July 2010
I read on IMDb that a new restored version of this film was just released. However, my review is based only on the public domain version--which may or may not be roughly the same picture. How much restoration was done is unknown to me.

The film stars Lawrence Tierney and one of his real-life brothers. For some very, very fascinating reading, read up on Tierney's life--he was an incredibly dangerous sort of guy--and a lot like the sociopathic character he played in this film. Now that Tierney has passed away, I have no trouble saying this...otherwise I'd keep my mouth shut, as even as an elderly guy he was quite the unpredictable terror! But, I should point out, that because Tierney was such a screwball, he was able to play some of the most menacing and convincing criminals in noir films such as "Born to Kill" and "Reservoir Dogs".

Lawrence Tierney plays an angry man who was just paroled. Instead of learning from his mistakes, he has an incredibly bad attitude and blames everyone for his problems...everyone but himself. It's obvious that despite his family trying to help him go straight, this hoodlum is determined to return to a life of crime. After all, in his mind the world owes him something and working hard at a real job is for suckers! This unrelenting badness made the character terrific and dark even by film noir standards. He destroys his brother's girlfriend, kills with no compunction and attacks everyone around him--making him very memorable. As a result, the film takes a rather ordinary story idea with a small budget and makes it much more. It's gritty and far more realistic than a typical film of the era--and well worth seeing for fans of noir.

If you do see the film, some particularly noteworthy scenes are Tierney slapping a woman as well as the final scene between him and his horrified mother and brother. Great stuff! By the way, in an interesting bit of casting, Lawrence Tierney's real-life brother, Edward, plays his brother in the film as well!
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Tierney Was Hateful
whpratt18 June 2007
Never viewed this 1951 film starring Lawrence Tierney,(Vincent Lubeck) who is up for parole from prison, however, the warden does not want to release him because he almost knows he is evil through and through. Mrs. Lubeck,(Lisa Golm) walks into the parole board meeting and pleads for her sons release and it is finally granted. Vincent spent five years in prison and is worse than when he went into the prison. Johnny Lubeck, (Edward Tierney) greets his brother back and offers him a job at his gas station to work and get himself on the right side of the law. It is not long before Vincent steals his brothers girl friend and then decides to pull off a big job across the street from his brothers gas station. If you viewed the film "Dillinger" in 1945, Tierney plays almost the same role with plenty of hate for everybody and a mean look on his face all the time. In this film, Lawrence Tierneys brother, Edward Tierney gave a great supporting role. Lisa Golm, (Mrs. Lubeck) gave a great portrayal of Vincent Lubeck's mother and acted just like a loving mother would towards her wayward son. Enjoy
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Crime Doesn't Pay Kids
Rainey-Dawn14 May 2016
This seems to be one of those "lesson" films for the teens and 20-somethings... the "lesson" of crime doesn't pay, make a good life for yourself - you don't want to see your mama cry do ya kids? Yea it's one of those types of films.

To me this film was awful.... about 30 minutes through the film I hit the fast-forward button just to finish watching it quickly. It's quite a bore fest. What I did watch of the film I kept wanting to reach through the screen and slap Vincent Lubeck - yea he is an irritating hoodlum to me - not one of those sorta cool gangsters like we see in films but an outright stinking hoodlum - just like the stinking place they live (reference to Vincent's comment in the film about the stink).

Some may like this film - but it was a terrible 30 minutes for me and what I saw in fast-forward didn't look any better.

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Excellent low budget Tierney vehicle, follow up to 'Dillinger'
FilmFlaneur17 February 2004
The Hoodlum (1951)

In this sequel to Nosseck's remarkable Dillinger (1945), real life tough guy Lawrence Tierney reprises his role of a scowling, unredeemable thug (he also appeared in the same director's equally hardboiled Kill or Be Killed (1950). The result is another tight and tough little film, if not quite on the same level. The main reason for this is a plot that's less convincing than Yordan's was back in 1945 when the real Dillinger's famously dramatic life provided excellent inspiration. Yordan, who went on to script such projects as El Cid, was plainly more of an artist than Neumann and Tanchuk, providing the story here. Events are more predictable – the anti-hero is even provided with a sentimental death bed scene to weep his belated crocodile tears. Fortunately Tierney plays this final pay off with little sentimentality, even hiding his face rather than letting the audience see him ‘weaken'. As Lubeck, the hoodlum just out from jail finding life too dull working in his brother's pump station, Tierney is once again excellent, up to and including the inevitable denouement. His determined unrepentance creates a thrusting charisma which both Rosa (his brother's girl, whom he briefly seduces, impregnates and discards), the bank manager's secretary and the audience find hard to ignore. As an actor Tierney can manage a cruel arrogance even when working a petrol pump, while Lubeck's cynical disassocation from his family makes him seem a very modern.

Interestingly, almost half the running time of the film has elapsed before he commits his first crime, or even fires a shot. For the rest of the time the hoodlum is brooding, contemplating the raw deal he has been handed, feeling as imprisoned by his humdrum job as no doubt millions of others did (and do) at the time. The difference is that he wants to reach for his big break in dramatic and violent fashion as he has it `all figured out now'. Its the heist he has planned, with the desperate aftermath, occupies the remainder of the film.

Ironically it is Lubeck's mother whose tears soften the heat of his parole board, thereby releasing her vicious son back into circulation. By the end, along with society, she inevitably regrets this decision, but her role in obtaining his release means that, in some respect at least, she is responsible for the anti-social acts he performs. In this light her final scene can be seen as much an act of necessary repentence as it is her reconciliation with reality.

The Hoodlum also boasts a minor first in that Tierney's real life brother Edward appears on screen for the first time, playing Vince's nice-but-dull brother. Despite all his good intentions, he ends up holding a gun on his sibling before literally driving him to his death - an event the significance of which frames the main action of the film in flashback, a typical noir conceit. Edward has little of Lawrence's screen presence, although here the novelty of the casting (which recalls the on-screen partnership of the Mitchum brothers in the cult film Thunder Road (1958 )) makes up for some his gaucheness.

Nosseck's muscular, ever hard to see films are overdue for reassessment. His three with Tierney are generally excellent, although hampered by constraints of budget and length. Also recommended is his British black out thriller The Brighton Strangler, more atmospheric than one might expect, and directed in the same vintage year as Dillinger.
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Crime Smells
wes-connors28 June 2014
Although his warden considers him an unrepentant hoodlum, bank robber Lawrence Tierney (as Vincent "Vince" Lubeck) is granted parole. This is largely due to Mr. Tierney's pleading mother Lisa Golm (as Mama Lubeck). Lawrence moves home with the family and begins working for younger brother Edward Tierney (as Johnny Lubeck) at his auto service station. Lawrence proves to be a terrible worker and drives customers away from the gas station, which happens to be across the street from a bank. He meets bank secretary Marjorie Riordan (as Eileen) and gathers information for a planned robbery. Lawrence also assaults Edward's girlfriend Allene Roberts (as Rosa Czermak) with a kiss, which succeeds in getting her to copulate in that old "you know you want it" way...

Leading man Lawrence Tierney scowls through his part. His best scenes occur near the end, especially with mother Golm. Though theatrical, Golm performs most passionately for director Max Nosseck. Edward Tierney is Lawrence's real-life brother and is okay his first featured role. They are interesting in the bracketing car scene which opens the story with flashbacks. While Ms. Roberts is a pushover, a couple of other women assert themselves. All things considered, the best part of this unassuming crime drama is the story/screenplay, well-written by Sam Neuman and Nat Tanchuck. They make the characters more interesting than they are played – and "the city dump" is an artfully used metaphor. The main caper, involving the bank and a nearby mortuary, is nicely staged.

****** The Hoodlum (7/5/51) Max Nosseck ~ Lawrence Tierney, Edward Tierney, Lisa Golm, Allene Roberts
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Better Than Average B film - The Hoodlum
arthur_tafero9 April 2021
Thanks to the gritty Lawrence Tierney, this B film hood flick rises above the average, as we see the gradual descent of a hoodlum into falling into oblivion. Although the film is predictable, it is like watching a car wreck; you are fascinated by all the broken pieces. Recommended only for Tierney-lovers and B movies.
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If the parole board don't see my kisser once a month I'll lose my good standing in the community
kapelusznik184 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Restored to it's original pristine print in 1999 the film "The Hoodlum" is quickly becoming one of the best film noir movies of the 1940's and 50's with the in and out of the slammer, in real life as well as on the screen, Lawrence Tierney as career criminal Vincent Lubeck a man without a conscience to who he hurts even his own family members in trying to make it big time in his chosen profession. We see at the start of the movie "The Hoodlum" Lubeck being released on bail after serving six years for a stick up robbery of a local candy store. Given a chance to go straight Lubeck instead goes straight to committing crimes that ends up destroying everyone including his long suffering mother, Lisa Golm, who's recommendation and assertion of her son being greatly misunderstood to the state parole board in that he's really a "Good Boy" who fell in with the wrong crowd gave him an early parole.

Given a job at his brother Johnny's, played by Tierney's real life kid brother Edward Tierney,gas station as a station attendant Lubeck finds that doing an honest job isn't in his interest. He want's to knock off the Fidelity Savings Bank across the street from the gas station and gets a number of his ex-convict friends to help he do it. In between Lubeck gets involved with Johnny's girlfriend Rosa, Allene Roberts, and after forcing himself on her gets her pregnant with his child. Ashamed in what she did, which in no way was her fault, the guilt ridden Rosa ends up jumping off a roof killing herself as well as her and Lubeck's unborn child.

The well planned robbery of the Fidelity Savings Bank goes according to plan even though a number of police and robbers ended up dead wounded and captured. It's at Lubeck & Co. hideout that things really get out of hand when the stolen cash was to be split up by the surviving crooks. That's with the greedy Lubeck wanting a bigger cut of the take and ending up getting none of it in that wild shootout, between the bank robbers, that followed. A wanted man, by both the law and criminal underworld, Lubeck seeks redemption for his very uncivilized life from his dying mom who had since disowned him. As it turned out it was brother Johnny who tracked the low life rat down and in the end put him in his place where he so rightfully belonged: The city garbage dump where he originally came from.

Powerful performances by Lawrence Tireney as well as Lisa Golm that really makes the movie click with all those, including myself, watching it. It's by far the scene where Lubeck goes to see his dying mom while the cops are hot on his tail that stick out far and above all the other great scenes in the movie. Knowing that he's got a short time to live, he's in no way going to be taken alive by the police, Lubeck want's his mom's forgiveness for all the terrible things that he did to her as well as everyone else in his rotten life. He, by her dying right in front of him, didn't get it. All he got was what was coming to him and It couldn't have come soon enough.
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Thumbs up for this cheap-o
BILLYBOY-1014 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tierney plays a total jerk (Vince) who just got out of prison cause his classic little-old-lady-dressed-in-black-widow-mother goes to the parole board and pours out sob story slop until they agree to release him. Once he gets home he proceeds to destroy everyone and everything including his brother's girl friend, Rose who he seduces then dumps after after knocking her up, so she commits suicide. When the brother can't figure out why she offed herself, Vince, between bites at dinner, offers that she was "nuts".

Vince is really not a very nice guy at all.

Then he plans a bank robbery and when that gets botched he's all over the place trying to escape. There is a funny part of the film, where the gang who robbed the bank with him are fleeing in a funeral procession and during the procession we are shown headlines in the newspaper about the robbery. Evidently the local paper got out an edition around five to ten minutes after the robbery took place and during the get-away. The press back then was really cracker-jack fast. Finally there's a scenery chewing confrontation with his mother that's Hollywood schmaltz at its best. Mom is in bed and gives Vince a tongue lashing at last telling him he's rotten, and then she croaks (apparently of excessive Tongue Lashitis). Enter the brother who force drives Vince, symbolically, to the city dump (they used to live near the dump and it stunk). The police arrive and Vince gets plugged. The End.

Some classify this cinematic goop as noir which I guess it might be; it's black and white, its dark, it has shadows and bad guys but noir being very subjective, I'd just call it a grade Z pot boiler with crappy acting, a hilarious script and a predictable ending... but its engrossing and impossible not to watch because of Vince. Go for it. Its only an hour long but sure does tear up the scenery and make for a hoot of a viewing.
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Even for a B movie...
drjgardner17 October 2019
...this film is pretty poor. The acting, direction, and even the photography are mediocre.
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What a dump!
ulicknormanowen19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another variation on the Abel and Cain theme , with two real-life brothers .And a desesperate one ; since the beginning , after the glimpse of the electric chair , one knows that bad lot Vincent's fate is sealed ; the deeply moving plea of the distraught mom who gave it all to put her son back on the straight and narrow ominously predicts her final words on her deathbed .Her black sheep has a chip on the shoulder and his brother 's gas station is not enough for a man who has already spent five years in jail :as if it were not enough ,there's the bank across the street which is an irresistible temptation;so is his brother's fiancée he shamelessly steals from him and does not shed a tear when she throws herself off the roof .

The director and the screenwriters made a true film noir,with a small budget ;the final scene in the dump leaves no hope to the viewer.
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Hoodlum is horrendous.
st-shot21 October 2011
Brevity is the only strong point in this sloppy little noir featuring Laurence Tierney and brother Ed. Contrived and rushed it makes little to no attempt to establish veracity and the whole affair has the feel and look of adults acting kids playing cops and robbers in a neighborhood alleyway.

Career criminal Vincent Lubeck is up for parole and while all indications point to denial his mother comes in and sobs enough to spring him. He goes to work for his brother at his filling station but still filled with rage and self pity decides to rob the bank across the street. He gets a gang together to look conspicuous then on the day of the robbery simply puts the hose back on the pump crosses the street and gets into a fierce gun battle with armored car guards.

The Hoodlum is a mishmash of bad acting and crass composition with complete inattention to detail. The robbery and getaway stumbles, bordering on comic with montages of a fully mobilized LA police force and newspaper stories hitting the streets within ten minutes of the robbery still in progress by way of a three car funeral.

Tierney as usual is convincingly threatening but his ticking time bomb demeanor should make it clear to everyone to stay away from the hair brained heist. The rest of the cast more or less walks on egg shells around violent Vince. Intimidating as Tierney is he remains no match for this haphazardly constructed unintentionally comic caper that collapses atop him.
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Film-Noir on a Minuscule Budget..Grim and Gloomy
LeonLouisRicci27 June 2014
This Film would Never have been Made by a Major Studio in 1951. It is just too Damn Bleak and Unglamorous. A Depressing but Determined Film-Noir that Teamed Lawrence Tierney with Cult Director Max Nosseck. They Together Made Dillinger (1945) that Enriched a Low-Rent Studio with Millions and Critical Acclaim.

But that was then and this is Now. Both Tierney and Nosseck were at a Career Near Bottom and that Desperation is Felt in Every Frame of this Glum, Guttural Movie. You can Almost Smell the Stench of the Garbage Dump where the Tierney Character Grew Up as Mom Relives the Past Indignation with some Relief that Her Other (Good) Son has Managed to be Successful Enough to Move Them a Few Blocks Away. But Not Far Enough According to the other (Bad) Son.

For a Movie with Absolutely No Budget, it is a Captivating Crime Caper that Moves Quickly and Viewed Today has a Cynicism Found in Only the Best Film-Noirs. There is a Sub-Plot of Pre-Marital Sex Resulting in Pregnancy and Suicide (are we having fun yet?).

Tierney's Hoodlum is Nothing but that. No Redeeming Qualities as He has Committed Crimes at an Ever Accelerating Rate of Recidivism that is the Kind of Thing that is Used by Conservatives for More Stringent Incarceration Laws.

This is an Underrated, Undiscovered, Example of Street Level Movie Making at its Most Minimal. A Gloomy, Gut-Check about Social Standings and Environmental Effect on the Poverty Stricken and the Good-Brother-Bad-Brother Result that can Emerge from the Depressed Digs with a Choice.

Highly Recommended for Fans of Film-Noir, B-Movies, Socially Relevant Films, and just Good Old Fashioned, Hard-Boiled, Gritty Crime Movies with Bite.
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Poor man's "White Heat" still has its worthwhile moments
Turfseer26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In the world of film noir, Lawrence Tierney was a go-to actor when you needed someone who could authentically embody pure psychopathy on the screen. The reason behind this choice is simple: Tierney's real-life persona wasn't too far removed from the characters he portrayed. He had a reputation for being somewhat unhinged, and his uncontrollable temper often led to lost opportunities in the industry, including roles he missed out on due to fistfights and bar brawls. Nevertheless, Tierney managed a modest comeback in his later years, primarily in television, and continued to be in demand as a character actor.

In The Hoodlum, Tierney takes on the role of Vincent Lubeck, a man up for parole after serving a 5-10 year sentence for armed robbery. The head of the Parole Board argues against his early release, asserting that Vincent remains a dangerous criminal undeserving of leniency. However, following a heartfelt plea from Vincent's mother, Mrs. Lubeck (Lisa Golm), the parole board, primarily composed of sympathetic liberals, decides to grant him parole.

Once Vincent returns home, he resents having to work for his brother Johnny (played by Tierney's real-life brother, Edward), who owns a small gas station. The story takes an intriguing turn when Johnny's fiancée Rosa (Allene Roberts) initially resists Vincent but eventually falls for him. However, Rosa tragically jumps off the roof, revealing that she was carrying Vincent's child. The fact that this development managed to pass the production code at the time is a story in itself.

Later, when Vincent's mother learns of Rosa's fate, she blames Vincent for the suicide. Vincent, surprisingly, presents a plausible defense. He argues that Rosa was under the illusion that she could change him and have him marry her. Additionally, he points out that it was Rosa who threw Johnny aside without a second thought by being drawn to the "bad boy" allure of Vincent. Ultimately, no one forced her to jump off the roof, as Vincent astutely highlights.

Vincent's power over women adds depth to his character, making him more than just a hotheaded troublemaker. He manipulates Eileen (Marjorie Riordan), a secretary at a bank across the street, to gather information about armored car pickups. However, Eileen proves to have more resilience than Rosa and eventually kicks Vincent out of her apartment at gunpoint when he becomes a fugitive following a botched bank robbery (which we will discuss shortly).

Indeed, the weakest aspect of the film is the bank robbery itself. Vincent chooses a bank conveniently located across the street from his brother's gas station, which is not a wise decision considering that both the police and his parole officer are well aware of his whereabouts. While Vincent recruits accomplices, he lacks the finesse of Cagney's Cody Jarrett in White Heat, failing to manipulate the gang members to his advantage. As a result, they double-cross him and steal his share of the robbery loot.

The only significant twist in the robbery involves Vincent's idea to escape by blending in with a funeral procession originating from a nearby mortuary, which is also across the street from the bank.

The Hoodlum delivers a satisfying resolution in its third act. There's a powerful scene where Vincent, being pursued by the police, returns to his mother, who turns against him on her deathbed. She finally admits that she deluded herself about his potential for rehabilitation and boldly declares that he deserves to end up dead in the city dump. After she suffers a heart attack and dies in bed, Johnny takes Vincent at gunpoint to the city dump. However, Johnny, possessing a compassionate nature, cannot bring himself to kill his own brother, leaving the police to deliver the expected coup de grâce.

While The Hoodlum may fall short of the brilliance of White Heat, Tierney's compelling performance, supported by Roberts and Riordan as the two women entangled with the dangerous psychopath Vincent, ensures the film still has its captivating moments. Special mention should be given to Lisa Golm for her portrayal of the mother, who only realizes the truth when it is far too late.
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An Entertaining Way To Kill Some Time
BillDP22 September 2003
Got a chance to watch this little noir/crime film recently and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It's a quick movie that clocks in at about 61 and a half minutes and there is no denying that it was a very low budget programmer but it was quickly paced and had some nice touches. Lawrence Tierney is at his nastiest as lifelong criminal Vincent Lubeck. The film opens with Tierney in a car being held at gunpoint by his brother(real life brother Edward Tierney) Johnny and then goes back in time to take us through what lead up to this point. We get a neat narrated, documentary style montage about Vincent's life of crime to start things off. Nice noir touches along the way as shadows abound and for the most part, the performances are very good. Several scenes in the film sort of reminded me of the vastly superior WHITE HEAT. Several things kind of startled me from a film made in 1951 like rape, suicide and the word "pregnant"! All in all, a pretty entertaining little film and a nice way to kill an hour of your time.
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