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All of the Below Enumerated Attributes are here and even more; such as the Peppy,Lively and Upbeat Original Theme and Incidental Music! Que Lastima!
redryan648 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Having been in movies for just about all of his life, from early roles such as the title character in SKIPPY (MGM, 1931), Wallace Beery's son in THE CHAMP (MGM, 1931) and one major cog in the ever changing repertory company's wheel in THE OUR GANG SERIES to much more mature roles such as that of the hard-boiled Daily Planet Editor, Perry White in SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE (Alexander Salkind/Warner Brothers, 1978), SUPERMAN II (Salkind/Warner Bros., 1980), SUPERMAN III (Cantharas Prod./Dovemead/Warners,1983) and SUPERMAN IV:THE QUEST FOR PEACE (Cannon Films/Golan-Globus Prod./Warner Bros.,1987);

Mr. Jackie Cooper has done all types of film acting. From the very heights at MGM, to the less than elite days in such productions as the Serial SCOUTS TO THE RESCUE (Universal,1939) or his early 1950's portrayal of Socrates 'Soc' Miller on his Sitcom "THE PEOPLES CHOICE"(Norden Productions/NBC, 1955-58), Jackie did his job well in acting in all, with no apologies.

THE work that we have the fondest memories of Mr. Cooper is his latter-day television Dramatic Series "HENNESSEY" (1959-62). It was low-key, every day life and hence, very realistic. Once again, it is listed as a Sitcom; but is much more of a dramatic outing.* IT is set in the then contemporary U.S. Navy and concerns itself with the life of Ship's Doctor, Lt. Chic Hennesey (Jackie Cooper). Others characters in the cast were: Martha Hale (Abby Dalton – Woo, woo, woo, woo!), Captain Walter Shafer (Roscoe Karns in perhaps his most subdued role, ever!), Chief Petty Officer Max Bronsky (Pro Wrestler Henry Kulky), Harvey Spencer Blair III (James Komack) and a host of others.

In addition, "HENNESEY" was the proud exponent of a slough of top flight actors and soon to be Stars in guest spots. We were treated to the likes of folks like: Charles Bronson, Ross Ford, Frank Gorshin (Impressionist Extraordinaire & future Riddler on BATMAN), Arte Johnson (LAUGH-IN'S Funnyman), Marty Ingels (not Frederick Engels, Schultz!), Alan Reed, Jr. (Son of Fred Flintstone's voice. "Yabba-dabba-do!"), Jolene Brand (the Fox from ZORRO and Ernie Kovacs' TAKE A GOOD LOOK. Woo,woo,woo,woo!), Stafford Repp (Chief O'Hara on BATMAN), William Schallert (Patty's Father & Cathy's Uncle on PATTY DUKE SHOW!), old time Burlesque Comedian Milton Frome (we saw him with Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney in the Broadway Musical Revue SUGAR BABIES) and a cast of thousands.

AS we said before, "HENNESSEY" is difficult to classify. It's listed as a Sitcom, but never "went for the laughs." It was a sort of Service "Comedy", but it had no hard Military or Naval scenes. It was definitely a Drama, with something to say; yet was never heavy-handed or preachy a la Norman Lear.

ONE particular episode sticks out in our mind after all these nearly 50 years. Never having seen this in re-runs, it surely made an impression on me little pre-adolescent pea brain. In it a group of veteran Seamen was mercilessly making fun of a speech impediment of a new Sailor. The young guy stuttered badly.

TO complicate matters, he was found to be smitten by Miss Hale (Abby Dalton). Hell, who wouldn't? There were many solutions tried; all being strictly by the book, but to no avail.

ENTER the veteran intermediate authority in the person of Chief Petty Officer Max Bronsky (Henry Kulky); who "requested" that the instigating bullies meet him in the gymnasium in order to assist in "demonstrating" some judo maneuvers. Once there, Max meted out some nasty throws to the smart asses and when asked why, he asked them why the psychological punishment to the new Kid Sailor. Max had drawn a distinct analogy between their hassling of the stuttering raw recruit and his physically manhandling them; while he was an obvious Master in the Martial Arts.

The show finished up with the Kid doing a sort of Romantic Reading to the Abby Dalton Character. It was very moving and subtly reminded all of us to "Be Kind to One Another!"**

NOTE: * Once again, we'll call this a "Comedy" in the Classic and Shakespearian sense of any story that turns out alright in THE END!

NOTE: ** This was Garry Moore's parting wish on his weekly Variety Show. It's sure some sentiment we sure could use now; as well as some decent Comedy & Musical Variety Shows! OH LORD! PLEASE, SEND US SOME GOOD OLD WEEKLY SHOWS! Whatever happened to the likes of Red Skelton, Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Burns & Allen, Sid Caesar, Jackie Gleason, Danny Kaye or even Tom & Dick Smothers? POODLE SCHNITZ!!
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One of the standouts
jeff-518476 November 2008
This was one of my favorite shows! I was about 14 in 1961, and I've not seen the show since. My recollections may be a bit cloudy. I've always remembered an episode where the Shore Patrol brought a drunken sailor (Mickey Rooney) to Dr. Hennesey. His character was almost falling-down drunk (OK, that's an easy laugh, especially for a 14 year old) and he was armed with a saxophone. He kept saying to Hennesey, "Now... Wayne King and His Rubber Band playing thirty golden minutes of 'Dartinella'!" at which point he'd launch into a solo cacophony akin to humpback whales doing a scene from "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf". It just had me on the floor. There also must have been just enough pathos in Rooney's portrayal to make it so memorable. I remember this show with fondness. I'm sure the beautiful Abby Lane added to my devotion but I also remember a nice balance between comedy and drama. I was also pretty keen on movie and TV themes but I have no recollection of the Hennesey theme praised by other reviewers. I'd love to hear it again.
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Where may I watch this now?
2legit_u8 August 2020
I watched this show as a small child on an all metal case Philco all tube type tv set. I liked this show a lot and would really love to watch it again. I am surprised this is not available on Amazon Prime but there are a lot of older TV shows missing like The Monkees, Captain Nice and the Munsters from the Amazon Prine offerings. Surely I am not the only person that remembers real "Classic" TV. Peace To All!
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redblanchard8 December 2002
I worked with Don at KHJ-TV in Hollywood in the early 70's, and he said he "controlled" 'Hennesy,' and would NEVER let it be re-run. Being a pretty contentious guy he said he didn't need a reason, but I watched every episode and, believe me, it would hold up VERY WELL by today's TV standards (is that an oxymoron?) But seriously, folks, Hennesy, even though it is black and white, could, of course, be colorized; and I sincerely hope that his estate, or whomever owns the show now, would consider releasing it; at least on video...I would be the first customer in line for all 96 episodes. Thanks for letting me put in my 2c worth.
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Almost 50 years later, "Hennesey" would still be great
Graustark4 April 2007
Everyone on this message board has such specific memories of "Hennesey." All I remember is that it was one terrific program. Apparently it had broad appeal, because I can remember my mother, in her late 40s, and I, in my early 20s, both sitting down to watch it and enjoying it tremendously. Probably Abby Dalton had a lot to do with a young man's attraction to it. I wish it would be brought out on DVD -- I would be first in line to buy it -- or that TV Land would run it. I do remember James Komack as the wacky dentist, and the gravel-voiced Roscoe Karns. I wish I could remember the theme music, since so many here have praised it. One episode does stick in my mind, perhaps because I faced the draft at the time: A young sailor was a draftee, and he caused some kind of trouble, or got into some kind of trouble. That impressed me, because by that time the other armed services were not drafting, except in rare instances of not meeting their recruitment quotas. Draftees all went to the Army.
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Where's the DVD
jayraskin15 May 2011
It is 2011. Every other show that I ever wanted to see, including "My Little Margie," "Robin Hood" and "Secret Agent" is out on DVD. Why isn't this show. Does anybody know why it hasn't been released? I'm sure that the show had 20,000,000 viewers each week, probably 5,000,000 are still alive. There are cable shows that don't get 500,000 viewers a week that are being released. Anybody have any clue who owns the rights? I had imagined the Jackie Cooper, as the executive producer, would have owned the rights, if he had not sold them off. Now that he, sadly, is gone, it would great if whoever owned the rights release it so that we can pass this beautiful collection of stories along to our children.
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Great show
wsutton_4921 March 2008
I loved the show, on air when I was in my middle grade school years. Like some others I don't have any specific scenes or memories I can remember. I can recall most of the cast regulars and their roles, I remember Henessey driving his staff car, a 1960 Plymouth with huge fins, and I remember liking its humor. I have always thought my fondness for Hennesey was partly due to Abby Dalton and partly due to liking Jackie Cooper from "The Peoples Choice" ; but now I think the theme music, as others have mentioned, was a big reason I looked forward to the show each week. I can't exactly remember how it went but I know it was a big favorite of mine. As happy as I am that the Steve Canyon series is coming out on DVD this year (I just got the 4-episode sampler and it's great) I would be even more thrilled to find this available on disc some day. ***I have now gotten a single DVD with 10 episodes, 5 each from seasons 1 and 2, and everything I remembered about the show was not only on the money, but I see this show was ahead of its time and first-rate in every way. So enjoyable, I'm not surprised I remembered it with such fondness. The video transfers are not perfect, but given the subject material it hardly matters.***
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* Not in syndication ...
dweilermg-16 February 2018
When asked why Hennesey episodes have never been seen in syndication Abby Dalton explained that they were accidentally destroyed in a fire. After Hennesy when Abby became Joey Bishop's TV wife on his sitcom some viewers griped that Abby and Joey lacked the chemistry of Abby and Jackie. Yet many of us love Abby no matter who her TV hubby was.
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Military and medical stories
bkoganbing17 August 2015
Military service comedies never seem to run out of style and in the late Eisenhower, early Kennedy years a good one was on CBS in Hennesey. Jackie Cooper starred as the doctor in the naval service. It was like MASH a bit except that MASH was during a war and had as many serious shows as comic ones. And the stories were both military and medical.

Jackie Cooper played Chick Hennesey, naval doctor who reported to his Sherman Potter, Admiral Roscoe Karns. Playing the sex symbol of the show was Abby Dalton who was Cooper's nurse and girl Friday. It took three seasons for Cooper to slowly realize that Abby thought he was hot stuff. In matters of the heart Dr. Hennesey was a bit dense. Dalton could have given Hot Lips Houlihan a run for her money.

It was a nice show and one of the first to have a climax of sort. At least we know Cooper got the girl who was chasing him.
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The Tune
tagurrit9 August 2008
Yes I LOVE the tune and still whistle it today. I almost joined the Navy myself after seeing Jackie Cooper in his blues! I once managed to whistle Hennesey's tune with The Andy Griffith shows similar tune but I think I broke my whistler doing it! I'd be happy to buy the whole 96 episodes if they were available. If anyone is keeping track please e-mail me if they become available. I was only 11 years old when the show started but I was a faithful fan. The show was so much better than TV today. Thank God they are putting old TV out on DVD. To me the show was more "real" than reality TV is today, not that I watch it much. I've always respected Jackie Cooper as an actor and as a person but I don't blame him a bit for getting out of the business. I sure miss his honesty and integrity though.
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Hennesey DVDs
stedder12 December 2008
DVDs of Hennesey are available on the semi-bootleg market. I will just say one word..."ioffer.com". You track them down from there. I believe the show was rebroadcast on a limited basis in the 80s and these recordings seem to date from then. I say that because you can see a snippet of a commercial in one show, and it's in color, for CDs of Christmas music.

One commenter says there was no laugh track in the original show. I have no memory of that at all, but I've watched the pilot and the first two regular episodes, and they have laugh tracks. In principle they could have been overdubbed for rebroadcast, of course. Or it may have been dropped in later episodes.

The DVDs are acceptable in quality for bootlegs. Nobody's ever going to restore this stuff like it was Citizen Kane, you know. They're a little contrasty at times, the audio level can be low, but it's the same show you remember.
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Recollections of a memorable series
barrrp8 July 2004
Jackie Cooper played a WWII Army vet who went to medical school and entered the Navy as a doctor. In the first episode when the new doctor reports to his new commanding officer at the naval hospital, the CO looks over his personnel record, notes the Army experience and asks Hennesey, 'Have you ever been to sea?' No, sir.' 'Have you ever been on a ship?' 'No, sir.' 'Can you identify water?' 'In daytime, I can, yes, sir.' In the series, James Komack played a hip nonconformist dentist who reputedly filled his own teeth. Henry Kulky as Max probably had the best role of his career as the sensitive Goliath who--in one episode--saved the arm of a sailor who had it caught in a machine. Max picked up the sailor and turned him over to unwind the arm from the gears. The show was blessed with a great cast and excellent writers. The show was funny without being silly and serious without sinking into melodrama.
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Best Remembered Episode
splhcb-110 February 2009
I share the positive opinions already mentioned.

HENNESEY was one of my favorite TV shows from that time period ... even though I was only 6 or 7 years old at that time!

I can still whistle the refrain from the show's tune.

The episode I remember (and I can't recall all the details) is the one that featured Bobby Darin. I just recently re-discovered that it was titled "Hennesey Meets Honeboy Jones". What I recall from that episode is Bobby Darin singing MACK THE KNIFE ... just great!

I wish I had a copy of that episode on DVD.

Does anyone have a copy? Please contact me at splhcb@att.net if you do.
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Good program, good story lines, good acting, and good music.
marvmattfeld19 September 2009
My recollection is that the theme music is titled "The Doodletown Pipers". It was popular in the "40's or "50's. It may have been done by several bands of the Big Band Era. The version I have is by The Sauter-Finegan Orchestra. I have no idea whose orchestra was used in the actual theme. I have heard Hennesey's Island by Frank Mills and doubt if there is any connection between it and the TV program "Hennesey". If I am in error, please correct me.

I remember very little specifically about the program. I do remember that I enjoyed it and that the characters were very believable. It was a very good program with good story lines. I remember the character played by Jackie Cooper. I thought Jackie Cooper did a very good job with his role.
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Hennesey was my favorite program
gstaib5 October 2005
I really looked forward to each weeks program. The cast was stellar and the writing was excellent. I remember one night that I watched Hennesey, I was to leave for the Army the next day. It made me laugh and took some of the pressure off of me. I spent some time in the army and wish that I would have had a CO like Roscoe Karns. The same goes for the time that I spent in an Army Hospital. Oh if I only would have had a nurse like Nurse Hale. The Army nurses that took care of me were great and Abbey Dalton did a very realistic job of portraying military nurses. I wish that the programs were available on DVD, I would buy all of them. Many have praised the theme song and I agree with them. It was a very good show and it is sad that it is not available so that a new generation of people can enjoy it.
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F Gwynplaine MacIntyre8 January 2003
The TV series "Hennesey" had the greatest theme tune in the history of television ... hands down, no exceptions, bar none. Unfortunately, the series itself was not especially remarkable ... although it was an intelligent series, different from the usual fare. Before I describe that brilliant theme tune, let me describe the series itself.

"Hennesey" was one of the very first examples of a now-common practice: a TV series in which the leading actor is also the executive producer. Former child actor Jackie Cooper was active for many years in the Naval Reserve as a pilot, and he put his real-life experience to work in this series. Cooper starred as Lieutenant Charles Hennesey, a Navy doctor stationed at an onshore Naval base in California. "Hennesey" was nominally a comedy, but all of the situations and characters were realistic ... unlike the supposedly realistic "M*A*S*H", "Hennesey" never introduced an implausible situation for the sake of a cheap laugh. Much attention was devoted to character delineation and interaction in a realistic (peacetime) military setting. The biggest problem with this series was that it took place in a U.S. military base in the early 1960s yet managed to avoid any mention of Vietnam.

Although Cooper was the star and central character, this was an ensemble show. Arte Johnson (pre-"Laugh-In") had a good role as a wise-cracking, cynical "squid" (seaman first-class). James Komack played the least plausible character: a noncom who came from a wealthy family, and who therefore felt he didn't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. (So why didn't he buy his way out of military service?) I accept that people like this exist, but they're not normally found in the military. Komack's acting career never took off, but he later became immensely successful as a TV director and producer.

"Hennesey" was also innovative in its use of screen time. Each episode's dialogue typically began over the opening credits for that episode: this is commonplace nowadays, but "Hennesey" was the first TV series to do this.

And now for that great, great, GREAT theme tune: In keeping with this show's naval theme, composer Sonny Burke wrote a jaunty ragtime hornpipe tune for tuba and piccolo (interesting combination!) to a syncopated jazz beat, with an entire Marine Band coming in after the first 16 bars. The tune had no lyrics, but it's extremely whistle-worthy. I can't understand why the "Hennesey" theme is never included in those compilations of all-time great TV theme songs. The "Hennesey" hornpipe is infinitely better than the overrated "Hawaii Five-O" theme which so many people make too much fuss over.

"Hennesey" is a good show that deserves to be revived, and its theme tune deserves to be much better known. It's an unusual series -- a comedy without belly laughs, a drama without serious crises; always intelligent -- and I can understand why it has been forgotten. Most people would rather watch endless repeats of "Gilligan's Island" or "The Brady Bunch", or some other piece of mindless stupidity.
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One episode stands out...
Furb31 January 2004
The stock company for this show was memorable, and it was a not-to-be-missed when it was on. But, the episode set in the MP station in town, was exceptional in that a parade of guest "stars" each more bizarre that the previous were dragged in by the MP's.

Details escape me, now, but I think Larry Storch was one of the bizarros in that episode.

I echo the sentiment express above, put that out one DVD, and I'd buy it.
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Hennesey Theme
bosspac22 January 2005
I totally agree with the writer's comments on the Hennesey Theme Song. I have been looking for it for years.

A couple of interesting facts: The exteriors for the show, were Balboa Naval Hospital, and 32nd St. Naval Station. In the late 50's, there was a specific section of the station that all or most all of the Pacific Fleet Destroyers tied up. Before the actual piers, was the Pacific Mine Warfare Admin Building. This long shot included an overhead view, of the access road to the piers, and the roof & grounds of the Admin building.

As I recall I used to watch it every Monday evening. Another interesting fact: Both Jackie Cooper, and Glenn Ford retired as Admirals in the Naval Reserve.
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I'd buy Hennesey on DVD in a New York minute
rselvin61421 October 2005
I remember this show vividly from my childhood -- I was in grade school when it was on and can remember watching it every week with my parents. (I think one of the reasons I liked it was that my dad was in the Navy during WWII.) I have a vague recollection that one of the episodes featured Jackie Cooper visiting Pearl Harbor and that that show aired around December 7th. Like others who've written things here, I also remember it as a serious show (I was a serious kid) and that the theme music was very unusual.I'd love to see the entire series on DVD -- or better yet, on network TV. I keep reading that the networks have given up on Saturday evenings -- why not ditch the junk they are airing that night (nobody's watching anyway) and re-run classic series like Hennesey or The Law & Mr. Jones or The Defenders or Leslie Nielsen as the Swamp Fox (which I believe was Disney.) I think Baby Boomers would love the chance to see these "lost treasures" from the 50s and 60s again. And a whole new generation of kids would be exposed to entertaining-but-intelligent programs on network TV every Saturday night.
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Adult comedy with NO LAUGHTRACK
md677828 January 2003
I remember the remarkable thing about "Hennesey" was that it was a dry, adult comedy WITH NO LAUGHTRACK. My mother used to love the show for that reason alone. The absence of that psychological prod actually made the absurdities funnier. We the audience were being treated as adults who could laugh when it was funny. This was an innovative and bold move in television of the time. I really notice the idiocy of American TV when it is rebroadcast here in Italy. The use of the laughtrack to manipulate the audience into thinking something is funny is really noticeable here, where it is rarely employed. Also, the use of implausible situations, as mentioned above, was lacking. The show stood or fell on the quality of the characters and writing. Whoever chooses to re-release this show will have an uphill battle to avoid inserting these banal mechanisms to please sponsors.
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special episode, all done without talking
avramk3 April 2005
Does anybody remember which episode was done without talking? This was a milestone, set by one other series during this time. 77 Sunset Strip also did an episode without talking, the only sound at the end was a dog barking. It was written up in TV guide. I have forgotten the names of each of these incredible episodes and would appreciate any leads on them. Roger Smith was the star in the 77 Sunset Strip episode. In the Hennesey episode the whole ensemble was in it. Also, does anybody know where if DVD's of 77 Sunset Strip and Hennessey have been issued? Also, People's Choice was a great ensemble and funny show. Does anybody know if that show is available in DVD. And does anybody have current information about Jackie Cooper? As for Roger Smith, the husband of Ann Margeret, I actually flew with them when their cast was flying to Tahoe for one of her shows, back in 1979. Both of them were most gracious.
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Still seeking Hennesey episodes
inrageousoutrospective4 October 2009
Unfortunately neither ioffer.com nor ebay.com have any DVDs legal or otherwise to purchase as of October 2009. However the theme song can now be listened to at http://www.tvrage.com/shows/id-3831

If anyone knows of a pier to pier file-sharing network sharing Hennesey episodes, or of any way at all to access episodes, please post this information. CBS.com does not even recognise the series name name in the search engine on its homepage, so it seems there's no hope there.

YouTube is devoid of Hennesey. Perhaps someone with the DVDs mentioned above could put them up there? There's a complete list of all episodes with plot synopses at http://ctva.biz/US/Comedy/Hennesey.htm

The only other source of information about potential release on DVD that I've been able to find is at http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/shows/Hennesey/1610#Links
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rbacigal29 October 2007
are there any copies of Hennesey available? In any format? are there copies of the soundtrack? of the title theme? any books about the show? any photos of the cast? Where can I search for copies of the show? Where can I get info on the show? Any place to request that they market copies? Any helpful info to find out more? It's hard finding ten lines to write when I really only have one question. How can I learn more about where to look to find information on the show. It was a favorite of mine, I think - as best I can remember from almost fifty years ago. It struck me as a very gentle show with a rhythm I enjoyed. Hope fully this is now ten lines and I can stop babbling.
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"Hennesey" and "Nichols" - two gems a decade apart
bukumi15 September 2008
"Hennesey" kept my teen-aged interests high week after week because of the chemistry of all of the elements described so fondly by other posters. I doubt that an analysis of IMDb- listed TV series would turn up another with as many positive and well thought out comments.

Well-turned programs like "Hennesey" entertain because they invite viewers to join the compelling mind-set of the creative team that put the program together. With the "Hennesey" package, that participation (even for we passive couch potatoes) was never boring and always intriguing. Similarly, about a decade later, the short-lived James Garner revisionist western series "Nichols" accomplished the same in a hardscrable southwest during the World War I era.

Although both series are stylistically different, each was blessed with a team of writers, producers and actors who told themselves: "We CAN do it this way" and "Millions WILL love it." Luckily, for a while, enough network suits agreed. And back then each series succeeded without injections of robotic laff tracks, gratuitous sex, violence and cadavers and, with all due respect, to Larry David, profanity.

As a kid, I predicted that the adult world would be filled with the kinds of characters populating "Hennesey," "The Tonight Show With "Jack Paar" and "Omnibus." My high school steady looked not unlike Abby Dalton but none of my dentists over the past half century could match the one on "Hennesey" invented by Mr. Komack.
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Best all time 10 Stars
vilenciaproductions24 August 2020
I have four or five 16mm prints of the show, one with the original commercials. The DVD bootleg has one of the episodes I have "Joins the Marines" I made DVDS so if anybody wants copies feel free to email me and I will send you one. The prints I have are in excellent condition. Here are the 16mm prints that I have, and on DVD: Hennesey Joins the Marines Hennesey Meets Mr. Wilkins The Hobby Calling Dr. King They must have Fine Grains or 35mm network prints of the show, if in fact the negatives were lost in a fire? I love this show! I could watch them all day long! Made when TV was the best!
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