Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (1972) Poster

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Consistently entertaining and occasionally disturbing
tomgillespie200215 September 2015
Boasting one of the most outlandish titles of the giallo genre, Sergio Martino's Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key is yet another loose adaptation of one of Edgar Allen Poe's most famous titles, The Black Cat. Like most Poe adaptations, the film shares little with its source material, apart from the presence of the titular black cat, here named Satan. While it is chocked full of narrative stumbles and frustrating red herrings, Martino's refusal to bend to the genre rules of the giallo makes Your Vice an extremely interesting entry into the genre, avoiding being bogged down with drawn-out set pieces and mind-bending visuals, and instead focusing on the psychological - and physical - interplay between its two leads.

Bored writer Oliviero (Luigi Pistilli) spends the majority of his time throwing drug and alcohol-fuelled parties for the local hippies, and enjoys mentally and physically abusing his long- suffering wife Irina (Anita Strindberg) in front of them. When a young student is brutally murdered on the night she had arranged to meet Oliviero, the wife-beating pig naturally becomes the prime suspect and withdraws into a state of deep paranoia at his labyrinthine mansion. When their maid also shows up dead, Oliviero and Irina hide the body just before the arrival of his niece Floriana (Edwige Fenech). Floriana is a confident and wise young woman, and hatches a plan with Irina to deal with her abusive husband. But not all is as it seems, and just who is the handsome grey-haired man lurking behind every corner?

Far from your average giallo, Your Vice... doesn't subvert the genre but frequently surprises. The plot and ludicrous climax, like most gialli, seem not be taken from the yellow-covered pulp fiction they are normally adapted from, but something akin to an episode of Scooby- Doo. While that may seem like a criticism, it really isn't - it's the type of insanity that makes these movies so much fun to watch. Bolstered by a fantastic score by Bruno Nicolai and lavish cinematography by Giancarlo Ferrando, they are nonetheless overshadowed by Fenech, surely one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the screen. Floriana is a no-nonsense, well-travelled lady, and just when you think you have her worked out, the film throws in a surprising, if in no way believable, twist. It may not be remembered as Martino's best entry into the genre (1973's Torso is certainly up there), but Your Vice... throws in enough twists and turns to keep it consistently entertaining and occasionally disturbing.
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Edwige's Unholy Pact Worth Every Penny
ferbs545 November 2007
Possessing what could be the second-best title in film history (after 1963's "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies," of course), "Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key" (1972) reunites director Sergio Martino and stars Edwige Fenech and Ivan Rassimov, who had previously collaborated on such wonderful films as "The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh" (1970) and "All the Colors of the Dark" (1972). (Indeed, this film's title was copped from a line of dialogue in "Mrs. Wardh"). This time around, though, the story mainly concerns a decadent writer, Oliviero, well played by Luigi Pistilli, who spends most of his days drinking booze and abusing his wife (giallo regular Anita Strindberg) both physically and emotionally. While a wave of murders sweeps through their small town, Oliviero's niece pays a visit, and so we finally get to see our Edwige, a full 1/2 hour into the picture. Gorgeous as always, Edwige here sports a short-haired bob for a change but looks smashing still. Anyway, truth to tell, I had no idea where this picture was going for at least the first hour. The film concludes very neatly, though, with some nifty surprises, and always keeps the viewer intrigued by combining a truly decadent atmosphere with bits of Poe's "The Black Cat," echoes of Clouzot's "Diabolique" (1955), some jolting murders, soft-core lesbianism and, typical for gialli, some red herrings. The fine folks at No Shame have come up with yet another great-looking DVD package, containing recent interviews with both Martino and Fenech. Edwige's interview suggests that the woman has made some kind of unholy pact with the devil himself; no woman could possibly look as beautiful, at 57, as she does today. Just remarkable!
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The Black Cat
claudio_carvalho11 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The decadent and alcoholic writer Oliviero Rouvigny (Luigi Pistilli) has Oedipus complex and is the abusive husband of the submissive Irina (Anita Strindberg) that is frequently humiliated. They live in a dilapidated mansion that belonged to Oliviero's mother and he likes to promote decadent parties for hippies that are camped nearby the real state. Irina is scared of his cat Satan that belonged to his mother. When Oliviero's mistress and former student Fausta (Daniela Giordano) schedules an encounter with him and is found dead, he becomes the prime suspect of the local police inspector. However Irina provides alibi for her husband. When their maid Brenda (Angela La Vorgna) is found stabbed and dead in the mansion, Oliviero decides to hide her body behind the wall in his wine cellar to avoid more suspicious from the inspector. Out of the blue, his niece Floriana (Edwige Fenech), who is a promiscuous woman, arrives for an unexpected visit and soon she becomes Irina's lover. When Satan kills Irina's doves, she stabs the cat with a pair of scissors but he escapes. However the garbage woman sees the scene. Meanwhile a newcomer prostitute is stabbed to death by a killer, but madam succeeds to kill him and the police inspector clears Oliviero 's name from any suspect. One night, Irina overhears Oliviero and Floriana in the bed plotting to kill her and she kills Oliviero with the scissors. Floriana asks for the jewelry that belonged to Oliviero's mother to help Irina to hide his body in the wall where Brenda is. When Floriana leaves the mansion to meet her boyfriend and flee, Irina meets her lover Walter (Ivan Rassimov), who killed Fausta, to kill Floriana and her boyfriend and retrieve the jewelry. Then Irina lures and kills Walter to be wealthy and free. Her plan works but the police inspector arrives at her mansion to investigate the accusation of cruelty with Satan jeopardizing her perfect plan.

"Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave", a.k.a. "Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key" is a giallo with despicable characters and a good story based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat". The plot has racism, lesbianism, orgy, betrayal, drugs, alcohol, abuse, prostitution, and in the present days when the "politically correct" rules, Sergio Martino could have problem with this film. But fortunately it was made in the 70's. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "No Quarto Escuro de Satã" ("In Satan's Dark Room")

Note: On 14 June 2020 I saw this film again.
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Giallo with attitude
Superwonderscope11 July 2001
Sergio Martino's effort "Your Vice is a closeted room and only I don't have the key" is a crossover between the giallo genre, horror and sexy atmosphere as they were many during the 70's in Italy. It's (very)freely adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat while keeping a giallo narrative structure for an hour and so...then move back to the Poe territory. Il tuo Vizio... has quite daring visuals for one hour, Martino's usual trademark in his early 70's works : wild camera angles, edgy editing. Then it suddendly cools down as the story sticks around with the Black Cat thing.

The screenplay developped a maniac on the loose killing young girls (again) in a very nasty way (gore galore!) while Anita Strindberg fights with drunken & debauched husband Luigi Pistilli. he's a no good writer who writes all night...only one sentence over and over. Then comes sexy Edwige Fenech who stands for Strinberg's cause...before sleeping with her husband and the delivery man. Lesbian scenes, straight scenes, stuntss,sex scenes, murders scenes, sex again then murders...this is a very well known territory that brings up finally some good surprises in the end.

This is definitely Anita Strindberg's best work to date. She is absolutely fantastic as the cheated wife who goes over the edge, showing every human emotion with a professionalism rarely seen on the screen. Too bad her career went dry after 1975, she was a real winner here with great acting capabilities. Miss Fenech got a THEOREM-like character but still very eager to drop every clothes she got. She gets a very bitchy part here which is very unsual in her career as she went along either with victims characters or sexy ones. Oh, and there's still weird Ivan Rassimov as the mysterious stranger (as usual) snooping around Strindberg's house : he was already in Martino's previous TUTTI I COLORI DEL BUIO.

Apart from the screenplay's weaknesses and incapacity of bringing something fresh and new to the Poe's story, this Martino flick is quite memorable and fun to watch.But as it tries to link several genres, it really doesn't know where to go and who to please and finally ends up as a curisoity from the 70's. Nevertheless a gem strictly for genre addicts.

Superwonderscope says :7.
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Stylishly shot, but a saggy midsection slows it down
Leofwine_draca9 July 2016
YOUR VICE IS A LOCKED ROOM AND ONLY I HAVE THE KEY is a fairly typical example of the giallo genre, directed by old hand Sergio Martino. It's certainly a watchable enough effort but lacks the kind of drive and impetus that makes the best of this type of film. Having previously watched WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO SOLANGE? a few nights previously, that masterpiece shows up YOUR VICE by comparison.

What we have is a slow-burning potboiler for the most part, once the eye-opening orgy scene at the film's opening is disposed of. Martino's stylish direction is one of the film's strengths but the script is a little sub par, particularly in the middle section of the movie which seems to be propelled by endless sex scenes more than anything else. Things do pick up the last half hour, where it gets very good with some shocking plot twists and turns, and it's a pity the rest of the film wasn't of the same quality.

As with so many productions, the script is based on Poe's short story THE BLACK CAT, although this is only an incidental part of the narrative as these things go. There's a cast here who give fine performances, particularly the stylish and sultry Edwige Fenech who captivates the screen throughout and keeps the viewer guessing as to her character's motivations. Anita Strindberg is an arresting presence as the abused wife, while Luigi Pistilli is thoroughly horrible as her cruel husband. Genre favourite Ivan Rassimov also has a small but pivotal role.
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"Don't You Think That My Way Of Making You Feel Sleepy Is Far Nicer?!"...
azathothpwiggins18 March 2019
Author Oliviero Rouvigny (Luigi Pistilli) is, simply put, a vile pig. His long-suffering wife, Irina (Anita Strindberg) endures most of his abuse, along with his vast array of lovers and mistresses. When one of them is slashed to death, Oliviero is suspect number one on the police inspector's list, along with the horde of hippies that hang out at the writer's enormous estate. When another murder takes place right in the mansion, Oliviero decides to cover it up.

What could all of this have to do with Oliviero's mother? Annnd, what's going on with her old gown? Annnnd, just what is the deal with that irascible black cat named "Satan"?

Enter Floriana (Edwige Feneche), a long-lost relative, who just happens to come for an extended visit. Her stay definitely livens up the place, for Oliviero AND Irina! Meanwhile, more vicious attacks occur.

YOUR VICE IS A LOCKED ROOM AND ONLY I HAVE THE KEY is a classic, suspenseful giallo with some wicked twists and turns. Ms. Faneche is both seductive and strong in her wily role, while Pistilli plays Oliviero as the perfectly washed up hack he's become, plagued by his addictions and weaknesses.

EXTRA CREDIT FOR: #1- Ms. Strindberg and her... metamorphosis! #2- A grand finale for the ages! Great stuff!...
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Why though?
markovd11129 September 2019
Only thing I can compliment in this movie is some clever use of camera, decent, though, as usual, over the top acting and some hints of dread. What remains is, I can only guess, having seen the same director's movie "Torso", trademark style of Sergio Martino. A LOT of nudity and some gore mixed with a "Black Cat" story from E.A.P. If you are even little familiar with the story, you basically know how the movie will end few minutes in. I do not consider this to be giallo, in true meaning of that word... This is yet another thriller with very little things to be scared of, since you don't really care for any of the characters, because they are all sleazy and perverse. 6/10 and I don't really recommend it. You are not missing anything significant by not watching this movie.
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Fine entertainment.
Hey_Sweden15 October 2016
Behind the dynamic title of this Sergio Martino giallo is an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poes' 'The Black Cat', albeit a rather loose one for a while. Luigi Pistilli ("A Bay of Blood") plays Oliviero, a washed up author living on a villa with his very put upon and frazzled wife Irina (Anita Strindberg). Irinas' neuroses soon manifest themselves in her antagonistic relationship with Olivieros' black cat (amusingly named Satan), while assorted characters occasionally get murdered on or around the premises. Complicating matters is the arrival of Olivieros' sultry niece Floriana (genre star Edwige Fenech).

Martinos' film does go on longer than it needs to, with a subplot about Florianas' romance with a delivery man / motorbike racer not really adding anything to the story. It might disappoint viewers hoping for more sleaze, or a higher body count, or more flamboyant stylistics. It actually functions more as a character study and portrait of a descent into debauchery (for Oliviero) and madness (for Irina). This domestic drama is interesting stuff, with some pointed dialogue, but the film is never more fun than when it's giving in to the more exploitative tendencies of the genre. To that end, viewers will be satisfied with some lesbian sex and nudity, and some pretty good (but never overdone) gore. Bruno Nicolai composed the wonderful music score, and this benefits further from the location shooting and photography. (Those opening credits are particularly well done.) This definitely hits its stride once Fenech shows up, and the story more closely follows the classic Poe tale.

The acting is solid from all concerned (Ivan Rassimov plays a mystery man named Walter, Franco Nebbia the standard police inspector character you always get in this sort of entertainment), with special mention going out to Ms. Strindberg. You do feel pretty bad for this lady given the treatment that she must put up with. Fenech is at her absolute sexiest.

Enjoyable for fans of the genre.

Seven out of 10.
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Definitely Sergio Martino's most memorable Giallo
rundbauchdodo5 September 2001
From 1970 to 1973, Sergio Martino directed fife Gialli. The best known of the bunch certainly is "I Corpi Presentano Tracce di Violenza Carnale", better known as "Torso". "La Code dello Scorpione" aka "The Case of the Scorpion's Tail" is also quite well known among fans. "Lo Strano Vizio della Signora Wardh" aka "Blade of the Ripper" is less known, as is the psychedelic "Tutti i Colori del Buio" aka "They're Coming to Get You" and "Day of the Maniac".

But the least known and also rarest of the bunch is "Il Tuo Vizio...", known also under its English titles "Gently Before She Dies", "Excite Me" and "Eye of the Black Cat". It's really a shame that this fine effort hasn't reached a broad audience of Giallo admirers yet. Because it's a masterly and highly original Giallo, whose plot mixes the two types of Giallo (a mysterious killer murders one victim after the other in order to keep his or her secret / a troubled couple from which one half - mostly together with his or her lover - wants to get rid of the other permanently, which spawns intrigues, distrust and, of course, murder) with elements of Edgar Allan Poe's probably most filmed story, the thoroughly Gothic "The Black Cat".

The result is astonishing: It works perfectly. Even towards the climax, which is more Poe-oriented, Martino manages to startle the audience with extremely surprising, for the genre typical, twists. And the twists work very well. The first half is more Giallo-oriented and delivers some gory murder scenes and the unevitable tickling sexy moments.

The cast is also excellent, consisting of a group of Giallo regulars. Anita Strindberg and Edwige Fenech (the latter in an unusual genre role for her) lead the female cast, Luigi Pistilli (giving an outrageously daring performance) and Ivan Rassimov lead the male. They all fit perfectly into their roles. Not to forget Bruno Nicolai's score, which probably marks his most versatile sound track ever.

All in all a wonderful genre outing, a unique thriller using all well-known "rules" of the Giallo and yet giving them fresh turns and twists. An easy 10 out of 10, highly recommended.
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Somewhat enjoyable schlock!
the_dimbster19 July 2022
I watched this with a few people and it was really fun to laugh along at the ridiculous plot developments. It starts off way too serious and strange... there is a spousal abuse scene that is difficult to watch. That happens in an... orgy party I guess... scene, and the movie has frequent nudity and sexuality. The Poe story seems to only influence the movie a little, but knowing the Poe story does certainly spoil the very ending. Regardless, the most enjoyable part of this was laughing my friends at how crazy the plot and characters became. The ending is typical for Giallo, and overall this movie isn't terrible and isn't great. Some fun and good moments are here, adding up to pretty middle-of-the-road fare.
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The Black Cat and Costume of the Countess
Imdad_Palijo9 July 2022
Grisly murders take place in a small Italian town in the backdrop of strained relations between an Italian writer Oliviero (Luigi Pistilli) and his seemingly psychotic wife Irina (Anita Strindberg) at their Villa Rouvigny.

The once famous costume of the countess and her black cat have added some mystery that may keep you guessing about murders and the murderers till the moment the curtain of mystery is finally lifted. Murder and violence are predominant so is the presence of Edwige Fenech a sex symbol of that period.
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Excellent Italian giallo.
HumanoidOfFlesh15 January 2005
Luigi Pistilli plays Oliviero Rouvigny,a writer who humiliates his wife Irena and any other female that crosses his path.One of Oliviero's mistresses is viciously murdered while waiting to meet him and so the investigating inspector considers the ex-writer a prime suspect.As the killings continue Mr. Rouvigny's guilt becomes nearly unquestionable, however the truth is not that simple."Gently Before She Dies" is obviously influenced by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe.The film is very tense and suspenseful and there is enough gore,nudity and sleaze to satisfy fans of Italian gialli.The soundtrack by Bruno Nicolai is prefect and the acting is great with Luigi Pistilli,Edwige Fenech,Ivan Rassimov and Anita Strindberg to boost.This wonderful giallo is not easy to find,but if you are a fan of Italian horror you can't miss it.
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A tense and disturbing Giallo including ordinary gore and a lot of grisly killings
ma-cortes12 August 2022
Once a successful writer, nowadays in mental crisis, the depraved libertine Oliviero (Luigi Pistilli) is living at his mansion near Verona, but he can't break out of a persistent pain after the death of his adored mum . Today , Oliviero being plagued by nightmares but he takes great joy in mistreating his attractive wife Irina (Anita Strinberg) who lives in terror and their black servant Brenda (Angela La Vorgna) , as he enjoys humiliating her in front of his friends as well as a prohibited love affair with an ex-student (Daniel Giordano) . But when someone slits the throat of a young girl , Oliviero becomes the prime suspect, further complicating his already fragile relationship with Irina . Along the way , the stealthy killer strikes again . Then things go wrong , as if killing wasn't enough, Oliviero's bombshell niece Floriana (Edwige Fenech) enters the triangular equation . More and more killings take place , watching all is a black cat named Satan and a silver-haired stranger observes as well . Various women are mercilessly pursued by an ominous killer wielding a knife . A blood-drenched nightmare from which you awaken too late !

An unsettling and thrilling Giallo produced and written by Luciano Martino freely adapted from the story "The Black Cat" by E. A. Poe , including habitual grisly killings. Sergio Martino's Gialli getting certain success , being compellingly shot , including well staged crimes with plenty of startling visual content and adding the mysterious series killer thematic and subsequent red herrings . The main question of the movie is find out who's behind the grisly murders and to guess what's Floriana's game and who's the observant stranger at the Oliviero's secluded, blood-spattered mansion . This is the usual Gialli with a series of murders committed around the estate of a degenerate author , it results in a complex intrigue , tension , suspense , stabbing and a weird threat shows up lurking or stalking throughout garden, building , cellar , corridors and grim interiors . The film combines atmospheric blending of thrills , chills , nudism and suspenseful final . The rather perplexing tale weavers so many red herrings when ultimately the murderer is unmasked . Being an Italian production here appears ordinary Latin actors usual in the 60s and 70s sub-genres : Poliziesco , Spaghetti Western , Giallo , Horror , Sex comedy , Euro-spy , such as : Edwige Fenech as the young, beautiful, and self-confident niece Floriana , Luigi Pistilli as the burned-out , abusive writer whose adorable dead mother goes on dominating his imagination , Anita Strindberg as the mistreated , charming wife , Ivan Rassimov as a suspect watcher , Enrica Bonaccorti as a Hooker , Daniela Giordano as a gorgeous student and very brief appearance by Dalila Di Lazzaro as a Stripper .

Nice ambiance and appropriate settings , enhanced by the well photographed Padua , carried out by good cameraman Giancarlo Ferrando . Shot on location in Montagnana, Padua, Veneto , Lazio, Italy , Villa Lugli, Bresseo, Teolo, Padova, Veneto, and Elios Studios, Rome . As well as terrifying and Giallo style musical score by Bruno Nicolai, usual collaborator to Ennio Morricone . The motion picture was professionally directed by Sergio Martino who delivers the goods with skillness and aplomb enough . Competently made by the prolific filmmaker Sergio Martino who usually uses pseudonym as Martin Dolman . Sergio began his cinematic career in his early 20s as an assistant to his writer/producer brother Luciano Martino and handled second unit director chores on Mario Bava's The Whip and the body (1963), and made his directorial debut in 1969 with the mondo documentary Mille peccati... nessuna virtù (1969). He really hit his stride in the early 1970s with several superior Giallo murder mystery thrillers that usually starred popular actress Edwige Fenech (who was married to Martino's brother Luciano at the time) : The strange vice of the Mrs Ward (1971), All the Colors of the Dark (1972) , Scorpion tail (1971) and Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave or Vicios prohibidos (1972) . Talented and versatile writer/director Sergio Martino has made a vast array of often solid and entertaining films in all kind of genres as horror , Giallo , comedy , Western , and science fiction in a career that spans over 40 years . He was especially expert on Pasta Western as proved in ¨Mannaja¨,¨Arizona returns¨; Giallo such as : ¨The case of scorpion's tail ¨ , ¨Torso¨ ,¨The scorpion with two tails¨ , ¨The strange vice of Mrs Ward¨; Cannibal movies as "Mountain of the Cannibal God", Italian crime thrillers as "Violent Professionals" and ¨Sci-Fi as ¨Destroyer¨ , "2019: After the Fall of New York" . Rating: 6.5/10 , acceptable and passable , this is a great Giallo in which the camera stalks in sinister style throughout a story with decent visual skills . This is a bewildering story , enjoyable as well as violent , and it will appeal to hardcore Giallo fans . A hugely chilling and entertaining flick.
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niallmurphy-300519 April 2022
I am convinced that more time was dedicated to coming up with the title of this film than the script itself. The acting is so-so and the 'twists' are so obvious you can see them coming from a mile away. Some decent cinematography can't save this sorry excuse for a film. One of the worst giallo films I've ever seen.
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Martino, Fenech and a cat named "Satan"
lazarillo12 November 2004
Even by gialli standards this movie is pretty off-the-wall, but it is also, strangely enough, probably the most faithful adaption of the Edgar Allen Poe story "The Black Cat" that I have ever seen. There is a bit of a gender role reversal where it is the wife who is tormented by the black cat (named "Satan") which is the cherished pet of her cruel, alcoholic husband. The mother-obsessed husband takes out his writer's block on his long-suffering spouse and may be responsible for a string of serial killings. Thrown into the mix is a black maid who seems to only be in the movie so the sleazy characters can make a lot of racist, offensive comments about her--oh yeah, and also so she can get naked. And speaking of getting naked, Edwige Fenech also shows up as the husband's sexy, conniving niece and demonstrates once again her extreme aversion to wearing clothes. In between nude scenes, however, Fenech really seems to be doing some acting this time, and she plays against type here as a villain rather than a victim. She seduces both her uncle AND her aunt, and pretty much everyone else in the movie (with the possible exception of "Satan" the cat).

Not that this is a good movie. It has an idiotic subplot where Fenech has an affair with a goofy-looking motorcross racer for no apparent reason other than to pad the running length with some racing footage that would do a lot better in a sports video than in a giallo. The movie also isn't nearly as well directed as some of Sergio Martino's other gialli like "Torso" or "All the Colors of Darkness" (also with Fenech). And Martino-regular Ivan Rassimov is tragically wasted in a perfunctory role. Still even a bad Martino-Fenech giallo is not without its charms. And if you're an Edgar Allen Poe fan, you'll especially enjoy this one.
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Adaptation of the Poe classic
Atavisten8 May 2005
In fusing the short story by Edgar Allan Poe with giallo this ends up a little lost and unsure of direction I think. 'The Black Cat' is a horrifying tale, on a side-note Norwegian cartoonist Steffen Kverneland made a wonderful adaptation of, and mixing it with two subplots is only partly successful really. Nice try though.

Whats good about this is the two female leads, Edwige Fenech is the most sexy woman outside Russ Meyers films and she does a good job here. Anita Strindberg who plays the agonized wife on the other hand, truly excels in the role playing well on all the strings her role requires. The way she is treated by her husband got me real angry so I guess he did a good role as well if not unsympatethic.

Oh and the score by Bruno Nicolai ain't bad either.
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Interesting take on The Black Cat
dopefishie8 August 2021
Interesting take on The Black Cat The story is so loosely adapted that it's fairly unpredictable.

The wonderful mansion location really helps elevate the film. However, I thought some of the special effects were distractingly bad.

I'd like to give props... I believe this is one of the very first instances of an angry alcoholic man menacingly typing on a typewriter. This predates the Shining by many years. It's used to great effect here.

In the end, it all doesn't add up which is my biggest gripe with this type of film.
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Here kitty kitty
Tender-Flesh28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fine little giallo which borrows from and credits Poe for elements from The Black Cat. However, that comes about halfway through the tale, which makes you wonder if this was two partial plots made into one for a full film.

You have a struggling writer who has a rather brutal relationship with his wife and they live together in a nice old château. But, strange Murder!...start happening, sometimes within the walls(so to speak) of their own home. However, this sort of comes to a halt, as I said, about halfway through the movie, then we move on to the Black Cat portion of the tale. And, if you know the story, then you know exactly where the plot is going.

Their niece comes to live with them and she's a delightful little firecracker who starts to play and play with all involved for her own desires and personal gain. All the major players are jerks, so you don't feel too bad when they each meet their own well-deserved fate(not that this necessarily means they all die). However, you have to laugh at an inspector working with a patrolman to learn the nature of a complaint about possible "cat abuse"---that's a sorry way to move a story along.

The gore effects are more bloody than gory, but they're not bad. I was disappointed when the plot hit the fork in the road and went down the wrong trail. But, this is still a good film to see if you're into gialli, as I am.
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70s Italian psycho-sex gem
punchinello22 November 2005
Good example of the 70s Italian ability to mix sex with horror by linking them with believable psychotic behavior. In this case, Oliviero the has-been writer begins a descent into madness with frequent wine-soaked parties and outbursts of violence, the cause being his beloved mother's recent death. His wife Irena bears the brunt of his madness in the kind of domestic violence moments you'll never see in a US film. When one of his girlfriends gets her throat slashed, Oliviero is implicated and becomes paranoid. The pretty black girl who keeps the house running drops dead next, right in the house, so Oliviero gets Irena to help dispose of the body. A complication arrives in the form of his pretty niece, Floriana, a sassy sexpot with few scruples about becoming involved with anything or anyone. As if that isn't enough, Irena has an ongoing feud with Oliviero's preternatural black cat Satan--inherited from his mother. In all, Floriana comes to drive the plot a little too much and a little too recklessly. Director Sergio Martino is juggling a few too many characters and symbols, but does a decent job of keeping the pot boiling, largely with plenty of nudity. The climax cheats the perspective a little, as psycho-sexual thrillers often do, by revealing a hidden relationship even tho we thought we were seeing every relationship. But the literate, Poe-like ending helps smooth things over.
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Sergio Martino impresses with another giallo.
Snake-6668 June 2006
Oliviero (Luigi Pistilli) is an alcoholic, sadistic and despicable has-been writer, whom has recently lost his mother, regularly abuses and humiliates his wife Irina (Anita Strindberg) and engages in illicit relationships at any given opportunity. When one of his mistresses is found brutally murdered the suspicions of both the police and his wife fall on Oliviero whose problems are confounded by the arrival of Floriana (Edwige Fenech), his young and beautiful niece with an unclear agenda.

Following on from the success of his earlier gialli with the name being a reference to 'The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh (1971)', director Sergio Martino presents this sleazy, violent and thoroughly nasty film which experiments with new ideas and style while remaining true to the elements of his previous work that yielded such positive results. The story is awash with complexity and subtext, lacking the famed ambiguity of some similar films yet with a unique and pronounced outlandishness that serves to augment the resplendent qualities by providing distraction from the more orthodox traits of the story. Perhaps unusually for the genre, characterisation is fundamental as each character becomes progressively defined and both their motivations and psychological status come to be analysed and as such this aspect is as integral to the film as any other. Themes such as misogynism, sadomasochism, the treatment of sex as a weapon, voyeurism and most notably a trenchant concentration on the Oedipus-complex add substance and depth to the characters and story in an area of cinema often criticised for not having such and even the motivations of an ominous cat fittingly named Satan become important as the events unfurl. The narrative moves at a slow, deliberate pace, perpetually ripening, twisting and turning, leading us to believe one thing before proving the untruth and even changing genres to a point. All of this builds up to a rapid chain of events towards the end that seek to overturn everything we already know and this leads to a mostly satisfying, if somewhat predictable, climax.

'Vice' is also a stylistic treat. Martino collaborates with cinematographer, Giancarlo Ferrando and composer Bruno Nicolai and the three ensure that the visual and audible elements of the film are near perfect. The beauty of the film is predominantly founded upon the malevolent aspects of the storyline. The chronic use of darkness and shadow help to create a mesmerising yet distinctly intimidating and alarming atmosphere invoking uncomfortable feelings of trepidation while the tension and suspense is allowed to build to boiling point. Violence is filmed in such a way that the loathsome nature of the act is harnessed with erratic camera-work and quick splices of cruelty, while the bloody aftermaths are displayed to full, gruesome effect. Sex is treated ostensibly and despite a poetic presentation there is often an unquestionably vile and repugnant aura to the act which becomes more discernible as events progress. One particular stylistic flourish sees a quick insertion of the menacing cat's eyes during scenes, becoming more frequent to the end and perhaps used symbolically to represent the mental breakdowns of the characters and the relationship breakdown between Oliviero and Irina. Furthermore, these quick flashes of menace coupled with several darkened sequences involving the snarling and vicious cat add a disorienting effect and engender yet more discomfort from the viewer. The subtle use of the soundtrack, which mostly comprises soft, unostentatiously elegant music blends with the visuals in a pleasing manner and helps to control the ambiance unobtrusively.

The somewhat predictable conclusion is perhaps the most glaring shortcoming. Those who have seen Martino's earlier gialli may regard one particular aspect of the end as indicative of being formulaic while those who recognise the principal influence for the story will be less surprised at the eventual outcome. These are minor complaints but worthy of note. Vice could also be criticised for being a character-driven film that leaves several key questions unanswered. One could theorise as to why this is but perhaps the most likely explanation is that Martino wished for there to remain an element of mystery. Whether this is welcome or unwelcome will no doubt depend on the subjectivity of the audience. Criticisms aside, 'Vice' is fine film-making and certainly ranks amongst the genres elite as Sergio Martino once again excels.
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vice squad
lee_eisenberg2 January 2010
Sergio Martino's follow-up to "Lo strano vizio della signora Wardh" (The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh) isn't quite as interesting as his previous one but still worth seeing. "Il tuo vizio e una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave" (Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key) portrays Oliviero Rouvigny (Luigi Pistilli), a failed writer who likes to hold parties and humiliate his wife Irina (Anita Strindberg) in front of the guests. But things take a turn for the unusual after Oliviero's mistress gets murdered, and then the maid gets murdered, with everything going on under the watchful eye of Oliviero's cat Satan. The arrival of Oliviero's niece Floriana (Edwige Fenech) further complicates things.

This was Martino's fourth giallo movie. I found his previous one - which also starred Fenech - to be a little cleverer and more creative, but I would still recommend this one, which borrows from "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe. They both remain important pieces of Italian cinema, and specifically they serve to show the changes in cinema that were taking place worldwide in the late '60s and early '70s. Really impressive. Also starring Ivan Rassimov.

I wonder if Edwige Fenech is still making movies.
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Super bad!
RodrigAndrisan7 March 2019
You have to make some effort to make a movie so stupid. I think that black cat wrote the script and directed it, otherwise it can't be explained. Edwige Fenech's breasts are wasted, her naked body, as much as can be seen, doesn't save anything. I would have used her in a better script, with a decent direction.
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Great title, great movie
BandSAboutMovies19 October 2017
Martino wastes no time at all getting into the crazy in this one — Oliviero Rouvigny (Luigi Pistilli from Bay of Blood, Iguana with the Tongue of Fire, Death Rides a Horse) is a dark, sinister man, a failed writer and alcoholic who lives in a mansion that's falling apart (If this all feels like a modernized version of a Poe story like The Fall of the House of Usher, it's no accident. There's even an acknowledgment that the film is inspired by The Black Cat in the opening credits.). His wife, Irina (Anita Strindberg from Lizard in a Woman's Skin and Who Saw Her Die?), suffers his abuses, but never more so than when he gathers hippies together for confrontational parties. He makes everyone pour all of their wine into a bowl and forces her to drink it, then humiliates their black servant Brenda until one of the party goers starts singing and everyone joins in, then gets naked. This scene is beyond strange and must be experienced. Luckily, I found the link for you, but trust me — it's NSFW.

The only person that Oliviero seems to love is Satan, the cat that belonged to his dead mother. A black cat that talks throughout every scene he's in, his constant meows led to my cats communicating with the TV. God only knows what a 1970's giallo cat said, but it seems like his words spoke directly to their hearts.

One of Oliviero's mistresses is found dead near the house, but he hides her body. The police suspect him, as does his wife. Adding to the tension is the fact that Irina hates Satan, who only seems to care about messing with her beloved birds.

Remember that servant? Well, she's dead now, but not before she walks around half naked in Oliviero's mother's dress while he watches from the other room. She barely makes it to Irina's room before she collapses, covered in blood. Blood that Satan the cat has no problem walking through! He refuses to call the police, as he doesn't want any more suspicion. He asks his wife to help him get rid of the body.

Oliviero's niece Floriana (Edwige Fenech, pretty much the queen of the giallo) is in town for a visit, learning how Oliviero hasn't been able to write one sentence over and over again for three years, stuck in writer's block (and predating The Shining by 5 years in book form and 8 years away from Kubrick's film). Unlike everyone else who tolerates Oliviero's behavior or ignores it, Floriana sees right through the bullshit. The writer is used to seducing every woman he meets and she initially rebuffs him, even asking if it's true that Oliviero used to sleep with his mother. He angrily asks if it's true that she's a two-bit whore. "Those would be two bits worth spending," is her caustic reply.

Irina confides all of her pain to Floriana as the two become lovers. And another girl gets murdered — perhaps by Oliviero. Then, a dirt bike racer comes to drop off milk and hit on Floriana. Whew — I was wondering when this film would get hard to follow and start piling on the red herrings!

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It could be two bits well spent.
lastliberal24 July 2009
Supposedly based upon a Poe story, this is a typical Giallo with lots of blood and sex.

The sex starts first with a table dance by Dalila Di Lazzaro (Night Train Murders, Andy Warhol's Frankenstein). Then Olivero, a failed writer, (Luigi Pistilli) abuses his wife Irina (Anita Strindberg), and the maid, before having sex with his wife under the table. She is dressed in his mother's clothing, so we obviously have some Oedipal issues at work here.

He arranges for a visit with a mistress (Daniela Giordano), who is subsequently murdered. Who do you think is the prime suspect? It isn't long before the maid is slashed down the middle of her belly.

Olivero's niece, Floriana (Edwige Fenech) arrives, and things are bound to get a whole lot more interesting.

Fenech (Hostel Part II, The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh) and Strindberg (The Senator Likes Women, Lizard in a Woman's Skin) soon become allies and bed mates. But, Floriana swings both ways and is soon in a sleeping bag with the milkman (Riccardo Salvino) after a motorcycle race that made no sense in the middle of the picture.

Just when you think you know the suspect, another pops up. Who is doing the killings? The last part of the movie switches from giallo to Poe as the murderer is reveled by, what else, Satan, the cat.
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What a ridiculous movie
freesquire3 January 2023
How this film would rate over 3 stars is unbelievable.

First off it's not even remotely a Giallo. A domestic drama perhaps, not even a thriller. If you don't know who the guilty party is right away then you probably dozed off.

Ridiculous storyline with laughable performances by some of the genre regulars. If it took more than a week to film this movie I'd be surprised. There is zero suspense, zero tension, zero scares, very minimal bloodshed and every character is extremely unlikeable.

Just an absolutely abysmal movie in any genre you want to lump it in. Very disappointing. There is no redeeming feature to even try to highlight, it is all bad. Even the ridiculous ending which is more comical than revealing.
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