Love Brides of the Blood Mummy (1973) Poster

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Bizarre, Obscure Eurohorror Oddity
Steve_Nyland6 November 2008
My 5/10 "neutral" rating is usually reserved for movies that are sort of difficult to assess in the forms in which they may be available. Such is the case here with his genuinely bizarre oddity of the Euro Horror fad from the early 1970s, a deservedly obscure ultra low budget attempt to make a vampire movie without a vampire.

The only version I have been able to see for myself is a somewhat ragged Spanish language print that has the trappings of a genuinely interesting film: Gothic location work galore, some demented shock sequences involving chains & manacles & vaulted crypt like dungeons, girls being abused and molested by some freak in a strange half costume, and an interesting aura of gloomy, autumn countrysides crossed with dank cloistered claustrophobia. Even if I don't understand the language it's a pleasure to look at.

There's some sort of story going on about a scientist (George Rigaud, looking respectable as always) who tries to tell a wandering occult expert (spaghetti western stalwart Frank Brana) about his efforts to revive the corpse of an Egyptian mummy who never quite decomposed after being shuttled into his coffin. He succeeds and quickly comes to regret it as the mummy starts to exhibit Christopher Lee like tendencies involving hypnotizing various supporting cast members to do his evil bidding.

One of the bizarre touches the film treats us to is the lack of a mummy costume. Instead we get a sort of 12th grade talent show production's vision of what an Egyptian sorcerer might have looked like before the gauze wrappings were applied. And once revived the fiend must glut itself on the blood of pretty half-naked Euro Horror babes who have been chained up by Rigaud's hypnotized servant.

Being a Spanish production from the early 1970s there were no doubt two versions made to appease dictator Generalissimo Franco's banning of frontal nudity from his cinemas during his reign, and sadly one of the few surviving home video versions was struck from a Spanish language print that doesn't contain the sexualized horror that this sort of material usually calls for. There's some adequate scenes of sadism on the part of the mummy that leads to the expected bloodletting, but something tells me we're only seeing half of the picture in this shaky 16mm Spanish print, and as such its somewhat difficult to assess.

There is one really effective sequence when the suitor of one of the abducted Euro Horror babes tracks her abductor down to the marvelously crumbled & dank castle (or castles, since some of the interiors have a decidedly French look to them, others look familiar from Spanish outings) and has to worm his way inside like Gollum, only to find himself pitted against an evil against which there is no real defense. The hopelessness of the situation is actually kind of compelling in a way, even if in the end it doesn't amount to much.

Fans of spaghetti westerns will probably recognize some of the Spanish & French countrysides used for the exteriors, and die hard fans of vaulted, decrepit Euro Horrors will probably be delighted by the results, which have been filmed with a unique sort of eye for detail including an interesting use of dissolves & editing segues. I wish I had a better idea what was going on however, and interested readers should follow the "External Reviews" link to a more comprehensive review of the film by Euro Horror expert Robert Monel, whom it just happens that I acquired my copy of the film from. Small internet somedays.

5/10: If you find an English language version let me know ...
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Bloodsucking Egyptian mummy.
HumanoidOfFlesh3 January 2015
"Love Brides of the Blood Mummy" by Alejandro Marti has to be one of the oddest Spanish horror movies from early 70's.It features a bloodsucking mummy revived by mad scientist.This perfectly preserved ancient Egyptian vampire needs female blood to survive,so local peasant women are captured by a servant of mad scientist,then sexually molested by the mummy and finally killed.There is even severed mummy hand that comes back to life!I must say that I enjoyed this weird little flick.There is no suspense,but the Gothic atmosphere is abundant in "Love Brides of the Blood Mummy".I expected more sleaze and nudity.However it seems that Spanish version is heavily censored.Hopefully sleazy version of "Love Brides of the Blood Mummy" exists somewhere.6 mad doctors out of 10.
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It is a straight horror film that features a supernatural intrigue , a Vampirism story with plenty of Egyptian mythology
ma-cortes9 July 2022
Creepy as well as colorful terror movie with chills , thrills , scary events and being middlingly filmed. The story begins with an alleged Egyptologist named James Barton (Frank Braña) who goes to Dartmoor Castle looking to investigate the mummies owned by the count who lives there (Jorge or George Rigaud). On the way he runs into two countrywomen, the youngest, and the oldest explains that he doesn't know , she only knows that one day heard screaming and crying from that same castle he wants to go and that she doesn't even know . The bravest woman dares him to approach that mysterious place. He gets to the castle in a state of almost total abandon and there is only one taciturn servant who introduces himself as John but does not pay much attention to him. James Barton makes his way by himself and reaches the room where Count Dartmoor is, who thanks to his ability to read human minds discovers that Barton is actually a policeman investigating the disappearances that have taken place there. Barton's skepticism about the earl's threat to turn him into a statue prompts to give us a stop motion animation display by taking a wooden stick and turning it into a snake (similar to Charlton Heston's Ten Commandments) as a sign of his might. While in the sarcophagus there was also a manuscript, which after many hours of work he managed to decipher to reveal the mystery behind that mummy. Plans begin to go awry when he offers him a glass of milk as a welcome and the Egyptian violently rejects it. Then the revived mummy needs the blood of young women to slake his thirst .The plot picks up speed again when the earl's daughter, Lucy (Catherine Franck), arrives in Dartmoor, accompanied by her friend Ana (Teresa Gimpera), who are greeted by the bloodsucker African in undergarments.

This frightening movie deliberately told contains sinister events , suspense , colorful images in Hammer style , lots of blood and gore , including sadistic scenes and obnoxious killings . Director Alejandro Marti and writer Julio Salvador bring this ghastly and stylish story plagued with chilling intrigue , and depraved gore murders executed by a vampire-mummy . There's a long narration in which the starring begins by relating his story from the time he acquired an Egyptian sarcophagus in the Valley of the Kings and, to his faithful servant's surprise, what it contained was not the usual bandaged corpse but a perfectly preserved body . At a point the film acquires overtones of monster Frankenstein as Count Dartmoor begins to talk about Mesmer's treatise, Galvani's work (De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius) and other considerations , all to finally satisfy his scientific curiosity by bringing this mummy back to life , but leaving Frankenstein behind , the flick moves on to bloodsucker Dracula issue , with the accidental discovery that the mummy needs blood to stay alive . From there, the plot of the film loses dynamism as the cycle of kidnapping to innocent girls with subsequent punishment , sucking , lashing and mistreating becomes repetitive to satisfy the appetite of the cruel mummy. All the victims of the mummy being beautiful women and with a good dose of chains and whips, the film was distributed in the United States seeking to highlight its exploitation side over the horror component, which is why it was marketed under the title "Love Brides of the Blood Mummy".

This eerie and obscure picture was regularly directed by Alejandro Marti assisted by Julio Salvador . Alejandro Marti was a craftsman of brief career , he only made another film titled "Elisabet" and wrote the following ones : "La otra orilla" , "Muerte en primavera", "Una madeja de lana azul celeste" and "La boda era a las doce". While Julio Salvador was a good professional who directed some nice films such as ¨Contraband in Spain¨ with Richard Greene and Anouk Aimee and in 1968 directed along with Ray Danton , as co-filmmaker the movie titled ¨Hello Glen Ward¨. Julio Salvador made various pictures with his fetish actor Conrado San Martin such as ¨Sin Sonrisa De Dios¨, ¨Duda¨ , ¨Lo Que Nunca Muere¨ and his best film ¨Apartado Correos 1001¨. He also was a writer , as he wrote "Love Brides of the Blood Mummy¨dealing with a Mummy rebirth and ¨The Mercenary¨ again with Ray Danton . Furthermore , he wrote ¨Crypt of the Living Dead" also titled "Hannah, Queen of the Vampires" or "Young Hannah, Queen of the Vampires . Rating : Average 5/10.
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Outside the Title This Here is Pretty Bad
Michael_Elliott20 October 2013
Love Brides of the Blood Mummy (1973)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

This rather bizarre Spanish horror film received a new title and seemed to cause a stir across the internet but sadly the actual film itself is quite poor. An expert on Egyptian mummies (Frank Brana) is told by a scientist (George Rigaud) how he discovered a mummy and managed to bring it back to life. Bringing this mummy back to life meant that he and his assistant had to kidnap women and "offer" them to the mummy who liked to fondle them and eventually drink their blood. This film has a catchy title but it was originally released as THE SECRET OF THE Egyptian MUMMY and it's easy to see why it was forgotten for nearly forty-years. The film is pretty boring, drawn out and there's simply nothing interesting that happens in it. I think the biggest problem is that it's rather bland looking and there's never an inch of excitement going on. Even worse is that it's quite repetitive because we simply see the same thing happen over and over throughout the running time. We see a woman. We see the assistant chase her. The assistant catches her, ties her up and then the mummy gets her. These scenes are just so boring and watching the same thing over and over simply doesn't help. Even worse is that I watched the Spanish version of the film, which has zero bits of nudity and really not that much blood. Apparently there's an American dubbed version that features more nudity and blood but so far this here hasn't been released. Maybe that version will be a cult favorite but take away the LOVE BRIDES OF THE BLOOD MUMMY title and you really have nothing here. Those expecting a bandaged up mummy will also be disappointed. It's really too bad someone like Jess Franco didn't get a hold of this story.
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A horrific experience
feindlicheubernahme16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...the film, that is. I've never watched such a repetitive piece of trash. First of all, we get an excruciatingly long chase scene in which the hypnotized servant tries to capture the girl. He eventually gets her and takes her back to the castle, where the Mummy strips her (in the "nude" version which you can now find in pristine condition on YouTube) and rapes her. He sucks the blood from her neck, killing her. Then we find another girl and do it all again. It's boring already the second time, let alone the third and fourth. Then the film ends, with no conclusion and no explanation of anything.

It boggles my mind that there was ever a time when rape was considered as legitimate a form of cinematic entertainment as regular sex. But it's obvious here that this, rather than being a horror film, is actually intended to be an erotic one - just that all the sex is non-consensual, either with violence or through the women being mesmerized into accepting and even enjoying it. The only good thing I could point to in this opus is that the women are attractive with nice bodies. But considering the circumstances under which we see them, even that joy is muted. An extremely rare example of a film which I actually regret watching.
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Nothing much to see
Leofwine_draca1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE BRIDES OF THE BLOOD MUMMY (1973, original title El secreto de la momia egipcia, aka LIPS OF BLOOD) is a real obscurity, a very low budget Spanish slice of gothic horror heavily modelled on the Hammer format. In fact, BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY'S TOMB may be a big inspiration here. The film begins with an Egyptologist (played by RETURN OF THE EVIL DEAD star Frank Brana) visiting an eccentric aristocrat called Lord Dartmoor who then proceeds to tell him a ghastly story in flashback...

Dartmoor (played by George Rigaud, whom you may recognise from HORROR EXPRESS) is in possession of a male mummy: no bandage-wrapped prowler this time, though, just a regular tall and skinny exotic-looking guy done up in the full regalia who may be a gender twist on the Valerie Leon character. The mummy is revived thanks to a blood transfusion, and then forces Dartmoor's manservant to procure fresh victims. He's also surprisingly horny for his age, stripping and raping his victims before killing them. This is a film only available on Youtube in a scuzzy old Spanish VHS print, which seems censored, so there's no nudity or blood. Indeed, it's a rather slow and creaky affair with repetitive action, only springing to life for some macabre FX at the climax. I enjoyed the stop motion, but despite some atmosphere there's too little of the horror content for this to work very well.
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the mummy....unwrapped and lusty!
ccmiller149211 January 2013
Without a doubt this is the most unusual and intriguing mummy movie you are ever likely to see. His doting father, the high priest refused to have his evil son's internal organs removed, or his body embalmed and wrapped after the obligatory tongue removal. Instead he put an occult spell on him after having him sealed intact in his sarcophagus and hidden. About three thousand years later, Lord Dartmoor, an eccentric antiquarian dilettante buys the still sealed sarcophagus and discovers the intact body when he opens it in his castle. He stimulates it back to life with a strange electric device, only to be enslaved by the mummy's strange hypnotic powers. The powerful mute Egyptian must drink fresh blood daily to remain living and so begins his demonic reign of vampiric terror in the surrounding countryside with many young women victimized to slake his thirst and lust. It's quite an effective film with many startling, imaginative sequences and a worthy competitor to the better known Hammer lexicon. The real surprise and standout is the striking actor who plays the mummy (Michael Flynn?) who certainly looks the part with expert make-up, despite the disappointing costume....its silhouette is correct, but the kilt should have been pleated white, nearly sheer linen and the collar beaded instead of both being cheap looking gold lame cloth. A few faults like these mar the total effect but overall it is in many ways as good or better than other films of this genre. Recommended if you enjoy vampire or mummy films.
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The Mesmerizing Mummy
Imdad_Palijo14 July 2022
Count Dartmoor, a scientist and explorer reveals to a disguised Police Inspector a strange account concerning the mysterious events that took place at his spooky countryside castle when a sarcophagus containing mummified body of a young Egyptian believed to be the son of an Egyptian Priest was brought to the castle. The count reincarnates the mummy that feeds on human blood.

The young mummy with carved eyes has got hypnotic powers. He has got a particular desire for young women and enjoys innocent country girls in every horrific way.

Cinematography is reasonable. It is wonderful to see gorgeous country with open fields, streams, houses and of course the ghastly manor. Script and musical score are fine.

Except inept portrayal of the mummy on certain occasions, the performance of characters is up to the mark. The movie deserves six stars out of ten from my viewpoint.
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Love brides of the blood mummy
gavcrimson18 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Love Brides of the Blood Mummy (1973)

Now that's what you call a movie title...worthy of Tony Tenser in the amount of buzzwords they managed to cram into just the one title. There is a definite anglophile leaning to Love Brides of the Blood Mummy, an eccentric Spanish/French co-production that looks to Hammer horror for inspiration, somehow encompassing elements from their Frankenstein and Dracula series, in spite of this being a film about a mummy. For its third act, Love Brides of the Blood Mummy also becomes a crawling 'severed hand' movie, suggesting that Amicus weren't immune from being pilfered from here either.

Spanish B-Movie veteran Frank Brana plays either an Egyptologist or a policeman pretending to be an Egyptologist (that particular plot point is never resolved) whose investigations take him to Dartmoor and the castle of the Earl of Dartmoor, a powerful occultist who can turn people to stone, magic up snakes and has the power over life and death. The Earl also fancies himself as Dartmoor's answer to Baron Frankenstein and brings a lustful Egyptian mummy back to life. Soon of course, that plan backfires on the Earl, as the Mummy imprisons him in the castle's dungeon, turns out to have vampire like tendencies, takes control of the Earl's manservant John, and uses John to murder local wenches for their blood.

The person you most feel sorry for here is the poor sod playing the long suffering John, who despite being no spring chicken gets a role which requires him to get spat in the face, pelted with rocks, knocked off a ladder, thrown into a moat, climb a cliff face and get kicked in the nuts by the Mummy...who'd be a faithful manservant in ye olde Dartmoor. Compared to the actor playing the Mummy itself, who is relegated to leisurely pursuits like horse riding and molesting various women, or the actor that plays the Earl, who spends most of the film sitting behind bars, its clear which cast member has drawn the short straw here. Come to think about it, if the Earl of Dartmoor (he is sometimes referred to as 'Count Dartmoor' as well) is so powerful and a bigwig when it comes to magic...why doesn't he do bugger all but sit in a jail cell for the majority of the movie, even while the Mummy is terrorizing his household and murdering various people, including a member of the Earl's own family. The film's depiction of Dartmoor doesn't exactly hold up to close scrutiny either...then again some suspension of disbelief is called for here, especially since we're dealing with a film about a vampire, Egyptian mummy running loose on Dartmoor.

For a piece of Euro-horror that is now as obscure as they come...never making it to DVD or Blu-Ray and only surfacing on VHS in a Spanish language version (the VHS rip on youtube has optional English subs) its surprising to discover that Love Brides of the Blood Mummy had a UK cinema release in 1973 as 'Lips of Blood'. It also made it to Canada, two years later, as part of a Euro-sleaze double-bill with 'Secret Love Life of the Invisible Man'...a Eurocine production more commonly known these days as The Invisible Dead or Orloff Against the Invisible Man. So, a dubbed English language version must have existed at some point, possibly with more nudity in it. The Spanish language version that is around these days does bear all the traces of being a 'clothed' version of the film, prepared for the censorious climate of 1970s Spain. Meaning the Mummy might get away with rape, flagellation and branding women in this version, but he remains gentlemanly enough to only strip them down to their bloomers while doing so. Of course if you have a thing for hysterical women wearing bloomers, that not even Mrs Slocombe's antics in Are You Being Served can satisfy, this is the version for you. For everyone else...well as no other version of this film has ever re-surfaced...its bloomers for the rest of us as well!!!
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A treat for fans of '70s Euro-trash.
BA_Harrison20 July 2022
The majority of IMDb reviewers who have commented on Love Brides of the Blood Mummy appear to have seen a censored version; since then, an uncut and restored version has surfaced, with all of the sleaze intact. And what trashy little treat it is too.

James Barton (Frank Braña) arrives at the castle of Egyptologist Lord Dartmoor (George Rigaud), who tells his visitor how he and his obedient assistant John (doesn't have quite the same ring as Igor, does it?) resurrected a perfectly preserved mummy with a bad haircut and hypnotic powers. Not only does the ancient Egyptian have a lust for blood, the mummy requiring a constant supply of the red stuff from young women to go on living, but he also has quite the libido, torturing and raping his victims before tearing open their throats.

There's not a lot of gore in this tacky Euro-horror, and just a touch of torture (hot poker on victim's breast), but the film more than makes up for this in the sex and nudity department, the mummy tearing open his pretty victims' blouses and yanking off their bloomers before getting down to business. Adding to the sleaziness is the fact that the young women soon stop fighting back and start to enjoy the experience, at least until they have their necks chomped upon by the randy mummy: such behaviour is highly contentious, although it could be argued that the mummy is using his hypnotic powers to stop the women from struggling.

The mummy's final victims are Lord Dartmoor's daughter Lucille (Catherine Franck) and her friend Anna (Teresa Gimpera) from boarding school. One might reasonably expect Lucille to be the 'final girl', surviving her encounter with the mummy, but even her neck isn't safe from the thirsty Egyptian (although she does keep her bloomers on). Extra points for killing her off!

Love Brides of the Blood Mummy also gets bonus points for some really shonky stop-motion effects: when Barton first arrives at the castle, Lord Dartmoor demonstrates his occult powers by turning a stick into a snake, a combination of animation and a rubber snake on a string; later, we get some more juddery animation when the mummy's now severed arm comes to life to strangle Lord Dartmoor. It looks dreadful, but it's fun.

6.5/10 (rounded up to 7 for IMDb). The action is rather repetitive, so make sure you watch the uncut version, with all of that gratuitous nekkidness, to ensure that boredom doesn't set in.
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Mummy love.
morrison-dylan-fan27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Recently selling Flavia, the Heretic (1974-also reviewed) I wanted to find a flick that I could send to the buyer as a bonus Halloween gift. With the DVD having sat on my shelf for years (!) it felt like time to finally unwrap this mummy.

View on the film:

Clearly made on such a shoestring budget that the production could not afford any type of Mummy costume, director Alejandro Marti & cinematographer Raymond Heil wrap a nice and sleazy Gothic Horror atmosphere, throwing zoom-ins at the revived Egyptian Pharaoh showing the effects being in a coffin has had on him,by trying to get frisky with any fair maiden who catches his sight.

Placing a mini-clip show of the kills near the end in order to pad the run-time out,Marti unveils welcomed detours into off-beat Gothic Horror,scanning the rural dusk landscape with wide panning shots, landing on a stop-motion animation Mummy hand coming back to life.

After making excuses for the lack of a Mummy costume are out of the way, the screenplay by Julio Salvador ( "co-writer" Vincent Didier is likely a pseudonym for someone) walks towards a lively Gothic Horror.

Salvador balances the Mummy being after a bride offering the chance for skin to be shown, with a delightful mash-up of Frankenstein-style mad scientist working to keep the Mummy alive, via a tasty dip into Dracula-style fangs, fuelled by the Mummy's desire for blood and marriage.
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How This Film Could Have Been Saved
michigindie28 April 2023
Gothic castles, moody English countryside, sex...what is there not to like? There is a lot to like about this film, yet somehow it does miss its mark. Despite the great locations, fine period wardrobes and excellent cinematography, a scripting misstep and excessively contemporary score leaven what should have been a really great Gothic thriller from the '70s.

The plot is simple: The Lord of a crumbling castle brings back a mummy from Egypt for study. Upon opening the sarcophagus, he finds the mummy perfectly preserved. Clues left on a papyrus lead him to a method for bringing it back to life-a deed he soon regrets, as the mummy imprisons him in his own dungeon and proceeds to kill a host of unappealing '70s starlets.

Most of the film is spent depicting these women being killed by a decidedly un-macho mummy, who "rapes" them before death. While this writer enjoys a good cinematic rape scene (such as in 1978's "I Spit On Your Grave," or EuroCine's "Rape"), these assaults are totally un-sexy. With his fruity Beatles wig, Liz Taylor eye makeup and gold lame skirt, the mummy is neither scary or manly enough to be sexy.

This film could have been saved by canceling the mummy character entirely and replacing it with the son of the Baron who lived in the castle. The distraught Baron could use alchemy to revive his dead son, only for the (preferably hot) young man to go on a rape and blood-drinking rampage to sustain himself. This would have made the sex scenes a lot hotter and the visuals a lot more consistently Gothic.

Nevertheless, worth a look.
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