Attack of the Beast Creatures (1985) Poster

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And the screaming starts… It's the Attack of the Beast Creatures!
Ben_Horror18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Attack of the Beast creatures is as cheesy as its ill conceived, though still somewhat pleasingly shoddy B movie title might suggest. Set in the 1920s, a group of beleaguered survivors flee their sinking vessel in a brief but still pretty effective opening matte/forced perspective shot. Tensions are frayed and to make matters worse, they get washed up on an uncharted 'tropical' island. From there they decide to explore their new surroundings only to find that it's inhabited by tiny long-haired cannibals - the Beast Creatures of the title - that are hell bent on making the unfortunate survivors the main course of their banquet. Cue: lots of running around and screaming – there's lots of screaming in this movie.

Most of the attack scenes are mundanely staged, consisting of the actors screaming and gyrating into camera with plastic dolls stuck to their torsos. The movie's a poverty row effort on every level and it does show, but the filmmakers do get good production value from a skeleton prop - the kind used in medical schools - that shows up no fewer than three times. The cast spend most of their time wandering aimlessly and endlessly through their menacing 'island' locale. We continuously see shots of them trekking through a forest that's clearly not the tropics where the movie's meant to be set. In one particular shot they even look like they're skipping through the jungle rather than walking as there are arms flailing everywhere.

The beast creatures themselves are not at all convincing and resemble children's toys more than the malevolent miniature thugs they're supposed to be. There are lots of shots of them being flung into the air and thrown at trees, somewhat betraying their doll/puppet origins. In some instances they're even being held into shot on the ends of wooden poles operated by the clearly 'up for it' crew. The big 'set piece' that occurs 51 minutes in consists of nothing but a long sequence where the cast simply stands around holding static puppets to their bodies while screaming their lungs out. Having said that, various shots of the creatures zipping through the forest at high-speed display a certain amount of ingenuity on the part of the filmmakers. They're really quite well done and not completely devoid of merit and charm. Also the idea of acid lakes on the island is very imaginative and the scene where one unfortunate cast member stops to take a drink from the aforementioned lake is done quite well, albeit the horror is let down somewhat by the usual gratuitous and feeble screaming.

There are some bad edits and dodgy choices of takes in this movie. For example due to incorrect color timing during one particular zoom-in shot, a lone beast creature is barely visible hidden among the undergrowth. You actually have to pause and rewind the footage to see it and even at that, it's very difficult. Furthermore, after a female cast member's hand is bitten by one of the little carnivores, the actor playing the character of 'Morgan' clearly fluffs his line, but still continues to utter the dialog without batting an eyelid.

In another example of questionable editing, during the survivors' final bid for escape at the end, we're treated to a 'greatest hits' compilation of all the movies 'special effects' moments for no reason whatsoever other than to highlight the fact that the filmmakers were evidently very proud of what they achieved. But it's still hard not to like a movie where the hero makes a desperate last dash for the ocean and freedom – all the while struggling manfully against static rubber dolls that are clearly just tacked onto his clothes.

Director Michael Stanley never made another movie again until 2008 and based on this, it is not surprising Hollywood never came knocking on his door. Neither did any of his cast go on to do better things, though it has to be said the female performances in the film are somewhat better than the males. But all things considered this is still an enjoyably insane film. Though at times slow and ponderously paced, Attack of the Beast Creatures is a lot of fun. If you watch it with the correct mindset, i.e., in the company of some like-minded friends and lots of beer,there is no reason why you won't enjoy this particular slice of 80s B movie madness.

While the movie was released on video in the 90s, it remains unreleased on DVD, though it was/is available from the director himself via online ordering. Yes, it could be argued that the entire effort is amateurish, but the film still isn't without its cult value and appeal. If a director and cast commentary was thrown into the mix along with some trailers and a comprehensive 'making of' documentary (where is the cast? What are they doing now?), there'd be absolutely no excuse for this movie to languish in limbo any more and maybe then it could finally get the much deserved and long overdue official DVD release.
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Bad Acting, Bad FX Equals Bad Movie
ryan-1007529 April 2019
I LOVE a good low-budget horror movie. Thing is it needs to be good. Here, we have a movie that looks like it has a budget of $250 and yes that includes the FX.

We enter the story as a group of people have been shipwrecked and so they drift aimlessly through the water in their lifeboat named Obelisk. Soon they hit land after the credits end and due to brutal lighting what looks like angry, spoiled sausages attack them in the night. By first light we see they actually look like ravenous, haunted dolls. Time to try and stay alive.

The music by John P. Mozzi is actually quite effective and way better than this movie deserves. Super bad acting by almost everyone in this movie.

Might be good to sit down with a good friend with some of your favourite beers and/or whiskey and get some good laughs. Otherwise steer clear.
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The Cast Are More Wooden Than The Puppet Monsters
Theo Robertson1 November 2012
With a title like ATTACK OF THE BEAST CRETURES you're certainly not expecting CITIZEN KANE but even with very low expectations this is a dreadful movie and what let's it down is the technical aspects . " What technical aspects Theo? " Exactly . From the very opening frame of the film you know you're going to be watching a shipwreck of a movie

In fact everything about the film can be summed up by the opening . We have a totally inappropriate soundtrack played on a synthesiser . Michael Mann's THE KEEP also a bizarre soundtrack that feels it belongs to an entirely different movie but at least that film redeemed itself by some great cinematography and camera work . Here it seems the director took his mates on a day trip to the beach . Everything about the movie screams amateur film maker

Perhaps the most noticeable thing is the acting or rather the lack of it . I genuinely thought this was an Italian movie badly dubbed in to English . It's certain ly got that vibe where any emotion or inflexion in the voices is totally negated by other people calmly talking their lines as in " Oh no I'm being attacked by a horde of monsters mercy me " in the same sort of tone you'd expect someone to read out their laundry list

The only saving grace - and I'm being totally charitable here - is the eponymous beast creatures themselves . It would be very easy for the director to get a bunch of extras to don wigs and pretend to be flesh eating monsters . Here we have what effectively fairground gonks that attack the cast and who are less wooden than the cast which means this movie gets three out of ten instead of two out of ten
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Rompin'-stompin' good cheap thrills!!
EyeAskance30 June 2003
A kinetic, out-if-the-ordinary skid-row monster movie that turned out good against all odds(my use of the word "good", mind you, being pertinent to entertainment value as opposed to aesthetic quality). The title terrors are a tribe of screaming, white-eyed, 10"(that's right...ten inch) toothy trolls with long hair, which besiege their prey like a school of spear-wielding land-piranha. Potential victims-to-be are a handful of shipwreck survivors washed ashore on an uncharted tropical island inhabited by the "beast creatures". These unfortunate souls have more to contend with than the monsters alone, namely rivers of acid, hunger, thirst, and each other.

A perfect example of a no-budget monster movie that managed to get it right...I'd recommend this over the bulk of widely recognized titles any day, and with little hesitation.

6/ stuff.
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Compellingly Inane
gpeltz23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my, it's the, Attack of the beast creatures, (1985) Directed by Michael Stanley, and written by Robert A. Hutton. Spoiler Alert ahead. Not long ago, I was trying to define Cheesy, when it came to movies. I think I've got it. This effort might as well acknowledge the Truth in packaging laws, and call itself, Attack of the puppet hunter dolls. OK, the gimmick worked in Trilogy of Terror (1975) so now we have an island full of them.

I have to hand it to this rag tag group of actors, putting their best to make this nonsense, So what have we here? A lifeboat with a handful of survivors, Five guys and Four woman. A usual bland assortment. None of them are schooled in survival skills, nor in self defense. There are the good guys; Robert Nolfi plays John, pals with Case and Phillip, as played by Robert Lengyel and Frank Murgalo, We can tell they are the good guys, they wear ties, halfway through the production. Nobody likes Mr. Morgan played by Robert Furgelusky, No one player memorable, How could they be, given the material they had to work with. I pity the fools. Same could be said for the woman. Underwritten and devoid of personality, save for Mrs Gordon, played by Kay Baily, who everyone likes. The other woman, Cathy and Diane, played by Julia Rust, and Lisa Pac, mostly are called upon to scream and run. Did I mention banal dialogue?

"Look, there goes Bill running down the hill, No, don't Stop" They manage to pull off the non monster sequences, hoping that when it comes down to it. the effects won't look as phony as the toys they have to work with. They spin around with these rag dolls taped on them, and act like they are fighting off a savage attack. I am reminded of Lugosi fighting off the rubber Octopus prop,in a swamp. The gore scenes are blatantly phony. This could be said for all the effects in general, I saw the puppeteers hand manipulating the dolls, The "attacking dolls" are tossed haphazardly at the actors, while the sound artists try to figure out what these little hunters battle cry, should sound like. The effects do not match the look of the dolls, we hear the pitter patter of running feet, and the screechy sounds, none of which seem to fit the action. All the while the synthesized soundtrack by John P Mozzi, tries to find a tune to fit the picture, and fails miserably. . Cavernous sounds well up, Rick Wakeman style, and inappropriately. The organ does what a good soundtrack should not, it calls attention to itself, over the action. So this is cheesy On the plus side, the Acid water was an interesting display of originality, what was it doing here? A similar device was used in "The Life of Pi."(2012)

The film constantly challenges common sense, and in that it is consistent. that is why the film makes compelling viewing. You find yourself wondering why the girls are still wearing jewelry so late in, why the men don't make weapons, or at least carry sticks. Why they don't find a strategy to fend off the attacks, Nothing nunca, none of the above. I give it Four out of Ten "Inane" Stars
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Trash movie deserves a look!!
elo-equipamentos18 July 2018
Totally insane trash movie where a several shipwreck suvivors on a desert island faces strange creatures likes little puppets with black hair who attack them at night and day, this devil puppets are quite well done and disappoint no one as entertainment only, they certainly choose a desert island to saves money of course and this will amuzing everyone, whatever the result after watching deserve a look for those who loves trash movies!! a bit o criticism could be a lack of nudity scenes as appears in this kind of production!!


First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD-R / Rating: 4
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throwback to 70s Hitler idealism
drystyx13 September 2012
This is a monster movie about shipwreck survivors attacked by little goofy monsters.

It is a complete throwback to the 1970s Hitler idealism decade, when only the blondest woman and the darkest man are allowed to survive, whether by Nature or God, doesn't matter, so long as the survivors are only Hitler and Eva.

You can tell that's what this is early on, as everything is contrived for the cliché.

I can forgive the low budget, stupid looking creatures. That's no big deal, and maybe even the horrid acting, but not the terrible script, and definitely not the stereotypical Hitler idealism. I've known many brunettes who have been killed, and there is no doubt that sick movies like this inspired people to believe that it was okay. The makers of sick movies like this are as much to blame as the evil they purposely cause.

IMDb has a history of Hitler idealists, so this goes over well with the many nazi IMDb posters, but not with guys. It is a boring, dull world without brunettes for guys.

There just isn't anything fun about this trash. One of the 100 worst movies ever made, on any list of any sane man who has seen it.
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Stupid But Fun
Tweetienator14 February 2023
If you are really into digging up and enjoying the most trashy and bizarre movies ever, Attack of the Beast Creatures belongs on your watch list: the gore is not that bad, the soundtrack is a fine one too (those psychedelic synth sounds a la Italian horror movies of the 70s), but the party starts after those mini-killer tribe gets into the game. The introduction till our group of survivors lands on the island is really no good or interesting, but after setting food on that cursed soil the movie gets in gear. I really think that the true connoisseur of the art of horror should have seen those blood-thirsty and flesh-hungry little beast creatures once in his life - even if you just screen for the good scenes thru the movie: those little creepy monsters are just too funny, on top, some of them are swinging from vine to vine like Tarzan... What else? This is a real trash movie, don't expect any good acting or production, but if you can enjoy a horror movie just because of the idea it's based on, and you can stomach a good shot of cheesiness and badness, Attack of the Beast Creatures may give you an entertaining ride. Last note: I can understand every rate, be it a 1 or 10, so I decided to give this one a rate of 5.
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It was as you would expect it to be...
paul_haakonsen16 March 2023
One of my friends asked me if I had seen the 1985 movie "Attack of the Beast Creatures", and I actually hadn't. I remember having seen a clip from it somewhere, sometime, but I've never actually heard the movie. So I tracked it down and sat down to watch it.

I have to admit that I wasn't really harboring much of any expectations to writer Robert A. Hutton and director Michael Stanley with this 1985 movie, because the clip I had seen before watching the movie seemed amazingly low budget and with laughable special effects.

And that was exactly what "Attack of the Beast Creatures" turned out to be. The script in the movie was so simplistic that you could essentially watch the first and last 10 minutes of the movie and not have missed out on anything. Yeah, everything in between was just filler. There was nothing resembling any deeply thought through storyline or plot here; only that it was about some people marooned on a hostile island with some horribly inanimate murderous puppets.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "Attack of the Beast Creatures". But given the lack of a proper storyline, then you're not in for any grand or memorable acting performances.

Visually then "Attack of the Beast Creatures" was pretty terrible. Especially the creature design. I am sure that in idea and concept stage that these strange diminutive carnivorous humanoids were interesting, but seeing poorly painted and worse yet animated puppets on the screen just didn't make for a particularly thrilling horror movie.

"Attack of the Beast Creatures" is the type of guilty pleasure movies that you sit down to watch only because it is so bad that it has to be seen to believe.

My rating of "Attack of the Beast Creatures" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Hehehe, what the heck???
Steve_Nyland18 September 2006
What an endearing mess!! Summed up as succinctly as possible, ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES concerns itself with a group of shipwreck victims who find themselves stranded on an uncharted island where they are set upon by a bunch of demonic alien Cabbige Patch dolls made up to look like Marilyn Manson. One by one the survivors are torn at, eaten, and reduced to clean-picked skeletons before they can effect any kind of rescue or escape plan. The Beast Creatures are fierce, hungry, innumerable and can seem to spawn anew whenever suffering losses: For every Beast Creature the humans whack like pulpy, exploding softballs as they fling themselves through the air, three more take their place. Eventually they are whittled down to the surviving love interest couple, who then ...

But why give away the ending? That and seeing the Beast Creatures up close & in action are the main reasons to bother with this cleverly constructed little home movie/grade Z creature feature howler made by a bunch of people who went on to do nothing more in the film industry. Aside from producer turned actor turned producer again, the late Jim Brown (III), who's other cinematic endeavors consist of such revealingly titled gems as DELTA FORCE COMMANDO, it's imaginatively titled followup DELTA FORCE COMMANDO II, BEHEADED 1000 and my favorite, the Viking horror saga BERSERKER. The world lost a true visionary with his passing, and this might stand as his greatest accomplishment.

One of the things that I instantly admired about the film was it's willingness to completely shred any artifice of what my be called "suspension of disbelief" and do so with such enthusiasm that you sort of forgive the film to being so ineptly executed: Visible puppeteer limbs, guide wires and thrown Beast Creatures flying in random trajectories take second place to the movie's gleeful abandoning of itself to the hazards of competence. Peter Jackson's team of 3d modelers may have worked gee, days on end to create King Kong for PETER JACKSON'S KING KONG: A PETER JACKSON MOVIE BY PETER JACKSON, but the effort in creating an actual presence on screen pales to the sight of a teeming swarm of these hand puppet Beasties clawing at the cocktail dress of the film's shapely heroine. I believe in them even though it is all fake, corny, slipshod and nappy lookin', not just because they are puppets which take up physical space (ahem, Yoda?), but because the filmmakers and cast believe in them and communicate their belief with frantic, frenzied conviction.

But like a lot of other horror thrillers the question remains, is it a good movie? Well no, quite frankly. But the film was made in such a manner that it defies the usual standards by which one judges film as an art. It's not that it wallows about in the gutter dwelling on gore or whatever, it's that the film doesn't care about those standards, has a story to tell and gets about doing so without ever once making any apologies for being just a stupid, tacky, frenetic little ball of fun. And that's what the Beast Creatures are too: The movie defines it's own reality, sticks to it and doesn't bother worrying about what anyone else is going to think critically. In fact to consider such a film on actual critical terms is a waste of time -- Either you enjoy it or you don't, standing around haggling about the merits or weaknesses after wards would miss the point of the film which is just to be entertaining.

6/10 for getting the job done.
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A great good bad movie!
dragmetodetroit27 May 2013
My video review can be seen here: Attack of the Beast Creatures is a "good bad movie." The flick is a lot of fun to watch in spite of the bad acting or the absurd looking "beast creatures."

You would think a movie where the cast is simply wondering around in the woods, would get boring, but for some reason, the whole thing works. I think one of the reasons this is so, is because the script is a simple one. You can't lose with a simple survival story.

I suggest watching this movie and then watching a movie like "Evil in the Woods (1986)." You will see the juxtaposition of two indie flicks where one works, thriving on a simple, straight forward script and another script that attempts to Jam three different stories into one movie, tries to jam bigfoot, witches, and zombies (?) into one film. You will see the difference between a "good bad movie" and a movie that simply fails on all levels, starting with a script that should have been heavily re-edited or scrapped altogether.
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Makes watching bad movies worth the while!
ericdetrick200231 January 2006
This was a real treat. The film starts off a little slow, so hang in there because once the action starts you will probably choke on your beer or mountain dew out of sheer hysterical laughter. In my journey through "grade Z" movies, it is movies like Attack of the Beast Creatures that make it all worth it. This is the type of movie that I put on that "special shelf" for the friends that don't want to have to think or invest much of themselves into a film. For those friends who you would like to impress with a movie so bad, that it is just beautiful. This was made at a time when bad films were at least still shot on film. Now days "grade z" movies are shot on daddy's new digital camcorder, so they don't have any real cinematic quality. This has some cinematic quality...OK, cinematic quality in a really "grade z" kind of way.

If you want Freddie Kreuger, Jason, or The Ring Meets the Grudge Part 4, then go to your local Blockbuster. Leave the trash to us trashmongers...I love it!
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Shipwreck survivors face off against the "Beast Creatures!"
capkronos7 May 2003
Despite what you may have read or heard, this silly low-budgeter is a great rental despite whatever shortcomings it has. However, you might have an impossible time trying to track down a tape because this has been out of circulation for years.

Filmed in 1983, this concerns the struggle for survival among a small group of shipwreck survivors on a secluded island (really inland Fairfield, Connecticut, where this was filmed). A seemingly innocent water stream is actually full of acid as one poor parched man soon finds out, and worse, the island is home a cult of small, killer, TRILOGY OF TERROR-style dolls. The dolls have red faces, long black hair, glow-in-the-dark eyes and sharp pointy teeth. Their jaws open so they can screech and their arms move up and down when they scurry through the woods, but other than that, they are hilariously immobile.

I don't want to get too much into the story, but some of the assault/ambush techniques devised by the little critters are very amusing and the low-level POV camera-work and eerie music score service the entertaining story very well. This film is a blast!

Score: 6 out of 10
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So much fun
BandSAboutMovies10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The origins of this movie are wonderful.

Producer William Szlinsky told director Michael Stanley that he had a great idea for a scene: a man's face getting devoured by acid. But what if there was a movie around that scene? And what if there was an island filled with not just one of the Zuni dolls from Trilogy of Terror but hundreds of them?

And what if that deserted island was in Stamford, Connecticut?

John (Robert Nolfi), Cathy (Julia Rust), Case (Robert Lengyel), Phillip (Frank Murgalo), Diane (Lisa Pak), Mr. Morgan (John Vichiol), Mrs. Gordon (Kay Bailey), Pat (Frans Kal) and Mr, Bruin (Robert T. Firgelewski) survive the sinking of a ship only to end up on a mysterious island and then, well, succumb one by one to puppets. If you loved Bela struggling with in octopus in Bride of the Monster, get ready for an entire movie filled with moments just like that.

This is the kind of movie where a man dips his face in water to take a drink and learns - too late - that it's acid, fulfilling the dreams of Szlinsky. It also has the kind of synth score that those who get woozy about synth scores will positively faint over when they watch this.

Also known as Hell Island, this is the type of film that separates the lovers of off the wall regional cinema from small minded folks who say things like, "This looks like it cost a hundred dollars," "No one in this can act" or "Those are obviously puppets." The world is too small and too sad for you to have thoughts like that. Instead, just watch this and allow it to wash over you, like calming murderdrone synth waves on the bloodiest of beaches.
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Good Spooker
moycon9 October 2003
I have in the past seen terrible reviews of this flick, I could never figure out why. I can see via other comments that this movie isn't as hated as I once thought. True the budget is almost non-existent, but considering the results, the director is a genius. The film is generally creepy throughout, some of the scenes don't work...But surprisingly most do. You will be entertained, and really who could ask for more than that?

A group of ship wreck survivors lands on an island in the middle of no where. Much of the islands water will cause their flesh to dissolve!! A tribe of creepy, hungry little folk inhabit this island...And want to devour the survivors! Not a good day. Get this movie if you can and give it a watch. 7/10
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Island of red Zuni dolls.
HumanoidOfFlesh29 May 2010
The plot of "Attack of the Beast Creatures" is relatively simple:a group of castaways land on a mysterious and deserted North Atlantic island with trees and deadly acidic water.The island is inhabited by flesh-eating critters that promptly start killing survivors.Badly acted and amateurish horror flick that is strangely compelling and entertaining.There is a lot of walking in "Attack of the Beast Creatures",so patience is needed.The dialogue is outrageously banal,but the attack scenes are hilarious and bloody enough.The tiny wooden dolls are cute and they provide plenty of campy entertainment.They hide in the trees and run through grass like crazy in pursuit of their screaming victims.Nasty little natives,I kid ya not.Give this obscure little creature feature a look.8 out of 10.
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Lost: The cheesy, badly-acted 80's edition!
Coventry5 July 2009
Bunch of shipwrecked travelers - who all left their acting capacities aboard the sinking ship - wash ashore an unmapped island that isn't entirely kosher. First and foremost, it's a tropical island even though they were supposed to float in the North Atlantic. Secondly, the still water on this island causes people to dissolve painfully! Quite an alarming little fact, if you ask me, but the assembly of middle-aged castaway survivors remain pretty damn calm at the sight of one of their buddies bloodily melting away in a puddle of water. "Well, I guess this means we all have to be a lot more careful from now on". That's it? Thanks for the grief and compassion, dude! Anyway, it's not over yet, as the island appears to be inhabited by some sort of creatures that can eat all the flesh off a human body and leave only a clean skeleton in just an hour of time. Overnight, the group gets virulently attacked by an army of tiny, flashy-eyed satanic creatures (very reminiscent to Karen Black's Zuni doll in "Trilogy of Terror") and "Attack of the Beast Creatures" promptly becomes one of the silliest, cheesiest and most ludicrous horror flicks of the entire 80's decade. These things are so cute! How they stampede, the squeaky sounds they produce, their admirably sharp little set of teeth … I swear, if you see one, you'll want to have a toy version to decorate your living room with!

You can say a lot about "Attack of the Beast Creatures", but definitely not that it's boring! One out-and-out crazy sequence follows the other in a massively fast-paced filming style and you don't even have too much time to contemplate about the stupidity factor or to expect any sort of explanation. The film properly follows Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians principle; meaning the characters kick the bucket one by one and in a structured and orderly fashion. The group also contains all the required stereotypes, like the selfish bastard, the hysterical broad, the young lovers and the fat bloke sacrificing himself. There's a joyous sequence paying tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" when one of the characters wanders around and the critters surrounding her in up in the trees gradually increase in number. First there's just one specimen scrutinizing her. Then three. Then seven. Then when she looks up there are literally dozens of little demons watching down on her. "Attack of the Beast Creatures" may not exactly be a masterpiece of film-making, but it's tremendously enjoyable 80's baloney with loads of gore, outrageous outbursts of laughter, inane dialogs and not the slightest bit of good taste.
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Hey, it's like Troma's War, except the awsomeness is replaced by beast creatures
Tromafreak21 May 2010
Why 1920? Who said that would be a good Idea? Why does nothing about this movie make sense? Was this movie meant to be seen by humans? I have some more questions regarding Attack Of The Beast Creatures. But I'm certainly not holding out for any answers. I'm not sure what I was expecting from this one, but the type of peculiar offered here kind of caught me off guard. Now I've seen a lot of interesting/unique/obscure/terrible Z-grade cinema in my day. Hundreds, in fact, but something tells me this one's one of a kind. The ineptness of it all. The fakeness of those... things!! But really, what I find most peculiar about Attack Of The Beast Creatures is that I actually kinda loved it. We begin with the survivors of a sunken ship, who barely make it to an uncharted Island. This island appears to be quiet, and empty, so their only concern now is to quickly find water and nourishment, any water they manage to find turns out to be acid (the bad kind) and on top of that, this island isn't so empty after all. This Island is the home of hundreds of vicious, little fake-looking/flesh-eating creatures, who have recently discovered the walking buffet, who have unknowingly invaded their territory. That's right, Beast Creatures. Nothing, and I mean nothing about these damn things say "I'm a living being." Just a bunch of little dolls with red skin, and white eyes, that people behind the camera toss towards the cast, who unconvincingly pretend the things are biting them. despite being alive, the cast is even less convincing than the Beast Creatures. I don't know if they thought people had brain-damage in 1920, or these people were actually brain-damaged, in that case, I suppose we should be impressed, other than that, I don't know, there's just something a little "off" about everything in this one. Kinda like in Troll 2. If you haven't seen that one, see it!! nevermind the first one. Anyway, I only speak negatively of this the beast creatures because the negativity is more than obvious. It's all in good fun. The truth is, complete and utter cluelessness of Attack of the Beast Creatures intrigues me to no end. And it's hilarious. Yeah, I'm one of those people. Can't help it. As soon as I read about it, I knew it would be amazing. Lucky for me, I still have a VCR. How about a DVD release? Maybe with some Joe Bob Briggs audio commentary. I think that would be keen. If hearing of the awkward ineptness of this freak-of-nature doesn't scare you off, then you're probably feeling a little curious. If that be the case, go with it. Definitely worth the search, and the price. You won't be sorry... Well, maybe a little. 8/10
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MADMANMARZ20 November 1999
Attack Of The Beast Creatures, is a GEM of a movie. Considering the extreme low budget, the film works very well. The Beast creatures are a total trip. Little red demons with long black hair, that bite hard and run fast! This movie is fun from start to finish, the attack sequences are very funny and scary at the same time. I promise you this movie will NOT DISSAPOINT. The film has it's share of Gore but is not a total Gore Fest either. I HIGHLY RECCOMEND THIS MOVIE. 100% pure entertainment , LOW BUDGET STYLE!!! A hidden classic!
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"Think About Something Pleasant!'...
azathothpwiggins29 August 2021
After their ship sinks "somewhere in the North Atlantic", the survivors make their way to a seemingly deserted island. Little do they know, they're not alone. Astonishingly, the group splits up, heading off in several different directions. This proves to be... unwise.

ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES, in addition to having one of the greatest titles ever, is low-budget, imbecilic terror at its zenith! It wastes no time at all in becoming as ridiculous as possible! The lack of any funding is an asset, allowing for the title "monsters" to emerge, hitting us like hickory planks to our faces! You'll sit wide-eyed and slack-jawed as these killer dolls begin their onslaught!

The cast, though akin to human furniture, is fun to watch, especially when they die!

AWESOME SCENES: #1- A man dunks his head into a stream for a drink, and comes up a bit... lightheaded! #2- Another man is completely relieved of his skinsuit!

I want a BEAST CREATURE doll for my birthday! You will too!...
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"I don't like this island."
lost-in-limbo10 July 2010
Dolls?! No beast creatures. An island tribe. Looking no bigger 30cms high. With long black stringy hair. Sharp pointy teeth. Howling screech and growl. Piercing eyes that glow in the dark. Persistently quick off the mark and these nasty critters love the taste of human flesh. Tasty! Well a group of survivors of a sunken cruise ship soon find out that had a better chance taking the odds of staying alive on the water, than what they encounter on an uncharted tropical island. "Attack of the Beast Creatures" is a limited on the cheap production that feels at times like nothing more than a made on the spot home movie, but it's charmingly fun and rather unpleasant in details. The odd story is slight and considerably basic with a stretched out feel… it's a survival outing. Wander here, get attack. Wander there, a nasty surprise waits. Aimlessly wander, get attack… but despite the repetitiveness and slow-pace it's actually well catered for its z-budget. The punchy attacks are quite savage and hysterical, if a little too drawn out that it can be humorous watching the actors struggle about fighting off motionless dolls gnawing away at them. But the crusty make-up FX creates some unbearable images of cheap gore (just watch what acid can do to you!) and creatures (which do look great!) are extremely well presented and photographed when in action. Plenty of lurking POV shots. Sometimes the pacing would stall with padded out dialogue exchanges (where the characters would open up to each other), but the amateurishly raw performances (falling on the bland side, but still admirably committed) don't invoke all that much from the stilted script. As for that whimsical electronic music score, it might have been schlock but it really did grow on me during the darker moments. The locations that were used (Fairfield, Connecticut masquerading as an island) makes good use of the situation, cementing a remote and disorienting spell with its thick, rugged terrain that simply saps the life of the survivors. Defects aside, it's enjoyable minimalist film-making worthy of its cult status.
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Island of the persistent puppets
sebpopcorn14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Survivors of a shipwreck wash up on an island inhabited by tiny red men with sharp teeth and a taste for flesh. Fair enough this isn't going to be elbowing its way into the top 100 any time soon but it entertained me. I liked how the monsters were relentless and they looked quite creepy when they sprinted and when seen in the dark.

I had more fun watching this than the last five movies I saw at the cinema and they had a collective budget of around $500 million so for a movie filmed on a shoestring budget with first time actors in the backwoods of Connecticut I think they did a pretty good job.

The other reviewer, possibly a national geographic correspondent, correctly identifies that there are no islands with rivers of acid but for some reason I was able to look past that and just enjoy watching people fend off demented puppets. If you think you could do the same give it a go, it's a fun movie.
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Even if you like bad movies steer clear of this one
s_gerald12 April 2005
This is one of the most horrid movies I have ever seen and we have had some real stinkers at my Universitie's bad movie night. Truly this ranks with such horrid cinematic effluence such as "Robot Monster" which at least had the benefit of being fun to watch, this atrocious affair does not even have that going for it, and the puppet animation has to be seen to be believed it is just that terrible. The acting switches from absent to way way overdone, and the setting is obviously Eastern US and not a tropical island. The film stock itself seems to have problems, and there is no lighting except for natural light sources in each scene so some parts of the movie have almost no light in them at all. To top it off filters are sometimes put on and removed from the camera in the same scene. Even if you are a fan of terrible films stay far far away from this film as it lacks the qualities that make other such films fun to watch.
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Thank god for films like this
Tikkin28 April 2006
In my search for cool low-budget horror films I have come across tons of crap, so it makes a refreshing change to find one this good. Attack of the Beast Creatures is another one of those low-budget obscurities that'll never be very well known, but will be lapped up by bad movie lovers everywhere.

A more suitable name for this might have been Attack of the Tree Dolls, because that's what these so-called "beast creatures" really are. They live in trees, and boy are they ferocious! They run in such a way that is absolutely hilarious. The film never threatens to get boring, although slightly verges on the tedious towards the end. There are many excellent scenes that more than make up for any faults. My favourite is when the delirious man thinks the woman's hair in front of him is one of the creatures, and we see a dolls face that looks back at him and "laughs". He then starts attacking the woman, runs off and melts away in an acid pool. Another great scene is when you can see the creatures' eyes in the dark. First one pair, then another... then there's loads of them. There's also a great scene when the tree creatures are huddled around some sort of statue that looks like a giant cracker, sadly this is only shown briefly. The musical score is also good and adds to the atmosphere.

So far I think there's only bootlegs available - keeping checking ebay and you may be able to find one. There's also a website devoted to the film, where you can buy a DVD or poster:
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Gore Mongral's Movie Review: Attack of the Beast Creatures
ChiefGoreMongral31 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm back with another review and boy do I have a movie for you guys and gals. If you are into grade Z flicks that are so bad there good look no further than Attack of the Beast Creatures!!! This flick really lived up to what I had heard about it lets take a look.

The movie starts off with a ship going down with a group of people who survive taking a rowboat and landing on the worst possible island they can land on "Beast Creature Central". The people try to find a way to signal in another boat or plane to rescue them. From there things get crazy as the BCs attack, fun ensues for the audience.

The first 30 minutes of this movie is the worst part of the film as it lulls around with bad acting and so called "character development" and despite one cool sequence where a guy decides to bath in an acid pool, which I would not highly recommend, much of nothing happens. However once we get past this and the night falls on our rejects from Survivor some of the coolest action in Z movie history hits the screen. BC's jump,run,bite,claw and do anything they can to take down our castaways.

The cool thing is that some of the effects are just downright funny. The coolest to me is watching those little guys go. When they run they move their arms back and forth in the most crazy have to see it to understand. Not only do these guys do all that I've mentioned above but they can set traps (which plays a key factor on 2 of our members late in the film).

Man I love these little guys!! If they were real id want one as a pet (tamed of course). Anyway as far as some of the other sequences well....who cares this movie is not about its sub par cast but those darn BCs. If this movie was graded on acting alone this would be a bad, bad movie however this is not what this film was made for and on a Z grade budget you have to give these guys some credit...kudos to the effects guys on this one. Though the BCs looks like someone is throwing them when they're jumping and when they latch on to their victims it looks like the victims are latching on to them it just doesn't matter its what is all apart of this flicks charm!! In the end what can I say I laughed, I cried, I laughed again. If you like pint sized horror, like the last story of the made-for-TV movie Trilogy of Terror, or are just into so- bad-there-good movies give this movie a look. Though it is VERY VERY hard to find it will be worth your hunt!! 6/10 Cult Classic.....If only that first 30 minutes could have been better this would have gotten an even better review however it is one of the best Z grade flicks I've seen give these ankle biters a try!!! No DVD release has been given to this film (and who knows if there ever will be) however if you can get in touch with the guys at CryptFlicks who specialize in hard to find movies (usually they are at horror conventions and the like) their copy looks very good considering it was from a VHS source.
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