Terror at Tenkiller (1986) Poster

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Dull as dishwater slasher clunker
Woodyanders1 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Loaded with lots of tedious talk, plodding along at a glacial pace that's slower than a snail on downers, and utterly bereft of any suspense or spooky atmosphere, this excruciatingly drab and uneventful slice'n'dice dud tells the decidedly less than riveting and stirring story of mousy Leslie (busty knockout Stacey Logan) and her much more feisty gal pal Janna (slim and attractive Michele Merchant, who at least brings some zing to her part), a pair of college coeds who go on vacation at a remote cabin in the woods next to a lake. Things go terribly awry when a dangerous maniac shows up and starts bumping folks off. Writer Claudia Meyer and director Ken Meyer totally fumble the ball by strictly adhering to the old adage that "talk is cheap": There are way too many lengthy scenes of folks yakking up an agonizingly boring storm in between the infrequent and flatly staged murder set pieces which to make matters worse deliver precious little in the way of either thrills or gore. The murky and pedestrian cinematography, a frustratingly inconclusive "it ain't over yet!" sequel set-up non-ending, and the droning synthesizer score add further abject insult to already appalling injury. On the plus side, the two female leads do look mighty tasty in bathing suits and the rustic lakeside scenery likewise looks pretty. A real snorefest.
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Don't Stand By Your Man
marcusgrant-8663023 July 2019
I don't know the first thing to say about Terror at Tenkiller. Despite it being one of the most placid and mundane slasher films I've ever seen, I weirdly wasn't ever bored. That has to count for something, right?

Tenkiller focuses on two college students (though one looks about old enough to have college aged children herself) who head out to secluded lakehouse to escape from one of their abusive boyfriends. They talk, take in some of the local color, and attract the attention of another angry man, except this one is much more dangerous.

Unlike a lot of slashers, there's no mystery or whodunit aspect here. The only mystery is trying to decided what's going on in most of the night scenes (my DVD appears to be sourced from the world's oldest VHS tape).

There's a slight attempt at character development with the two leads, but they never rise above dim-witted bimbo who can't leave an abusive man and sassy, no nonsense best friend cliches.

If you're expecting tons of nudity or gore, you'll be disappointed, too, since Tenkiller didn't seem very interested in supplying any which leaves the film in a weird place - not thoughtful/suspenseful/scary/character driven enough for serious horror fans and not enough blood or nudity for the gore and skin fans. Who was this even made for?
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Mostly a lot of talk...
bfan837 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
And I mean that literally! Jana and Leslie decide to head up to Jana's father's cabin in order to get Leslie away from her extremely possessive jerk of a boyfriend. Mysterious murders begin plaguing the town, and Leslie and Jana become the next targets! As good as that may sound, TERROR AT TENKILLER has one major problem - It's way too talky! Not a lot really happens until the final act when Leslie faces off with the killer.

The acting is pretty atrocious, and borders on bad soap opera acting (Port Charles, anyone?) Also, there is a scene with Jana when she is changing clothes that shows a different actress in her spot with bigger boobs doing the nude scene! I'm not kidding. Ed Wood would've been proud.

Despite everything I just mentioned, TERROR AT TENKILLER still retains some 80s trash charm. It's good for one watch, but that's it. A true cure for insomniacs everywhere.
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And the scene dies of neglect.
juliankennedy2319 September 2018
Rifftrax Review: 9 out of 10: Bad, slow films where nothing happens have stumped the boys before. (The Beast of Yucca Flats, Robot Monster) but they really bring their A-game here. The riffing is on point and upbeat. They really seem to be enjoying themselves. They perform a miracle and make Terror at Tenkiller actually watchable.

Terror at Tenkiller: 1 out of 10: A woman on the run from her controlling boyfriend hides out in a cabin with a friend. But local girls are disappearing and they could be next.

The Good: Well it made for a surprisingly well done Rifftrax track. Also, it gave an acting start to Michael Shamus Wiles who went on to become a solid working actor (He, like everyone else, is awful in this film.)

The Bad: Good lord where to start. Do you like to watch woman talk on the phone? Do like endless discussions about nothing? How about panning shots of an unremarkable lake? Scenes that go on a least a minute after they were supposed to?

There is no mystery to who the killer is. The killer is one of the five characters in the movie. He has no motivation, no one-liners, no hockey mask or hook arm. Just a bro with a few screws loose. There is also no terror, suspense, or horror to be found. Well except for the realization that there are forty minutes to go and the characters are taking yet another nap.

The Ugly: Why do we watch slasher films? Is it to see two women discuss their relationship problems in front of wood paneling? Or is it for the ye olde sex and violence. Well, I hope you're a fan of the former. The only nudity is an accidental flash from lead Stacy Logan clearly caused by the full-screen transfer and the violence is both bloodless and incompetent.

In Conclusion: I thought The Final Terror was the nadir of eighties slasher films but Terror at Tenkiller is in a whole other category. It is like one of those seventies search for Bigfoot films where they spend seventy minutes in a swamp and never actually find Bigfoot.
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Moviereviewer8729 July 2019
First off i love this film and i don't know why so many negative reviews. I grew up with this film being a huge part of my child hood. The story is simple but does have character development and back ground. The lead actors are good actors and over all the setting is very atmospheric. the film revolves around two friends Jana and Leslie, Leslie being the one with boyfriend problems. Jana talks Leslie to going to her family's cabin for the summer and getting a break from Josh, her boyfriend who seems to be controlling and cheating.While at the Lake Jana takes Leslie to a local diner and gets her a summer job. Once there someone takes an interest in Leslie and starts to kill to get to her. over all the kill scenes are really good and the special FX are very realistic (especially the throat slicing scene and the arm cutting. But over all its a very calm setting and when you watch it has 80s synth music throughout the whole film which worked really well for this film. I use to rent this film every weekend with The Last Slumber Party it was two of my favorite films as a kid and then once it came to DVD the funny thing is that they both were released on a double feature. so please give it a chance and check the film out its an 80s gem.
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Completely without suspense
blabslab25 April 2014
There's no mystery or suspense in this film at all, the characters are utterly vapid, and Ye Gods! but the music has to be the worst I have EVER heard in a film. The guy who is somehow supposed to come off as an attractive psycho is ugly as sin...It's hard to believe this movie was ever even released in VHS. It seems as though it may have been scriptless. I highly suggest watching the Rifftrax version of this, if you want to see it at all - it's the only way it will be tolerable. Very, very cheesy ending, too. (Note: The above reviewer who calls the female lead 'plump' must be hallucinating - she is just another anorexic looking 80's chick!)
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Still good fun...
nsugrad003 August 2002
....only cuz I once lived around where it was filmed. I went to the university you see in the beginning. After watching it one evening...my friends and I sat out on a day of finding where it was filmed. It was not filmed at Lake Tenkiller. Anyway...on to the film..

It was bad....but not *that* bad. Like someone said before, I have seen worse. I consider myself a horror movie nut, and this is as cheesy as most of the other films to come out of the 80s.

I don't know if I'd recommend this movie to anyone outside of Oklahoma...but I do recommend it to my friends who have lived or live in the Tahlequah area... 5/10
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lthseldy121 May 2000
This movie was not my favorite, but I did enjoy watching it. The plot in the movie was like any normal situation when there is a girl (I forgot the names) that is having difficulty with her boyfriend and her best friend asks her to spend some time with her camping. This reminds me of "Friday the 13th" when all the sudden there is a killer at large and things start to happen to people. I felt sorry for what happened to the girls friend because her friend was the strong hold in the movie that brought it up and kept it interesting. Her friend the girl that had the problems just seemed like this weak airhead that couldn't make up her mind what she wanted to do, should she follow her best friends advice and get away from the creep or should she just kiss and forgive each time her boyfriend acted like a jerk. I wanted to see her be stronger in this movie. The jerk for a boyfriend suddenly finds the girl and later on during the movie he deserves what he gets. he should have just left her alone for awhile. The killings were fake and senseless but what do you expect with a low-budget movie like this one. It wasn't the greatest, but I at least give it a 5.
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Stupid but I loved it
jutinjustice8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of guys hate this film, but I really liked it not because it's a great one but because it made me laugh at every scene of it. There's kind of films that are stupid and boring and a others that are laughable because how stupid they are. ( I guess u can call it a guilty pleasure kind of films like phantom brother).

Anyway the acting is so stupid that makes you laugh every time the actors open their mouths and talk not to mention the heroin speech ( she sounds like a Marilyn Monroe version for the early 50s).

The first sentence that the boyfriend is saying was so hilarious ( we had a problems we need to solve) I mean come on while she's swimming!!!

And the shower scene when her friend surprise her and open the curtain while she takes the shower she wears an underpants!!! ( So obviously the actress didn't want to get frontal so why the director didn't show us her full body !!! It was so stupid and a dumb thing to do.

The killer character was by itself something, I mean through the whole movie we didn't understand why he was doing all these murders even at the end when the heroin talks about what happens the investigations that the police did the next day the didn't know anything about him or where he comes from ( so we wasted our time by watching a killer we will never know anything about him).

At the end if u want to laugh by watching a silly film just grab this one other than this I heighly recommend you to stay as far as you can from it.
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First-Ever Wellness Slasher
CHUDtheBUD17 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Student Leslie escapes from her abusive boyfriend to spent her summer vacation in a cabin at Lake Tenkiller with her best friend Janna. Upon arrival Leslie is immediately drawn into the relaxing environment with a little help from Janna, who constantly reminds Leslie to take it easy. In between napping, resting and sleeping in late both girls find the time to flirt with mystery hunk Tor who appears to show interest in Leslie. When threatening phone calls interrupt the girls dreamy vacation things turn from sweet to sour: a killer is on the loose and soon enough the two Students are in mortal danger. Cheesy but charming mid-80s direct-to-video Z-grade slow burning slasher that is impossible to hate. Dumb but sympathetic characters, soothing Casio soundtrack, brief nudity and gore, one nightmare and one hell of an ending. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride, because Terror at Tenkiller will be the highlight of your bad movie night. I'll promise.
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One of the worst films EVER made!
cmoore001315 February 2007
Tere is truly not one redeemable aspect of this film, despite it's distinctive 80's feel. The acting is dull and the script is even duller.

You wait forever for anything to happen and then nothing really does. You can make a better movie at your home with an old VHS-C cam.

It plays out like a grainy, 80's Lifetime drama movie with barely a conflict or one good use of dialog. for a movie that has so much dialog, it would be nice f it was actually decent. The actresses look about 45 and are about as stilted as can be.

The final 20 minutes bring some very small rays of cheesy light to the proceedings, but very little. Even the finale plays out flat as a pancake, and don't forget the awful final voice over from the actress at the end before...oh, well, you'll be able to predict what happens anyway.
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A melodramatic slasher fever dream
drownsoda907 August 2023
"Terror at Tenkiller" focuses on two young college coeds, Leslie and Janna, who go to spend the summer at Oklahoma's Tenkiller Lake, where Leslie hopes to avoid her controlling and abusive boyfriend, Josh. The two women are unaware that a series of violent murders are occurring at the lake.

I am not going to try to argue that "Terror at Tenkiller" is an objectively good film, because there are a multitude of things wrong with it (acting, story, lack of suspense), but I personally found this little-seen regional effort highly enjoyable and unexpectedly strange. It is true that there is really no suspense to speak of, nor is there really any mystery (at least traditionally speaking) in terms of the identity of the villain--it is also hardly a slasher film. The acting suffers more often than not, possibly because all of the dialogue had to be dubbed in post-production, and the dialogue itself often comes across as stilted and wooden.

That being said, "Terror at Tenkiller" manages to function wonderfully as a weird and indelible fever dream of a film. It is the type of movie whose technical shortcomings and fundamental quirks manage to collide in such a way that the end result is far more transfixing than it has any right to be. The languid pacing, lush but rustic lake locations, and memorable synthesizer score all add up to something here, though it's difficult to put your finger on what exactly that "something" is. There are a number of surreal dream sequences in the film that are actually quite eerie, largely owing to clever editing and photography, and some of the special gore effects are surprisingly effective (particularly those in the opening sequence).

It is in the last thirty minutes or so that "Terror at Tenkiller" manages to ramp up into a short-lived slasher mode, which for some will be too little, too late. There is also a strange suggestion the film makes in its final moments, which leaves you questioning whether or not there could be a supernatural bent at play here. This, among many other things, will put off some viewers. However, for fans of weird cinema, "Terror at Tenkiller" stands as an uncanny time capsule of 1980s ephemera; elements such as the old lake house, the rustic diner with Coors ashtrays, and the period swimsuit lycra all lend the film a sense of nostalgia teetering on "lost in time." RiffTrax be damned, I think this film deserves a tad more respect, even if its strengths are pure accidents. 8/10.
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Objectively terrible, but it just has a good nostalgic feel to it.
eflaat24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie a very long time ago, maybe 1988-1990 when I was pretty young and didn't think it was terrible since at that point I also thought that NES had great realistic graphics and comic book characters stay dead.

Recently though I tumbled on the Rifftrax version of the film and I thoroughly enjoyed the treatment they gave the movie. I also got a wave of nostalgia and loss as I viewed the film since it now seems otherworldly. It brought me back to the time when the majority of families had the time and money to travel during the summer or have a lake cabin or family retreat or spend time at a lodge to escape the hustle and bustle. Granted I didn't have the same hangups as people in the film had to deal with being unceremoniously murdered but hey, most people who didn't live near Tenkiller or Crytal Lake didn't really have to worry too much about that.

Sure the movie was boring, and was badly made even for straight to video standards but despite all that I still enjoy watching it from time to time. I also find myself perusing websites dealing with cabin rentals. Terror at Tenkiller really did make me want to head out to a nice cabin in the woods near a lake. No other slasher has made me dwell on that.
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EXTREMELY boring...
mayflower24 June 2005
This has to be one of the most boring slashers I have ever seen. Nothing happens... and when it does it's so slow and totally without enthusiasm, from the makers side. We have seen the story a 100 times, the acting is so bad it's not even funny, there's hardly any effects and the kills are uninspired. Even Oasis of the Zombies is more "fun" to watch than this one... and THAT says a LOT about Terror at Tenkiller! Then there's that music... it's so flat and (surprise, surprise) boring. It takes the suspense out of any situation. Not good...

I would not recommend this flick to my worst enemy. Watch paint dry instead... that's a kick in the head, compared to this c***!
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Slasher fans, avoid it!
Tikkin23 March 2006
The most interesting thing about this film was the VHS cover - a girl with huge breasts in a swamp. Terror at Tenkiller started off looking promising, with the right mood for a slasher film and cool 80's synth music. It even had plenty of breast shots, in fact there was loads of flesh on display. But it was just soooooo boring! It played out like a soap opera rather than a slasher film, and I had to listen to endless talking between the two girls about how one of them should leave her boyfriend and stand up for herself...etc. The gore is virtually non-existent and what we do get is done very poorly. When one of the girls is killed, we see the knife puncture her skin, then bizarrely the rest of the stabbing isn't even shown. The pace is as slow as a tortoise and it doesn't take long before you just want the film to end.

Slasher fans should stay away. I know what I'm talking about as I've seen loads of slashers and this one sadly falls into the "bore-fest" category. Watch "The Forest" or "Don't Go In The Woods" instead - those films at least have some entertainment value.
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Not the greatest, but there is worse...
horrormb19 February 1999
This movie was pretty shoddily made and didn't have such great acting. The legend behind the actual lake was somewhat original but didn't leave me with that feeling, y'know? The characters which should've been main were developed, though, and there was a slight bit of suspense in the air. The ending was lame but the rest of the movie more than made up for it. It was extremely boring to watch some certain things and the fact that the girl had been a swimmer... gee, what a coincidence. The last chase in a lake! Wow! This gets a five for some certain scenes (one of which contain a mini hacksaw and some guy's arm...)
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Tedium at Tenkiller
moycon15 March 2008
I watched Terror at Tenkiller yesterday and made it through the whole flick. I had seen it before years ago, but couldn't remember a thing about it. Needless to say, it's pretty forgettable. The main female character is a bit on the plump side, and she quickly shows off her assets by taking a shower after a swim (Too bad the lighting is pretty dismal and she's the kinda girl that wears panties under her swimsuit) Needless to say the shot of her getting out of the pool confirms that this chick has got some junk in the trunk. A rare occurrence in most movies who's producers seem to be convinced all men enjoy looking at anorexic women with boob-jobs. At this point I still had high hopes.

Once again the have an example of characters that are supposed to be in school, and still under their parents wing, but look to be pushing or over 30. The leads girlfriend in the flick looks about 31 (although I must admit she keeps in shape as she spends ample time in a bikini) Anywho, the acting is pretty stiff, but not terrible (Except for maybe Thor), that's the best I can say about the rest of the movie.

The quality of the picture is pretty dismal throughout, with the ending being almost unwatchable because it was filmed outside in the dark, the few effects are for the most part non-effective (except one involving poor ol Preacher). The story itself make no sense, and the scares are literally non-existent in spite of several attempt to try and produce a jolt. Attempts at suspense fall flat. There is big hair though and to further confirm the fact this flick was made in the 80's, has a soundtrack that was almost surely made entirely on one of those big ass sampler keyboards you used to play around with that were on display when you first walked into Sears circa 1984.
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a killer is loose at a beautiful lake in the summer.
pollack-510 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low-budget slasher flick, hardly worth watching except for the splendid performance from co-star Dale Buckmaster. Outside his brief acting career, Buckmaster is a world-famous accounting professor as well as an excellent amateur golfer. He steals the show from the lead actors with his amazing portrait of a low-life sleaze-ball who gets what he deserves in the end -- a grizzly death. I suspect his accounting students cheered at his demise! But the rest of the cast is just awful. The young girls and the crazy killer. I don't want to spoil the ending, but it is no surprise to learn that there is a killer loose in this summer community besides the lake. Too bad Buckmaster didn't get a sex scene with the young honeys. Instead, they killed him off. Our loss. Now that would have been something to behold!
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Tedium at Timefiller
TokyoGyaru14 February 2021
Say what you will about movies like Death Promise and Samurai Cop, but they are actually watchable and entertaining in their own ways even without riffing! I watched both of them on their own after seeing them riffed, and I was still entertained. They aren't what you'd call "well made," but they actually DO something. Death Promise has a very clear PLOT that PROGRESSES, and it had likeable, earnest heroes. Samurai Cop had enjoyable heroes who had questionable approaches to their work but never got to the point where you hated them. (Samurai Cop's sequel is ATROCIOUS, however.) The aforementioned films also had villains whose motives you understood, but this film has none of that.

The "heroines" aren't really likable, as one is weak with constant whiny face and the other is basically only a support system for her (and otherwise vague). The location is boring and not beautiful like they claimed, they showed us who the killer is right away, killing any possible mystery-based tension more effectively than any person was killed. And there's no real arc despite what happens. There are countless ways they could have played this, but they played it in the worst way possible because it's a slasher that tells us who the killer is instantly, lacks any mystery or tension, has basic kills, and is absolutely not one iota scary. WHAT WAS THE POINT? Might as well made it a drama about a girl having the power to leave an abusive boyfriend, but they would have messed that up too if what they produced was any indication. Just awful.
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Terrible waste of time!!
treakle_197817 August 2019
One of the worst movies of all time. Filled with bad acting,writing, directing,characters and final girl. The only thing worse than this is bloody murder. Run far away from this movie.
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Not so bad its good
ajack-1978315 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sucker for bad movies the type that are so bad they are good, unfortunately this isn't one of them. The story consists of two friends from collage going for a break to Tenkiller Lake so one of them can get a break from her abusive boyfriend. Why one of the 'girls' still goes to colleague is a mystery as she looks old enough to be one of the teachers .Surprise, Surprise there is a killer picking off young girls.

The killer is revealed early so no need to wrack your brains trying to figure it out.

There are many faults with this film including bad acting and the ever so slow pace of the movie. I still can't work out why the killer cuts off creature's arm after killing him, and why creature has a boneless arm, I assume it's boneless seeing as the killer cuts through it such ease.

The reason given for why the lake is called Tenkiller lake is so called is not the greatest legend I have heard in a movie.

I gave the film 1 star because the lake did look nice but next time girls go to Crystal Lake at least live moves a little faster there.
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Depending on how you look at it...
kbtoys10029 June 2021
United Home Video put out a batch of regional shot on video horror films in the late 80s and depending on how you view them they can either be bottom of the barrel or a trash lovers delight.

Yes, what others say is true: the acting is bad, the story is bad, etc.

But Terror at Tenkiller also has a nostalgic warmth that is absent in say the Friday the 13th sequels. The languid pace, calm scenery, and down-home feel should take anyone who ever had a family cabin on a lake back to those summer days spent lounging about on the water. Maybe you had some friends you'd share stories and legends with. Maybe you spent some time working for extra cash. Maybe as you got older you began to look for girls in bikinis or guys in swim trunks. I know I did, and Tenkiller pulls me right back into those good old days and nights, only here the maniac that I would sometime imagine was hiding in the dark woods is real.

I'm sure many will scoff at this review, and as I said, most people will be bored to tears, but for those who enjoy regional oddities, Tenkiller will provide plenty of laughs, and hopefully the same nostalgia that it provides me.
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Down home slasher in northeastern Oklahoma
Wuchakk25 March 2024
A college girl in Tulsa escapes her toxic boyfriend by going to a girlfriend's cabin at Tenkiller Lake southeast of there. Their vacation turns to horror as people mysteriously end-up dead.

"Terror at Tenkiller" (1986) is a slasher of the cabin-in-the-woods variety, but it's more laid-back than most since the drama focuses on the two friends seeking quiet sanctuary at the remote lake. The two protagonists are attractive in a girl-next-door way (Stacey Logan as Leslie and Michele Merchant as Janna), along with the waitress at the restaurant (Debbie Killian), and the director tastefully captures their beauty.

Critics call it "Tedium at Tenkiller," but I appreciate how it's a non-Hollywood slasher that only cost about $40,000. The set-up smacks of real-life and you get to know the characters as the film takes its time. There's a sense of Southern hospitality in the everyday mundaneness, similar to that of "Death Screams," "Squirm" and "The Funhouse." It's like visiting rural northeast Oklahoma. "Camp Cold Brook" (2018) is a modern example, shot just north of Oklahoma City.

While this is perhaps the least of these movies, it has its points of interest. Unlike most slashers, the killer is revealed early on and doesn't wear an eye-rolling mask. Speaking of which, formidable Michael Shamus Wiles is the only member of the cast who went on to regular acting work, including parts in major films like "Fight Club," "Pearl Harbor," "Rock Star," "The Lords of Salem" and "Iron Man 3."

Despite its 1986 copyright, this was actually shot prior to 1983 and after "Friday 13th Part 2," which means 1982 or possibly even the late Summer of 1981.

The film runs 1 hour, 27 minutes, and was shot about an hour's drive southeast of Tulsa at Fort Gibson Lake (the dam and Hulbert), which is 30 minutes northwest of the real Tenkiller Ferry Lake.

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Bad even for me
BandSAboutMovies4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In rural Oklahoma, late one night, Tor (Michael Shamus Wiles, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy) murders Denise and then dumps her body in Lake Tenkiller. So begins the 1986 one and done film by Ken Meyer, Terror at Tenkiller. Soon, Leslie and Janna show up for a vacation at the remote cabin in the woods, but are they next on the list of Tor the killer?

Shot entirely in Oklahoma near Lake Fort Gibson and the Fort Gibson dam - not at the actual Tenkiller Ferry Lake which is actually named for the Native American family who donated it - this movie honestly doesn't have a single thing that I can recommend it for.

Some guys come down, some people get killed and there's little to no drama as to what happens for the rest of the film.

At least the VHS box has some great artwork.

Terror at Tenkiller tells you who the killer is right away, its kills are boring and the end attempt at a shock ending is as vanilla as it gets.
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The movie that boldly shows you the killer 15 minutes into the film.
Aaron137517 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Slasher films either have to have a super bad ass killer like Freddy, Jason or Michael or some sort of mystery, such as who is the killer. Well, this film has neither as the killer is not bad ass and we know who he is shortly into the movie. So, honestly, not much to see here except a couple of so so kills and a nice pair of bare breasts.

The story has a girl trying to get away from her abusive boyfriend and her best friend drags her to a lake where there is absolutely nothing really going on as the place is pretty much deserted. We have to wait so long before they reveal the killer to be the dude named Tor who plays a harmonica, his reasons for killing are vague at best and he has no backstory as this film almost plays like a sequel where we should already know the killer's past and such. Well the killer loves the girl wanting to get away from her boyfriend, the other friend loves the lake and we get to see the characters plan out a bunch of stuff...

The movie really has nothing going for it. Could Preacher, the strange and slightly dangerous looking old man be the killer...no, we already know it's Tor. Could the boyfriend...no, we know it's Tor. Could it be the Indian princess, nope Tor. The main girl implies that the Indian princess saved her by holding Tor in the water and that he lies buried at the bottom, no shows him getting out like five minutes later...

So, this movie is just crap, pure and simple with a rather good arm cutting off scene and a back stabbing scene and the boobies. The film appears older than its 1986 release date too, I was thinking this thing was 81 or 82. So if watching girls plan out there day, answer phone calls and walking to work excites you, this film is for you, just know that the killer is Tor, because the movie does not want you to get any other ideas!
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