The Human Shield (1991) Poster

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Dudikoff's shield...
fmarkland3223 May 2006
A seemingly innocent man is taken hostage by a Saddam Hussein look-a-like who then proceeds to hold him to lure his special forces brother back to Iraq in order to gain vengeance for his past vendetta. However our hero takes the bait and returns to Iraq to get his brother out and he's prepared to do whatever it takes. The Human Shield actually believe it or not went to movie theaters. I myself saw it on video but it did actually reach a few cinemas, of course there was no advertisement (Aside from Chuck Norris' Hit-man which showed a trailer) and therefore it was more of a straight to video product. That being said this movie works somewhat as an actioner but hardly as a gulf war drama which the material is treated as. As far Dudikoff movies go, he's actually in decent form here and there are some cheesy fun moments which surface but mainly it's like watching the obvious take place. Although the movie is consistently watchable through out.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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How dare you challenge my authority!
kapelusznik1812 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS**** The film has the distinction of being the first movie made since Gulf War I that in fact takes place before it actually happened when the USA was on good terms with the Iraqi Saddam Hussein regime; Remember that famous video of US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfield shaking hand with Saddem after having the US deliver him the very WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction,that it accused him of having, which in fact he didn't, that started Guf War II in 2003! In here we have former US Special Forces man Doug Matthews, Michael Dudifoff, going to what was then at peace with the US Iraq to get his brother out of one of Saddam's prison who's being held against his will by the Saddam-lookalike Iraqi Gen. Ali Dallal, Steve Inwood.

It's been five years when Matthews slashed Dallal's face in trying to prevent him form wiping out a Kurdish Village in Northen Iraq. Now with Matthews' brother Ben, Tommy Hinkley, a diabetic switching planes at the Baghdad Airport Dallal has him arrested on trumped up charges in order to get at his brother Dugh for what he did to him. This sets up things for Doug to secretly travel to Iraq to rescue Ben and at the same time start up a relationship with Gen. Dallal's wife refugee worker Lila Haddin, Hanna Azoulay Hasfari. We soon learn that Lila only married Dallai to keep him from having Doug, whom she was in love with, killed if she didn't? That's some arrangement isn't it!

****SPOILERS*** Only worth watching for the action scenes where Doug ends up doing far more damage to the Iraqi Army then what the entire US coalition did to it back in both the first & second Gulf Wars. We even have Doug do what the US was unable to do in destroying Iraq's elusive WMD's at the end of the movie along with Gen Dallal, who got a really hot send off, who's evil plans to murder Dough only ended backfiring on him. As for Doug together with Ben Lila and her 4 year old son Ali Jr they had no trouble at all checking out of Iraq with the Iraqi military and secret police totally hapless to stop them.
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"What's happening here defies all reason."
utgard147 May 2014
The movie starts out with a flashback to when Michael Dudikoff scarred the face of a Saddam Hussein clone in Iraq. Dudikoff is knocked down and then, jarringly, the movie shifts to the present day where that same guy is taking Dudikoff's diabetic brother hostage in order to lure him back to Iraq. The way this is edited is very sloppy and just the first of many signs that this is a Z-grade production made by Cannon in the post-Golan Globus years where they rarely did anything good, even by accident. This is one of those movies where the premise sounds like a lot of fun to fans of cheesy action movies. Who wouldn't want to see Michael Dudikoff kick Saddam Hussein's ass? But unfortunately it just isn't fun. It's all deathly serious but at the same time cheap and predictable. The action is uninspired and there are no memorable lines or catchphrases. It's strictly dullsville.
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brotherly love can fight terrorism
MichaelM2411 April 2002
The first film to be made that references the Gulf War, THE HUMAN SHIELD finds Dudikoff heading to the Middle East when his brother is taken prisoner just as he's about to leave Iraq with his wife and daughter. Like any good brother, Dudikoff gets mad and decides to kick butt in his quest to free his little brother. Sneaking his way into the country, Dudikoff sets out to track down the diabolical dictator who headed the abduction and provide a good example of family values. Though I haven't seen the film in a while, I remember it moving pretty well and containing some decent action scenes, and I recall the climactic fight between big brother and big bad guy (in the big bad guy's stronghold, of course) to be pretty exciting.
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It could have been an interesting action movie
Maziun25 November 2014
This was reportedly the first fictional film to deal with the Persian Gulf War. It even was shown in the theaters. Still , it's more of a straight to video product. This movie doesn't work either as an actioner or war drama. Too bad . It could have been fun movie in style of "Rambo 2".

"The Human" shield finds Michael Dudikoff ("American ninja") heading to the Middle East when his brother is taken prisoner just as he's about to leave Iraq with his wife and daughter. The acting here is surprisingly decent and the movie looks really OK for a low budget production.

Aside from the good location this movie is nothing more than a boring low-budget pile cliché. Veteran director Ted Post ("Magnum force") directs the movie very badly. It drags all the time. There is some action in this movie , but it lasts about ten minutes and certainly isn't impressive. The movie is so predictable and boring that you wonder why they even made it in the first place. This is a rescue movie with all the clichés in the world . Yes , even the love interest of main hero is connected to the villain. I've already seen that set up in a hundred other movies.

It's boring right from its ridiculous beginning to its very poorly done end. I give it 1/10.
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Michael Dudikoff tke KING of B movies
flanagan-275307 October 2018
This movie is nothing but one of many american propagandas of 80's and 90's to present the stupid american kids (back then) how great part of arabic world is terrorist. One of worse Michael Dudikoff's movies that has stupid plot, no special twist to the movie and many scenes in the movie have no sense at all.
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No clear idea
bkoganbing11 February 2017
Michael Dudikoff did not leave behind any of his martial arts skills in not doing an American Ninja film with The Human Shield. He's an ex- marine who is on a mission of mercy to rescue his brother who served in the Gulf War and married a nice Iraqi girl. Unfortunately he got left behind the lines and is now a prisoner. The brother is also a diabetic.

Having watched the film I still have no idea what was going on other than brother Tommy Hinkley was used as bait to bring Dudikoff back. He actually had been there before when we liked Saddam Hussein and saw him as a bulwark against Iran. Iraqi General Steve Inwood has a personal score to settle with Dudikoff.

The Human Shield is a strangely actionless film for an action adventure martial arts item except for the last 20 minutes or so.

I like Michael Dudikoff, he does fit the action adventure mold quite well. But throughout his career he got inferior items like this one.

His fans should like it though.
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Dudikoff vs. Terror
BandSAboutMovies8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
During the Iran-Iraq War, U. S. Marine Colonel Doug Matthews (Michael Dudikoff) is training the Iraqi troops only to learn that America is an evil empire that often surrounds itself with even worse allies in the pursuit of blood for oil. Oh wait. I mean that he learns that some of the Iraqis, led by Ali Dallal (Steve Inwood), who are killing innocent people. He challenges Ali to a fight and loses.

Five years later, America's enemies have changed because "The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia." Iraq has invaded Kuwait and Doug's diabetic teacher brother Ben (Tommy Hinkley) is held hostage so that the Iraqi leader - you guessed it, Ali Dallal - can get one more shot at killing Doug.

Doug has some help, a Kurd named Tanzil (Uri Gavriel) and his ex-girlfriend, Lila (Hanna Azoulay-Hasfari) who is now married to Ali. Ah, what a tangled web!

This was the last film of director Ted Post, who everyone knows made Hang 'Em High, Magnum Force and Beneath the Planet of the Apes, but I celebrate his TV movies like Night Slaves, Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate and Five Desperate Women as well as his Chuck Norris movie Good Guys Wear Black, the somewhat giallo Nightkill and, most essentially, The Baby.
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The Human Shield is classic early-90's Dudikoff fare.
tarbosh220007 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It was 1985 when Doug Matthews (Dudikoff) first crossed paths with the diabolical Dallal (Inwood) while he was in the military working for the U.S. embassy. Matthews was stationed in northern Iraq, and the two men had a life-changing altercation. Fast-forward five years later, and Matthews is safe back home in America...but Dallal's goons have kidnapped his brother Ben (Hinkley). Receiving no support from his own government, it's not long before Matthews goes rogue and travels back to Baghdad to rescue his beloved brother. He gets his Kurdish friend Tanzil (Gavriel) to help him, as well as an old acquaintance, a doctor named Lila (Azoulay-Hasfari), but it's going to be difficult to face the ruthless Dallal and his supporters. With the clock running out on the life of the diabetic Ben, Doug Matthews is going to have to shield himself from the onslaught of bullets...HUMAN shield himself! Yeah, that's the ticket...

The Human Shield was perfect for video stores in 1991 - it starts with Dudikoff riding an open-topped jeep in the desert with his awesome hair blowing freely in the breeze. Jeeps seem to be Dudikoff's vehicle of choice in this movie; he really uses them to maneuver around the machine gun fire and even rocket launchers aimed at him this time around. It's also perfect for video stores because before the movie starts, there are no trailers for other Cannon films, or any other movies, but there is an anti-drug PSA. You gotta love the 90's. It truly was a time when anti-drug PSA's were inescapable: you couldn't even watch Parker Lewis Can't Lose or any of your other favorite shows without crazed maniacs smashing fried eggs or children screaming "I learned it from watching youuuuuuuu!!!!!". You go pop in a VHS tape looking for some respite, and they're there too. No wonder no one does drugs anymore.

But back to the topic at hand, the movie is filled with innumerable mustachioed extras. At any given point while watching The Human Shield, there are an average of five men in the background, whether they be soldiers, baddies, or just plain townspeople, with thick black mustaches. It was either the height of fashion in the middle east, or maybe it was a "no mustache, no paycheck" financial matter. Regardless, it truly is a catalogue of distinctive facial hair on your screen.

If you enjoyed films such as Death Before Dishonor (1987) and Dudikoff's Chain of Command (1994), you'll surely also like The Human Shield, even if it does have some slow moments, as well as some awkward camera zooms. Those things shouldn't be enough to put you off. Dudikoff has to pretty much carry the movie on his shoulders, and while he is capable of doing that, another major name would have helped out the proceedings. Someone like Lee Majors the Second, Jay Roberts Jr. or Evan Lurie, to name but a few shining stars in the DTV firmament, could have helped Dudikoff bear his load. But the movie does include many of our favorite items: plenty of blow-ups and shooting, not one, but two screams of "Nooooooooo!!!!", and of course a baddie admonishing his underlings that there better be "No More Mistakes".

It was also somewhat refreshing that Dudikoff's brother was kidnapped. It's not usually an adult male that is the target of the hero's rescue mission. It's usually a woman, a young girl, or a young boy. So that was an interesting difference. Also we got to be privy to the Pentagon gym. There's even a title card on-screen that tells us we're in the Pentagon gym. Never before have our eyes gotten to witness where Dick Cheney does his squat thrusts and where Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) blasts his lats. Thank you Human Shield for this inside information.

The Human Shield is classic early-90's Dudikoff fare.
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Not as bad as I expected
Crullo-228 June 1999
I have to admit that i was pleasantly surprised upon renting this movie. It seemed like just another crappy b-action that Dudikoff usually stars in. Exept from some small mistakes such as the title The Human Shield, which was totally wrong for the movie it was a good action movie. Dudikoff goes to Iraq to rescue his brother who has been taken hostage by a crazy general as payback against Dudikoff for an earlier altercation. See this if you are able to find it.
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bronsonskull7211 July 2003
Michael Dudikoff stars as Doug Matthews a soldier who returns to Iraq to save his brother Ben (Tommy Hinkley) from a sadistic Saddam Hussein look alike who is using him as bait to get revenge on Doug in this mildly diverting Dudikoff actioner which starts off slow but provides a few good twists and is less racist then most. Steve Inwood is especially good here.
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Well Done
bouzoukiplayer11 January 2006
This is one of those rare movies I can watch over and over again without getting bored. It was a well written story and the acting was surprisingly good for a "low budget" film. Steve Inwood as general Dalal was amazing and anyone who has seen this movie can attest to that...he steals the show (Pardon the pun). I'm not of middle eastern descent, but the directors did a fine job of portraying the culture. From the music, settings, food, lifestyle and nature of the people---and anyone who thinks culture isn't important in a film, it is said that Godfather was so successful because it portrayed the Italian culture to a tee.

Nonetheless, it was a good plot with decent sup-plots such as the romance between dudikoff and laila, his brother being kidnapped and the whole revenge factor.

The movie also has some memorable lines such as: "Insults here can only be washed away in blood" "I like your scar because it reminds me of the man who gave it to you" "Things done in a hurry are done in the ways of Satan. While things done with patience are done in the way of god" "A son should always be by his father's side during his proudest moments" Dalal talking about his 4 year old kid as he's about to go kill dudikoff "Should I wait?" "Not unless your wife has a sense of humour" Dudikoff to cab driver after being dropped off at the Iraqi border "American...what is it you want? Hash? Coca Cola? A woman? And anyone who has seen this movie or is thinking of seeing it should pay particular attention towards the end of the movie when Dalal is being driven to the chemical plant. The car phone rings and he picks up this HUGE MUTHER****IN phone that must have been state of the art at the time but DAMN! The thing easily could have been 5 pounds.

Also Hana Azoulay Hasfari was good as Laila. I say there should be a rule where if you're doing a film that revolves around a certain culture you should get actors from THAT culture to portray characters. It makes things more believable and credible. Even if they aren't known you'll be surprised at how good some "unknown actors" can be. The biggest flaw I can think of was Hollywood using Penelope Cruz to play a Greek girl in Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I love Penelope but that was a joke.
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