Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Terror (1991) Poster

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Not quite worth sitting through, but almost.
handoftaintedsky15 April 2008
I'd been hearing about this movie for years and finally got the chance to see it recently. The idea is fantastic- take a classic horror movie, rip out the soundtrack and make your own parodying it. Unfortunately, the majority of the jokes made fall into one of two categories: racist or bowel-movement related, neither of which I find particularly funny. I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary, and certainly not anything classy, but there were much better jokes that could have been made given the opportunities available. They made what could have been awesome boring and mildly off-putting instead. That being said, there were several moments that were funny if not hilarious interspersed throughout, keeping me just entertained enough to keep watching.
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This movie is garbage, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
emailzac16 March 2005
This movie is a bad movie. But it was made to be a bad movie. Lowell Mason, who produced this film, clearly has too much time on his hands. The music, when there is music, is cheesy, The plot is completely ridiculous, and to be honest, its a mockery of the original. Over all, this movie is a nonsensical waste of time. HOWEVER, for those of you who can see past this, who are into cult films, who enjoy bad obscure films, or simply if you have an hour to kill (the movie is longer than an hour, but it gets kinda old) this movie pretty hilarious. This movie definitely has its moments of pure random irrational comedy. For example, if you choose to see it, look for the duck, that kept me laughing for a very long time. Be warned though, you won't be able to sit through the whole thing. So if you liked Plan Nine From Outerspace, you'll love this. It sucks, and that's why we love it.
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Starts Off Hilarious, But Soon Becomes Tiresome And Completely Unfunny!
callanvass27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out hilarious, but soon becomes tiresome and completely unfunny!. A friend of mine sent me this one day, and i forgot i even had it, so i decided to check it out, it starts out hilarious,as i was starting to think this was going to be a funny spoof however as it goes on, it becomes headache inducing, and completely unfunny, and a few of the jokes were tasteless and quite crude, plus some of the voices annoyed me. It had great potential to be an awesome spoof, but it fails due to tons of unfunny and tasteless jokes, plus it started to fall apart as soon, as the other characters came in. Some of my favorites were :I wanna lay yo naked ass on the floor, and sail into you like a caboose or: i wanna do a twirl in your glory hole, those were the 2 that made me laugh the most. Overall nothing more to say, avoid unless your really bored, as it had potential, but it's just too unfunny and tiresome to really work. *1/2 out of 5 (due to the funny start).
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Night of the Day of the Dawn of......: Really?!
Platypuschow26 August 2017
So the full title is Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead and is a particularly hard to get title.

The reason for this, is it's extremely low budget, made by one chappy and is more than a little obscure.

You ever noticed how Night Of The Living Dead seems to be on the TV in so many movies and TV shows? Thats because it's not copyrighted and therefore it's public domain, anyone can use it in their material without paying the creators (George Romero).

This is just the movie with it's audio wiped clean and some guy doing his own audio complete with sound effects and music. This could have been funny, much like some comedy dubs you can find on Youtube but sadly this was made by someone with a childish purile and intellectually limited sense of humour.

With the occasional intermissions which make absolutely no sense this is like presenting the Mona Lisa.................covered in monkey dung.

Embarrassing, cringe inducing, not a laugh to be had and an insult to Romero's work.

The Good:

Its the Night Of The Living Dead

The Bad:

All the new audio is embarrassingly bad

The intermissions are unfunny and pointless

Things I learnt from this movie:

Someone needs to copyright Night Of The Living Dead so hacks like this can't butcher it anymore
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"Good thing I caught that This Old House episode on zombie-proofing your home."
Backlash0078 December 2003
Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2: In Shocking 2-D...geez, what a title. This is absolutely bizarre. That's all I have to say about this. George Romero's masterpiece of zombie horror, Night of the Living Dead, has never been seen quite like this. The filmmaker (if you can call him that) here has taken Romero's vision, wiped the soundtrack out, and re-dubbed the entire movie by himself...sound effects and all. But then, at random intervals, strange footage, songs, and jokes about former presidents and historical figures are placed in and I became completely stupefied. Some of the jokes work and some don't but it's still worth watching just to brag that you've seen it. As I understand it, this is one of the rarest videos ever. Good luck with the hunt.
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I have a much shorter, better word for this, but i can't use it under IMDb guidelines
movieman_kev28 May 2005
Some talentless fool saw fit to take "Night of the Living Dead", wipe the soundtrack and re-record it with his 'wit' and 'funniness'. This took me 4 attempts of watching it to actually see the whole thing. I kept getting disgusted by how deathly unfunny it was and turning it off. I never took more than 2 times to watch something in my life before this point, well maybe "CutThroats". I was so teed off as I heard great things about this for what seems like ages before I tracked down a copy. It almost stole my reason for living. Sheerly awful on EVERY SINGLE level.

My Grade: F
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Offensive, tasteless, garbage
jmrodkey11 May 2005
I really don't know where to begin to describe how truly awful this film is. After reading some of the reviews I thought I check this one out because I really do like bad horror films but this isn't one of them. First of all, Night of the Living Dead is not Public Domain, in spite of all the claims to the contrary, only the music used in the soundtrack was public domain. I'm hoping George Romero gets a copy of this and sues this guy raw. I can handle the gutter humor, I can handle the vulgar attempts at the art film genre with the grainy home movie inserts, what I can't handle is the absolutely degrading dubbing of the Duane Jones character from the original film. Most of the humor operates on a fourth grade level but this guy makes the kids on South Park look like angels. Jones' character is reduced to a level that is beneath most blaxploitation characters and removes any and all dignity from the strength of the original character. It's simply the voice of a white bigot making fun of black people and it's absolutely vile. After watching the film, hoping for some redemptive quality, I removed the disc from my DVD player and destroyed it.
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Turgid home-dubbed presumably unscripted "humour"
slick_moon22 October 2005
This was a good idea when Woody Allen had it, and made the very funny "What's Up Tiger Lilly?" by wiping the sound from and re-dubbing an old Chinese thriller. Unfortunately while Woody Allen is a comedic genius, this guy is not in the least bit funny. He couldn't even convince one other person to involve themselves as far as providing another voice. It's one thing some moron doing "humorous" voice overs during the movie for their own entertainment, but recording themselves for posterity is just suffering from delusions of adequacy. So how is it that this guy's turgid drivel has been distributed? Was it a mistake? Does this guy own Warner Brothers? Does his dad? Who knows? Who cares? Just don't ever see it. It's not just a waste of money either, don't even bother to download it from a file-share site. the five minutes you subject yourself to will be five minutes you won't get back.
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A horribly awful, wonderful classic re-visioning
serenity530 September 2004
This movie is difficult to describe. It is best seen late at night (Very late) with a few drinks and many friends.

It's a hilarious piece of movie ephemera. Be warned that there are multiple random 'interlude' scenes sliced into the movie, all of which are strange, only a few of which are funny. They add to the weird charm of the film, however.

If you are easily offended or if you worship at the altar of the Night of the Living Dead as a masterpiece of film-making, it may not be the film for you.

However, it's truly one of the silliest, most irreverent things I've ever seen.

Basically, if you have the opportunity, you should watch this!

"Tuna sandwich?"
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Incredibly ridiculous, however it is funny
Quinoa198422 February 2001
Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2: In Shocking 2-D (that's the definite title) is quite the spoof. It looks like a cross between a Zombie movie, Naken Gun and something that would look like if me and my friends tried to make a spoof with a camcorder. It is sometimes confusing (where else are you going to see zombie action cut off by a documentary), however it is gleefully dumb and it works to it's advantage. The funniest thing of course is the new dialog placed in over the classic Night of the Living Dead action, however that isn't the only thing to look for. A-
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absolute garbage
pogo74714 December 2004
don't even waste your time with this. describing this as garbage is an insult to the term garbage. i can find no redeeming point to this movie as a sober person. the voices are annoying, the music makes no sense and sounds like the "director" just played random CD's on his stereo in the background, and what is up with the random photos of Ulysses S Grant interrupting the movie, the tired (and unoriginal attempts at telling jokes), and especially the snide remark to Romero about how he should've gotten a copyright?

maybe if i was very drunk or high, or with lobotomized hospital patients, i may find some smidgen of humor in this. i'd give this a 0 if IMDb went so low. this looks like something some unemployed geek did in his garage one weekend and should've stayed there. complete and utter crap.
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Some movies are so bad, they're good. This movie is the worst of these.
akramer2 August 2003
A re-dub of Night of the Living Dead, the people who actually

produced this probably had a whole lot of free time, and a whole

lot of inside jokes which made them talk about doing this for like

six or seven minutes before they actually went and DID it, probably

in a week.

The jokes are really dumb, to the point of being hilarious, if you

see this movie in a group of people who can heckle it, or just sit

there and stare at the screen, incredulous. It definitely makes for

some excellent after-quoting (when you and someone else quote

the movie at each other randomly in an irrelevant context), and in

every social group I've heard of this movie being shown in, it's

become a cult classic. The only surprise is that there isn't a

national cult dedicated to it.

That said, some hard-core bad movie fan friends of mine really

just think this movie is dumb. Even ones with senses of

humor...but they're the minority. While it may not be worth buying a

$50 copy of it on eBay just to see it in the first place, you are less of

a human being if you pass up the chance to watch it for the first

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Silly but highly recommended
kook1517 February 2006
If you are a fan of Romero's Zombie masterpiece, you simply have to get a copy of this movie. The filmmaker took all of the original dialog and sound out of Night of the Living Dead, replacing it with his own resulting in an originally entertaining movie. It is extremely silly and even idiotic, but I could not help myself from laughing out loud on numerous occasions. Be warned, the film almost crosses the line in terms of the lead character's racial stereotype, however I felt that both races were equally parodied and it is my feeling that the filmmaker's intent was purely comical. If you love the original movie and know it well, get on the internet and buy a copy of this movie, you will not be disappointed.
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A disgrace of a legend.
asianhorrorrules23 July 2008
I watched 15 minutes of this movie and found out that i didn't want to ruin the positive impression i have of the original movie, and i also felt that viewing it would ruin the original movie in any future viewings. There are a lot of horror movies out there that deserves to be ridiculed, but this is not one of them.They have removed the soundtrack from the original and replaced it with bad jokes, fart sounds, and funny music completely out of place. Thats what the movie is all about. If you have no respect for Romero, then go ahead and watch. Otherwise, just stay away and enjoy the original. I might be a bit sensitive about this, but i actually think there are made some very good horror movies through the time, and they should be treated with respect. I mean, would you do the same editing with "schindlers list" ? I don't think so.
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entertaining for about a half an hour
swellzombie19 June 2003
Funny concept, not especially funny to sit through. I wished I was drunk. I appreciate the creative recreation of the dialoge and the revamping of some of the characters. That was funny. It just wasn't funny enough. I think that the creator Lowell Mason, must have known this and had to insert his own `boredom breaks'. So throughout the whole film there are short films that he did or just fireworks. That kind of stuff made it a bit more interesting and definitely gave it a `what the.' factor. It's worth a watch if you need something for a party.
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Would be funnier if it was actually funny
ithearod30 September 2009
But it isn't. Funny, that is.

If you wanted to, you could just skip this review right now and read some of the other spot-on reviews, reviews which also rate this mess a 1 out of 10. Everything those reviews say is absolutely true - the fourth-grade humor, the monotonous "jokes", the awful attempts at sounding like different voices (it was just one guy doing all the voices, right? it sure sounds like it).

And that's not to mention the EXTREMELY racist and homophobic comments that are spread liberally throughout the entire mess. Try to count how many times the "joke" gets made, "Is he gay? I think he's gay!" Ahh! Oh, I'm laughing so hard right now. Not really. You will lose count, by the way.

Just skip it, seriously. No camp, cult, rare, or any other kind of value to be had there.
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A Rare...Treat?
FiendishDramaturgy7 February 2009
Okay, this isn't as bad as a Troma production (just pick one), but it IS pretty odd. This is Romero's Night of the Living Dead with the sound track wiped and dubbed over with a ludicrous assemblage of jokes, idiotic sound effects, and zingers. Sometimes they are effective, sometimes they miss by a mile, but it's still cool to have seen it, and even cooler to own it. I own it. (heh)

I will say that in all honesty, this gets boring and trite after a while, but just when you think it's time to take it out and turn it off, you find your chuckle box has been reignited and you give it just a few more minutes. It can go like that throughout the entire work, because you've already seen the film footage. It's the sound track you're listening for, and the visual brain grows bored from trying to entertain itself.

All in all? This is more for the college dorm than the family TV room. Some of the dialog is not appropriate. And just remember: Guns don't shoot people in the face...Dick Cheney shoots people in the face.

This rates a 4.6/10 on the parody scale from...

the Fiend :.
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CULT PHENOMENON... if you know this movie you are automatically AWESOME!
scuds52026 August 2008
This movie changed my life. I saw it for the first time 11 years ago. I haven't seen in in about 4 years... but i still quote this movie on a daily basis. it a work of art and an example of pure genius. i love that this has been created... it's like the best piece of charity EVER! I LOVE IT SO MUCH I WANT TO VOMIT "BATHROOM'S DOWN BY THE KITCHEN" BOY WAS HOUSED! DADDY ALWAYS SAID I WAS AN OLD FASHIONED VANILLA STICK... oh man, i can do it all day! If you have the REAL version. there will be some short films in between as if they were 'commercials.' some are worth watching, some are fast forward material. The PROFILES IN HISTORY are great... ROCK VIDEO and the girl dancing in the garage are a waste of video tape. 10 minutes of fireworks... egh... 1 minute with a dude eating a donut.. or a guy missing the bus... classic!
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Gutter humor...delicious delicious gutter humor
gt_peter11 November 2009
First off, this film is unbearably offensive. Its humor mines every possible racial, sexist, and homophobic stereotype possible. I think the maker of this movie may have made up new offensive references never before imagined. The humor is cheap and sophomoric. In short it is a horrible horrible movie.

All of that said...IF you can suspend your offense reflex for the course of the film you will laugh and laugh and laugh. This movie is only watchable while inebriated and with friends. I recommend drinking heavily over the course of the film as the "quality" declines as the movie progresses. If you are doing it right, you should be smashed enough by the end that you do not care. You will either love it or have a strong desire to travel back in time to murder its creator prior to its creation.

This movie produces many many quotable lines that can be used after viewing and produces an series of inside jokes that will last you for years (thus the requirement of watching with others).

In closing...I ask you "is there a duck in here?"
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funny as hell
barefooter797 January 2001
i actually own this movie, and it is the funniest thing i have ever seen! it is kind of long, and monotonous towards the end, but Lowell Mason is hilarious throughout the entire movie. This movie was so popular at my high school, people were trying to rent it all the time. i know that in massachusetts a particular movie rental store has it....its definitely worth watching if you want a good laugh!
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me and my friends quote this every chance we get
bbratka19 August 2007
if you haven't seen this movie it be pretty hard to hangout with anyone i'm friends with. "tuna crap!". every character helps in making this movie provide non stop laughter. every time i see it i find another set of quotes that are hilarious. out of all the people i have made watch it...which is everyone i know and since i first saw it in about 1997 there's only one i could remember not liking it, and she as a person sucked!. it could seem boring at times especially if your watching it alone or not paying much attention to the dialogue, cause its all about what they say. i really don't know why i need 10 lines to post a comment...and i'm saying this now only to complete the ten line minimum requirment.
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hilarious remake of the cult classic
sig113420 October 2000
Although this movie is not technically a full remake, the new sound track is hilarious and it puts a new spin on this horror classic. The Profiles in History are great as well as the scenes of Ed eating a doughnut and Clyde missing the bus. Definitely try to see this whacked-out movie if you can, you will not be disappointed.
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Tiger Lily Dies
tedg3 June 2005
Woody Allen's first project was "What's Up Tiger Lily," where he took a complex Japanese James Bond-like movie and added his own dub about a recipe for egg salad.

It didn't quite work, at least it seems that way today. But it did show some cleverness and a burgeoning understanding of film. At that time he was already hanging out with Godard and Balaban. But part of what made the thing work was that the movie was already a translation of sorts: it took the overly familiar Bond formula and made a completely nonsensical version. It is as funny as "Team America" even before Woody got to it.

So the deal was that Woody's project was satirizing the familiar by satirizing an (unintended) satire. That's worth checking into.

This on the other hand overlays a new dialog on a film that (by dumb luck it seems) spawned a whole new genre. It is exceedingly spare where the Japanese Bond was incredibly complex. So instead of watching two or three movies at the same time (a la "Timecode") we just watch one, the one consisting of fourth grade jokes.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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Write a headline for your review here
Bendkg25099 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ye, jaajajjaajajajajajajajjajajajajaj ja film is a film jajajajajajajajaajajajajajajaajajaj agree? maybe? watch maybe yes!
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