"Dark Angel" Pilot (TV Episode 2000) Poster

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Reasonably Managed to Set the Stage for a Pretty Good Sci-Fi Series
Uriah434 June 2016
Created in a laboratory and trained in a secret government facility along with several other children, "Max Guevera" (Jessica Alba) manages to escape and finds a safe haven in Seattle which has been devastated by an electro-magnetic pulse that has caused a national financial meltdown in the process. Time passes and due in large part to her incredible athletic and combat skills she manages to survive by working during the day as a bicycle courier and at night as a cat-burglar. One day, as luck would have it, she just happens to sees an ancient Egyptian artifact in a high-rise apartment and decides to steal it. However, she is caught during the attempt and upon meeting the owner of the artifact named "Logan Cale" (Michael Weatherly) and learns that he is an honest man who has been single-handedly fighting against corrupt politicians and mobsters who rule the city with an iron fist. Although initially disinclined to join his cause she eventually agrees to help him out in exchange for information concerning the location of the other children who escaped with her so many years earlier. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this particular pilot film reasonably managed to set the stage for pretty good sci-fi series. I especially liked the other characters involved in her work environment and the apocalyptic setting used overall. Having said that, it should be remembered that this is just a pilot episode and as a result there is much more to the overall story than meets the eye. In any case, I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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Finish what you started
lakindar27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
definitely needed a little work in season 2. Such as the Virus between Max and Logan, and Ames White along with his ancient, super cult. During season two, however, the only thing that kept me watching was to see if Max and Logan would ever get rid of the nasty virus infecting Max. Very good drama in season two. But of course like all TV shows, if there's something a little wrong with it, the broadcasting company takes it off the air. I was seriously hoping for a third and final season. Season 2 leaves you hanging, unless you read the books by Max Allan Collins, then you will know what happens.

Dark Angel should be put back on the air for one more season even though it might cost a lot just to get all the original actors again. since Jessica Alba's carrier sky rocketed after the show. If that would be the case, then there should be a movie to complete it. just like the show Firefly, which of course FOX canceled as well.
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Jessica shines
Macholic4 January 2004
Jessica Alba's Max and Valerie Rae Miller's Original Cindy shines in this actionpacked and atmospheric serial. Wonderfully politically incorrect. Quality varies greatly from episode to episode, but generally the standard is high and when it is not, Jessica is always worth looking at. Valerie's urban jivetalking afroamerican is occationally almost dragging Dark Angel into sitcom territory.
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You'll Be Hooked.....
Bradley-drake7 July 2003
Imagine the government is creating a super child, with abilities superior to that of ours, they are fast, strong, they are warriors... who seek meaning. That's what this show is about. Max is one of these soldiers who is on the run from those who created her. She with the help of a good guy Logan will try and find the others like her who escaped. This show works on many levels - first the action with the great effects as the X5 soldiers kick butt with matrix style moves, secondly the drama of this girl trying to fit into the 'normal' world and the relationships she creates. The acting is great, the story lines brilliant. I was 17 when the show first started, and since the first episode all I want was a barcode on my neck like the X5 (which, just before i turned 19 i received, thanks to the tattoo guy). I recommend this show to anyone who likes a good action, sci - fi or drama, as its a mix of all and a lot more.
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Give it an A for effort...
mentalcritic18 August 2004
Like a lot of series pilots, Dark Angel's opener shows a mixture of great potential and a slight problem finding its own feet. Not that this is unusual in any way, but there is a feeling that it could have worked better if the story was tightened and focused a little more. In today's world where something has to catch on instantly or face cancellation, the series did itself a bit of a disservice by not coming out at least halfway focused, with all guns blazing.

The ninety-minute pilot really feels like two episodes glued together, and both episodes have a problem with focus. In the first half, we are introduced to Max and filled in on what drives her. We also get a few interesting routines with Max using her abilities to win bets, interacting with a PI, or sorting out co-workers' domestic problems. The problem here is that this is nothing out of the ordinary for any human being with a normal set of genes, on television or otherwise.

It's when we hit the second half that we get a story with a purpose and focus. Throughout the two halves, Max finds herself the focus of attention from a pirate journalist who feels it is mission in life to save the world by exposing one dirty dealer at a time. In the second half, the repercussions catch up with him, and Max reluctantly cleans up the resulting mess. This sets up the premise for the entire rest of the series, and it works, but it doesn't quite click if you get my meaning. It's like most of the pieces are there, but a couple that make a complete image have been left out. Perhaps they get filled in with later episodes, but that's beside the point. The fact is that the contents of this episode could easily have been told with twenty-eight less minutes.

The last of the negatives is that a lot of the support cast are totally unendearing. Original Cindy in particular is an annoyance, and I doubt that changed during the next twenty episodes. While the acting isn't as bad as daytime soap, it isn't of such quality that I'd commend it. Jessica Alba is not the worst actor in the world, but she does come up short in terms of being convincing when the story needs it least.

The good news is that the premise and the production values are all top-notch. In fact, this series was considered quite expensive to produce, and it is quite unfortunate that it was cancelled in order to be replaced by another show that didn't last a whole season. Especially when there was ample time for both shows - they could have simply cancelled one of the pieces of disingenious garbage they flog under the banner of reality TV. The fact is that we need more shows like Dark Angel, where imagination rather than overhype, are used to draw the attention.

In all, I gave the Dark Angel pilot a seven out of ten. It never rises above the level of throwaway television, and it never got a chance to live up to the potential it shows within its own running time. But the potential is there, and that's often all that matters where pilots are concerned.
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Dark Angel Should live
ocmceachin21 November 2003
I miss Dark Angel!..

I understand not ever one likes it, but as far as I'm concerned the show should not have been canceled, especially for another space show mock up...

I'm reading the books now. they are doing a pretty good job of explaining somethings, but I still think we should get a TV movie or something.

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an alright start to half a good show
movieman_kev18 September 2005
Jessica Alba is Max, a top secret genetically-engineered but mentally deficient hotty who after escaping captivity lives as a bike message courier in Seattle of a post-apocalyptic world while searching for the other government experiments that have escaped. This pilot episode did it's job in setting up the characters and the pace of the show. However, I didn't care for the lapses into Ebonics as it just didn't seem natural coming out of Jessica Alba's mouth and it WAS a tad overly melodramatic in one or two places. And am I the only person who thought Kristin Bauer as Lydia was hot? No wonder Max's boyfriend was cheating ;)

My Grade:B-
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Ended just when the series not only became good, but had more to say than your average TV series
thuybui8 June 2005
It took us a couple of episodes to "get into" Dark Angel as a story and a series, since we were transitioning from The Sopranos, a very different mentality framework. But, once we got with the gist of the series, we were very quickly hooked. It's a shame that the series ended just when it was just starting to past good into the excellent category: Dark Angelwas much more than your average TV series. It kicks ass and rocks as far as action goes, but the interactions of the characters and societal reactions to "mutants" reminds us of the constant prejudices that we face (and make) everyday. That the story is set in the future keeps the mood surreal and prevents the anti-discrimination message from being rubbed in our faces (hence not ruining the "fun" for those who don't like to be lectured during entertainment), but every event and human/societal interaction remains relevant to the present. We all make judgments, face our own prejudices, but, in the end, the question of who you are lies in: do you sit back and shut your mind to it, or do you get up and do something about it? For those who have no choice but to fight, for survival or justice, this series empowers them. For those who've never had to face the question, this series "sneaks in" that message under the guise of pure action entertainment. It is much more well-made and well-written than most TV series; I'm highly disappointed it ended before it could really kick into high gear.
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LOVE IT, why did it have to finish???
tay_odea3 December 2003
dark angel rocks! the best show i have seen in ages damn those people who took it off! me and my friends have gatherings to watch every DA episode! takes like 4 days but it is worth it! it finished before it finished what it wanted to say and that annoys the hell out of me!
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Great Series
u20021761 December 2004
i would like to comment the series as a great effort. The story line although requiring a few improvements was pretty well, especially in season 1. Season 2 however became more of a freak show, and lost DA's original charm. Season one story line was more interesting, a light side to the life at Jam pony while a focused serious plot with manticore chasing down the X-series. i was looking forward to new seasons, in fact i still am. I hope the FOX guys and DA production crew realize that a lot of ppl still wait for DA to make a comeback. Even after 2 yrs of it being cancelled, DA can make it big if worked on properly, and i think a name like James Cameron should take on this challenge.
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Triumphantly insipid
Ripe Peach17 January 2001
I'm trying to picture the pitch for Dark Angel. "I'm thinking Matrix, I'm thinking Bladerunner, I'm thinking that chick that plays Faith in Angel, wearing shiny black leather - or some chick just like her, leave that one with us. Only - get this! - we'll do it without any plot, dialogue, character, decent action or budget, just some loud bangs and a hot chick in shiny black leather straddling a big throbbing bike. Fanboys dig loud bangs and hot chicks in shiny black leather straddling big throbbing bikes, right?"

Flashy, shallow, dreary, formulaic, passionless, tedious, dull, dumb, humourless, desultory, barely competent. Live action anime without any action, or indeed any life. SF just the way Joe Fanboy likes it, in fact. :(
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I like it
jwinters-26 October 2000
I thought this had the right blend of character, plot, futuristic stuff and special effects without going over board. It will take a while to get going, but the acting was good and I was intrigued by the angel who is not to hard to look at. I like the attitude too! Certainly not like other attempts at futuristic stories.
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The pilot was good, the series was good, where's Season 2?
Victor Field23 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: This review contains a spoiler for the end of the first season - I'll warn you again when we get there and put in a space.

So... James Cameron's first TV series (although co-creator Charles H. Eglee admits Mr. King Of The World isn't actually involved in the day-to-day business of the show) has made it to a second year. Was it worth the hassle?

As you may already have guessed from some other posts here, I'd say yes. There hasn't been a true cliffhanger of the sort even more critically acclaimed shows have (at least here we know "who's been hit") -


Max is in the clutches of Manticore, with Zack having literally given his heart to his shot-killed-and-resuscitated X5 sister (much to the displeasure of several fans), Kira from "Deep Space Nine" - er, I mean Madame X has established herself and Logan thinks she's dead... or at least gone... (last words of the season finale - "I just hope she's okay")


and the pieces are set for the second season. They could still stand to settle the writing down somewhat, and the Jam Pony crowd are still a bit irksome, but when you consider that Steven Spielberg's first series was "seaQuest DSV" and that Cameron has had his name on far worse stuff ("Strange Days," anyone?), this has become one of the few shows on TV that I'm looking forward to, although it has a lot of enemies. But come on - wouldn't you rather have this than another reality show?

And then there's Jessica. Many argue that she's the world's worst actress, but that wasn't true in the pilot, and it became less true in the course of the series (imagine what this would have been like if Tiffani-Amber Thiessen or Carmen Electra had been the lead and you get the idea). The fact that Jessica is gorgeous beyond belief is, I shamelessly admit, another plus...

The sound you just heard is my 31-year-old critical judgement flying out of the window, but I refer you to Megan from "Felicity": "And I care about this...why?"
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Oh My God, are you kidding me, this Show ROCKS!
Dm1105836 August 2004
How anyone can say this is bad is beyond me. I loved this show before I even saw it. For 3 reasons, 1. The Story intrigued me, 2. Jessica Alba and 3. James Cameron! Please ignore the bad comments and Please watch the whole first Season before you decide that it's bad because I know that if you watch the first Season you will LOVE it and go out and Buy Season 1 as well as Season 2 on DVD and then Join the campaign to get Season 3 Made!

I Hate Fox and I'm sure a lot of you "Dark Angel" fans hate them too. They have a thing for Canning Good Shows! Don't you all agree?
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wonderful series
oliveryb5 July 2003
i just got puzzled why damn FOX canceled the season3 although season2 was not as good as season1 which is excellent indeed!!!i like it so much that i even thinking about buying DVD on Amazon.(failed! :_(i am a Chinese student and it's inconvenient for me to get a international credit card and $).i just hope FOX can bring back DA someday somehow!
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Out of extreme chaos and order, energy, beauty, and charm.
jamescmckay14 November 2000
Dark Angel is a cross between Huxley's Brave New World and Percy's Love in the Ruins--portraying the not too distant future as a disturbing mixture of chaos and order, both in the worst sense of the word. Once one swallows the premise that all modern technology can be brought to a standstill by "the Pulse," it provides an entertaining landscape for exploring the personalities of and relationships between the two primary characters--Max (the Dark Angel/bike messenger) and Logan (the rich rebel). It seems uneven, perhaps a result of a variety of authors, but is held together by the energetic, beautiful, and charming Jessica Alba, who seems both strong and calloused yet vulnerable and sensitive. I think that Fox has done it again.
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Without both talent and action
rxlim30 August 2001
Wow, here it finally is; the action "movie" without action. In a real low-budget setting (don't miss the hilarious flying saucers flying by a few times) of a future Seattle we find a no-brain hardbody seeking to avenge her childhood.

There is nothing even remotely original or interesting about the plot and the actors' performance is only rivalled in stupidity by the attempts to steal from other movies, mainly "Matrix" without having the money to do it right. Yes, we do get to see some running on walls and slow motion shoot-outs (45 secs approx.) but these scenes are about as cool as the stupid hardbody's attempts at making jokes about male incompetence now and then.

And, yes, we are also served a number of leads that lead absolutely nowhere, as if the script was thought-out by the previously unseen cast while shooting the scenes.

Believe me, it is as bad as it possibly can get. In fact, it doesn't deserve to be taken seriously, but perhaps I can make some of you not rent it and save your money.
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This show rocks, bout time we had a girl kick ass!
Svetlana_Yelena23 October 2000
I LOVE this show, it's sure to be a winner. Jessica Alba does a great job, it's about time we have a kick-ass girl who's not the cutesy type. The entire cast is wonderful and all the episopes have good plots. Everything is layed out well, and thought over. To put it together must have taken a while, because it wasn't someone in a hurry that just slapped something together. It's a GREAT show altogether.
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Alba is awesome!!!
dunkmeister22 March 2002
This is an absolute great show. Jessica Alba, besides being the most beautiful women in the world, is a great actress. She does a great job of portraying Max, and I could never see anyone else doing that role. She is definitely one of a kind and absolutely gorgeous.
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The acting of this show is great!
Jhondy20 August 2001
all the acting done in the first season has been really amazing. the first look you get of Max and Zach is through Geneva Locke and Chris Lazar or as i like to call them the minis. the minis do the best acting job that i have ever seen kids do. the main actors and actresses i.e. Jessica Alba Michael Weatherly etc. make you forget you are watching a fictional t.v. show they seem to make this show come alive. all in all this is the best show i have ever watched
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I bought Dark Angel seasons 1 & 2 two weeks ago, after catching a couple of season 1 episodes on Channel 5. Nothing prepared me for how brilliant the show is. I haven't enjoyed anything as much since Firefly (also and amazing show). I'll admit Season 2 wqasn't quite as good, but there are still some amazing episodes (see Designate this, Bag 'Em, the Berrisford Agenda, Harbor Lights, Freak Nation etc.) and Alec is great. I've heard some of the plans for the would-be season 3, and I have to say, I can't believe it was cancelled - I won't spoil it for you - but it would have rocked! I also think it has a lot of potential as a movie (although at the moment it seems highly unlikely). As proof of my obsessiveness, Max's barcode number is 332960073452, and in the two weeks I've had it, I am 3 episodes away from having watched both seasons twice. It's just too good.
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Dark Angel Rocks!
darkangel_00123 May 2003
This first time I ever saw this show I was instantly hooked! Jessica Alba is a fantastic actress and really deserves credit for making this show a hit. It's unfortunate the show got canceled (JAMES CAMERON SHOULD HAVE MOVED THE DATE BACK TO TUESDAYS AND RATINGS WOULD HAVE GONE UP!) but the show is still a success. Jessica Alba really brings the set and her character to life and keeps you coming back for more.

Oh yeah and guys think she's amazingly gorgeous and I can't say i disagree
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Messin' with a great thing
azjazz30 March 2002
What was an exciting and fairly original series by Fox has degraded down to meandering tripe. During the first season, Dark Angel was on my weekly "must see" list, and not just because of Jessica Alba.

Unfortunately, the powers-that-be over at Fox decided that they needed to "fine-tune" the plotline. Within 3 episodes of the season opener, they had totally lost me as a viewer (not even to see Jessica Alba!). I found the new characters that were added in the second season to be too ridiculous and amateurish. The new plotlines were stretching the continuity and credibility of the show too thin. On one of the second season episodes, they even had Max sleeping and dreaming - where the first season stated she biologically couldn't sleep.

The moral of the story (the one that Hollywood never gets): If it works, don't screw with it!

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Great Series
diluteddante1 August 2003
Dark Angel is a futuristic sci-fi series, set in post-apocalyptic Seattle, centering on Max (Jessica Alba), a genetically enhanced young woman, on the run from her creators.

The Dark Angel universe is absorbing, (not as much as say Buffy, but absorbing nonetheless) with an interesting and believable set of characters. Certainly, it is not for everyone, but those who give it time will find themselves watching one of the most enjoyable series out there. Dark Angel is criminally overlooked, and under-rated, and was unfortunatly canceled after only 2 series. Which was a great shame, as this had the potential to become a great series, although its 42 episodes are only 10 shy of long running BBC sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf. As it is Dark Angel remains unfinished, so seek it out, and if you want more, lobby Fox to make another series.
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The Best Show
monika885 February 2002
I think this show is definitely the greatest show. Jessica Alba does such a great job in it. Michael Weatherly also does an awesome job, as well as the rest of the cast. The show is very intriguing and they have wonderful storylines and their stunts are amazing. It's like watching a 1-hour movie. It's definitely worth watching.
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