Bleed (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Ain't got time for 'Bleed'
jbarker7120 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Another case of a decent DVD case betraying the shot-on-video quality of the film.

It wasn't that bad. Rochon does a serviceable job and Damn! The cast is good looking. I've never seen that many musclebound guys hang out together on a regular basis. This movie really wanted to make you think Rochon was the killer, but it was not to be. My biggest problem with the film was that by the end, I didn't much care who was the killer, and the real killer made little sense, since it was out of the blue and the filmmakers were thinking 'ha, betcha didn't see that one coming, sucker!'. Yeah, there were continuity errors about (mainly with ms. Rochon's ever-changing wardrobe), but for an indie slasher it's not that bad. I was pretty sure at the beginning it was just a thinly veiled excuse for girls to go topless, but that was just a gimmick. The dialog was overly think and painful at times.

Just don't have high expectations going into this, and it won't be that bad. And Lloyd Kaufman's cameo is wonderfully understated.
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Bleed? Ummm, yes please...
barnthebarn9 January 2009
Odd slasher movie from Producer Charles Band. In the days of Full Moon's greatest success Band said that he would never make "real killer films" because he felt that little puppets and big monsters added a fantasy element that made the films better - people killing each other is thus real and less fun. A nice philosophy and a true shame that Band, having destroyed the Full Moon studio through possible shoddy business dealings became so desperate for home cinema profits that he started making exactly what the likes of Blockbuster wanted and therefore sacrificed creativity and originality. The team behind this one also worked on 'Delta Delta Die!' and 'Birth Rite' - both equally bland by Full Moon standards. Debbie Rochon is on usual top form here as a newbie to a gang of dudes and dudettes who decide to make up a story about a 'murder club'. She - as one would obviously - does all she can to join and then panic sets in because it was not a true story and silly Ms Rochon believed it and now everybody will have to run around getting covered in blood and maybe killing each other or maybe not. The choice is there's and with regard to this movie its yours...not recommended but not entirely bad either.
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OK drive-in-style trash horror movie.
capkronos13 April 2003
Maddy (Debbie Rochon) is a mentally unstable young woman with a troubled past who gets more than she bargained for when she goes to a pool party with a handsome coworker. When her date and his friends jokingly say they belong to a `Murder Club,' Maddy takes it seriously and moves straight up to `Level 3' by bashing in the brains of a woman in a parking garage (for denting her car!). But is Maddy also the one donning a plastic mask and killing off other members of the group or has someone else lost it?

The plot of this film (originally titled MAKE 'EM BLEED) is very poorly conceived, full of holes and spirals completely out of control before a ludicrous, out-of-left-field twist ending. Some of the dialogue is downright laughable. I didn't have a problem with Rochon's performance, but the supporting cast was atrocious. However, I managed to sit through this Full Moon release thoroughly entertained. There's plenty of skin and blood and it's the perfect type of flick to sit around with a group of your buddies and pick apart. Horror fans may also enjoy the cameos from Brinke Stevens and Lloyd Kaufman (as Debbie's parents) and Julie Strain (an early victim).

Score: 4 out of 10
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Worth Watching
johnquaid25 August 2019
This movie should probably suck a lot more than it actually does. It falls apart a bit during the finale, but up until that point, the script is decently plotted even if some of the acting isn't great and the whole movie looks like it was shot on a HandyCam. Debbie Rochon treats it like she's doing Ibsen or Albee and that's why we love her.

Rochon plays a woman estranged from her unsupportive parents (Brinke Stevens and Lloyd Kauffman in tiny roles) who begins dating a guy and is about to meet his friends. Because the guy is an idiot, he makes up a whole plot that his friends go along with about how they belong to a "murder club" where they've each killed someone who made them mad. Rochon is already on shaky ground, mentally, so this murder club idea sounds great to her and she ends up killing someone and telling her boyfriend. Like any normal person, he's horrified and it gets even worse when someone begins to stalk and kill his friends.

For a movie that looks like it cost $300, Bleed is at least pretty engaging for most of its runtime which can't be said of some films with 500 times its budget. If a movie can command your attention, it can't be that bad, right?
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Am i the only person that liked this movie?
knick66623 March 2003
I thought that this movie was actually good. I am a fan of a lot of things that are in this movie like: gore, Debbie Rochon, Lloyd Kaufman, and so on. Debbie was real great in this film(as she all ways is). She really makes her roles belivable. I thought that Lloyd Kaufman was f*cking hilarious. This was the best thing ive seen from full moon in a long time. So if you like the older full moon films (like puppet master, dollman, traNCERS) you love this. If you like Troma movies, you'll probaly love this too.
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A weird surprise
mynameisspeedcore2 July 2021
It's 2021 and I'm digging through films released through Film 2000 and I happened upon this film. I decided to get it second hand for a few coins. The case was wrecked but I replaced it and fortunately the disc was immaculate. I popped it in knowing and expecting that this would be nothing spectacular.

This isn't a masterpiece of cinema. I knew that going into it. I expected lots of cheesy scenes and dialogue and wasn't disappointed, despite its obvious low budget it actually manages to have a fairly decent story that twists and turns in a way that isn't always predictable. It was actually quite interesting to watch unfold. The gore is passable, you can tell some actual effort went into it, even if it isn't very convincing. I believe with a bigger budget and the right exposure that it could have ended up being a classic.

For me these are minor grips. You can't expect the next Friday 13th from filmakers like these but I tend to rate films based on how entertained I was and I was very entertained.

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Another DTV effort from the early 2000's. Decent tho.
daniel-mannouch19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Produced by Shadow Entertainment, subsidiary company of Charles Band's Full Moon Pictures as a way to cash in on the then re-energised slasher genre, Bleed is cheap, but it's also plot driven and competently made throughout, bagging even Ol' Uncky Lloyd Kaufman in a cameo appearance.

Bleed is a film that has little fat to chew, evident from it's modest running time of eighty two minutes. There are no characters, plot strands or dialogue even that i would consider time wasting. Basic probably, of course, but the film's brisk pace clearly makes it evident this had the involvement of low budget genre filmmakers who had already been there, done that and make four sequels out of it. Bleed is not an exceptionally entertaining film, by any means, but it is an exceptionally professional film for it's caliber. Compare this to the early 2000's filmography of other direct to video auteurs such as David DeCotaeu, the comparison in storytelling quality is nearly night and day.

The murder set pieces are visceral and tailor made for audience exceptions at the time as is the nudity and frat antics of the young adult boneheads which make up the cast. The idea of a 'murder club' in a slasher film had the potential to become really, obnoxiously self-aware, but it's left alone as an sub-interesting concept which is for the better. Such a high concept creates a fitting arena for intrigue and plot twists, a story that is perfectly watchable, especially considering how short it is.

I wouldn't give Bleed a second viewing though as it doesn't really go far enough with the exploitation elements or has interesting enough characters to make me give it a re-watch. Still, I say it's ok for one viewing, but no more.

In conclusion, Bleed is a slasher that does what needs to be done in a short amount of time. The story interesting enough to get you through it once, however this ain't a keeper though as for all that it does right, there is not enough spectacle here for it to be held up to scrutiny for very long.
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Good for a budget
jamesbuc3 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First the story. The Obligatory murders to start things off and then we actually start some proper plot. Here we meet Maddy as she settles into a new job. Starts a relationship with her boss Shawn and later, at a pool party, meets up with more of his friends. There they tell her about the murder club. pretty soon members of this 'Club' are being murdered one by one. It sounds pretty cheesy but there are enough plot twists along the way to make for some interesting viewing.

Now onto the characters. First up is Maddy played by the brilliant horror actress Debbie Rochon. She manages to take on a lot of what the script throws at her. Unfortunately the rest of the cast isn't as credible. The only exception is Danny Wolske who plays Maddy's boyfriend Shawn, he plays the role well and is credible. Allen Nabours (Chris) is annoying. Orly Tepper (Tilly) is okay but forgettable. Ronnie Gene Whatever (Peter) and Laura Nativo (Who cares) also play bland and instantly forgettable characters. There's also some nice cameos by Julie Strain, Brinke and Lloyd Kaufmann. Julie acts with her breasts, Lloyd acts up and is unintentionally funny. Brinke does well though with her Cameo.

The camera and lighting are standard for low budget and nothing really to write home about. However during some moments (door crash) it seems to get quite blurry.

The script is written in a very confusing way. It constantly attempts to be more than the usual horror/slasher movie by trying to focus more on the varying relationships between that characters. However the relationships are mostly either boring or unrealistic. One example is Shawn telling Maddy 'This isn't you... I know you'. This line comes part though the movie. But they have only been going out for less than a week! In which they have had a small date, had sex and both went to a pool party. Thats it.

Actually on the subject of the pool party the whole scene seems to serve little reason but to show the various actresses nude and the various actors nude with tit flashes, butt reveals a peek-a-boo penis shots. I was squirming throughout the whole scene.

The body count is pretty good. Lots of blood is used in many of of deaths and it attempts to try impressive and original deaths throughout. However there are problems. One or two deaths show some bad effects and one in particular is very stupid (Girl stays in pool for what seems like ages as the killer moves forward very slowly to throw in a wire to electrocute her).

Overall this is good at a budget price or to rent. Watch though once and then leave alone.

Good Points: Debbie Rochon and Danny Wolske excel in the acting. Lots of gore and nudity for genre fans.

Bad points: The odd poor effect, some bad acting and a bizarre plot full of holes.
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i didn't think it was as bad as i thought it would be
joshm19772 February 2006
I had read all the reviews before i dared to watch it, and I went into it expecting the worse but when I started watching it I didn't think it was all that bad. I have seen much worse low budget modern crap and granted this is by no means great, it was watchable. I watched it without fast forwarding through it like I did other low budget films like jack o lantern or s.i.c.k for example I wouldn"t recommend this film to no one in particular but there actually is a story to follow unlike some of the other movies that lose you and bore you to death. I would say that maybe I thought it was alright because I went into it expecting total garbage, I wouldn't say rush out and rent it now, but it's not at the bottom of my list of modern low budget horror flicks either. roll the dice if you like , don't expect much and you might enjoy it.
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Not one of the worst
Leofwine_draca3 March 2022
A typical cheapie slasher flick, just one step ahead of the indie genre. Scream queen Debbie Rochon plays a woman who is inaugerated by her boyfriend into a murder club and before long the bloody killings soon add up. Lots of splashy gore and nudity here but little in the way of quality or decent acting, although it moves quickly enough to not be one of the worst out there.
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Worst. Movie. Ever.
polysicsarebest18 December 2004
When you put this DVD into your player and hit "play," you will experience a brief moment of silence and see a black screen as the laser is guided to the correct starting point in the center of the disc. CHERISH THIS MOMENT. Make sure you have some Tylenol or something (preferably PM's so you can fall asleep), because you're going to have a massive headache once this movie starts.

Starring a bunch of big-breasted girls and with an opening that actually made me chuckle a bit, I thought I'd be in for a good time. Sure, the opening sequence was a WEE bit awkward and most of the jokes fell flat and it seemed like this was going to be a Scream ripoff (by the way, my sole chuckle was from Julie Strain's final comment in this scene). But then I knew there was trouble... the opening sequence had a terrible rock song. During this terrible rock song, I looked over the DVD Chapter titles and saw things that said "TOPLESS IN THE BACKYARD!" and "BETTER THAN SEX!". I knew what the selling point of this movie was going to be.

And that's the sad truth: The ONLY good thing about this movie is the attractive cast. Other than that, it's a sadly routine slasher film that throws in an "innovative" concept about murder clubs, which ends up being fake anyway. So, the whole movie then points in another direction to try to be confusing and this huge mystery, but it all just adds up to not being interesting at all and leaves you feeling like you don't care for any of the characters. I mean, when the main character of the movie is revealed to have murdered an innocent woman, can you really feel ANY sympathy towards her when she's in fear for her life? The Scream influence is prevalent throughout, with a ghost face killer and some really terrible jokes. We're also treated to scenes of the main character talking to her mom and dad (Lloyd Kaufman! The only other cool part of the movie!) about an abortion or something. Uh. Yeah... This isn't a "so-bad-it's-good" movie, it's just BAD.

Someone compared this to a Troma film, but... you know, most any film that comes from Full Moon (or its offshoot, as this film proves) is horrible. NOT horrible in a Troma sense -- I've seen many Troma films, and I can honestly say they all offer something, ANYTHING that you can walk away with and tell your friends about later. However, this film has pretty much nothing at all enjoyable about it. Beware.
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Unique take on slasher genre
schwaggstaff15 January 2003
"Bleed" surprised me. Rented this at my local national video retailer. The box caught my eye with its bright white mask -- sort of a "Michael Myers w/ big ears". From the description on the box I expected another post-modern/wise-cracking slasher item like "Scream". Not interested. Starring Debbie Rochon, perhaps the most ubiquitous "scream queen" of the past ten years. Another bad sign. Still not interested. Charles Band, executive producer.

Really bad sign. With few exceptions, his Full Moon Pictures have never lived up to the promise of their high concepts. Good looking cast though, especially the women. The film I wanted to rent was out. What the Hell. I knew I'd probably live to regret this.

Happily I was wrong. While "Bleed" itself is also guilty of not quite fulfilling the potential of its premise, it was really a lot of fun. Devin Hamilton's screenplay is built on a great concept: a lonely girl who wants friends buys into a party prank which turns out to be deadly.

Through the course of the film I imagined all sorts of scenarios which could result. Sadly, the resulting story is more paint-by-numbers than I imagined, yet along the way it sort of subverts the usual expectations of the slasher genre despite itself.

Believe me, that's a good thing.

There is nary a wink or reference to other films to tell us how clever the film makers are for poking fun at a genre they despise. No, they actually attempt (however awkward the script) to build suspense through character. When was the last time a slasher film did that? And though I'm sure the budget was about $1.98, there is some stylish direction by co-directors Petersen and Hamilton which make for a few nice gory set pieces.
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Solid if flawed slasher/psychological effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder25 October 2019
Starting work at a new company, a woman immediately hooks up with her boss who brings her into his inner circle that constitutes a murder club where they have killed someone and invite her into joining, but after doing so the stress of the situation builds in her as well as the killer stalking them.

This one was a far better slasher than it deserved to be. One of the better elements here is the rather fun set up with some great storylines that keep this one running along nicely. The idea of them hooking up at the office and getting involved in his circle of friends at the party starts this one off nicely, making for a lot of fun that occurs at the event which clearly shows them to be a fun group to hang out with. The later scene of them detailing the group talking about the secret club and how they got involved themselves which serves to set up the group dynamics for the rest of the film. That setup gives the film a stellar finale where the psychological change in direction makes for a rather interesting switch. The body-count being built up is not played for the terror of who the killer is but rather if her psyche is making her responsible and to be the actual culprit, which is a dynamic twist that comes about in a slasher film. There's a fine psychological aspect to her behavior that delves far more into the paranoia of being a killer but unable to see the difference. This deepness adds a special charge to the film beyond the gratuitous sleaze which makes for a fun time here. There are still some problems here. The main issue is once the film goes into its horror scenes, they're incredibly haphazard and underwhelming which stands out here. The mask itself is a big problem, with its shiny, glossy look being coming off too plastic to be threatening and the overall lack of thrills from the stalking scenes is what lower this one. They tend to range from just inept setups to taking place off-screen. That these are never investigated or raise any kind of suspicion from anyone else about the matter stands out with these scenes and gives this a far more sloppy set-up than expected. On top of that, the film also suffers somewhat when it drops the slasher angle for the psychological route in the final half. Although the inept nature of the slashing scenes could show that was never the intent, the body-count nature of what's going on around them is completely dropped to the point of not even being completely sure who the killer was or what they were killing for. The first kills have nothing to do with the story and never connects to anything here, which makes the usage of the mask in these scenes somewhat confusing and highlighting the disappointing nature the final half becomes not just for a slasher fan but for the film as a whole. These here are the film's biggest issues.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Full Nudity, Graphic Violence and a sex scene.
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Save Yourself and Watch Something Else
mjw230516 January 2005
The only reason i am bothering to comment on this movie is to save you all 97 minutes of your life and maybe your money.

I bought it ex-rental for £3.00, it looked interesting, so i took a chance.

Within minutes of turning it on i realised i'd made a mistake. The entire cast should be stored away until winter and then thrown on the nearest log fire, where they could meet more of their kind.

As for the Devin Hamilton (Writer and Director), he should just be shot, sadly this should have been done before he made this rubbish.

Avoid this film, If you see it in the shops run away.

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"It's the murder club."
Backlash0075 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I can't believe I liked this movie. Bleed stars Debbie Rochon and was produced by Full Moon's own Charlie Band. That right there does not heighten my expectations for a hit. It had the cheesy cover art and the no-name cast of attractive people too. However, the effects were old fashioned, the nudity was gratuitous, and the opening credits were cool. The ending was also very excellent. The killer wins and that's what makes the movie a success. Julie Strain, Brinke Stevens, and Lloyd Kaufman cameo.
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Don't waste your time
superbyellow16 April 2004
My boyfriend and I rented this because we thought it might be a good 'Halloween' take-off. A killer terrorizing young people, a white get my drift. We were dead wrong! No pun intended. We not only discovered one of the worst movies out there, but also that it is a cult classic! It is filled w/plot holes and makes no sense. The actress who plays Maddy is pretty, but that's about it. I do give credit for it being shot on a VERY low budget--I always support movies like that. Just not this particular one.

This movie may be good to see if you're drunk or high; otherwise don't bother. Unless you want to lose your movie privileges like I did!
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Scarecrow-882 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A killer, wearing a plastic white mask and black overcoat, is killing the friends of Hollywood producer Shawn Banning(Danny Wolske)who inherited his position when someone sliced open his former employer from crotch to chest. Perhaps the psychopath is newly hired Maddy(Dabbie Rochon), an attractive, raven haired beauty with a troubled family past, plagued with nightmares. Shawn and his friends play a practical joke on Maddy, concerning a supposed Murder Club they started where each member randomly selected a victim to kill. When Maddy accidentally murders a woman in a parking garage because of a dent put into her car by this person, she finds that Shawn's pals were jerking her chain. But, Shawn and his comrades are concerned about Maddy's admittance towards committing the murder and contemplate turning her into the proper authorities. Deciding to wait on a definite decision, each member fall prey to the white-masked psycho with Maddy a suspect considering the fact that she already has killed before. Or, is someone else behind these murders? Low budget slasher, executive produced by Charles Band, with gore murders that fail to convince. Plenty of tits on display and Allen Nabors goofy character Chris might entertain those with low expectations. The murders include a stomach being opened with intestines showing, a neck sliced, an electrical cord thrown into a pool frying a female victim who had all day to escape, an ax buried into the back of a male victim, and, to top it all, a couple are strangled by a rope during their sexual climax(..for added effect, the killer uses the breaker bar of a socket wrench as extra leverage to twist the rope as tight as possible snapping their necks). There are enough plot holes to drive a truck through, such as why Maddy has nightmares of murders she didn't commit, how she could murder someone so violently(..with blood all over her)winding up waking in her bed without leaving something at the scene of the crime that would easily implicate her, and how Shawn could go so long, allowing her to continue working at the company despite what she told regarding the murder she committed, and a continual desire to join the supposed club that doesn't exist.

What bothered me the most was the film's desire for having us somehow sympathizing with this female protagonist who wanted to join a club after killing someone, later proclaiming it to be an accident. The film builds Maddy as the potential psycho throughout because of her past. Her family disowned her for an abortion. She has black-outs and always appropriately winds up at the scenes of crimes after the fact. In a lot of slashers, the one who seems the most likely killer is often the red herring, but this film goes out of it's way to point the finger at Maddy. When the twist occurs, we're left rooting for Maddy, yet we know she's not right in the head. It's a tough sell caring for this chick. She does look great in a man's Army shirt, though. And, Rochon isn't afraid to let her puppies breathe, either. Low budget horror fans will get a kick out of seeing cult favorite Brinke Stevens as a religious fanatical mother who preaches against what Maddy did, calling her a murderer as beloved Troma producer Lloyd Kaufman is the aloof father who can not get in a word edge-wise to protect the daughter he truly cares about. Cult siren Julie Strain has a minor cameo, showing her tits(of course)as the opening murdered male's girlfriend getting her head crushed by a hammer. Oh, and check out the office for which Shawn works, you'll see a lot of Full Moon posters and art-work spread throughout the walls.
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Put the movie down!
noizyme27 July 2004
Wow...speechless as to the making of this film, I can't say much. The coverbox at the local videostore should've said it all...nothing but 6 actors/actresses who get lost on the set of Scream and decide to shoot a movie!

The acting was apparently not in the budget, but they were able to afford nudity and good-looking actors! Style over substance almost makes its mark here, except most of these acting-class failures keep forgetting that there is a plot that needs to go somewhere when they were reading this script. After only 4 or 5 kills by the so-called masked murderer and a confusing tie-in plot about a Murder Club which the dumb lead actress thinks is a real club that she can join (only if she can get over a girl bumping into her car), you want to stab your hands with the nearest sharp object to remind yourself never to get overly excited by a possibly good movie such as this.

I feel bad for the people who bought this film and can't find anyone to take it off their hands. Another example of what's wrong with the growing number of straight to video horror releases with no thought put into the essentials. Throw it away if you did buy this.
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Debbie Rochon gone to waste
drnrg314 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This mess is so bad it doesn't even qualify as horror.

Debbie Rochon's talent is completely wasted in this film. She is not even the villain. The rest of the actors look like porno wannabes and the plot is so lame I won't even mention it.

Do yourself a favor and skip to the end credits to hear upcoming band TwoMarlowe perform "Better Than Sex" it's total 80's Disco candy song. Nice up tempo song about Gambleing & Sex. Way more entertaining than "Bleed". Put it this way, When one has the equipment to copy videos, but decides only to record the song at the end of movie, you have a really "BAD" movie.
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Not a bad hack 'em up flick
bfcat28 February 2005
Let me being by saying the I followed watching this video by watching Saw and after Bleed, Saw looked like the all time greatest horror flick ever even though I thought it was only fairly good. Bleed is pretty bad. The best part is seeing the female cast nude. The gore is very fake looking and over-done. It has its funny parts but its extremely predictable and I didn't want to stay to see the horrible ending. If I could, I would ban these actors and actresses, the only reason being is that Debbie Rochon (Maddy) has been in over a hundred other videos and I've also seen two other members of the cast in equally or worse motion pictures. They should not allowed to continue this madness.
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Ophthalamia18 March 2003
How many times do we have to see bad horror movies with a killer in a Scream-ripoff mask? The plot of Bleed is kinda original but the movie itself is a complete failure. For one thing the dialogue is poorly developed, it's boring and wastes too much time on trivial details, the acting is bad, et cetera. I want my money back, this rental stinks worse than a skunk.
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Polished, but dumb
Cking-222 January 2003
This is a low-budget "Scream" style movie. "Maddy" is a new worker at a conspicuously-unnamed office, where she meets and starts a relationship with her co-worker "Chris". During a hot tub-party, Chris and his friends convince Maddy they belong to a "Murder Club" where everyone has killed someone for kicks. When Maddy loses it and kills someone for real, hijinks ensue.

The film looks good, and there are the requisites for this genre and budget level (nudity, gore, maybe a few cameos from slightly bigger stars than the cast), but, after the credits roll, you'll ask yourself why you spent 80 minutes of your life watching it.
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Good little slasher
SmakethDown6386 March 2011
Enjoyably movie from Full Moon (at the time Shadow Entertainment). It has some solid gore and a good little story. There are some nice twists and turns as the movie goes on, and there's never a dull moment. Debbie Rochon is good as always and there's even a cameo by Lloyd Kaufman. Anyone who says this movie is terrible is lacking intelligence. This the worst movie of all-time? Wow, I'd really hate to see what they think is the greatest movie of all-time. Most people that dislike Bleed are the types that have sensitive stomachs or have no liking for low budget films. Generally, they're the worst critics of all-time. Ignore the negativity and watch Bleed. If you like slashers, gore, and Full Moon movies, you'll like Bleed.
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Typical Slasher
Cole_Early19 August 2007
This film seems no different from the old films such as "Halloween" and "Scream", so I'm not giving it too much credit, but it was decently put together- not nearly as stupid as the title makes it sound. As usual, mysterious deaths occur until only a small group of teens remain as they attempt to discover who the stalker/killer is.

I'd say that this film actually has quite a bit in common with the original "Scream", minus the big unseen storyline. If you took out the connection between Sidney and the masked killer in "Scream", you'd have "Bleed".

It's worth a shot if you're absolutely dying of boredom.
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Debbie Rochon Joins the Murder Club!
matthewrickman-2860227 April 2022
Cheap-looking and amateur at times, but many of the cast members are more talented than you'd expect for a film of this sort and the story, though it takes a few clumsy detours, is surprising and full of twists.
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