Way of the Vampire (2005) Poster

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Unbeleivably shallow and idiotic!
benign_man9 October 2005
Usually I'm lenient towards even bad movies since I respect artists like actors and think that everybody is entitled to a mistake.Sometimes,even a bad movie has some acceptable moments and it even manages to throw the spotlight to a new potentially talented young actor/actress.This ,however,without a doubt is the most superficial and idiotic totally unconvincing horror film I have ever watched and the only horror one gets is out of its abysmally low level.It's a disgrace and a total waste of one's money and time.Companies or artists participating in such crimes against the cinema should be put away.

I wonder how on earth these movie companies come out with decisions to produce such garbage.Don't they realise that it will hit them back big time?And the disrespect to the viewer is infuriating!!! The mark of 1 is very flattering ,it should get something like 0,000001.
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Could have been worse
Knuckle9 May 2005
Although I'm not sure how. I think the copy I got from the store was burned incorrectly since the sound was all screwed up. Not that it mattered, since the dialog was pretty bad and generally the delivery of those lines was worse. The vampires, when they could be heard, had horrible lisps. You'd think that after an eternity as a creature of the night they'd learn how to speak properly through those big teeth of theirs. Not that this movie didn't have its accidentally funny moments. At one point Van Helsing reassures his lady love that nothing can happen to him since he is surrounded by giants and then the shot cuts right to what looks to be the sorriest looking bunch of "giants" ever to grace the screen. They all look either hung over, half asleep, or just plain annoyed that they have to go around slaying the children of the night in a potato sack. It does have nudity however! But not enough to make up for the fact that the vampires all look like two dollar hookers, the sound sucks, and the overall look is just plain cheap. Did I mention that the sound sucks?
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Laughably Pretentious Treacle Masquerading as a Movie
czarnobog7 August 2006
There are a few good things about this movie, but the negatives are so overwhelming that I could only give it a 1 on the ole 1 to 10 scale. The cinematography is very pretty and the miniature set models are excellent. At least I think they're models. Everything about this movie is so bogus that they may actually be real locations which the directors (yes, it took two directors to cook this turkey) somehow managed to make look like models.

With two directors you'd think that it might only be half-bad. Instead it's doubly pretentious. The lovely Denise Boutte may well be the hammiest actor on planet Earth. Rhett Giles as Van Helsing looks like a reject from the Pet Shop Boys, and his acting is nearly as overblown and stuffy as Ms. Boutte's. Every line by just about every "actor" is recited in emo overdrive.

There were also at least two writers involved. The version I saw had three listed, unless I was hallucinating, but IMDb says two. The third one may have requested anonymity. Or hacked the webpage and erased his or her name. In any case, the dialog is so cheesy you'd think it was written by the teen Gothtards from Saturday Night Live.

If I see one more pseudo-Goth vampire movie with semi-clad model-pretty airheads melting into the arms of Ralph Lauren pretty men in ersatz under-populated nightclubs I'll puke up a kidney. Anne Rice has apparently spawned a sub-race of cretinous filmmakers.

This is the first film I've seen which challenges Uwe Boll's "House of the Dead" as the WORST horror film ever made.
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ennesse22 February 2005
Imagine a movie with terrible actors, ghastly bad special effects, an anorexic plot, and no budget.

This is worse.

Please don't get me wrong...I love vampire movies...but this is one major waste of money..both to make, and for ANYONE to pay to see.

As I watched the movie, I could see the director coaching the actors, "ok..now look scared...now...look horrified...now succumb...now go limp. It was painful to watch.

Have you ever put "fake fangs" in your mouth to finish your Dracula costume at Halloween? Do you remember how funny you sounded talking with the prosthetic teeth? OMG...the actors lisped their way thru their lines like kids who have just put in their first cheap vampire fangs. Do you think the director/producers/anyone notice this? I am guessing not.

The dialog was shallow and seemed penned by a teenager. (The producer's 8th grade child maybe?) The volume of the voice recording was out of balance with effects and background music. In order to hear and understand the dialog, you are required to elevate the volume so high that the "special effects sounds" become deafening.

The action was limited, and the combat second rate. The actors lacked the combat/martial arts skills you expect to see in a movie of any caliber. The vampires movements were inconsistent and downright silly...sometimes they moved like listless zombies, other times like speed freaks, and still other times they "slinked" with bended knees, swaying arms and drunken swaggers as if trying to pretend to be cats.

If this had been a movie with which I was in any way affiliated, I would never include it in my resume. Further, I think I would change my name if anyone ever discovered a connection! Rating: Less than 1/10 (if that is possible)
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Has potential, but is mostly wasted...
trancejeremy13 March 2005
The general premise is decent enough - Van Helsing from the Dracula novels made a deal with God for immortality until all the major vampire lords are destroyed.

And presumably, he kills off most of them. The rest sort of go into hibernation, living off of animals and such, not humans. Until the present day. When one of them decides it's sick of hiding and start preying on human's again.

The trouble is, most the movie is actually pretty dull. Most of it deals with either Van Helsing or the Vampires getting ready for the final showdown. And when it finally happens, it's not exactly the final scene of Enter the Dragon.

It's somewhat cheesy in places, but I've seen worse. Much worse. There is some nudity and gore but very little on both accounts.

The supporting actors are pretty bad, but I thought the guy who played Van Helsing did a pretty good job. He looks a bit too much like Methos from Highlander, though. And I enjoyed the vampire's 2nd in command. While she overacted a bit, she was very attractive and has good screen presence.

The sound on the DVD I rented was screwed up. The dialog was much, much softer than the sound effects, music. And apparently no subtitles.

I probably wouldn't say you should buy it, or even rent it, but if it's ever on cable, it's probably not worth changing the channel to avoid. I would give it a 4 out of 10.
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Can I have my money and those 90 minutes of my life back, please?
hb004e98995 November 2005
People, that loud whirring and rattling you can hear is the sound of Bram Stoker turning in his grave.

*God* this film is bad. Shoddy camera work, shoddy script, godawful sound which meant that a lot of the time the actors were inaudible (thank god) and the music SOHIGHINTHEMIX it made your ears bleed, and a baddie so lacking in charisma not even tight PVC/rubber trousers could save the day. And the acting - OMG, the acting. The last time I saw acting as shockingly poor and embarrassing as this was Yvette and Derek still trying to pretend they were friends on "Most Haunted Live" this week. Yes, really - as bad as that. I swear to you, the acting in this film is so wooden it's on a par with a Gerry Anderson production - and the way the script was delivered would make even a half-way gifted actor weep. I'd say that words cannot truly describe how awful this film is - though I've had a damn good try - and what's so sad is that the video shop had loads of copies of it. That this mess got made and distributed is even more frightening than the thought of Ricky Tomlinson hang-gliding naked.
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DancingRain25 November 2005
(I don't think this contains spoilers, but if it does,it wan't intentional, and I'm sorry.)

I just rented this movie. Thinking that, ya know..Vampire movie..Bram Stoker..BRING IT! After "Bram Stokers' Dracula" in 1992, I figured "Bram Stokers' Way Of The Vampire" should measure up to the same high standards right? RIGHT?? Uh..no! We started watching it, had to jack the sound WAYYYY up to even HEAR it, and then my roommate tells me that we've rented it before!! HUH? This is a VAMPIRE movie! Something I LIVE for! And I don't remember it? Can I just say..you know it's bad when...! Unfortunately, like most movies you don't initially like, it DIDN'T get better the second time around! The sound was terrible. The acting was either non existent or over blown. (with maybe one or two exceptions) The vampiric dialog? All I could think was who wrote this UTTER rot?! The rest of the dialog was ranging from maybe OK, to weak, to downright SAD!

I checked out the actors on the database, (this one, as I've found no other better as of yet) like I do for almost all movies I watch, and found that this movie was either a jumping point for brand new actors, a fill in for trying-but-not-quite-making-it actors, or a last ditch effort for dieing actors from a third rate soap opera! The nudity was OK I guess. There was T&A to be seen. And it was nice, as far as nudity goes. But like EVERY movie not a hard core porn, for some reason it's OK for a woman to go Full Monty, but a man? *gasp* SHOCKING! And simply NOT DONE! And it's not even that I WANT to see some guys dangly bits! That's not the point! (seen one you've seen em all) MY beef is that they won't SHOW them. That it's OK to bare a girl but not a boy.

Perhaps I've wandered off the path. Slightly. A bit? OK maybe a LOT! *snickers* I had a point I'm sure! Now where did I put it...*checks pockets* Ah yes..On the whole? This movie was very disappointing. A rather black mark on vampire movies as a whole, and NO credit to Bram Stoker what-so-ever. If it had been slightly worse, it wouldn't have been worth the film it was printed on. I know I've seen worse, but Way Of The Vampire was high up there in the "WHY did I rent this" stakes. In short? And pun intended... It sucked!
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Another "Asylum" travesty
movieman_kev22 August 2005
Dr. Van Helsing, vampire hunter, is granted immortality by a religious sect that will only let him die after he kills the last vampire. That's the plot of the film right there. I didn't put it in a nutshell for you, dear reader. THAT'S the whole plot. Now what did I think of the film? Well, between the horrid editing, the putrid acting, the 'anti-action', the sound problems, and the WIDE open ending, this is strictly amateur hour. Vampire flicks have made for some simply dreadful films in the past and this, my friends, is one of them. It's a travesty of the current state of B-movie straight to video horror that I don't even consider this one of the worst vampire flick out there.

My Grade: D-

Where I saw it: Starz on Demand (available till September 15th, 2005)
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More cheese from Asylum Home Ent.
lwburkesii28 April 2006
Was cruising through Wal-Mart with the wife when we spotted this movie for $6.88 in a discount bin. The wife will watch anything with vampires in it so I checked out the box. The cover was pretty damn good at first glance. A guy in a leather trench-coat holding a triple shot crossbow and some kind of futuristic gun with a bat flying overhead looking like it was morphing. I flipped the box over and noticed it was made by The Asylum...uh oh...first sign of trouble. I had unknowingly bought a few movies by them a while back and 3/4 of them I was NOT impressed by them. (The Scarecrow series and War Of The Worlds being the exceptions) I went ahead and read the synopsis and I was impressed. It actually sounded good...Van Helsing..Dracula...Time Travel..hmmmmmm.

We got home and popped it in. Man, I couldn't have been more wrong. I really got to learn to trust my instincts. Not even 10 minutes into it I just wanted to cry. You couldn't hear a word being said at all, the acting was sub-par at best, the lighting was just atrocious, and worst of all...when I could hear the actors (yeah right) they sounded like they were talking around a wad of cotton. The teeth appliances they had to use were just wrong. If you look closely you can see it bulge out the lips and cheeks of the wearers.

The overall movie looks like it was shot and edited by Ed Wood. In almost every scene I could spot mistakes, goofs, continuity mistakes, you name it. I just watched it again to get a laugh from it.

With all that being said I will say this... The plot isn't bad at all even though it was slightly predictable. If done right and a lot more attention paid to the details it would make a damn good movie. This just isn't the movie.
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This movie is an insult to the legendary cinematic creatures it portrays
moonmuzs26 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I only spent a dollar on this movie. Jesus this thing wasn't even worth that, if I had seen this movie for free I would still feel violated, and if I had been paid to see it, the money would not have been enough.

Below is my vent as I just endured this movie and I need to let it all out First of all, the holy water in her neck jugular??? WTF. And he's all "wow, you are such a genius, no one would ever think hey, holy water hurts them, they bite necks, maybe if i somehow drink this holy water and absurd it into my neck area I can kill them." Stupid, very stupid element of the film and that last line "or maybe a princess" or something of that effect, I nearly cried. That made even the holy water and wasp and training scenes seem well thought out and deserving of an Oscar.

Who wrote this movie, were they in Kindergarten, but of course six year-olds are so much more intelligent than the team behind this crap, and actually have imaginations and could probably write better material, so I take that back, that is an insult to compare kindergarten children to the inbred morons who wrote this movie.

None of the actors in this movie could act, it all felt very very daytime drama or school play. But of course the director must take some of the responsibility for that as well. The action scenes were embarrassing and the effects were crude and ugly, primitive, extremely half arced, just like every single element of this film.

The sound effects were pathetic, that's all I will say on the matter. So moving on..

The Vampires in this movie should not even be classed as that, they are degrading the entire world of fiction and it is an insult for them to be named as the likes of Lestat, Vlad deMagpyr or Bela Lugosi's classic Dracula. These are suave, charismatic, alluring, elegant and beautiful beings (but also a bit evil) the creatures shown in this movie were boring, stupid, abysmal and unoriginal.

*end rant* I do really feel a lot better.

Do yourselves a favour, stay away from this movie. It is not worth a single moment of your time. Go to the video store and re rent Interview with a Vampire, Underworld or the Buffy TV series instead.
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Worst vampire movie ever
kim-jespersen20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I hit the spoiler option because now I'm going to spoil the entire movie for you ...... Van Helsing gets to live forever and he kills some vampires. Oooh yeah, it really is as easy as that. It has some really weak secondary love story but since the primary thing doesn't work you really won't notice it.

I was hoping to get a new great Bram Stoker Dracula experience and I remember thinking that the beginning was so bad that the rest of the movie could only get better but I was wrong. It only turned from bad to worse.

Well the story really isn't bad, or maybe it is, but the worst thing about the movie is the acting, directing, camera control and sound which actually doesn't leave much left to be thrilled about.

I gave this 1 just because 0 wasn't available. 2.1 really is to much credit for this.
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Another gem in the long line of the Way Of series
peterh-2318 July 2008
While no "Way of the Teamsters" (the better prequel in this trillogy) this film offers a cinematic expose into the dark and gloomy world the undead.

I wont spoil the many plot twists, many of which were hard to follow, especially since I saw the movie dubbed in Turkish while recovering from lasic eye surgery. However, you won't be disappointed with cliché contemporary romantasisms of secret populations of super powered beings living side by side of modern civillization locked in a perpetual war of which the mundane humans are mostly unaware except for some secret fraternal organization dedicated to eradication of the supernatural.

I recommend this movie for any serious VHS collection.
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What was that you said?
BrandtSponseller4 June 2005
Way of the Vampire begins around the turn of the 20th Century in England. Abraham Van Helsing (Rhett Giles), who is immortal here, has assembled a "gang" of vampire slayers (no, they're not a Scooby gang like Buffy's). In the first few minutes, the gang is slaughtered, but Van Helsing decapitates Dracula. Dracula's "gang" is left in temporary chaos. The "Prince" who will replace him, Sebastien (Andreas Beckett), was mistaken by Van Helsing for an eligible member of his gang. Unfortunately, he left Sebastien with his wife, who Sebastien turned into a vampire while Van Helsing was out earning the bacon.

The opening credits roll, and we are propelled into "The Present". Van Helsing has moved to Los Angeles (to try to jumpstart a film career?) and naturally so has Sebastien and his current gang. We can all guess the kind of chaos that will ensue.

First off, whoever did the sound mix for this film--for the DVD in general, for that matter--should to be looking for another job, pronto. Even if the raw sound was bad and no ADR was done (which seems like it might have been the case), it can be easily cleaned up by a competent sound engineer. Turn the music down, get rid of the horrendous echo in the scenes filmed in a large concrete room, compensate for the actors who are whispering and mumbling, and so on. The surround sound mix was horrible. The stereo mix was horrible, and even the commentary track sounds like it was recorded in a large, empty bathroom.

That took at least one solid point off of the film. If I have to screw with my equalizer and crank up my system loud enough to threaten blowing my speakers (or having the cops called on me) so I can just make out at least 75% of the dialogue, something is wrong.

But that's not the only problem with Way of the Vampire. Most of the performances are questionable, and directors Sarah Nean Bruce and Eduardo Durao must have never met a melodrama they didn't like, because they tend to instruct their cast to over-emote without a shred of humor or self-awareness. There is a lot of very strained agonizing in the film, such as vampires saying, "Oh, but what about Van Helsing" like a junior high drama student doing Hamlet on an audition tape.

And there's more--or is that less? Bruce and Durao do not know how to film or edit action sequences. They tend cut them way too fast, with far too many close-ups and non sequitur insert shots. There's no sense of suspense in the fight scenes, because the audience just can't tell what's going on.

Additionally, some viewers might be perturbed that this is "yet another Dracula film" with very few surprises. Yes, Dracula is dispatched in the first few minutes, but focusing on Van Helsing or vampire slayers in the Bram Stoker universe isn't exactly novel, and neither is putting vampires in the modern world, especially Los Angeles. Most vampire film fans could write a rough parallel to this script in their sleep. On the other hand, I don't personally subtract points for predictability or derivativeness, but just in case you do, you should know about it.

So why the hell did I give this film a 7? Well, I gave it a low 7, and a 7 in my book is a "C". That means this is almost a "D", and almost doesn't pass--at a university level, you don't usually earn credits for a D. But there are enough positive points that Way of the Vampire certainly isn't an F, and it's not quite bad enough to lose its credits.

Bruce and Durao may be too fond of melodrama and not know how to do action scenes or check the work of sound engineers, but they're pretty good at directing cinematographers. There are plenty of attractive shots throughout the film. There is an interesting use of the recent trend towards monochromaticism. Here, monochromatic blue scenes represent flashbacks to the turn of the century. Most of the present day stuff is shot in an attractive array of colors. And towards the end, the film slyly shifts towards monochromatic "golds"--browns, oranges, etc.

The score, by Ralph Rieckermann, is pretty good. It's not his fault that the sound mix sucks. For that matter, it's not most of the cast or crew's fault that the sound mix sucks. I have a feeling I would have enjoyed the film quite a bit more if I wouldn't have had to struggle to hear the dialogue.

There are a lot of beautiful women in the film. There is a fair amount of nudity. And there is even more sensuality. Especially in a vampire film, that stuff doesn't come across as just gratuitous. Bruce and Durao don't do sensuality as good as Ron Oliver did in Thralls (aka Blood Angels, 2004), but they're not far behind. It adds quite a bit to the atmosphere, and the atmosphere overall is pretty good here.

The story kinda worked for me. Sure it wasn't unprecedented, but as a potboiler vampire flick, this rose to a nice boil. More could have been done with it--I would have liked to delve into Van Helsing as a doctor more, the new slayer gang would have been fun to get to know, and so on. But the story wasn't bad. Maybe Bruce and Durao should make their next film a bit longer. Also, not all of the performances were horrible. I actually kinda liked Giles, and that's important, since the film is centered on him.

Finally, there was some halfway decent blood and gore here. The scene with Van Helsing getting rid of the new blonde vamp was primo. If this would have been a film filled of stuff like that, it could have been a nine, even with crappy sound.
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Bram is NOT Stoked
ghoulieguru23 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Leave it to the Asylum to put out what might be the worst vampire movie since Dracula 3000. At least Dracula 3000 had a little bit of campy humor to it, this one takes itself seriously the whole way through and it's just pathetic.

This horrible attack on your eyes and mind begins with a bunch of vampire hunters, led by Abraham Van Helsing, going into a castle and try to kill Dracula, like a destitute man's version of Stephen Sommers' terrifically horrible VAN HELSING. Anyway, Van Helsing manages to kill Dracula, but he doesn't have much time to savor his victory before some super model with goofy fake teeth tells him that they are legion and he'll never be able to extinguish them completely. Our Van Helsing (this guy is so NOT Hugh Jackman) stews and tries to smolder in front of the camera. Fade to black.

Cut to Los Angeles, present day.

Van Helsing now has a short hair cut. He's still trying to hunt down all the vampires and kill them. I'm not quite sure why Van Helsing is still alive after all this time. I'm sure it was discussed somewhere in the movie, probably after I tuned out mentally - around the twenty minute mark. But going by movie logic, I just figured there was some kind of magic amulet or potion or curse that made him into a Highlander. So, Van Helsing rounds up a new crew of vampire hunters. Meanwhile, the vampires are getting ready for a war of their own. I guess you could say this is trying to be something like BLADE meets VAN HELSING. The guy who plays Van Helsing is trying to channel Hugh Jackman, and the guy that plays the vampire heavy is clearly going for a Stephen Dorff thing. They both fail miserably.

Maybe it's not entirely their fault. The worst thing you can do as a director is let a bad actor play a cowboy or a vampire. It brings out the worst in everyone. You give a bad actor a cowboy hat or a set of fangs, and watch out. As bad as they were, they will become ten times worse. But I digress. Bottom line is, avoid this one. Don't be fooled by the title, this rotten pile of cinematic garbage would make Bram Stoker roll in his grave. He wouldn't be stoked at all to see this thing with his name on it.
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Why isn't there a zero on the voting chart?
peter-ramshaw-17 February 2007
I admire the reviewers of this abominable film who actually watched it all the way through.

Thirty minutes was too much for me. It is, without any shadow of a doubt, the most puerile and baseless horror movie of all time. It makes 'Killer Tomatoes' look like Oscar material. The acting is unbelievably bad, the editing pathetic and the storyline must have been written by a seven-year-old. One can only wonder at how movies like this get made. A total waste of money, effort and intellectual rigour by everyone involved.

In short, this film has no redeeming features whatsoever.
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Don't watch this movie because...
disarray-125 January 2007
the acting is horrible. it looks and sounds as if it was filmed on a home video camera the background audio overpowers the voices throughout the whole movie. the sound effects have been repeated over and over, it seems everyone has the same scream the actor who played hell-sing cant even pronounce Nosferatu, he says "nosterfartu" how can the people that edited miss something so obvious, maybe they were too caught up in trying to make people disappear by stopping the camera, getting the actor to move out of screen then starting it again. the visual effects could be done better on a high school editing suite. action scenes are just a disorienting confusion of flashes of the weapons closeup of the actors, the story line.... pathetic
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Horrible...like being locked in a room with 100 ultra-whiny Goths who just won't shut up!!!
planktonrules16 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am a masochist. That is why I am trying to see all the movies from Harry Medved's book "The 50 Worst Films of All Time" as well as all of the Bottom 100 from IMDb. Masochism is the only thing that would explain it. Tonight I actually watched two films from the IMDb list. One, "I Can Do Bad All By Myself", turned out to actually be pretty good. On the other hand, "Way of the Vampire" was exactly what the masochist within me was seeking--a really, really bad film! Now it's hard to make a vampire film bad enough to be considered horrible--after all, there have been dozens and dozens of vampire films--some good, some bad. It takes a lot to make one that is so bad that it rises above the rest in wretchedness--and even worse than such entries as "Dracula: Dead and Loving It" (ooh, the pain). Other than "Die-Hard Dracula" (which is in my top 5 of worst films of all-time--not just among vampire films, but ALL films), the only other vampire film to make this list of the worst 100 is "Way of the Vampire" and it earns it for completely different reasons than "Die-Hard Dracula".

"Die-Hard Dracula" appeared to have been made using a home video camera and $6 worth of software. The other $35 dollars in the budget was spent for acting and script and stock footage--so it's no wonder that the film looks like a bad YouTube submission! But, "Way of the Vampire" is very different in that it looks great--a lot of money was spent on special effects and it looks professional. On the other hand, it has the most annoying dialog of perhaps any film in history--even worse than John Wayne's "The Conquerer". Each and every line of dialog sounds so incredibly pained and earnest--because the film is so very full of its own sense of self-importance. And on top of that, all the characters sounded like douche bags (am I allowed to say this--it's crass but right on the money). Imagine...it's a film where everyone talks like pained über-Goths--all the time and in every scene. It's absolutely terrible but also very funny because it's oh so bad.

In addition to horrendous dialog that would embarrass most 7th graders, the film pretty much ignores all the vampire canon out there. Van Helsing is NOTHING like any Van Helsing I've ever seen before (including the Hugh Jackman version) and it turns out he's an immortal and a bit of a vampirey guy himself! And the vampires---they are all young and pretty hipsters--like having the cast of "Beverly Hills 90210" if they all became vampires! Also, while I love inclusion in films, what is a Black vampire doing in Transylvania in the middle ages when the film begins?! Doesn't this seem a bit anachronistic?! Or, perhaps the writers were so dumb that such an obvious problem didn't get noticed--or that they thought their audience was too dumb to see this.

Annoying and full of itself, this is one incredibly bad film from start to finish. It's like being locked in a room with 100 incredibly whiny Goths who just won't shut up for two seconds!!!
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This is exactly what I was afraid of
Smells_Like_Cheese17 May 2008
I really miss watching horror movies, just a good and gory film that you can just have fun with. I saw the cover for Way of the Vampire, I mean this was just the coolest cover, it looked like a great cover with vampire hunters. So I rented it and took it home, sat down and watched it first thing, I don't know why I get my hopes up with these straight to DVD's. As always these movies are just bad, the script(which obviously had no research), the actors(who you can tell are the desperate waiters in LA, waiting for their "big break"), the effects(which could've been done by a 10 year old I know who's much better with computers), the editing(I think the editor, this must have been his first time because he went a little crazy), just everything about this movie is bad, but I'll try to explain the story.

Van Helsing is given immortality to hunt down the vampire "princes" after the love of his life is turned into a vampire and he has killed her. So over a hundred years later he has lived to try to catch one vampire, Sebastien. He's got a new girlfriend at the hospital, but cannot find the prince, so when Sebastien is awaken by his vampire girlfriend to create an army of darkness, oh, what will our Van Helsing do? I guess get stung by a wasp who does apparently die by one sting, lol.

Way of the Vampire is just one of those bad straight to DVD's that really sucks, believe me, I can't believe I fell for it, I know that I sometimes say that the ratings are wrong here on IMDb, but this is the rating I really wished I paid attention to the rating because I might have saved some time and money on this trash. Just trust me when I say that this is one of the worst excuses for film that you'll ever see in your life, it's worse than amateur, I just don't know how else to go on but to just warn you to stay away from this piece of trash.

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Pretty bad
russem319 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike David Latt's War of the Worlds, this film by the aforementioned producer, Bram Stokers' Way of the Vampire, is a very sub-par film. At least with War of the Worlds, there were some acceptable performances and superb visual effects. This film had nothing more than an anemic (to use a "blood" term) script, with below-average dialogue. The acting was atrocious on almost every front. The production design budget also seemed to be lacking (unlike War of the Worlds which looked professional at least). Hmm, what else, before I forget what I watched? The sound - I could NOT hear almost half the dialogue been said - because the music (the score which suspiciously sounds a lot like War of the Worlds - surprise) and effects were turned up to completely drown out the inferior dialogue (perhaps this was intentional?) One positive thing I can say is that Mr. Latt knows how to turn out product, and one should keep in mind that this is a low budget film. Therefore, it isn't a bomb, but I can't give it more than 4 out of 10 stars.
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It's here!
JohnSeal8 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I never thought I'd see the day, but finally a film has been made to rival such schlock classics as Manos: the Hands of Fate and Dungeon of Harrow. In fact, the first five minutes of this atrocity seem to have been snatched lock, stock, and barrel from the Dungeon of Harrow playbook, as it attempts to create 'period atmosphere' and fails utterly and miserably. The acting is also on a par with the aforementioned films: it's as wooden as the stakes used to bring final rest to these bloodsucking fiends. Lead Rhett Giles, who interprets Van Helsing as if he were addicted to Mogadon, is particularly bad, but everyone else is also dreadful, especially lead vampire bride Denise Boutte. There's a bit of nudity-lead vamp Sebastien is a rather louche nosferatu, and spends a lot of time lounging on the sofa whilst his minions lick him-and a fair amount of very unconvincing gore. The film also features one first: some of the vampires seem to enjoy a bit of capoeira on the side. That's not enough of a positive to elevate this to a '2', however.
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My Trip To Tim Hortons
buetros9 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad that the words "This sucks. Let's go to Tim Horton's" were actually uttered.

What's more, there are extra features on the DVD! Woot. Woot. If you're hard up for a pretentious, over-sexed, already washed up greasy has been, watch them. He'll tell you all about how he's loved being a Vam-PY-re, and mentions "switching his brain off" as his major tip for successful acting. Watch "Way of the Vampire" and you'll catch his method in action.

And, because apparently a review has to be 10 lines long; here's a plot summary (note that it's not that extensive for a reason): -Van Helsing kills Dracula -Dracula's Butt Monkey gets it on with Van Helsing's wife -Van Helsing kills his adulterous spouse because she's all vamped out. -Van Helsing Lives for 100 years -Vampires kill people -Van Helsing kills vampires -You finally here some dialouge -You give up and go to Tim Hortons.
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Vampires and Van Helsing
Dr. Gore17 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Van Helsing attacks vampires. Vampires attack Van Helsing. That pretty much summarizes "Way of the Vampire". Van Helsing tracks his prey to Los Angeles. It's always L.A. Vampires love the coast. Van Helsing forms a crew of slayers from various church volunteers. He tells them all about the Way of the Vampire and his long history with them. The main vampire plots to rid himself of his arch foe in between hanging out on a couch with three naked chicks and drinking a lot of blood.

There's nothing too shocking or interesting in "Way of the Vampire". It hums along exactly as you would expect it to. It won't cause you pain but it probably won't thrill you much either. Also, the sound quality was terrible. I was blasting the TV to hear the dialog but all I could pick up was the faintest hint of it. The sound effects were loud and clear but the dialog was buried. I doubt I missed much but it would have been nice to hear what people were saying without destroying my eardrums in the process.
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This is very scary
jacobjohntaylor114 September 2016
This is a great movie. 1.9 is underrating it. I give this movie 10 out of 10. This movie is very scary. It is a Dracula sequel. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also great special effects. This is a great movie. I do not no why people do not like it. Dracula (March 1931) is better. Dracula (1992) Dracula's Daughter (1936) is also better. Son of Dracula (1943) is also better. House of Frankenstein which a sequel to Dracula and Frankenstein is also better. But still this a great movie. See it. If you like horror movie you will like it. Van Helsing is better. But still this is one the scariest movie of all time.
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...Kind of prequel to DRACULAS CURSE
guestar5729 March 2008
Bram Stoker's WAY OF THE VAMPIRE With Rhett Giles, Denise Boutte. Theasylum.cc Lots of atmosphere in this little pic that could, Think its only 3 years before The Next Wave. Rhett Giles took this role and perfected in 'Draculas Curse'. Denise Boutte steals EVERY scene she is in as Vampiress and truly came into her own in 'DEATH VALLEY : Revenge Of Bloody Bill'.

Vampire and hero have a connected past and both are immortal, Until modern times reunite them.

Soundtrack is by SCORPIONS Ralph Rieckermann, And it sets the tone for a film that tries really hard to give the viewer a feeling of Gothic vibe at choice times.
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The Worst Vampire Movie I Have Ever Seen
mclean_19854 April 2006
Until tonight, I was sure that the Third 'From Dusk Till Dawn,' was the worst vampire movie ever made. I was sadly mistaken. The F-grade acting, horrible cuts, sloppy dialogue, and lack of substantial story line make this the worst vampire movie I have ever seen. It is absolutely essential that you counter balance the respect you will lose in vampire movies with the following; 'Interview with a Vampire' (For its incredible acting and top-notch story-line), 'Blade' (For its scientific, as opposed to religious, take on the disease and symptoms), and 'Underworld' (for its action-packed entertainment value). If you have not, please do not, watch this movie, or do so only to contrast how good some Vampire movies are comparatively.
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