Triloquist (2008) Poster


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Sister loves Brother. Brother loves Dummy. They all love killing people.
Vomitron_G16 September 2009
Man, this "killer puppet movie" was warped... It's definitely not a film for all tastes. Can't really say it's a decent film either, but it's just so demented, going from plain dumb to hilarious. Paydin LoPachin gave it her best shot as deranged sister Angelina, but I find her performance admirable at best. I didn't really found her capable of completely carrying the film, sadly. Still, a crazy killer doll movie, with offbeat white trash slasher moments and a road-movie vibe reminiscent of NATURAL BORN KILLERS by the guy (Mark Jones) who previously brought us enjoyable nonsense like LEPRECHAUN and RUMPELSTILTSKIN... That alone is reason enough to watch TRILOQUIST and like it, regardless. One visual gag had me really laughing out loud: The dummy shoots the cop, and the shotgun kicks back and blows him wooosh out of the frame! That's funny stuff! Add some welcome female nudity. A little bit of gore & bloodshed. A lot of sick jokes. And this flick can't be all bad, can it?
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Scarecrow-8831 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously warped horror comedy about an unlikely trio, a demented family of weirdos driving across the desert wreaking havoc on whoever they meet. A mute, seemingly autistic brother, Norbert who communicates through his ventriloquist dummy, Dummy(..voiced by Bruce Weitz)and psychotic foul-mouthed sister Angelina(Paydin LoPachin, a real blond babe with things that come out of her mouth that make a ghetto gangster blush)were left to fend for themselves after their mother overdosed on heroine. Sent to live with an uncle, who would sexually abuse Angelina(..perhaps shaping the monster she would become)while Norbert closed his eyes in horror, they would soon murder him, winding up in a foster home before chopping the fingers off a kid who insulted them. Blaming Norbert, Angelina and Dummy concoct a plan to break him free from his asylum, hitting the road to Vegas, often killing various victims for their vehicles, and kidnapping a female traveler, Robin(Katie Chonacas)who is to carry their family's seed. Angelina is quite a cold-hearted sociopath always scheming while tormenting Robin (..who tries endlessly to find ways to escape), while constantly at odds with Dummy who begs Norbert to leave her behind. A running gag has Dummy a isolated entity who can speak and move on his own away from Norbert..hell, he even has fantasies of naked chicks! We watch as Angelina's trail-blazing psychopathic ways leads to a countryside manhunt for her and Norbert as Robin attempts to get away before she is killed.

A great deal of the film shows the crazy antics of a demented family, but the film is more or less a gore-less, colorful send-up of killer-clans-on-the-road thrillers. This movie is built around the often very obscene dialogue, particularly the nasty mouth of Angelina who often blatantly asks strangers if they are looking at her tits(..or telling them that they would love to do sexual acts towards her). Rocky Marquette is really a tight-lipped innocent with the misfortune of growing up with a sicko sister and dummy he too attached to. Dummy is a vessel to communicate, and Norbert is very dependent on it, as a crutch you could say. The trio as a unit are seemingly unstoppable, until the cracks start to show and Angelina's violent streak(..along with Dummy's desire to break free from her hold on Norbert)gets out of hand. It's only a matter of time before their "happy" union sours, and Robin pleas towards Nobert and Dummy begin to work. I can understand why many hated this film. It doesn't really have a plot, but is a series of comic vignettes showcasing Angelina's unpredictable nature and her manipulative hold over her brother and dummy. And, the way the film embraces Dummy as a vehicle for humor(..and he is one ugly wooden creation)and the twisted acts performed by Angelina so that she and her posse can continue their quest for Vegas won't always appeal to everyone(..or even most people). I found it entertaining and sick in equal measure. The film doesn't know when to quit and is always bizarre. The director includes several B&W sequences featuring the trio at times. Paydin LoPachin is a knockout and the director often loves to focus on her face with the camera. She rarely cracks a smile when delivering her profane zingers. Plenty of time is spent showing how Angelina keeps Dummy in check by threatening his livelihood with matches. There's incest played out with Angelina initiating contact with her brother, and this might be the first time I've ever seen a dummy giving head.
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Just got done watching it...
Boston_Pride4 July 2008
First thing to think about: Don't enter this movie thinking a serious horror movie. It's nothing like that. I guess in a way I blame myself for not liking it, expecting something at least a little bit like Dead Silence.

This movie is mainly a comedy, or at least I thought so, because I was not frightened one bit. The voice of the dummy is not scary it all, in fact it reminded me a little of Chris from Family Guy.

The soundtrack is the worst of recent films. Painful songs that they play over and over again.

Don't expect any cleverness or thrills from this flick. You may get some laughs, but overall, this movie is not good.
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Don't be a Dummy
ramrod_2324 June 2008
This film is not a so bad its good, it's a so bad the script doesn't warrant being used as recycled toilet paper bad. Having read rubbish reviews i thought the film can't be that bad. IT IS. It's obvious the film was made bad on purpose but it appears in it's attempts to be bad it overachieved and made it terrible. I love every film I've seen with dummy's or dolls but this one just didn't hit the bar and pales in comparison to The Leprechaun, that is a franchise so bad its good. This however could never ever hope to be held in the same regard as The Leprechaun, from the pitifully bad acting to the rubbish dummy it self the film fails in every quarter.

Stay away from this film unless you love the worst films out there or this is going to be the first film you will ever watch because from here the only way is up and for the Triloquist I don't think it could get any lower.
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What a Crap!
claudio_carvalho26 January 2009
In 1993, in Hollywood, California, the addicted in heroin mother of two children is a decadent ventriloquist that can not find work anymore. When she has an overdose and dies, the siblings Norbert and Angelina are sent to a foster house with their dummy. Later they are sent to their uncle's house; the man sexually abuses of Angelina and the dummy kills him. Years later, the autistic dumb Norbert (Rocky Marquette) and his seventeen year-old alcoholic sister and whore Angelina (Paydin LoPachin) are living on the streets; when the dummy slaughters a boy, Norbert is accused and arrested by the police and sent to an asylum with his dummy. Later Angelina decides to release her brother and find a woman to give an offspring to her family. She breaks in the institution, kills the male nurse and Norbert escapes. When they meet Robin (Katie Chonacas) on the road, Angelina decides that the teenager will be the mother of her nephew and they abduct the girl in a journey of killings.

What a crap this "Triloquist" is! The director and writer Mark Jones certainly had the intention of making a film with black humor, but his "heavy hand" made actually an unpleasant and annoying movie but never funny. The story is of a total bad taste and the amateurish acting is awful. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Dummy, o Boneco Assassino" ("Dummy, The Assassin Dummy")
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Son of Leprechaun and Chucky
ofjeworstlust27 May 2008
Man, I expected a lot from this movie. It sounded like one of those puppet horror movies with a killer twist. Trailer seemed nice, but what a let down this was.

The role of Angelina seemed way over the top; first it was like watching a killer spoof from Scary Movie. Not believable. Her brother was a retarded nut that didn't convince either.

Was it a comedy? IMDb says it's horror. A few slightly scary moments, a few unexpected story lines. But the rest has been done before and better.

The 78 minute runtime of the DVD was too long, I skipped some scenes. I wondered why it wasn't in the cinema in Holland, and why not released on DVD with my native language as subtitle, and only in German. Well, there is a clearly obvious reason for that. Thin characters, annoying at times.
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hard to sit through
dharienette17 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
when i saw the trailer to this film i had high hopes and then when i found out that Mark Jones was behind it i figured it would be good i loved the first leprechaun but even though the trailer was good sadly thats about the only good thing about the film, it trys to hard to be funny and you just start feeling sorry a quarter of the way through asking yourself why am i still watching this maybe it might get better I've seen it all the way and let me answer that question with a big no.

some spoilers: the actress playing the sister was not convincing and seemed way to out of place, the story was OK but really did not make sense not one of the bigger problems but it did confuse the 3 people i was watching it with. this is like a bad sequel around the lines of leprechaun in space, but i forgave that movie simply because the first one was good but this on the other hand you cant forgive it trys way to hard at times and throws a little blood and boobs ur way every now and then to keep u watching, a part made me smile close to the end because it was simply a scene stolen from dead silence.
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Not worth it
ozlifter18 July 2008
Wow, this one's bad. Real bad. I guess it's a horror/comedy hybrid, but it fails on both fronts. The writing here is just really weak. The script jumps all over the place. When I saw this on the shelf at the video store, I thought "what the heck?" I might be getting another cheesy classic a la Chucky or Leprechaun with this one, but it was nowhere close. I'm really not putting much stock in the Dimension Extreme branding anymore. They're churning out too many stinkers. The one bright (?) spot in this movie was the acting. I thought both the leads did a good job with the material they were given. I expect to see more from the actress who played the sister.
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Lightweight Entertaining Horror Comedy
druquzdog22 April 2008
Pretty much from the start it's clear where this movie is coming from and what you should expect from it. If you are looking for an even vaguely serious, linear movie that tells a story that all hangs together and makes sense then you better look elsewhere. This is straight up silly escapism and fun, and I enjoyed pretty much every minute. I thought all the parts were well cast, especially the brother who looks perfect with his sealed lip expression. The female lead does a good job, though unfortunately we don't get to see her sans clothes. There's a good smattering of silicone free nudity however, so the director clearly knows what people who watch this kind of stuff want. The script was decent, and most of the lines that were meant to pull a laugh worked for me. Some really funny set-pieces too, one in particular out the back of the strip club near the start was insanely funny, but I'm not going to spoil it for you. If you've seen the movie then you'll know the scene. You have to pretty much totally suspend disbelief to enjoy this film, as quite frankly it doesn't really make much sense or try to explain itself at all. It's just a trippy ride with some boobs and crude jokes, but hey, I can dig that. The plot, what of it there is, seems pretty much to be a vehicle to carry the crazy ideas of the writer, and he sure has plenty of crazy ideas. I liked this movie a lot, but it's only worth a 7, because it could have been better and there were a few times that it didn't quite hold it together. Still very good for those of you who like trash cheesy "horror" comedy. Would have been better with some gore as well. Forgot to mention, it's pretty minimal on that front.
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How many more of these awful horror films will I subject myself to?
poolandrews28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Triloquist starts way back in 1993 in Las Vegas as a female drug addicted ventriloquist(!) & her two young children are about to get thrown out of their motel & onto the streets. After a large drug dose kills her her two kids are taken into care & her creepy ventriloquist dummy imaginatively named Dummy locked away in a suitcase. Jump forward to the present & now the teenage Angelina (Paydin LaPachin) & her mute brother Norbert (Rocky Marquette) decide to head back to Las Vegas after going from foster home to foster home with Dummy to find the fame & fortune as a ventriloquist act their late poor mother never did. The trip will not be easy & sacrifices need to be made along the way, cars need to be stolen & anyone who gets in their way must be killed. Angelina also wants to continue the family bloodline so kidnaps a teenage girl (Katie Chonacas) for Norbert to rape & impregnate. With the cops hot on their tail will they find the success & happiness they crave?

Retitled to simply Dummy (which was apparently the films original working title) here in the UK this was written & directed by Mark Jones the man responsible for starting the Leprechaun (1993) franchise (gee, thanks a million mate...) & I have to say that I thought Triloquist was rubbish & there's not a lot else to add although i will attempt to try & explain why I am of that opinion. The first thing to say about Triloquist is that it's a horror comedy with heavy emphasis on the comedy, unfortunately it's not funny in the slightest which is obviously a big problem. There's plenty of swearing & some may find the very innocent looking Angelina talk dirty amusing but I am sure they will be in the minority. There are a few visual gags like the dummy Dummy having a dream in which topless strippers caress & kiss him but these come across as childish, immature & quite frankly desperate. The one-liners suck & I seriously doubt many viewers will find anything in Triloquist funny, I certainly didn't. Then there's the rubbish story which makes you feel like you didn't even watch a proper film, there is one of the worst twist endings I have ever seen that makes absolutely zero sense & in context with the rest of the film doesn't work as there are clear contradictions & plot holes. It's never explained quite what Dummy is or who is controlling him & the twist only adds to the confusing & some might say frustration. To be fair to Triloquist the film moves along like a rocket & there are few dull moments but with such a bad story, such unfunny jokes & gags which miss by the proverbial mile & an extremely unlikable central character it's still an incredibly difficult film to either like or enjoy.

Basically a bad taste road film as we see Angelina, Norbert & Dummy murder their way across America stealing whatever car they fancy along the way there's not even that much gore in it. There are a few severed fingers, a neck wound & a bit of blood splatter which amounts to just about nothing. There's some nudity as well as a few topless girls are seen. There are no scares, there's no atmosphere & a really flat visual style that grows old very quickly. I also have to mention the soundtrack which I found extremely annoying & some of the songs used gave me a headache.

Although Triloquist is reasonably well made it has no style & looks both dull & bland. The editing is also poor on occasion with some scenes not making any sense & character's suddenly popping up from quite literally nowhere. The acting isn't great although Paydin LaPachin is a real looker but not enough of a looker to make Triloquist worth watching.

Triloquist, or Dummy if you live here in the UK, is crap by any name & I think it's as simple & straight forward as that really. It's not funny, it's not scary or gory & it's definitely not clever with a terrible twist that insults the viewer.
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The most original American horror film of the year.
vickibabe116 August 2008
It's not a sequel or a remake, and sadly, is the most original American horror film of the year. I thought Paydin LoPachin who played Angelina was excellent and wish her an accomplished film career. The dummy was hilarious and the music was awesome too. I came into this with negative expectations and was pleasantly surprised. The people who hated this flick were ones who actually took this seriously. The film wasn't made to be taken seriously--just like LEPRECHAUN. This is better than LEPRECHAUN in my opinion and I have seen in FOURTEEN TIMES and it hasn't gotten old. Am I obsessed? Probably--the reason being is because it is the most original American horror film of the year which is frankly quite depressing. Hollywood is really lazy and remaking all of these great classics is completely unnecessary and stupid. Go into this with bad expectations and leave feeling pleased with this light comedic horror which is laugh-out-loud funny.
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Even Ed Wood would be aghast...
MrGKB28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers the sheer awfulness of this presumably well-intentioned piece of cinematic junk. Make-work is the best one can summon to excuse it, and a handful of kevinbacons to keep from ignoring it completely. The script by faux-auteur, Mark "Leprechaun" Jones, is utterly inept, banal, and wretched, a case study in Sturgeon's Revelation. No one in their right mind could find anything in this mess to redeem it, not even the puerile attraction of bare boobies. To be honest, the only reason I'm blessing it with a comment is to take the final step toward my 300th review on this site, and that's a conceit of slimmest rationalization. I guarantee that, even if you get to see this one for free, you'll regret the time lost from your life. Take my word, pass this one up; you're not missing a thing.
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Possibly the worst movie all time
bowakawa25 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, to start things of, I've seen some pretty unbearable movies in my time; EG: Disaster Movie, Troll 4, Epic Movie etc. But this one comes very close to taking the cake. The idea of the movie is pretty juvenile, a ventriloquist mother dies leaving her children in a foster home with the dummies, and yep you guessed it, the dummy is actually alive!

From here on the movie takes very lame twists and turns, it wasn't even fun to predict who would die or what would happen next because it was so predictable.

The movie was also very poorly written and badly acted, every second word the main female protagonist said was a curse word and the male character didn't was mute or something.

Anyway this movie really blew me away, how bad it was of course, blew me away.

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Mark Jones makes another attempt at 'Small Horror' leaves small results.
loomis78-815-9890345 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Two early teens see their ventriloquist mother overdose in a hotel room in front of them leaving them orphans with her huge dummy named 'dummy'. Once they become adults Norbert (Marquette) is so withdrawn he can only talk through the dummy and Angelina (Lopachin) is a hot blonde who also is a raging psycho. They take to the streets with the dummy in tow and anyone in their way is killed by Angelina or the dummy itself. The dummy seems to have magical powers that allow him to appear behind anyway at anytime. This is never explained past the point of Angelina saying its magic! On their way to Vegas where Angelina seems to think Norbert will be a big star they kidnap a girl named Robin (Chonacas) in hopes of Norbert impregnating her to carry on their bloodline. From Writer/Producer/Director Mark Jones, the guy behind "Leprechaun" comes yet another unfortunate approach at small terror and laughs. Its obvious Jones doesn't want you to take any of this serious so the weak attempt at scares falls flat. There is some gore including the dummy biting a man's penis but the story is so unbelievable and over the top it doesn't matter. There are a few crude jokes that might make you crack a smile but if you go into this thinking there is any real horror you will be sadly disappointed. Disjointed and ineffective this film overall is poor.
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An unintelligent and amateurish attempt at comedy-horror
Shattered_Wake27 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
From the writer/director of Leprechaun, we're brought another pint-sized horror. After Norbert, the son of a dead ventriloquist, is locked up in an asylum for attacking a young child, his sister, Angelina, and their Dummy break him out and hit the road towards Vegas to put Norbert and Dummy where they belong: onstage.

Where to begin. . . well, I've certainly never seen a film like this. Oh, wait, yes I have, just split up among four (or more) other films. Triloquist plays like a lower-quality mix of Pin..., The Devil's Rejects, Child's Play, and Dead Silence. . . only less funny and a lot worse. It tried to be quirky and cute, but it failed. It tried to be shocking and scary, but it failed. I'm sure it also tried to be well made. Guess what? Failed there too. Other than nervous laughs from my "Oh, it really can't be this bad" thoughts, this film was not funny at all. The plot was erratic and stupid, never settling to get its bearings before moving on to another weak plot turn. The acting was dreadful, except by the mute who did a good job of, um, not talking and looking creepy. The puppet effects were ridiculously bad, and the dummy looked like it had been melted and stuck down a garbage disposal at some point. Dummy didn't have any of the charm, wit, or brutality of Mark Jones's other creation Leprechaun. . . instead, Dummy was just a nuisance. Ugh. There really isn't much good to say, except. . . well. . . it's only eighty minutes.

Final verdict: 3/10.
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Another Waste of Time
rstone-278 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This Movie, is in the worst "B"-Grade Horror Movie Catagorie. The plot is based off of an Old 1950's show created by Rod Serling "The Twilight Zone" (IMO)-- Ventriloquist dummy is alive -- this does have a little more ridiculous, stupid, and down right very quickly forgotten atrocities. --Some one taking on police force.

An abductee, running through the woods trying to escape a crazy shot-gun toting, crazed maniac, then all of a sudden wow -- there's a saloon -- what luck!!!!!!

Give me chuckie any day -- and I didn't like that movie either -- But it was hands down a 10 over this one.

Waste of time -- I gave it a 2!!!
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absolutely awful.
fuller_bm1 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i'd just like to say that the reviews on here are far too generous.. seriously, this is the worst movie i have ever seen. the plot was ridiculous/nonexistent, the acting was horrendous (the allegations that the lead girl does a good job are SO off. she's basically just freaking out, walking around half naked, glaring, and cursing like a maniac (but unbelievably) the whole time. she acts like a 13 year-old trying to "go wild" but failing miserably and just looking ridiculous.) this movie was campy to the max, and although it was a good laugh, it was just because it was UNBELIEVABLY, ridiculously, stupid. (spoiler) the random incest with the autistic brother, was, um, unnecessary, also.

i can't even imagine how a person could actually make this movie. it's THAT bad. really. really. really. bad.
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'80 minutes of perverse glee !!!! '
bruce-cpetersen11 July 2008
OK, "Saw" the ad in Fangoria, Dimension Extreme brand more often good then bad, Weinstein brothers always good for a laugh , "FROM THE WRITER AND DIRECTOR OF LEPRECHAUN" first one good, the rest ugh !!!, spotted the DVD looking lonely on shelf, rented it not expecting much.What I got though was 80 minutes of perverse glee !!!!.Don't get me wrong, I'm not much for horror/comedy.I like my gore straight up.But this demented tail is Chucky, Billy and Howdy Dudie with a twist of John Waters. A wonderful abnormal film for wonderfully abnormal people.Give it a try if you enjoy movies that that are outside the main stream. Cudos for the actors playing the sister and the brother. Cudos for Mark Jones, the guy who created Leprechan and who hatched this baby up. And razzies to gorehounds without a sense of humor .
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A gloriously depraved and demented doozy of a horror black comedy
Woodyanders5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely, but lethal psychotic Angelina (an incredibly fierce, fearless, and foul-mouthed performance by gorgeous blonde stunner Paydin LoPachin) and her meek mute ventriloquist brother Norbert (well played by Rocky Marquette) are a couple of crazy teenagers who embark on a road trip to Las Vegas. Norbert's creepy and evil ventriloquist dummy (robustly voiced with jolly cracked gusto by Bruce Weitz; Belker on "Hill Street Blues") tags along for the loopy ride. Naturally, our merry insane trio commits all sorts of murderous mayhem during their pilgrimage across the country. Writer/director Mark Jones brings a hardcore sick, nasty, and twisted no-holds-barred outrageous sensibility to the gleefully nutty premise that goes way overboard on the tasty female nudity, in-your-face brutal violence, and hilariously warped pitch-black humor with always entertaining and often sidesplitting results. Why, Jones even tosses in some alarming sibling incest into the hysterically offensive mix for good ghastly measure. Yep, this extremely messed-up movie is rude, crude, and vulgar beyond belief -- and that's exactly why it's such a terrifically tasteless riot. The two leads do amazing work in their roles, with LoPachin a particular stand-out throughout. Katie Chonacas likewise impresses as hapless hostage Robin. "Magnum P.I." TV series regular Larry Manetti has a funny cameo as himself. Mark Melville's stylish cinematography neatly alternates between bright color and grainy black and white. Kudos are also in order for the cool eclectic soundtrack and Geoff Levin's lively whimsical score. An absolute unhinged hoot.
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