Dakota Skye (2008) Poster


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The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me, Dakota Skye.
goldwriting14 August 2008
There are few times as a movie watcher when you get to be there at the beginning. By the time a directors name gets tossed into the open arena of critics and fans alike, they have already created a handful of theatrical visions and you find yourself scouring Netflix or Blockbuster trying to walk backwards through their cinematic resume. Well, this is one of those few times where you can say you were there when. In a small number of years you can act snobby at parties and brag about how you saw this feature length debut years before anyone knew about the following successes. What's better than having intellectual ammo at the ready to feel superior about? Not much.

Let's talk about the movie first, before we get into the behind the scenes masterminds. Dakota Skye is a superhero tale with a twist. Dakota is a young girl, only medium cute (a line from the movie, which is terribly inaccurate) and she has a secret power. No one can lie to her. Anytime someone distorts the truth around her, their real meaning and honest thoughts appear in front of her like subtitles in a foreign film. You might think this would be a great power to have, but once you start realizing how much people lie and what they really feel about you, life can seem pretty bleak. This is where Jonah comes in, a pleasant tinged stoner who seemingly never tells a lie. Meeting Jonah throws Dakota's world into a spin because there are only two answers, either her powers don't work on him or he really is the last honest person on Earth. Let the teenage confusion and angst begin! The movie is really centered around the relationship between Dakota and Jonah, which places a large amount of the success on the shoulders of Eileen Boylan (as Dakota) and Ian Nelson (as Jonah). Thankfully both step up to the task. The chemistry on screen helps the audience sink into their world, reminding us about that time when we met the first person who got underneath all our walls and social defenses. Eileen shuffles her scuffed jeans and worn-in Chucks through a performance balanced between one part slacker, one part dreamer and one part trail blazer. Top off with a dash of jaded teenager forced to grow up too fast and you have the incarnation of Dakota. Her adorable presence on screen and earnest moments really center the film and keep the audience tuned in. Coming in to lend his assistance is Ian with a humble smile, honest face and almost effortless delivery. Certain scenes for him felt so natural it could have been mistaken for improv, just letting him go and feel the moment as it happened. You can expect to see both of these young actors in the coming years, that is, if you haven't already caught Eileen in Greek and Making Change and Ian in Bratz and True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet.

Now both of those performances would not have been possible if not for the delicate touch of director John Humber. This is his first feature film and I can guarantee it won't be his last to reach the silver screen. Dakota Skye has the feel and rough edges of a debut filmmaker, but there is a vision, a concept and a level of skill that cannot be denied. The whole story is visually told with delicate pacing, filled with engaging moments, leading up to a beautifully touching final scene right out of any major motion picture we see today (specifically in the romance genre, that is). If this is the beginning of a career, all I can say is I am excited to see what's coming down the line.
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To be honest, it's OK.
lewiskendell25 March 2010
I had read so many good things about Dakota Skye, that I had to track it down and give it a spin. I agree with some of the positive things that have been said about it. The young actors that are the stars were uniformly wonderful and believable. The direction and acting all shared an organic feel, that made it easy to get into the vibe of the movie. 

Other than that, I wasn't really wowed by Dakota Skye. The story is interesting enough, and Dakota's ability, while fantastical, actually serves as the emotional groundwork of the movie. Dakota's personality is perfectly reasonable, given her circumstances. I know I'd be as cynical and jaded as she occasionally was. Maybe even more. It's refreshing to see such a well-written character. But beyond that, the movie was never much more than a mildly enjoyable experience. Decent, but not great. I liked the idea more than its actual execution.
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Wonderful screenplay, decent execution.
michellemanning70982 February 2011
With an intoxicating screenplay, Dakota Skye really drew me in. The heroine's detachment from motivation and cynical awareness of anything false drew me in via personal relation. Though the execution of the movie was a little off, the screenplay and characters made up for it. With a little patience, I truly appreciated this movie. The concept is unique and I loved witnessing Dakota resolve a series of common faults. The movie had a rugged style I found myself connecting with. It had a familiar "slow film" feel to it, but was far from boring and nothing short of interesting. Definitely an independent film worth watching, and definitely deserving of the Phoenix Film Festival award for screenplay. The writers behind this movie did a fantastic job.
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The girl with the super power - she can tell what people really mean when they lie.
TxMike12 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a small, quirky but interesting movie.

Eileen April Boylan is Dakota Skye, a senior in high school in Phoenix. As she describes in the opening voice-over, she has a super power, but not the typical type. She isn't extra strong, she can't fly, and a bullet would surely kill her. But she can tell when people are lying and what they really mean. As we see her friends say things to her, white subtitles tell us what they really mean.

Her boyfriend is J.B. Ghuman Jr. as Kevin. Kevin is a singer in a grunge band and tells Dakota "I love you" but the subtitles tell us he means "I want sex." Dakota seems stuck at a crossroads, her friends are all studying for the SAT but she doesn't know what she wants to do.

Things get complicated when Ian Nelson as Jonah Moreno shows up in town. He is an old friend of Kevin's, in fact used to be in the band, but now lives in New York and hopes to make it as an actor.

Jonah is different in one very important way. He never lies to Dakota. She finds that interesting, even tries to surprise him with a tough question, but he is honest with her. This is a first in her life and she doesn't quite know how to handle it.

A different movie, I enjoyed it.

SPOILERS: Dakota finally started getting tired of Kevin's antics and ended up spending a 24-hour time with Jonah when they ended up at the Grand Canyon at daybreak, probably a 5-hour, 250 mile trip. They developed a chemistry, but Dakota was stuck, not knowing what to do. Jonah left for NY, eventually Dakota abandoned the relationship she seemed stuck in and looked Jonah up in NY.
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Dakota and Jonah
dalangst26 August 2009
I probably would have enjoyed this film more if I were in high school still. At the same time, I felt like I could relate to the characters so it wasn't a complete waste. The two main characters, Dakota and Jonah, for the most part lack charisma. Jonah was somewhat like-able because he managed not to lie, except that you know, he tries to steal his friend's girlfriend and he does lie. He lies to his friend. I'm not going to go back and watch the film again to see if he lies to his friend directly, but in any case, he's pretty evasive about what's going on. Instead of driving Dakota home, he takes her on long car rides and on walks up nice mountainous overlooks and canyons. Oh, how romantic? What a friend? Where's the integrity and trustworthiness in trying to take your friends girlfriend? And this friend, Jonah, gives her this speech about how smitten he is and has been with her since they met and he just can't resist her. How? Dakota barely talks and when she does it's not too fun. She's annoying, irritating, and awful. She never says anything funny, except in her head sometimes. She dislikes people because they lie, and she admits that she, like everyone else, lies too. Hence, she dislikes herself. Why should we like her? Jonah, does two things that make me dislike him. One, he likes Dakota. Two, he tries to steal her from his friend, which does not make him friend-worthy.

Unfortunately for me I can relate to these characters, which is why I made it to the end of the film. Sometimes I mope around saying and doing nothing of interest or value for anyone, including myself, except being cynical, pessimistic, negative and honest. It doesn't get you very far unless you're a comedian. I somehow get attached sometimes to stupid, negative, cute chicks that don't really have much to offer anyone and expect everything to be thrown in their lap. What's my excuse? I'm a guy. This movie sheds some light on how I probably appear to others, both in Jonah's and Dakota's characters.
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terrific concept
SnoopyStyle30 April 2016
Dakota Skye is a 17 year old Phoenix high school student, "medium cute", and has a superpower. She can see the truth of a lie like the caption to a foreign language film. Her boyfriend Kevin is nice but loves sex more than her. That's fine since she's apathetic after a life of seeing lies. Her father is dead and her mother is often absent. Her best friend Beth is desperate for her to study the SATs. Dakota simply doesn't care about the future until Kevin's old friend Jonah Moreno comes for a visit. He's an aspiring actor in New York and he doesn't seem to lie.

It's a terrific idea. The concept is played out in a teen relationship, non-superhero way. One must keep in mind that this is a small budget indie. The young actors are fair. The lead character's passivity does leave some of the movie lacking energy. On the other hand, it is a touching and adds something original to the coming-of-age genre. I would have liked to see Dakota use her powers in some ways although I understand the idea that she is completely worn out.
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Superhero powers blunted into puppy-love banality
rbstern12 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
About the best I can say is this movie held my attention. Dakota's subtle superhero power and the tie-in to the comic book hero/anti-hero concept is clever. It's what I hoped the movie would center on. Unfortunately, that part of the story turns out to be more gimmicky than profound.

Dakota is not a particularly likable or interesting main character. For someone with such a gift, you would expect a more dynamic character. But she comes across as self-centered and shallow. It's hard to understand what Jonah sees in her. She's moody, quiet, and never really offers anything meaningful to build the relationship on, whereas the script allows Jonah's character to appear emotive, interesting and interested. Its easy to understand her attraction to him, but not so much the other way around. For the movie's sake, the saving grace for the relationship is the tension it creates due to Dakota's infidelity to her boyfriend, Kevin.

Perhaps the writers and directors deserve some credit for capturing the somewhat vapid existence many teens experience as they try to transition to adult life with adult relationships.

The acting is a bit wooden at times, and the script is a bit too mired in the style of teen-speak ("Dude, I'm down with that.").

This movie had a lot of potential based on the superhero angle. Instead, it turned into a treadworn story of puppy-love.
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Amazing film and that's no lie.
bigpeeler23 July 2009
You've already read the synopsis from the other reviews, so I'll spare you that. Just let me tell you that I stumbled across this film not knowing what to expect and within the first minute, I was pulled in and it never let go.

I am definitely not it's intended demo (50 year old male), but I do appreciate good cinema, especially the "indie" efforts. Granted, many of such films can be arduous at best, but not Dakota Skye. The actors all gave stellar performances in a very natural way. You never felt as if you were watching a production, but rather it was if you floated down into their lives for a couple of hours. That's why I watch movies.

Highly recommended. Please give this movie some good word of mouth. It truly deserves it.
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It's Hard to Make a Good Movie
chron9 October 2018
There are a lot of things that have to come together to make a good movie. This was short on a couple of very important ones.

The plot premise is good. Unfortunately, the plot was tiresome and tedious. The acting was second-rate at best. The timing of the dialog was off and the actors didn't interact.

The camera was perpetually out-of-focus as well.
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The Best Film You've Never Heard Of...Yet.
donna-1198 April 2008
I was at the Phoenix Film Festival this weekend, and it was one of the strongest batch of quality films I've seen at a festival. There were none of those high- profile stinkers (like Hound Dog) that always seem to slip into these showcases. Just good cinema.

By far the Best of the Fest was a little film called DAKOTA SKYE. It's a coming of age story (strike 1) with no stars (strike 2). But the film does not deserve to go back to the lockers. This should be seen by the widest audience possible. (At the fest, I saw a similar remarkable film, the already acclaimed American Teen. This was even better.)

And while it's about a 16 year-old girl growing up in Phoenix, the film is not your typical coming of age drama...not even close. There's a (let's say) superhero element that makes the film completely unique (without relying on its gimmick like say, What Women Want.) The ingenious script by Chad Shonk (who so deserved the Award he won) merely uses his gimmick as a jumping off point, to explore issues of trust. I am not the target audience for this film, yet it spoke to me in a way I would not have expected. (It's even more exceptional that the film was written, produced and directed by men, yet is such a strong woman's picture.)

And the cast may not be stars, but they can Act, with a capital A. Eileen Boylan gets a star-making part as the emotionally conflicted Dakota. She plays well off of Ian Nelson and J.B. Ghuman as the two men in her life. Each performer brings a different energy to the film, and you can see what appeals to Dakota and draws her to both guys. (The conflict is highlighted in an amazing movie theater scene that contains some of the film's best dialogue and most subtly powerful direction.) Nelson shows the skills of a solid leading man, while Ghuman should be required casting for any filmmaker looking for an actor who can steal the movie. His mixture of jerkiness and emotional sincerity should be taught to other actors of his generation who keep messing parts like this up.

The film is really well edited. For a dialogue-heavy film, there's a lot of montages and they feel carefully planned, not scraped together out of whatever footage was lying around. (Something that you come to expect to find in a first-time Indie film.) And it's all tied up with a light and bouncy score that knows when to come in and when to let the actors do the heavy lifting.

I learned this is the feature debut of director John Humber, and I can't wait to see where he goes next. This is an assured first film (like the best parts of Sofia Coppola's The Virgin Suicides or David Gordon Green's George Washington.) My big fear is that, with no stars to push, the film will get lost on the festival circuit and we will all lose out on one of the most exciting filmmakers I've seen in a while. I urge everybody to mark this page, google the film, do whatever you have to. If this film comes to your town, DO NOT MISS IT. If you happen to be on a festival committee, don't be so quick to give it a pass. (Like Hustle & Flow, the film gets better and better as it goes on.) You'll want to say that you played this film and supported this filmmaker. (He also gives an excellent Q&A.)

DAKOTA SKYE, the best independent film that isn't getting enough attention.

p.s. I was inspired to write this review because I worry the film won't get released in theaters or come out on DVD. And I really want to own this film on DVD. I don't want the festival to be the one and only time I get to watch it.
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SailingSwanee31 July 2009
I watched this movie with anticipation as I was expecting a good teen romance. What I got was load of foul mouthed, pot smoking, drug taking, sleazy American movie making. I must admit I can't comment on the whole movie because after much hesitation, and hoping that it would improve, I finally decided I didn't want to waste any more of my life on this tripe.

The acting I must admit was OK, but the lead role, played by Eileen April Boylan playing the part of Dakota Skye, a 16 y/o girl who has a permanent chip on her shoulder. She is smothered in make up, and uses the 'F' word frequently. I understand it is rated 'R', but to me the movie was a waste of time, money and lacked any intelligence.
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This is pathetic
tabmeta4 April 2011
What a joke, shots were out of focus sometimes and I could swear I saw a boom somewhere in the shot. Poor acting, even worse script. Some of the worst directing I've ever seen. Very sophomoric. There was very little substance. Mostly fluff and childish lines. Very cliché as well.

If you pay close attention, you'll notice how bad of a production this actually was. These guys are clueless!

Was this supposed to be a comedy, because I couldn't stop laughing.

This is pathetic What a joke, shots were out of focus sometimes and I could swear I saw a boom somewhere in the shot. Poor acting, even worse script. Some of the worst directing I've ever seen. Very sophomoric. There was very little substance. Mostly fluff and childish lines. Very cliché as well.

If you pay close attention, you'll notice how bad of a production this actually was. These guys are clueless!

Was this supposed to be a comedy, because I couldn't stop laughing.
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I love when a movie does this....
slimpickensisgod1 August 2009
I love when I see the trailer for a movie and expect so little from it and then get so much. It's the kind of movie that makes you glad you took the time out to see it but then at the same time wish you didn't so you can watch it for the first time again. Sentimental without being gushy-over-the-top-nonsense, well written and possibly even better acted. The dialog is crisp and funny but still natural and the actors pull it off with just the right amount of sarcasm when necessary and emotion when required. Its not going to win Oscars or end up on the AFI top 100, its not the best film ever shot, and it might not deserve a 10/10 compared to some of the classics, but it is a gem and if giving it a 10 in some tiny way makes other people watch it too then its a lie that even Dakota might approve of. Definitely one of my recommended movies to anyone I talk to.
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mikgee5 May 2019
This was so awful I felt like puking. Even for teenagers it is an embarrasment to watch and the acting is painful.Lead actress is a spoilt brat and the rest of the cast are lame.I don't know how this gets any positive feedback.
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Truthful film
devils058 April 2008
I just saw this movie at the Phoenix film festival where it won the award for best screenplay. The writing was very deserving of the award. The story is terrific and the dialogue very believable. The apathy and cynicism she has developed over the years with her ability to see through the lies of others plays very well and is very relatable because we have all felt that way at some point in our lives when we have seen through a lie that we had once believed in. The story is a very realistic exploration of the meaning and definition of truth and what role it plays in our lives. All of the actors were of believable age as well, which is often hard to find in a film involving high school age characters. Terrific movie well worth seeing and I hope it makes it into wider distribution.
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Fantastic plot, poor execution
AscendeSuperius20 July 2020
When I first started this film, I had high hopes for it as it looked like exactly the kind of film that I would watch. The storyline is amazing from the start to the end.

However, there are a couple of things that make this not as good as it can be. From the cinematography to the acting, the characters, the music, I did not find it fantastic. The music was odd and bad, the acting mediocre, and I simply did not feel the spark between the characters of the film. Personally, I believe that this film has a lot of potential, however, due to poor execution, actors and actresses used, it overall worsened the film. Moreover, the filter used throughout the film was also quite odd and I believe it is one that the film could definitely do without.
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Dakota Skye is a gem!
jk-30315 March 2008
We just saw the "world premiere" of this brilliant independent film at the San Luis Obispo Film Festival. This low-budget little masterpiece was shot in just 16 days (a miracle in itself). Creative concept, touching and original script and compelling performances make this the "Juno" of 2008. It is funny and thoughtful and moving without being predictable or sentimental.

It deserves broad distribution so the world can share this realistic look at the value of truth in a world full of half-truths and lies.

Bravo to the young film makers who really got it right.

P.S. Josh Brolin was there to introduce his short feature "X". He stayed for "Dakota Skye" and was very enthusiastic about the film.
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You must see this film!
flyoverland6 April 2008
Mr. John Humber is a name we will all soon be hearing about.

I just saw this movie at the Phoenix Film Festival... I was blown away by the quality of the writing, the acting, the soundtrack, and, above all, the direction, the overall creativity of it. Eileen April Boyle is a standout, though her co-stars put in good performances. The script by Chad Shonk is remarkable in its subtlety, its creativity (especially given the genre), and for the reality of the world presented.

As a point of comparison (for you indie film lovers), Ed Burn's debut, BROTHERS McMULLEN, doesn't hold a candle to this film. And that's not to diminish Mr. Burns, but rather to communicate the quality of this film. Remarkable. Outstanding.

I spoke with the director right after the screening, and he shared that it has been rejected from a number of festivals because there are no stars in the cast. The selection committees should be ashamed of themselves for such a decision.

If you get the chance, SEE THIS FILM. It has left me in that dream-like state which only excellent films can accomplish, where the characters are so well-drawn that you don't want it end, don't want the credits to play, and which holds your thoughts -- and your heart -- in its hands for a time afterward.

(John Humber, you're my hero.)
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The above posts aren't lying this IS a really good indie
rhewgley19 July 2009
Why can't more indies be this good. All you need is a great script, good actors, and a director to catch the right mood. This movie has all three. Also Dakota Skye was not overly moody, condescending, or wrecked by some aspiring director trying to make the perfect movie and ending up over doing everything in it. I really liked both of the leads and the chemistry they had was great. Also kudos to the writer for effectively using the truth plot device it could have easily gone haywire but it had just the right tone with the cynical but extremely likable young girl. Who wouldn't be cynical knowing the truth all of the time. I got the movie out of a redbox so it has come to DVD so I say this is not just a good indie but a good romance as well.
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kochibo6 April 2008
This was an excellent film! I just saw it at the Phoenix Film Festival. Very realistic and convincing. Her story is completely normal in every other respect besides her ability, and I connected much more with the movie because of it. Her quest felt like something a real person would go through. She's unsure of her future, unsure of her feelings, and everything is just confusing. I don't think it can get more accurate than that when describing adolescence. Some people might judge bits of the content to be inappropriate, but I feel that if it hadn't of been there, I couldn't have taken the characters and plot seriously. I really enjoy the fact the Dakota's superpower both is and is not the focus of the movie. The writers were able to make it stay far from any cheesy superpower movie clichés, which was wonderful. The ability was just a tool to allow her to discover parts of herself. I loved the film, excellent work!
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excellent screenplay, honest acting
heather-g-quinn18 April 2011
Watching Dakota Sky was like breathing sweet air on a quiet summer evening. The writing is almost pitch-perfect - a quality that is this movie's stand-out feature, for me. The characters are honestly developed and well-acted. The film's structure and pacing are very fine - almost perfect.

The only downside is that the story is slight. (More drama, depth and complexity would have made this a better film - a different one, too, of course. I think the writer, director and cast could have handled it.)

Considering the budget, this is an outstanding production overall, and worthy of attention.

(I wanted to know more about the producer, director, writer and actors, and was disappointed to find that no one has produced Wiki pages for most of these creative artists, as yet.)
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Something about it...
kariann-marti27 July 2018
Okay, the dialogue is not brilliant, and the occasional narration tells some of the obvious, but I liked this enough to watch it multiple times. It took me back to my teens and early 20s, when it was hard to accept that a guy might not be lying. The three main characters were believable, and they had chemistry. Jonah's heartache and discomfort with the situation were tangible.
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Astonishingly Intelligent and Moving Film
chris-shaver27 June 2015
Huge fan. I haven't read any reviews that mention the quality of the lighting and sound. They were all so well done that they put many a large-budget movie to shame. The sound quality in the live-band rock and roll scenes alone was spectacular.

Also - the casting was really well done. In the DVD special features you hear the pains they took to get the casting right (auditioning 1000s). And it shows. There is not a false acting note in the entire movie.

I have tiny quibbles with the turning point at the end of act 2 in the script, where the major setback gets verbalized in a Sex-in-The-City- like internal monologue that felt emotionally and intellectually off key for the main character. But its nothing that impacts the genuine affection I feel for this gem of a movie.

Hollywood Producer Alert. If you are a production company trying to make really high quality movies at low budget, these guys are the real deal - proved commodities.
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Dakota Skye is a wonderful little movie
nicoli-bowler25 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched Dakota Skye, and loved it. Of course Im a romantic at a heart, but the performances are awesome. I was hooked from the start, the movie was at the right pace and was just the right length. The cast were excellent, its a shame that Ian Nelson hasn't done many more movies since Dakota Skye, as he is a wonderful actor, he was believable in every scene. When Jonah opens his heart to Dakota, and tells her how he feels about her, his monologue was so beautiful and heart felt. The scene where Jonah watches Dakota singing with Kevin,you can really feel the pain that Jonah is experiencing, and ultimately you really care how he feels. I felt for the characters in this movie, which is rare these days. I hope that Chad J Shonk writes another movie, his dialogue and character development are excellent, of course the direction is brilliant too. I felt really happy after this movie, and prepared for the day ahead.....hope to see Ian Nelson and Eileen April Boylan in more movies in the future.
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Pretty good sci fi / fantasy film
scifiguy-4214 September 2016
Found this film and started watching it mostly because the premise is basic to all science fiction or fantasy. You pose an intriguing "what if" and then see how people deal with it. The more interesting the "what if", and how well the writing proceeds logically and realistically from there, the better.

My wife and I watched the movie together and enjoyed it very much. Sure, it's not perfect. There are a number of obvious musical and driving fillers for example that mostly eat up time do not move the plot along much. However, the writing and acting is good throughout, and we really cared about what would happen to the main characters. We even cared about some of the secondary ones.

This is my first review. I looked the movie up on IMDb primarily because I wanted to see if a sequel had ever been made. We'd truly like to see where the story goes from where it ended.

Kudos to all involved!
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