Eyeborgs (2009) Poster


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Eyeborgs is a Sci-Fi flick that seems part Robocop part Predator. It is low-budgeted but pretty good for an Independent flick and worth at least a rental.
Joecool1-129 June 2010
Eyeborgs on Blu-ray looks very good for an Independent low-budgeted film. Not surprisingly the Director was a former DP (Director Of Photography) and the visual effects won two awards. The story parallels the real-world anxiety during the Bush Administration with it's futuristic tale. The acting is a little shaky but most of it is the supporting cast with the exception of Supporting Actor extrordinaire Danny Trejo. The Eyeborgs themselves remind me a lot of the Ed-209's in Robocop (they even sound like them) at least the miniature ones do. The bigger Eyeborgs are another robot/creature entirely. The story rings true in lots of ways about losing privacy due to technology and too much power corrupts. You can read my full review here - http://www.movie-vault.com/reviews/eyeborgs-bluray/
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Stage One of the inevitable robot-human war
peteranderson9753 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In a near-future USA its citizens are under perpetual surveillance from Eyeborgs, mobile robotic cameras, used by the police to stop crime happening and to convict any criminals they see. A big hairy ranting paranoid man is arrested when tries to shoot Jarrett Hewes (Luke Eberl) the nephew of the American President as he is performing with his punk band. Agents from the Department of Homeland Security 'Gunner' Reynolds (Adrian Paul) and his partner Bradley investigate to see if there is any other threat. During the investigation Gunner become suspicious of the Eyeborgs and his suspicions are confirmed by evidence from TV reporter Barbara Hawkins (Megan Blake).

This film covers a lot of old ground but it is a pretty good take on the ideas that make up it main story. While 'The Matrix' and 'The Terminator' had humans at war with the machines this film suggests that their route to dominance and control may be through taking advantage of suspicion and fear to encourage humans to surrender their freedom to the machines.

The design of the robots was okay especially the little two-legged ones that almost look like toys but they turn out to have more in common with a certain silver ball from 'Phantasm'. This is film is worth a watch, not too deep and not too dumb.

Rating 7/10
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Better than I thought
moorek7 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this I thought it was going to be a cheesy, low budget, poor acting movie. After all it had Adrian Paul in it so what else could it be. Well it is what I thought. BUT somewhere along the line it developed some interesting subplots and some greater social conscience. The movie wasn't able to maximize its potential but it still makes you think. So let's break movie down: ACTING. It's what you expect. Little or unknown actors with limited ability. But the acting is no worse than 90% of what we see on television.

CONTINUITY. The movie flows OK but there's so many unexplained bits and pieces that should have been linked or explained. The singer from the band and the girlfriend are killed in the car making the President's uncle the new lead singer. No connection to the movie's plot. Why sneak explosives into the building when you've already loaded tanks of explosive material in the basement with timers on them. Why have a running gun fight when the purpose is to explode the building? Just do it. How did the plot with guitar man mesh with the explosives in the basement? It's like two plots to kill the President. And why would the guitar man want to kill the President as the Vice-President would take over and it's clear the latter is more the hawk of the two? Plot line. The plot line is confusing at times. We never figure out who is controlling the eyeborgs (likely the VP) or if they are acting independently (AI). Sometimes it seems like it has to be the latter but the basic plot line only seems to benefit the VP.

GRAPHICS. Overall not too bad. The eyeborgs were fairly well done. The larger units looked a little too computer generated at times but other units, such as the soldier units, looked good.

So why give it a 6 instead of a 2 or 3? I found the movie unsettling as it is just a slightly more extreme example of what exists today. Our survelliance cameras might not be linked but they are everywhere. I read somewhere that in large cities, if you are walking on a city street, that you will likely be captured on tape by at least 14 cameras on average. Even if that stat is wrong and it's only 2-3, that's still a lot of times to have someone record you. In the movie people could never get away from the cameras. Even low end criminals selling guns, dope or plotting to kill the President couldn't keep them out of their houses.

Also found it unsettling how they relied on robots for all evidence such as film footage, blood samples and other crime scene investigations. Sort of a Magnus Robot Fighter environment. No one thinks for themselves.

Finally it has the feeling and the closing that would work well as a pilot for a TV show.

It's worth a rental or purchase in the low cost movie bin.
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Pretty good B-movie
Leofwine_draca20 March 2015
EYEBORGS executes a simple B-movie premise with energy and efficiency: various characters encounter and are forced to battle against a new wave of 'eyeborgs', which are strange robotic critters that appear to be drones with legs. Said 'eyeborgs' have been taken over by a nefarious power, their forces growing while investigators attempt to uncover the conspiracy behind them.

What this all boils down to is an action-packed flick in which the protagonists are constantly fighting off attacks by the deadly machines. The hero duties are handled by Adrian Paul (TV's HIGHLANDER), playing his tough-guy routine with aplomb; also along for the ride is Danny Trejo, although he appears to be locked in a basement for his scant screen time.

What I noticed most about EYEBORGS is that the CGI effects are actually very well achieved. They're not 100% realistic, of course, but for what must have been a low budget they're excellent and the robots get plenty of screen time too. As usual, the script is what ends up lacking the most, but the plentiful action at least keeps this one entertaining throughout.
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What were they thinking?
mumia-116 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Or rather the problem probably is that they weren't thinking, or thought that the audience won't be thinking. Or any mixture of those.

Every and each character in the movie has an IQ around or less than fifty. While the basic idea and storyline has some faint potential in it (even if its a ripoff of the terminator franchise) the execution is below par, with 1-bit characters, crappy acting and crappy cgi sequences. The last two might be attributed to low budget, but you don't need loads of money for a good screenplay.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that this wasted strip of celluloid has over 5 points rating. Maybe the audience really isn't thinking, or did our standard really fall THIS LOW? What I really don't understand though is why did they make it to end like there is already a sequel in the making, did they honestly believe that this will be a hit or what? Or if I think more on it, the ending makes this look like it was intended to be a back-door pilot for a TV show. The ending could have been a title sequence for a TV series.
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Low budget and bad bad bad acting
sepathiebtw17 July 2010
Story line good. But acting is bad at its best. Its really frustrating to look at the film. I had to fast forward the film few times to avoid seeing the bad acting parts. Acting of the boy is really really bad. I don't think he is a good actor. The blame should go to director as well. he should have recognize that there were lots of bad acting. Its really frustrating to watch. The story line have lots of places where you could easily bring up thrill. But it was not used at all. This is one of the really bad films I have ever seen. This could become a great hit if not for this bad acting. So I would never ever recommend this film to anyone.
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Some real flaws, but still does good job of being creepy.
mfredenburg8 October 2010
As a Highlander Series fan I watched this film hoping for good things, but was disappointed.

At a high-level the plot and premise have real potential, but this potential is never realized because the actual script and directing are mediocre at best. Further the story flow is disjointed and uneven. Character development is also weak and you really don't get to know the characters or care about them much.

Adrian Paul's performance was competent, but uninspiring, probably due to mediocre dialog. Likewise, the other actors performances are hard to critique because they really did not have much with which to work.

Somehow, in spite of the above, the ever present cameras and Eyeborgs do create a really creepy atmosphere and made me think I do not want anything even close to a society infested with Eyeborgs.

So in spite of its many flaws, good special effects and just enough of everything else still allows Eyeborgs to achieve its objective of making us question an ends justifies the means approach to fighting terrorism.
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Not the Best Sci-fi
xxxdaizeyxxx14 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I wish someone would have warned me about the gross make out scenes the guy mad me want to hurl when he made his attempt to be sexy. The director could have spared the weak attempt to keep the audience interested with the sexual content. I thought the acting was really hurting, and the lead actor was really a bad choice for a lead character. I will say that the CG was good, but that was the only thing that was good about the entire movie. I actually fell asleep during this one... was really a wasted download for me. My advice, don't pick this one for a family movie night it's not worth the rental fee of the bandwidth to download.
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Robot Watchers Are Watching Now
thegene-27 July 2010
This movie has it's good points and it's bad points Yet there is just something about this movie that holds your attention all the way through. The special effects are not fantastic but they are very good. The acting in general is not great, but it is for the most part, fairly good. The story line is not new yet, it seems to work within the context of the movie. I gave it a seven because it was overall entertaining to watch. Don't expect Star Wars or Star Trek but there is mystery and action and a little bit of thrills, and plenty of robots. Very importantly, I did not feel the movie was slow in parts as it kept my mind engaged and I also found myself thinking more about what was going on in the movie rather than what I thought could have been done better. It does borrow concepts from other great movies to an extent, but given that there are so many science fiction movies out there now, it is hard to come up with any real new and "never been done" ideas. For those that like to get an idea of the basic concept of the move and it's components like acting and plot, I think of this movie as an updated version and cross between 1984, and Colossus: The Forbin Project. So grab yourself a can of pop, pop yourself some popcorn and plop down on comfortable couch and enjoy some good entertainment experience that is good and does not try to be one of the main stream super blockbuster Hollywood Extravaganzas.
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poor acting and dialogs
liluzizu24 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is so bad that it is actually fanny. All trash movie admirers will love it. I had the impression that the movie was shot in a week and they did not have money to repeat some scenes. Scriptwriters were writing as they were shooting. The dialogs are very bad!

The boy, his girlfriend, terrorist and a TV reporter are the result of the extremely bad casting. The terrorist is not convincing, the girlfriend is repulsive, the reporter is pathetic, the violet-haired boy is a complete nonsense. Why they had to kill 20 people to save him from the "violent" 3-d scanning by machines?

Apart from Danny Trejo, the best acting in this movie is done by eyeborgs.
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Ignore the negative reviews - this is a good, exciting movie!
rcrudolph12 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where the barrage of negative reviews on this site comes from - given the plot of the movie, about out-of-control government surveillance, I'd almost believe they were part of a campaign to deter people from watching it.

The film is suspenseful, thought-provoking and well-acted. No,it isn't a mega-budget blockbuster, but it didn't have to be. The script was tight and literate and the direction and camera work kept me glued to the screen.

And given the premise, it raises a disturbing question of how much of what passes for news in the media is actually real - a photo-shopped picture of a monkey holding a semi-automatic handgun that was used by FOX News to illustrate a discredited story about monkeys being taught to kill U.S. soldiers - immediately comes to mind.

So if you are looking for a fast-moving, well-done and entertaining way of passing some time, don't believe the bad reviews. It may not be an Academy Award contender, but it is WELL WORTH WATCHING!!!
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Surveillance Security vs Freedom…Slick Low-Budgeter
LeonLouisRicci14 December 2014
Slick Looking Conspiratorial B-Movie with a Multitude of CGI Surveillance Robots that are the Government's New Tool in a "Big-Brother is Watching" Scenario that is Beginning to Find its Place in the Cinema of the New Millennium. Rightfully So and Not a Minute too Soon.

With Cameras Everywhere but in Your Corn Flakes (that's next) in the Real World it is a Ripe and Relevant Scenario Ready for Debate. Freedom vs Security. Cue Benjamin Franklin.

This is a Scary and Creepy Film that At Times can be too Good Looking for its Own Good. Some of the Ominous Observing Robots can Look Cute and Cuddly and Maybe that's the Point. We are Your Friend. Just Like the Government is Your Friend and Bill O'Reilly is "Definitely looking out for You".

The Excellent Plot and its Twists are Above Average for its Type. It Packs a Wallop and it Tries Really Hard to Make its Points when the Point is, this Should be an Obvious Outcome of what's Taking Place in the Real World of Today. NSA Data Collecting and Cameras Up the Yin-Yang Cannot Lead to Anything Great.

Of Course, the Images are Sent Back to a Centralized Network (Skynet?) and Manipulated to Make it look like anything They want and that's the Flaw in the Argument Against the Peeking Patrols of Not Only Eyes in the Sky but Eyes Everywhere.

This is a Fine B-Movie that Thinks and Entertains with Some Gusto from a Talented Director. The Only Gripe is that Some of its Sting is Stifled by the Tone that Sometimes Can Make it All Seem too Much Sci-Fi and Not Enough Paranoid Conspiracy Thriller.
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Still a B movie
fuelrodx29 March 2020
They had an interesting idea/concept but it still was limited in scope. I like high tech movies, but this one only went so far. I got bored. The spider drone is widely used in movies and because of that you have to deliver more due to its common use in films. There has to be a good script and storyline to go with it. Just action and sequences cannot give enough.
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Fun fun fun
MuggySphere6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this... This was fun.

Possible future in which an advanced AI has control of remote cameras that are now mobile and can move and act. And act they do. They chop, slice and dice anyone perceived as a threat.

I enjoyed the ride and plan to get this if it's on DVD.

I did have a plot point that bugged me. If the system was so intelligent it could fake the president why didn't it just announce itself and be done with? If the AI wants to be in total control of America why didn't it just seize control? Other then that minor nitpick I loved this.
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You're Being Watched
wes-connors8 September 2014
In the near future, terrorist attacks on American soil have resulted in the United States taking significant steps to increase homeland security. Mainly, a couple of things have happened. First, all the surveillance cameras you see hanging around - everywhere from banks to the local convenience store - have been connected into one network - the Optical Defense Intelligence Network (ODIN). Second, a mobile robotic system of cameras have been introduced, called "Eyeborgs". Naturally these devices are there to protect our freedom, not take it away. However, it appears something has gone terribly wrong...

In the opening, young purple-haired punk rocker Lucas "Luke" Eberl (as Jarett Hewes) performs with his "Painful Daze" band. There is an attempt to assassinate Mr. Eberl, but he survives when handsome ODIN agent Adrian Paul (as Robert "Gunner" Reynolds) and his Eyeborgs make the scene. Pushy blonde TV reporter Megan Blake (as Barbara Hawkins) smells a story...

Curiously, Eberl is the nephew of the President of the United States. Even more curious, Mr. Paul's subsequent investigation of the killer reveals something disturbing about our protective Eyeborgs. Director Richard Clabaugh and his crew keep the action and intrigue levels high. Visual effects supervisor Christopher Howell Watson and his team received award notices for their animated creatures, which are designed and inserted well. Performances are fine, with Eberl taking the best role to the top. "Eyeborgs" would rank a couple notches higher if not for the shaky cameras. Some of the wobbling looks natural, but there are many times when the camera is shaking uncontrollably. It's not too bad during the erotic car wash, though...

****** Eyeborgs (4/29/09) Richard Clabaugh ~ Adrian Paul, Luke Eberl, Megan Blake, Danny Trejo
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Think Robocop Meets Enemy of the State Meets the Forbin Project
MyAvatar18 April 2011
I am giving this 10 out of 10 because it is a surprisingly good science fiction film that should have a much wider viewing than it is getting. If you know your science fiction you will easily see this film's pedigree. If you don't know your science fiction, you should do everyone a favor and stick to reviewing what you know and enjoy.

In Eyeborgs, we are treated to a near future surveillance and mechanized police state society gone to its logical extreme. It is done in a campy but satisfying way not unlike the Robocop movies. Many other movies have dealt with this subject matter but often they are not nearly this much fun.

If you like science fiction get your Jiffy Pop ready and spin this one up on your little DVD player or patch into your high speed internet and let the electrons and photons begin to stream.
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Movie That Deserves A Remake
robertmike5723 August 2014
When I saw this movie on the Syfy channel, I couldn't get into it and was surfing around to other channels, this movie was cheesy where there should had been a tension and suspense, but I came back toward the end to see what might happen, as this is so bad it was good and I wanted to see where this movie would end. And I was surprised, it was if there was another movie that had come on. The 3rd act of Eyeborgs presents a thought provoking concept and has good action. It could had been done better with better actors and sharper writing, yet so surprising that I give it a bit higher rating to recommend it. So remake this movie with a decent budget and script, it's a great story.
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Smart, slick & thrilling B-movie Sci-fi Thriller with heart!!!
lukem-5276027 June 2021
It's true that this Direct-to-dvd B-movie definitely "Punches well above It's weight" & managed to be more fun & entertaining that those terrible soulless "Bay-Formers" films that cost ridiculously millions & are utter crap!!!!

"Eyeborgs" is a Sci-fi flick that fits in with films like Will Smith's i,Robot & Tom Selleck's Runaway & Paul Verhoven's Robocop & Danny Glover's Predator 2 & even James Cameron's Aliens & Jamie lee Curtis Virus, there's probably alot more flicks that "Eyeborgs" fits with & what i felt when watching it.

Imagine a world where Smoking is banned!!! That future world is here in Eyeborgs & i loved it for that.

In a future America there are droids/robots everywhere that watch everything & everyone & record everything, they are controlling society & this type of techno paranoia is very real & that's what makes this film relevant & exciting.

Adrian Paul (90's Highlander t.v series) is well cast as the lead government Agent investigating into some suspicious murders that may have been committed by the very robots that are supposed to be protecting us.

There's also a real heartfelt & human drama within this special fx spectacular Sci-fi Thriller & that's with Adrian Paul's sad & troubled Agent "Gunner" as we find out his wife was murdered & his son kidnapped & that horrific event led to the use of Eyeborgs everywhere to catch those types of horrendous crimes & Adrian is a solid actor who gives a nice quietly brooding sadness to his character. Eyeborgs gives us excellent performances & characters we actually care about!!!

Megan Blake & Luke Eberl are great & deserves a mention here too along with Adrian Paul & Danny Trejo.

Eyeborgs gives a sense of the danger of how we're relying too much on technology & how at the same time we want to have privacy & what is this technology controls everything we see or think we see? Conspiracy & paranoia is at the centre of this movie, if the robots start thinking for themselves & it becomes a Conspiracy to take over humans would we seem paranoid if we spoke out loud? Adrian Paul has some decent moments where he starts to wonder & is ridiculed by his colleagues for even thinking that. Eyeborgs is like a distant cousin or even a companion piece to Will Smith's i,Robot in my opinion.

Also we get the Awesome character actor legend Danny Trejo in a really good little role as a paranoid & technophobe repair shop owner named G-man. It's always great to see Trejo's rugged face pop up in films & i just love his gravelly voice & screen presence.

The special effects are excellent for a low-budget B-movie production & actually look really impressive.

I liked the techno-paranoid feel to this movie & it did remind me of i,Robot & Robocop & i liked that about it.

With excellent robot creatures & a decent cast & a smart story & a nice slick look, this little B-movie is an absolute treasure amongst all the usual crap that gets dropped straight on to dvd.

Major Respect to Director Richard Clabaugh for what he accomplished here with the budget he had to work with & you can feel that passion within the movie. Slick Cinematography too that gives it that futuristic feel & excellent & thrilling action sequences.

Eyeborgs is such a damn Cool movie.

Eyeborgs is one of those rare "Gem" flicks & an excellent piece of science fiction fun.
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Just who runs our country?
ltlacey1 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could rate the entire movie here, but the jerky camera work was making me so nauseated that I had to stop watching. Even looking away was not helping. But what I did see I liked, and I actually liked it a lot. Sure, the acting pretty much was dismal, and some of the effects were obviously awful, but the premise of the movie's storyline was what grabbed me. I could see where this could be going and the idea of cute little robots attacking and killing people at whim is something I really wanted to see. Maybe it was that I was seeing some poorer version of the movie through Netflix, and if so I wish someone would let me know, since this is a movie I would go out and make an effort to find, if I could watch it without a major dose of Dramamine.
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Fun, Smart Sci-Fi Thriller
rgn2220 June 2010
I saw Eyeborgs at its premier screening in St. Pete Beach, and it is a fun "killer robot" movie wrapped around a moral/political message. If you want to pay attention, you can catch the allegories to real-life situations equally involving privacy of citizens, and trusting the media and government. However, in essence it is a fun movie about robots being used to take over society. An independent film with a very high production value and excellent special effects. The robots, especially the "Reapers" are extremely well done. Very good performance by Adrian Paul as the Department of Homeland Defense Agent. I definitely recommend this movie for sci-fi fans.
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Excellent Entertainment; movie is way under-rated.
wc_ling29 October 2013
Great science fiction story and a scenario that could actually become a reality. Movie starts out a bit rough with kiddy's attempt at music which is noise to delicate ears, but, the saving grace is the torture is short lived. Just mute until the action starts which happens rather quickly. If you're into good science fiction this is it. I found this movie better than Robocop. The story has mystery to it that I doubt any movie goer seen coming. The special effects and acting was up there so as not to mark down for. Just open your mind and go with it and you'll be entertained. Nice that this movie doesn't have another long car chase that so many movies have these days that just bores me to tears. After viewing this movie you may be looking for cameras the rest of your life. You have been warned!
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"You had me at "eyeborgs".
rushton-25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's just the way I'm wired, I guess. If I hear that there's a movie floating around called Eyeborgs, that's it: I'm kind of honor-bound to watch it. I'll admit that I grabbed this Blu-ray disc expecting some sort of schlocky campfest with a cartoonishly over-the-top sense of humor and bargain basement CGI...something ripped out straight of the SyFy Original Movie playbook..... Instead, I was rewarded with a smart, ambitious, and fiercely independent slice of science fiction. ......The scale and scope of Eyeborgs' visual effects work is staggering by any standard, but that's especially true for a movie shot on such a low budget. Again, there are somewhere around 700 visual effects shots throughout the film along with a legion of different types of machines. The skill and craftsmanship behind the effects is deeply impressive, from the animation to mass...to the weight...that each machine clearly has to it." review by Adam Tyner here: http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/43277/eyeborgs/
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In sum, it's a better than average science fiction movie
davelocke10 July 2010
A sleeper. I really liked it for how they handled the SF elements, developing a reasonable What If scenario which they spin off from the surveillance aspect of our governmental enthusiasms for security theater.

Even without that, the characterizations and action sequences would be enough to place this movie much higher than what you'd normally find by frittering away the same amount of time on, say, a SyFy channel original movie.

I doubt there were many $$$ involved in this. For one thing, the only actor I recognized was Danny Trejo in a very brief role. It's good to see a SF movie which starts with a decent story and is handled with enough care to show that the makers don't think they're looking down on the audience.
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Enjoyable sci-fi action thriller
Woodyanders7 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the near future, fear of terrorism has escalated to the point where privacy has become a thing of the past. Everyone is under constant surveillance from mobile robotic cameras known as "Eyeborgs." Federal agent Robert J. 'Gunner' Reynolds (an excellent performance by Adrian Paul) uncovers a sinister conspiracy plot concerning the Eyeborgs while investigating a series of bizarre deaths. Director Richard Clabaugh, who also co-wrote the clever script with Fran Clabaugh, relates the enthralling and entertaining story at a brisk pace, does a sound job of crafting a nicely paranoid atmosphere, and stages the exciting action set pieces with real aplomb. Moreover, the provocative central theme about the inherent danger of mankind's over-reliance on technology and how if said technology gets out of hand it could wind up controlling us instead of the other way gives this film extra substance. The solid acting by the capable cast rates as another major asset, with especially praiseworthy work by Megan Blake as pesky reporter Barbara Hawkins, Luke Eberl as brash punk Jarrett Hewes, John S. Rushton as Reynolds' skeptical partner Agent Bradley, and Juan-Carlos Guzman as easygoing cameraman Erik. Danny Trejo has a small, but cool role as irascible guitar maker G-Man. The CGI robots look pretty funky (and they make these mean'n'snarly growling noises!). Kenneth Wilson II's glossy widescreen cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. A neat little B-flick.
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