The 3rd Guest (2023) Poster


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Save yourself the time
winston-592168 January 2023
I do not usually write reviews but I had to make an account just to advise other people to not watch this movie.

From the beginning the quality of audio and the camera angles were just off. The script leaves massive gaps in the story as well.

Every time you expect the movie to end there happens to be another turn but the execution overall is too cheesy to bare. Whoever greenlighted this movie to stream on Amazon needs to refine what type of content they release. You would assume that this would have got scraped in production but they decided to just keep going.

Please spare yourself the confusion from watching this movie and watch something else.
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Actual garbage hates this garbage
HeyHay3710 January 2023
You know when there is a car accident on the road that you don't want to look at, but can't help it? This is the train wreck that you may peek at, but wish you didn't.

Absolutely the WORST movie I have seen in years.

After just 5 minutes, it seems that the movie throws its hands in the air and says "I have no clue".

The "script", (was there one really though?) was written AND directed by the same person (Sean Patrick cannon). It was erratic and confusing, as though he was spurting out a bunch of random ideas from his head, but had ZERO way, of liking them together in a cohesive way. Extremely obvious there was no script editor, and if there was-I hope they have another job to fall back on. THAT is how bad it was.

The movie is described as being a couple of ghost hunters who go to a site after the death of her daughter, only to discover that she starts to see her daughter. That is where the writers mission statement begins and ends. There was some very fractured and unfinished/unrefined things about a cult that we were given basically zero information on, leaving more questions than answers - but not in an entertaining intentional and plot driven way. It was "I really don't understand what is happening right now, or why".

Literally most of the movie were people not just screaming at each other, but verbally assaulting one another. It was very cringe.

The "acting" is MORE than just abysmal-especially the lead "actress" and the bartender. WAY too over the top and fake, it reminded me of kids in an elementary school play. But worse. Much worse. Sooo much worse. I may be wrong, but have a hunch that these people are family or friends of people who were involved in this project. I mean it when I say that while I was watching, I was actually embarrassed FOR these actors, that is how cringe worthy they were.

The ONLY possible redeemable thing this movie MAY have going for it is that it could be worthy of Rifftrax (Mystery Science Theater)
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If only I could give it a 0/10
stevebrockman20 January 2023
One of my new biggest regrets in life is not reading any reviews before spending £5 of my well earned money on this film. To add insult to injury, I didn't even just rent it, I bought it, which means I'm now stuck with it for eternity.

I have encountered a lot of injustices in this world, but the mere fact that this "film" was financed, filmed and then distributed may be the biggest one of all.

I've definitely seen more exciting Keynote presentations than this movie.

I can't tell you how this film ends as I lost all faith in life when one of the camera angles was a POV shot from a child's coffin.

For us, that really was the nail in the coffin.
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It's Got it All
rebeltaz-187055 July 2023
Yeah... it's got it all alright.... it's got mixed relations. It's got alphabet flags. It's got "hillbilly" backwoods. It's got racial accusations. The only thing it DOESN'T have is a plot. Or quality acting. Or a script. Or entertainment... But it's got all the boxes covered.

The acting in this, if you want to call it that, was abysmal, over the top and amateurish. The audio was all over the place - overly high in some places while way to much bass in others, completely obscuring most of the dialog. But, that may have been a blessing, though, because what dialog was understandable was ridiculous. Nothing in this waste of digital film made any sense at all. And no... the ending does not tie it all together.

If you read the other reviews, you'll see a theme. Most of them give top stars and then proceed to give similar comments that would indicate that the rating should have been a 1 or 2 at the most. The majority of the high scores here are paid.

Please avoid this at all costs. If not... you were warned.
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They're Following You
nogodnomasters4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Evie (Nikki Kris) married Hart (Matthew T. Clark) and lost her daughter Faith (Logan Laurel) from her first marriage. Evie is a writer and Hart a photographer. Together they are paranormal investigators hoping to find "Faith." They are ready for a break when their boss Arn (Clint Carmichael) has a double fee job ASAP. Hart accepts for the both of them, a minor plot contention. They meet up with Margaret (Andrea M. Anderson) who them they are being followed by everything and everyone. They spend the night in the cabin and the next morning Evie hears the faint voice of her daughter. She blames Margaret. The back story to the cabin is that it was owned by Karlov (Joseph Lopez) an illusionist. There has been a number of killings at this spot.

The acting was not solid and the sound track added nothing. At times it was annoying. They messed around with the ending constantly flipping the script as if they shot alternative endings and decided to use all of them because the film was too short.

Guide: F-word. Sex. No nudity.
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kelvindmeans10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Absolutely impossible to follow. Horrible acting, low quality video, and stupid ending. I had a literal headache after watching this. A hour and a half of my life totally wasted.

The entire movie was confusing from start to finish. It was actually the worst attempt at being a suspense movie. However, it was definitely a horror movie because it was so bad it was scary.

Just when I thought something might be salvageable about it nearing the end when the husband was stabbed it went off in left field again. Then all of a sudden you think you have reached the end and maybe, just maybe, they're going to help you understand what you just watched you then realize you're still stuck in the same unbelievable bad movie.
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I'd call it trash but that's an insult to trash
haskel-7295112 February 2024
First of all, the 8-10 star reviews are hilarious. Apparently every member of the cast and crew and their family members were required to write a fake review. How's this sound for a horror movie: husband and wife paranormal investigators who are traumatized by the loss of a child take a case in a strange little town and odd things happen. Been done, right? Not like this, it hasn't. You see, our "investigators" do not spend a second investigating - unless you call pretending to write and taking pictures an investigation. There apparently was cult activity at the site they're "investigating" but it's too much trouble to give us any real background on that. There may be a possession, we're not sure - that would have taken some effort to explore. Oh, and there may or may not be some parallel realities. Who knows? This is just a mess. An incoherent, dirt cheap, mess. If anyone involved in the making of this incompetent pile of no budget crap never works in film again it will be a blessing.
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A Dismal Descent into Cinematic Despair
vanya-648046 December 2023
"The 3rd Guest," a low-budget horror film featuring Matthew T. Clark, Nikki Kris, Joseph Lopez, and Logan Laurel, is a gloomy testament to the pitfalls of limited resources and uninspired storytelling. From the outset, it's clear that this cinematic endeavor struggles to rise above its meager budget, resulting in an experience that is not only visually underwhelming but emotionally devoid.

The film's attempt to create an atmosphere of terror is marred by its evident financial constraints. The set design, rather than being eerie and immersive, comes across as lackluster and unimaginative. The low production values do no favors to the already struggling narrative, leaving viewers grappling with a sense of disappointment.

The performances, unfortunately, fail to elevate the film. Despite the best efforts of the cast, the characters lack depth and dimension. Matthew T. Clark, Nikki Kris, Joseph Lopez, and Logan Laurel find themselves tethered to a script that offers little room for character development, resulting in performances that feel wooden and uninspired.
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The 3rd Guest: A Bleak and Disappointing Thriller
johncakes3 July 2023
"The 3rd Guest" had all the potential to be a gripping and suspenseful thriller, but unfortunately, it fell short of expectations. From the promising premise to the initial buildup, it seemed like an intriguing journey awaited the audience. However, as the story unfolded, it became evident that the film failed to deliver on its potential, leaving viewers feeling unsatisfied and somewhat disheartened.

One of the main issues with "The 3rd Guest" was its pacing. The slow and meandering narrative failed to maintain the tension and excitement necessary for a successful thriller. Rather than keeping the audience on the edge of their seats, the film tended to drag, leaving ample room for disinterest to creep in.

Another notable letdown was the underdeveloped characters. Despite a talented cast, their performances were hindered by the lack of depth in their respective roles. Viewers were left craving a stronger emotional connection and backstory, which could have added much-needed substance to the film's overall impact.

Moreover, the plot twists, which are a crucial element in any thriller, felt forced and predictable in "The 3rd Guest." Instead of surprising and shocking the audience, they came across as contrived and clichéd, undermining the intended suspense. The script failed to explore the full potential of the storyline, leaving viewers with a lingering feeling of missed opportunities.

Visually, the film had some redeeming qualities. The cinematography was skillfully executed, capturing the gloomy atmosphere and enhancing the eerie undertones of the narrative. However, the technical prowess alone could not salvage the overall disappointment of the film.

"The 3rd Guest" had the ingredients for a chilling and memorable thriller, but unfortunately, it failed to deliver on its promises. Lacking in pacing, character development, and genuine suspense, the film left viewers feeling empty and unfulfilled. It's a regretful example of a missed opportunity to create a compelling and engaging cinematic experience.

Given its budget constraints & potential to improve with a follow up, I am giving it high marks of 9/10 on the low budget indie spectrum.
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Of course
mulletgoo17 May 2023
Of course it's a low budget indie film- of course the acting's not stellar, but when you spend a minute exploring the world and the characters, i'd like to see what these people can do with a bigger budget and better cameras and better everything.

The height of my enjoyment was when the bad guy started going in- his powers aren't so well defined, but like a Nightmare type freddy, it felt good 60/70% of the time and the rest was with the production, you have to do the cell phone thing, if it was totally placed in the 1970s (the house looked totally 70s), I could see this working better, but obviously that's not in the budget.

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A Low Budget Horror Gem with Surprising Chills
missyjohnsonn3 July 2023
"The 3rd Guest" is a commendable example of what can be achieved with limited resources when a talented team comes together with a strong script and effective editing. This low budget horror film manages to deliver genuine scares, creating an atmospheric experience that keeps viewers engaged from start to finish.

One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its script. While horror films often fall prey to predictable tropes and clichés, "The 3rd Guest" takes a refreshing approach by crafting a unique and captivating storyline. The premise revolves around a group of friends gathering for a weekend getaway in an isolated cabin, only to find themselves tormented by an uninvited and malevolent entity. The script skillfully builds tension, setting the stage for a series of spine-chilling events that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Despite its limited budget, the film impresses with its effective use of practical effects and subtle yet impactful scares. The skilled editing techniques employed enhance the suspense and make the most of the available resources. By relying on psychological horror elements rather than relying solely on cheap jump scares, "The 3rd Guest" creates an eerie and unsettling atmosphere that lingers long after the credits roll.

Furthermore, the performances by the cast are noteworthy considering the limitations of a low budget production. The actors embody their characters with sincerity and conviction, adding depth to the narrative and making the audience genuinely care for their fates. While some performances may lack the polish of big-budget productions, the authenticity and rawness of the actors' portrayals add to the film's overall charm.

The film's shortcomings are mainly a result of its budget constraints. Some scenes may suffer from occasional technical hiccups or less polished production values. However, these minor flaws are easily overshadowed by the film's strengths, demonstrating the resourcefulness and creativity of the filmmaking team.

"The 3rd Guest" serves as a testament to the power of a compelling script and effective editing in the horror genre. It proves that, with the right combination of talent, ingenuity, and a solid story, even low-budget films can deliver an immersive and genuinely chilling experience. Fans of horror should not let the film's modest origins deter them, as it provides ample evidence that creativity and passion can shine through regardless of budgetary limitations.

Overall, "The 3rd Guest" is a commendable achievement in low-budget horror filmmaking. It successfully delivers an engaging and atmospheric experience, thanks to its intriguing script, effective editing, and committed performances. This hidden gem is a reminder that the most memorable scares often come from unexpected places.
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A Dumb Horror Film That Knows It's Dumb
winestee6 December 2023
"3rd Guest" is the kind of horror film that unapologetically embraces its own dumbness. Starring Matthew T. Clark and Joseph Lopez in roles that seem to have been written during a caffeine-fueled all-nighter, this movie is a blend of cheesy scares, overused tropes, and moments that will make you question the life choices that led you to watch it in the first place.

The plot is as cliché as it gets -

The film's attempts at humor fall flat- the ominous atmosphere is constantly undercut by poorly timed jokes and an overall lack of tension.

Despite its shortcomings, "3rd Guest" might find an audience among those who appreciate a good, mindless horror flick to watch with friends while poking fun at every predictable twist and turn. If you're looking for a movie that doesn't take itself seriously and offers a few unintentional laughs along the way, "3rd Guest" might just be the dumb horror film you never knew you needed. Just don't expect any nightmares - unless they're from cringing too hard.
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Fun at a party
amytannis9 May 2023
Fun at a party, it's a horror film that's extremely low budget and doesn't take itself too seriously. I thought some of the acting worked. Definitely showed it's low budget, but worth a rental.

Could have done without the scream queen girl in trouble trope, but the characters could have worked with the right presentation.

Best part was the villain / creepy dude, he looked great and looked legit scary.

The main location / the house was pretty good. Some of other locations were downright awful, but learning this was made for under 10,000 on some podcasts and Red Letter Media, I give it 10/10 for getting out during covid for no money.
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The 3rd Guest: A Surprisingly Thrilling Ride on a Shoestring Budget
harrisbergg19 February 2024
In a world where big-budget horror films dominate the market, it's refreshing to stumble upon a hidden gem like "The 3rd Guest." Made with a budget of under $20,000, this indie horror flick proves that creativity and passion can trump financial resources any day.

One of the most commendable aspects of "The 3rd Guest" is its effective use of unknown actors and talent. Rather than relying on Hollywood A-listers, the film introduces us to fresh faces, allowing the audience to immerse themselves fully in the story without any preconceived notions. The cast delivers surprisingly convincing performances, injecting authenticity into their characters and making us genuinely care about their fates.

What sets "The 3rd Guest" apart from other low-budget horror films is its ability to create tension and suspense without relying on costly special effects. Instead, the film relies on atmospheric storytelling and clever cinematography to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Every creaking floorboard, every flickering light, serves to heighten the sense of dread, culminating in a truly chilling experience.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of "The 3rd Guest" is its availability on Freevee. In a time when streaming services are becoming increasingly expensive, it's refreshing to find quality content that doesn't require a subscription fee. Sure, the film may not have the polished sheen of a Hollywood blockbuster, but it more than makes up for it with its heart and creativity.

In conclusion, "The 3rd Guest" may not be perfect, but it's a testament to the power of independent filmmaking. It proves that with dedication, ingenuity, and a little bit of luck, even the smallest budget can produce something truly special. So, the next time you're browsing through Freevee, give "The 3rd Guest" a chance. You might just be pleasantly surprised. And remember, when it comes to reviewing free content, let's all get over ourselves and appreciate the effort that goes into making entertainment accessible to all.
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"The 3rd Guest" - A Modest Indie Gem with Heart and Hiccups
marcyjayy4 December 2023
"The 3rd Guest" is a charming indie film that captures the essence of grassroots filmmaking - passion over polish, heart over Hollywood. While it stumbles in some areas due to its obvious budget constraints and lack of A-list actors, the film manages to shine through with its earnest storytelling and unique quirks.

One of the most striking aspects of "The 3rd Guest" is its minimalist approach to production. With no big-name actors to rely on, the film hinges on a cast of unknowns who bring an authentic, raw quality to their performances. While the lack of star power may be apparent, it also lends an air of relatability to the characters, making their struggles and triumphs feel closer to home.

The storyline, though not groundbreaking, is surprisingly engaging. The narrative follows a group of friends organizing a low-budget dinner party, with unexpected complications arising when an uninvited guest crashes the festivities. The film navigates the challenges of interpersonal relationships and unspoken tensions with a mix of humor and genuine emotion. The dialogue, at times, feels a bit forced, likely a consequence of the limited resources available for rewrites and reshoots.

Visually, "The 3rd Guest" embraces its indie roots. The cinematography is marked by simplicity, with handheld shots and natural lighting dominating the scenes. While this may be off-putting for viewers accustomed to slick productions, it adds a certain authenticity to the film, accentuating the everyday struggles of the characters.

The soundtrack, composed on a shoestring budget, complements the film's intimate atmosphere. Simple acoustic melodies and subtle instrumentals enhance the emotional beats, providing a modest but effective backdrop to the unfolding drama.

However, the film is not without its flaws. The limited budget is evident in the occasionally awkward pacing and lackluster set design. Some scenes feel rushed, and the constraints of the production occasionally hamper the overall flow of the narrative.

Despite its shortcomings, "The 3rd Guest" is a testament to the resilience and creativity of independent filmmakers. While mainstream audiences may find it lacking in certain areas, those with an appreciation for the craft will discover a hidden gem within its imperfections. It's a reminder that sometimes, a compelling story and genuine passion can outshine the glitz and glamour of big-budget productions. "The 3rd Guest" is imperfect but endearing, a commendable effort from a team determined to make their mark in the indie film landscape.
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jimmyjonesss28 June 2023
The filmmakers could certainly do better, but the acting's what killed it. Just imagine different people in like every single role, or watch really high, and this is the greatest thing ever. I would love to see the script they shot with, or the thought process behind the why and how.

Binging movies like this all the time, I love the low budgetness of everything. You have to think behind the thought process of these people.

Why are there six producers? What did they do exactly. I'm assuming there was a cameraman. It looks like one dude wrote this and directed and produced and edited. Maybe help him next time. Or maybe he's complete garbage. I really can't tell with this. But it's worth renting for sure.

Nudity note: there is none.
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Interesting Film
juneatkinson28 June 2023
Director Sean Patrick Cannon's "The 3rd Guest" is a captivating and thought-provoking cinematic masterpiece that leaves viewers spellbound from start to finish. With the exceptional performance by Joseph Lopez at its heart, this film takes audiences on an unforgettable journey of mystery, suspense, and deep introspection.

From the moment the opening credits roll, it becomes clear that "The 3rd Guest" is a meticulously crafted work of art. Sean Patrick Cannon's directorial prowess shines through as he expertly weaves together a complex narrative, leaving no loose ends and keeping viewers engrossed until the very last scene. The film's pacing is perfect, with each scene serving a purpose in unraveling the intricate layers of the story.

Joseph Lopez delivers an outstanding performance as the enigmatic protagonist, bringing a depth and emotional intensity to his character that is truly captivating. Lopez's portrayal is nuanced and multifaceted, capturing the essence of his character's inner turmoil and struggles with astonishing authenticity. His ability to convey a wide range of emotions through subtle expressions and gestures is a testament to his exceptional talent as an actor.

The supporting cast members also deserve praise for their exceptional performances, contributing to the film's overall brilliance. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, adding an extra layer of believability to the complex relationships portrayed on screen. Each character feels fully developed and integral to the story, allowing the audience to form genuine connections with them.

One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its ability to keep viewers guessing and engaged throughout. "The 3rd Guest" is a masterclass in storytelling, skillfully blending elements of mystery and suspense with profound philosophical themes. As the plot unfolds, it raises intriguing questions about identity, morality, and the nature of existence, leaving audiences pondering long after the credits roll.

Visually, the film is a treat for the eyes. The cinematography by Andy Sladek is breathtaking, capturing the essence of each scene with precision and elegance. The atmospheric lighting and meticulously chosen locations create a sense of ambiance that heightens the tension and adds depth to the narrative.

Furthermore, the film's score, composed by Daniel Martin, is a powerful complement to the on-screen events. The music seamlessly blends with the visuals, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments and underscoring the film's underlying themes.

"The 3rd Guest" is a remarkable achievement in independent cinema. Sean Patrick Cannon's direction, coupled with Joseph Lopez's mesmerizing performance, elevates the film to a level of cinematic brilliance that is rarely seen. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the art of filmmaking, leaving a lasting impression on all who have the pleasure of watching it.

In conclusion, "The 3rd Guest" is an absolute must-see for film enthusiasts who appreciate thought-provoking narratives and exceptional performances. It showcases the talent of director Sean Patrick Cannon and actor Joseph Lopez, cementing their places as rising stars in the industry. This film will keep you on the edge of your seat, challenge your perceptions, and leave you in awe of its sheer brilliance.
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Labor of Love
krystalpupu15 April 2024
This was a labor of love among a few people, derailed during covid & ego- I was on set & experienced the best of the best- & unfortunately we had issues out of our control- the fact that this released for under $30k & everyone on the crew were paid- is a rare case- it's worth it for the shear value of being completed under a less than SAG ultra low scale.

Would give a shout out to Andy and all my camera crew friends- was a nice labor of love to get this out- & it's pretty awesome that it actually got out there. Yes the acting isn't 1$M level, we had free actors & free talent across the board-
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A Chilling Surprise: "The 3rd Guest" Delivers Heart in Spades Despite Its Low Budget
missionwalker2 July 2023
I walked into "The 3rd Guest" with tempered expectations, fully aware of its low-budget nature. However, what I encountered was a pleasant surprise that left a lasting impression on my mind. This film might not boast extravagant special effects or big-name actors, but it undeniably compensates with its heart, a vital ingredient that made the experience both engaging and endearing.

The plot revolves around a classic haunted house scenario, but the filmmakers managed to breathe new life into this well-trodden ground. They have skillfully crafted an atmosphere of suspense and dread, using clever camera angles and a hauntingly effective score to create an eerie ambiance that lingers long after the credits roll.

One of the most commendable aspects of "The 3rd Guest" is its characters. Despite the limited resources, the filmmakers managed to construct multi-dimensional personas that I genuinely cared about. The small but dedicated cast delivered surprisingly compelling performances, making the audience root for them and feel their fears on a profound level.

Furthermore, the filmmakers ingeniously employed the power of suggestion, leaving a lot to the viewers' imagination. This restraint added to the horror's potency, proving that sometimes, what we don't see can be far more terrifying than what is overtly shown.

While the film's low budget is occasionally evident in certain production elements, it is commendable how the team worked with what they had and turned constraints into strengths. Rather than relying on excessive gore or flashy visuals, they focused on storytelling, building tension, and exploring the characters' psychological struggles, which ultimately paid off.

"The 3rd Guest" also succeeded in effectively playing with traditional horror tropes while introducing refreshing and unexpected twists. This ability to subvert expectations demonstrates the creativity of the filmmakers, and it kept me engaged throughout the movie.

If there's one thing that can't be denied about "The 3rd Guest," it is the undeniable passion and dedication of the people involved. You can feel the love that went into making this film, which is something that frequently gets lost in bigger productions. Despite the limitations, the filmmakers poured their hearts into the project, and it resonates with the audience.

In conclusion, "The 3rd Guest" proves that a horror film doesn't need a blockbuster budget to be effective and memorable. It reminds us that sometimes, the most chilling experiences come from the heart, not the wallet. So, if you're a fan of horror films that explore the human psyche while providing a genuine thrill, give "The 3rd Guest" a chance. You might be surprised by the chilling delight it offers.
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The 3rd Guest: A Lackluster Descent into Mediocrity
markdodsonn3 July 2023
"The 3rd Guest" is a low-budget horror film that falls disappointingly short in nearly every aspect, resulting in a dreary and forgettable viewing experience. Starring Matthew T. Clark, Nikki Kris, Joseph Lopez, and Logan Laurel, the film fails to capitalize on its potential and instead descends into a realm of mediocrity that leaves viewers feeling nothing but despair.

From the very beginning, it's evident that the film suffers from severe production limitations. The lackluster visuals and subpar special effects do little to create a sense of fear or suspense. The low-budget constraints are painfully apparent, robbing the film of the atmosphere and production value necessary to immerse viewers in its world.

Unfortunately, the issues with "The 3rd Guest" extend beyond its technical limitations. The performances from the cast are uninspired and lack chemistry, making it difficult to invest in the characters or their plight. The dialogue feels stilted and unnatural, further dampening any potential for emotional engagement.

The plot itself is a convoluted mess, lacking coherence and leaving numerous loose ends. The narrative fails to establish a solid foundation, resulting in a disjointed and confusing experience. Instead of building tension and suspense, the storyline feels contrived and unoriginal, leaving viewers feeling disenchanted and disinterested.

Moreover, the film's pacing is inconsistent and disjointed. It fails to strike a balance between slow-burn suspense and thrilling moments, resulting in a disorienting viewing experience. Instead of building anticipation, the uneven pacing only amplifies the film's shortcomings, further plunging it into the depths of disappointment.

"The 3rd Guest" is a bleak reminder of the pitfalls that can arise in low-budget filmmaking. While it's commendable that the filmmakers attempted to create a horror film under constrained circumstances, the end result is an uninspiring and depressing venture. From the lackluster visuals to the underwhelming performances and incoherent plot, the film fails to leave a lasting impression or evoke any genuine emotional response.

In conclusion, "The 3rd Guest" is a regrettable example of a low-budget horror film that misses the mark on all fronts. With its lackluster production values, uninspired performances, and confusing narrative, it plunges viewers into a state of despair rather than delivering the thrills and chills that the genre promises. It's a film best avoided for those seeking an engaging and memorable horror experience.
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confusing, but draws you in at times
jannemae9 May 2023
Confusing, but draws you in at times. Mom has a daughter who dies from something? Cancer? Bad writing? She meets an old lover and they hook up. She wants to be a writer and he's a photographer. They want to be famous but all they get are ghost jobs. They are fake investors and make up fake hauntings. Their agent sends them to a house in the woods and promises a big payday.

Woman starts hearing and seeing the dead daughter. Is she manipulated by the house's deceased owner?

Acting is pretty rough. Script could be baked more.

Good use of drone & some camera angles. Eerie score and sound choices.
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seanpcannon-5663728 June 2023
I enjoy indie filmmaking, especially horror. Knocking one point for the budget, but all the right elements are there. Plot that gets more complex, characters with development, and a realistic tone.

It's something plausible that takes place in an otherworldly place. Characters were believe-able. Some different editing choices and pacing in the opening would have helped.

My assumption is people are watching "the first 5 minutes" and claim to know everything going on-- skip around until the end, and neckbeard a haphazard "review".

Actors are all out of central casting, production "budget" is probably less than the phone you're writing reviews on. Go make your own content and see how it turns out.

Criticism aside, I thoroughly enjoyed what this was trying to be, & at times, showed glimmers of hope getting there.
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Embracing the Budget Charm: 'The 3rd Guest' Offers Surprising Chills on a Shoestring Budget"
mrbb-5011219 February 2024
In an era where big-budget blockbusters dominate the silver screen, it's refreshing to stumble upon a hidden gem like 'The 3rd Guest'. This indie horror flick proves that great storytelling and genuine talent can shine through even the most modest of budgets.

One of the most remarkable aspects of 'The 3rd Guest' is its production value considering its shoestring budget of under $20,000. Director [Director's Name] and the entire crew have crafted a film that defies expectations, utilizing clever techniques and creative resourcefulness to deliver a genuinely chilling experience. From the atmospheric cinematography to the eerie sound design, every aspect of the film demonstrates a commitment to making the most out of limited resources.

The cast, comprised of relatively unknown actors, delivers surprisingly strong performances that elevate the film beyond its budgetary constraints. Their authenticity and dedication to their roles draw the audience into the story, making the terror feel all the more palpable.

While some may dismiss 'The 3rd Guest' due to its lack of big-name stars or flashy special effects, this film serves as a testament to the power of independent cinema. It reminds us that true talent and creativity can flourish in any setting, regardless of financial backing.

Furthermore, the accessibility of 'The 3rd Guest' on platforms like Freevee should be celebrated. In a world where streaming services are dominated by subscription fees and paywalls, it's refreshing to see a film that prioritizes reaching a wide audience over profit margins. After all, entertainment should be about sharing experiences and sparking conversations, not exclusivity.

In conclusion, 'The 3rd Guest' may not have the glossy sheen of a Hollywood blockbuster, but what it lacks in budget, it more than makes up for in heart and ingenuity. So, the next time you're browsing through your streaming options, don't overlook this little horror gem. Embrace the charm of indie filmmaking and prepare yourself for a spine-tingling journey into the unknown.
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Pulling beats from other things
gennajoness26 June 2023
The amount of plot beats that feel like they're ripped from other films feels forced, but the whole effort is entirely commendable having come off the 'Wicked Horror Podcast'. This thing was made for under $20k and was trying really hard to exist. I'm glad it got out there.

Visually on fire in some places, other times (mostly the intro) isn't. Could've used more time. Apparently this was rushed out.

Kind of enjoying the behind the scenes, thinking of how things got hacked together. Would like a sequel or something else from the main character, and the villain was pretty good.

Acting was fine.
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It's a Movie for no Budget
lancehenryson4 December 2023
"The 3rd Guest," a cinematic endeavor brought to life by the collaborative talents of writer, director, and editor Sean Patrick Cannon, producer Kristifor Cvijetic, and lead actor Matthew T Clark, stands as a testament to the power of passion and dedication in independent filmmaking. With a modest budget and a team committed to their craft, this film delivers an impressive and engaging experience.

Matthew T Clark's performance is a standout in "The 3rd Guest." Despite the absence of big-name actors, Clark's portrayal of the central character injects the film with a charismatic energy. His nuanced delivery and authentic emotional range elevate the narrative, making it easy for audiences to invest in the unfolding story. Clark's presence is a testament to the potential for talent to shine, irrespective of the Hollywood hierarchy.

Sean Patrick Cannon, wearing multiple hats as the writer, director, and editor, showcases a commendable level of skill in crafting a cohesive and compelling narrative. The film's storyline, though not groundbreaking, is enriched by Cannon's attention to character development and storytelling finesse. The pacing is generally well-executed, with scenes flowing seamlessly, though occasional awkward moments may be attributed to the constraints of a limited budget.

The collaborative effort of the production team, spearheaded by producer Kristifor Cvijetic, is evident in the film's overall aesthetic. While constrained by financial limitations, the team maximizes the available resources to create a visually engaging experience. The use of practical effects and inventive set design, albeit simple, adds a charming authenticity to the film, emphasizing the dedication of the crew to their vision.

One of the film's strengths lies in its musical score, a testament to the collaborative nature of the project. The soundtrack, though composed on a tight budget, complements the narrative beautifully, enhancing emotional beats and contributing to the overall atmosphere of the film.

"The 3rd Guest" is not without its flaws, as is expected with most indie productions. However, the film's achievements far outweigh its limitations. It serves as an inspiring example of what can be accomplished when a talented group of individuals comes together with a shared passion for storytelling.

In conclusion, "The 3rd Guest" is a triumph for independent filmmaking, where the talents of Matthew T Clark, Sean Patrick Cannon, and Kristifor Cvijetic converge to deliver a heartfelt and compelling cinematic experience. Despite its small budget and lack of industry heavyweights, this film succeeds in capturing the essence of collaborative creativity, leaving audiences with a newfound appreciation for the artistry that thrives beyond the glitz of Hollywood.
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