Fear the Forest (2009) Poster

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The Very Definition of Low Budget Bad
tmccull5228 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The 9 and 10 star reviews for this "movie" had to have come from members of the production team. I gave this pathetic turd 1 star because it wasn't possible to give it anything less than that.

The "acting", if you can call it that, was atrocious. There must have been a casting call at a local unemployment office, and the film makers hired the first 20 or 30 people that showed up. The premise is that there's a killer Bigfoot, or something Bigfoot-like, stalking and killing locals in "Upper Valley", wherever that is. A bounty of $2.5 million dollars is posted for the creature... and by "posted", I mean printed on plain white sheets of paper stapled to trees in the woods. There is a supposed governmental cover-up that denies that there is any such creature, or any effort to hunt it down. There ARE rival teams of hunters, all of whom have the woodsman/hunter skills of a senior citizen Mah Jong league. A hunter on one team complains about "freezing his ass off", while a hunter from another team is running around in a tank top. Great continuity there.

A group of college kids decide that they want to party hearty in the woods of "Upper Valley", and one of these party-people is the governor's daughter, who was supposedly asked to join the U. S. Olympic team as a martial artist. The usual Bigfoot horror movie hijinks ensue.

This movie manages to blow massive chunks on every conceivable level; script, acting, special effects. The "hip and cool" morning drive time deejays are imbeciles that wouldn't get 30 seconds of air time. If this movie was entitled "Killer Bigfoot" because it may inspire you to inflict self-harm after about 10 minutes of watching it, then the name is appropriate. This is like watching a turd swirling around the toilet boil after flushing. Do yourself a favor and avoid it like the plague.
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An abysmal cliched mess
chesterocks21 July 2019
Literally every aspect of this movie was terrible. The story, acting, cinematography, special effects, there was not a single saving grace. I'm convinced the people leaving positive reviews watched a different film than I did. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
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The very definition of the word 'lame'...
Barebower12 November 2020
No coherent storyline, abysmal acting, appalling script, pathetic monster suit and on and on and on... Worth watching to remind yourself how bad movies can actually be... There are so many things to criticise about this shambles of a movie... I'll pick just one. 'Continuity'... there's a scene where the 'leading actress' is being chased through the woods. In one shot she has a pony tail, in the next she doesn't, followed by another where she has a pony tail, followed by another where she doesn't and this happens a number of time during the same chase sequence. That about sums up the quality of this 'movie'. I highly recommend watching this movie for the lameness factor...
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This movie should be viewed by any aspiring filmmaker
the_wolf_imdb15 October 2016
There is a lot of awful movies, but they usually do fall just in one category of badness. For example the script is bad, actors cannot act, the production values are low, the plot is derivative etc.

Fear the Forest is an unique exception as it combines all the different sorts of badness into single package so you can study them and do not waste your time with different bad movies.

For start there is incredibly messy script with ton of mostly useless side characters. The actors cannot act which would not be that bad unless they are supposed to sound overly dramatic or professional. Then - there is just horrible camera probably held at hand on all times even in situations where the tripod would me most welcome. Crazy use of color filters and effects, every scene looks different. Then we have some really really bad sound recording. I rather do not mention the plot holes or pure inability to build suspension. There is no thrill at all except the thrill of watching really horrid film making.

In summary this is a prime example of too ambitious project with not enough resources or experience to actually finish watchable movie. It is just a pure mess valuable only as a warning for beginners.
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Waste of Time
runewolf-9323826 February 2020
Literally felt like I was watching someone's very poorly done Youtube spoof of a bigfoot movie.
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The worst bigfoot movie ever
Leofwine_draca28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
KILLER BIGFOOT is yet another in a long line of cheap bigfoot movies and undoubtedly the worst one yet. This non-starter indie horror film features the usual bunch of characters turning up to wander around in the woods while very little happens of note. The characters are lame, occasionally screaming as they're menaced by an off-screen creation, and the film has to resort to padding in order to give it a proper running time. It's truly amateurish, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
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Brains can conquer a lack of budget after all.
johngibby8 September 2018
What a great movie. It had all the elements of a Horror/thriller movie

The characters journey was perfect in every way. The mood and feel changes were riveting. The action and suspense was surprising and awe inspiring at the same time. The scene where the bounty hunters first encountered the military men was simply well crafted, how the military men shot one of the bounty hunters leg that led to a slight rivalry that went through the movie, although one might say the slow motions in the movie were a tad too much but it as well brings out a certain beauty in some scenes, one in particular was when big foot was shot by two hunters, the slow motion there truly captured the essence there

And the conclusion! The underlying themes were brought together in the most masterful way I've seen in a while in horror movies.

i would highly recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it yet...
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Fear the Forest is an absolutely thrilling ride into the minds of all things Horror
elllenpetrs8 September 2018
Love every bit of this movie, love how the actors blended with their character roles.

i also enjoyed watching this movie because it there was never a dull moment, as the martial arts scene where the stunts were perfectly crafted that it look realistic, from the camera movements, expression on the faces of the characters and to the sparring. it was superb in every way.

I vote this movie ten out of ten because of the great cast and also the great suspenseful creepy feel of the film the whole deep undertones of the score of the movie keeps you very interested in whats going to happen next every time I watch it.
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Mathew Bora dared to be different...and different he gave us.
louisfaith8 September 2018
The horror genre for me has been pretty mediocre for the past several years, and so I have pretty much ignored a lot of horror movies that have come out, with the exception of a few. However, after a few friends great review, I knew it was something I had to see. And sure enough, Fear the Forest delivers in spades. It has everything a horror fan could want, from our favorite clichés to some fantastic surprises. Suffice to say, every horror fan should go see this.

I won't spoil the story, but to get into things a little, we focus on the age old tale of horror films: friends go to a forest to go camping and for some fun and then the **** hits the fan. And when it does, it does so gleefully. It would be easy to blow this off as a simple parody, but it's not. I won't say how, but this is essentially a horror movie within a horror movie, and it's mostly dead serious. There's plenty of humor throughout, mostly due to Kurtis character. And in fact, pretty much all the actors play their parts well. They are likable characters, even if they are cliché, but the clichés are part of the entire point. And in such areas, these characters are great. If you're worried about the horror aspect of the film, fear not, it delivers immensely. There are plenty of chilling scenes, though I wouldn't necessarily call them scary, and there is plenty of gore for the gorehounds, particularly at the end.

To say much more would be to give away too much. I certainly had a few qualms about the film, but they were few and far between. And the less you know the better. I will only say that if you've been looking for good horror film, this is it. Mathew Bora delivered in every way and the film will be remembered for some time in the same way Scream was remembered for shaking up the genre. This is similar, but different in oh so many ways. Though i regret not seeing the movie far back the n in 2009. you should go see this movie. It's the kind of film that comes out once in a blue moon.
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Just when you thought it safe to go camping int he forest, Boom comes bigfoot
evelyniswade8 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A low rated underdog movie. really interesting to watch, i wonder why movies like this don't get as much exposure as They should. Well written, polished. Great understanding using special effects to compliment not dominate. Would Definitely go see a Sequel if it is ever released
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Excellent low budget movie
Daniel_behan8 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It takes the familiar horror storyline (a group of friends in some remote place who get picked off one by one) and turns it on its head and gives the viewer something they would never expect. I honestly cannot recommend this movie high enough, any horror movie fan would love this film because it is not your typical horror film.

Here's what the film is all about; Five college students who decide to spend a weekend camping deep in the woods, inclusive of a governor's daughter, (Anna Kendrick, though not the well too familiar one). This group of young people, find themselves being hunted by the monster that lurks within the deep .A search party is commenced with an accompanying handsome bounty placed by the governor, to take down the elusive Bigfoot creature.

Several hunters try their sportsmen like luck and venture out into the woods. They're clearly inexperienced and don't seem to know the difference between a barrel and a trigger which I suppose can only add further authenticity to the motive of the plot. Two opposing groups of hunters begin to argue in a bizarre exchange, still unknown to them, what they have come to face .

How do they survive this, will they be found, is the governor right, or will they all uncover the secrets that lurks within the deep and fear the forest?
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Quality acting and direction, possibly the best at this budget
christimothy-497288 September 2018
Its not necessarily unique as all of its parts have been done before in past films but what is unique is how ingeniously it fuses those genres together. Even naming the different films its inspired from would be spoiling the fun.

but though there are a lot of few surprises and suspense scenes which makes the movie ever thrillng and also While the acting and overall concept are both quite remarkable, there's an unmistakable clunkiness to the film, alternating between the dialogue, blocking, and editing.

However, the cinematography is superb, especially on such a low budget, and the action sequences when the big foot aspect of the film are fully utilized simply aren't to be missed.
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Thrilling to the end.
hannahnkonye8 September 2018
Fear the Forest is so good till the very end. But they could have done a better climax. The suspense sequences, cinematography and music will make us thrilled at every scene. A must watchable for future horror movie lovers.

I believe it to be better than most of these super expensive Horror movies that are all flash no substance. The story is simple but a simple story done with the right amount of twists and compact vision works wonders.

The movie surprised me quite a lot and deserves its praise.

If you like horror and thriller movies then this is a must see.

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Great Performances in my Favorite Horror Movie
nathanielkalatsky28 December 2022
This is my favorite horror movie and in no small amount due to the performances. I loved Mountain Man #2. Bill Kalatsky brought his A game. Can someone cast this man as Vecna from stranger things. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. The way he talks conveys such emotion and he elevates all the action he is in. If anyone watches this movie watch Mountain Man #2. I didn't even watch this movie but he is so good in the trailer. GIVE THIS MAN AN OSCAR PLEASE. The man has got everything acting, hair, and extreme speed when running in the movie. Also the graphics are decent enough. They ain't bad. Bigfoot is also a scary villain. I Love this movie and I love Mountain Man #2.
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WOW Mathew Bora knew what he was doing when he hired Mountain Man#2
samkalatsky24 May 2023
This movie has pretty bad graphics and is low budget but Mountain Man#2 makes it feel HD. Bill Kalatsky said he would deliver and he did as mountain Man#2. He carried such emotion and so much character that he should be the next Hollywood super star. I would personally love to act by his side in a movie. BILL KALATSKY IS MY IDOL he is not just a prodigy but a legend. Please hire this man in more movies because everyone would watch his incredible performance. I'd recommend this movie just to watch Mountain Man#2.

Fanmio should hire him so his fans can talk to him one on one. Lets give one more shoutout to Mathew Bora for hiring this absolute legend of a man.
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Nice to watch...
lucasgareth8 September 2018
A well acted movie.. a fun horror movie definitely worth making time for to view
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Masterful horror
Pjei8 September 2018
The film is terrific on many levels. It works as your straight monster or action type film, as a horror/sci-fi and also as a very intriguing look into the human psyche. The incredible sense of paranoia, mistrust and fear, lent not only by Mathew Bora direction (which is stunning) but also by the incredible acting of the cast in general
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great movie
shakesphare20 March 2024
Adrenaline junkies, unite! This unmatched thriller will transport you to a terrifying new level of tension. The picture ensnares you in a vice-like grasp of suspense from the thrilling opening act and doesn't let go until the very final frame. The fact that this masterwork keeps you wondering at every turn is what really makes it stand out. It skillfully crafts a convoluted narrative full of peril and mystery, requiring all of your focus as you try to solve its riddles.

The screenplay is really well written, which is where the genius is. Each and every speech line is carefully positioned to advance the story while also illuminating the characters' deeper tendencies. The story is a well planned dance of deceit that guides the audience.
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awesome movie
millyemma-3828720 March 2024
The cast delivers exceptional performances, each actor embodying their roles with such conviction that you're fully invested in their fates. The palpable chemistry between them elevates every scene, heightening the emotional impact of pivotal moments and making the danger they face feel all the more real.

As the plot takes its cunning turns, the film delves into the psychological impact of unrelenting suspense, exploring the minds of both the characters and the audience. This is no ordinary jump-scare fest; it's a psychological thrill ride that alters your perception of reality, leaving you constantly questioning every motive and revelation.
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Character-Driven Horror with Breathtaking Action
marthamooneycharles20 March 2024
This isn't a typical horror flick where characters are mere pawns sacrificed for cheap thrills.this film prioritizes character development, making you genuinely invested in their fate. Their journey is fraught with danger, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and push themselves beyond their limits. Every step of the way, you're right there with them, feeling the mounting tension and the desperate scramble for survival.

The movie excels in its ability to change pace seamlessly. Moments of lighthearted banter between characters seamlessly transition into heart-pounding chases and horrific discoveries. This keeps you engaged and constantly guessing what might come next.
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Nightmares Unleashed: A Horror Gem
nitzchristopher11 January 2024
Brace yourself for a descent into the heart of darkness with this horror gem that transcends the genre's expectations. From the opening scene, the film establishes a sense of foreboding that intensifies with each passing minute, culminating in a crescendo of terror that lingers long after the credits roll. At its core, this movie is a masterclass in atmospheric horror. The setting itself becomes a character, with every creaking floorboard and flickering light adding to the pervasive sense of dread. The filmmakers have tapped into the primal fear of the unknown, creating a world where every shadow conceals a potential threat.

What sets this horror gem apart is its commitment to psychological horror. It doesn't rely solely on gratuitous gore or cheap jump scares; instead, it delves into the deepest recesses of the human psyche. The fear here is not just about what you see but what you imagine, a psychological dance that leaves you questioning your own sanity. The cinematography is nothing short of breathtaking, capturing the haunting beauty of the macabre. From the stark contrast of light and shadow to the lingering shots that allow the terror to seep in, every frame is a carefully crafted nightmare. The attention to detail, from set design to practical effects, creates a visual experience that is both chilling and captivating.

The performances of the cast are exceptional, with each actor fully immersed in their roles. The characters feel authentic, and their reactions to the unfolding horror are believable, amplifying the emotional impact of every scare. This is not a film that relies on one-dimensional archetypes; it's a character-driven narrative that adds depth to the terror.

The sound design is a crucial element in any horror film, and this gem excels in creating an auditory landscape of fear. The subtle sounds that permeate the silence, the distant whispers, and the haunting score work in tandem to create an immersive experience that plays on the viewer's primal instincts. As the plot unravels, it becomes evident that this is not just a horror film; it's an exploration of fear in its purest form. The narrative twists and turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat, and the final revelations are as satisfying as they are terrifying. This is a horror gem that not only pays homage to the genre's roots but also pushes it into uncharted territory, making it a must-watch for any aficionado of the macabre.
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Still my all time favorite sci-fi/horror!!!
stanleyreid9 September 2018
This is one of the classic Guy films. Horror sci fi as it was meant to be - a real story with good acting. Giving us something missing from almost all horror movies - depth and character. Providing a much needed respite from the cardboard cut outs pasted and slashed throughout, that have been filling the genre for decades. Which has given this style of movie-making it's well deserved reputation and status
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A Must-Watch for Horror Enthusiasts: Fear the Forest
jessegrillo-7725720 March 2024
Movie Title isn't just a horror film; it's a meticulously crafted experience that blends chills and suspense with stunning effectiveness. This isn't your average jump-scare fest. The movie masterfully builds tension throughout, constantly leaving you on the edge of your seat. The characters' journey is perfectly paced, taking you on a thrilling descent into a world where the line between reality and nightmare blurs.

The mood shifts are truly captivating. One moment, you're following the bounty hunters with a sense of lighthearted adventure, the next, a horrifying encounter throws you into a pit of raw terror. This masterful manipulation of atmosphere makes the film all the more engaging.
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highly recommended
sharongold-4694020 March 2024
This movie is an enthralling synthesis of vintage horror clichés that are expertly used to provide a very scary and thrilling experience. The story takes the viewers on a captivating trip with plenty of unexpected turns and twists that keep them wondering right up to the very conclusion. With skilful cuts between scenes dripping with creepy dread and times of furious action, the tension is effectively built up throughout the whole movie.

The action scenes in the movie are among its best features. The remarkable execution and complete unexpectedness of these expertly created sequences keep spectators on the edge of their seats. The first contact between the military troops and the bounty hunters is a sequence that is really well-done. This encounter, which included an exciting gunfight and a chase.
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A well detailed movie
williambilly-5194820 March 2024
The ensemble gives outstanding performances, with each member greatly enhancing the suspenseful mood. They both play characters who are entangled in a web of doubt with incredible talent, and their chemistry is explosive. The emotional impact of pivotal occasions is amplified by this tangible link, which makes the stakes seem extraordinarily high.

The movie explores the audience's and characters' thoughts as it explores the psychological impact of suspense and its unexpected turns in the story. This is a psychological rollercoaster that challenges your preconceptions and has you doubting every motivation and revelation; it's far more than just a bunch of cheap jump scares.
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