Uncle Tom II: An American Odyssey (2022) Poster

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cttraders-441631 January 2023
I don't know where to begin and I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but this movie has left me speechless and the proof is all there for everyone to see! Where has this movie been all my life! I thought I was pretty well informed and in the know. But boy was I wrong! I'll never see things the same way again. One thing is for certain is college history is so far removed from truth it is shocking! I have felt the pain of our youth and now that pain has been revived with a new luster. Gladly I will take truth over lies! Be gone with complacency and being a blind sheep! I will be a sheep no more! Everyone needs to see this movie!
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Vitally important.
ken-934069 December 2022
This is an outstanding portrayal of a history that is deliberately hidden from Americans today. Given the specific nature of the rhetorical attacks on Americans, and the tactics used to keep us a weak and divided nation, it is critically important that people of all walks of life understand what is presented here. Two calls to action: 1) see this movie, and 2) spread the word to encourage others to do the same.

It loses two stars only for lost potential in the omission of invaluable information about elected Democrats who in politics *really* opposed Civil Rights. This information is detailed masterfully by Dinesh D'Souza's book, "The Big Lie", and several PragerU shorts on the racism of the Democrat Party documenting that the parties never switched.
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Thoughtful and provocative.
jimfinger-477932 November 2022
The overall premise, (which may seem counter-intuitive) that the black population advanced to achieve greater prosperity and overall happiness, or at least, satisfaction with their standard of living and sense of self respect and dignity in the years between the Civil War and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, versus the decades post the 1960s is intelligently discussed and makes for interesting viewing (even if, from a cinetmatic perspective, this film is undistinguished). The participants in this film are to be commended for their courage in voicing a perspective that amidst current times is not politically correct.
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SarahElisabethLittle27 August 2022
If I had no interest in the subject matter at all, this is an incredible documentary. VERY well done, meticulously researched, seamlessly presented. Then there's the content... if you are unaware of the true history of "black America" you will have your mind blown. If you are aware of any of the aspects discussed in this film, you will be reminded how treacherous the movement is, and how important it is to stand and speak up for Truth. Once again the filmmakers assembled the top minds on the subject, with lived experience to back it up, the courage of their conviction, and demonstrated integrity. Watch it. Watch it again. Then, show it to someone else.
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EPIC - A shaking that is a long time in coming -
heather-3494227 August 2022
This documentary is so well done! There is so much film footage and history telling along with a more than cautionary tale about where we are in America and could be heading, without an awakened citizenry. No American that enjoys the freedoms and incredible heritage of our great country can afford to miss this film! The history shared in this film was riveting and needs to be seen by all. If you want to know the entire truth, you owe it to yourself to get all the facts. A lot of time, research and care went into the production of this work. I am very thankful to those who produced this work of art.
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Must see
KelliMacatee-57803427 August 2022
Uncle Tom I & II are quite possibly the most important pieces of our time. Thoughtful and thorough with beautiful cinematography, it's so clear how much time, care, & work was poured into these films. Uncle Tom II is absolutely masterful, albeit difficult to process at times. I found myself having a lot of emotions to grapple with afterwards but as hard as the truth is to face sometimes, it's highly valuable because it sets you free! This is a must see duo for the generations. There's nothing better than starting to wise up to the deceptions in your own mind and behaviors that keep you imprisoned. The visual arts, like this film, are so important to the human experience in moving us from point A to point B. Time for the TRUTH to set us ALL FREE!!! I can't recommend this film enough.
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All the history we were never taught... but need to know!!
alanry27 August 2022
All the history we were never taught...

The movie does a masterful job of presenting a massive amount of history, backed up by facts, recordings, and video in just under two hours. As someone who pays a lot of attention to the current cultural revolution underway in this country and has a reasonably good knowledge of US history, I was absolutely blown away by how much I really didn't know. Apart from the massive amount of information being presented, the director did an absolutely phenomenal job in making the movie interesting, coherent, and compelling from the first scene to the last. It's an emotional journey for anyone that loves this country. One cannot help but feel a sense of urgency, deep despair and, frankly, anger as the pieces come together to reveal just how far the enemies of the United States have come in their effort to destroy our great country.

This is a must see movie. I don't know whatever else might be on your plate at the moment, but you need to set aside two hours of time in the next couple of days to watch it!
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Shallow, Cherry-Picked, Clearly a Simplistic, Subjective Opinion/Church Advertisment
mr_westbrook30 October 2022
This "documentary" is no better than part one. It's simply different in how it pushes religion and a cherry-picked, narrow perspective of Black American history. This time, instead of telling multiple stories about individual journeys of financial success, it's basically just an advertisement for the "Christian" church by many people who claim to be Christians but do hateful videos outside of this movie.

They also conveniently leave out that "the Church" was never a part of "Black culture" until it was forced upon and beaten into African slaves. In comparing said Christianity to Marxism (demonizing Marx, of course), they conveniently ignore that Christianity has been the most murderous religion in human history and that capitalism continues to kill 20 million people annually despite those it may also help. It's a simplistic, biased, narrow-minded perspective, not a historically accurate, holistic documentary. Pretty worthless unless you live in the same echo chamber and just want to feel your beliefs being reinforced by the like-minded.
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Mind opening if you allow
jlynndogo27 August 2022
I watched the first Uncle Tom and was amazed at the different angle of looking at the history and the personal stories of those involved so I was excited to see Uncle Tom 2. I was not disappointed at tonights premier in Dallas! All involved put their heart and soul into a well researched, thought provoking but sometimes hard to watch film that continued to open my eyes but at the same time leave me with a heavy heart. I truly hope people can watch with an open mind to see that there is a planned division that doesn't need to continue. Truly great job by all involved...look forward to number three!
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Should be required in school. Perfect!
steveprovencher14 October 2022
I was a young teen when the race riots were happening. Every night on the news I learned so much and became enamored with Martin Luther King spreading the message of love. When MLK was assassinated, it confirmed that he had the true message. At that point Jessie Jackson and Al Sharptin stepped in to foster hate between the races. Uncle Tom II confirms everything I always learned about the races and so much more. My best friend as a teen was black, but I didn't think of him as black, he was just a friend. As a 4 year old in the 50's I was riding in the car with my mother and older sister, I saw a black man walking on the sidewalk and questioned my mother about him being black Me "What is wrong with that man?" Mom "He is a normal person like you and me only his skin is a different color". I love my mother for that and have never forgotten even at 69 years old. So when you black people believe the message of hatered towards whites, you can believe there are millions of white people with similar stories to mine, and who love you regardless of skin color.
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CriticalThought778 March 2023
This "documentary" is full of cherry-picked, radical, Christian Nationalist propaganda. It portrays anyone who strives for greater social justice, disagrees with the creators, and/or not a Christian as a violent, "Marxist." The creators carefully weave in Christian Nationalist ideas to prove a American "social crisis." You will feel an over-the-top attempt to gaslight you throughout the entire movie. However, with a little bit of critical thinking, you can easily see through the shows premise and the extreme bias. This movie does far more harm, than good.

In my opinion, you should spend your time watching paint dry. It would be a far more valuable use of your time.
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shiba_m27 August 2022
Another job well done. From the first Uncle Tom, which focused on more personal stories, to Uncle Tom II which talks about origin stories of black culture and history and how things ended up the way it is now. It really is an eyeopening and incredible well made documentary. The amount of research this had to undertake to put together is astounding. It makes you ask some hard questions about things we were taught to believe for a very hard time. Please, look past your political leanings and give this film a chance. It's worth listening to and seeing. I'm so moved, and even though it paints a tragedy that is in motion and has been for generations, it does leave you with hope in knowing we can start to make change for generations to come. Share this with everyone!!
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You'd need to be a member of a cult to believe...
jamesreghi8 January 2023
... the rubbish in this movie. To believe that the pathetically weak Russian Federation is capable of doing something like this is the stuff of fairy tales. Perfect entertainment for the rubes that believe in any grift, but hardly rooted in reality. Just more fuel for the morbidly obese Incels and skygod cult members that want to build a theocratic white ethnostate here in North America.

Those watching this film don't know the 1st thing about command and/or market economies... because they are too busy keeping up with their favorite professional wrestlers... so the propagandists that made this film the film loaded it with tons of shiny doomerism and made sure dangle a couple sets of car keys, to keep the troglodytes entertained.

Pure fiction.
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Amazing! From the Heart. Full of love.
dpetranek27 August 2022
So awesome. True love of all people shown through. This documentary takes a historical and realistic look at race relations in this country. It is uplifting and encouraging. It tackles the hard questions about how we remove what divides us and embrace our common plight. Truly visionary, truthful and instructive.

Uncle Tom provides a black perspective of the Civil Rights movement, race relations and the contribution of black people on our society, while providing hope and solutions. It bypasses rhetoric and offers positive messages and warnings against divisions. It documents history that very few people have taken the time to uncover.

Anyone who loves their brothers and sisters on this earth and who is willing to show appreciation and love needs to see this. Those with anger, bitterness, resentment and hurts will benefit even more.
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A Must Watch For All Americans!
allenlphelps27 August 2022
Regardless of your race or background, this movie is a must watch for all Americans to understand the invisible (or maybe no-so invisible) hands driving a wedge between us. America is the last bastion of hope and freedom in the world, and there are political and social interests working to destroy it from within.

The movie highlights the war that we are in: a war for our religious freedom, a war for our society, a war for our future. This is a fight for America.

Socialism or Capitalism? The movie examines the historical spin on social justice movements that have been designed to divide us and promote distrust and hate. Evil forces have penetrated the American identity to erode our moral footing and unfortunately have taught millions of us that America is bad. The "invisible hands" of socialism have slowly infiltrated our education system and taught recent generations not to want to be American.

Whatever belief system you have or whatever your politics, at least watch the movie to gain another perspective in assessing if you may have been exploited by a power that wants you to act and think a certain way to achieve the collapse of the country.
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True history of civil rights in America
jsnewbold27 August 2022
Watched the premier last night in Dallas and was very impressed. What really has happened to race relations in USA is eye opening. What has happened to so many Americans has all been by plan of Marxist to tear apart the fabric of our country, starting with churches. Whether black or white, Faith and strong family values is what has led to so many of the accomplishments of our society, and conversely by tearing down churches and strong families America is weakened. It is a pattern seen many times throughout the world over the years, created by Marxists and Communists to destroy our country. The photography of black families and their strengths was beautiful. The story was well put together and is a call to action to all Americans.
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One of the most important movies made
ngonzaa27 August 2022
I have heard about how noble and decent black people were. This film has truly shown me a serious look at that. I came out of the theatre stunned at what I had just heard. That everything I have believed and have been taught, was a complete and malicious lie. What this film has is the potential to wake people up and change the course of America.

It was so nice to see a whole bunch of strong black men speaking. That is so rare to see today. People don't realize just how much they have assumed to be true and Uncle Tom expertly handles the task of educating yet through storytelling as well.

Every American needs to watch this film.
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Exposed The 100 Year Plan to Kill the American Dream
bill-9980028 August 2022
Watched the Premier of Uncle Tom II in Dallas last night. Much of this I had processed but this Documentary filled in so many blanks. Explains how Booker T. Washington stood for self reliance, hard work, WEB Dubois, created the NAACP, who's sole purpose was to create a victim class securing money and power granted by the Liberal politicians in search for votes. The White Eastern Europeans and Asians using Socialism to rise to power only to kill millions, Castro in Cuba promising similar relief only to turn their economy into ashes.

Little by Little, white socialists in search of power and a piece of the Federal Treasury promised relief to Black Americans. A rallying cry for votes promised by the likes of FDR. From riots, to subverting the American culture, LBJ creating the welfare system. American terrorists like the Weather Underground to the Holy Grail of the Civil Rights Movement ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, a compelling story unfolds.

A disappointing journey how blacks escaped the bondage of slavery and the Jim Crow south to create wealth and prosperity in the start of the 20th century only to become victims and wards of the State created by Civil Rights. A stunning revelation perpetrated today by those who riot to divide us like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Riveting and masterfully pieced together.
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Quite timely...very informative...Academy Award worthy
janetmariani27 August 2022
Extremely important to understand WHAT IS HAPPENING AND CAUSING unrest and political upheaval. This is a Marxist Communist takeover and HOW they are doing this to interfere to bring down AMERICA! The policies...the "great society". Civil rights bill and what undermined individual freedom and responsibility.....

Everyone must watch so that you can SEE and KNOW what we real Americans are fighting for in our FREEDOM SO THAT WE WIN....they lose!!!!

We must keep AMERICA free and re-educate what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence means with our Bill of Rights and how our Belief in God underpins our great Republic!!!! The Progressive left hates God..... love to all. We can overcome! PRAY.
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brigittejohnson-6114528 August 2022
During my teenage years and early adulthood it was easy for these socialist ideologies to appeal to my emotions and desires to create positive change for those less fortunate. Even as a daughter of Cuban immigrants these pervasive ideologies captured my attention and pulled at my heart strings. However the entire time I even entertained some of these ideals I never lost the love and appreciation I had for America. It wasn't until I discovered individuals like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and many others that the veil was finally lifted. The more I reflected on my Cuban heritage, and listened to the stories of my mother and grandparents it became more apparent the parallels in the Marxist revolution going on in America today. It's terrifying to me how pervasive these ideologies have become. This documentary is eye opening and so very important. I am deeply worried that the reach of Marxist ideas are so far reaching and deeply entrenched in all parts of society. We need stories like this to be elevated and shared until everyone knows the truth behind these destructive ideologies before it's too late. It has been so worrisome to me that once I woke up to the truth and my perspective started to change, I would share my concerns with friends and classmates and all of a sudden, the very same people that claimed to champion minorities and immigrants.... Suddenly did not want to hear the opinion of a daughter of immigrants who fled and knew first hand the horrors of communism. The narratives are so deeply ingrained and they find so much comfort in the perceived moral superiority, that they don't seem to even want to entertain opposing views. I'm scared for my future and for the children of our country. I am worried our freedoms are being stolen from us, im worried we are being robbed of our opportunity for our American dream. As older and wiser generations leave us I'm worried what will happen when these younger indoctrinated generations take power. I don't want to be pessimistic and lose hope but I feel outnumbered. I'm trying to use that fear as fuel to spread awareness. This documentary is extremely informative and sheds light on a perspective that is deeply needed today. I truly hope it spreads like wildfire. I hope it opens millions of minds, and gives hope and power to the individuals who's hope and self worth have been destroyed by these ugly Marxist lies. Thank you to the entire team, please please please continue the good work, we need you now more than ever! God bless you all and God bless America.
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Emotional and in-your-face, yet entertaining, and truly revelatory
btmask-shop27 August 2022
Emotional and in-your-face, this surprising, instructive, fact-based exposé of the history of blacks in America that you did not know presents the origins of the Civil Rights movement, the NAACP, and Black Lives Matter. It explores and the prominence of-and the powers behind-figures like W. E. B. Du Bois, George Washington Carver, and even Martin Luther King, it is also full of love and heart. While those topics would make it appear to be about race in America, unexpectedly it is not. But it IS about America. If you're curious and/or a history buff, you'll be led, as I was, to further investigation as well as anticipation for Uncle Tom III.

Crafted with obvious love and dedication to truth, Uncle Tom II is rife with light-bulb moments and unexpected facts, a history that you were not taught. Widely accepted "truths" are repeatedly disproven by contemporary video. While there's an impressive amount of new factual material, it is innovatively personal, with an easy and conversational style despite the hard-hitting revelations. If you want to understand what's going on in America, and how we got where we are, this is a must-see movie.
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An absolute must see! Please!
victoria-rotter27 August 2022
I don't care what side you are on. If you don't watch this movie, you are missing so much of real America. The America NOT taught in schools and everywhere else. I'm begging, yes begging you to watch this film. Everyone involved is incredible. The movie is outstanding. It will blow your mind when you see how we have been lied to, and frankly it angers me. Now, I will go forth with no fear as Jesse Lee Peterson said last night at the premier in Dallas. No fear to spread the Truth! I can't wait for Uncle Tom III. Thank you Chad, Justin, Larry, Allen, Carol, Jesse and everyone else who was there last night, and all the rest of the cast and crew as well! 🇺🇸💙
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No news for ME. Just confirmation
rdchiz9 December 2022
Sorry, this will not be a formal review. For ME, Uncle Tom 2 AND Uncle Tom 1 simply represent confirmation of a reality I lived during the 1950s on the south side of Chicago:

Two hospitals, Black-owned and operated: Provident and Ida Mae Scott Doctors offices, Black-owned and operated Dental offices, Black-owned and operated Two banks [Yes, BANKS], Black-owned and operated An insurance company, Black-owned and operated Two mini-supermarkets, Black-owned and operated Two taxi-cab companies, Black-owned and operated Mom-and-Pop stores, Black-owned and operated Restaurants, such as H&H Restaurant, Black-owned and operated Butcher shops, Black-owned and operated Live poultry shops, Black-owned and operated Television repair shops, Black-owned and operated Ballrooms, Black-owned and operated Barber shops, Black-owned and operated Two-parent families Rare divorce NO GUN VIOLENCE

We NEVER had to leave the community for our needs. ALL needs were fulfilled right in the community. So, what happened? Why is the south side of Chicago, today, internationally known as a war zone? A few reasons:

1.) The over-emphasis on integration (Civil Rights Movement) 2.) The over-emphasis on "rights" (Civil "Rights" Movement) to the exclusion of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INDEPENDENCE 3.) Communism, although I don't think anyone understood this at all. Now, Uncle Tom II, to quote Black preachers, will "Make it plain!!" if you haven't seen it yet. QUITE astonishing what Uncle Tom II has revealed about the influence of Communism on elements of the Black community.

Can we recover? It looks [I'm sorry to say this] impossible. I'm 72. I've seen the entire trip. So maybe I'm too jaded. But, IF there's ANY HOPE for our people to re-establish our strength and independence, that hope lies in young Black people who STUDY UNCLE TOM AND UNCLE TOM II. That is NOT an over-statement.

Back in the day, we didn't call ourselves "Black conservatives." We just LIVED the conservative life. And we produced. To Black youth I say this: BEFORE you think about organizations [We've had ENOUGH of them], make sure you develop YOURSELF. The first law of nature is self-preservation. May God be with you!!
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Thank you, thank you!!
vhatchpigott9 December 2022
Thank you for continuing to pursue truth. All of us, regardless of culture or ethnic background, color of our skin, gender, etc. Will have the best life possible if we align ourselves with reality. Yes, racism exists. It has for all of time. We must get to the point where we understand that humans are so sinful that they would PRETEND to love you and have your best interests at heart in order to advance THEIR OWN agendas! Rousseau sold society a bill of goods when he pushed the idea that all humans were basically good....he corrupted our understanding of man. We now see humans as good or bad instead of understanding we are all sinful and capable of evil. Thus they are blind to the enemy, the spiritual evil, that uses them.
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Information on families/church could be said of US in general
ghabernathy14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original Uncle Tom. I was enlightened by Uncle Tim II. WOW! The information given about the breakdown of the family unit and lack of church attendance post-civil rights movement can be said of the US in general.

I was surprised to learn that MLK was a socialist and will be praying for all involved in the production. MANY will not like learning that the civil rights movement helped perpetuate the mindset of today's black Americans. Bless you for speaking the truth even when you know so many will reject it.

I respect your entire staff for the wonderful work you are producing and have encouraged friends and family to purchase and watch.
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