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This film is about the bond of two brothers living in Venezuela, and their dedication to soccer, and family.
sunnysarasota15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Hermano" was a very interesting film, and was something that I had never seen before. The reason why I enjoyed this film, is that it showed the bond between family such as siblings, who are dedicated and committed to achieve the same goals and want to do it together. The actors in the film in my opinion played their role very well, even though the movie was violent, like most American movies are, this film is not like most American films , because it has a different plot , whereas American films base off of the same idea. Daniel and Julio are raised together being brothers, and try to escape the slums by committing to soccer, they were both dedicated and talented players, and throughout the movie have a strong relationship, because of it. Daniel really cares for Julio and their mom especially since they were the ones who saved him when he was an infant, so throughout the movie he has a very good relationship with them,and it was really nice to see that in the film. Once the tragic moment occurs in the film, Daniel is not willing to give up, he keeps on trying to stay motivated, especially because soccer might bring him and his brother Julio to a successful life, but even though he tried to stay positive after the incident, it was very hard for him to control his emotional feelings, and this is what got him to act in a certain way, which therefore caused the plot to happen. The main reason why I would not rate this film a 10/10 is because the ending of the film threw me off a bit. Overall I would say it was a good film, but would it give this a 3/5 stars.
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Inspirational movie about the bonds of brotherhood
olrovin15 September 2016
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Hermano is an intense yet heartfelt film about the bonds of brotherhood and family. I really liked the characters in this film because they were real and imperfect. I feel like American films sometimes leave out the rawness and imperfections of their characters. What I really didn't like about this film was the intense violence. I have seen many violent Latin American movies in the past few weeks; however, the violence in this movie felt more personal because I could relate to the two teenage boys, and it seemed more graphic. I think it was very honorable that Daniel (and Julio) were using their soccer skills to improve their lives and get out of the cycle of poverty. After their mom was killed, Julio became very angry and seemed to resort to the gang lifestyle, but Daniel used his influence to get himself and Julio a possible contract with FC Caracas, the national professional soccer club. The two boys helped balance each other out personality wise, and I found their love and loyalty, especially that of Daniel, to be inspirational and endearing. Overall, Hermano was a good movie, but I would only give it 3.5/5 stars because of the graphic violence.
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The love of two brothers
pantiz6 April 2013
So i'm from Venezuela and i never took the time to watch this film before, until one guy in my deontological ethics college group decided to pick this one for a movie analysis assignment, and i'm very glad he did. Hermano is a movie about two very different but well attached brothers and their dream of going pro on football, the story of the picture is an authentic way of showing how easy is to not take the right path for your future while living in any Caracas' slum. The acting is pretty solid and the movie is made in a way that allows the foreign viewers to understand good enough what the main characters are experiencing. So if you feel like having a foreign treat, i would strongly recommend this one, trust me, and i don't even like football.
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Great depiction of brotherhood ! Great for soccer people
RoshanHvt24 May 2021
This is great depiction of brotherhood specially brothers not from same mother. Great acting and I think this shows the back ground of this country as how youth spoil their lives and how people struggle to come up. Worth watching.
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A sports movie unlike any you might see
locoporelcine10 August 2010
You may never see "Hermano" because it's (a) in Spanish, with a lot of slang, and (b) it revolves around soccer. If you do so, you will miss out on one of the most inspiring movies --not just sports movies-- you might see. The acting is not very professional, but it is extremely natural, which makes it all the more believable.

How many movies have you seen where the protagonist must overcome all odds to find a dream? And this comes from one of the worse places in the world. What the two brothers face in this story are something people in the slums of Venezuela deal with on a daily basis. And yet I doubt you will find people easier to laugh, to help a neighbor. We might all learn something from this movie. Please, try to find it.
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hazimmer18 September 2016
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Hermano, as implied in the title, was a story of brothers, and that theme was prevalent throughout much of the movie. The two brothers, Julio and Daniel—or Gato, as he has been affectionately nicknamed from birth—serve an interesting perspective on the film's plot. Although both boys love soccer, Daniel's dedication to the sport is more integral to the story than Julio's. Even after their mom is accidentally killed, Daniel still wishes to try out for the pro leagues while Julio is at his wit's end trying to discover his mother's killer. In addition to this, Gato's more easy-going and sensitive nature conflicts with his brother's headstrong tendencies, making the tension of the film all the more heightened. However, Daniel eventually convinces his brother to try out for the professional soccer league with him, and it seems that their conflict is settled when their team wins the game—that is, until the ending, when Daniel goes over to Max, Julio's friend (and his mother's killer) and beats him to a pulp, killing both him and getting himself killed in the process.

As much as I enjoyed the movie, the ending seemed incredibly hazy to me. Doesn't the fact that Daniel got killed nullify the entire plot? If his goal was to become a professional soccer player, and he qualifies but also dies, wouldn't that mean that the whole hour and a half of the story proved to be worthless? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie, but the ending definitely affected it negatively for me.
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A good representation of the Venezuelan spirit.
MxterVe7 September 2010
Well.. Maybe you hasn't saw this movie, maybe because is not in English, or just maybe because is foreign. In my humble opinion, this movie is a mix a good actuation, an excellent story and a unexpected ending.

This movie isn't just about soccer, is about life. About overcome the difficulties and fight for your dreams in one of the hardest places in South America.

An interesting mix of feelings, friendship, brotherhood, and love in a violent ambient, where every day the people just fight for survive.

A real Hermano (brother) will never let you down.
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The Balance Between Soccer and Brotherly Love
cacrawford-6082516 September 2016
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Hermano had a range of emotions, that enticed the viewer, keeping him or her glued to the screen. This movie was very soccer centered, starring Julio and Daniel, two brothers on the same soccer team. Daniel was saved by Julio and his mother when he was a baby. Julio found Daniel as a baby, crying in the garbage, and he called him "Gato", because he thought he was a cat. Basically, Julio and his mother saved Daniel's life. One major theme in this movie was family and brotherly love. Daniel and Julio have been playing for the same soccer team for their entire life, so they have great chemistry on the field. This is the main reason for a soccer club like Caracas FC having scouts at their games. The scout sees how good Julio and Daniel play, and allows them to go to a tryout.This is actually when the movie goes downhill though, because Julio and Daniel's mother gets shot by the goalkeeper Max. This messes up the opportunity of the boys going to the tryouts, because the also have to take care of their mother's funeral. It was very hard for Julio and Daniel to find a balance between soccer and their family life.
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A story from the barrio (slums) that is far from usual.
leo-lameda11 September 2010
One of the big problems of Venezuela's film industry is that the slums are portrayed as meaningless wallpapers in which the story moves. Hermano is not the case, as a Venezuelan I can say I felt the movie was filmed in a way no other film was: Dialogs, people and even the story (except for the high speed pace of it) finally sounded/looked real. That is on a personal level, now on a more technical one, the photography is very well done, the soundtrack is accurate and full of Venezuelan songs (not very usual here) and the story is so rich that I actually think the script or a script-based novel should be published, that is a book I'd read!! On the downside, well for reality's sake... Our soccer team sucks and it is not as popular in the barrio (baseball or basketball would have made a bit more real of a story). I already mentioned it but the pace is too fast and there are a couple of stories that were not important or even necessary for the plot. I am nothing but a regular viewer but if you trust me go watch it.
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Overall a great film
tadegeare14 September 2016
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The movie "Hermano" was a really great movie in my opinion. I found myself biting my nails during some scenes and blown away by others. I am a huge fan of soccer and knowing how difficult filming is as well as soccer, when put together I can't imagine how tough it had to have been to make it realistic. I think the actors played their parts very well and the movie was constantly doing something. If I am to complain about something it would be the ending for sure. I can't say much about international films of course but I feel that in general, massive plot twists aren't supposed to happen within 5 minutes of the end of the movie. Even though this can be a negative aspect of the movie it can also be looked at as the movie is very unpredictable which is hard to do while still following a story line and answering questions. Overall I definitely like it.
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I think this is a plagiarism in at least of 70% of another movie
angelvelasquez12 January 2014
I've watched hermano before this movie (Four Brothers)..

When I researched I realized that 4 brothers came out first than hermano, the argument is the same, the story is sort of the same too but in different context, Hermano is too similar to the 4 brothers movie with 2 brothers instead of 4 and based in a slum of Caracas instead of a slum in the States..

The one part that is different is the end so .. that's why I consider this is a 70% instead 100% of plagiarism... shame on you guys, I used to be proud of this movie until I realized isn't an original idea, and doesn't deserve the rate that it haves.

Watch the two movies and then make your own conclusions.
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One of My Favorite Interntional Movies
pacoundouriotis15 September 2016
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For starters, learning that this film only made 30,000 dollars at box office lowered my expectations a lot. However, after watching the film, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Venezuela is definitely a country that pretty much never crosses my mind, so after learning that the movie was taking place in Venezuela, I liked how I got an in depth idea of what the country is like. I also thought it was pretty cool how they nicknamed Daniel "Gato" or cat in Spanish. There were a lot of sad moments in the story however. The mom getting shot didn't affect me very much only because I felt like that was a key point in the movie that aided the progression of the plot throughout. I found it pretty sad how the entire time, the goalie was responsible for the death of Daniel and Julio's mother, but he didn't say it all and someone ended up dying because of it. I also found it sad how in the end, Daniel was shot dead after killing Max (the goalie) only because pretty much no one knew that Max killed his mom. The ending was also somewhat disappointing, but at the same time heartwarming. It was disappointing because Daniel was the one that died and that he couldn't play with his brother on Caracas FC. It was also somewhat upsetting how there was no proper justice in this film for anyone. This is a common trait in non- American films, there's never a happy ending. I found the ending heartwarming because I liked how Julio pushed through and ended up on Caracas FC most likely for his brother and his mother.
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lischneider15 September 2016
"Hermano" was probably the hardest film for me to watch so far. The violence, the hate, the competition, and the revenge was insane and crazy to watch. This film was very hard to watch, but at the same time, I do not think I would be able to stop watching it because the film creators keep it so interesting! Many scenes in the film shocked me. Often, these scenes stressed me out to the point where I had a headache, but that was what made the film so interesting. What made them even more shocking than just the plot of the scene, was the camera angles of the scene. It was filmed in such a way, that it felt like forever to get to the "big reveal," or the shocking part. Overall, this was a very well put together film, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys suspense and surprise.
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I loved it!
cagataysezer-5501013 March 2019
One of the most underrated movie ever. The emotion of the movie gets you so deep. You'd better watch it!
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srgymrat3326 December 2023
The buildup of the chemistry between all the characters was a master class in development . The story line was interesting and felt authentic , both main characters were likable in their own ways and you rooted for them and for their success together and to remain close in spite of trials and everything that happened .

My main complaint were the soccer scenes were almost unwatchable because the camera angles were so bad and moving all over the place it looked like a "kung-fu" scene - and it was honestly hard to follow what was going on .

There were some great lines throughout the movie but one was "bother - the best times of my life are playing this game with you " that really summed up the feel and central point of the film .

The ending was honestly totally devastating and leaves you feeling sad , somewhat betrayed and hopeless - but a good reminder the mistakes you make as a youth can stay with you forever .

Worth the watch .
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Amazing Soccer Movie
magilroy5 December 2016
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Hermano, directed by Marcel Rasquin, is an amazing movie that has just the right amount of drama, brotherly love, and plot twists. In the beginning, we see a scene in which a mother and her new son find a baby that has been stranded. The mother and son take the baby in and care for it. Fastfoward years in the future, the son, Julio, and Daniel, the baby in the first scene, are model brothers. They play on the same soccer team and care for their mother equally. The boys and their team are on a path to winning their division, and the two brothers are being scouted by Caracas FC, a professional team. While everything seems to be heading in the right direction, Director Marcel throws in a plot twist that changes the brothers forever. The goalie of the brothers team, while trying to stand up for Daniel, accidentally shoots and kills the brothers' mother. Throughout the rest of the movie, Daniel hides the truth that the goalie killed his mother from Julio, for Julio is seeking revenge on the person who committed the crime. Eventually, the soccer team makes it to the finals where they win, but Daniel attacks their goalie after the game leading to him being shot and killed. In a dramatic fashion, the movie ends with Julio standing on the pitch for Caracas FC, which symbolizes the brothers' main goal of getting out of the slums.
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Very Good Movie
thmurphy-3741422 September 2016
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The movie Brother, aka. Hermano is very amazing. It has a very slow start, but as soon as the movie reaches the halfway it instantly speeds up. The ending of the movie was the most surprising part, but I will build up to that. The two brothers are named Julio and Daniel. Daniel is adopted and brought into the family by the mom as Julio spots him in a pile of garbage one day. It was very heartwarming to see that, but also tragic that a mom would just leave their baby in the middle of nowhere in the trash. The older brother Julio is in a gang, oh and the gang is practically in control of the small city they are in. Yes, he is in a gang with his very close friend, which is also the goalie of the soccer team that they all play on together, which is also led by the gang. One day Daniel has his cleats stolen by punk kids in the neighborhood, and the goalie tries to get the cleats back by threatening the kids to go get them down from the telephone wire they are being hung from. The kids don't and he shoots them, in the crossfire, Julio and Daniel's mom is shot, to which Daniel witnesses the whole thing. He never tells Julio, which I wouldn't either, because it would just cause Julio to get into even more trouble with the gang. After this part of the movie it was very interesting how Daniel develops as they approach the final championship game, and he is somewhat standing up to the goalie telling him to stay away from Julio. The brothers are together with no gang influence and they go to a CFC tryout for the soccer professional soccer team. Julio leaves the tryout, but Daniel stays and later receives an offer to play for the club, but quickly says he won't without his brother. I completely agreed with this, as he wants to protect his brother from the gang and any other violence that he could get into. The final game comes and this is the most shocking part, the score is tied up 3-3 and Julio walks off the field saying congratulations, you got what you wanted, and then left the field. Which was his reaction to finding out Daniel has known who killed their mother. I didn't like how Julio reacted, he just needed time to realize that Daniel was looking out for him. The next play Daniel scores and they win the game. SPOILER!!!!! I, in no way saw this coming at all, but Daniel ran as fast as he could and kicked the goalie as hard as he could and killed him. All while Julio was watching. This was a very intense and surprising scene in the movie, and is very unlike any American film I have every seen. That is another aspect to show the difference between the two types of films. Due to the gang's influence in the soccer match, everyone on the field is practically shot, and Daniel is one of them. NOW HERE COMES THE BOOM!!!! There is a panning of the camera to the right, and it is in a professional soccer stadium. The face of Julio comes up after a large build in suspense. This ending was crazy, I had no idea that would happen. I expected Daniel to become the professional soccer player, and never thought he would kill someone else. This movie is a very interesting one. I would recommend it!
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magonzalez-1576217 September 2016
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Hermano was a very gripping movie to watch. The story throws all sorts of twists and turns throughout the movie, and it was a pleasure to watch. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. Though, the ending did confuse me. Maybe it is because I'm used to American movies, but I find it strange that they chose to kill Daniel off in the end of the movie. He took revenge against his mother's killer by beating him within an inch of his life, but he did so after winning the championship game. I do find it very clever though, now looking back, that they had Daniel make a double contract so that his brother would get a contract as well. Daniel most likely already knew what he was doing and had already planned on killing the goalie of the team at some point after the game so his brother could live his own dream.
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Great Film!!!!
brszasz15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this film from beginning to end. I like how it shows the bond of brotherhood between Julio and Daniel. You really see how much they care about each other throughout the film. When their mother died, it was an interesting yet enjoyable curve-ball that I did not see coming. I did admire the ending where Daniel put his family before everything else by thinking of his mother and Julio, when attacking Max after the game. Daniel always put soccer in front of the family when going to tryouts and trying to get Julio to play in the championship while mourning their mother's death. In the end, after winning the championship, Daniel figured out that the championship did not mean everything to him, but his family was most important. In that moment, he did not want to lose Julio, so he attacked and killed Max. If I were Daniel, though, I would have told Julio that Max killed their mother way earlier. I would have clarified that it was an accident so that no one got hurt. Instead he waited too long to speak up about the shooting. The ability to play soccer in this community is well regarded in the area. In this particular city, it is all about making it out to a better life. Even though it looked like Daniel had the fast track to the life of a professional soccer player, Julio ended up making it out playing for FC Venezuela.
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What a Movie!
drhupp15 September 2016
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The movie "Hermano" was like a movie I had never seen before. The plot was crazy and pretty unpredictable, it always had you on your toes preparing for what might happen next. The way the movie startedÂ…rescuing a baby from a dumpster. How third world does that sound? I've never heard about anything like that over here in the United States, hopefully that doesn't ever happen. I've also never seen a movie that has taken place in Venezuela, so I didn't know how to expect life in Caracas. I definitely didn't think that there would be gangs like other third world countries. Anyway, I liked Julio's character because he was basically "the man", he did whatever he wanted even though he was just another gang puppet. Julio was a lot stronger than his little brother. However, in soccer Daniel was better. At least with his technical skills. Well, I liked everything about this movie until the ending, where everything went wrong.
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rahilp15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The film Hermano was by far my most favorite film. The film showed how tight brothers relationships can be. Although there were sometimes that made you think, isn't the older brother kind of harsh on the younger one but it was all just brotherly love. Both brothers looked out for each other in similar ways. The older one would make sure that no one is messing with the younger brother and would always make him work to get better at soccer. The younger brother on the other hand looked out for the older bother in a different way. He made sure he got that second contract or he was not going to take any at all. The ending of the movie was probably my favorite but it was also sad. If i could have changed the ending I definitely would have, because the ending could have been so much better if It were a happy one. Another thing that I enjoyed about the movie was that it was about soccer. I do not play soccer but I like watching it. The movie is very different than American movies.
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