"White Collar" Out of the Box (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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Great season finale
LoveIsAStateOfMind31 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh wow, I LOVE this show! I love all the main characters and, just like Burn Notice, it's always interesting. Great twist to bring back Marsha Thomson who I know from Las Vegas but by God she does an awful American accent! Seriously! They should have just kept her British accent and invented some excuse for why she's working for the FBI. Lol.

Peter/Elizabeth. <3<3<3<3 Favourite married couple after Eric and Tami on FNL. Also, loved the Neal/Elizabeth/flowers moments. Bless. And June! Though I will always think of her as Burke's mother on Grey's Anatomy. It's funny because the show has all these characters that don't really do much, like June and Lauren, and yet you still feel their presence.

Great plot. Great twist at the end. The fact that Fowler wasn't the one pulling the strings but that there was someone "higher up" was obvious (otherwise it would be a pretty short-lived series). Wonder if we've seen the back of him now. Loved the moment when Peter shot him even though he didn't know he was wearing a vest.

I really like the Peter/Neal dynamic too. Even though it usually requires a stretch of the imagination to imagine that FBI/criminal could really grow into being good friends, you just feel it with these two. I think at the end Neal was going to get on the plane, after all he's obsessed with Kate, but then BOOM! I was just waiting for something to happen. Kind of thought that Kate was going to fly off without him or something. Lol. So I'm guessing she is actually dead? Will we ever find out whether she was good or bad? I don't know, I still think Peter's right and she was bad. Oh well. Can't wait until next season! Great procedural-esque show but with a whole different, less boring feel to it!
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Another happy and bland ending... until the last 10 seconds
ceokeychainsforcancer10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, before you are disappointed, this episode does, indeed, live up to its rating. In every episode, the writing has been genius, and this episode was no exception. Pretty much every episode has shown Neal "thinking outside the box" (pun intended) to pull of a grand scheme, and after watching the episode, I am sure that the writers put a great deal of thought into how he was going to pull this one off. The first 25 minutes were very exiting, but after that, scenes were very bland (with the exception of the standoff in the parking garage). I started getting disappointed with the bland, melancholy ending. There were a couple of twists and turns, but none of them were very well written... or so I thought. Right when I was beginning to doubt the writers' competence, the final twist hit, and I appreciated the build up of information that had led up to it. Truly magnificent creativity!
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If they only had introduced a backstory, then i might have cared..
cal_el8211 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK here we go, this review will contain spoilers. Well i just love the show, the dynamics between the actors, the storyline and the humor. A funny show without trying to be too funny.

So how about this episode. It was a classic white collar episode ergo great, but i'm not satisfied with how it ended. The cliffhanger between December and January was 10 times better. It truly kept you in suspense. The problem though, with white collar, which became painfully obvious in the season finale, is the lacking of a backstory to Neil and Kate. I found myself at the end, a very non-surprising end btw, not carrying at all if Kate dies or not. It felt more like the show wanted to kill off the character, so it don't need to introduce a backstory. If we would have known why Neil so relentlessly tries to find Kate, how they met, why he loves her so much, i might have cared. Instead i started rooting for Alex and Neil, a sexy and beautiful duo, to say the very least.

No this could have been the series finale, it sure felt like it. Fowler got what he came for, Peter got a couple of weeks without his badge. Elle got the perfect i'm sorry-gift from Neil. Nothing happened that gives me the feeling that i can't wait until the next season starts.

If it comes back, tell us more about Neils past. He is supposedly this great art thief, with some magic stash hidden somewhere.

Thx for a otherwise great season.
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Season 1: Slick and serviceable but somehow lacking that spark in several areas to make it as entertaining and as engaging as it could be
bob the moo25 March 2010
White Collar caught my eye because it seemed to be related to Monk and Psych in the schedules, indeed it did appear that it was specifically being put where it was put to handover with Monk ending. With us liking both those shows we decided to watch this one as well, thinking that we knew the territory. The setup is that slick con-man and forger Neal Caffrey is given the opportunity to be released from prison to help the FBI with a case and, having proved his usefulness is taken on as a "consultant" – albeit on the leash of an electronic bracelet and with suspicion from all his new colleagues, not least of which is Peter Burke, the agent who caught him twice. It sounds very much like the gimmicky "case per week" show that we are used to and in a way it is that.

Of course these shows need a background thing to keep the viewer beyond this and, in this case it is Neal's hunt for his ex and the wider mystery that comes with that. As one would expect it is all bundled together in a very slick package that never stops reminding you that it is in New York and that everything goes "swoosh" and "zam" in multiple slick camera cuts every five or so minutes. On the face of it the show should be really slick and easy to enjoy on a weekly basis while the bigger mystery acts as a regular reminder that there is a reason to stick with it – so does it manage to do it? Well the answer is "sort of" because season 1 of White Collar feels like it is not too far short of the mark in what it is trying to do but yet somehow is just lacking a consistent spark to a lot of what it does, limiting it and keeping it serviceable as a show but not as much of anything that it should be.

The weekly plots are the first area where the spark fades because too many of them feel forced. I thought several times during the season that some of the plots were really crowbarred in out of nowhere and this is not a good sign – if your concept cannot produce plots without utilising family members or some other weak device to get them started then the outlook is not good. Once the plots get moving then the slick delivery and quite fun development of each one is engaging enough but few of them really spark. This leaves the bigger mystery. Now this works better than I thought it would because it is not something that is only rolled out to close a season or boost ratings but rather is in each episode. It doesn't totally work though because, as it does in the pilot, it puts a lot of "seriousness" into it that emotionally it cannot justify and, while the various twists maybe hold the interest and make for some good episodes, it is easy to watch it without really caring all that much – which does rather rob it of thrills and prevents it engaging as it should.

And it does need these thrills and a sense of fun to make it reach its full potential but it just doesn't hit that mark with any sort of consistency. The interplay between the characters is the same – a case of close, but no cigar. Neal and Peter are both pretty good together but there isn't the magic that the relationship needs to make it work. They sort of have mutual respect, sort of have mistrust, sort of have comic interplay but it is all "sort of". Borner is slick and cool while DeKay is a solid but unremarkable presence but neither are brilliant – and the supporting cast don't do a lot to help. Garson's Mozzie is a nicely comic character and is always welcome in any scene (his "thinks he's Bruce Willis" bit was hilarious) but the FBI team of Morales, Rebhorn and Atkins are pretty bland – hopefully the return of Thomason will change it if she stays for season 2. Thiessen is a weird find and she is good in it although her character is mostly unnecessary.

Overall White Collar is a glossy and slick show that is easy viewing but doesn't ever deliver as it should and could. The plots are often forced (hurting their slickness and entertainment value) and the characters and dialogue just don't have the spark they almost have. A good undemanding view, but it needs to sharpen up in many areas if it wants to be more than that.
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