Meadowoods (Video 2010) Poster

(2010 Video)

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Quite... boring.
Twosocks42-114 June 2010
Well, it was once again a night where with nothing better to do and no new releases in the Red Box that I wanted to see and had not already seen, I decided to take a gamble on a movie that sounded interesting, in spite of never having heard of it or heard of the production company. Unfortunately, I struck out this time. What sounded like an interesting and possibility entertaining flick on the Red Box summary was just another example of really insidious false advertising. The summary itself was misleading, speaking of half truths pertaining to the plot and making it sound far more entertaining than it was.

The honest run down: Three small town college kids are bored and decide that a great way to kill time is to... well kill someone. Each has their own reason, each more stereotypical than the last, such as the Apathetic character who never feels anything and hates life, or the character who is angry at their parents for never being around and decides taking out years of pent up anger on a stranger would be therapeutic. No matter the reasoning or justification, it's still three college kids who decide to make their mark on the world by becoming murderers.

The kids film the entire process in a documentary style format, filming themselves making plans and speaking of subjects that the writers probably thought to be deep, but with poor scripting and much less than interesting characters, the dialog completely fell flat and made the movie tedious and just that much longer. It took far too long for anything interesting to happen, and even then, just when you thought things would pick up, you are treated to the slowest moving and least entertaining part of the film yet.

The idea was interesting in and of itself, but the execution was terrible. Sub par directing, bad script, okay acting (at least it was not bad, but it was not good either)and sloth styled pacing made the movie impossible to enjoy. It was not that it was annoying, or stupid or even baffling, rather so much as it was just so boring and lacking of creativity. You watch the movie with one eye, the other resting on your watch wondering when it will end.

I gave it a 3/10. It's not the worst I've ever seen by and far, but as stated, pacing so slow it almost seems to go backwards, bad dialog, okay acting and a lack of creativity made this a dredging process to get through.
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I'm bored, let's KILL someone!
jorgito20017 May 2010
I give credit to the filmmakers for making something of what looks like nearly a ZERO budget. 3 teens in a cow-crap kicking town are bored, and decide to "kill" someone. The film is an A-Z step-by-step process from the time they decide to kill someone (out of boredom for the most part) to the deed itself. I give props to the film for its creativity and covering ground that hasn't been touched on a lot, my only complaint is the movie can get a bit BORING at times. And other then the cameraman, the teens are genuinely UNLIKEABLE (probably the filmmaker's intent, but I haven't wanted to SMACK someone through the screen as much as the wannabe-killer blond chick).

I wouldn't label this film a "horror" movie, more of a suspenseful "mockumentary" slightly in the vain of The Blair Witch Project without dripping boogers & silly stickmen. The movie slows to a crawl at times, but its worth a watch. Just don't go in expecting a run-of-the-mill slasher flick or buckets of gore.
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To Kill or Not To Kill...
JackedWoWHunter7 April 2014
Random!!! Random!!! Random!!! Loved the movie just because of the originality, but if a random killing is to be random, then make it random. From there, whatever, really. Would be smart to not pick someone in your stupid town, let alone someone you go to class with. Being more worried about who and how isn't really of importance if it's random. I would think when (time) be more of importance. Location can be random, but of course if you do it in broad daylight and on main street, it's sort of destroying everything you had "planned", worked for. Oh, don't document something you want to not be known for doing, you stupid amateur. I guess to be truly random and just not to give a flying *bleep*, lol... Just shoot the next person you see in the face and be put to death or at the very least, death row. Good luck! :D
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This movie is not worth your time, do not watch it.
IzzySirius24 May 2010
This movie was awful, thanks goodness for Redbox, but you know, it's not even worth the $1.00 rental. Since I am in the thankful mood, let me also be thankful for fast forward, because that's what I did through most of the movie. Don't rent this piece of trash movie. I thought that Kayla was a pretty good actor, but I must admit that I was expecting something a little more original. What alluded me to rent this movie was the tag-line (out of all things) but it failed to deliver on some many levels. Speaking of levels, this movie wasted my time in not only watching it, but also in writing this review. It probably would have been better if it would have been filmed from a third person perspective. Lastly, I can't believe they used such a great quote from Jame A. Froude to open up this movie; it really gave me great expectations, but as you can by now painfully tell, this movie is not worth your time don watch it.
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Awful! Not worth the $1.00 Redbox rental!
alanweiland24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this movie was dreadful. As a horror fan, I've seen plenty of awful films over the years but this is truly the pits. Even with the low/no budget, the filmmakers could have done so much with this premise but it stinks. The premise is that three kids in their late teens live in a small town, are bored out of their minds and decide to kill someone at random. So the whole film is from the perspective of a video camera tape shot by one of the teens (i.e. Blair Witch, etc.). The whole movie really just creeps along painfully slow, with a bunch of boring commentary from each of the 3 teens along the way. You keep thinking - OK, this is all going to pay off when they actually do the deed. The teens build a box to bury the victim, complete with lighting, speakers and video cameras. I'm not sure how these 3 idiots manage to pull this off, but somehow they do. Once again - great premise! However, the 'kidnapping' of the victim is done so poorly that you'll be saying WTF and wondering if your DVD skipped a scene by accident. In the final moments of this movie, you can't even really tell what happens which is extremely frustrating. Waste of time! I agree with the other prior reviews - thank goodness for RedBox. However, instead of buried within RedBox, every copy of this movie should be buried in a box in the woods so no one else has to suffer through it.
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Incredibly boring movie
arussell47 August 2010
This movie was one of the worst movies I have ever wasted my time on. If you pick it up in a store, put it back fast. It is absolutely terrible and I cannot believe that someone actually wasted money making it. The acting is terrible, the story is terrible and it actually contained nothing but a black screen near the end of the movie. Had to listen to the victim and watch a blank screen for 10 minutes straight. It makes you wonder what the hell was going on in the mind of this director and also, where in the hell did he get these actors to play in this incredibly boring film (if that is what you can call it). It would be more entertaining to sit at home and watch reruns of Lassie. It is possibly one of the worst movies ever made.
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This movie
This movie was so awful. I mean my screen was blank for 10 minutes. Just a black screen. While they were talking. How boring. SNOREVILLE. i mean come on, the ending was just as stupid. I will never watch another movie by said authors. Also, I feel bad for the sucker who actually filmed it. WASTE OF A DOLLAR. This is why I love the red box. Glad i didn't buy the stupid movie. And in the "summary" you read. It says "Death chamber" A box in the ground is NOT a death chamber. When i read death chamber I was thinking like awesome gory bloody thing like in saw movies. I was very very very disappointed in this movie. I just don't understand why someone would have even spent the money to make this movie. I don't know if this is "wrong" to say but yeah, i thought it was a bad movie, and I for one will never refer this movie to anyone else.
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A trip through the lifeless meadowoods
mdnobles1923 May 2010
There is no reason for this movie to exist. It was slow moving and it wanted to be something like The Blair Witch Project with a serial killer, snuff film twist but when a movie like has already been done before it isn't effective or relevant anymore unless you do something strong and amazing like Cloverfield or Paranormal Activity, they simply didn't do anything new with the material. The three unbalanced individuals who are mostly at the centerpoint of this so called film got on my nerves pretty quickly and were more bratty buttheads than truly menacing, I just didn't buy it from them and the one that was the less crazy of the bunch was a coward and waited to long to be the hero in the game. I was pretty impressed with the victim and thought she was pretty believable in her part and seemed like the smartest person in this movie that falls victim to village idiots. There is nothing in this movie that is bloody just unsettling and disturbing especially the box scene which I felt claustrophobic just watching it and was pretty interesting here and there getting into some of the characters psychie but they didn't dig deep enough for us to care and the ending just plain sucked and it just didn't give me anything. Overall this was pretty flat and dull exercise in torture blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!! Not Recommended! Zero stars!!!!
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Pretty Awkwardly Awesome
weaselsandchiefs18 September 2011
This movie shows how college students are today. It portrays the intellectual aspect of what plotting murder is.

Whats it like to die? Whats it like to watch someone die, and Whats it like to take someones life? Plus the acting is by far the best I have seen in a 15,000 dollar movie. They put heart and soul into making this movie and they got their point a crossed.

It goes to show anyone can kill in a heartless manner to know what its like.It also shows how ad they wanted to be something but how far would you really go? I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a psychological thriller into the unexplained mind of our generation today!!
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Very Worthy Effort
Isnam77716 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just to let you know off the bat, I'm in no way associated with this film. I just randomly watched it one day. That said, I actually think this is a very well-made piece of independent, low-budget cinema. I really don't see where all the hate for this film comes from with other posters on this site. I guess they were expecting something else. This is a horror film that uses subtlety and emotions to tell a story about the evil that meaninglessness can create.

The story is about three college friends who decide one day they want to murder someone and film the entire process so after they die their crime will be revealed, leaving their little mark on society. Their motive: they feel life has no point and that the only way they can make a difference is to commit a horrible act. We have Travis, the de facto leader, who on the surface seems like an amiable, carefree kid. We later see under the surface a twisted determination to keep the trio in tact as they get closer to committing the actual act. We next have Stephanie, who perhaps is the real motivating force behind the trio. She shows us repeatedly she is devoid of any compassion for others. She is angry and empty and uses this to fuel their mission. Towards the end, however, she displays some humanity concerning her other two accomplices that shows some spark, no matter how small, that she may still feel something. The last of the trio is Ryan who documents the events with his camera, bringing the story to us. Ryan starts out as a follower, someone who seems to be along for the ride for the sake of loyalty. As the movie progresses he becomes increasingly aware of how imminent and real the crime really is. When he begins to develop feelings for the intended victim he threatens to abort the entire plot, and this doesn't go unnoticed by his accomplices.

I felt this was a fairly mature attempt at human drama, addressing universal issues of meaning, friendship and empathy. Of the trio, props go out to Thorp (who plays Travis) and Roe (who plays Stephanie) as they really embody the characters they're portraying. Another actress who really did a tremendous job was Schactler (who plays Kayla, the intended victim). She brings a much-needed degree of humanity and warmth to the film, not to mention the terror she conveys at the climax is palpable. Overall the shortcomings of the film can be overlooked thanks to the story's strong focus and some amazing acting. This film is short on gore and heavy on character development. If you're not a fan of the found- footage sub-genre you may want to steer clear and if you're expecting horror in the form of violence and jump-scares you'll be disappointed. Those seeking an interesting story, intriguing characters and a strong sense of building dread should give this one a chance.
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A New Low
Captain_Crunch17 June 2010
Why did I rent this piece of crap!? What a waste of a dollar. This movie moves slower than snail sh!t! Please do not rent this waste of film!! I am a huge horror fan, and .... Just Don't DO IT!!! DO NOT RENT THIS POOR EXCUSE OF A FILM!!!!!! I was going to rent the new Alice In Wonderland but thought to myself, oh I saw it in the theater, I should try something new, but no, I should have rented the other! I almost have a problem referring to this as a movie, more like a home video of some pretty poor actors. Do Not Rent This Film! Buy a bottle of booze instead, actually you could get smashed as hell and this movie would still suck! If I had my dollar back I would buy a Twinkie, or a Mt. Dew, I could buy a taco, or maybe 4 gum balls, anything but this crap!
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What would you do to be (in)famous?
erakarie20 November 2011
To be honest I loved this movie, although most people did not. This is a low budget movie, $15,000 (estimated), so if you do not like low budget this movie is probably not for you. A lot of people also say that this movie has bad acting but in my opinion it seems raw, and believable, which really helped me get into it. The movie is shaky-cam, and the camera is handle like person holding was not experiences. It follows three collage students documenting their plot to become famous, or rather infamous. They decide that they are going to kill a random person just for this purpose. It shows them as they plan, set up, pick out their kill, joke around, and yell at each other. What is so amazing about Meadowoods is that you really feel like you are watching a collage documentary about three students trying to pull off a murder. If you have some free time, and enjoy low budget films or shaky-cam I highly recommend Meadwoods.
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I wanted to hate it.
manncer-228 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS.. I turned this film off almost as soon as it started. I almost deleted it, but decided to give it one more try. At first I was aggravated by the home video quality, then I said: Hello! That's the idea genius. I was also expecting the worst as per a few of the hysterical reviews, herein. As it unrolled into my living-room, I was starting to see the real horror of this movie. The disparate characters were very well developed by the young actors. The sadness of Kayla's interview was revealing of her character; the hidden sadness that Ryan brought out. The weakness of Ryan, as her interviewer was tragic because he was afraid of not doing what the group wanted. When his interview caused pain to Kayla, he relaxed into himself and was effective as a human being to her, because the other two weren't around.. Stephanie was severely depressive neurotic, and Travis was beyond redemption. The point I saw in this movie was a chilling look at three teenagers, bored and unable to get with life, like other kids were doing. Funny thing is that I wasn't surprised that this whole scenario was completely plausible in today's society. That's the real horror.
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"She has the acting ability of a wet dishtowel."
Bob_the_Hobo3 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The above is a quote from a friend, said about halfway through the movie, regarding the bi-gender female "lead". AND IT'S TRUE. "Meadowoods" is a thriller that doesn't thrill, a horror flick where the only horror is the script. It's awful, extremely low budget, and a good substitute for a migraine.

Movies like this are why REDBOX was created, to swindle us out of a dollar as many times as is possible. The plot; three friends decide to kill someone and everything goes wrong.(my, THAT'S original...) The acting; decent from the blond haired guy and their "victim", everyone else is average or sub average. There's a number of scenes that are straight up black screen and dialog. Why do I want to stare at a black screen and listen to college kids talk? The end is the most headache inducing part; these bumbling idiots somehow manage to create their "death box" or whatever REDBOX lied to me about, and there's a good fifteen minutes of black screen, victim screaming. That's WITH me fast forwarding through 80% of it.

Rent something else, or nothing at all.
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Heed my warning, please. Don't read this at the expense of all viewing pleasure
wtlotas324 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Should this film even been included in the "Horror/thriller" genre? It deserves to be placed in your fireplace or burner to help heat your home. All copies should replace toilet paper for awhile. Now I can't make all these criticisms without valid reasons, so here they are. The actors were just genuinely bad. The woman fit the part but failed to act while the antagonist male didn't fit the part but had some acting potential. I didn't find the transitions artistic or innovative in the least. I found them as a detriment to the pace of the film and it was the first time a movie was able to aggravate me. The long portions of darkness captured within the "Box" (Which was no death chamber, but a piece of sh*t plywood contraption that looked like a monkey with no arms could've slapped together with a few nails and used his head to slam them in.) were just awful. They held no importance to the plot and was an actually, pitiful attempt at increasing a non existent suspense. I did find their motives sick and disturbing, but the way they referred to the plan, was so blatant that it became unbelievable. They were scheming in the coffee shop and saying "OH HEY GUYS HOW ABOUT THAT MURDER EH? BOY OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO KILL OUR VICTIM" Seriously, if I took a dump on the keyboard, the impact it would make with the keys would probably produce a better screenplay than this. You'd have no remaining brain cells left if you slammed your head against the keyboard enough times to compose of movie with this caliber of bad. You probably couldn't. Every character was an antagonist or I developed no sympathy for them whatsoever, so they failed in the character department of film. Overall, I feel those responsible for the movie should be ashamed of themselves and sit in a corner for ten years. I would've rather stared blankly into a toilet ravaged by bloody diarrhea than to have watched that dirty, dirty movie.
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Is a job well done for new breed filmmakers.
fullspectrumfilms14 September 2010
Yes, the film is slow at times and yes, it does lack in scare a bit but for anyone who has made a feature length film of any kind, low budget or not it is a great little watch. The I did really hate the main character but that in is the paradox right because they are playing annoying idiots who really have no clue what the hell they are doing. And it is the quality that I liked best about them is that they made me want to hate them. That is the goal of any villains of any film, at least the best ones. The rest of the film could have used a bit of work but again for a first time thing for most of those involved is not a bad watch at all.
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Meadowood; school project, or insane attempt?
phojo-131 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie reeks of Cloverfield, that movie whose main star was a Sony Handicam with an apparent thirty-six hour battery life. Shot exclusively from the cameraman's point of view, this film documents three students who plan on murdering someone at random. They film the commitment, the planning, the purchasing of materials, and each others' comments about life, death and other things.

As the movie progresses, the three characters fight with each other, get drunk, talk, talk, talk, yell at each other, and talk. When they finally get their target (a music student), they continue to talk about death, about life, and little int he way of the reason to kill her, other than to give their town a wake-up call.

The movie slowly progresses and when it starts to get good, it stops. They finally get their target out in the woods, threaten her with a gun, force her into a box that's fixed with two cameras and a light, and then the video goes black. The target lady is in the box screaming, for ten minutes. Ten minutes. Then it ends in a blurry quality of an amateur camera operator. Granted, this movie is supposed to be taped by a film student, but there were a lot of off-camera action we didn't, or couldn't, see.

If you really have to see this movie, get it from the Red Box or add it to your queue on Netflix and watch it on your laptop.

Kind of confirms the notion that Hollywood doesn't try very hard these days.
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What happened?
pdjoseph1 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After suffering through 90 minutes of pure suck, I couldn't even figure out what happened at the end. I'm furious. The blond dude had the gun, I think his name was Travis, and somehow he got killed, I think. But I'm not really sure. The dumb blond emo chick was screaming something I didn't understand. Did Travis die and how? Ryan couldn't of shot him because he didn't have the gun. Did Travis shoot himself? That wouldn't make any sense. This movie is pure suck. Did the buried girl die? I wasn't even sure about that. What does the title even mean? Meadowoods? That doesn't even refer to anything in the movie that I can tell. It's just some stupid made up title that is supposed to sound spooky. What is the corollary?
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eeyorebsn1 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay this movie was one of the worst I have ever seen. I heard some hype about it, read about it in Fangoria and was good and ready for a disturbing edge of the seat movie. What I got was a total waste of time. Irritated me even more because it was somewhat difficult to find a copy.

I grew up on the good old slasher films but totally enjoy some of the new horror flicks. I waited 88 freaking minutes for something, anything, pulse raising to happen.

First off it was too well filmed for what it proclaimed to be. Second the actors had all the acting skill of 5 day old dead fish. Got to the last 8 minutes waiting for something exciting to happen. Was very disappointed.

Okay so three wastes of life with parent issues etc, decide to kill some one...then pick this chick at random. Then one of them gets a conscience and backs out, then a couple of them die...not big loss to society. Provoked a mild feeling of pity for the chick they targeted, but not much else. And burying some one alive? C''s been done before and to a much better extent. Having some chick scream her head off and do a poor imitation of the girl from "Blair Witch" while kicking around in a box is just not convincing.

The nightly news is more disturbing, and the tooth fairy is more believable.
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People WROTE this???
liz-berry7 August 2010
I can't believe I sat through this entire movie. I like to think I'm rather forgiving in my viewing habits - the movie didn't grab me so I kept waiting... and waiting... and then I was already so far in to the movie I was really just watching it to make sure it ended... somehow.

Even worse than that: the whole thing was so stumbling and awkward, I thought for sure it was improvised - like they were trying to do a poor imitation of the 'Blair Witch.' No. I final endure the equally awkward ending, pull up the film's details and see it had writers... it had a SCREENPLAY. Wow. That's all I can say. Horrible, stilted, mumbling dialog performed by cardboard cutouts of bored kids.

Avoid. at. all. costs.
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Don't waste your time, this movie sucks!
roderick047692 October 2010
This movie was a complete waste of time. Honestly, the best part of the movie was when the credits were shown. Reminded me of the 'blair witch project,' just worse. Both movies had shaky cameras, but a blank screen for 10 minutes of a movie is a little much. There is audio of people talking, just no screen, complete waste of time! The summary of the movie should be as follows: If you have spare time, and a few extra bucks, rent this movie. It will bore you until you fall asleep, or bring you to the edge of your seat, due to wanting to walk away from being bored. All in all, even after spending $1.05 to rent this movie for a night, I honestly think I overpaid!
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IPreferEvidence2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It was something different thats for sure. Reminds me of Peeping Tom where the killer is making a movie of his victims while he's killing them.

In the movie 3 kids that are bored with their normal life in this small sleepy town decide to plan and commit a murder by choosing a random person and putting him/her in a box and burying the person alive(with cameras,microphones and speakers inside the box of course).

It seems like a really low budget movie and is also apparently the first movie for everyone in it, so you can imagine it has it's flaws. Anyway the acting is surprisingly good and the plot isn't as bad as you might think(its certainly something I haven't seen before). I've heard people complain about the same things that people always complain about with mockumentary horror, which is there's "too little happening"(there's actually a 5 minute section of total darkness and mostly just screaming and shoveling noises) but I think it just helps to build up suspense and adds to realism, although I understand the criticism. The movie is a little slow but I had no problem watching through and thoroughly enjoyed it. Recommended for mockumentary fans and anyone who wants to see something different.
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Not even worth the $1 rental...
nicknacknick930 May 2012
How can a movie like this be mass produced and put in red boxes? The movie is soooooo low budget and its apparent. The acting is terrible. They picked just some random teens. The girl is melodramatic and painful to watch as she just sulks around with the same face. The main guy is mildly better, but still horrible. The plot is so ridiculous and boring as well. My friends and I were literally laughing our way through this film. I don't know how it could be taken seriously. The kids talked about planning the murder INSIDE A COFFEE SHOP with people around. There's random flashbacks to the kids talking about how much their life sucks (a.k.a.- they bitch about a ton of first world problems). The only thing I can somewhat compliment about this movie is that they characterize the main guy pretty well. He goes through some psycho downward spiral where he randomly runs around the woods... naked... then gets drunk and pretends to shoot his friend, and finally just goes bazerk as they kill the girl. OH! And the whole scene where the girl gets buried... good lord. The kids talk about putting 2 cameras in the coffin and once they put the girl inside and bury her, THERE IS NO LIGHT. Such a blatant oversight by the director not to put a dim light or night-vision camera in. Instead, the scene stays on (no joke) PITCH BLACK FOR 10 MINUTES and you just hear the girl moan and cry...This move should not have been made. DO NOT WATCH IT. Unless you plan on just fooling around while you're watching it or just chatting with friends.
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Two words: Boring. And boring.
demobonez19 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was lowly made- no good acting coming from the three "crazy" killers (everytime they said how they were going to "Kill Kayla" it looked very fake- like they didn't even believe it!) ...honestly I expected something better than this...even The Blair Witch Project was more convincing- but that's another story.

"Meadowoods" is brought to life with one or two ups, bad transitions, and even a scene were you go like "How did it happen?!" (one second Stephanie and Travis are talking at Ryan's party...the next, they have Kayla in the forest...can someone fill me in, please?!).

Honestly I wouldn't recommend you watching this- even if it's another Thursday night and you are bored. Stare at the wall, it's even healthier. But say "NO!" to "Meadowoods", believe me, it's for your good.
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We've seen some bad movies...
Fire_heart122026 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
But this one topped it by far.

As per tradition my best friend and I headed over to the Red Box, on a Thursday night, to find something to watch. Neither of us mind watching "bad movies", in fact we quite enjoy watching and making fun of them. But this one, we couldn't even make fun of it.

The cover is what drew our attention to this one, and it greatly disappointed. As mentioned by several others, the pacing was awful. So awful, in fact, that I pulled out my crocheting project and worked on it the entire time. As far as the characters go, there was little to no depth to them. Stereotypical manic depressive, stereotypical "my parents don't care", and then the weirdest was the demented, sadistic leader, Travis. Their first mistake: if you don't want anyone to find out about it, don't film it! and closely behind that, don't talk about it in a local coffee house! There's was nothing random about who they choose for their victim.

Paraphrasing "We want young or old?" says Travis. "Young, the old are going to die anyway." replies Stephie. "Well, then a guy or a girl?" Travis throws out.

None of this is random!

Nothing about this was horrific (except for the movie itself) or even scary. Yeah it's possible that out there in the world are three bored college kids, and yes maybe they might think of committing murder and that it could be any random person for no reason. It would really only be scary though if you later found out you had been on their list of "possible victims".

To quote my friend, "this movie was really like a limp wiener or a one minute ride."

Don't waste your dollar or time watching this movie.
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