The Red Ape Family (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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Sub-Newgrounds level animation
stevewings30 November 2021
I don't know what to say about this thing. This is absolutely the ugliest piece of animation I've ever seen passed off as a television show. This first episode is all of eight minutes long, and two minutes of that is credits. I can only imagine it took about eight minutes to write this thing as well, as there's a clear misspelling on "detected," and especially because no scene seems to actually connect to any other.

I'm decidedly opposed to NFTs, so maybe I'm not the audience here. But surely even people who are obsessed with owning JPEG receipts, deserve something better than this. This is so impossibly unfunny, so lazily scrapped together, that I truly can't believe that anyone could consider themselves a fan of this. A 1/10 for this show, and a 1/10 for me, for taking more time out of my day to write a small review of the show, than the writers of the show (and there are two of them, somehow) took to actually make it.
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I'm sorry, what the hell is this?!
yaakovthegeek12 December 2021
This is probably the worst thing I have ever seen. The animation is terrible, the voices seem forced, and this looks like a complete waste of money. 1.8 million dollars for this?! I have seen so much better shows that cost much less than whatever this abomination is.
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suilvenchambers3 December 2021
Just incredible. I've never seen a piece of animation so horrific, artless and unfunny. The writing, voice acting and production are so shoddy and rushed that it makes you wonder what the creators were even trying to achieve. NFTs are one of the most inane and worthless things to arise from the fusion of capitalism and the internet, and nothing illustrates that better than this absolute cum stain of a show.
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This is the Bar
Channeleven25 December 2021
Nothing can get any lower than this. There is no way to justify NFTs, there is no way you can justify a high asking price, there is no way you can justify low quality animation that somehow has less than any barebones production.

All this is good for is justifying the existence of other low quality shows.

This is as low as bad animation could get, welcome to planet earth ladies and gentlemen.
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Don't waste your time.
SnowyyPiranha15 December 2021
Absolutely horrendous animation from any series i have ever watched. I could make better animation on flipnote studio on my DS. The jokes are the unfunniest things i have ever heard. And the voice acting is so horrible.
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I Don't Know Where to Start
patrickfinncolin9 December 2021
Wow... I never write reviews but I had to warn others about this atrocious show. Animation, voice acting, characterization, humor, this has none of that. The sheer incompetence that produced this project is outstanding. If the goal was to lessen the perceived value of NFTs then the goal has been achieved. Any positive review left for this show is a crypto bro with stake in its success. I'm still in shock that anyone greenlit this and attached their name. Wow...
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What even happened here
jayeisderpy30 November 2021
1 I may or may not be the target audience because I don't particularly like NFTs but even pushing that aside and watching the show with a positive outlook it was terrible the voice acting sucks I think the only one that did the best was the female ape (I don't even remember if she had a name or not it was that boring. The animation is God awful how does some animations like arm movements look decent but then watching them move their mouth is terrible. I assume they used nfts and tried to make them talk based on the auto generation 🐒apes but then it's impossible to actually show emotion since it's all still frames. They even had the nerve to act like this is the best show on Twitter even saying how Southpark is going to be moving their release date of their post covid special because of their show.

Please do everyone a favor and pull the plug.
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mortifyingly unironic
milifarahaisha14 December 2021
Literally the first episode is only 8 minutes long but somehow lasts 21 hours. I have never seen such a high budget with such a low effort show. Zero redeeming qualities, in art, plot, voice acting, literally anything.
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Oh god my eyes
throwawaydiscord15 December 2021
Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes Oh god my eyes.
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ignaciohidalgo-2863219 December 2021
This is the worst cartoon I have ever seen, I did not enjoy a second of this thing, the animation is horrible, the creators are so useless they cannot type "detected" correctly. I would write a whole text of 10 lines insulting the creators but I can't.
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A pointless ultra modern advertisement
AlexanderHume6 December 2021
Nfts are the new bitcoin, no one really understands them but what everyone knows is that they make money, and thats really the point of this "show". It isn't funny, its horrendously animated and features atrocious "voice acting" which is so poorly mixed it sounds like a foreign overdub half the time, but are you really surprised? This isn't a tv show, its entire purpose it to sell poorly draw characters as nfts so the creators can make money, thats it. Do yourself a favour, stay away from this show, hell stay away from nfts, I garuntee in 2 years they will be a thing of the past and irrelevant garbage like this will be along with it.
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the best show ever
freecorn185429 January 2022
First of all, this show as a nft is the best thing ever. This will be the next big thing. The show itself is godly, i love the animation, its so real! Its also has funny writing, it made me lol! The characters being nfts is so smart, i dont own any nfts, other people seeing there nft in this show will make them happy!
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WTF is this
Gokublackkai1014 December 2021
I can't believe it, but you somehow made TV "Show" more bland and boring than High Guardian Spice, HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO PULL THAT OFF?! It's obvious that the people behind it didn't care about their product or the people watching it, they only care about selling their stupid NFTs. The plot almost doesn't exist, heck we don't know the actual characters names! The animation my god is somehow look more flash than any modern adult animation show. The story boards that they shown looks better than the finish product. The voice acting is cringy as hell. The humor is just swearing and nft jokes and for some reason making a reference to Squid game? Really? I can't understand how people can like this. This furthers my beliefs that we are devolving more into monkeys than those stupid NFT chimps.
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Even Satan wouldn't touch this
alixanderthomas25 December 2021
Unbelievable steaming hot pile of dog $%!. I have no idea how this was greenlit anywhere, and further, how money was even spent on it to begin with. I waste of money, a waste of time, all while destroying the environment further. Hope this project burns in a fiery crash.
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So Bad That It Hurts to Watch
ryfin24 January 2022
I have only seen the first episode of this "show", but I doubt there will ever be much more, as the people behind it will probably pull it out of production soon.

Anyways, this show is awful. It looks horrible. It is not only unfunny, but the "humor" is so bad that it makes you wince in pain. Clearly, there was no team behind this "show" that wanted to tell a story, or make people laugh: no, they wanted to capitalize on a trend that is making headlines and make a quick profit, just like all of the NFT craze.

This is a soulless production that I cannot imagine would ever have actual fans. The only audience for this show is somebody who is so invested in crypto and NFTs that any reference to it makes them feel like they aren't currently at the bottom of a pyramid scheme. Truly just a strange phenomenon that hopefully ends before more people become victims to the NFT rug-pulls, scams, and other general indecency caused by these people. 1/10 for so many reasons.
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Boring and confusing
HelpfulReviewer29 December 2021
Theres only one episode, and im already confused. The humor is terrible, the actors are sooo terrible & lazy. The animation is so lazy, even solo animators are much better than this. And the plot is non-existence, i couldnt find out whats going on at all.

Whats even worse is this is an nft that got millions of dollars.
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wkrisanjr10 December 2021
The entire NFT fad is bad enough, but this is just atrocious. Id actually rather listen to harold the fish chugging mayonnaise for 10 hours, and even that would be a more enlightening experience. This film belongs in the bargain bin under the several copies of the mario bros film, the star wars sequels, and captain marvel.
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defabbio-320876 February 2022
Who ever thought a cartoon about NFTs was such a good idea? It makes me want to screenshot everything from the show. Unlikable characters, horrible animation, awful voice-acting, trashy story, and the first episode feels more like a preview of a full 22-minute episode, but the episode is 8 minutes long because of a sudden uneventful cliffhanger. Please give this show a skip unless you support NFTs for some reason.... which I doubt you would be.
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No Quality Deteced
mendizfern10 April 2022
I have seen the reviews for this, and I am happy to announce that most of them say they sucked. There were 2 good reviews. One of them has poor grammar, which makes me believe it was written by some kid, the other stated that the show had "surprisingly good quality for the budget". The budget for the first episode was 1.8 million dollars. The budget for cartoons of the likes of ATLA and Invader Zim (I can't believe I'm about to compare this garbage to these two masterpieces) is estimated to be a little over 1 million dollars per episode. They had less of a budget than this, and still did a lot better than TRAF. Their 'low budget' is not an excuse. They have horrible animation, no proofreading, god awful voice acting (and comedy), and are the ultimate disrespect to the artistic medium that is animation.

I really hope this doesn't catch on (by the looks of it, it isn't. Good), because if it does, then Animation is headed to a very dark place. I watched the first episode because I thought it'd be funny, but that's about as far as I'll go. I refuse to support the murder of one of my favorite artistic mediums.
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don't bring NFT
asadaa-5683924 December 2021
This is complete utter garbage. Nothing about it seems appealing plus i can guarantee these NFT hoarders are the same pigs who are up selling PS5s. Trash don't air any of this monkey business.
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Surprisingly Good
KimitKimitTheFrg8 December 2021
After seeing everyone saying that this was the worst cartoon ever made, I was expecting to hate this show. But to my surprise, the show is actually very high quality, the animation is very fluid and detailed considering the budget was very very low. The plot is engaging and leaves a lot open for further episodes.
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Awfulness on Mars
TheLittleSongbird27 January 2024
'The Red Ape Family' (2021)

Opening thoughts: Despite some of my recent reviews for animated shows being a lot less encouraging than usual, this review is coming from a person who has loved animation ever since seeing Disney's 'Cinderella' for the first time as a toddler. And as someone who has had a number of contrarian views over the years when it comes to animation (i.e. Not caring for 'Pokemon', not considering 'The Wild Thornberrys' that bad), while also knowing when something is awful (the animated 'Titanic' films and 'Foodfight' deserving of their panning).

'The Red Ape Family' is considered by many as one of the worst shows ever made, animated and/or otherwise. Do have to absolutely agree one hundred percent with this. Have been harsh with some animated shows lately, but have done plenty of very positive animated shows reviews as well in recent weeks (i.e. 'Gravity Falls', which is a recent years favourite). Have always tried to be encouraging when expressing my thoughts on everything watched, but 'The Red Ape Family' is one of the few instances where a foul mouthed rant was strongly considered.

Good things: Nothing.

Bad things: Nothing works and it is hard to know where to begin with the criticisms. For one thing, the animation is absolutely horrendous. It is so flat and unfinished looking with truly ugly, and that's an understatement, and unintentionally creepy character designs. Actually had to go and check the year the show was made and started airing, and couldn't believe that it's from 2021 when it looks like shoestring budget animation from thirty years ago. The music is so ill fitting in style (like it was written for a different show) and in placement (a lot of it very randomly placed). Plus it is incredibly unappealing on its own.

Absolutely hate all the characters, they have no personality and are some of the most irritating animated characters in recent memory. The ear bleeding voice acting also doesn't help, with a mix of shrillness and boredom-sounding. Most of them also sound completely wrong for the characters and their designs, evoking not so fond memories of watching Dingo Pictures' output.

Moreover, the writing has no wit, sophistication or life, just non stop blandness and immature humour that feels out of date. The storytelling is practically non existent, the episode lengths are very short but with so little happening the episodes honestly feel like they are dragging on forever. What little there is that happens is incredibly predictable and really bland.

Closing thoughts: In summary, awful.

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A Terrible Show and an Insult to Apes
casper-4880616 April 2022
"The Red Ape Family" is one of the worst shows I've ever seen.

Not only is it a terrible show, but it's also an insulting portrayal of apes. NFTs are a terrible idea, and "The Red Ape Family" is a perfect example of why. The show is nothing but a series of drawings, and it's clear that the only people who will enjoy it are those who hold the god awful NFTs.
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this isn't even a show
batifullilly12 June 2022
I can't even leave a review, as there is nothing here. Months later i am genuinely shocked this thing was allowed to exist. In all my years of looking at and analysing media there just isn't anything i can say, because there is nothing. There is no plot, there are no characters, there no themes, nothing. This is a nothing show with nothing animation and no soul that was made only to make money - if not off the show directly, than through the pyramid scheme it was created around.

This is nothing. And it will go down in history as nothing. No one will remember this, or any of the work put into it in a year, at best this will be an emberrassing stain on the resumes of the poor animators paid pennies to work on this. If it were me, i would remove it from my own.
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teresaacurrent26 December 2021
What is this I ironically watched this nft cartoon about nfts I was so confused while watching this dumpster fire of a cartoon and first of all 1 it's not trying to be random 2 it's for no purpose the writing is godawful the animation makes me want to bleach my eyes because the animation is super super super super super super super super ugly and amateur I've seen 10000000000000% better amateur animations on newgrounds for FREE screw this cartoon it's a waste of you're time just NO.
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