Clip (2012) Poster


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efffigie13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...if you haven't spent some time in the outskirts of Beograd this movie might not make a lot of sense. I can't say I liked it; I didn't, really, I don't agree with movies that try to 'show reality', I don't think that's what movies are designed to do, but that aside, I think this movie gets a lot correct in its depiction of what passes for youth life in modern Serbia.

Since this movie makes claims on 'reality', I'll weigh in on that.

This is a place where middle-aged people with advanced degrees work at outsourced call centers for USD$400 a month; one girl I talked to, who spoke perfect English and had a BA, revealed her income, working at a cafe where I had coffee each morning, was USD$210 a month; and these are considered decent-enough jobs that one is lucky to have. There are tons of working-class type kids with, literally, nothing to do and nowhere to go. So this movie shouldn't be too surprising. I told the cafe girl what I did (blue-collar material handler) and, since she asked, how much my income was, and it put her into a frantic, depressed, desperate funk for the entire time I was there. I felt really bad. Shouldn't have done that. But she asked.

A couple of things, about the movie itself: Serbia is a strongly patriarchal culture, and I've seen women, daughters, go really, truly crazy at the loss of their fathers. Just lose their s*** completely. In KLIP we see the illness of the protagonists father, and if you know the cultural background, this girl going bats isn't a shock. She flails around looking for some strong, authoritarian figure as a (very bad) replacement. The ending made total sense to me. In the USA this would be called 'Daddy Issues' and be regarded as a kind of disorder, but in Serbia it's just something that can, and does, happen in the usual scheme of things: 'Lost her dad, went crazy' (shrug).

In a somewhat vulgar comment, and in kind of answer to reviews who describe the lead as 'beautiful', well, by Beograd standards she's actually kind of only maybe slightly above average for what is conventionally regarded as beauty. The place is like some bizarre science fiction experiment in genetically engineered women. It's nuts. Armies of 6-foot-tall supermodels strutting around. I usually go out to Zemun so I can see fat people and un-made-up women in sweatpants just to feel normal.

So, KLIP might be a bit exaggerated, but likely not by much. Can't say I liked it, but it's worth watching once.
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Some great sex scenes (sorry) but a very depressing ending
euroGary19 June 2013
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Directed by a female director, 'Klip' is, I think, the first Serbian film I have ever seen. It is about a teenage girl with a dull home life who fills her days by taking drugs, getting drunk and having explicit sex with the local bully. And that's about it; there is no conventional 'beginning, middle and an end' story. The lead actress is stunningly attractive and the chap who plays the bully (he has a hint of Ryan Reynolds about him) has a great career in pornography ahead of him if mainstream acting doesn't work out... the very final shot of the film - I will not spoil things by revealing it here - is most depressing as it illustrates how little respect the young protagonist has for herself.
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Isidora Simijonovic.
ocosis30 January 2020
Isidora Simijonovic is definitely a actress to keep an eye on. I found her mesmerising as Jasna. And Klip is a well made teen drama, quite realistic of much of modern youth.
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Good concept but weak plot!
d-r-m-c-740716 July 2020
Emphasised too much on sexual scenes. No good storyline. No conclusion drawn. But the concept could be exploited in a tragic dramatic way.
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flawed execution...
hhoobbaakk26 April 2012
the main premise of the movie is to give a brutal insight into the everyday life of the Serbian youth through the eyes of a coming-of-age girl entering the adult (sex) life.

there is not much of a plot, and development of the characters is shallow. it seems that the main concern for the author is to shock and provoke the audience through the scenes of underage explicit eroticism. it's a shame the move hasn't went further with the story, and stops the half way compared to the likes of "kids (1995)". it more follows the pattern of the recent series of Serbian movies: "a Serbian movie", "the life and death of a porno gang"...
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A disturbing, powerful, film about the emptiness of teen lives
sybarite_200327 October 2012
I saw this at the Munich Film Festival and was very affected by it. It is not a perfect film -- others have already mentioned the clichés--but the overall effect was very powerful. The main actress was brilliant as well as beautiful as the disturbed 14 year old and I predict she will be a future star.

The director had some interesting things to say during the Q and A session afterwards. Commenting on the explicit sex scenes she said that it was realistic and that teens nowadays were having more and more extreme sex as a direct result of porn. "I guarantee teens here have seen double and quadruple penetrations online!"

"Enjoy" is the wrong word for the experience once has when watching this but it is a film that should be watched by parents and teens everywhere.

Is this the kind of nihilistic world we are leaving for our future generations?

As a side note--I am sure this film will be banned in many countries (which is a pity) as it could be seen, by the more conservative, as child pornography.
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Goodbye to sanity...
alucardvenom22 December 2012
What can we say about this movie? From a country that was huge cinema- titan back in the day (60s-70s) Serbian cinema is reduced to this?

Majority of this movie is pretty bad. First of all, it's really boring. 100 min movie tend to drag itself and it looked like it was 5h long. There's no plot. My apologies to director\writer of this movie, but you're not a "smart" writer if you leave plot shallow as this one and just decide to throw in bunch of explicit sex scene to shock your audiences. All it does is make your "story" more shallow. There's no real message in this movie except "teen girls of modern Serbia are idiots".

Next, we come to settings. There are like two sets in this flick. Girls house, and one other building that was used pretty much for everything (School, hospital, classroom, other girls\guys apartments). I swear, I lost track of time and space watching this movie. Every set looks way to similar.

Characters: None of the characters are interesting. They are all pretty shallow and undeveloped. Director tried to make some sympathies for lead character buy throwing (unnecessary) subplot of girl's sick father, but everything pretty much falls on it's back since by the time that happens (somewhere at the end of the movie), lead character pretty much ruins every part of her life that you have zero sympathies for her and you really don't care what happens to her next.

on the positive side, acting was surprisingly good for bunch of unknown actors\actresses. Lead actress Isidora Simijonovic was pretty good, it's not her problem that script and the other aspects of the movie are horrible. She did a descent job for a unknown actress and some scenes would be even worse if it wasn't for her acting skills. She's also pretty (which is never a bad thing). Support cast of older actors are also good. Sadly, we would probably never heard of her again, which is a shame.

Some direction and editing were nicely spliced. There's noting outstanding, but basic textbook direction was fine. Now, the scenes themselves are not very interesting. Clips from girl's life are not very interesting and sex scenes themselves were not all that shocking at all (they were just explicit in terms of what's seen on screen, porn-like).

In the end, sadly, it's just another one of "sh(l)ock" movies from Serbia.

my main question is, how the heck did this got financed by Serbian Ministry of Culture? Did they even read a script? Maybe it was connection that worked behind the scenes, who knows?
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Kids, sex, pap culture, and ignoring the obvious
baltazar_the_priest14 September 2013
When society is shaken in its foundations, and its people is lost in extreme life treating situations like (job lose, starvation, economy crisis, where corrupted police and government are the mafia, etc), the one way for dealing with problems is escaping reality.

Youth in Serbia confronted with that situations and reality, with no hope for escape or better times, try to lose themselves in every day usage of opiates like alcohol and drugs. With stimulants no other than false idols, and culture of pap, they trap themselves in meaningless relationships of lust and sex.

Parents and elders, often just happy to have healthy children, that made it through the day, are blind to sings of moral degradation and delinquency.

And finally, in society like that (Serbia from '90 to today 2013), where culture is failing to enrich and refine someones existence, the only purpose of art and artists are to shock and stun to awake and show the obvious. So watch this movie and see the realistic display of dying nation. (mark for realistic movie 10, but 6 for production and cast- final 8)
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harryplinkett1426 July 2018
This film has no plot. It has a quasi-documentary character, and while it succeeds at its objective - depicting the depravity a lot of youths in Serbia have been reduced to, it fails as a film. A film needs to tell a story. It needs to go beyond stating that things are bad. It needs to take our characters on a journey, and they need to get somewhere. Finally, the audience needs to leave with a sense of fulfillment, even if the film is heavy and generates unpleasant emotions. Watching 'Clip', one constantly hopes the film will start telling a story. But it never does. The ending comes as a huge disappointment, at least for those who maintained hope until that very point that the film would provide payoff for their emotional investment. Of course, the filmmakers can hide behind the claim that it was all very deliberate, that the absence of story is there to create some kind of 'realism', or to accentuate the emptiness and meaninglessness of the universe it depicts. But that's completely misguided. A well made film always has a good story at its heart.
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Uninteresting and unnecessary film, still not believing the high praises it received
JvH4828 October 2012
I saw this film as part of the Rotterdam Film Festival 2012. I fail to see any reason for the many enthusiastic reactions I heard around me during and after the screening. About 80% of the film could be told in 5 minutes, since nothing really happens that should take so much of our time. Moreover, visualizing all this is not giving us any new insights. Maybe "the others" did not see the same film??

I find that I had every reason to score a 1 (lowest) for the audience award when leaving the theater. Contrary to what I usually do, I did not wait for the end of the Q&A. I just eagerly wanted to get into the icy cold outside, rather than listening unwillingly to all those warm and positive comments towards the film makers.
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Watching this was torture.
milosevicb-989-2982588 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is undoubtedly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It wasn't ''I wasted my money on this'' type of bad, it was more like ''When is this torture going to end, I want my mommy'' bad. It's supposed to carry out a message. I didn't see any message. All I saw was a young couple having sex for most of the time, and every now and then they showed how the girl's father was ill and the boy was a hooligan. Then it was back to the sex again. This movie doesn't even have a plot. The film is about 90 minutes long. It took me about 150 minutes to watch the whole thing because I was easily distracted by things on the internet, because I watched the film on my computer. The characters are also empty and you can't really relate to them. It's totally disgraceful and I was lost for words when I read it won an award at some film festival. Friendly peace of advice, don't waste your time on this, it's a pointless, poorly shot film.
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A fresh insight into life of Serbian youth
nnlice14 April 2012
I have just returned from cinema and I am very pleased with this movie. It's fresh, it's bold, it's contemporary and it's believable. The young cast and the young director have made a wonderful debut.

Some people left the screening obviously shocked by the explicitness of the sex scenes, but a lot more understood that we cannot avoid sex as a sort of human interaction and communication. Things that happen in bed are indicators of the quality of a relationship.

Frustration and passion of the young generation, living in bleak and volatile conditions of the 21. century world shaken by both material crisis and spiritual crisis, are the key elements of this movie.

The realism of explicit sex scenes and violent party scenes is what makes this movie a Serbian version of the cult movie Kids (1995) and the energy of the characters resembles the TV series Skins (2007).
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Shallow and not shocking
m-jovana1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie in Montenegro on Herceg Novi Film Festival. I heard something about it, but it wasn't much, actually i kinda like the bad reviews, sometimes those movies are the best. But i was surprised. This is beside ''Serbian movie'' THE stupidest i have ever seen. I liked camera shots, acting, screenplay, but story-incredible stupid. Why?

First if you are making movie about problem in society (and directors words were that this was the case), you need to show why and what is wrong! You want to see punishment on such a behavior (like maybe Jasna become a junkie, or expelled from high school, got pregnant etc.), because this is what happens to Jasna-like behavior. Instead, all we see is crazy 16 year old girl, playing with sexuality (normal for this age) without consequences.

OK, then lets say director didn't meant (for serious) said things. Maybe Maja Milos wanted to shake ppl, to do something that was never done. In that case, this is very very poor movie. Scenes of sex are not as closely shocking, girl is 16 years old, that is young but not THAT young. I have done crazier things at that age. She is dating with guy only 2y older. So she likes to shoot herself, she is a bit stupid, big deal. What is shocking! Little butt? Not. Show me girl that is pure innocency (except nuns). During those years we all get burn cause we are constantly learning.

So, its not instructively. Its not shocking. Word is poor.
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wasted youth (as cliché as it sounds )
georgemilojevic15 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will make a lot of sense to people who live in the Balkan region or former YU countries, much more then in Europe. If you've seen Kids(1995), well this is the Balkan version of it, today.

The story follows a group of kids and their every day life in and outside of high school and their many encounters with sex, drugs and alcohol. The detachment from parents, life in poverty, without love is all what creates this way of life. It shows us the inside of something that we might deny existing but is there and is so close to us but we just keep ignoring it. Everything I've seen in this movie, I've heard from friends, seen it myself and its all true. Kids going to clubs underage, buying alcohol, stealing, smoking, dressing like prostitutes... Biggest problem for the viewers will be the fact that they haven't met a group of kids like this, and they will refuse to believe that this is a possible scenario in life. Kids who are their age who went to a slightly different high school will say also that this is not true but as soon as you leave the urban city area, or high schools which are "elitist" you'll find much more and much worse. "Clip" should serve us as a warning, is here to educate us, show us how bad things can get, are, and unless we take our blindfolds off its only going to get worse.

Once again, you might think this is fiction but is as true as it gets.
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"transfer of shame"
grdinicjanko1 August 2012
this film won some prizes?

what about rating 7.2? it struggles whit "serbian movie" for worst movie title in my country. "serbian movie" was at least original .

only thing good that it could be real..... i could only compare it whit film "RANE"..and i am talking about shitty second half off "RANE".and its impact to youth...

Long Story Short (boring+very predictable+no PLOT movie).X(awkward-funky-sex-sounds-soft-porno+stupid seven-TEEN)x.(Pretentious director+boring all the way)=shitty movie...... it leaves you only whit one moral dilemma . is it OK to pleasure your self throughout movie:)
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Sickness and nothing else
udoricht1 December 2012
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's all about sex obsessed girl and her boyfriend having sex, drink and take cocaine on turbo folk parties all the time. Is this worth watching? I don't think so. By the way, she has very ill father and concerned mother but she doesn't give a damn about that. This movie shows how sick society is described in this movie. Why did director do so? Why did those kids do so? Are they sick as well? Those sex scenes were doing with actors who are main protagonists in this movie and they are under age. It's totally lie written in the end that director employed adult actors to do it. If you look it carefully you'll be convinced as well. Execution was awful. There is no any plot here except stupid kids who are thinking that they are adults and can do whatever they want no matter the consequences. If director tried to change a point of view about harsh times of the teenage subculture with more spoken words and less of those sex scenes, this movie could've been better. After all this is just a sickness without any substance. Just skip it and watch something else.
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a rather weak attempt at coming-of-age drama
dragokin1 October 2012
The message of Klip/Clip is straightforward: Today's youths are growing up into the world of violence, promiscuity, alcohol and drugs. However, if you ignore the shock value of explicit sex scenes there's not much left to talk about. Every possible cliché has been pulled out: Unleashed neglected kids are in the limelight, their struggling wimp parents and incompetent teachers being somewhat marginalized.

Klip/Clip adopts the aesthetics of a documentary in an attempt to amplify the message and presumably to reduce production costs. The result resembles director's cut of a random reality show with some outrageous extra footage not suitable for airing on TV. This is still not bad in itself, but the social commentary stays at tabloid newspaper level: An impotent mirror image of a society gone wild. As if the authors' craved the attention and forgot about the plot and its importance.

The cast had much more potential than seen on the screen. Just as an example, the main male protagonist is a rapper with considerable credibility in Serbian hip-hop circles. His role depicts rather literally what his songs are about. I expected more than the obvious in this case, especially since according to media appearance he is not a thug but his alter ego is more of a stage persona.
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Serbian Brutale
lovrokrnic11 November 2012
I've already watched a couple of movies about crazy teenagers (Thirteen, The Babysitters, series Skins) but this is probably most explicit and closest to me because come from a similar environment. I especially liked the music, Folk Music has never sounded good like in this film, according to that put the right thing in the right place. Young actors have done a super job and the director for whom I've never heard before had done excellent mix between footage from a mobile device and movie camera, I was not so painful to watch as usually After I've seen the Serbian movie and "Život i smrt porno bande" which gave me nightmares I was a little scared of the new Serbian Brutale but still not even close that hardcore though the very real and tragic.
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very poor
motlaghdanny21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hi i seen this movie and i have to say my rate is number 0 honest is badest move i seen in my life pls dont waist your time
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Great movie with simple and very important message
marijana_mrkvc29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised that this simple message director was trying to send didn't manage to reach people. The movie shows lives in suburbs of Belgrade, people trying to survive poverty and illness and teenagers dealing with current situation without any adult they can rely on. Haven't been able to express their emotions in the right way, they're trying to do so trough sex, violence and turbo folk music. Lack of character and plot development, also carries certain message. Shallow character in the movie is also shallow person in the real life. My personal opinion is that director's primer goal wasn't to shock audience and that explicit sex scenes couldn't be left out. The viewer's impression just wouldn't be the same. To understand this movie properly, you have to understand current situation Serbia is in. Clip is about decadence of young generations and their struggle to be accepted, to be loved and to be understood in this diseased society.
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Bleak And Blatanly Bland Broth
denis88823 October 2018
Serbian cinema was a powerhouse back in the 90's. yes, it was. Then, in the year 2012 this flick came out. Called The Clip, it shows very derelict Serbian suburbia and the local inhabitants - several young girls and boys. School, okay. And then, absolutely eveything went totally wrong and askew. Wry, sick, palid, tepid, fetid, cringeworthy, vomiting mess follows. It givs no plot, no moral, no strong message and no revelation. Instead, what we see is a sick mess of wholly unnecessary porn scenes, which are so awful that they make one trow up. On top of that, it is poor acting, bleak surrounding and unsurmontable final. Terrible and low taste.
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Arconada27 August 2017
Don't spend time on this movie, it is depressingly depressing and leads to nothing. It is about adolescents without future in a derelict suburb in Serbia. These young people apparently were not guided in there change-over from child-play to sex-driven behavior, they are now at. They show no restraint at all. The film ends how it started, it is an empty container. There is another reason why this movie is to be avoided. If a character is sad, the actor needs not to be, he acts as if he is sad. If character is happy, the actor acts as if he is happy, he needs not to be. If a character has sex, the actor acts as if he has sex. You feel where this went wrong. The actors, minors, indulge way to much in sex, explicit sex. And although the credits say prosthetics where used, it is obvious this movie crossed the line between a play and pornography. And that is more than sad, considering that the leading part is played by a girl of only 14 years old. You could just as well say this movie borders on child abuse.
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Good Intention. Terrible Execution.
CinemaClown20 January 2014
Lacking both plot or character development of any sort, Klip presents director Maja Milos' trying to give us a brutal insight into the lives of Serbian youth through a young & troubled teenager named Jasna who likes recording the world around her on her cellphone. Her family life is a mess since her father is dying of a terminal illness while her mother isn't prepared to deal with all of this. Jasna also has a crush on a hooligan who, after getting to know that she will do anything for him, starts taking advantage of her sexually without reciprocating towards her feelings. Throughout the 90 minutes, all we see here is the self-destruction journey that Jasna is on, the drastic measures she takes to fill the emptiness in her life & how little self-respect she has for herself.

I won't blame the director's intent here to present a nihilistic view of a part of today's young generation but the execution is terrible. There is no scene present in the film where we can connect for once with any of the character & near the end when the film tries to do that, it's already too late as we don't care anymore about anyone. The direction isn't that bad, Isidora Simijonovic is fine as Jasna, camera-work is amateur but still passable but the plot & script is just as shallow as its characters. The sex scenes are explicit for no reason whatsoever except for shock value, the pacing is so bad that 100 minutes feel like 3 hours and the rest of the cast is plain dumb.

On an overall scale, Klip had the potential to be an emotionally scarring feature but turned out to be nothing like that. Whatever is thrown in the film to move us, that ill father plot line for example, never really works out. There are glimpses of what it wants to say through those aggressive & reckless attitude of today's teens but it's not done properly. And the film as a whole is so badly scattered into fragments that we don't even feel like putting it all together to make any sense. A waste of your time & money, Klip is a motion picture that goes way too awry in trying to capture whatever it wanted to say or depict. Recommendation? Skip it.
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A very disappointing movie
ioannites15 October 2013
A boring, clumsy movie, with a very bad aesthetic. It is about a story which leads to nothing and, its dimensions reach the nihilism. I do not know which positive element we can find in this movie. We think that a director has to realize the fact that his movie addresses a public who has a certain sensibility. Unfortunately it is not the case of Maja Milos. In this film we can find indecent scenes and a weft of story which ends in nothing cannot convince us on the value of this movie. Let us hope that in the future we shall attend a more positive creation.However, we can indicate a positive point: Serbia is a little known country and the spectator can get into the universe of this country, even if this movie is not representative. We see a Greek influence in the music which establishes(constitutes) an interesting version of the nowadays dances
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Sadly misrated
docc839 April 2014
As opposed to scores that you see, this film is a great piece of cinema.

I guess that such a low scoring may be a result of two kinds of misunderstanding. First being the lack of knowledge, or lack of interest in Serbian mass-culture after the fall of the Berlin wall. Second, more profound one, could be being caught in the whirlpool of that culture, and not seeing it for what it really is.

Although tempted, I will say nothing more, in order not to spoil your viewing.

You should see this film. I delayed it for a long time, but when I finally saw it, I was very much thrilled.
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