Our Father (2022) Poster

(III) (2022)

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A shocking real life story.
Sleepin_Dragon15 May 2022
No federal law?

94 siblings, the result of a cruel and perverted acted by fertility Doctor, Doctor Donald Cline, who used his own semen samples inside his fertility Clinic, his victims unaware of his warped ideas.

This was such a good watch, so sickening, a plot that I've seen on a TV drama, where I can't remember, it seems so extreme, so abhorrent, you wouldn't expect to see it in real life, this is that story.

I have a full admiration for those that spoke, you get the sense of anger and injustice that each felt, and rightly so, Cline's acts were grotesque, once again we see someone trying to justify their acts in the name of religion.

It was arguably a little long, and personally I wasn't too sure about the idea to take it to The Doctor Jones show, that seemed to demean the tragic story somewhat, the look of glee on the faces of the audience members didn't sit right with me.

All in all, a shocking, intriguing watch, 8/10.
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Uncompromising take on a crime that's yet to be punished! [+70%]
arungeorge1311 May 2022
Our Father is a disturbing tale of half-siblings finding each other and learning a very bitter truth in the process: their mother's fertility doctor is their biological father. The documentary holds nothing back, giving the siblings the opportunity to voice their perspectives and provide detailed statements on how this ordeal has overturned their lives at various points. Sperm donation is something that we saw being talked about in films such as Vicky Donor (in India) and Delivery Man (in US) - both light-hearted takes on the subject. But what makes all the difference here is that everything in the documentary happened in real life and more importantly, Dr. Cline very clearly knew what he was doing and still did it dozens of times, his motivation behind the acts still unknown.

The very fact that he lied and hid the truth accounts for the crime here. He fathered children and pretended like they weren't his. The evolution of DNA technology exposed him, however, the laws in the state couldn't bring him to justice and he remains a free man. I'm really enjoying Netflix bringing these stories to light - they're honestly miles ahead of their original cinematic productions. And when we have such earth-shattering real-life incidents taking place around us, this is the least a streaming giant like Netflix can do. Well-made, nicely put together, extremely hard-hitting stuff.

Yeah, this piece is a psychological horror-thriller of the highest order and one that sticks with you for all the wrong reasons!
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Am stunned
loader18108 July 2022
The fact that the US judicial system does not see this mans behaviour as criminal is telling. Amazing story, I especially loved the Dr Phil touch.

Its only a matter of time before siblings marry and the situation blows up again.
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An utterly disgraceful individual who broke the ethical code which he should have held dear
James_Denton3 June 2022
A shocking documentary which I didn't think would have been possible had I not watched it.

He broke no laws but just because a law doesn't exist for this type of immoral behaviour doesn't make it any less heinous, not least because he had medical issues himself ruling him out from being a donor.

As a documentary it was 'ok' but a little too long.

7 out of 10. It's worth a watch.
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Guy is a sick pos
brett-7626026 July 2022
Yeah this guy belongs in prison that's all I can say. Matter of fact this sicko needs his ass kicked.... This documentary will piss you off in more ways than one that's for sure.
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"Wouldn't it be crazy if it was the doctor?"
classicsoncall18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an incredible story which began when an adult woman questioned her adoptive parents about who her father was. Doubt in her mind was sown when she discovered multiple half-siblings through a DNA test. Her effort revealed even more outlandish numbers as she delved into tracing her true origins. This documentary exposes how one fertility doctor used his own semen to impregnate at least ninety women during the course of his medical practice. Aside from how astonishing and horrid the doctor's behavior was, what struck me was how so many of the adult offspring from his procedures felt that there was something 'off' about their existence and how they didn't seem to fit in with their families. It points to some intuitive link that bears exploring further, since how does one question their existence unless they've been told they were adopted or the result of an artificial insemination? In the case of some of the interviewees, they only learned that the father figure in the family they were born into was not their biological father. The documentary tries to keep sensationalism at a low level, but with each revelation, it's hard not to feel like you're watching some sort of talk show where the host keeps bringing out more outlandish guests. And when it's over, you'll come away wondering why there aren't laws enacted to criminalize the behavior of practitioners involved in this practice, as the narrative following the program stated that this was not an isolated case, with over forty other fertility doctors found to be involved in similar circumstances.
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dougdemelo23 July 2022
I didn't read the sinopse. So I was not expecting to follow such a horrific story. I still feel very uncomfortable and amazed when remember it. Especially to think there was no justice made for the victims .
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New laws universally needed for this Crime.
Nemesis4214 May 2022
There are some rather dumb people reviewing here saying "What's the big deal, you needed insemination from a stranger anyway?" When someone seeks artificial insemination, back then and now, they choose from a pool of donors who've been through health screening. Meaning anyone with a medical condition is forbidden from being a sperm donor.

This imbecile Cline is/was not a healthy man. He has/had auto immune disease. He wouldn't have even gotten through the first hoop of donor screening! So you see, there's a problem here. And this is just ONE of the issues with what he did. He co-created nearly 100 human beings that are now predisposed to becoming ill.

The film needed to be dramatic to get the message through to the public more effectively.

I'm not going to detail the rest of the issues related to his conduct, but this criminal needs an appropriate prison sentence, or be admitted to an asylum. One, to assist his victims to move into closure mode, and two, to set an example for other offenders who wish to violate women in this way.
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A Crime With No Justice
lornak-1800816 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a totally disgusting(and admittedly fascinating)story of a fertility doctor that took it upon himself to use his own sample to impregnate his patients even if he had the father's sample in hand. Was it an experiment? Was he trying to be a god of sorts and create an all white super group from his own sperm? A kind of master race? Who knows? But I do know that leaving a patient in stirrups while unbeknownst to the patient, he is collecting his own specimen in the next room and immediately injecting her with it is pretty much on par with a type of rape. I guess he wasn't counting on DNA testing. The story is told by a group of half siblings courtesy of his donations. It's kind of scary what could happen. Marry your own brother or sister? They mostly live within 25 miles of each other. The mind boggles.
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Intriguing Subject, Tedious Documentary.
Backwards7103 June 2022
What this Doctor did was wrong, there's no way around that.

The telling of the story just fails on so many levels though. It focuses way too much on emotion and theory and opinion. What these people are dealing with is real enough.

I wish they would have explored how misleading patients was not criminal or, at the very least, ethically unjust. If the patients are under the assumption their sample is being used for insemination but it was instead replaced with another sample... how is that not fraud and/or malpractice? Maybe there is no legal recourse but was civil recourse ever explored? They should have focused on Who, Where, When, Why, What, and How..... not Would, Could, Should... It just feels like a huge chunk of the actual story is missing.
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Dramatic for a reason
ravenclaw_girlrules12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm already seeing a number of reviews I disagree with. This is genuinely a big deal.

1) Imagine finding out that your own father who raised you your whole life (these siblings are in their 30's and 40's) is not your biological father.

2) Imagine finding out your biological father has no remorse for his crimes.

3) Imagine you're a man in his sixties (way past the ethical window for having more kids) finding out that your own child isn't yours - that the family line ended with you because of this doctor.

4) Imagine finding out that all the stories about your family history don't directly apply to you.

5) Imagine realizing you only have an autoimmune disorder because a donor who wasn't qualified passed on his genes without consent.

There is a widespread empathy and compassion fatigue problem that is perpetuated by seeing the worst pain and suffering 24/7 online. The people features in this documentary aren't starving children, but they are still enduring trauma.
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Non-consensual crime we need to know
witra_as22 May 2022
Unwavering take on non-consensual crime by a fertility doctor. I wish Lucie Jourdan could use more than just shocking interviews/confessions to bring the narrative forward. At least these victims broke their silence to reveal disgusting truth we all need to know.
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Sad and twisted
sparky-7446321 May 2022
This documentary is a sad tale of a doctor artificially inseminating his patients with his own sperm, while fathering over 60 children. It is a frustrating tale of a man who took advantage of his position for reasons I think most cannot understand. It is particularly frustrating because of the lack of laws by which to put him where he belongs-in prison. As a Christian, it is particularly frustrating to see him hide behind some sort of foolish idea he tries to base on the Bible. The accusations however, get rather ridiculous especially when there are accusations of racism and even the accusations of Nazi like Aryan ideas. As if being white and going to a white doctor with white sperm donors would produce a child of color? Or as though he, like Hitler and Himmler was trying to populate the world with his idea of the perfect child according to his ideas? That's a little ridiculous. He was a sick, selfish, man who beat the system due to a lack of experience with a case such as this. Some kind of weird pervert trying to justify his actions. The laws just weren't in place. The result is sad. Such a wicked person should have spent his remaining time in prison. My heart goes out to these people. Especially the men who thought they had actually fathered a child only to find out differently years later. However, some of the accusations made are ridiculous at best. It really detracts from the documentary itself. Sadly, between the unrealistic expectations of the victims over the charges(you can't trump up charges over laws that don't exist, or for that matter, twist a law or definition of a crime to fit your opinion), and the crazy allegations made over the reason for it, just go back to what you read in the press. I wouldn't rewatch this. It was difficult enough to finish the first time.
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Left feeling shocked
amcdalton725 May 2022
This documentary left me feeling shocked at the sum of children at the end.

Leaves you thinking that not everyone is to be trusted and how someone could do such a thing.

Would recommend.
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SWoo8347227 June 2022
A shocking, true story of one arrogant, holier-than-thou fertility doctor, that grinds at the heart. Your mind says "How can this be?". Yet, it is. It's a raw story, hence the profanity. But it would have been better, without it.
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Fast Forward the First Two Minutes
GordonGekko_28 May 2022
This would be a great doc, if the director hadn't ruined the story within the first two minutes. It just doesn't make sense to give away the cause of the documentary and then spend the next 20 minutes building up a mystery.

This is a good story, but a better, more built-up delivery could have made this documentary epic.
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Very emotive
lucaschriskowalski15 May 2022
Would have been a 7 for me but the main "sibling" went off the rails a bit, it was horrific what this man did but some of her "narrative" in this made her come across like a spoilt brat, really pedestrian. The sibling with a "twist" came out of nowhere, that was really disturbing. Good watch though.
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schokogut21 May 2022
I googled out of curiosity what the rating of this is. Thought it was a very high one, but I see 6.6, people saying the kids are too dramatic? ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME?

Disgusting that people give this horrible horrible story justification. That without the doctor the kids wouldn't even exist. SUUUUCH IDIOTS I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ALL THINK LIKE THAT.

Please all who gave this low score go to a therapist or do something to change your mind on this topic because I am legit so sorry for you.
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Big family?
staciarose2015 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This man had to be throwing away all other donor sperm from the beginning. Unbelievable. In a way these siblings have each other, but I understand the pain and just overwhelming sickness knowing what Don Cline did. To have a bio dad that cold and calculating. It's almost as if this was his sick experiment. Of 100 kids, how many will be good enough? Will his intelligence be passed on...And of course religion would be involved. So many religions teach that kids are the ultimate gift. In his sick mind he probably thought he was blessing them.
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C'mon. Really.
bamsgurl6713 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a weird 'documentary' to watch. It's terribly unethical and sick what he did, but these women said out of their own mouths that they were desperate for children and would have done anything to get them (which is also weird, but that's a different conversation). This whole thing was just presented way too dramatically. It didn't feel like a documentary should, it felt more like a 90's TV movie. The thing that really bothered me and should have bothered the kids and mothers is the dads that raised these kids acting like it really matters that the kids aren't biologically theirs????? One of the dads said, and I quote, "he took everything from me". What??? What a terrible thing to say to your wife and daughter. You still raised her and she is still your child, is she not? The obsession with "biological" children was too much for me. Also, Jacoba seemed to take way too much joy in calling up every new sibling and shattering their worlds. And for what? A Netflix special?
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Unbelievable documentary
kymoviepro13 May 2022
Kudos to my hometown reporter for sticking with this story and exposing him and his victims. The negative reviews must be from his cronies. One person reviewing said he was just helping people who had trouble getting pregnant. You must have gone to get a snack when they mentioned all the health issues these half sibs had. You can have no issues to donate. He had RA. He was clearly playing God and they spelled this out in the title. He is a psycho path religious fanatic who got a get out of jail free pass. If you know the story like I did (I live within range of Indy) or never heard about it, it is a must see. The number of victims are still climbing.
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ztjgzftz13 May 2022
It's hard to imagine that anybody could allow someone to think they are the father of a child for a lifetime and then have them find out they're nothing.

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An "okay" documentary about a very interesting topic
ska-5451918 May 2022
What a wasted opportunity. This could have been a brilliant documentary. Documentaries should aim to educate and inform, to spark the watcher's interest and make us question. The job of this documentary was only to enrage us. We were told over and over about how bad this was, and far-reaching baseless theories were put out. The main victim daughter did not come across well. Her purpose in life seems to be to punish this man. What he did was wrong. However, a more nuanced documentary that explored the topic without taking such a one-dimensional approach would have respected the intellect of the viewers more. The anti-Christian stance of the documentary was also off-putting. If anything, documentaries like this are "opium for the masses" which leave no space for thinking and ask us to just agree to exactly what the filmmaker's point of view is.
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An Unconventional Conception Story
natmavila25 October 2023
Well, folks, "Our Father" is the kind of documentary that leaves you scratching your head, but not necessarily for all the right reasons. The film takes us on a wild ride into the bizarre world of former fertility doc Donald Cline, who apparently thought it was perfectly acceptable to play a real-life game of "Guess Who's Your Daddy?" with his patients' fertility. Now, I can't deny that the sheer audacity of Cline's actions makes for an intriguing story, but it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion - you can't look away, but you also can't help but cringe.

The film's saving grace is the jaw-dropping reactions of those who discovered the truth about their parentage. I mean, who wouldn't be shocked to find out that dear old Doc Cline was secretly the man behind the curtain, pulling all the genetic strings? It's a real-life soap opera that's almost too absurd to believe. But, despite the compelling subject matter, "Our Father" falls short in terms of storytelling finesse. The pacing drags at times, and you can't help but wish for a bit more depth in exploring the emotional turmoil these unsuspecting patients endured. It's an okay watch for those who enjoy a dash of dark humor mixed with their documentaries, but be prepared to walk away with more questions than answers.
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Is he yours?
d_penn29 November 2022
First of all, I think most normal people wouldn't even consider this kind of crime happens, so this show is seriously eye-opening.

Secondly, the way the story of this series of incidents was told, for someone who didn't actually know the Cline case, everytime the sibling count went up, I was literally clutching my hair, jaw dropped; this documentary was brilliantly directed, hats off. And these are real people, their lives - plus that quiverfull cult thing is so vile, its disgusting it exists and that religious people lead it. Makes sense why people keeping turning atheist, its less to do with god and more with His followers. Devils like Dr. Cline, remorseless at having ruined so many, many lives and using bible to justify himself. And the judge! I was speechless at the court happenings.

I really loved how Jacoba ended the show, her question to those supporting Dr. Cline was on.point.... if she had stopped at threats, the truth might've never come out.

This show shows how real life "devils" like Dr. Cline can be far scarier than any fictional criminal we conjure in our imagination, and how they hide in common citizen skin. And thus is established the importance of DNA test.. . For everyone.

*As a born Hoosier this hits home as he was born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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