Gangnam Zombie (2023) Poster

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A hoax
kvtmledung5 January 2023
The movie is some sort of a product from students that is played in a parent-teacher meeting at the end of a semester.

I don't know if there is any secret deal between the producers and the movie theaters. Did they actually watch the movie before letting their customers watch it?

Factors that cause the laughter in daily life are the combination of usual and unusual things, and the movie is full of non-sense details that a normal person will never do that.

I don't know how many negative feedbacks I read from each post on social networking sites of movie theaters in Vietnam. We feel like this is a complete hoax. A hoax.
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Oh, it was pretty bad...
paul_haakonsen15 June 2023
Ugh, how cliché and outdated of a trope is it for a movie in 2023 to be using the Covid-19 as foundation and focal point for its story. Really, really lousy and lazy concept idea from screenwriter Choe Seung. And I have to admit that seeing that the movie started out with using Covid-19 as the source of the zombie outbreak, I was on the brink of getting up and turning off the movie.

But with it being a zombie movie, of course I opted to give the movie the benefit of the doubt, despite the fact that the movie had landed a staggering 3.2 rating here on IMDb in this very moment as I am reviewing "Gangnam Zombie" after having just sat through all 81 minutes of it.

Well, I should have heeded the warnings and not wasted 81 minutes on watching "Gangnam Zombie", because it was a mess of a zombie movie, to say the least.

The storyline was pretty straight forward, a small group of people are stuck inside a mall while ravenous zombies are amassing inside and posing a threat to their lives. Gee, where have we seen this before? Could it possibly have been in 1978 and again in 2004? So screenwriter Choe Seung was just using old tropes that have been utilized in other movies, and to much better end results in those movies.

But wait, it gets better, because apparently some of the zombies, not all, grew vampire-like fangs. What was up with that? Well, I will tell you what was up with that. It was rubbish. And it was the worse sets of plastic click-on toy vampire dentures I have ever seen. It looked so atrocious and it just made zero sense why zombies suddenly would grow vampire fangs. And why just the key zombies in the story? Why not all? Zero sense from screenwriter Choe Seung.

What worked in favor of "Gangnam Zombie" was the sheer pacing of the storyline, because there was a lot of intense action with the infected zombies, and that definitely helped to keep the movie somewhat afloat.

The zombies in "Gangnam Zombie" were a mixed bag of nuts. First of all, it was very hard to abhor from the very oddly jerky and spastic movements that the zombies were making whilst immobile or shambling about. And the fact that the zombies were fast, agile runners just didn't sit well with me. I never liked running zombies. But it should be said that the zombie make-up was actually fair enough. It isn't the typical rotting and decaying zombies with massive traumas, but it actually worked well enough. Well, if you look away from the toy vampire dentures.

And the acting performances in the movie were good. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "Gangnam Zombie", but they had some good actors and actresses on the cast list.

Right, well I can tick "Gangnam Zombie" off the zombie movie list now, as I have seen it. However, I am never returning to watching it a second time, because it was a swing and a miss of a zombie movie actually. And if you enjoy zombie movies, you might actually want to skip out on it entirely.

My rating of director Soo Sung Lee's 20233 "Gangnam Zombie" lands on a three out of ten stars, and that was because of the cast ensemble and the intense zombie action that dragged it up from a two star rating to a three star rating.
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Worst korean movie
alfiraswift18 January 2023
This is the first time that I find Korean horror movie or zombie movie that worst like this. Such a boring plot, the zombie not scary at all, and all the artist acting like a student who works for their task video except the girl who played as min jeong. This is a low budget film maybe? Not worth it to watch. Just waste your time. Are the staff and director watch this movie before they launch it? I'm curious for their reviews. Maybe this film is good for making you sleepy for those who have trouble sleeping Hahahaha. For you guys became curious because all bad reviews in here go watch it and you'll be join write a review in here🤣
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Worst zombie movie forever
truezombielover31 December 2022
This movie is so boring. What a disgrace to the zombie genre in general and the horror genre in particular. The plot is bland, the character building is superficial, an ending could not be more boring. I would rather spend money to see Avatar 2 a second time than spend money to see this movie. This is an honest review, if you don't want to be disappointed or waste your money, listen to me. I didn't listen to previous reviews and still spent money to see this movie, I expected it to be a zombie movie worth watching but I was wrong, seriously wrong. I didn't listen to previous reviews and still spent money to see this movie, I expected it to be a zombie movie worth watching but I was wrong, seriously wrong. Instead I think you should go see Avatar 2, or Puss In Bootd.
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Disappointed asf
raizenmatthew17 January 2023
Lmao this movie sucks fr sorry for the word but that just sums up the whole movie lmao the acting of the casts sucks as well its either very shallow or over reacting :/ smh i was too excited for this movie to come out because its a korean zombie movie but it turns out not what i expected it to be :/. Y'all should just watch other movies/series this one aint worth of everyone's time. The zombies arent that good too and ye the make up sucks if someone's looking for a good zombie movie yall should try Rampant, Kingdom or The Sadness (zombie alike movie) these movies/series are worth watching that this new one :/
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Greatly disappointing !!!
jutubesunday26 January 2023
I was so excited to watch this movie since I was waiting for it to come out for awhile now. 15 minutes into the movie I was telling myself that it will get better, and let's give it 5 more minutes. At 20 minutes in I wanted to stop watching but then I was so upset that I needed to watch the rest of it so I can write this review. I am not going to spoil this for those who still want to watch it but I truly feel bad for the actors since I like the actors participated in this movie. But the storyline is horrible, character introduction is horrible, way too many flaws and disconnections in this movie that are horrid and frustrating to watch. Now I don't even want to write or think about this movie anymore either so I'll stop here with just one thing left to say; I have to agreed with some of the comments on here that this is the worst zombie movie ever!!! Doesn't even deserve a 1 star but unfortunately there's no "0" option.
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Felt robbed watching this.
hkfadallan22 January 2023
First three seconds of the film and I knew it would be this bad. It looks like a low budget indie film. The lines, the acting, are all cringe worthy. It's so bad that, we ended up laughing from cringe and ridicule. How did it end up in cinema?

I had that high expectations in korean films so I did not bother checking the reviews. I even vouch to my husband that it's a Korean film so it will be great. Train to Busan, Alive, all topnotch zombie film. I expected this film will go high up the ranks.

We left the cinema midway because it's a waste of time to finish it. Should have rewatched Avatar instead, or M3gan.
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Gangnam Zombie is a Unique Taekwondo Zombie Flik
tkdlifemagazine1 October 2023
Gangnam Zombie is a low budget horror film with a unique twist. Well Go USA has done it again by releasing this small film that sets it aside from the mainstream pack. The movie features a young, runner up to the prestigious Korean National Taekwondo Team, who is in midst of trying to build a better life for himself in Seoul, Korea when he face the most formidable opponent of his Taekwondo career.

Directed by Lee Su-seong, this low budget film delivers on what you might expect from a modern Urban Zombie movie. Its story takes you from Zombie origin to the spread of a Zombie plague, starting in Seoul, Korea. The difference between this and other Zombie film's is the intersection of the only thing Korean filmgoers like more than Zombies, and that is martial arts. Ji Il-ju stars as the lead character in this Urban thriller. He is fun to watch, perhaps, because a state of confusion seems a natural comfort zone for him.

The film is a low budget film. It is smartly shot in a single location, with few characters. This is a plus. The filmmakers understand that less is more here. Any attempt to be Train to Busan would have failed, miserably. That doesn't mean the filmmakers don't trade off of the success of that, and other films and television shows in the Zombie/Horror genre.

The characters are all animated and fun to watch. Some of the characters, like the building owner, are smartly, and knowingly, played to be more disgusting than the ensuing Zombies.

The film also has a tone of humor that makes it a fun watch. For me, the humor is properly tempered with the action. The humor here, clearly, knows its place.

The film is a worthwhile and I recommend it. If you like Zombie movies add a 1/2 a star. If you like taekwondo movies add another 1/2.
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The Meaning of Gangnam
109YearsOld5 February 2023
Clearly, the meaning of the term Gangnam is Sucky. So now you know, the real title of this movie is: Sucky Zombies. Do yourself a favor to watch the trailer, it will save you time by skipping the movie. It is not even in the category of "so bad it's good", it's firmly in the camp of "so bad the trailer just sucks".

Clearly, the meaning of the term Gangnam is Sucky. So now you know, the real title of this movie is: Sucky Zombies. Do yourself a favor to watch the trailer, it will save you time by skipping the movie. It is not even in the category of "so bad it's good", it's firmly in the camp of "so bad the trailer just sucks".
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Needs a lot of improvement.
jimpunay20 January 2023
Right from the first half, the zombies, the fighting scenes, the music are all bad. The actors didn't put effort in the movie aside from. Ji-Yeon Park character (Min Jeong).

I didn't expect the quality of the prod to be this way since previous zombie movies from Korea are great. It's like the rest are filming. For a university project. I was wondering if this was a sitcom cause it looks like it.

I also heard a sound effect from a game, Minecraft.

If you still insist in watching the movie, just bring some foods or drinks so that you wouldn't feel sleepy midway.

It would've been better if the first scene wasn't like that, worst transition from a zombie film.
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Not great or even really good, but if you've got nothing better going on this evening...
SaraSaysStuff16 October 2023
I will admit that I actually paid money to rent this movie, but I also don't totally regret it. I like Korean zombies and I also had nothing else to watch tonight. So I splurged. And I really don't feel that bad about it. I honestly felt like the movie just flew by, which says something about the fact that it didn't bore me. And when it came to the fight scenes, I liked all them kicks. A great way to social distance a zombie is to keep that sucker at least arm's length away, or even better, leg's length away. So okay no, this isn't a great movie, but it is a movie, and it has zombies in it, and it is somewhat fun. Take it or leave it.
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ainharun22 January 2023
Friendly reminder that this is my opinion about this movie and you might not agree with me but idc, im just tryna saving yall time :)

*Might contains a little (just a little) spoiler lol

If youre thinking of watching this movie, then dont because trust me its not worth your time at all.

The writing and act is so boring especially the zombie, and bad (imo). Like this is the first zombie movie that their zombies clothes are clean and not full of blood (or at least have a litlle bit of blood) at all ://.

Male character is also ???

And the way they just brush it off about SA??

Also whats up with the israel flag in the intro director?
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Seriously I'm warning you don't watch it
Roloksi23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS) First of all the movie intro was so confusing already. I didn't even understand as to why that cat was infected.

I actually laughed so hard because I just heard a MINECRAFT sound effect of the zombie being used. There's absolutely nothing scary at this at all.

But of course it all depends on people's taste, but to my preference I seriously did not enjoy it. The entire time I kept looking away because I felt somehow embarrassed watching. I should've warned my parents before we watched this together.

Don't waste your money guys. Not worth your time and money at all. Watch something else instead.
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Lots of action
BandSAboutMovies4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this South Korean movie, directed by Soo Sung Lee, the people of Seoul's wealthy Gangnam district are under attack by a quickly expanding zombie population. In order to protect these citizens, a former taekwondo expert by the name of Hyeon-seok (Ji Il-joo) battles past his injuries and takes on the undead.

What can you say about a movie that starts with a cat attack being the origin of a zombie assault, as the first undead emerges from the water in Gangnam and starts devouring raw meat?

Hyeon-seok goes from working an office job at a streaming company and an unrequited love for Min-jeong (Park Ji-yeon) to being the hero who saves her from the undead. Blame their boss Tae-soo, who keeps his staff there and thinks that by filming the zombie attack, he can finally make some money.

This is a high energy blast of walking dead insanity, all set inside a mall -- shouldn't most zombies be filmed there? -- and even having some ideas I've never seen before, such as zombies with dentures being unable to transfer the disease.
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Waste of time.
kosin-8037511 January 2023
I'd drive 2 hours at rush hour in Bangkok for this movie . So boring and weak on everything. Zombie make up is suck.

It's a worst zombie ever don't waste your time on this movie.

I'd drive 2 hours at rush hour in Bangkok for this movie . So boring and weak on everything. Zombie make up is suck.

It's a worst zombie ever don't waste your time on this movie

I'd drive 2 hours at rush hour in Bangkok for this movie So boring and weak on everything. Zombie make up is suck

It's a worst zombie ever don't waste your time on this movie

I'd drive 2 hours at rush hour in Bangkok for this movie . So boring and weak on everything. Zombie make up is suck.

It's a worst zombie ever don't waste your time on this movie.
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This doesn't need a Season 2, a bland movie
Cnzieee24 January 2023
Yk, everyone's hyping for it like this could be the next all of us are dead or train to busan type of film but i'm so disappointed. In 1 hour and 21 minutes of the film i was hoping they got out the building but it's just it, not even a background story on why the cat became infectious also the flow of the cameras giving me "documentary" genre vibes or indie vibes. Then, the way his swinging his bat it looks nothing to zombies not even bruises or blood coming out of them if they hit it hard. I just noticed this, if you hear it on 7:09 minutes, you can hear the minecraft zombie sound. I don't know, it's sounded very alike.
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Worst movie ever by a long shot
juklepp18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This might just be the worst movie I have seen in my entire life. I cant tell if the producers made this movie as a joke, or if they actually thought it was any good. The plot is dry AF and there is abosulutely no motivation behind the main characters. Most of the characters are a pain in the ass and do nothing to try and survive. The same zombie keeps popping up everywhere, as if he could teleport to the main charactes. Throughout the entire movie, it felt like nothing happened at all. I would compare it to Sharknado, but even Sharknado was enjoyable to some extent. Only reason you should watch this is so you can laugh at how bad it is.
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What was that??!!
weamKYF22 May 2023
I am a great fan for korean drama, they work hard, they really have good actors and writers, BUT, is that even a movie? I cant find any positive thing to tell about that.

Everything, literally, everything is so bad, slow, poor, cringe, ridiculous, i felt awkward in front of kids, we gathered to watch this, but we were laughing and skipping stupid scenes.

Man scenes direct to nothing. The zombies act as zombies'. Except that guy, he jumps, walks, screams, but they can't.. Where is the plot? What are they doing? What am i doing there?

I don't like to give law rate to any work in general. But i see no effort in that movie at all.

Korea. I still and will always like your drama, but i am so sorry, this one is out.
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Gangnam style
kosmasp20 August 2023
No pun intended - since that song came out ... I don't think there is any living soul on the planet (of a certain age of course), that has not heard the song. Gangnam became known through it - way more than it will become known though this movie. Movies pick up on stuff like that of course. This begins with things already unfolded ... just to go back in time and tell us how we got there.

And of course also has the Corona pandemic as a jumping off point. Gladly it never reached any point where this movie (or a zombie outbreak) was even close to any reality ... not that we expected anything else of course. That all said, the effects are good, the story is more than predictable .. and if you only watch one korean zombie movie ... you probably should watch something different ... like Train to Busan ... just saying.
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A pandemic-set Korean zombie effort that's decent at best
Trying to make a living during the pandemic, an online video creator and his friends find their work inside a local mall interrupted by the discovery of an infected individual turning the works inside into flesh-eating zombies and must try to rely on their martial arts skills to get away alive.

Overall, this was a decent if somewhat underwhelming genre effort. Among the more likable aspects is a lighthearted tone throughout the first half that introduces the various stories in place. Getting to see the exploits of the main group not just in the city but around their service creating videos for others on the internet creates a nice introduction to the central group of characters. As the scenes become more focused on their quest for more viewership in light of the series of strange attacks being reported and filmed around the city featuring strange inhuman behavior, their switch from lighthearted jokesters to more heroic fighters trying to stop the zombies makes for a fun time. With the plot shift in the second half to them trying to curtail the outbreak within the building, there's a fine starting point for this to occur that manages to have a lot to like. Once this shift is in place, the film starts really piling on the action as the second part is nearly relentless offering up a slew of confrontations and encounters. The majority of these are designed to allow him to showcase some solid martial arts skills trying to save his friends and other survivors of the mall-like complex as he's allowed to kick, flip, and punch through the creatures who put up a decent fight before succumbing to his skillset. These do range from the goofy to the silly, as the successful confrontations show off his skills while the unsuccessful ones merely allow the victim to get overwhelmed and killed by the onrushing swarm. Still, the viciousness of the zombies and their overwhelming numbers provide some fun encounters in the security offices, throughout the hallways of the building, and a strong final battle in the parking garage. Offering up enough thrills in the setpieces and a couple of solid gore effects for the creatures, there are some decided positives to be had here. However, there are some issues with this one. The biggest drawback is the series of zombie attacks within that are designed to move the film along at a fast pace than actually provide some thrilling elements. Only a few of the attacks toward the finale offer anything more than just rudimentary chills and scares of a swarm of zombies overwhelming and biting victims. This setup is the main focus of the majority of the attacks as it continually relies on this approach mixed together with some inherent stupidity on the characters to keep them in danger. Rather than try to get out of the building, the group are forced to handle it themselves without any outside interference simply to save face in the situation. That all becomes obvious in an overall cheap presentation that's a big overall factor against it being enough combined to lower the film overall.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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The worst movie
gyazzura4 March 2023
I regret to watch this movie, so annoying me.

This movie really waste my time. I can say that it's the worst mobie i've ever watched.

It's been confusing from the beginning, not logic. It's like a joke, too weak, there is no feel and emotion.

Oh my god, i really angry right now!!!

I so much dissapointed, i dont know if there is kinda movie in korea.

How come you can make this kind of movie? So far i never imagine this thing.

I never dissapointed watching a movie, because i love movie so much.

That's why i really dissapointed and angry.

You must improve the way u make and direct the movie, don't make the audience dissapointed.
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Do not watch
hk-6801011 June 2023
Just so you know I spent the last day of my vacation from school to watch this and like what a complete waste of time the actors look good but the script the acting no just why the storyline was so boring I was just waiting for a good part thinking now it will have a plot twist and be good but no I watched this on HiTV and I am happy I did on this app because spending money to watch this in theater was just a BIG NO from me the first zombie or person to be infected met so many people in his way and was infected for over 24 HOURS like does not make sense he bite someone so late overall a big no But this is just my opinion but u should listen to everyone here it is not even a tad bit good like why bother watching it save you're time and maybe watch zombie on sale it is better and it is funny and not scary and a movie worth you're time.
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When Zombies Suck At Being Zombies...
meddlecore1 July 2023
It's Christmas in the Gangnam district of Seoul.

Where some would-be thieves have unleashed a zombie apocalypse...after one gets attacked, and infected, by a cat...

Before taking over a shopping mall, where a number of struggling youtubers, some security guards, and the land lady are held up.

Leaving them to fight for their survival.

The whole thing is mostly a comedy.

With the zombies not really understanding how to act like least in any consistent way.

They are kind of all over the place.

And the film suffers for it.

The introductory sequence is particularly bad.

With the zombies sucking especially hard in those scenes.

Everything is laid out like a basic videogame.

While the origin story of the virus taking hold makes no sense whatsoever...unless the cat, itself, was actually a zombie...or something.

Either way...the whole thing is laughingly bad.

With it's only redeeming quality being the plethora of pastiche references to classic zombie films.

Films like Dawn Of The Dead; 28 Days Later; Return Of The Living Dead; Land Of The Dead; Night Of The Comet; Wild Zero...and even Texas Chainsaw Massacre (despite the fact it's not actually a zombie film).

But they aren't enough to save it from being the travesty it truly is.

Because it's almost completely void of any special effects.

The writing is mediocre, at best.

And- while it does get better than the intro makes it seem like it's going to be- the zombies are so bad at just never really manage to get into it.

They just aren't cool enough.

Plus...the ending is pretty lame.

So it all just kind of happens.

And ends.

Leaving you thinking..."meh".

It's certainly not unwatchable.

It's entertaining enough to sit through...if you have to.

But it does kinda suck.

3 out of 10.
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Horrifyingly bad
GERG-211 February 2023
I've become quite a fan of Korean television dramas (often excellent, great production and acting even if sometimes the script fails a bit in the last act) and films (sometimes brilliant) so I gave this one a try. This is a joke, right? I'm inclined to say it might be the worst film I have seen in sixty years - no redeeming features of any kind - but I find myself thinking its some sort of parody that eludes my Western eye and brain. I'm no fan of the 'so bad its good' idea at the best of times, so this was a tedious and actually embarrassing watch. (OK, I admit, I did not watch it all the way through as soon as I realised it was so poor, but I did watch the ending and thats the flattest, least drmatic thing I have ever seen, and it went on and on and on.)
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Absolutely awful
sakrofk15 March 2023
Nothing ever happen. You see that first scene where they are being chased in a parking lot? That's all there is to it. With all the previous korean zombie flicks this is just awful and boring. There's so much unnecessary scenes the whole movie consists of just walking and music and trying to be funny. Zombies are people are dumb oh and that breakdancing guy that turned into a zombie is just cringy. This movie seems to just want to take advantage of the popularity of zombie films from korea that they made this garbage to get a bit of hype from the previous ones. GARBAGE. 100% not recommended...
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