The Enfield Poltergeist (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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Very fascinating doc that remains objective
meghanndotta-120-5746304 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second doc I've seen recently that has me questioning some of these "poltergeist" stories. Yes, I do believe in the paranormal. There's just so much we don't understand. But this case is so similar to one in the US. Also, a young girl. There's an aspect that makes it seem as though it's not a spirit or entity, but actually, the girl and something to do with excess energy. Things will move independently and fly around in response to the girl. In the other story, it suddenly stopped and people thought it was fake. But the moving objects etc began happening again after she gave birth, which ends in a murder conviction, sadly. . It's all very fascinating. Possible telekinesis? I do love how this particular crew did the doc. Recreating the house and scenes with the real audio. Must have taken an incredible amount of work! Once again, very fascinating and worth watching. I will say, I've also seen enough docs and read enough articles to know that the husband and wife that inspired the conjuring universe are definitely frauds. Not that some of those cases didn't involve real paranormal events, but I've learned that their goal was always money, fame, etc. They often screwed over the families and people that actually experienced it. Truly awful people. The truth of these events is much more complex. I would also recommend checking out the other doc I mentioned, The poltergeist girl. As well as looking into this "poltergeist girl" phenomenon, that involves females of a certain age.
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I really liked this mini series
mail-584-89349020 December 2023
I've always been fascinated by this story, and when I finally got around to watch the show, I wasn't disappointed. It's not a 'modern' Hollywood horror movie, which in some sense felt like a little breath of fresh air. A great deal of spooky elements and great acting. If you're a fan of ghost stories, then you should watch this one. As a miniseries it can be a bit long for some, but then again, you'll enjoy it, if you're into the genre. I love 'The Entity' (82) and even though this mini series is not as intense, it still delivers in its own 'British' way. Could it have been better, maybe, but not really because of the budget or the talent. It would just have been different decisions made from the directors/producers side. A last note: I don't feel like it was intended to make a 'light' version of the story, which I appreciated very much.
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Compelling and agnostic dramatisation
andrewzwalters2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Worth a watch but no answers, well done using many hours of recordings, superimposed with fresh witness testimony and actors in period settings. Very well done re-examination. For the subject material it feels like something is missing. I was not convinced by the supernatural case despite some compelling testimony, The family circumstances, mental health questions, safeguarding issues we would raise these days are probably lost to history. The production itself is solid and earnest, I felt a more acquisitory and sceptical approach would be warranted, but likely would not get cooperation of the witnesses.

I would hope these days it would be treated as child mental health and family support investigation not a paranormal one, I am sure it would have better outcomes for the individuals involved.
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At Last, A Bit of Objectivity In The Mix
toyl-9229728 October 2023
The story will be well enough known to people of a certain age, so I won't go over it again.

This.....for the first time ever, is a telling of the tale that rips itself free of the awful Conjuring sticky fingers, the hugely entertaining (but fanciful) Timothy Spall interpretation of 2015, and all of the other "point and laugh" contemporary ridicule pieces of the late 70s and early 80s.

The meticulous set builds for the interior of the home, the superb decision to lip sync to Maurice Grosse's original tapes, and the non sensationalist, non judgemental space and breadth given to this who were there to tell their stories added up to a fresh (and refreshing) take on a story that had become perilously close to being lost forever.

For once, the terms "for information" or "for enlightenment" can stand on slightly higher ground than the lazy default "for entertainment only" that has allowed content makers to throw whatever they like into the telling of any given story.

A heartfelt "thank you" to everyone in the making of this docudrama. It's heartening to know that there's still film makers out there willing to resist the addition of sensationalist fiction to gild an already fully formed lily.
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Very Well Made
stephenrattigan31 October 2023
Well made documentary by apple tv. I've seen other docs and shows about the Enfield haunting but this one is excellent and you get interviews from people who were there. The series uses Grosse's original audio tapes, and actors recreate scenes that were documented over a two-year period. Creator Jerry Rothwell supplements these with archival footage and interviews from journalists, paranormal experts and the family.

There is an inordinate amount of information to get through - as Grosse once proudly told the BBC: "This may be the best case of the century, and as far as documentation goes, it might be the best case of all time." Plus, there are dozens of agendas to wade through. The media wants a salacious story. The family want to help and to be seen as wholesome and honest. The paranormal investigators want to make a significant scientific breakthrough in their field.
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Waste of time
tom-hamilton1234 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So a little girl makes stuff up and a bunch of adults believe her... that's it... that's the story. Somehow they turned that into 4 episodes and pretend like somehow she was "connected" but as soon as they send her away it all stops. At one point the little girl is possessed by and older guy and asks the investigating detectives "why do girls get periods? What are the plastic things guys use during sex (condoms [which are obviously not plastic but again, coming from a 10 year old girl}) Then the guy who investigated it (who believes all of it despite it all being obviously stupid) believes it's following him and his family. The way it's filmed is cool with all of the audio tapes and actors lip syncing. It gives you a creative way of seeing the depiction with real audio. That's the only thing stopping me from giving this an 1 star. Aside from the way it's shot, it's a totally ludicrous story. The mom isn't that smart and believes her mentally ill child. Add that to a pair of guys who insist it's real and the whole thing just makes it a comedy instead of a drama documentary as it was intended.
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One of the best documentaries I've seen
Progmann1 November 2023
Not only the best paranormal documentary I've seen but one of the best documentaries I've seen on any subject.

A fascinating and sophisticated approach to an extraordinary story, with a strange lip-syncing recreation that eerily echoes the phenomenon/possession itself. The voice both real and unreal.

The filmmakers have gone all out, creating a creepy atmosphere but also an investigative and objective style with some real pathos as well. It delves deep but I wish it was even longer.

This really is underseen and underrated (once again don't trust the IMDb ratings). It deserves a big audience.
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[5.1] Poor Enfield Poltergeist!
cjonesas2 March 2024
Averagely well-made mini-series, but awfully slow, semi interesting and uninteresting at the same time, played good enough by the actors or who you deem potent, possible and feasible as actors, events that are not seen, events that don't make sense, absolutely no thrill, no sense of urgency at all, with just generic, depressed faces all along.

It is phlegmatic in the most British way. Won't watch another Poltergeist production on the subject for a while.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5.5
  • Development: 7.5
  • Realism: 6
  • Entertainment: 2
  • Acting: 7.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 7.5
  • VFX: 7.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6.5
  • Depth: 5
  • Logic: 1
  • Flow: 3.5
  • Documentary/horror: 3.5
  • Ending: 3.
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Best documentary I've ever seen
sbrayna-7722528 October 2023
Captivating, using real audio captured during the supernatural activity. Amazing what they were able to capture & what an amazing surprise part way through the documentary. Deserves an award!

I'm not sure how this relates to any of the Conjuring movies, but this documentary seems to capture EVERYTHING other supernatural documentaries can never quite capture.

I really enjoyed it, however it leaves you wanting more; it's not clear on how the poltergeist activity stops or why.

The acting is brilliant, the set is amazing, the constructive layout is spot on, the story is captivating, the surprises are well...surprising. Well worth a watch.
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Lets YOU decide for a change
jtrascap3 November 2023
A very smartly done documentary, with actors lip-syncing to the recordings of the owners, neighbors, and those affected by the going's on in that house. Eerie seeing and not seeing what was going on, knowing the reactions are real from the sound - the actors did a very good job of keeping everything in context.

High praises to the filmmakers for keeping us in mind that this is ours to evaluate - from the occasional peeks behind the sets to the real interviews with neighbors, reporters and photographers and ultimately the 2 girls at the center. Just when you think you've made up your mind, you get more information, and then you rethink, then more and a rethink..

Definitely worth seeking out and having a weekend watch party - the tone shifts in episodes 3, and again in 4, but the combined effect is something my wife and I talk about still.
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Truthfully as it can be
sergiojunior-2827221 November 2023
I don't watch a lot of documentaries, but I went for this one being a huge fan of horror and The Conjuring movies. It is a really well made documentary, the idea of using the real footage was excellent, it gave the whole thing the sense that everything we are watching is real and it was not manipulated to prove point A or B. I honestly don't know how to feel about the case, whether it was real or not, and I love that about the storytelling. Without spoilers, I can say that I certainly felt some shivers during the last episode that made my atheist self question the nature of our reality. I will be really surprised if this doesn't get at least an Emmy nomination. Another beast of a series from Apple.
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Quite possibly the two most gullible men in history !
npjxm28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I actually feel sorry for Grosse all them hours and all that hard work building up a huge case when it was just two kids pulling his leg !

I mean it's the kids knocking on the walls as they lay in their beds and as far as that photo of Janet levitating goes , it's clearly her caught in mid air after jumping off the bed and don't get me started on that voice *** sighs*** I think everyone who grew up in the late 70's, early 80's mimicked that voice at some point due to the surge in horror movies .

It obviously started off as a joke and as the weeks went on by they realised that they had taken the joke to far and couldn't admit to it and I actually believe Janet was so submersed in the lie that she began to believe it herself and still does !!

I was beginning to think that all people from the 70's must have been a bit stupid so I was relieved when they included the scene in the lecture theatre at Cambridge. Thank god for the intelligent people in the audience that looked as bewildered as I did .

The series itself is very good and really well done . Loved it .
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Felt like I was there
kyraborella4 March 2024
The use of original audio combined with lip sync was such an interesting and eerie way of telling the story of what unfolded at the house in Enfield. It went into great detail and had me gripped throughout.

I had watched the play only a few weeks back and was curious to learn more about the case, this documentary does it for you and totally honours all those involved, I thought it was well written, feeling a bit similar to a play in the different acts unfolding slowly.

It's worth watching for the authentic, sympathetic way the team approach the story of the Enfield Poltergeist.

If you like horror or thriller, definitely watch it!
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elliottcollins-7382019 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have always been interested in this case. This new documentary was very well done and documented everything from the people who were there and involved. It was also the first time the audio tapes have been released from their archive documenting over 200 hours of tape. I can see the skeptical parts and that everything going on could be interpreted as mass hysteria. However the police witnessed a chair move and there were two independent witnesses to strange things. The next door neighbours witnessed things also. I think the girls Imitated some of what happened, but children learn through copying. There will always he skeptics but just looking at the girls now as adults, you can see something happened that marked them forever. Nobody would fake something like this without any good benefit to do so. After watching this whole documentary and the premonitions and coincidences I am absolutely certain that consciousness is definitely more than the brain and it continues after death. There is no doubt in my mind that is true.
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