Awakening (2012) Poster

(I) (2012)

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This is the great commission with a modern-day twist and some New York style. these were the words I wrote after watching The Awakening
womanofdestiny2418 February 2012
The movie The Awakening will shake you to your very core. It will challenge you to get out from the four walls of your churches and messianic synagogues and start telling people about the gospel of Jesus Christ. This movie will step your faith up to a new level and cause you to understand the importance of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. As you watch how these young people some of them not even 20 years old get up early in the morning and mobilize on the streets of New York City by the hundreds to share the gospel of Jesus Christ you too will be stirred in your spirit to do something more. Your soul will begin to cry out" this is it, this is what we're supposed to be doing as Christian believers" I dare you to watch this movie and not be moved to start an initiative like this where you live. This is the kind of in your face proclamation of Jesus that we see in both the old and new Testaments. In the book of Romans Paul states that he is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for the power of God onto salvation this documentary personifies that statement is the most moving way I've ever seen. Documentaries like this have the power to change generations and cause us and Jewish and Gentile Christians to wake up and see that the Lord's coming it's near and there is a whole world right in our own backyard who needs to hear the gospel. I implore you today please please please watch this movie it'll change your life and your prospective on evangelism forever.
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protocol221 March 2012
This film is only thirty minutes long but it speaks volumes in spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They take over the streets of New York City like an invading army, armed only with t-shirts with QR scans on their backs and a sack full of pamphlets. The month long campaign is arduous and rewarding but their satisfaction comes with knowing that they have given someone the opportunity of knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord and Messiah. Sean Trank has done wonderful job of capturing the true spirit of evangelizing…. Well done Sean, well done. I encourage everyone to see this film. I would like to see youth ministers help organize groups of young people to go witnessing in their cities with the vigor of the Jews For Jesus.
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Review of "Awakening"
sarahriv19 February 2012
The word awakening, by definition, means arising, stirring, realization, revival. It's also the appropriate title of an original new film by the organization Jews for Jesus.

The 30-minute DVD, to be released in March, truly lives up to its name. Award-winning directors Herb and Amy Kossover invite viewers to take to the streets of New York with JFJ missionaries as they embark on their month-long Summer Witnessing Campaign (SWC). Breath-taking scenery and clever, on-screen social media posts bring a contemporary twist to a 2,000-year-old subject. It is the question, "Who is he?" that thematically inspires the audience --- with Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus, as the star of the show.

Narrated by actor Stephen Baldwin, "Awakening" features seasoned JFJ campaigners working alongside new volunteers. They're passing the mantel which was forged in 1974, when the first campaigners arrived in New York. Each June, JFJ trains a team of around 20 Jewish believers from around the world in Jewish evangelism techniques, including passing out evangelistic literature, answering objections, and messianic apologetics.

During the Fourth of July celebration alone, more than 40,000 broadsides --- gospel tracts that use contemporary topics and humor -- are handed out. Needless to say, the SWC pace is exhausting, but the campaigners take it in stride, as they invite the audience to a funny, behind-the- scenes look at their living quarters, Campaign Cribs. Still, there is time for chapel worship and a public lecture series, which attracts rabbis and others curious about the message.

This film struck a personal note with me. As a Jewish believer in Messiah, I can relate to the rejection the campaigners sometimes experience, as they take to the streets, parks, and subways of the Big Apple to tell people the Good News. The film's personal testimonies are very relatable. Take the story of Debbie, a woman on a spiritual journey for 30 years. She felt like she was the only Jewish believer. Then, Debbie met a JFJ campaigner in New York's Bryant Park, where Debby herself now evangelizes. Warren is a former marijuana addict who was invited by his believing brother to a JFJ Shabbat service. He's now the campaigner with the most street evangelism contacts.

Why New York? The city has the highest population of Jewish people outside of Israel. Its two million Jewish people form the largest concentration of Jews living in any city in the world. The success of JFJ's work comes in the form of stacks of follow-up cards that people fill out to receive more information. The scene in which a campaigner prays one-on-one with someone means another life has been touched.
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An inspiring film with a few problems.
pastorpartridge20 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what I expected when I was asked to watch this new movie. I had no idea what sort of movies that Jews for Jesus might produce or, although I suspected that it would be about Jesus, what to expect.

What I saw was a well-constructed account of the month-long outreach event that Jews for Jesus holds in the streets of New York City each year. Narrated by Stephen Baldwin, this documentary explains in laymen's terms the history of Jews for Jesus and takes you along with the young people who hit the streets, subway stations and parks of New York (which has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel). While I could fault the film for being longer than I would have liked and for the pacing being, at times, a little slow, I found it to be interesting and informative.

The message of Jesus, to many Jews, is offensive and can cause a considerable emotional response. The conversations that are captured in the film show a range of responses but do not show any significantly negative reactions though I am not certain whether that is because of the goodwill and self-control of New Yorkers or because of judicious editing (I suspect the latter).

In sum, this is a good film though not a great one. It may well be worth a half an hour of your time for two reasons. First, after watching this film you will have a greater understanding of Jews for Jesus and their mission to tell others (especially Jews) about the Messiah Jesus. Second, and more importantly, you will be inspired by the passion that these young people have for evangelism. I wish that my church (local and denominational) had even a quarter to their passion to reach out for lost souls. Street evangelism is intimidating and I am not certain that I have the courage to do what they do but each day and each night they go out and despite the rejection that they often experience, they just keep telling people about Jesus. In the end, though many turn away many others express an interest, ask to hear more, and eventually put their faith in Jesus Christ.

My hope is that Christians will watch this film (despite its shortcomings), be inspired by it, and have a new passion for evangelism ignited within them.
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A snapshot of how God is using them
maggie_bb17 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Who are these people? They're Jews for Jesus. Why are they there? They're there to talk about what many find to be a controversial topic, one that involves asking the most important question anyone can ever ask, "Who is Jesus?" What are they doing? They're evangelizing. In a radical, amazing, inspiring, and bold way.

Created by the Jews for Jesus organization, the new documentary film Awakening aims to highlight their efforts to, as their Executive Director David Brickner describes,

"Awaken New Yorker's to the issue of Jesus as the Jewish messiah, to make the messiah-ship unavoidable to our Jewish people." The vividly shot, face paced documentary begins with lyrical music content asserting an awakening for salvation, "You're our hope we've found. The time is here and now." As someone that personally lives in the influential city of Los Angeles, and whose friends reside in the heart of Hollywood, I could instantly relate to the need of having the gospel put on intentional display. New York City, a place where one campaigner says it best, "… is amazing because it feels like it has a foot to every country in on the planet…"

This east coastal state is also one of the few places you can talk to so many Jews—and the most diverse range of Jews at that… These ministry participants appear to be overflowing with the love of Christ as they're seen talking to people on the streets, reaching out in numerous, and ridiculously creative ways. From scan-able bar-code t-shirts that take people to a video to learn more about the organization and point them to the messiah, being relevant in their involvement in social media, to punchy pamphlets with a hook, a theme, a target, and can read in less than a minute. (They're well aware that this generation has a short attention span!) They're trying to get people interested, and they're willing to go to them, in the various senses that means.. Whether that be Bryant Park (to sing worship songs and share their own personal testimonies), or in the late hours veering to Brooklyn and the East Village to talk with hipsters and new agers; evangelism is about meeting people where they are.

I loved how Susan Perlman (Assoc. Executive Director of Jews for Jesus) put it when she says, "If you can get a hardened New Yorker, and get them to think about a message that's been around for 2000 years, then you can speak to anybody, anywhere."

To many of us outside, or unfamiliar with the Jewish way of life, it's become more of a common place to associate Jews as those who: 1. don't believe in Jesus (as if it's a rule or something passed down and they all just accept that) and 2. are people who born into a culture, rather than a heart rooted faith believe. LA is certainly full of "Jews only by tradition" I can tell you that from my own interaction and experiences. So it's cool to see non Jews interacting with the campaigners as well, learning educational ways to reach out to their Jewish friends.

The film not long in length (about 30minutes), is geared towards the believer. It felt like a snapshot showing how God has influenced them, and what they're in turn doing with that influence to love on others. One of the founding members brings up the fact that some of, "The best missions throughout history have been youth missions. That's where the life is. Jews for Jesus was born out of a movement of young people who've had a passion to share their faith." Not only was I impressed seeing these youth, peers my own age, spurring forward with the truth that it shouldn't be about quote unquote "religion", but about relationships; it was powerful, and fantastic. Their goals are to meet people, get in their information and follow up. Regardless of the ultimate reaction, it gives people a chance to speak and ask questions, and for them a chance to respond. And to also provide opportunities for guided lectures the taking of people to the next level of learning. Deeper and more seriously…

John 13:35 says By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Another aspect of this film is that we're given glimpses of the campaigners enjoying life together during this time: eating, sleeping, praying on the streets with strangers and each other, laughing, and even being tired. They're honest that it's an exhausting process. They themselves need a fuel and refilling that only Christ can provide. At one point a young woman revealed her motivation to push past the sometime physical tiredness and emotional attacks this type of on the ground ministry can bring about, "When I think about the pain Christ endured, what are sore feet? Pain is fuel for passion." (Sigh…tear.) This documentary is such a faith increasing, motivating, and fun film to watch.
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Guerilla Preaching
fifthookmedia17 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In February 2012, Fifthook Media ( was invited to screen and review a new film from the Jews for Jesus organization. This film is directed by award winning directors Herb and Amy Kossover, and is professionally narrated by actor Stephen Baldwin. The 30-minute film is about the Jews for Jesus missionary campaign to declare the Gospel of Jesus on the streets of New York City, and specifically to one of the largest populations of Jewish people in America. Here is what we found.

This documentary is well directed and produced, with a modern feel to it. It documented the good, bad, and the ugly experienced in tough street evangelism. The campaign workers (those who witness on the streets) are tough, organized, energetic, and trained apostles sent forth as special warriors behind enemy lines of a "spiritually" hardened city oppressed by darkness.

Their saying goes like this, "If you can reach a hardened New Yorker Jew, you can reach anybody." These warriors in Christ constantly ask the "streets" this question, "Who is Jesus?" The answers are amazing, and one soon realizes how fragmented the populace is. If not completely rejected and waved off, some people deflect the question with the pat answer of, "Well, I am a good person." Most just argue. No one is shown to have the answer.

Watching these campaigners was inspirational and seeing the Gospel of Christ preached in a pure unadulterated manner was refreshing. The Jews for Jesus campaigners use every method available to them in order to bring people face-to-face with Jesus Christ. We thought the use of "QR Codes" or scan codes printed on the back of their T-shirts was brilliant. When the curious scanned the code on their smart phones, they got a creative video telling them about Jesus.

Additionally, the use of "broadsides" or creative flyers based on contemporary subjects and topics, designed for short attention spans was a good use of humor mixed with evangelism. Jews for Jesus make full use of current social media such as Facebook and Twitter to get the message across the populace. However, they still use the old fashioned tried and true method of a chapel meeting to preach the word and answer all questions. These soldiers have a passion and it is clear that they love the people on the streets of New York.

"Awakening" is a great film introducing the viewer to the broad, creative, and essential work of the Jews for Jesus organization. They call it radical evangelism, but we saw warriors behind enemy lines conducting guerrilla witnessing. Fifthook Media highly recommends this film to Christians who may need a shot in the arm, but for non- Christians, the film is not going to make much sense. We gave it an eight instead of a ten precisely for this reason-the actual message of Christ was not given.

This film would be put to good use in churches, youth groups, and in evangelistic team meetings where inspiration and courage are needed.
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The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Is For Everybody ... Awesome !!!
priceispaid19 February 2012
The word Of God came to fulfill a mission and that mission will be fulfilled, because we have his word on it ...and you CAN take that to the bank.

The movie is awesome and inspiring ... !!

It will encourage and build your faith / belief that you can do it too!

Especially if you're working together with other believers in Yeshua the Word of God.

For those who are not aware it shows that there are Jews who fully accept and believe that Jesus Christ it the messiah.

It also shows there willingness to give of themselves no matter what.

It also gives some good insight into the NYC peoples way of life and mindset.
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A lively and well done introduction to the Awakening campaign
bradlburge20 February 2012
Jews For Jesus, as their name indicates, is a group of Jewish people (with support from non- Jewish people) sharing the fact that Jesus is the Messiah with Jewish people. They have about twenty branches around the world. JFJ has every earthly reason to be indirect, but they aren't. For heavenly reasons, they purposely keep things right up front. Even in the streets of New York City. 

That's what they've been doing since 1974 and that's what they'll be doing this summer. The JFJ annual Summer Witnessing Campaign will hit the streets and subways of NYC in July. For 2012, the campaign title is Awakening. With passionately committed and courageous young people (and some not so young), JFJ will make Y'shua (Jesus) the Messiah an unavoidable topic of discussion to as many people as possible. 

There are roughly two million Jewish people living in NYC, making it the most diverse and highest Jewish population of any city in the world. JFJ is taking the gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord to these Jewish people and also to the non-Jewish. NYC is likely the most challenging and opinionated environment for Jewish evangelism, other than Israel. 

Some organizations exist to funnel money to Jewish people, but exclude the gospel of the Messiah. JFJ makes the messiahship of Jesus the highest priority message, mode and method. They know that the best help to offer anyone is to help them to be reconciled to the Messiah. JFJ excels at doing that highest good for the Jewish people. 

Awakening is a creative campaign involving literature, music, drama, secular media outreach and social media evangelism. The Awakening video is a lively, well done introduction to the Awakening campaign where they will display their theme on their t-shirts and openly ask the all-important question, "Who is He?" The Awakening video is an inspiring look at their valiant effort to communicate the messiahship of Jesus in English and Hebrew. JFJ will attempt to hand out over forty thousand gospel tracts with contemporary, humorous and very concise messages with impact. QR (Quick Response) codes on the backs of some t-shirts are shown directing those that scan them to introductory videos to JFJ and the Messiah. The Awakening video shows the campaigners carrying JFJ labeled shoulder bags full of tracts. Pep talks are shown often ending with the uplifting words, "Give 'em heaven!" Some of the seasoned members of JFJ are shown preparing the current generation of future JFJ leaders. You'll see weekly meetings where all are invited to learn more about the Messiah Jesus. Sometimes a rabbi will attend to challenge them. You'll witness their daily devotional times where JFJ campaign workers recharge their batteries for their long days. The Awakening video lets you see the "Sortie Cards" used to gather information from the few willing people on the streets. "Sortie" is an appropriate word, since JFJ is attacking against Satan's position in people's lives and souls.

God is still reaching out; first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles.

Shalom, Brad L. Burge Author of Satan's Hoax: End-Times Prophecies Through the Eyes of a Modern-Day Paul
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Powerful and stirring, definitely the film to watch.
roythibodeau77723 February 2012
"Awakening" is a film that every professing believer in Jesus/Yeshua should watch. Powerful and hard-hitting from the start, the dedication and commitment of these Jewish brethren in the Messiah should motivate even the most complacent of believers into action. This isn't just another boring documentary; it is a refreshing look into the lives of young Jewish people who know who the true Messiah is-Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, and their zeal for sharing their love for Him with others in the Jewish community.

Though this film is only 30 minutes long, it portrays a powerful move of the Spirit of God among those who delight in calling Him Lord and Savior. Thirty minutes went by as though it were only five to ten minutes, and the stirring it awakened in my soul left me wanting to see more. These young Jewish people truly have a heart for evangelizing, proclaiming the wonderful promises of, and freedom in Yeshua.

Preaching and bringing the Gospel to the lost is hard enough just about anywhere you can go, but hitting the streets of New York and sharing God's love with the hardened hearts of New Yorkers presents a unique challenge to these fearless young people. Their dedication and obvious love for the Savior, coupled with their commitment to reach the lost, is an inspiration to anyone professing Jesus as Lord. I know it renewed a heart for the lost in me; I think it will in anyone who watches this film. "Awakening" is a remarkable achievement you definitely don't want to miss!
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I like when people stand for Christ
wahrheit_unbedingt19 February 2012
It is truly amazing how many people in this world either do not want to hear about Jesus Christ, or choose to ignore his message. But Jews for Jesus has hit the streets of New York to spread the Good News of Christ to the hard-hearted of the most populous city in America. In the new documentary "Awakening" Jews for Jesus speak with the people of New York with a passion that most Christians in America have forgotten or lost. Hitting the mean streets they share the Gospel of Christ, with no reserve. This documentary shows just how hard it truly is to spread the word of God in America today, I recommend it to anyone who wants to share the Word of God, Jews for Jesus is paving the way! Thumbs up!

Wahrheit Unbedingt.
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Wow...WOW. Awakening is truly an inspired work from God.
wrathofthelamb202720 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Jews for Jesus new short "Awakening" has brought the word Faith to a new level. It has taken the perceived oxymoron notion that Jews don't love the messiah, and turns it upside down. The approach used to convey how serious and devoted these young people are, is inspiring for any young person that wants a model to follow. I loved it. They would start early and go out and spread the gospel, then have Starbucks, gospel..more gospel, eat, gospel..gospel,gospel,gospel (not to be confused with gobble, gobble), eat, and sleep, then start it all over again. Love it!!!!

Jew or gentile we are all one under God that hears His calling, and excepts His truth. I truly loved the "Awakening". I witnessed such happiness and inspired people doing Gods work that it reinforced in me, that truth reigns in all of us. For some it just needs to be brought out into understanding, and this is what Jews for Jesus are doing so well. God bless all of you.
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An interesting journey into Evangelism
sgoodwin-617 February 2012
Stephen Baldwin narrates this interesting documentary about awakening New York to Jesus Christ. The movie covers some amazing filming of New York landmarks and scenery. The Jews for Jesus campaign takes on a gallant task by talking to strangers and introducing them to God. A general question they posed is "Who is Jesus", not only do they ask it, they also wear it.

Regular showing of "Twitter Posts" in response to the Jews for Jesus actions are used to continue the dialog of the movie.

One of the messages of the campaign is "You can be Jewish and believe in Jesus." No doubt an important message if you're Jewish. It's a little irrelevant if you're not Jewish but it does show that not all Jewish people disregard Jesus as the son of God. It breaks down a general misconception that all Jewish people don't believe in Jesus. Awakening is a well filmed interesting dive into the evangelism the Jews for Jesus do in New York, showing their struggles and rewards. Regardless if you're Jewish, into Jesus or not, it's a worthwhile documentary to view to see what happens inside an evangelism campaign.

When rating a movie I based it on how well I believe they covered the topic, and the presentation.
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Awakening and The Gospel - A relationship, not religion!
matthewtkimball20 February 2012
Awakening was an enjoyable short film that speaks on The Gospel, making it easy for anyone to understand, speaking more about relationships, not religion, Jesus Christ is as relevant today as he was 2000 years ago! Jews for Jesus bring it; taking it to the street! Having just returned form a Youth Convention, I watched the incorporation of real time media usage; it was great to see the use of this same technology in the film (twitter post) which engages the younger generation, and takes you between the dialog in Awakening.

Jew, Gentile or non-believer; Awakening is proof that the gospel crosses all boundaries, is non-prejudice and family friendly! This is a film you worthy of a small group, youth or other church related function viewing. You'll want to buy a copy for your friends, family and your congregation!
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Jews For Jesus wakes up the neighborhood
RickLeeJames28 February 2012
A group of young people line up to pray as they go out to do street evangelism. As they go out to evangelize, their leader says, "Give 'em heaven". That's exactly what the young people are out to do in the soon to be released Sean Trank film, "Awakening."

This documentary follows young people from the Jews For Jesus movement summer campaign on their mission to bring Jesus to the Jews who have not believed in him as the savior Messiah. Jews for Jesus official mission statement is "to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide." And that's what they set out to do every summer.

They carry out this campaign in New York City. With over 8 million people living there, it would be hard to find many places in the world where you can talk to as many Jewish people as you can in NYC. In their words, "If you can reach a hardened New Yorker and get them to think about a 2000 year old message then you can reach anybody anywhere."

Every year the Jews For Jesus summer campaign has a different theme. This year's theme is Matthew 16: 15-16, where Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" This film contends that though this question is old it is still very relevant today. I agree with this statement, even if I don't fully agree with their methods, but more on that in a minute.

First, let me tell you this: these young people have the courage to go around in the streets asking people, "Who do you think Jesus is?" This is an uncomfortable question even for most believers to answer. Most of Jesus's own disciples didn't even get the answer right. These teens hand out over 40,000 gospel tracks on the 4th of July alone. You have to admire people who will stand on a corner with the message of Jesus in the hot summer sun while getting rejected again and again, insulted, and misunderstood.

The film shares several confused, mocking, and outraged Twitter posts from people who see the Jews for Jesus out on the street corners and in parks. They are not happy about being harassed by these young people, who they don't know, to think about Jesus.

Twitter posts like this one tell the sentiment that most non-believers, if I may call them that, seem to share.

"Somebody tell Jews for Jesus it's not 1977 anymore #religiousrelics"

It does seem that the Jews For Jesus campaign method is a little outdated. "Awakening" shows them playing Jewish gospel music with a praise band in a very Orthodox Jewish part of town. These students love to worship and it's obvious that it fuels all that they do, but I have to ask, is this kind of evangelism useful? Does it respect the beliefs and the values that the people who live there hold to be true?

As a Christian who does believe in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have to wonder what it would be like if a Mormon or Islamic group of young people set up in my church parking lot and started playing worship songs from their faith through loudspeakers. Would we not call that harassment? Bear in mind that I used to be a youth pastor and I took young people on a few trips like this one and did more than a few street campaigns for Jesus in my day. I am not saying that the method is entirely unhelpful but if I could go back and do it again I think I would stay close to home and build relationships with people, maybe for years and years...possibly my whole life. Maybe then I could really get to know these people, and they could get to know me and the Christ that I follow.

While I feel for these young people who go out on the streets exhausting themselves all summer long in the hopes that they can pray for someone and save their Platonic soul, I have to wonder if the methods don't help us to visualize a misunderstanding of the message of Jesus and his Kingdom here on earth.

I walked away from this film feeling for the Jews For Jesus Campaigners, but I also left it feeling for the people who were being confronted on the streets minding their own business. It makes people uncomfortable to talk about Jesus, especially when they don't know this person who is trying to talk to them and pass fliers into their hands.

On the other hand, Jesus does have a way of invading our lives without being asked. So with that in mind, I recommend that you watch "Awakening" for yourself and maybe we can all start to think about our evangelism methods and how we can do them more effectively for the sake of the Kingdom of God. All I know is that if I needed to pick a team of committed young people to take the message of Jesus into the world, I think I would want these young people on my team.

The film is visually interesting, funny, meaningful, and well made. I recommend that you see the film "Awakening", by Sean Trank.
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A messianicly great documentary!
omaapostia12 March 2012
The movie is really inspiring and stirs up faith! Even inspires me to evangelize more. I have been a Christian for 2 decades, recently becoming a fan of Israel and the Jewish culture. The filming in New York with the biggest Jewish society outside of their home country is a really lively setting. The people who live in the city are influenced by so many streams and seeing "Jews for Jesus" campaign in action is like a breath of fresh air in the cultural melting pot. Also the testimony of these people is powerful and speaks for itself. God is truly doing amazing things in these days before the coming of our Lord. He is uniting the Jews and the gentiles, making the one new man come out from among the nations, for His purposes, for His glory! Hallelujah!
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Choose Life!
philemonphoebe5 March 2012
Being a native New Yorker, I know you have to gain a New Yorker's trust before they will listen to you. These saints are brave and stout hearted! I often think about how hard it is for a Messianic Jew to talk about Jesus to a stranger. It is especially difficult to talk to a Jew about Him. Jews think Jews that believe Jesus to be the Messiah are traitors to the Jewish community. Orthodox Jews find it hard to believe the evidence that proves Jesus has to be the Messiah! Using intellect will never reveal spiritual truths! Scriptures must be examined with a dependence on God Himself to enlighten you.

There are many divine appointments met during these campaigns. When people walk away with a, "Don't bother me attitude!" they have been touched by Jesus Himself, and it wasn't a useless attempt! God is not willing that any should perish! This is probably not the first, nor will it be the last time this truth will be offered to those that reject it.

My brethren are doing an important work for the Kingdom of Heaven!
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