Far Cry 3 (Video Game 2012) Poster

(2012 Video Game)

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Best Game Ever For Me..........
sourav_203629 October 2014
An amazing game, featuring stunning visuals and game play.. Far Cry 3 is an exceptional FPS with fun mechanics and excellent characterization.. The freedom and power is intoxicating.. A new standard for the genre.. In Far Cry 3, you find yourself stranded on a tropical island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery. You dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles you choose to fight down to the allies or enemies you make along the way. There are 18 radio towers to scale as you make your way through the game, each of which highlights new objectives on your map and opens up new weapons to buy at local shops, and each tower is a unique first-person climbing challenge - a peaceful ascent through a creaking spiral of steel that's fraying at the edges, revealing beautiful panoramic views before sending you back down to earth on a thrilling zip line .
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An Island Getaway you are not likely to Forget!
sohansurag14 December 2012
Far cry 3 puts you in the shoes of Jason Brody and into the massive Rook Islands. You and your friends ends up in the hands of a group of pirates led by the insane Vaas Montenegro who murders your brother in cold blood. Fed with vengeance, you hunt and kill your way up the very hostile yet paradisaic Rook Islands. The plot is nothing game-changing, but its super cool nonetheless. It ploughs you forward through the campaign.

The Rook Island as I mentioned is massive to say the least and there is a ton to do here. Jason Brody and friends came here for adventure and that's exactly what you get served well THAT and more. Far Cry 3 promises open ended gameplay and its vast and varied as opposed to the Far Cry 2′s drab African Savannah But a lot of mechanics from the original has been carried over to Far Cry 3 most notably the Fire mechanics. There are different alternatives to complete an objective and ergo its one of the best open-ended game out in the market now. RPG elements comes aback and gives you skill points for almost everything you do which can be invested in the Skill Tree. These skills are distributed through 3 tabs: The Heron, The Shark and The Spider, which you will acquire as you progress. And unlike other RPG element-merged- FPS, it does make a huge difference. Once you acquire all these skills, verging close to the climax, you either feel like a one man army at times or someone edging close to insanity.

Far Cry 3 has superb character development. You as Jason Brody initially is revolted when he sees his brother kills someone and he is further shocked when he makes his first kill. Though as you progress through the campaign, you learn new skills, you get more driven with a lust to kill, with vengeance to the point where you sacrifice certain stuff.

Characters oozes personality. Never before were NPC characters so memorable. Vaas, Citra, Dennis, Hoyt, Sam, Buck; Hell I remember almost everyone in the game. Superbly voice acted and mo-capped, these are some of the characters that could be considered classic. "Did I ever tell you the definition of INSANITY?" says Vaas in one sequence. After Heath Ledger's legendary Joker, Michael Mando's portrayal of an insane, merciless, sadistic 'Vaas Montenegro' saturates everything a perfect Antagonist should ever be. And that's exactly why the reason Vaas, the game's antagonist ended up on the box art rather than the protagonist Jason Brody in an action pose.

Enemy AI could be considered good and bad. They don't just stand there while you snipe them off, the moment they find a fallen comrade, they run off to set the siren on and they flank you from all sides. And then there were also instances like them running straight towards you giving you a chance at making an easy headshot coz while these morons run they somehow tend to forget to shoot at you. You can either go stealthy taking off each enemy or go in guns blazing. If you are playing in the latter style there are tons of arsenal at your disposal ranging from pistols to rocket launchers. Though much more fun is to go stealthy. Love the camera feature, used for surveillance. You can tag enemies with it and monitor their movements and take them off with your trusty Bow and Arrow (which by the way is super cool) or distract them tossing a stone, isolating them and going in for a very pleasurable melee kill. You can loot them too. Far Cry 3 is indeed, as I read somewhere, SKYRIM WITH GUNS.

Just like Assassin's Creed there are Radio Tower laid all around the island. Climbing on top of it and activating them unlocks & marks key points and items on your map. The Radio Tower climbing itself could be considered a mini-game which actually felt a lot like platforming and deeper you go into the plot these tower become more complex to climb.

I just could go on rant about the graphics. Far Cry 3 has some really sweet graphics which can be only defined as 'Orgasmic'. Comes with a catch though, it can only be enjoyed completely with a DX11 graphics card. I was unable to turn on anti-aliasing and other features and the game, although gorgeous to look at, still had something missing. Add to that the soft shadows around the characters was a bit distracting. The animations felt smooth and authentic. The island itself is populated by lush forests and greenery and the ocean. Wildlife is another thing I loved, I spent hours hunting animals in the island. These animals can then be skinned with which you can craft ammo pouches to loot sacks. You can also craft medical/combat/hunting syringes harvesting from plants spread throughout the island.

Music is another thing which I enjoyed. A pure mix of tribal music immixed with adrenaline pumping music in action sequences. Composed by Brian Tyler, Far Cry 3′s soundtrack is a thoroughly enjoyable one, even when you are not playing it.

Far Cry is an uber-polished game with very high production values which can be seen throughout the game. From flawless voice acting to action- stealth blended gameplay. It is without doubt the best singleplayer campaign this season. And a true cinematic experience at its best. Despite being distracted from the main plot by a whole ton of things to do in Rook Island, I took immense pleasure in playing Far Cry 3. I clocked in more than 17+ hours in Far Cry 3 and I am still nowhere near to be done with it. I'd recommend it to everybody out there. You are never going to forget this 'getaway' anytime soon.
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Delve Into Insanity
the_omen_6668 December 2012
Let me begin by saying this game is truly something else. Two very important elements set Far Cry 3 apart from nearly every other FPS out there, those elements being story and gameplay. I'll start off with the story. The story for this game is truly unique. It starts off as clichéd as your typical B action movie but it eventually changes into something completely unexpected. The game's primary focus in the beginning is to save your friends from some evil pirates but the plot twists about half way through and begins exploring some dark and very uncomfortable realms. Without spoiling anything, you'll want to replay this story due to the sheer amount of possibilities the game allows. That's where the element of gameplay comes in. Far Cry 3 has your standard FPS mechanics and a plethora of weapons and attachments, alongside amazing enemy AI, dangerous wild animals, and a huge tropical island to explore. The missions can all be done in different ways, whether you prefer stealth with silenced weapons, or go in guns blazing with a rocket launcher and grenades, player choice is a key element. Besides the story missions you can also hunt wild animals (deer, buffalo, tigers, boars, pigs, deer, dingos, sharks, and alligators just to name a few), take over enemy pirate bases, engage in side quests for the Rakyat tribe, compete in races, fly on hang gliders, skydive, or just explore the island at your leisure. The only negative aspect about Far Cry 3 is that a couple of the missions drag on at a few points, but that's such a minuscule complaint compared to the greatness of the rest of the game. Far Cry 3's story will really make you think about what you're doing and why you're doing it, the main character delves deeper and deeper into uncomfortable realms and insanity, which I will not go into detail about in this review, but they're definitely worth playing through the game to see. Jason Brody's transformation is one that will leave you questioning yourself at certain points, especially at the game's ending.
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A far cry from your average FPS Warning: Spoilers
First off let me start by saying Instincts predator was terrible. Far cry 2 was a chore. Far cry 3? Brilliant. The graphics are second to none. If possible get it on PC, far superior to the consoles, however the console graphics are eye tingling. The consoles do sometimes struggle to keep with the frame rate and this tech is really pushing both 360 and PS3 to its absolute limit.

The gameplay is awesome. Smooth, flowing and insanely addictive. Gun fights are the core gameplay. Taking over outposts, taking down Vaas and Hoyt and killing a couple of Siberian tigers along the way. However in such a massive game world constantly gun fighting can become a drag you would think. Well not here. The game breaks up the fights with very well pulled off stealth system. Its no RPG style stealth, but for an FPS, the best there is on the current market.

Now this game deserves its praise, and I could go on writing about how great the game is, but I only have a 1000 words. so, onto the bad stuff. Boss fights. One of the most memorable villains I have seen since Ganondorf was killed in a dream sequence. No explanation. Just the game said he's dead. Thats it. The same with the last boss. Terribly done. Besides from a couple of free roam bugs (falling through the map and occasional dead A.I) and similar scenery, far cry 3 is definitely one of the games of 2012 if not THE game. Must buy, just be pre-pared for a couple of disappointments.
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Far Cry 3 - So good that I picked up the previous 2
spiff-123 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The cool part about Far Cry 3 is that it has it's priorities straight. The first rule of game club is 'Fun'. The second rule of game club... when you come to me with 'Realism'...does it conflict with the first rule? Yes? See rule 1. The things that aren't realistic in this game make a decent 'Game mechanic' ... so I forgive them. Why should it matter if my ammo pouch is made with leopard skin rather than the rare spotted albino leopard skin...do the spots give it more capacity? No. But it makes a decent game mechanic. An AK-47 fired by a Rebel should sound exactly like one fired by a pirate...yet half a dozen pirates drop out of the trees looking for the 'Rebel' (namely YOU) that fired the AK at some goat or something. But it works. Touch a red rock and you have to spree kill enemies with an RPG ... grenades ... or a whiffle bat...or whatever it tells you to use. It's fun. That's it. Rule #1.

You are 'Jason Brody'. You are one of a group of 20-somethings that have gotten together for your tour around Asia. Toward the end of that vacation, you meet a DJ in Bankok who tells you about an island where 'You can do ... anything!'. Soon after parachuting down to this island, you and all of your friends are captured by slavers.

Your brother, Grant, is killed by a Mohawked psychopathic slaver named Vaas (an interesting character to say the least) in cold blood while you and him were trying to escape. Vaas decides to give you a fighting chance and has you run for your life through the jungle pursued by his minions. You fall into a river and are rescued by a Rakyat (tribal warrior) named Denis. Then you start doing the intro quests.

Like in most excellent games, you start with nearly nothing and have to claw your way up from the dirt. IE. You can only carry one weapon... a handful of ammo ... minimal Backpack space...etc. You have few combat skills...and all the bases except the village are owned by the pirates on the initial island. If you fire your .45 in the forest... and no one is around to hear it ... 5 pirates will spawn out of nowhere and shoot you in the face.

Of particular joy to me: A higher difficulty doesn't mean nerfing the Hell out of your weapons. It just means that you take less damage and the enemy is that much better. Brilliant! I play on the highest difficulty not only because it is challenging...but because it is also the most fun. If you are finding it hard in some places...there are special recipes that can be unlocked that will enable you to make potions that will provide you with smooth sailing.

Mini games are everywhere...and fun is the name of them all. You are on a tropical island. Racing...Seado'ing...Hang Gliding...there is all kinds of fun to be had. The fast travel system keeps you from having to slog across the map like in Far Cry 2. But if you think this to be some consolrific soulless game with no substance to story, you would be mistaken. The story is a journey of protagonist Jason from his soft rich 1st world family to a savage killer. The story reminiscent of 'The Island' or 'Heart of Darkness'. Certain characters are just downright chilling. 'Buck' is one of those. This is what a sexual predator is: a Highly charismatic fellow who is very good at making you forget that he's a soulless monster. Yet his nature to inflict pain so often betrays that effort. Brilliantly played by Julian Casey. Other characters; Daisy...subtle gestures with body language...eyes...voice tone; It all makes sense...like she's a real person. I haven't seen acting like this...ever. All the characters are like this. I really don't know how they did it.

If there was one let down, I'd say it would be at the second Island. Vaas had been taken care of...and now it was Hoyt's turn. The battles become much bigger but there doesn't seem to be a reason to do any of the side missions aside from experience. After you get the privateer suit...which happens soon after getting to the Island...you can walk around just about anywhere and be left alone by both sides. The dangerous animals even seem minimal. The end so close to being in sight... the side missions just seem to be a waste of time. The firearms that you unlock getting to the second island aren't really better than the signature weapons you unlocked from the first island. I think that with a little effort they could have done something more with the second island...but as far as beefs go...that's it. With all that is exceptional about this production, I'd give it a 9.4.
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One of the best vilain of a video game!
AvionPrince1618 August 2021
The renaissance of Far cry! This game make far cry alive and give to the franchise a new breathe. The story want us to find all our friend and kill Vaas. The vilain. Vaas is one of the strong point. Of this game. The guy who subbed Vaas make him more psychopath and Far cry 3 may be the best far cry of the series.
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Amazing installment in the Far Cry series!
mikedunlap457 December 2012
I have been waiting for a game like this for a long long time, it has all the elements of a great FPS RPG that most people look for. Great characters, great story, absolutely BEAUTIFUL graphics and gameplay that is out of this world.

This installment took a different direction than the first two, it takes the level design elements of the first Far Cry and the RPG aspect of the second but with a lot more interesting stuff added, just about everything you can do in the first and second, you can do in this one which it makes it that much more fun when it basically brings back the level design of the first one and adds the elements from the second as i said before. The game is simply amazing with a lot of fun stuff to do and a whole different game experience unlike any other, the weapon selection is fantastic! and the game definitely brings back nostalgia for the farcry fans.

sure there are some flaws like screen tearing in the consoles versions , however it is only noticeable when your looking for it...the game otherwise is all around fantastic!

be sure to pick this beauty up! don't miss out!
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Amazing Story-telling
william-v-black21 March 2013
This review is focused completely on the story, not any game play elements. And as far as story-telling goes, this is the best depiction of the slide into insanity and/or empowerment that survival in a violent environment can bring.

The fact that the main character is a character, rather than just some first-person avatar for the player, let's the creators of the game tell an amazing story of transformation. Jason Brody starts the game out as a privileged white kid. He's the kind of guy that the majority of us would hate. And in fact, he is pretty douche-y. But over the course of the game, as he has to do more and more to save his friends he changes.

So many times Hollywood is quick to portray only two outcomes from having to fight a war, which though he is in no way a soldier is exactly what Jason does. Either you become a kill-crazy nut-job or you become a despondent, PTSD-ridden misanthrope. Jason skirts between both, sometimes questioning what it is he has become and other times realizing that he is in fact a stronger person for all that he has gone through.

It's really his reactions in this game and how he goes from simply wanting to save his friends to wanting to not only save them but also kill everybody involved in their capture that is so amazing. It really is like watching a very well written and directed movie.

The primary villain through most of the game is Vaas, and he is extremely interesting and fun to watch. He has the same kind of chaotic energy as Heath Ledger's Joker, a kind of humorous outlook and deceptively flighty attention to the world around him that makes is sudden snaps into full-blown psychotic utterly frightening. And he makes a great counterweight to Jason. You get the feeling that if Jason spends too much time on the island he could end up like Vaas.

I've never seen the psychological consequence of battle shown in this light on screen, in games, TV, or film, like this before, and it comes shockingly close to the reality of it. A little part of you does like it, and Jason shows that part. A little part of you can't believe what you've done, and Jason has those moments of panic as well.

If you don't want to play the game or aren't willing to spend $60 for a good movie, watch some Let's Plays on YouTube. It makes for a great movie night.
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The best FPS ever made.
craftmangaming26 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am blown away.

I'll admit that i was NOT excited for this game at first thought it was a typical FPS like Battlefield and Call Of Duty. But no. This game was so much more than that. In this open world FPS game you play as Jason Brody, a party animal that goes on a vacation with his friends that goes horribly wrong. You wake up in a cage with your older brother Grant. Vaas, the pirate leader is holding you hostage and is planning to sell you and your friends to slavery. With the help of your older brother you escape but Grant gets shot by Vaas. After escaping you meet Dennis, a friendly guy who helps you out with saving your friends. But I'm not gonna spoil the whole game for you, so i'll stop here.

The game play is amazing too. You got side missions, radio towers to activate (to reveal the map), mini games ( knife throwing, poker e.t.c) and a lot of letters, relics and memory cards to find.

I wont give this game a pure ten but I will give it 9.8
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Brilliant game.
Just-Being-Me3 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Far cry 3 is one of my best games for the PlayStation 3, it has everything a good game should have. It has hunting, shooting, guns, driving/cars, gore, chases, EVEN SHARKS!!! It is a very realistic "survival" game.

I would definitely recommend this to any true gamer out there, i think this is a must try game. I couldn't really say anything bad about the game, just that i didn't want it to end so it should have been longer even though it was rather long anyway but yeah i was enjoying the game.

I couldn't really decide whether the game should have got a 10 / 10 or a 9 / 10 because it is a brilliant game.. but i am going to give it a 9 / 10 as there is always room for improvement.
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fourhfour4 October 2018
Far Cry 3 is an amazing open-world FPS.

  • A good story with an incredible main character and villain.
  • Great open world filled with side missions and other things to do.
  • A nice upgrade system that makes the gameplay more dynamic
  • The guns are excellent. They sound great and are a blast to use.
  • Vehicles are fun, but a little awkward to control at first.
  • Good crafting system.
  • Some good side characters.

  • Some of the side missions are repetitive.
  • Most of the side characters aren't that great.

In conclusion, Far Cry 3 is incredible. It's one of the best open world games I've played in a while.
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The best game I have ever played
awesomeanimations12 May 2017
'Do you know the definition of insanity?'

You won't have until you play this game. It's honestly incredible. At the moment of writing this review, it's my favorite game. In my opinion, it's better than the entire Just Cause, Assassin's Creed, Halo, Call of Duty, Hit-man and the rest of the Far Crys' franchises.

Characters: 9/10 The Characters in this game are truly stunning. Vaas and Hoyt are terrifying villains who you won't forget any time soon. They both do thinks to you and their men which will make you wince. Jason Brody is also an interesting characters who progresses throughout the game. Citra, Buck and Denis have great voice actors and interesting characteristics, even if they are not as fleshed out as the main villains and heroes.

Plot and Story: 9/10 The plot is pretty straight forward. It's a revenge thriller focused around a character who ,at the beginning of the game, couldn't even fire a gun. However, the story takes the plot and mixes it with great missions and interesting stories. Even though the game is a FPS, Action shooter, it's very much based around choices and philoshpy. The story is what takes Far Cry 3 to great heights.

Combat: 8.5/10 Combat may not be the best aspect of FC3, but it's still really fun. Liberating bases with a sniper rifle will never get old. However, combat becomes difficult with different guns. Assault Rifles do little to no damage, while a handgun kills the man instantly. Also, Headshots sometimes don't instar-kill, which is a big nuisance.

Open World and Side-Missions: 9/10 The Open World of FC3 is amazing. It's so vast and detailed it makes it feel like a 2015 game, not a 2012. There are so many things to do after completing the main campaign; Radio Towers, Bases, Wanted: Dead, Path of the hunter, Trials of the Rakyat, Story missions, Relics, Letters of the lost, Memory Cards, Skills, etc.. And they are all really fun

DLC: 7/10 Read my review here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dank_coder/recommended/226459/

Soundtrack: 10/10 Just listen to this song from a mission where you get to burn down a Weed Field (yes a Weed Field!): Make it Bun - Skrillex

Yeah, it's great, right???

Price: 9/10 The Price is quite good considering how excellent the game is. Normal Pice: £15.99 ($20.00-ish) Sale Price: £5.59 ($8.00-ish)

Overall: 61.5/70 - 88% Overall: 8.7/10

Just get this game. It's amazing

Favourite Quotes: 'Do you know what is the best way of keeping employees in check: Fear' 'His name is Buck, and he likes to f-'' 'You are me. And I am you. 'Are you F***ING DEAF? I SAID, GET THE F**K OUT OF HERE, YOU CHICKEN F**K! RUN, FORREST! RUN!'
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good but not great
talllwoood1311 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways this game is fantastic. Over rated but fun. It features a pretty unique story and a charming atmosphere and a breath of fresh air in terms of shooting games in urban environments with a few exceptions I played lately. I did not think I'd like this game and I really did enjoy it as it was free for a short period of time on Ubisoft Uplay. I HATED the second game yet I was bored.. and curious. However there's a bunch of complaints I really have with this that that keep it from being a classic. Firstly it's such a short game. No joke if you knew what powers to get you could probably beat this game in a weekend. Mind you it's about 25 to 30 hours give or take hours to 100% this game. My first complaint is that cellphone. Ok you hear the call. It marks something on the map. Typical GTA logic. Not this game. The game constantly reminds you as if it's rushing you like some impatient kids who were promised Mcdonalds. Can you turn the phone off? No. I ended up putting the phone on mute. That was what I hated the most and it always locked you on to that next half baked mission.

There's very few missions in this is my first issue. I was not expecting 100 I had realistic expectations but seriously. Everything happens so quickly to the point I honestly wonder what would happen if they doubled or tripled the studios budget or made a sequel or two with this story line. Then again hind sight is 20/20 who knew this game would be as successful as it was and they did do their share of DLC but it's inexcusable. You meet this German guy 3/4 of the way into the game on the southern island and 4, maybe 5 missions in. Ready to kill the dictator? Yeah sure! The boss fights were really poorly done. You're gambling with a war lord. He stabs your friend. 3 seconds later it's just you versus the boss of the game in a quick time knife fight. Did the guards eat bad chimchangas? All just really crappy cut scene fights with that silly quick time event fad was cool for Resident Evil 4 but then every studio copied them. There has to be more variety than just that. Seriously though how often Jason hallucinated in the game which the developers seem way too proud of how heavily they rely on it. I did not think that Vaas (tomahawk guy) was dead yet. I was expecting another shoot out or something but no! That was it. Same goes for the final boss of the game. Another big complaint was how far into the game they gave you a parachute.

It's like the game developers had no idea how to write dialogue because it's just like James Bond style bad guys. You get caught and the smart thing to do is to just put a bullet in someones head. Unconscious or not. But no let's be like Goldfinger or Dr. Blofeld (Dr Evil for Austin Powers fans).

The driving I didn't like at all. I pretty much ran everywhere or did fast passes as I found the cars too weak. I was not expecting tanks or invincible vehicles but it got to the point I just gave up on them. The interior of the cars it seemed a bit too zoomed in so I just stared at the GPS. Though admittedly it is quite fun to see the cars fly off cliffs.

Why the heck is there no skip cut scene option! What is this LA Noire? That is inexcusable. That limits your replay value significantly. I don't care how hard the developers worked on the game at the end of the day who is playing it?

The combat can be quite interesting as Jason has a variety of syringes to give him the upper hand in battle as near the end of the game there are a few places the difficulty spikes where like Saints Row 2 the game relies a little too heavily on Rocket launchers. However there are too many unnecessary weapons. How the game is structured if you get all the radio towers which aren't even guarded you can pretty much have a high end sniper rifle or so with only 2 or 3 missions in the game under your belt. I like the stealth elements to it though throwing rocks seems a bit silly and unless you're playing on Legend (hard mode) you'll hardly ever use it. It was cool when Hitman Blood Money did it 4 or so years prior but this just comes off as out dated. Granted I played the game on normal difficulty as it was my first play through but either they are too nice or they spot you too easily like playing Metal Gear Solid 5 against A++ and S ranked soldiers. You cough the right way ... pew pew pew. Such as this mission where you have to blow a truck on a dam up. Which is one of the probably two levels the game has infinitely spawning enemies which to me is a deadly sin in game design. The weapons are terrible for the most part. The red dot sight attachment on most guns I used was quite useful but then there are some weapons where I have no idea what I'm shooting at. The sniper rifles are awful. The scope on the sniper rifle you either get the "luxury" to zoom in more or get an illuminated one which in my opinion was useless. I have no idea why they didn't mix them together. I have very good vision but even I had to sit up and look at the screen as it's a black cross hair on mostly dark characters because if you want to survive you need to zoom in with the file. The best guns in the game still take way too many bullets on the heavily armored guards even the firearm that you get for getting that 18th tower. The enemies were pretty diverse, the helicopters were really poorly programmed and would stay in place like shoot me, shoot me! The heavily armored soldiers should not have been given so much health. The "ultimate" weapons the shredder and the other ones you get for completing certain side quests are too similar in specs as well. The ultimate sniper rifle in the signature portion of weapons having no suppressor is a joke. I have no idea why it doesn't have a higher range though the draw distance for this game is not the greatest and the fact it isn't semi automatic. Just all bolt action sniper rifles.

I feel there is too much padding. 120 relics which you only need 60 unless you want 100% completion. Loot boxes are pointless. The letters are a waste of time as well. I'm just glad you don't have to gather sea shells. The knife throwing was really poorly designed I did it twice. There is no point to the stupid supply drops. Most require no skill and what do you get? Maybe a few levels up fast but no special car, nothing. Not even an achievement on Ubisoft Uplay. Most of the side missions are insultingly easy too. Oh go see my husband and scare him by shooting by his feet.. ok here's 500 bucks or whatever. There is a few of them you can do so simply you wonder how lazy the people on this island are. I never cared for poker so unless a mission said so I didn't bother. The animal hunting was a unique touch to give you an extra edge in battle but there are a few the biggest one being the sharks trying to kill them in the water with a bow. There is a skill to it sure but they were such a pain in the butt and they made certain animals way too powerful. More than once I was shooting at one animal and either a komodo dragon or cassowary were there to try and kill me. Snakes were completely pointless other than a jump scare or two. However the cassowary you fire an unsuppressed weapon and they come running after you blood like someone making a non-PC joke and a Karen or some millennial can't wait to tell you how insensitive you are. The crafting for the most part I feel could have been more than just animal skins. I was picking stuff up with what seemed unreal expectations as certain things I was hoping to put together but nope! Just more unnecessary cash.

Before getting the parachute it can be a bit too easy to fall to your death and the steep hills and all that were pretty lazily done to the point you wonder if Jason has osteoporosis as some falls you just want to rage quit the game how easy Jason dies. The game lets you die when it feels like it to the point I wish there was like hiking boots or so as an upgrade instead of the 4 or 5 guns per tier I guarantee you won't use half. Thankfully there are many checkpoints. Burning stuff looks incredible in this game however there are parts where it becomes annoying especially in the level you have to burn a farm and it takes forever for the crops to burn. There is realistic and there is annoying. This is annoying. It was not a chore in GTA San Andreas why should it be here? Is it just me or was there no oxygen meter when Jason dives into the water.

My last nit picking is some voice actors/actresses sound great but some have such thick accents I have no idea what the heck they just said making the motion capture to lip syncing they did a waste of time . I'm sure there is a subtitle option but it didn't work for me and should have been on by default, their models are diverse and so forth though the "Save friends" ending needed a bit more work. Plus it would have been great to have more than one save folder without having to copy and paste it all.

What I would have done to make the game better a better story, more choices more missions longer missions, you got this big island and not enough happens upgrading the health refill syringe More diverse guns, most are too similar improved stealth more diverse boss battles no spikes in difficulty get a parachute earlier less slippery slopes or way less fall damage

At the end of the day this should have seriously just been a 3D Movie. Similar to what the Resident Evil franchise did. I mean sure you could probably watch some youtuber play it and treat it like one but there really needs to be more out there than kiddie 3D movies about fish finding their parents and whoever thought it was a great idea to make Jerry Seinfeld a bee. Sort of like what The Simpsons and Japanese anime did to make animation what it is today. Darker and edgier humor to more serious tones.

If you've got a weekend off give it a try, It's not a long game, it's not a great game but it's cheap now thankfully.
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Lots of content, but too dumbed-down and arcade
BudgetSecurityGames16 September 2015
FC3 has much the same problems FC2 had. Gameplay may have improved slightly, but its just as dumbed down, arcade and formulaic as last time. The world is still not persistent (which is important in an open world game that has some RPG elements). Corpses and loot vanish within seconds and vehicles just spawn or disappear right next to you, and so on. The usual checkpoint save system does not help here either - it does not save often enough and resets everything. The story is more engaging, but felt too unbelievable and often didn't make sense. I also didn't like the OTT drugs-debauchery-insanity-glorified-violence theme. The side-quests are mostly the FedEx variety, and among the worst I have ever seen. The game world has a bit of a theme park feel - everything is too close together (an enemy camp, friendly camp, and hunting range all in the space of a football field or two). Much of the landscape feels man-made, and no where near as impressive and natural as the island in Crysis 1. The enemy AI, which was one of the few really good things in FC2, seems to have been dumbed down in FC3, probably to make the stealth gameplay more accessible. Graphics, while OK, are clearly limited by the Xbox360 specs. Crysis 1 still looks better despite being 5 years older.

Its not all bad though: the flip side to the flaws is that the game is very accessible to casual gamers. Also, the story's ancient temple exploration segments were just as good as the best parts in 2013's Tomb Raider. A pity there was not more of that. FC3 is also a good PC port, including adjustable FOV and mouse acceleration settings.

I can only recommend this game at Steam's 75% off price.
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The best of the best -- but buggy (PC), perverse
MoeSnodgrass7 November 2013
I'm an old man who's new to video gaming. I wanted to see what the state of the art and all the hype is about. It ends up that I purchase 3 or 4 games for every one that I truly enjoy. I have abandoned many very popular, highly-rated games after less than an hour of play.

The Very Good: The main story is set in the present. That means: no stretches into unrealistic Sci-Fi worlds. I can enjoy Sci-Fi games, Deus Ex Human Revolution is one example, but the interminable popularity of the "Star Wars" series seems to dictate that we must endure comically-voiced robots in every futuristic game. Please.

With a very good story and superb voice acting, this game comes the closest I've found to dramatic realism -- like a good movie -- only interactive. It's still a "first person, shoot 'em up" game and requires a very high level of suspension of disbelief -- more than I would like and greater than most cinema requires -- but this is getting closer to a quality of dramatic storytelling in a game.

There exist fewer gaming clichés here. Gamers seem to hold past clichés as icons, dearly, with expectation, and here I think the developers felt a need to satisfy expectations. Fantasy/Sci-Fi seems the rule in gaming. However the very good aspects of this game demonstrate that the writers/developers were not limited by imagination or expertise. BTW, when I say the voice acting is superb I really do mean superb, at least in the main story line and among the primary and most supporting characters. Allow me repeat: Superb.

The Mediocre: The original, incidental music is mostly percussion and synth, is often repetitive and droning and is just fair overall. The licensed songs (real pre-existing songs used in the game) are generally better. That licensed music plays over certain quests or sequences and whenever you are driving a vehicle. The game takes place on a tropical island and so the licensed music gave a very good sense of location. In that vein however, I, for one, kept wanting to hear "Israelites," the 1968 Top 40 reggae hit by Desmond Dekker. One particular licensed song that makes its way into the game is a truly inspired placement though.

The Bad: For such a good game, the thought put into the side quests seems lazy, like an afterthought. Even the superb voice acting is diminished in the side quests, as though the main quest and the side quests were written by different teams or were hurried. I know, the development time and budget would have cost xx% more to integrate them more closely and realistically into the main quest. Even among all the video games I truly enjoy the lazy side quests are always apparent and sadly there is little exception here.

With that said, there is an ongoing public debate concerning "can a video game be art?" It is these things like the worn-out clichés and poor integration of side quests that will continue to make the skeptics say "No." I very much want that answer to deserve to be "yes." Soon graphics technology will advance to permit a true confluence of games and movies allowing a new and true interactive cinema. Will the game writers and developers be up to the story task? Based on the evidence so far the answer is "no" but Far Cry 3 is as good as it gets. The best motion pictures, throughout the history of cinema for example, never compromised at all but video games compromise too easily and too frequently. That is the difference between games and art and is something I wish game producers would learn.

The Bugs: Even on my 4 core, 16GB, Win7x64 PC with 1GB graphics there exist too many bugs and glitches to list. Outright crashes occur occasionally. Numerous glitches occur that require a restart from the beginning of a quest or at the most recent checkpoint. The system of one saving one's own progress is the worst I have yet encountered, nonsensical, nonexistent. The game auto saves checkpoints well enough and the game is enjoyable enough so that, although annoying, I can dismiss them. It's worth it.

Perversion: so, so many video games, especially FPSs are violent but I have trouble gauging whether the more perverse aspects of Far Cry 3 are gratuitous or not. For the most part they advance the story and create a heightened sense of dread so I'm inclined to say 'no' but this is very definitely adult material. I was somewhat taken aback at a few points and so I felt it is worth mentioning: Adult Material.

Conclusion: The cliché-ridden "Half-Life 2" is often held up as the contemporary milestone in good game development. Yes it is almost a decade older and the technological eras they were created in are vastly different but Far Cry 3 leaves Half Life and most all other games in the dust on the basis of story and voice acting alone.

As of this writing Far Cry 3 as a whole is the state-of-the-art, the best of the best. Given the long time period the Valve company has been taking in the development of Half-life 3, one holds hope for it to be another new milestone, if only Valve can escape its C3PO/R2D2 mentality to somehow find a mature story. Fingers crossed.
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excellent buy this game
dannyhmmcup5 May 2013
being a far cry 2 fan i was waiting for this for years and its fantastic everything about it from the moment the game starts to the end . huge map and its a joy to explore everything and collect everything . the villain is great . my only bad feeling is not enough of him . the combat is great especially the knife attacks great variety in guns etc. and unlike far cry 2 u can go at it in stealth which is a huge edition . the graphics are amazing and at times you just want to enjoy whats on offer. i took this game all the way to platinum . i recommend it to anyone who likes open world . even.if you don't like open world i still recommend it . multiplayer i didn't play much but what i saw of it ,its great to . bit like call of duty . fantastic game a well deserved 10/10
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Great Open World FPS Experience.
Spartan_1_1_729 July 2015
"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"

This game was sitting in my HDD for a long LONG time, finally got around to playing it. And I friggin loved it.

Far Cry 3 is an immense open world/sandbox style FPS game taking place in a tropical island. The premise is that a group of friends, while on vacation, are kidnapped on this island by pirates. The protagonist, Jason, gets free of their hold and now must try to save them all.

The story didn't interest me at first. Just felt like something tacked on to get you into the island and explore stuff. But after a while, it picked up the pace and got good. At one side, you had this quest to rescue your friends while on the other, you were fighting a psychological battle. In both ways, there was this satisfying presence of evolution and the more you played, the more apparent it became and more development the protagonist got.

The friends remained uninteresting throughout though. Would have liked it a lot if they got better development because we ARE trying to save them after all, more motivation would have been nice. It was the other side characters that help you along the way that made the story interesting. Most of them had great voice acting. Also, the villain(s) were great. I'll admit that I was disappointed in seeing that Vaas didn't had that many scenes in the game considering he was advertised like hell throughout. But whenever he appeared, he owned the scene.

Now, the island was VAST. And really dense. There was tons and tons of stuff to do around every corner. It felt really alive as well. Every where you go, you would encounter different animals going about their business. Predators hunting their preys. Pirates patrolling here and there, often fighting with the locals or other animals. This all made exploring the island a lot more fun. The side quests do get boring after a while though. It was all just, kill that pirate, hunt that animal, deliver those goods etc.

Doing missions and fighting enemies gave you experience points, which were used for upgrading your skills and making you a more proficient killing machine. You could craft syringes for various temporary boosts and for health since the game featured health bars. Different pouches could be upgraded to hold more items, ammo, etc via hunting and collecting various animal's skins. This I really liked and it compelled me to hunt A LOT early on since I found it annoying having less items on me. Also, in Ubisoft's fashion, you have to remove jammers from radio towers to unveil the map and unlock more items at the shop. And pirates controlled territories could be cleared to make places safer, which also acted as fast travel points.

Great thing about this game was that you had mostly full freedom to deal with enemies. Some times I used stealth, sometimes natural elements, sometimes I just rushed it guns blazing. Always kept experimenting with different stuff. One really annoying thing though was that enemy A.I kept firing at me even if there is a smoke/fire in between and I cannot see them. This often made me to not use fire. And speaking of fire, it was pretty dynamic. Lighting one thing could very well put the whole place on fire.

There were some true breakthrough points in the game. Two of my favourites were burning weed farm while listening to 'Skrillex' and riding a chopper with 'Flight of the valkyrie' being played. Truly awesome moments.

Graphically, the game looked good and surely had its moments. Tropical setting made for some awesome sightings. The draw distance wasn't too shabby either. Climbing a tower and just looking around always felt mesmerizing.

Soundtrack was great. It varied a lot too. Somber, sad and/or personal scenes had beautiful similar score while fighting/action scenes had fast paced adrenaline pumping music.

A great open world FPS experience. Had a lot of fun with it. Definitely a must for ever gamer.

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best game ever i played
sarkarchandan5324 January 2013

Jason Brody is on vacation with a group of friends on a tropical island in the Pacific when they decide to take a skydiving trip. They all land on a pirate-infested island, and are taken prisoner by a pirate lord named Vaas. Vaas plans to extort ransom money from their parents, then sell them into slavery. With the help of his older brother Grant, Jason breaks out of captivity, but Grant is killed in the escape. Jason is rescued by a man named Dennis, who is part of the Rakyat, the island natives who suffer under the boot of the pirates. The leader of the Rakyat, a priestess named Citra, initiates Jason into their tribe and he is given warrior tattoos. He runs a series of missions where he rescues his captive friends one by one while simultaneously helping the Rakyat retake their island, helped at times by Dr. Earnhardt, a man who is an expert on fungi and various native remedies and drugs. Throughout the adventure, Jason matures into a fearsome warrior and is revered by the Rakyat, though his old friends are disturbed by his transformation into a killer, especially when he contemplates staying on the island permanently. After tracking down and killing Vaas, Jason then moves on to the southern island, which is controlled by Hoyt Volker, a slave trader and Vaas' employer, swearing to Citra that he will kill Hoyt for what he did to both the islanders and his brother. After Jason kills Hoyt and rescues his younger brother Riley, he returns to find the house his friends were in is on fire. He looks for survivors and finds Dr. Earnhardt lying in a patio mortally wounded. He tells Jason before dying that he tried to save Jason's friends but they were taken by Citra and her warriors back to the temple. He returns to Citra to find that she has taken his friends captive. She has become absolutely enamored with him, seeing him as the reincarnation of the Rakyat's mythical warrior ancestor. After Jason walks through a hallucination, the player must then choose whether to execute his friends and remain with Citra or save them and leave the island. If the player chooses to join Citra, Jason executes his friends and has sex with Citra. Just after it, Citra stabs him, saying that their child will lead the tribe, and that he dies as the warrior he has become. If the player chooses to save Jason's friends, Jason comes to his senses and saves his friends from execution. Citra attempts to convince Jason to stay by claiming his friends will move on, and that he should stay in the jungle and become king. Jason states that the violence is over and that there will be no more blood. Dennis arrives claiming that Citra saved him and the other followers. He attempts to kill Jason for betraying Citra, but Citra moves in front of Jason and is stabbed, mortally wounding her. Citra tells Jason she loves him and begs him to not leave before she dies, with Jason sadly apologizing to her. Dennis, shocked at what he has done, breaks down in tears over Citra's body. Soon, Jason and his friends leave the island by boat. Jason narrates that he can't come back from what he has done, as he believes he's a monster and feels the anger inside him, though he also believes that there is still somewhere inside him that's more and better than that.
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A game with total awesomeness ! & Insanity !
Farjad-022328 February 2016
Last year, I played this game.But what to say?

Okay, first start with the story,the story telling is excellent but I didn't liked the ending tho(ending 1),Rescuing your friends is not hard but not that easy, so if you're a beginner I suggest you to choose easy. The multi-player mode was OK.

Exploring in the Island & killing the animals, climbing the towers made the game fun to play.

Vaas is fun to watch & excellent in acting!

Jason is very good.

Citra was the sister of Vaas & played a major role in the game.

Hoyt Volker is also a villain in that game but appears late in game & He was okay.

Liza , the girlfriend of Jason was also good.

Overall the game is focused mainly on its story. & you have 2 options to end the game you like.

My rating 10/10

I gave it 10 rating because of its story & acting by all characters.

Seriously, I have played over 60 games but this is the best game I had played in years!

If you want to spend your money for a good first-person shooter game, go for it....
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jerkitoff8 May 2022
I love the Far Cry franchise it's definitely up there was some of the other "greatest" video game franchises. But Far Cry 3 released in 2012 definitely has to be the best out of all them. The protagonist has an interesting character arc and the story is rather interesting . So why do I claim this is the best Far Cry game? Why did I give this game 10 stars? Well it all boils down to one singular character "Vaas" holy hell is Vaas awesome he was such a brilliantly crafted villain and I actually enjoyed him more than the character you play as (Jason Brody) which is a rare thing to achieve in video game managing to write a villain so well that the players actually enjoy him more then the so called "main character" of the game. The ending for far cry 3 is also great being forced to choice between going back to your normal spoiled rich kid life in America or (the correct choice) kill all your friends and stay with the island baddie. Overall I really enjoyed this game it's definitely a top 10 video games of all time.
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always kill citra
reedcamron6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great game, great gameplay, a story that has consequences? Can't be! Beat it with all memory cards, all outpost and all radio towers. It's just the bugs and Riddler trophy's wanna be relics holding it back. I like that it challenges the player in how many people you kill in the game, you don't just lit a man on fire with a Molotov and burn down a whole forest without any ptsd after the fact. Vaas is one of the best video game villain's ever. I love every moment with him. The other villain, hoyt, is not the worst, just the lays chips of villains, nothing good nothing bad. Citra makes me want to turn her kneecaps upside down and feed her ricin, but fits good with the story and has a good ending twist of kidnaping jason's friends and making jason choose between her or them. Overall is probably the best far cry game.
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Best Game Ever
ejtekubie2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I played this as a kid and I still love it now. The characters are so well developed and Jason Brody is my all time favorite protagonist in video game history right next to John Marston. Jason starts out as a anxious, fresh man starting out in life partying with friends, he and his friends get kidnapped and put in human trafficking. He has to quickly adapt and become a man in order to save his friends and survive. Very interactive and the open world is wonderful because you don't have to do the story and then explore, you can collect all the weapons and equipment before the 5th mission. Best game ever.
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A fun little game.
doesitactuallymatter7 December 2012
The game's biggest strength is that it doesn't overcomplicate things. But it's exactly because of this, however, that life in Far Cry 3 might feel a bit too vanilla after a while.

Set on the paradisiacal Rook Islands, you and your friends get your vacations pooped on when some mean pirates kidnap you for ransom. After escaping and meeting up with the natives, you set off to help them fight the good fight and, in return, they help you find your lost buddies.

Far Cry 3 is basically an open-world action game with some RPG and stealth elements thrown in for good measure. Besides the main plot (which isn't terrible for an action game, albeit the dialogues being a bit weird) there's a hefty amount of content, ranging from time trials and shooting knives competitions to capturing enemy bases and hunting game. There's also a heavy focus on crafting, which is an oddball for an FPS, but it works well and it's simple to figure out.

One of the most notable aspects in this title is that, in terms of gameplay, everything seems to be really well executed. The user interface is excellent, the skill trees and how they're presented make sense and are creative, the combat is simple yet fun, the driving is fantastic, the AI is somewhat accommodating but still decently challenging; it's certainly nice to see Ubisoft put out something where it's really hard to find flaws after the flop Assassin's Creed 3 was.

In the visuals department, you're gonna get some pretty amazing landscapes. There are some minor glitches, long distance drawing could be a bit better and, at certain times, the light burns out a little, but for the most part, it's an eye-candy parade. Naturally, with the level of detail plus the fact that the whole island is one continuous area with no loading times, you're going to need a pretty powerful rig to max this one out. Fortunately, even if you set everything to low, the game still looks really good.

Paradoxically, Far Cry 3's highest point is its biggest weakness.

While it's definitely pleasant to have such an accessible approach to gameplay, it also kills some of the surprise factor. By the time you're done with the tutorial mission, you know exactly how the entire game is going to play out. There's a certain comfort in that, but the trade-off is that you don't get any unique mechanics that will make this a memorable experience; variety also suffers. That being said, the game is not trying to push originality. It's simplicity combined with fun. Some people might be able to get past how familiar everything feels, while others will frown upon the exact same thing.

The other trait to look out for is that, like in most open-world action games, the better part of the content rides on the assumption you want to explore every nook and cranny of the vast island. If walking around finding stuff to do is not exactly your cup of tea, you're probably going to find the journey fairly bland and repetitive. For what is worth, between some combat-related random events and all the side-missions there are to do, it's hard to spend more than a couple of minutes trekking without bumping into something interesting, so that sweetens the pill considerably.

Lastly, there's a multiplayer and a co-op mode that you can fall back on if things are getting too monotonous in the single player campaign. I haven't had the chance to test it since my friends are all imaginary. Tears.

All in all, Far Cry 3 is a humble, fun, very straight-forward action game that doesn't try to push the envelope. But, like that saying goes, one does not need to get fancy when what one does, one does so well. Pretty sure that's a popular saying.
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Good but not better than Far Cry 2.
user-225-7563882 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailer of this game.I became mad for this game,but when I start playing this game it makes me so disappoint only because of it's weak story line.I want to tell it's pros & cons.

Pros:animals attack,sky-diving,vehicles,characters.

Cons:story-line as compared to Far Cry 2.

The story is weak because there is not any reason to end the game.As many of us had played Far Cry 2 in which we had to choose in between death or save our life by giving back the diamonds,but in this if you choose join citra she will kill & if you choose save friends she will killed by Dennis & your friends will go to their homes & left you alone on the island.

Play or not:At your own risk.
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merem111 May 2022
The game is amazing. Exploring the world and taking down the enemies in their outposts is fun. The character Vaas is an excellent villain. The story is good. You feel the insanity of everything going on throughout the game. There are plenty of action sequences that are spectacular. You feel how brutal the world of the game is. The way the game looks is beautiful. The graphics are awesome. This is one of my all time favourite games. I recommend it. Far Cry 3 is a wild ride.
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