Flower Boy Next Door (TV Series 2013) Poster

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A VERY light and youthful Korean TV drama.
cremea7 March 2013
Flower Boy Next Door is a 2013 Korean comedy-romance-drama series. It's the 3rd installment in the Flower Boy series and, like the other shows before it, it is extremely light in tone. You'd be hard pressed to think of too many other K-dramas that are "softer" than this one is.


First off, this show has nothing to do with flowers; "flower boy" is a Korean idiomatic expression that essentially means "pretty boy". Our story begins by introducing the titular "flower boy" to the primary character (Go Dok Mi); Dok Mi is the shy shut-in type girl who has a crush on the handsome young doctor she watches in the building across from hers. Dok Mi is perfectly content living alone in her apartment and interacting with no one; unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, as the case may eventually be), Dok Mi's neighbors are an odd collection of outgoing personalities that become increasingly harder for her to avoid. The most prominent of these neighbors is the character named Enrique. He's the "flower boy" that catches Dok Mi spying on his doctor cousin, soon realizes she's a lost & lonely soul, and takes it upon himself to bring Dok Mi out of her shell and into the world around her. Actually, all the male neighbors are "flower boys" to some degree, but Enrique is the most "flowery".

Dok Mi is the way she is because of something that happened to her back in high school that made her not trust people and withdraw from society. Having a crappy high school experience doesn't really rank all that high on the life problem scale in the long run; when you're in high school though, or not far removed, there is nothing of greater importance than NOT having a crappy experience at that stage of your life, and, that's what we have here; a young woman who just can't get over her past and move on with her adult life.

Park Shin Hye plays Dok Mi. She's pretty effective at portraying the perpetually weary/sad eyed introvert who slowly begins to overcome her fears/wounds as the series progresses. She gets the job done about as well as can be expected of what's asked of her. Yoon Si Yoon plays Enrique; the young and playful expatriate who has nothing better to do than dote on Dok Mi while he's back in Korea; he gives a nice enough performance as the relentlessly positive and energetic pretty boy who simply wants to help Dok Mi, but soon finds himself falling in love with her instead.

The two secondary M/F parts involve the guy that lives next to Dok Mi, and Dok Mi's former high school girlfriend. He's had a crush on Dok Mi for some time, but he's never been able to approach her in order to get close to her. It's an indication of how light this show is that neither he nor Enrique really even compete for Dok Mi via expected methods. Dok Mi's former schoolmate is the only antagonist here, but she barely even qualifies as one, as she and her gaggle of cohorts are about as bothersome as a litter of hungry kittens. She's a scheming spoiled brat of course, and she was rotten to Dok Mi back in school, but she's mostly pretty harmless overall. There are a number of small side stories as well (involving the kooky webtoon editor, the security guard, neighbors, etc). These side stories are mostly played for comedic &/or romantic effect, and, they work well enough to serve as a compliment to the main story line.

This show skews VERY young; the cast is packed full of attractive young people dealing with young people problems. This show is also frequently silly and sickeningly sweet, and the melodrama is so inconsequential in the scheme of things; nobody's dying, nobody will lose everything, nobody's family is at stake, etc. It's more of the "I'm sorry your feelings were hurt, so here's some ice cream" type melodrama. It's an effective series though that's fairly well written, performances are solid throughout, and it's well paced and nicely scored with an appropriately cutesy soundtrack, etc. There's not a whole lot of meat on its bones, and, it may contain the least amount of masculinity in any K-drama I've ever seen (and that's saying something), but otherwise, there's really not much to dislike here.

On the down side, there were two minor sub plots that didn't work very well; one involves the guy living next door having a secret rich family, and the other involves Enrique's troublemaking fan club. The former story was pointless and unnecessary, and the latter had too much importance placed on it. I also wasn't really fond of the way Dok Mi's suitors came across as borderline stalkers on occasion, who were blindly insistent that Dok Mi was in need of their help, when in fact, they had just as much "growing up" to do as she did; that was really the whole point of the show though (i.e. these guys help Dok Mi heal over time while she serves as the impetus for everybody to find out more about themselves, move forward in life, discover love, etc).

Through it all, this show is consistently funny and charming, and, its biggest attribute is that it never loses sight of the fact that this is where its heart lies. The other thing going for this series is that it's sixteen 40 minute episodes, and I love this format because it results in very little time for filler or dragging things out, and everything's usually pretty snappy as a result. Get in, get out, move on to the next scene, episode, series, etc. I wish more K-dramas utilized this format actually.

Bottom Line: This is an adorable little show with a simple and approachable story, and, it's often quite good!...As a bonus, it's also easy to watch/ignore while pretending you don't like it (in case you're too manly or mature to admit as much).

Nicely done overall!...8 out of 10 stars!
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Darling couple, good ensemble, storyline drags towards the end...
fprefect-685-2810843 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Flower Boy Next Door is an enjoyable and engaging 16 episode Korean drama from 2013 and is the third installment in cable network TVN's excellent Flower Boys series - Flower Boy Ramen Shop (loved), Shut Up Flower Boy Band (loved) and finally Flower Boy Next Door (loved).

Video game designer Enrique is the human Energizer Bunny, fast talking, positive, and engaging.

Work from home editor Dok-Mi avoids human contact because of a scarring incident from her high school days.

Enrique catches Dok-Mi peeping out at her neighbor (and his cousin). Amazed the peeper is a quiet, shy, woman; Enrique is intrigued. He finds he intrinsically understands Dok-Mi, which is unsettling to her.

Next door a handsome web comic illustrator and writer live. The writer, Jin-Rok, has secretly crushed on Dok-Mi for years.

What I loved about Flower Boy Next Door:

1. One True Pair (OTP) was darling and engaging. I loved Enrique's enthusiasm and dogged determination to draw out shy-flower Dok-Mi. Dok-Mi dealt with her demons then in a turnabout, becomes the positive force while Enrique deals with his demons.

2. Next door neighbors were handsome and fun. Jin-Rok was the perfect second lead, kind, caring, but misses his chance by hanging back too long. Roommate Dong-Hoon was funny, handsome, and had his own cute love interest in raccoon eyed web comic manager, Seul-gi. She steals every scene with her intense reactions.

What I did not love about Flower Boy Next Door:

1. Dok-Mi's high school demon Do-Whee was a stock mean-girl and was not appealing but irritating.

2. The storyline faded a bit in the latter third of the series. The story was strong while Dok-Mi's re-entered the world. The story faded when Enrique had his troubles, relying on clichés and insufficient obstacles for a couple of episodes. The show ends on an upswing.

3. Third flower boy, Watanabe, had a tiny storyline and could easily have been dropped from the show. Enrique's friend and first love, Yoon-hye, who loves his cousin, was more annoying than endearing.
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Watch it
ishan-kgp10 September 2016
This was my first Korean Rom-com . It's very intelligently written love triangle centering around a introvert girl .

It's drags at times towards the last few episodes but that's a minor fault . for the major part , it's a very tight comedy which will end up you teaching a lot .

I love quotes by the girl where she summaries what's going on in a very beautiful way in almost every episode . I felt they are kinda a profound or may be it's just my first Rom-com :) .

the shows doesn't bores you with a lot of fillers or drags , other support-cast in the series are quite good and keep the interest ongoing
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It was okay
Afi_vaqar15 October 2020
It started off good but I think it was okay It was enjoyable series but could have been better
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Another great flower boy drama.
leahcubed21 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Go Dok-mi has become agorophobic after suffering from extreme bullying in high school. She rarely ventures out and her main "escape" is stealing peeks at her handsome neighbor in an apartment directly across from hers. Things change though when her "flower boy" neighbor has a visitor, his younger brother, Enrique Geum (Yoon Shi-yoon), who spent most of his time growing up in Spain. He catches Dok-mi spying on his brother Tae-joon and him. Park Shin-hye is a lonely girl who never ventures outdoors and spying on her attractive neighbor takes the place of having actual human interaction. I laughed so hard at the angry panda - you will get it when you watch. Oh Jin-rak is a webtoon artist who lives right next door to Dok-mi and has observed her, and loved her, from afar. He wants her to stay just the way she is and protects her and her privacy. A Japanese visitor who desires to learn Korean cooking also moves in and all of the "flower boys" form a friendship. Once Enrique discovers the reason for Dok-mi's spying he becomes determined to draw her out in the world. Dok-mi becomes the center of attention for two very different men one who wants her to stay as she is and the other who wants her to explore what life has to offer.
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💐Peeping Beauty & The 6 Bloomin' Pretty Prunks💐 °Good°
50fiftillidideeBrain12 April 2022
Alas! What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks? It Is The East, And Enrique Is The ☀

This charming little r💓mance brings together the sun & the moon, the dark bitter coffee & some silky white cream, the earthy tea & bright lively lemon, & the girl with social anxiety will meet a boy who hates to be alone.

Duk-mi (Park Shin-hye) is a book editor & hermit. Since she works from home, she rarely goes out. She can go weeks, months📆even, without leaving her building. She brings the outside world in thru her binoculars.

Her apartment is special. Miserly Duk-mi is able to afford it as no security deposit is required, but if she is late even 1 day with the rent, she'll be evicted. That's the rules. Given it's a very good deal, she mostly has longtime, happy, & socially involved neighbors.

Every day there's a note with a drawing & a warm hello stuck to her cold milk delivery. She doesn't know it, but her next door neighbor, who is a cartoonist (more specifically, a web-toonist) is stuck on her, & leaves her notes daily.

She❇ is stuck in a variety of ways. One of them is that she's stuck on the handsome doctor in the bldg across the street. She even enjoys peeping at his dog, so she peeks over yonder more than she should. The doc is handsome, but he seems dull, but spying is all Duk-mi's interested in. As a recluse, she avoids all interaction, so the bland doc seems just her type.

The doctor's younger brother, Enrique, (a game designer) comes to stay with him indefinitely. He's arrived from Spain, where he's been living for yrs. Straightaway he flags Duk-mi doin her thing one morning. He runs across the street to confront her, which terrorizes her. Jin-rok comes to her defense. Thus FBND leaves the building & starts rolling down the street.

16 Eps, @ an avg length of 45min, afford Duk-mi a long time to come around, & that's how they play it. She can be a little frustrating. Isn't that like true life, tho? We almost always expect others to change on a dime, while at the same time, we give ourselves all the ⏰ in the world. We'll find out more about what caused Duk-mi's trauma. She's a metaphor for how bullies can crush the weak.

My niece once told me that we should never judge someone else's pain. I had just been complaining about a family member that's been wearing-hurt-on-sleeve for decades. It makes the person difficult to be around. I was wrong. Niecie was absolutely right. We expect everyone to handle things as well as we do, often even better. Why would we? What do we ❇really❇ know about someone's:

1.🌩Past, when sometimes that person can't even remember it because they've suppressed it?

2.🤰Genetics? Perhaps it's near impossible for someone to lose enough weight to make the 'mob' happy because it's just not in their genetics. We are not born with the same capabilities.

3.🎈/😭 Raw material. Some people can blow off everything & just keep going forward, & some people cannot. Sensitive, smart, intelligent, & caring people, like Duk-mi, can be hurt more easily & more deeply.

As the show progresses, Duk-mi's n/d neighbor (Oh Jin-rok, played by Kim Ji-hoon) finally works up the courage to pursue her. He's been holding back out of deference to her anxieties. Along comes Enrique, who is joy in a jacket. He'll bring joy to the girl. He doesn't know the word "no." He's SO happy🎉 and charming, though, who would want to tell him "no?" Jin-rok must scramble to catch up, he now knows.

Jin-rok also begins a new webtoon about unrequited love, & it's a hit. However, everytime he and his partner go to their editor/manager, she's frazzled & yells at them. Her eyes wide over deep dark circles from a stressful job and lack of sleep, she can be erratic. It's not her best part, but Kim Seul-gi is always awesome. She shines in Oh My Ghost, which is a masterpiece in the romcom genre.

FBND is a cute & warm little series. There's nothing going on but a bit of escapism. It's actually appropriate for younger teens, which could be the group that appreciates FBND the most, though it's fine for old 'kids' too.

The acting is solid, none of it detracts from the show. Park Shin-hye is wonderful, as always. Duk-mi is not an easy role. (PSH is her most amazing, imo, in Sisyphus as an eye-rolling kicka$$). The plot is simple & there are no substandard elements that impede significantly on the whole, which is how it remains a pleasant escape. That's all they're going for, & they aptly succeeded.

That's not to say it could not be improved upon. This trio should be looking through their windows more. They look out every now & then, but it should have been a much stronger ongoing theme. They utilized an ending technique with comics/hand drawing over the business fronts and background. It is so good it's a wonder they didn't do more of it along the way. They certainly leave us wanting more. We don't get much info on Ji-rok's background, which is hinted at, but never resolved. We don't see his webtoon, & we never get to see any of the games that Enrique designs, or even get info on their storylines. It would have been fun to insert those details here & there: Lost opportunities mostly comprise the improvements list, along with its weak, substandard side plots.

The soundtrack🎶 is terrific. The acoustic number: talkin bout love, by J Rabbit, is my favorite.

If you are wondering about FBND, it's light, pleasant, fragrant, & vibrant. It will make you smile, it won't challenge your brain much, (though it has some emotional intelligence value) yet, it's warmth cheers the ❤. Give it a peep👀, my Peeps!


🌹There are too many people who are rude about others' scars.

💐 I thought love was giving up half of yourself and filling it up with her half. She was afraid of love because she was afraid of her dark and gloomy half. She finally realized that love is two incomplete halves coming together. {Enrique}

🌺 Love is a wind-up clock. When it is new it'll give you the exact time. When the time passes, and you forget to wind the springs, the clock will break and stop. He started winding up the springs, so the clock wouldn't stop for a long time.{Duk-mi}

🌻 One person cannot change the world but you can become the w🌏rld for one pers☀n. {Enrique}


🎬7 🎭 8 💓7 🦋6 🤔7 🎨7 😅6 ☀8 🎵9 🔚9

🌸Age 11+ 🗣topics: The lasting affects/damage that bullying can inflict. Practice kindness & patience with people that seem odd, as odd, annoying or strange behavior is often due to pain. Respect others.


They have recycled Kdrama tr♻pes, or plot devices. At this point it's almost a laughable lack of originality (Yet I'm still helplessly hooked on Asian programming, sigh).

♻MSS: Mandatory Separation Syndrome. The onset is after a couple comes together "forever." Kdramas often insist on separating them for weeks, months, or even years before they're afforded a Happily Ever After. It's usually awful. Once Duk-mi starts healing, MSS provides needed time for her to grow on her own. That's what is best for her, so there's no "foul" here.

♻♥🔺 It's near ubiquitous, just edging out CEOs. In fairness, many romances have ♥🔺. Even the queen of them all: Pride And Prejudice. But enough already! Beside any of that, the brilliance of Kdrama scriptwriters shines thru frequently. They can often easily do better. FBND wants to be a little goofy, too. Some might say they took it a little far, but romantics will like it, & e'erbody will love Enrique.

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Nice drama
chanshin-9194019 May 2021
Comedy drama and also good drama must watch it,acting was also good.
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Outstanding acting and story! A great series.
petrasames-35-9619115 November 2021
"Flower Boy Next Door" is a very well written and acted work. It is one of the top romances in the k-drama genre.

Yoon Shi-Yoon is a gifted actor and a true Korean treasure.
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Cute boys
chanshin-9194019 May 2021
Nice drama and also a funny drama must watch it.story was good and acting was also good.
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Yoon shi yoon is cringe unlimited
xavierluca21 August 2019
The story line is weak plus the YSY acting make it a unbearable experience. The three star is just for Jin Rak. PSH as always best in playing a dumb crybaby.
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Usual Story But With Unusual Actor
donkrishna-dk3 February 2021
The story is not so special but Park Shin Hye and Yoon Si Yoon made it the drama more alive. Especially Yoon Si Yoon, he is not just handsome but can play many different character. Shin Ye is so beautiful and charming actually but here she looks clumsy and awful. Without these two player this movie will be very boring from the beginning. But because of them I want to watch this drama every episode per episode.
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Good enough
PennyReviews10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The second best drama of the flower boy series focuses on the story of an urban Rapunzel, who can't come out of her apartment. Due to some past trauma, the girl is afraid of socialising and she prefers to stay at home, spying on her neighbour, with whom she's in love with. That's until a friend of his from Spain moves in with him. So, the drama had a good love triangle dynamics, but, for me, the early resolution of the romance was the main element that killed this drama. Even though the cast was armed with some major names of the Korean industry, the romantic atmosphere wasn't delivered. Other than that, the drama was very light, with elements of a webtoon added here and there, making it fun and easy to watch. Following the flower boy saga pattern, it was consisted by bright colours and some unrealistic events. But, all in all, it was cute, so 4 out of 10.
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Very poor
jonbland-104323 April 2022
I was looking forward tio this as it had my favourite actress Park Shin Hye in the starring role. Sadly it was the worst K drama I have seen so far. I had no sympathy for any of the characters at all and the lead male was frankly just annoying from the moment he appeared on screen. By the end I couldn't care less about any of them and would of been quite happy if they all ended up in prison.
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