Batman: Arkham Origins (Video Game 2013) Poster

(2013 Video Game)

Martin Jarvis: Alfred Pennyworth



  • Alfred Pennyworth : Master Bruce. Stop. Master Bruce. BRUCE!

    Bruce Wayne : What are you...

    Alfred Pennyworth : I will not in good conscience allow you to go. You are outmatched by these assassins and...

    Bruce Wayne : I'm what?

    Alfred Pennyworth :'re not some hardened vigilante. You're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger. You are in over your head and I don't want this to be your end.

    Bruce Wayne : Alfred, who do you see when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove to his first date? While you are here every night, I am out there... the ONLY THING between the innocent and the predatory...

    Alfred Pennyworth : You may be, but...

    Bruce Wayne : No, not 'may be'. I am. When the mugger or the thief stop to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins - because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So no, Alfred, I am NOT in over my head. Tonight will not be my end. But it will be theirs.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : I hope you will try to keep a low profile tonight, sir.

    Bruce Wayne : Trust me. I'll take out those assassins before they even know I'm there.

    Alfred Pennyworth : It's not just that. If some curious child looks out to see who's pattering across their rooftop, they'll expect Santa Claus, not a black-clad, bat-creature.

    Bruce Wayne : I don't patter.

    [Alfred groans] 

  • Alfred Pennyworth : Sir, I've highlighted a nearby manhole on your map. Those sewer tunnels lead directly under the GCPD.

    Bruce Wayne : Good work, Alfred.

    Alfred Pennyworth : And sir, do try to keep out of the uh... muck down there. Remember who has to clean your suit.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : I know I haven't always been supportive of what you do... but I understand now. Go, they need you out there.

    Bruce Wayne : I can't defend Gotham. I can't even defend my own home.

    Alfred Pennyworth : Master Bruce...

    GCPD Dispatcher : [over radio]  Multiple casualties reported! Code Ten! I repeat, Code Ten! Any available unit, repeat, any available unit, please respond...

    [Bruce turns off the radio] 

    Alfred Pennyworth : Master Bruce, now is not the time for doubt!

    Bruce Wayne : I can't do it. I can't stop them.

    Alfred Pennyworth : No, you can't... not on your own. But it's high time you realize you're a man, not an island.

    [Alfred places the cowl in front of Bruce] 

    Alfred Pennyworth : And a man's strength comes not from just brawn and intelligence... but also from his allies.

    [Alfred turns the radio back on] 

    GCPD Dispatcher : Priority one alert: the Joker has escaped from his cell and is leading the riots at Blackgate. Repeat: the Joker has taken over the entire prison. Multiple casualties, multiple hostages - civilians and prison guards. Again, we have lost Blackgate. Captain Gordon is calling on anyone, *anyone*, for assistance!

    [Bruce puts the cowl on] 

    Alfred Pennyworth : They need you.

    Bruce Wayne : No, they need *us*.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : [while Batman is exploring Gotham City]  It's midnight, sir. So I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

    Bruce Wayne : Thanks.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : Eight assassins after your head. What are you going to do?

    Bruce Wayne : I'm going to find out who was operating this drone and make them tell me what they know. Then I'm going to find Black Mask, and put an end to this.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : Assassins, sir? As in more than one?

    Batman : That's right.

    Alfred Pennyworth : And you heard this from the mouth of a crocodile man?

    Batman : His name is Killer Croc. And he's already behind bars.

    Alfred Pennyworth : [sees photos of Croc]  Hmm, I pity his cellmate.

    Batman : I don't.

  • Batman : They're all hired killers, the best in the business. Black Mask isn't messing around. Slade Wilson - Deathstroke. Former military, subject of a failed medical experiment.

    [Slade beats up a squad of Black Mask's thugs single-handed] 

    Alfred Pennyworth : Failed, you say?

    Batman : Garfield Lynns, a.k.a. Firefly. Burns on 90 percent of his body. His obsession is going to be his end.

    Alfred Pennyworth : How unlike anyone I know.

  • Batman : Floyd Lawton, a.k.a. Deadshot. Says here he's an expert marksman.

    [Deadshot fires a round that ricochets behind him and kills several of Black Mask's thugs at his back] 

    Alfred Pennyworth : How on earth...?

    Batman : Suspected of many assassinations. Dangerous, but reckless. Street tough named Lester Buchinsky. Calls himself Electrocutioner.

    Alfred Pennyworth : Shocking.

  • [Alfred is mortally wounded] 

    Batman : Alfred, you can't-!

    Alfred Pennyworth : [whispering]  Don't add me to the weight you carry.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : [over radio]  Sir, I've been listening to the reports coming out of Blackgate. Everything OK?

    Batman : I should be asking you that. How are you feeling?

    Alfred Pennyworth : Well, it's not every day that one's heart must be crudely restarted by defibrillation, but I must say, I feel remarkably well, considering.

  • Alfred Pennyworth : You do realize, it is Christmas Eve, sir?

See also

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