"Echo" Maya (TV Episode 2024) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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More to come
deadpoolrocks-0835910 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At its core this story was about family and how no matter how absent they are always there with you. Starting off with the cons: it was to short, I'm not sure why they decided to make it like that but oh well. It was a very odd thing for Fisk to get back at Maya by blowing up a powwow. It doesn't really seem like something he'd do but I think they were just trying to display how ruthless he is and how do to his childhood traumas he acts like a child when he doesn't get what he wants. I also didn't like the wink before he killed that guy it was just pointless. It was also a bit weird with Maya giving fighting powers to her family members and I'm still so confused what that power is and if it'll ever be explained. Now for the good. Maya believes that Fisk is better than he believes and I do believe Maya still cares for him. The relationship between the two was my favourite part of this entire series even though there was so little of it. Surprisingly didn't end in a big battle which was good even though I was expecting some action. The coolest part is the teaser that Fisk will run for mayor which I'm assuming daredevil will cover. Overall I hope to see a return of her character and I enjoyed the series overall.
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It's not the best of the show but a better conclusion that expected.
robert-1983810 January 2024
It isn't my favourite episode but it's a better conclusion than I expected given it was only 5 episodes. The execution was pretty great actually and it felt somewhat emotional at the end. The ideas/morals and ancestral themes displayed throughout this episode especially is unique, which is good but I do wish this show was longer so that those ideas could have been explored further. Those who worked on this show did great but the biggest issue with this ending is the mockery of Marvel only giving those who worked on it 5 episodes to work with. It's still so much better than the endings of the following marvel shows: she hulk, msmarvel, secret invasion, wandavision. Its a good enough conclusion to a higher quality show than I expected given the 5 episode run time. Kingpin was especially great this episode but so was Alaqua Cox as echo.
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Oh my god
rafamiko11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
-So, Mr. Feige, what do you think of the tone of the show, are we going to make it really marvel-ly or do you prefer some adult type of superhero show with some blood and crudeness?


Echo's finale wraps up a series that was mostly a filler or not even an origin story of the character, because we kind of already have that. Focusing particularly in this episode, my biggest issue with it was the final fight. It was the cringiest thing ever, what happened to the adult approach this one project had, the blood, the planned choreographies for the fights, the bullets, etc? It was aparently an adult show but it solves everything with the power of the family or the ancestors in a fight with no blood, no deaths, no bullets regardless of every "bad guy" having guns in their hands? Not everything in this show was awful, but the unability to balance the elements and stablish a defined tone make this really forgettable overall.
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Love and Peace
moviesfilmsreviewsinc25 January 2024
The MCU show Echo, which started with a lackluster start, ended with one of the best season finales in the Disney+ canon. Despite Marvel's off-note launch, the rest of the series is highly recommended without any "it falls apart in the third act" caveats. Each episode has improved, culminating in a satisfying finale that weaves together the season's themes and delivers some plot surprises. Although the finale is only 37 minutes long, it demonstrates that when used thoughtfully and intentionally, you can accomplish more than any overstuffed smorgasbord ever could. Maya Lopez (Darnell Besaw) accidentally injures a Biskinik bird with her slingshot, which her mother Taloa (Katarina Ziervogel) heals using her powers. Grandma Chula (Tantoo Cardinal) visits Grandpa Skully's pawn shop to retrieve her sewing machine for a job. She encounters Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) at the post office and has a brief conversation about Maya. Maya sends contact lenses and heads home to find her mother's spirit. Biscuits (Cody Lightning) informs her Bonnie and Pokni didn't attend the powwow. Maya returns home to find her mother's spirit and reminds her that her ancestors are with her. She urges Maya to stay and use her power to fight for her home. Maya shows her new suit, crafted by her grandmother, and celebrates at the powwow. Uncle Henry warns Biscuits of danger at the powwow and advises him to take up arms. Biscuits drives his monster truck over Fisk's minions' vans, ensuring they can't escape. Uncle Henry shoots Fisk-minion Zane, who was attempting to launch an RPG. Maya and Kingpin meet in a barn, where Kingpin confesses to killing Maya's father, William Lopez. Maya infuses her family with her ancestors' power and fights against Fisk's men, using her mother's healing powers. Marvel Spotlight's post-credits scene teases the future of the street-level MCU, but it raises questions about the cost of using it to tease another character besides Maya. As Marvel Studios shifts to focus on long-form stories with multiple seasons, the shorter miniseries format in Echo may be abandoned. Despite some structural bumps, the series offers beautiful representations of the Choctaw people, and Marvel should consider bringing them back in the future. The future of Marvel Spotlight may be influenced by these changes. Uncle Henry warns Biscuits of danger at the powwow and advises him to take up arms. Biscuits drives his monster truck over Fisk's minions' vans, ensuring they can't escape. Uncle Henry shoots Fisk-minion Zane, who was attempting to launch an RPG. Maya and Kingpin meet in a barn, where Kingpin confesses to killing Maya's father, William Lopez. Maya infuses her family with her ancestors' power and fights against Fisk's men. Kingpin demands Maya tell him about her actions, but before she answers, he leaves.
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Awful finale
gabocol-3095514 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The arcade fight scene, and the train sequence are way better than what we got in the final fight scene. The episode felt short and was lacking something. The season did not wrap up everything and left the audience with some unanswered questions.

Kingpin didn't feel like a threat. Maya ended up defeating him sorta in the end, so the fight was pointless. Marvel had a potential to make a good fight between Maya and Kingpin but they missed it we don't get any fight between them just dialogue which is repetitive.

They could have played more around with the powers and tattoos because they never really explained the tattoos.
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jameswyattranks10 January 2024
A satisfying conclusion to a story that explores Maya's heritage, her character and her inner conflict. It also does well to reintroduce kingpin in a natural way. It takes time to build up its characters and scenes, which pays off well because you are more invested in the outcome.

Thanks to certain interactions in earlier episodes, scenes in this episode have a much bigger emotional resonance. It almost had the feeling of reading a comic book with the way the story moved along.

It was refreshing and shows you can still tell a compelling story in the Marvel universe through a character study rather than always a hero vs villain showdown. And of course, when there is action, it's brutal, gritty and epic.
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If You Weren't Sure if Echo is a Waste of Time by Now...
infinitetyler13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The series recap really drives home how pointless the last 3 hours have been because of how little has actually happened.

Vincent still carrying the show, as much as it can be. He even makes the other cast members a little more lively.

I'm grateful that they swapped out the godawful synthesizer from the first three episodes with something resembling an orchestra. There's some good production on the festival scenes, some cool drone shots.

I don't understand why Echo needs a gun if she has powers. Isn't that the point of having powers? The Punisher doesn't have powers, but guns are kind of his thing.

Lol @ this last battle scene is appalling. "And I am all the Jedi". Like something a child would make up. So cringe. Then the final showdown is even more cringe. It's cringe on cringe on cringe.

And after it's all over I feel nothing. Literally nothing changed from the beginning of the show. Lol if anything, I think I'm angry that nothing happened over the course of 1/2 workday.
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S1.E5 - Absolute Disaster [4/10]
panagiotis199313 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S1. E5) My Live Reaction / Review for Echo Season 1 Episode 5 ''Maya''. The previous episode was mediocre and I gave it a rating of 5/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. So Maya's ancestors are somehow part of her? The suit that she wears on this episode sucks, it looks so cheap. The dialogue is silent once again and it's super annoying, there is no tension, no suspense, no nothing. So they use some kind of vague ancestral power to beat Kingpin's guys? That's one of the dumbest thing ive ever seen, absolutely ridiculous. The fight scenes are awful, its obvious that the main actress cant fight, that's for sure. Is echo a magician or something or she just uses the ''power of love''? Lol, ridiculous! Wow, just wow, this is so bad. Overall the episode was bad and I give it a rating of 4/10 and this because of Kingpin or my rating would be lower.
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Episode 5
bobcobb30115 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Echo is about as polarizing a Marvel show as I have seen, and that is an accomplishment given all of the chaos around some of the previous series.

I guess the finale was okay, but the big battle scene felt like a letdown. If the Choctaw have all of this power it should never have gotten to this point and they could easily get out of trouble. I guess you could argue about every single Marvel superhero could do that though.

Fisk running for Mayor and potentially winning could be the way they set up the new season of Daredevil, but I would hate for that show to be so on the nose politically instead of what it used to be.
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Not the Same Old Tired Apocalypse
revchristodd-138-98572628 January 2024
Great series. Great actors. A different setting and culture than you usually see in a superhero story. Evidently some people just want to see the same old stuff: white guys fighting evil by killing all the bad guys to save the entire universe. All changes in gender, race, the stakes or the method of defeating evil are intolerable to some "fans." If you value sameness over new perspectives and directions in storytelling, this series and this finale are not for you. I'm really surprised by so-called fans not seeing this as an intriguing and yet appropriate part of Fisk's arc as a character. I for one liked this novel take on a superhero and her powers and dealing with evil.
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Another poor ending in the MCU
ADrunkenUnicorn13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout the Echo series the show seemed to start going down many potentially interesting paths and yet everytime they'd start exploring that path. The show would take a sharp turn and start down a new path, by the conclusion of the show it was clear the writers were lost.

Even though the show started off by showing how young Maya had to overcome a lot of adversity in her life and despite these various challenges she still managed to overcome her life obstacles to become an absolute bad ass. By the finale the tone completely shifted. When Maya was faced with her final challenge she did not have to overcome this particular challenge through any hard work or rely on her years of experience and character growth, but instead she overcame this challenge because she was born with magical powers and is just super special! ... When this event happens in the episode I couldn't help but let out the biggest sigh of disappointment.

This ending seemed to be a complete clash with the original concept of the character. Not only is her adversity she's faced in her life seem relatively pointless now because it turns out she's just born gifted and even her family had their powers activate at the most opportune time. There's no purpose for her years of training, fighting, overcome obstacles or any of that when grandma, her cousin and Maya are just born magical and can kick ass because it's their birth right from the gods.

Honestly, I'm just not sure what modern marvel writers are even going for these days. For decades Marvel told stories about overcoming lifes challenges and used heroes stories as analogies to struggles we face in life. Now a days, it seems like every Marvel story pitch is boiling down to "see the good guy wins because in the last second some magical solution presents itself and they win because they are entitled to victory because they're good... Oh and also friendship! Can't forget the power of friendship!"

I'm at a loss at why Marvel thinks these endings are appealing? Even magical characters previously presented in marvel still had to overcome obstacles to develop their powers. Dr. Strange had to overcome his ego for example and only then could he become stronger. Meanwhile in Echo the story essentially becomes "Echo can overcome her challenge because of ancestral magic that presents itself whenever she needs it." (Isn't that convenient...)

Maybe I'm the odd one out and these endings are extremely appealing to certain audiences, but from my perspective as a long time fan of Marvel shows and comics, it just seems like lazy writing. It feels like these shows are written by an inexperienced teenage writer who has a power fantasy. (No offense to teenagers as I'm sure a lot could write better than this drivel.) Marvel writers should remember this Stan Lee quote "If you're writing about a character, if he's (or she's) a powerful character, unless you give him vulnerability I don't think he'll be as interesting to the reader."

Not that Marvel will ever read this, but if they do. Please start hiring writers that actually care about the source material. It honestly feels like half of the writers for Marvel don't respect the characters or work of past writers. I'm sure there's hundreds of talent writers out there who grew up massive fans of marvel who'll respect the characters and understood what made Marvel so special!

Please Marvel, let's make marvel special again! Because the recent shows like Echo have been anything but special.
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A beautiful ending to a terrific show
sheedyf10 February 2024
Kudos to the cast, producers and everyone involved - especially the Chocktaw Nation who collaborated on the show. Maya is a different Marvel hero - but all the more relatable for her differences. The whole series wasn't your classic Marvel show and was all the better for it. Each episode had heart, emotion, the interesting historical vignettes that came together so nicely in the finale, humor, drama, tense action sequences & tied in the Defenders mythology nicely, whilst also leaving me with a renewed appreciation for Hawkeye - which had a lot going on such that, for me, at the time Maya's story got a bit lost in it all. I'm so glad Marvel gave her this opportunity & I really thought Alaqua Cox did an amazing job. Vincent D'Onofrio of course brings it as Fisk/Bullseye. This was a lovely finale and I'm glad Maya got a somewhat happy ending for now. I hope we get to see her continue to grow in future projects. Bravo.
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Prismark104 March 2024
By the end I thought what if I was a Native American. How would I feel about a superhero show that dipped into the cultural aspects of Native Americans. Would I feel stereotyped?

I did not think the same with Ms Marvel. That had writers and directors of Pakistani/Muslim heritage.

The final episode of Echo seriously underwhelmed and even looked cheap. Maya turns down Kingpin's offer to be his successor. Become the Queenpin. So he goes for revenge against her and her family.

Only Maya is ready. All those flashbacks of her ancestors had a purpose. They are all with Maya to fight against Kingpin's goons.

The final fight took its cue from the girl power sequence of the climactic battle in Avengers: Endgame.

It was evident that many Maya's male relatives were sidelined. Even the part with the monster truck was badly done. What happened to the guys with guns in the back of the vans? No one even attempted to get out, were they all crushed inside the vans?

In the end this was a rushed through and misconceived show. It's only aim was to be content for Disney's streaming channel. At five episodes something must have gone wrong for it not to even be expanded to six episodes.
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Terrible ending to a bad series
tyson-davis-11-92227718 January 2024
The writing and directing for this series was bad. The acting was mediocre with the exception of one person (you can guess who.)

However, the last episode was complete trash. The only redeeming scenes were the powwow scenes towards the end. At least they were entertaining to watch. I wish I could say the same for the rest of the rushed, nonsensical episode.

It's as though the producers were told they could have 8 episodes but at the last minute they were told they only get 5. It can't have been because they went overbudget -- all the episodes looked cheaply made. But this episode is laughable at how cheap it was produced.

Marvel continues its death spiral. I hope this last episode of its worst series is the nadir. For some reason I doubt it though...
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