Meet Me There (2014) Poster


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Weird, not scary. Boring, not exciting. The acting was OK.
chrismackey19727 July 2015
About 9 other reviewers gave this movie 8-10 stars. I'm calling BS on their objectivity. I think the high reviews for this were made by those affiliated with the film. It's got a very weird storyline, and the very end makes no sense. Some of the other reviews said there were some jump scares and this movie goes beyond cheap scares. Even cheap scares would've been better than what this movie had, which were no scares. I started falling asleep, it was that boring. And no, not a single jump scare.

Usually, low budget films, which this definitely was, gets crappy actors to go with the crappy budget. However, the acting was not bad at all for what this movie deserved. The two leads might go on to better things.

There is nudity in the movie. About 6 minutes in, the lead actress shows everything. Later, they have sex in a field, and one of her breasts is shown.

The cinematography was not good. It had very much of a low-budget look. The atmosphere was not interesting, neither was the scenery or directing.

I gave this a 3-star rating. I do not recommend, unless you're having trouble sleeping. This will definitely cure your insomnia. ZZZZZ!!!
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Bad acting wrapped with good idea.
Evanoil30 July 2015
In general i would say that this movie is a total waste of your time , the acting is very bad , in fact its so bad you cant turn a blind eye to it.... The movie is shot in 80s style , it seems like the voice is a little delayed and the video seems old. one thing this movie does is taking you back to old school horror movies. Not only the bad acting ruins it for this movie , another thing is that the dialogs are too long sometimes - too long and doesn't seem to deliver any massage or feeling at the end. I really liked the style this movie was shot , looks like the director and the writer had an idea but wasn't very good at their job so the idea went to the garbage can.
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Could have been so much better
RobLazovic7 July 2015
I only gave this film 4 out of 10 but..... This film had real potential but was let down by extremely poor audio recording, somewhat poor continuity and bad camera work. You could put this down to the fact that the vast majority of the tasks (Producer, director,cinematographer, sound editor) were all performed by Lex Lybrand. The locations were well chosen and gave added punch to the creepiness of the film, but too bad the lack of stability on the camera and focus distracted this in many ways. In saying that, the story, however, was solid though acting a little weak - this could have been the director's fault though. Even though it came across as a "C" grade (maybe "B") film, I was still captured enough to watch the whole thing - it certainly had the creep factor. I still recommend watching it as supporting micro- budget films is a gateway for these filmmakers to continue to produce more content as well as learn more as they evolve their processes and technical abilities.
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Out of here
begob13 July 2015
A hopeful couple try to figure out their mutual sex problem by retracing her repressed past on a visit to her rural hometown.

Good concept, nice actress, story a bit cliché - but terrible direction/editing/writing. I assumed the latter three were down to the lead actor, and was willing to give him credit for having the dumb determination to put this mess together, but IMDb says several people were responsible.

Low budget, so allowances are made. But the major problem is the director set the actors up for long, static scenes with lots of patchy dialogue - some interesting, the rest unnecessary. Sitting. Standing. Walking slowly. Focus comes and goes. There is an excellent shot early on, with the men back-to-back in the field, which gave me hope. But the story died on screen and, I guess, was already dead on the page.

Music atmospheric, nothing special, and the singing was pleasant enough to outshine everything else.

OK ending, but bad story telling ruined the experience well before that.
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What did I just fast forward?
gragsy7 July 2015
Okay I did fast forward quite a bit of this movie so some might say I should have been more patient. Really though I tried to but everything about this movie was just rubbish from the storyline to the acting, to the directing to the (the list goes on....)

This is only the 2nd review I have done on here but when all the other reviewers gave 8 to 10 stars I thought great, a new movie that really looks good and the fact it was supposed to be a horror with comedy mixed in made it even more promising.

Anyway if you don't believe me see for yourself and it will become evident that the other reviewers must be friends or family of the actors or are from the hills where they have no TV's and have never seen a good movie before.
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Don't Bother Going There
gordon_rcvs22 August 2015
The start of this film is so, so good and offers up the promise of a cheap but inventive psycho-horror. This proves not to be the case. Far from it, in fact.

Where to begin? Everything is shoddy! The acting is stilted with the lead actress in particular failing to match her emotions with the events occurring around her. The plodding, inane dialogue becomes an endurance test in unnecessarily long scenes. The director clearly has no idea how to use a camera to tell a story - his 'style' is a perfunctory point-and-shoot approach with some bad shot choices, awkward framing etc. The audio is terrible with much of the dialogue dubbed over.

Here's the perfect encapsulation of how clumsily and poorly put together this film is: you can hear the director call "Action!" at the start of one shot. How the hell do you make that sort of mistake?! How incompetent do you have to be to not catch that?

I won't say much on the plot because I'm not sure what the f*** was going on. I can deconstruct and explain the likes of Lynch's 'Lost Highway' and Kaufman's 'Synedoche, New York' with the best of them but I'm clueless as to what the muddled mess of an ending was about and nothing short of a loaded gun is gonna get me to go back and watch it again.

Ignore the high praise of the early reviewers. They're clearly friends and family of the film makers. Not only do many of them have the same location as the film makers (Texas) but they've also signed up just to review this film and talk it up as if it's the Second Coming of horror. It's not. It's truly awful.
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I do love cheese
BatsyCharky8 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It depends on what yer into I guess. It was overall a cheese fest. Although I did enjoy the heads in the fridge. That was cute. The couple were believable I didn't understand the ending. But it killed sometime before bed.
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An ambiguous indie bore
Leofwine_draca23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A woeful would-be horror film, MEET ME THERE prides itself on ambiguity but I found that merely an excuse to cover up poor writing and a general lack of effort all round. The film's protagonists are an arguing couple (yeah, one of those, worse luck) who return to their home town only to find themselves treated as outsiders by the townsfolk and made very unwelcome.

I found nothing interesting about this film whatsoever, the non-existent narrative being the worst offender. The shaking camera is more likely to give you a headache than anything else, and the tattooed sex scene is quite repulsive. Overall it's very amateurish, badly acted, and a bore.
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No No No No No No
safsurfer23 July 2019
Awful garbage...don't waste your time. Terrible script, camera work was worse than amateurish, acting was below standard, and plot was nothing, if the only thing one could decipher from this film. I made better films in grade school. Miss this one, you'll be glad you did.
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nogodnomasters7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Calvin (Micheal Foulk) and Ada (Lisa Friedrich) have bad sex which she blames on his "cloud of bad stuff around him." (This is as good as the dialogue gets.) He is patient with her, and it makes you wonder if they ever had sex. They return to her backward home town of Sheol, Oklahoma, apparently the US equivalent of Japan's suicide forest judging from the first scene. They hope to do some sort of regression, face the old demon therapy which includes black and white films of dreams and flashbacks. The town is a bit odd, although not too far from the norm for small rural Oklahoma towns that hates outsiders. Up to this point in life we find out Calvin's biggest life regret was "not dancing with the Smurfs" at age 6.

The film was boring. The characters were impossible to get into. The camera work wasn't great, and I got motion sickness as the pair walked. The sound inside the psychologist's office had a background noise to it. The acting lacked and the supporting cast was even worse.

The DVD cover has 6 award looking marks which upon closer notice are simply "official selection" which is the equivalent of a T-Ball trophy.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Lisa Friedrich plus some Druids without tattoos)
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It reminds me of my childhood
lindeer8 April 2020
This brought my fear of small towns and the south back to life. Is there a soundtrack? because all the songs in there were bops.
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An interesting southern gothic tale
flakeycamarodip14 September 2020
The script itself is really, really good. The musical score and soundtrack is very tone-setting. Any issue with the film is really due to the limited budget. The ADR is really bad. The editing is come and go. The acting and direction is about what you would expect from a movie like this. Overall though, I'm glad I checked it out! Gotta keep in mind that this was a crowd-funded movie, not a major motion picture. Sit back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy yourself.
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A unique, haunting film for a new generation of horror
soundofgermanhiphop20 August 2014
Had the film only been the opening sequence, I still would have rated it just as highly. The opening is striking and original, setting the tone for the rest of the film. The special kind of horror played out isn't simply jump scares and gruesome images, but the kind of unsettling fear that starts as something small settled somewhere deep in the pit of your stomach, nurtured by each scene until it's grown too large to be ignored. There's a staggering sense of humanity woven through the dialogue that grounds the film, reinforcing the idea that something horrible and fantastic could be all too real. Meet Me There is a gorgeous film, both in it's luxe cinematography and it's beautiful, haunting simplicity.
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A fresh and refreshing take on the genre
mallroy20 August 2014
Hovering somewhere between supernatural and psychological horror, "Meet Me There" is a welcome twist on the tropes that permeate both horror and independent film. A spectacular cold open filled with creeping dread sets the tone for the film, which specializes in leaving you unsettled and never fully answering all of your questions. This is a breath of fresh air in a genre that has lately taken great pains to over-explain everything, no matter how unsatisfying the answer. "Meet Me There" aspires to the lofty heights in both tone and quality of recent transcendent genre films "Beyond the Black Rainbow" and "Kill List" -- while also being nothing like either of those movies.

"Meet Me There" manages to squeeze terror out of a small town in the middle of nowhere, while presenting a pair of exceedingly likable protagonists that you actually want to root for -- another rarity in the genre. The largely-unknown cast really shines, while professional wrestler Dustin "Goldust" Runnels is a standout in an understated, sublime supporting role.

Witty dialogue, a master class in building tension waiting for the other shoe to drop and a talented hand guiding the production add up to a small-budget horror film that is worth going out of your way to experience.
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Great acting, intense throughout
christrew20 August 2014
Mostly a horror flick, yeah, but there's funny moments in here, too. That's important to keep in mind when reading about a movie like Meet Me There. I was uncomfortable at times (in a good scary movie kind of way). I was weirded out at times (in a good scary movie kind of way). I was grossed out at times (in a good scary movie kind of way). I also laughed a few times (bonus!). The acting was pretty great and I enjoyed the locations as well. Looking forward to more from the actors, writer, and director who combined forces for this project. I saw this film during Wrestlemania weekend in New Orleans and it was one of the best things I witnessed (and Wrestlemania was awesome so that's saying something special). Thumbs up, this is a good (and bizarre) movie.
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Fantastic, funny and creepy
hudnaje20 August 2014
Meet Me There is an amazing film, across all areas. The feel it has as a horror movie is full of suspense. It is well-earned, though, since that dread and despair comes from things being just different enough to become unsettling and almost alien. It isn't cheaply generated from jump-scares.

It's not all heart-pounding terror, though. Meet Me There probably has the funniest dialog in a horror film I've ever seen. The conversations between Ada and Calvin, particularly in the car, are hilarious.

The actors do fabulous jobs with their characters, as everyone feels like a real person instead of just another stock cliché, even the creepy ones. Dustin Runnels as Preacher Woodward shines, but Michael Foulk and Lisa Friedrich, as Calvin and Ada are just as wonderful.

If you want a movie that's creepy, disturbing, and also incredibly funny, I cannot recommend Meet Me There enough. It's a tremendous film.
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Captures the creepiness of the small-town South
masterplan-85-86606020 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Small towns aren't just weird, they're weird in a way that's completely unique and unsettling, and that's something that Meet Me There understands perfectly. From the moment that Calvin and Ada arrive in town, this movie is relentlessly unsettling, keeping everything on edge with exactly the kind of creepy atmosphere that you get in those weird, out of the way places that either drive people out or absorb them into their own weirdness, and it's a thrill to watch Calvin and Ada, particularly Ada, struggle with trying to escape only to be dragged back in again and again.

Also, it probably goes without saying, but Dustin Runnels (the WWE's Goldust) is absolutely amazing in his role as a preacher who effortlessly moves from folksy to terrifying, sometimes in the span of a single scene. Great stuff, and well worth watching.
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Creepy Preacher and a very strange town - two thumbs up!
dca136719 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit I sort of knew what to expect going in to the movie but I was surprised by how many times it still made me jump. It has so truly suspenseful moments. and the strange girl in the grave yard singing was so creepy.

Not saying it did not make me laugh because those moments were there as well. The car scene pops into mind. They are mixed in with some very weird scenes that make me wonder about the dreams the writers must have.

Trying real hard not to spoil it for anyone.

It is not gory and the violence is not too bad. Lots of language but hey what do you expect for this type of film. Nothing that you do not hear walking down the street.

Go see it................I think you will like it.
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Creepy with a great story
sililwsk20 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was fortunate enough to attend the world premiere of this movie in New Orleans and loved it. I hadn't watched a horror movie in a long time because a lot of the recent ones I had seen previews for seemed to be mostly gore and lacked a story.

"Meet Me There" is very story-driven and has no unnecessary gore. The story is one many people can relate to, myself included. The couple in it is very realistic and I loved all the stories they told about their life during their road trip.

It is well-acted, creepy, and definitely worth a watch! I highly recommend it!
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