Uncovering Aliens (TV Series 2013– ) Poster

(2013– )

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dukat29114 February 2015
Like most shows of this sort there is next to nothing reliable in it. There was one about Lake Michigan (not far from where I live) and two of the incidents in this episode had "lights" in it. One was a video they watched and one was at night by the lake. Both of these "lights" were so blatantly edited to "glow" in after effects that I almost threw my remote at the TV.

I've come to notice this kind of rubbish is becoming the norm in programming on the entire Discovery family of networks. I miss when shows came out that at least left the decision up to you at the end. Not forcing supposition and conjecture down our throats under a thin coating of "fact" and "truth."

Unless you're looking for something to laugh at or shake your head at I would strongly suggest not viewing this program.
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Absolutely awful
rtim1212 February 2014
Of all the lame, tedious insults to intelligence "reality TV" has foisted on audiences, this is the worst. Four people who are supposed to be intelligent, sophisticated researchers sit around slack-jawed with awe listening to any kind of bunk coming from "witnesses," as if the four just fell off the back of the pumpkin truck. Evidence? Who needs evidence? People talk about their "emotional" close encounters ("when I saw the triangle in the sky I felt a great sense of peace and love"),and nobody even questions the statement. UFOs zooming out of Lake Michigan and sailing off into the western sky? Sure, why not? No photographs? No problem! An alien waltzes into the bedroom of a teenage girl and she doesn't completely freak out? Okay! An alien is seen in the bedroom of a married couple eyeballing the wife and the husband says, "get out," and the "evil" alien obeys? Absolutely! In one particularly ridiculous scene, two "researchers," one of whom--an "ex-CIA operative"--wears a black cowboy hat and long black coat, like he just walked off the set of "Gunsmoke," are standing by a creek. The body of water is maybe 10 feet across and 3 feet deep, but they think it was the means of escape for a triangular space ship, which was landed on the creek and floated to Lake Michigan, where it could be hidden. Yikes.

In a word, avoid.
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Not any better than Youtube
frosted_506 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show has no future, they waste time on useless stories and when they are able to get on a good piece of evidence, they almost screw it up on purpose to let us see their phony ''surprised'' faces with the lousy sounds effects and useless comments.

Spoiler Alert:

-when they get to see a chopper, instead of trying to get a clear shot at it with the camera, they just go in panic mode running and driving all over the place like idiots. They don't even try hard to get a pass to investigate the ranch.

-after filming the flares on the beach, they get to see a real sighting but they record only like 15 seconds and waste their time on useless opinions when they could do further investigations on the sighting and video analysis.

-They get a piece of ''unknown'' aluminum alloy which the scientist clearly say that it could have been man made(manufactured).. but the don't push the tests further...

They're just a bunch of amateur jerks who knew the right peoples to get their own show. Some people does a better job making Youtube videos without getting paid.
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er-50018 December 2013
So sick of shows recapping whats already been shown during the show after every ad break. But what makes this such a lame show is the lack of anything interesting. Certain events are so clearly staged thats its beyond belief that they expect us to believe its real. Example: the black hawk helicopter chase. I wanted this show to be interesting but not even the characters pulled me in let alone the lack of any credible evidence. I'm not going to waste to much time on this review because its clear the producers didn't waste to much of their time creating an interesting and believable show. Take a 40 minute walk instead of wasting your time watching this trash.
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Not Worth Watching
Tired_of_Bad_Work26 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The 2 shows from 2013 were so sad they didn't deserve even a single star. The people who think up these shows must write for the gov't as well because they sure do think the average American will swallow anything. The aluminum slag that was sawed off a casting that they tried to pass as being "shot" off a UFO by someone too large to hold a shotgun properly, never mind aim it well enough to hit an "orb."

And let's not forget the "crew": Jones and Sims may as well be "smith and Jones" because they are both claiming to be black ops guys who have unverifiable backgrounds and alien encounters. What nut-hut did they find these clowns in? Where does Smith's accent come from anyway, it mutates during the show from Australian to English to American depending on the length of statement he's making and the number of syllables in a word.

It does make for a good comedy routine just as the Bigfoot hunters, ghost hunters and the Appalachian Mountain monster hunters or whatever they called themselves.

It all started with Ghost Busters.
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Very enjoyable to watch this show has great potential
user-874-41036518 December 2013
I give this series a 10 because there are not a lot of UFO live investigations made by crews...i can only remember UFO Hunters, then you have the usual documentaries like Ancient Aliens and so on. I would only wish it was a more detailed investigation and the episodes where at least 10 minutes larger or 1:30 min. I say put raw material do take shortcuts.

Really liked the way the have 4 people investigating the same location and with different oppinios about Aliens, it could get even better if you would include more scientific aftermath material like after reviewien that radioactive site they didn't really search with any more advanced detector i was expecting a full scale scaning of the site..at least some made from outside the protected area. I found it fascinating that they spot on a Black Hawk at the site and followed it till it disappears...to be honest this show could show much much more, but they take it simple and don't make further investigations a fair vote would be 7 stars, but since people voted below that mark i think is unfair, cause its a really well done production...it just needs more of what it already has. Thanx
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Always Eat Your Vegetables
rkowna2 September 2014
Unreal. The last couple of weeks have been terrible with 12 hour days no time for anything but work. I starting eating junk food instead of good and paid the price with a horrible cold and a weekend in bed. I was digging through the DVR and found this gem, Uncovering Aliens. About ten minutes in to the first episode I thought I was watching a half effort mockumentary. Clearly this wasn't up to snuff with say Christopher Guest's great works but it was funny. As I continued watching, however, I found the joke was on me. I searched the internet and it turns out this Mike Bara guy is not fictional, unless he is a brilliant performance artist and created a bunch of other web sites and even a book called Dark Mission. In keeping with the quality of this show the website for Dark Mission listed it as Dank Mission, I thought it was a good bud oriented movie. Not so. This Mike Bara guy talks about 4 sided tetrahedrons, torsion physics, his cats, glass domes, tunnels, and people living on the moon and mars.... If I had stopped and just bought an apple or two this may never have happened to me. If the internet didn't exist I would have gone to bed happy having thought I saw a good bit of satire poking fun at lunatics. Nope. Joke was on me.
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Uncovring Aliens; already aired
Sedona-ologist30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Uncovering Aliens - Pilot, Black Ops Conspiracy Episode was much better than the other two recently shown yesterday 1/15/14. For me this pilot was a 10 out of 10. They kept to reality of what has occurred on nearly a daily basis. Those interviewed in the primary meeting were actual locals. (I was there and skeptical at first about their approach to this show). This was a nicely paced episode with a lot of information which could have been more interesting if they had talked George into going with them. Clearly there is something going on in Sedona, Arizona. The compelling glue to the story line was George Pilgrim's experiences which were not all covered, but his interview was engaging enough to make me question how much is in plain sight that we are not seeing happen right under our eyes. I witnessed many things along with George for much of what he spoke about. Knowing the land as I do... this was the most REAL reality show I have seen in a very long time. You Gotta Watch it! like George Pilgrim said, it is the 'wild wild UFO west' out here!
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worse of all!
kaptainkoreainc8 April 2014
Stupid,stupid,stupid,stupid. I'm not saying there are not strange happenings that warrant investigating, I'm saying that my life is worse now, Having seen this. If you enjoy this poorly made show, you should be sterilized to keep the human race from becoming less intelligent. I would rather watch 24 hour infomercials "Clockwork Orange" style than this mental junk food...and I believe in alien life..Do people really watch more than one of these, please tell me this isn't still on the air...is it? The dialog is obviously prompted if not outright scripted, if it is, it's a horrible attempt to simulate "real" conversations...PEOPLE DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!! not in the really real world at least. If some of the people being interviewed are real, they should be angry at being a part of this. If they spent more than lunch money on the special effects, it might have been almost watchable, doubt it...every year T.V. gets dumber and people seem to fall for more and more dribble like this. Did some T.V. executives make a bet to see who could make the worse show, that might go past a pilot? If so we the people are the clear losers of that bet. It got under mt skin so bad, I created an account here just to warn people of the I.Q. destroying quality of this "show"😊
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stepenwolf-869-91677915 March 2015
what a bunch of garbage these guys are as bad as the Bigfoot people I don't think they could find their but with both hands and a floodlight. It boggles my mind that anybody with any intelligence at all considers this worth watching. I don't know who writes their script but at least they could try to come up with something this it least partially believable. I just love the expression of trying to look serious on their faces, do these people actually get paid to do this? If they do no matter how much it is it's too much.I guess this is supposed to be reality TV some of the garbage that's out there that is supposed to be reality" is an absolute joke. I really do wonder about the people that watch this week after week! Get a life people watch National Geographic.
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Pure Hokum
magrudzinski13 February 2014
Of the latest batch of UFO related shows, this is the absolute worst. Sensationalistic, unscientific, garbage. 4 so-called "experts" spout off lots of hair-brained theories without any real evidence or documentation to back it up. I've seen two episodes and that's enough for me to never, ever watch this show again. It seems to me that they're more interested in getting their mugs more camera time than showing any truly compelling evidence. The worst two of the bunch is the squat little British guy who claims to be a "contactee." The other is a cowboy wannabe who claims he was a "CIA Operative." Sure he was. In another era he would have been selling snake oil out of a covered wagon. Hopefully this show will be quickly canceled because it's set back legitimate UFO research 20 years. Since the loss of true scientists like J. Allen Hynek and James E. McDonald, the UFO scene has had it's own invasion...of quacks, hucksters and con-men. UFOs are a fascinating phenomena on it's own without polluting the airwaves with such reality-t.v. inspired nonsense. I'd love to see a show that's presented more soberly, more scientifically with real experts presenting compelling evidence.
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What a joke!
kram6628 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen a more pathetic show on Television. What scientific qualifications do these people have? It's amazing how the guy from the CIA has a Geiger counter to test for radiation and claims when it goes off, he claims the existence of UFO's.. . You have got to be kidding, is this some kind of joke? This is just glorified for TV and the basis has no scientific evidence whatsoever.

They claim they have had ET contact all their life, but where is the proof?

Then they grab random people and they seem to just make silly claims but again without any proof.
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A Genuine Fraud or just STUPID
kenalbertfranco26 August 2015
FRAUD or JUST PLAIN STUPID…I just watched one of their shows on Discovery Science. The one where they declared 'unworldly' a piece of metal found on the driveway of an alleged abductee from rural Ohio. They have it tested. It is aluminum with some silicon and traces of strontium. The lab tech declares the sample as unknown origin. The group deduces that the sample is 'evidence' that the alleged abduction was real. A DUMB alternative was found after literally 2 minutes that I spent on Google Scholar…a patent for an aluminum forging process that uses silicon and guess what?…HA!… trace strontium!SEE http://www.google.com/patents/EP0937162A1?cl=en…Discovery Science follows the dictum, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American (now the WEB)public." IDIOTS I'm sorry
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i enjoy the show a lot.
waltherjerry20 February 2014
what iv watched on TV is quit good,since most mornings on a clear night I can watch UFOs when ever I want,if you know where to look.i kept s record for awhile.in one night I saw 23 UFOs,an some crazy things happen too.my wife an her daughter saw them too.i call it the milk run.anyway my name is jerry,an I'm retired law enforcement.not just some typical nut.my e mail is Patchesyog@AOL.com.proof is in the pudding.when I first starting watching the skies was in the winter of 2004 when we were living in new jersey.we had to go out side to smoke,so while I was outside one morning around 4am,i was looking up at the stars,and I thought I saw something moving.so I just kept an eye on it until I couldn't see it anymore.an as I kept watching,i found more of the same thing,night after night after night.
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This show is pure joke and sadness at same time
expert-frager8 April 2014
My review is gonna be so detailed and well constructed like the show.

This television garb ash is so bad that make me cry and laugh at the same time.

The cowboy and nut guy are so bad that I cant compare to anything.

I really feel sorry for the people who are en joining watching this crap.

Defennatly better shows on you tube or in your own bathroom.

I just think is so funny the cowboy using the stupid device to try support any point. I strongly believe when hes done in the bathroom the device does the same sound.

Please just turn off your device or change channel before the show starts.
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Don't Be So Sure
lpgman5 January 2015
OK...this is for all of you naysayers. I've owned a house in North Myrtle Beach for 20+ years. I've never seen or even thought about UFOs that much. That is, until last week...New Year's Eve to be exact. Without going into all the details, I saw the lights that were filmed on the show, except I saw 11 of them, and for around 20 minutes. The only reason I'm posting here is because I started investigating (Googling), and this is one of the sites that showed up. So, for all of you that are poo-pooing the show, let me say this...you just don't know what you don't know. Before you say, "Yeah, he's just a back woods red neck talking"...no, not the case. I probably have more letters following my name than many of you have in your name. I've worked / lived in several countries and visited many more. So no, I didn't just fall of the turnip truck. I honestly have no idea what it was I saw. All I know is I feel different now..like not quite as sure about "things".
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total rubbish dont waste your time
rose_hobbit4 January 2019
The worst two of the bunch is the squat little British guy who claims to be a "contactee." The other is a cowboy wannabe who claims he was a "CIA Operative." Sure he was. the other two seam along for the ride cant believe they got paid for making this rubbish
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chrisfield-3761218 March 2016
Oh my god,what a bunch of whackjobs and fk wits...ex CIA? If that man has had any role within the CIA i am a fooking Chinaman,the man is a complete and utter moron,wandering around with his gadgets lmao,the englishman is a total and utter fruit loop,yeah I've had many encounters and abductions and they are peaceful loving creatures!?!? Omg an escapee from a puzzle factory,this show is one of the worst I've ever seen!?! Running away from black hawk choppers lmao yeah right,a piece of alien spaceship that some cross eyed hick had shot off a silver cross pram...my god discovery,you used to be a semi serious channel with interesting subjects,but this,this!!! I thought alaska monsters was low!and the fookwits of not finding bigfoot,or being able to find fat matty bag lady moneymakers arse for that matter...Discovery,you are turning into a total laughing stock!!! Any fit American ladies 35...45 any chance of a green card???
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Uncovering Aliens is a refreshing look at UFO's
gtravis-873-65423917 December 2013
Finally, a show that explores the subject of UFO's with careful analysis and with great evidence and credible witnesses. The four investigators are a great team. Hope to see much more of these guys. Everyone appears honest and believable. Mike, Maureen, Derrel and Steven appear to be experts in their fields and complement each other very well. The witnesses are all credible people that have seen things and want an explanation. Other UFO documentaries sometimes seem overly dramatized with unbelievable witnesses and investigators. Uncovering Aliens is refreshing in that it seems that that the producers concentrated on better quality evidence and intelligent people.
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love the show
handgunner19118 February 2014
I really love the show.I've been following derrel sims work for a long time.ie im really sick of skeptics.i do not care for the guy on this show that's the skeptic always trying to disprove what people have seen or experienced.get rid of that guy.you need everyone on the team to be on the same page.aliens or what I truly believe they are is the vril.vril live in caverns inside the earth.they have been here for thousands of years.our government and the elite and powerful people are involved with these entities. they are also involved in human cloning.i know I might sound crazy but I have been researching what im saying for many years.what the people of the world need to know is that most everything we have been told and taught is a lie.our military and government are so advanced people don't have a clue.they are involved in some of the most evil,sickening science that is going on under the military dumbs underground.the vril and Egypt to present day and the eye of hourus.the all seeing eye,the masonic and illminati eye.research what im talking about check into an mk ultra victim Donald marshall.what he says is going on its the real truth
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10-2 hosts +2 others would still be 10.
MontereyBay117 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Pilot Episode HAD great potential. I gave a 10 for Derrel, Steven and George the local witness, Dr Robert Wood and maybe even Wilbur the photog. The story line was good and if Animal Planet and Science Channel want to make it work, trade out Mike Bara for George Pilgrim, (mike was making faces as if to taunt the story George told and the investigative avenues Derrel and Steven gave to this and the other episodes). Clearly two sets of thinkers. It just didn't work well with Maureen and Mike. They just didn't seem to want to be there in the Pilot (as seen in choppy editing) and they just seemed completely disinterested in all of them. Mike is a better talking head in Ancient Aliens. Maureen too deadpan. Really they should have delved into George's story more. I would have liked to see way more on this. 'the wild wild ufo west' I really felt that without Mike and Maureen it would have been a 10 on its own, which is why I gave it a 10 for the others who did a fantastic job.
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Cool show will watch again for sure!
MoonBerger15 January 2014
Really enjoyed the episodes I watched - like the research done, the interviews etc. The only thing that I found disturbing is how smug Mike is and that he used Maureen as guinea pig for an experiment - if the experiment had no risk or long term effects why not use himself - what a coward! there was another "expert" present so Mike didn't need to flip the switch...I get his role on the show - and he does a great job of being the overconfident jerk - but come on Mike man-up - use your own body for your little experiments and prove you have the courage to walk the talk - we all know you're full of talk. Would love to see and episode where Mike is used for an ET proving experiment
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Not bad if you remove the negative
dannyp-6743617 February 2016
I don't like how the guy with the hat "Derrel W. Sims" tries to influence the viewers that extraterrestrials have an "evil" agenda and encourages kids to tear out their eyes? What kind of message are we sending out?? I've personally seen and spoken to an alien grey, I even have photographic evidence. I wasn't afraid face to face with an ET, I was more curious to know who he was and why he was here. There may be a reason why Derrel W. Sims fears them, they might know something "bad" about him, something he's done in the past. Just like other abductees who speak ill of ETs... And so Derrel W. Sims spreads fear to the viewers that ETs are evil because of his own inadequacy. I was surprised he was able to put fear in his fellow co-partner. About the "mantis". Think for yourself, don't let the weak persuade you. You can probably see why an extraterrestrial would be interested in the likes of me ;)
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Interesting. But leaving me feeling even more that I am in a reality disconnect. What is happening?
jrarichards25 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So far, I've caught one episode of this, which began with orange-light sightings at Myrtle Beach. Mike Bara (well enough known from "Ancient Aliens", etc.) appeared here imponderably as the sceptical and sensible engineer within the four-strong team of investigators. His visit to a local AFB with F-16s convinced him that our witness's disturbing sightings and experiences actually entailed his seeing flight training with flares. So Bara lets a couple of flares off on the beach - and, guess what? They go up, glow a bit, fall back down with the occasional wobble; and flicker a bit; and then extinguish immediately when they reached the sea! In short a flare is a flare and this is what they (ALWAYS) do.

The witness said it was nothing like what he saw, and that can come as no real surprise, since he would hardly be ruining his own life over flares...

But then "Uncovering Aliens" did what "Skinwalker Ranch" and "Alien Highway" episodes have done in recent years - and actually saw and filmed strange (in this case indeed red-orange lights!)

So much for all those years of programming of a UFO profile that never found anything, never showed anything and had to make do with "recreations". Now three different shows have presented their viewers actual mysterious lights, yet have not spent more than 5-10 minutes on them before moving on frenetically to the next topic.


If these things are nothing, or fakes, or explicable, why don't we know? If they are real, why isn't it in every scientific journal and every news bulletin?

I just don't get the modern world, and can only say that - if (following the US Navy's admission that UFOs are real) we really are on that so-called "countdown to disclosure" (as seems plausible), then all these different shows on different channels are designed to work (conspire?) together to make that look like something everyday, trivial or even boring!

Frankly, when I look at these programmes, this is the only conclusion I can reach, but I always expected this news might come with "a bang and not a whimper"...

The conclusion seems only to be reinforced by several further issues: 1) this programme routinely offers up the idea that two of its investigators (inlcuding the rather personable fellow-Brit of mine Steven Jones) have met aliens - DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH? 2) this programme is panned and dismissed by fellow ImDB critics and reviewers, even though - if it actually presents UFOs and artifacts - it ought to be one of the greatest moments in TV history, even if artistically or creatively the programme is indeed weak and nothing special: how come we are stuck in some nether zone instead of realising the truth of this? 3) apropos of the artifacts, this episode features a chunk of melted metal that apparently fell on the drive of a guy in Ohio (yes we jumped from a warm Myrtle Beach to a snowy Ohio without much warning, explanation or justification) when said guy's son plugged it with multiple rounds from a shotgun (this being America, he naturally had a weapon and ammo available just in case) - and the piece tested as an unusual alloy including aluminium and strontium and is not of known form or origin - so why is THAT also not front-page news if it is true?

I'm an old-fashioned kind of a guy looking for things to be true or false, looking for stories to develop in professional hands. Yet now we have an avalanche of this kind of thing. Certainly, this topic of ufology looks (even excitingly) different from how it looked in the 70s, 80s and so on through to a few years ago, but is hard to believe other than that the mishmash of amateurish hints and signs we get now from various sources gives every sign (to anyone who looks at the bigger picture of it) of being sponsored by the powers that be precisely to look mishmash and amateurish, in order to make people think there is nothing real, serious or earth-shattering to see here.

I always thought this development would be spearheaded by scientists, but instead it is in the hands of private-sector lowbrow media. How weird is that?

But also how actually extremely transparent?
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