Do You Take This Man (2016) Poster

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Stressed out gay couple question their commitment...
ohlabtechguy27 February 2021
The primary flaw with this movie is that there is no character development of the two leads. We don't know much about them on the eve of their planned wedding, yet we are expected to cry a river when trouble in paradise arises. Acting was alright. The stand out was the actor playing Jason. He seemed like the only polished pro on the set. The most memorable part of the script was what the dad had to say about his son's gayness. His thoughts were logical, rational and caring....and not a perspective that is typically heard. Pretty low on production values as it was shot mostly in one interior location, a house in LA. In the end, the director should have kept Jason, fired the rest and searched for a better script with better character development before expecting the audience to care about two guys getting married.
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Form Over Substance. Production Values: 7.4 - Acting: 8.8 - Dialogue: 5.2.
raymarsh-5108430 June 2022
I am not going to start with any comment on the double entendre of the title. That is something that more involves the end... A pleasant, very decent movie with a professional cast. I didn't quite believe that these two could be a real couple, or that they would live in such a - somewhat - prosperous ambience with no visible means of support. Their economic background should have been written into the dialogue, somehow. Daniel confides to his friend that he has bought his betrothed a $300.00 pen in a tone suggesting that that is a lot of money to him. However, they are living in a large house in a neighborhood walking distance from the Hollywood sign... And we don't get any idea as to how Daniel got this money; his love interest Christopher is apparently an artist (and how many unknown artists ever make any real money?). The only person who ever bought a quantity of Christopher's art was Daniel. We don't even see any of his art, so either the budget didn't allow for licensing of any actual artist's work, or this work of ersatz Cinéma Vérité lacked a props master with such foresight. A long-lost friend reappears and he doesn't show her any of his life's work: His art...? The form is far greater here than the substance. The acting is near perfectly adequate. The production values are exceptionally adequate - but not notable. I am not saying that the narrative is shallow, but if this was a day at the beach you would barely get your knees wet. There was not any single line that was memorable, no scintillating dialogue. No real contour of emotional or erotic glamour. The scriptwriter may have captured verbal realism, but if people want that they can hear it on a bus or at a Burger King. It offers self-help, but in a very contradictory form. Who needs to hear the ancient cliché that "opposites really do attract". One minute Christopher realizes that he needs to deal with his past, and the next he is dismissing the past offhand. What does acknowledging and dealing with your past actually mean in practical terms? : Rehashed pop psychology. It became tedious at about half way for me. There was no real tension. A friend cancels, and that tension could have been easily undone by Daniel taking a few deep breaths. If the wedding had been a huge financial investment then it would have been different, but that was not indicated in any of the dialogue... Was this worth making? Yes. Is it worth seeing? Yes, but not an imperative. If you like predictability you'll like this movie. You don't have to wait until the end to get the pay off - you get it right at the first encounter. Just the way you want it.
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Predictable, but funny, movie about a star-crossed marriage
Red-12516 October 2016
Do You Take This Man (2016) was written and directed by Joshua Tunick.

This movie is a romantic comedy, starring Anthony Rapp as Daniel, a 40-year-old man, and Jonathan Bennett as Christopher, a 30-something man, who is going to marry Daniel the next day. As in almost all movies about weddings, things go wrong at the last minute. Some people who should be there aren't, and some people arrive unexpectedly.

And, of course, there's a major, core problem that has to be overcome. (Actually, it could have been overcome easily, but then there'd be no crisis. Crisis is very important in a movie like this.)

The lead actors are talented, the supporting cast of actors all do brilliant work, and there are plenty of laughs. (Predictable laughs, but that's OK.) There's also a fair amount of pscyhobabble, but maybe people really do talk and think that way in the Los Angeles/Hollywood setting.

This is the type of film that's worth seeing if you are already at a festival, and have all-event tickets. I wouldn't seek it out, but I wouldn't avoid it either. IMDb isn't accepting votes for this movie yet. If I could vote, I'd give it a 7.

We saw this film at the excellent Dryden Theatre at the George Eastman Museum. It will work very well on the small screen. Do You Take This Man was shown as part of the outstanding ImageOut Rochester LGBT Film Festival. The film was one of 22 movies that had either their New York State premiere or their East Coast premiere at ImageOut. My compliments to the ImageOut Programming Committee for bringing so many new films to Rochester.
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The Rewards of a Slowly Paced Movie
gasket3609 June 2019
This is not a titillating, first date two kisses and in the sack movie. This is an excellent character study. I left with a strong sense that the writer compiled singular or multiple experiences from which to weave a story. For some it may be too slow. I prefer to view it as thoughtful, allowing a better development of the individual characters. Although the ending might be slightly saccharin, this was overall a very rewarding story and well played by each actor.
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A Pointless Film Full of Cliches
meaninglessbark24 October 2018
About 20 minutes into Do You Take This Man I was thinking it'd be an OK film for mindless viewing. But as it progressed it became a real chore sitting through it.

There's nothing interesting about the story and actually there's really not much of a story. The attempts at making the film seem complex and dramatic feel like an amateur's idea of what makes for a good plot.

Except for one of the main guys being highly irritating the rest of the characters are so forgettable as to be difficult to even notice. The irritating main charactrer is passive aggressively needy, subtly working to be the center of attention and ready to fly off the handle if things don't go his way. Even his love for his soon-to-be husband feels self centered.

The film looks OK though the house it's shot in has a lot to do with that. The music, though spare, is incredibly manipulative. It felt like the music was nudging me and whispering "This is sad...This is warm and meaningful...

If you want something queer to watch and you like TV drama you might enjoy this. Anyone else really shouldn't bother.

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Great Examination of the True Meaning of Marriage
drtodds11 February 2018
"Do You Take This Man" (2016) Whoa! I must have been in an extra sappy/romantic mood this evening.....because I was sobbing tears of joy at the end of this film. And, YES I am talking about the "ugly cry" sobbing....not the cute misty-eyed variety! LOL This film opens the day before Daniel and Christopher are to be married. The tension and drama are revving up in preparation for the "Rehearsal Dinner" (but since there was no Rehearsal I felt it should have been called the "Wedding Eve Dinner"?) that Type- A/Perfectionist Daniel is preparing. On the guest list: Daniel's parents, sister, and best friend; and Christopher's two best friends. SURPRISE! Christopher's friends have flown in his estranged BFF from childhood. Enter chaos. This film really tackles some deep stuff about love, family, relationships, communication, forgiveness, trust, and committment. It is an emotional roller coaster ride through surprises, secrets, hidden demons, fear, joy, love....the whoe gamet. AMAZING tidbits of wisdom given by Daniel's parents and recently divorced sister who realized "too late" how she contributed to the demise of her marriage. Ultimately a beautiful tribute to the power of true love. EXCELLENT casting!!! Anthony Rapp and Jonathan Bennett (who imdb says is from Rossford???) bring such chemistry to the screen. Alyson Hannigan (haven't seen her since "Buffy" days!) slips into the wise divorcee role like a hand in a glove. Mackenzie Astin, Sam Anderson, Lee Garlington, Thomas Dekker, and Marla Sokoloff round out the list of familiar faces in this project.
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Earnestly, yours.
ozjosh0311 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well-intentioned examination of marriage through the relationship of two guys on the eve of their wedding. The problem is that it's cloyingly earnest and almost every plot point feels contrived and artificial. The big pre-nuptial spanner in the works, for example, comes when the celebrant has a conflict and drops out. But this too is a phoney obstacle, and the solution they eventually arrive at is one of several that could easily have been found. It also doesn't help that one half of the couple, Daniel, is rather an uptight a**hole, and Anthony Rapp doesn't succeed in adding much in the way of charm or charisma. You'd really have to be a real sucker for weddings or wedding films to find any of this romantic or uplifting. For the most part I found it hard going and mildly depressing.
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Amazing Movie that makes you feel
dreamzbc-505194 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say is WOW... I watched it over the weekend. Thank you and the cast for sharing this with the world. I cannot wait to get my hands on the DVD and digital download. Going back to the first word of this email... The movie is just WOW. I loved the movie...I think it was right on the mark. It was well acted and directed. Please give my thanks and congratulations if you can to the cast and crew for making a great movie. I loved the connection that Johnathan and Anthony had I truly believed that they were a couple, and that what they were going through was real. I loved the sub context of a relationship developing between the other two male characters. I loved how the whole film just flowed and that you get sucked in and don't notice the time going by.

My hats off to you for the whole pen story line and scenes... I really felt the feeling and emotion from Daniel when he was explaining the significance of the pen and was worried that it was not going to be a good enough gift. I especially LOVED the scene at the end when the pen was given Christopher and he took one look and said "first date".. I have to say that whole scene where Christopher says " I don't deserve you" was so amazing.. the close up on the actors was perfect and the expressions on their face were priceless.

Your script was just perfect and I loved how you made the love and commitment between Daniel and Christopher truly universal. That really Love is Love...

Once again thank you to yourself and the whole cast and crew for making such a truly universal love story that was not only believable but really allowed you to be a part of the emotions. I will still be supporting this film by ensuring as many people watch it as possible as it just proves once and for all that people are people…PERIOD… that all we want is to love and be loved and marry the person we love.
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"Predictable" and "scratching the surface" or "poorly written" with "nothing new to offer"?
justincai-861467 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A heteronormative and boring story that did not push any boundaries nor had anything new to offer. Except for the skilled acting choices and delivery of all the characters, it appears as though the director simply switched the girl in a supposedly heterosexual relationship with another guy, hoping that a gay couple instead of a straight one will somehow improve the superficial and weak plot line. Detached from the gay community in reality, the attempt to touch upon the gay-specific topics (e.g. coming out, gay marriage, age difference) via conversations in the movie appeared to be hallow, forced and most-of-all provide no critical insights.
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Wow, What a Sensational Surprise!
ricardo_edm3 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Once in a very long while I come across a movie that portrays gay characters without having to make an issue of the "gay" part and treats them simply like other human beings. This movie managed to make mention of many different LGBT issues with a lot of class and insight but without being militant about them. Maybe the script was a bit predictable but that's to be expected in this genre. After all, romantic comedies about the night before a wedding really don't have many possible outcomes (either they get married or they don't). The sensational aspect of this movie for me was the acting, the adult dialogue that mostly stayed away from clichés, the superb directing that gave the film an excellent pace, and for those of us who are hopeless romantics, it provided one of the greatest exchange of vows I've seen in a very long time. Definitely worth watching if you have the chance
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Fry-TheMovieReviewer29 August 2020
Christ, talk about an all white cast! It's sickeningly all white. Even the background characters are all white models. As well as gays that don't seem to work yet have more money than doctors or lawyers or business owners. The real actors themselves don't even have this good of a life. I got up to the 17 minute marker. *vomit*
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Pleasantly surprised
mrmichaeldquick8 October 2018
This movie could have been about a heterosexual couple, but it isn't. It is about a homosexual couple. That is what makes this movie great. Good characters and acting. No crazy "gay" cliche filled movie .just a good movie that shows a homosexual couple as being just like a heterosexual couple. Nothing more...nothing less
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A Huge Surprise
bgoo-1989025 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie on Amazon Prime while I was browsing the LGBT selections. Then I who was in the movie. Anthony Rapp known for RENT. Jonathan Bennett has been in so many things. However his eyes and that ever "on the verge of tears" look he has. Is why I remember him most. But I digress.

The movie deals with the high's and lows of a GAY wedding. The planning, the inevitable crisis and the family drama. Despite the predictability, the movie didn't get bogged down in sentiment and psycho babel. Overall it is a great movie for a rainy Sunday Afternoon on the couch.
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Realistic and Delightful!
mandagrammy21 July 2019
This is a wonderfully heartwarming simply story about the day just prior to the wedding of two men who love each other deeply, but still have a lot to learn about love and marriage. The performance feel totally honest. As the grandparent of a gay woman, I was particularly impressed by the parents of one of the two men. I highly recommend this excellent film.
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Well done!!!
danielw-4988422 February 2020
The movie have everything to entertain you. Well done and real, We need more movies like this.
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Finally! Intelligent dialog!
Odie715 June 2021
As a playwright and screen writer, intelligent dialog is my main goal. This script has it. Congratulations Mr. Tunick. You put me to shame.

The cast was very good, with Mackenzie Astin and Alona Tal standing out. But it's Steven's (Sam Anderson) speech at the dinner table which steals the show.

Great film. Thanks to all involved.
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Boring plot with a good message
cekadah29 August 2018
The plot is a bit of a bore but the message this movie offers is the reason for my high score.

And that message is - when it comes to marriage each partner should give 60%. Here we have two guys deeply in love with each other but each still wants it his way! That won't work and never will.

The script is fine and each actor competent in their role. Not each as believable as the other but the foundation of this film is it's message to the viewer.
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bbwana17 January 2020
Normally in life big steps are hard to take for fear of failing in the end. Daniel and Chris are so lucky to have a support system around them which is rare in real life especially this side of the boarder! i think the plot is beeutifully done because we see different emotions in every character about ones future and that its good to take a risk on people and things in life if you are to live your life and be happy any chance you get.
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Great writing and acting
rht-719526 October 2022
Loved everything about this movie. True to life intelligent dialogue and good acting in a small, independently made film. Not your usual gay stereotypes. I really enjoyed the dinner scene and any parent with a child who is different understands the father's heartfelt speech.

It's interesting to me that people either seem to love or hate this film which is probably what a filmmaker strives for. To me this means the writer/director is actually saying something meaningful.

If your critique is that the cast is all white and the grooms seem to have money I would suggest you're looking at the wrong things. Should I not watch an all black film with no gay character?is the measure of a good film that it is about working class people? We're all striving for more diversity in media and everyday life but maybe that's not the only way to judge a film.
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A funny and realistic approach to the true meaning of marriage
Aniron_Stratosphere21 February 2021
A slow paced/theatrical plot with a good message about a gay couple (they could be straight as well) and their inner questioning of marrying each other. Excellent acting makes it very enjoyable to watch. I'm glad I did.
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