Central Park (2017) Poster


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Very average slasher, complete with a perplexing ending!
dlvincent13 December 2018
Slow-moving killer-in-the-woods story, only made memorable by the unanswered questions at the conclusion. Not a great addition to the genre.
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All reviews scoring more than 5 are fake
deloudelouvain4 January 2019
I don't remember how I stumbled on this movie. I started watching it without knowing what kind of genre it was or what the story was about. I have nothing against horror/slasher movies as I do enjoy that genre sometimes but let's be honest there are alot of bad movies in the slasher genre, and Central Park is one of them. The story starts promising but as soon as 'the kids' are in Central Park and the slashing is supposed to begin the movie lost it. The amount of bad descisions is just staggering. For example, every kid spends half of his time on his smartphone in these modern times but in Central Park nobody thinks about calling 911 until the end. The running away seperately like a headless chicken is also so stupid you wonder who writes this stuff. But the worst part is not even the story that is very weak like almost all slashers, but the acting of those kids. It's really bad. None of those actors will ever make it in this industry. Over the top acting and most of the time just mumbling something instead of articulating. Central Park is a B-movie, a bad B-movie I wouldn't waste my time on.
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Mundane use of Central Park
jackmeat13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My quick rating - 4,1/10. The historic Central ParK serves as the backdrop for a basically non-existent story of a group of teens partying in said park. But there is a killer on the loose. Of course there is, since at the beginning we hear about some ponzi scheme and one of the kids fathers happens to be the mastermind. Does this have anything to do with the killer? So past the twist, or not, up to you, this is just you average slasher with no quality kills, no real tension since the teens act like complete fools. I don't really know how anyone can say this is gritty. Aside from the initial shot, you would be hard pressed to even know if this is in Central Park at all. Very forgettable slasher that you would probably be just fine with missing. Oh, and the acting...well, there isn't any unless you include bad acting that is.
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poor movie
yamahapic27 December 2018
Nothing is good in this movie, acting is not acting, dialogues are poor and script and effects are poor..a poor B-grade movie
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I'm confused and angry
K_Rad8826 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this not expecting much - but what I DID expect was at least a plot?

1. who was the wolf man? What's his purpose? Why did he save them and bring the bodies of the dead people out?

2. what was the relationship with melissa and the cia dude? She calls him up after a year, but calls him by his name. Is he her dad? Her ex? He doesn't know she had a baby with her husband but drops everything for her.

3. who tf was the murderer? He got his face bashed in good, yet no one thought to even check under his newspaper mask who he actually was even though he just took out 4 teenagers and a teacher....

4. How did the wolf dude survive being shot, the manage to slip back into the woods with everyone standing right there. Seriously, this movie has enraged me.
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I got mugged by Central Park.
sim-sean29 December 2018
What a rip-off (I actually paid to watch this).... terrible script, confusing storyline, poor OTT acting. Not even an ounce of thrill that you'd might get from B-grade, low-budget slasher flicks. Keep your money, stay away from Central Park. You've been warned.
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Answer a bloody question
westy_captain26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok movie but it left so many unanswered questions...

Who was the killer What was the relationship between the wife and cop Why did they kill off the only two characters they built up What happened to the guy in the woods, was he anyone What happened to the guy who's wife died

Oh well we might just have to make it up I guess.

Good characters over all and well case and good acting.
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What the hell have I missed ??
mariaddis18 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Central Park., 6 kids and their high school teacher are hunted and brutally murdered in Central Park by a masked man for NO APPARENT REASON! 2 cops show up and rescue two surviving teens including the main character., the end. No explanation for the murders, no plot twist. Nothing! Oh! And some wolfman looking character was thrown into the mix for what??? Your guess is as good as mines. You're welcome. I couldv'e watched Dateline for a better storyline.
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This Film is a complete FUBAR mess!
ScotsGirl8422 October 2020
Well that's time I'll never get back. It's Halloween season so I've been watching a lot of horror/slasher/thriller films and this was truly horrible. The acting was mediocre at best, the lighting and camera work was awful. As for the story, it's so full of plotlines and backstories that go absolutely no where, there's zero character development and so many loose ends it would drive anyone mad. There is literally nothing good I can say about this atrocity of a film. Don't waste your time by watching it! Pass it by!
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Looked Better On The DVD Cover
vengeance2010 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say this film looked so much better than the DVD Cover, never mind the story!

The film follows a killing spree in New Your's Central Park after a few teens. That's it!

I found the film to be bad, I was surprised to find that not only Happy Death Day's Ruby Modine was in it, but because the said film before this sentence wasn't mentioned. But that's because the film was released in 2021, it made sense as the film (Happy Death Day) wasn't released till the 20th October, 2017. But still it took these guys 4 years!?

The deaths while ok, didn't really do anything for me. The story sucked & there was plot holes all over the place.

Overall,m the film suck & could've been better.

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Solid debut with a great cast. - Spoil Free -
karathefox10 December 2018
The movie starts with a gorgeous pan of Central Park. It moves slowly at first, like an old 70's movie, introducing a group of teenagers, friends from diverse ethnic and financial backgrounds and their teacher. The teenagers are kind of an older version of The Goonies and when one of their father's is accused of orchestrating a Ponzi scheme ala Bernie Madoff they decide to blow off steam and hang out in the park all night. In an unusual and most appreciated twist the perpetrator of said financial crimes, the father of one of the kids, is African-American and his new moniker 'Black Madoff' is front page news. After a visit to the 9/11 Memorial to visit one of the kids' parents' who died there, they're off to the park for a night of fun, making out, and blunts. (very accurate portrayal of teen life today) Once night falls, all hell breaks loose. Is The Man living in Central Park is hunting the kids or is it someone else? When their concerned teacher makes his way into the park we know some real s#$t is about to go down. The kids are now on the run to make it out of the park alive. Amazing acting all around. Solid directing. The script could have been tightened a bit but works. Very inventive ways of killing as well. If you like Ruby Modine you'll love this. It's also a social commentary on the Black experience in this country today. The confrontation with the police is nail biting. Looking forward to Justin Reinsilber's next film.
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Better than the current rating
haskel-7295115 September 2019
It's far from great. Loads of potential, most unrealized.
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not so good
ykhachabi12 May 2020
This horrormovie is not so good as other horror movies but still a movie to watch on halloween or something like that
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WTF was that??
brockleyavenue8 January 2022
I thought it would be an ok movie, and then the acting started. Yeek. There won't be any spoilers in this review, as just to watch it is a spoiler. As for plot... talk about a story going no where... ??
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Movie standards
takato05245 March 2021
When you read a review, and the person says something like "people think good acting, atmosphere, and characters are needed to make a good movie," I can't help but laugh. Why would those things not be needed in any film? Are we supposed to just like the music and maybe setting? Come on! 3 reviews on this movie state what I said, and clearly they are fabricated. I couldn't even start this movie it was so bad. I gave it the preview and 30 minutes. Never again
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good enoff
ops-5253514 December 2018
F made by a newbie its an alright production,if made by an wealthy oldie in the business,i would have been dissapointed, because its merely a lack of budget and free economic resources that restraints the makers of central park from hitting the stars. there are some brutal killings in this flick,and they happens so fast,even though you know something shall happen it jolts you. also the build up of story are stronger than the common horror flick ,with absensce of raw brutality in the start. boring you maight say,but it nourishes the story and expectations alot. acting, well first part ok,but at moments of panick the actors loose credibility in the second half . as i said about economic resources earlier,there are some technical flaws, especially the lightsettings in the night in the park,and day/nite interferrens in the same sequences. beyond that the editing and filmography are very nice. there are still some holes in the plot and q's still unanswered ,so see for yourself,maybe i seizured during the screening.
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Not worth it
reckless-6906915 January 2019
Acting, camera - great

Everything else- bad Nothing believable
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It just didn't do it for me
I like simple slasher flicks. Always have, always will. This low budget B-flick had all the makings for a mindless, bad-decision making, buckets-of-blood slasher, but it simply never gets off the ground.

Typically, I rate movies based on the "enjoyment factor," and "did the film hold my attention for its duration..." simple feelings like that. Central Park NEVER came close to either of those two things. T

The pace is tediously slow, as the first near 45 minutes are filled with idle chit-chat...for character development. It was WAY overdone, and frankly, boring. The main 5-6 characters are high school kids, so the dialog is uninteresting. At about the 45 minute mark we see the first sign of "action." As the final act opens up, I had already been let down by the single so-far-still the only "action," as I waited scene after scene for "more action." And that's how it went. I spent the entire movie waiting for MORE...more anything, except idle chit-chat.

As of today (Aug 20, 2020) there is only one other review on IMDb, and that review speaks glowingly high about pretty much everything [as if often the case with these fake reviews, written by accts that have no action but the single review. I'm not saying that Is the case here, but there are number of the reviewer's opinions that I not only disagree with, but are factually incorrect. Those two, in combination, lead me to believe the review is all hype. It is nowhere near the film s/he sees unfolding.

I would consider Central Park as a barely average b-horror flick. The blood/gore was way almost non-existent, and the kills were uninspiring & bland. The script had its moments too, but wanders in to unrelated territory as if just to fill. Just as with the rest of the film, the entire movie script delivers a final product that lacks any real meat. Put simply...it was just a bore.
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Dreadful Warning: Spoilers
Right from the get go you just hate these teens and their vulgar dialogue and immediately are on side with some serial killer who targets them in Central Park who seems to have Rambo stalking skills. I had lost interest in this early due to the repulsive teens so it didnt have my full attention and I cant really remember the ending. Who cares anyway its crap. There is some subplot involving a wooden teacher who helps one of the odd looking students who becomes a victim himself. Good, nosey parker. Also some stone faced cop who hasn't seen his daughter in a year who is married to the teacher who gets involved in the murders. The constant pawing of the black and white couple got on my nerves. Yeah we buy that they are in some kind of teen relationship but your satured with it. Constant cackling also it just drives you up the wall. Verbally sickening its complete dog mess.
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wasted opportunity
stephen_dines-7939416 April 2022
Nutter at large at night in Central Park. Bunch of teenagers go for a romantic stroll and then stuff happens. Them's the basics. Actually you've got a plot to explore with that but this is poorly put together. I suspect the budget is partially to blame for the lacklustre way it plays out but sad to say some of the acting ain't all that either. One piece of advice given the ending left room for a potential follow up......please, DON'T.
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Suspenseful and atmospheric
sturmdrang23 January 2019
Don't believe the negative reviews. Central Park is an highly entertaining mystery slasher movie set against the backdrop of a Wall Street crisis. It's the unburdened young people who pay for the sins of their fathers.
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A mixed bag.
parry_na25 January 2023
A group of students - Mikey, Leyla, Harold, Felix, Sessa - some of whom are given the briefest of backstories, spend a night at Central Park. They don't let anyone know that's where they're going, of course, because they intend to do three things that every young person does in this kind of film - get stoned, get drunk and indulge in mild sex acts. Here, this trio of pastimes is joined by a fourth essential in such circumstances - when they 'gotta go pee' (as happens on a number of occasions), that's often when the killer strikes.

There's a dishevelled man who lives in the caves in Central Park. Perhaps we're meant to believe he's the killer. There's another man, who has wrapped his head in tape. He intends our group of noisy youngsters harm - and to the often spaced-out Mikey's teacher too, who comes along to join the fun. These people spend a lot of time apart yelling - but are never heard by the other party.

Any pacing that might be brought on by the remaining group's rising panic is undone by the inclusion of two policemen, whose appearances could almost have been spliced in from another production for the most part. They are woefully behind events for the longest time.

This is a mixed bag. Ultimately, the story is confusing, but I like the fact that events occur in and around an identifiable location; it is efficiently acted (Justin A. Davis as Harold is probably my favourite performance), Justin Reinsilber's direction is quite nice, but the story is without much focus. The characters are not easy to care for, and the antagonist - or antagonists - remain mostly unexplained and equally difficult to invest in. My score is 6 out of 10.
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40 minutes in and....
patrickkeown24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well......I am 40 minutes in and the first kill just happened. I am in shock how long it took. Oh and the kill is off screen too, by the way. What a joke. I really wanted to like this movie. I liked the plot and the poster, etc. Such a huge disappointment. The teens are so generic and the story is pretty slow. It feels like watching paint dry. And the whole subplot about the Dad with the billion dollar Ponzi scheme is overdone and quite annoying to put in a horror movie. You lose your core audience by diving too much into backstory and motives. Anyway, save your time and don't even bother watching this snooze fest!
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Absolutely garbage, but hilarious if you watch with friends
destinyjonathan-7480924 June 2023
I have no idea what I just watched. Left me with more questions than answers. If you want a movie where you are left totally perplexed throughout your entire viewing where nothing makes sense and then right when you think things are making sense, they dont anymore, this is the perfect movie for you. The movie resolves nothing at all.

Don't go into this expecting a great horror slasher movie. DO go into this movie expecting to watch it with your friends and laugh at the preposterousness of the entire movie. Excellent viewing experience if you take the latter approach.

2/10 for entertainment value.
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Totally failed slasher-attempt
johannes2000-18 October 2022
Apparently they intended to make an old-fashioned slasher flick, but it turned out as a total failure. The group of teens is extremely unsympathetic, so you couldn't care less what happens to them. There's hardly any suspense, the killings all come pretty much out-of the blue. The kids act stupid, like forgetting to call 911 on their phone, or spreading instead of staying together. The killer as well as the bearded hobo stay totally enigmatic: who the hell are they, why do they do what they do?!? Strangely enough in the end no-one even takes the trouble of removing the mask from the killer! Why do we get these background stories (one kid is the son of a recently arrested investor, another has some unspecified emotional troubles) when nothing is done with it? What's with the cop and the girl who calls him to find her missing husband, are they father and daughter? The acting of especially the kids is abominable, and the end of the movie feels as if the director (who's also the writer) had no idea how to come up with a decent closure and just decided to call it a day.
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