JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (Video 2014) Poster

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You will NOT fall asleep on this 3.5 hr Documentary.
doonebug4 May 2016
I found this film through a social media post which was HIGHLY recommended. And, after watching it a couple times already, I can say the same thing -- I highly recommend that you sit with the remote (or mouse) in hand to do the "rewind" in catching the information that this film has to offer. It ties together many facts that JFK followers most likely have never heard before, or heard in pieces and the entire picture was still a blur. In order to tell the story in FULL and accurate details, a history lesson is given in the beginning of the film. The history lesson does not go back far enough in my viewpoint to demonstrate how all the crooked moguls get their fortunes. So, I would like to add that the Rothschilds created their fortune by directing a mainland courier to report to England that Napoleon had won the war. This caused a market crash in England and the Rothschilds bought up worthless stocks which sky rocked when truth emerged. This is not a film of entertainment -- this is a film of discovery. I was riveted. This covered areas that Hollywood would NEVER dare (because ALL media is owned by the 1%).
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Thorough and entertaining insight.
benjaminlewis-374402 November 2015
A must see documentary for anyone open to new and unique views on some of the most unforgettable atrocities in recent history. Made by a British historian, the contents is presented clearly and in a sensible easy to follow order. Much of the information I had never heard before myself and I have seen a great deal of documentaries on similar subjects. Also, the footage and photographic evidence in the film are great. They help to back up all the information presented fantastically. I was left feeling thoroughly entertained and at the same time rather uneasy after viewing this history lesson. So much to take in within a 3 hour period but it's definitely worth the time spent. I think I have watched it 3 times already!
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Best Documentary EVER!
dalesmith-1967312 December 2017
When I had my epiphany that pretty much everything I believed about how things really work was wrong? I started down this path of wanting to know the real truth no matter how ugly it was. Someone suggested this video. I looked at how long it was and figured I would watch it in 30 minute increments but once I started watching it, I couldn't pull away and I watched it to the very end. I watched it again so I could jot down names and take notes but I would get so engrossed in it that I would forget...so I had to watch it quite a few times. Francis Richard Conolly did an outstanding job of researching and connecting the dots. It is an indeed a history lesson unlike any other. I have suggested this incredible documentary to many friends and every one of them has told me that it was an eye-opening truth bomb dropping experience. I have vetted the information and it stands up to my scrutiny......mileage may vary but you owe it to yourself to watch this.
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Facts are facts - Conspiracy theorist's... nothing for you to do here... the facts stand on their own.
liam-1904218 March 2017
US Patriot's will find this film truthful and troubling. If you are a U.S. Citizen... an accurate and factual account of the assignation of President Kennedy is critically important for understanding why things are the way they are today regarding the reach of the Military Industrial Complex.

This film is the best and most up to date account of "facts" presented on a topic that although critical in our Nation's history, explains why the United States influence seems so strong in the rest of the world.

Any attack you feel toward religious ideology is valid however, again the facts and evidence presented in the actual case are strong and clear, leaving no real reason to attack any religion.

The facts presented in this film are indeed just that, "Facts". The writer/director presents the facts regardless if they are contrary to your beliefs.

Bottom Line: If you are able to watch this film in its entirety, you will have deeply-felt questions about these facts you have learned. The film will rock your world to the very core. Patriot's beware.
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I saw this over a year ago and it is still the best documentary I have ever seen
paperboy9900022 December 2017
Guaranteed this documentary will change the way you look at the world for the rest of your life.

Francis Conolly, historian who made this film, if your reading this I am a huge huge huge fan. Please make Part 2 happen!

You will learn a tremendous amount in this 3.5 hour documentary. Great investment of time. For example, I never knew the truth about Pearl Harbor. All I knew was what the textbooks in high school taught me. Seeing the actual newspaper headlines from Hawaii during that time was incredible. This documentary is packed with hard evidence. Everything is a rich mans trick
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Yes, we're nothing but puppets
Randall-Flagg0114 May 2018
Too many people will watch this in disbelief, thinking there is no way this could be true. The sad fact is that a large percentage of people are sheep, easily led and manipulated. This is a well presented and detailed documentary that will open your eyes as to how the super rich and powerful have shaped world history for the last century. It is scary, thought-provoking information that more and more people are waking up to. We have been lied to for far too long.
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If half of it were true, you'd be shocked...
matthijsalexander15 August 2017
This is without a doubt the most convincing and well argued conspiracy theory documentary around. 3 Hours of explanations on theories backed by footage and evidences regarding several matters that have always remained a mystery.

Also my own country its Royal Family is shamed, though their history has always been known by the Dutch it has, and will, always be rejected and suppressed by the masses.

One really wonders, where is the outrage and anger? There is none.
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If this does not wake you up NOTHING WILL!
steveparkinsn27 March 2020
When will the SLAVES (you) stand up for themselves and drag the fat cats out of their ivory towers and hang the lot of them (or at least lock them up forever) as they obviously deserve.

3.5 hrs justs fly by..

This should be played every year in all schools around the world.
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This is a Labor of Love and Answers Every Question!
lordsoracle31 August 2020
Running at over 3 hours, this makes a pretty lengthy and detailed documentary but for me it left me blown away.

It answers all the questions and ties all the loose knots. Beginning from the turn of the 20th Century, Connolly begins a meticulously researched narrative connecting all the dots and shows who really runs the show and how they have ensured they "stay in business" by maintaining the status quo.

All wars in general help do one very simple function, and that is to keep the uber rich in business making money. What makes this documentary so sad for me is that it basically confirms the worst of humanity, showcases greed and truly proves that the entire system is indeed rigged.

The only hope for humanity is a total revolution the likes of which we have never seen.

Oh, and the JFK assassination breakdown is in a class of its own. Here all the shooters are named, the players are outlined and the cause for the murder clearly given. Who killed Kennedy? Why did they kill him? What do they stand to gain?

You will not regret watching this documentary and I must hasten to say that you'll find a full version on YouTube though they keep pulling it down.
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Strongest early and middle, but weakens towards the end. Core premise is not entirely wrong, but a substantial number of claims are... or at least are not well-founded.
DJ_Reticuli4 November 2020
No establishing that a modern Illuminati exists, though obviously an older version did certainly exist at one time.

The Bolshevik revolution was financed by British and American banks, with British intelligence providing direct material support for the assassination of Rasputin and the Romanovs. This is really the first major action that began this one hundred year trend.

They've misinterpreted Kennedy's April 27, 1961 speech to the Newspaper Publishers Association where he was talking about the dilemma between a free press, the need for the US government to keep secrets, and the threat from the secret machinations of communism.

I am not disputing the thesis of supranational entities and organizations manipulating international relations, events, and economics to their own benefit, or of certain very wealthy persons historically believing they were above the law.

To say, however, that Auschwitz was an enterprise of 'Uncle Sam' is offensive and false, though. It was not the US government that caused it. Perhaps the USG could have done more to stop wealthy interests from financing it, but that's radically different than the anti-American propaganda that creeps in.

The Chinese do smoke a lot of cigarettes.

The link of George H. W. Bush training Cuban exiles is still not solidly substantiated, though I'll grant it's plausible and not prevented by any currently available evidence. It's mostly circumstantial right now. He was called "Poppy" from a young age, too, rather than this being some code name.

There were actually multiple attempts on JFK's life, not just that incident in Dallas. I'm surprised there was no mention of these or that a George Bush tipped the FBI off about some misguided Cubans.

Nixon, while he sided with this clique and he had headed the 40 Committee (or whatever it was then named at that moment) while he was VP, basically turned against them. This is why they began trying to steal information from the Whitehouse and why they lured him or framed him with the burglary, which he probably didn't entirely know about, but he had done similar sorts of things in the past using people at his disposal from covert actions for his own dirty tricks. When he was no longer with them, though, they turned on tricky Dick.

The umbrella man has been identified.

JFK probably wasn't shot in the neck, but rather in the spine lower down. The hand motion to the neck is a common reflex that occurs with such injuries. It's possible he was both shot in the neck and back, but the former is not necessary to account for the hand motions.

A civilian airliner being given detailed instructions during landing? This isn't an aircraft carrier. Was that normal for this era in bad weather?

Using a second person repeating what the first person told them as a form of corroborating the first person's story on-camera is not how you do it.

Ted Gunderson was the head of Los Angeles section of the FBI in the 70s, not chief of the FBI.

Gets much worse by the time they get to 9/11.

Quoting Loose Change, like the incorrect assessment of the fall rate of WTC 1&2 or that the ignition temperature of commercial jet fuel makes any difference when we're talking about a building with additional fuel sources inside and the thermodynamics of a semi-enclosed space with multiple floors of fire. Heat is cumulative and has to go somewhere.

The "all terrorism is fake" claim needs to be put to rest. Spend some time around some fundamentalists before you shoot your mouth off like that.

The 9/11 hijackers are not still alive.

Doesn't mention Obama's connections to the agency until the end, which was completely out of the blue. Yes, his family has connections to the agency and their fronts, oddly enough during specific major covert actions in the exact places and periods they were there.
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Facts, facts, facts
razisiddiqui13 August 2018
This is a very important documentary. Though not available on youtube any more but is broken into snippets and is scattered around the chanel. The discussion of the real powers that created, controlled and used Hitler literally shook all my beliefs. This will turn your world upside down. You will lose belief in everything but still it is well worth the disillusionment. Watch this documentary and then watch Adam Curtis's 'Hypernormalisation'. Highly recommended.
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bonniecamplin21 September 2022
20th Century Full Colour and Forensic history:

State Crimes: unpacked.


Warfare in the form of Social Engineering: examined to some extent.

The criminal cartel in control of politics and industry iare examined in sharp focus.

Operation Mockingbird: How Mainstream/ Legacy Media has been owned and controlled/ how this is achieved. This is pre Udo Ulfkotte (Presstitutes) and goes into some detail.

Project Paperclip; over 1000 NZI scientists sequestered by USA immediately post-war and given new names/ ID and jobs, became the OSS then the CIA

The Fascist Royals and the billion-dollar PR Operations set up around them for maintaining the illusion of their nobility and service.

To name but a few...
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Entertaining enough... but a lot of stretching.
Shaun_of_the_Dude19 April 2019
When I first looked on IMDB at this title, I was fully expecting a large-scale operation within which, I would find some truth and facts about world affairs.

Whilst there are some decent enough connections that the writer has made, there are a swathe of factoids present, as well as facts that are devoutly misinformed.

It is a concoction of a lot of various theories, and when the writer likened Auschwitz to McDonald's... I couldn't help but place on my 'hmmm, okay' hat.

I won't deny that the chap has put a lot of work into this (collating said theories, media and films)... It is precisely that, a collation of internet-based theories, fragments of films (which should be cited as such), and some wildly bizarre accusations.

For one, Woody from Cheers' auld fella killed Kennedy - yes folks... the man who shot Kennedy produced the man who would later become one of the best known bartenders in American history!

It sounds like I'm ridiculing him, I'm not, but the Kennedy section is where this documentary loses its head a bit (no pun intended). Claiming people were hidden in drain sewers because one single frame of a video has his line of sight pass it, does not prove that there was someone in a drain - a muzzle flash in fact would (which in two centuries, the very best mechanics have been unable to stop).

Claims that one of the Bush's concocted the whole enterprise, but then placed himself outside of the very hospital Kennedy was taken (in front of cameras) is quite frankly, absurd.

IN addition, the claims that all of the footage of the day was doctored past the point of physics is, again, quite frankly, absurd.

There are claims here that have some gravitas - but the gentlemen has collated too many various theories and lumped them together in order to make a buffet fit for a conspiracy theorists lunch.

Watch this if you're interested in this kind of thing - but seriously, I would laugh at anyone in the face who takes this as a given.
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This should just be retitled "Everything CIA!!!"
kevincespedes23 August 2023
To say this is another crazy conspiracy theory wouldn't be fair because it's actually really laughable fan fiction that tries passing itself off like it's an award winning novel with a narrator that thinks he is more clever than he actually is and a premise that is miraculously even more dumb than it sounds at first glance. If this documentary was at a library, it would without a doubt sit comfortably at the fiction section.

It's absolutely hilarious how so much of the claims they make of a supposed conspiracy to control the world and cover up the death of President Kennedy is easily disprovable by the smallest effort of research. Not to mention their explanations of events are so convoluted and over complicated that it makes Christopher Nolan movies look like preschool books. They'll also make the mistake of saying outrageous words such as "phony" and act like those words are enough to the cover the full understanding of their vague points and the best part is how they sometimes try using movie clips as "proof" of their claims too (because if it says so in a movie, it must be true 😂).

"No one is going to teach you this in schools and books?" Yeah because no one wants to waste their time with nonsense. I'd find more historical value from a Harry Potter book.

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick would have an easier time in making me believe pigs can fly than how they believe JFK was killed.
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Not only is this a MUST Watch, it's also a MUST Share
David_allen122 June 2020
This is such an important documentary. It has been deliberately kept down but should be watched and shared as much as possible. So much important information linked together.
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Pretty Amazing Work
chevisyoung13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With the overwhelming amount of conspiracy theory documentaries out there, it's easy to get confused and dismiss the whole lot of it because you just don't know what to believe -- that is probably by design. However, this one does a good job of putting all of the little pieces in perspective. There are some things in here that I had not heard anywhere else, such as the allegation that JD Tippit was killed for his body because he looked a lot like JFK, but most everything discussed in this documentary I imagine is not exactly news to those of us whom have taken an interest in this sort of thing. That said, what makes this documentary stand out is that it places all of those clues in perspective. The film starts by explaining how after WWI the elites realized the immense profitability of war. It explains that the cruel provisions of the Treaty of Versailles were intended specifically to make Germans resentful. It suggests that Hitlers rise to power was no accident. I don't want to spoil the whole thing, so I will encourage you to watch it yourself. The world of today can only truly be understood if one understands what happened during the two world wars. I walked away from this film with many new questions and many answers to old questions.
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A must see for everyone
ccm60421 July 2021
Absolutely fascinating documentary. I have personally researched a lot of the a allegations that are made in this program and historically and factually I found them to be correct. It's very well put together and it makes a lot of sense.. you can believe whatever you want at the end of the day but this is truly an intriguing piece of journalism.
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America and England government hide the truth from the people.
nicopstar20 April 2020
OMG OMG. This is soo Shocking! This is what everyone around the world should see. The horrible Truth. Our government's is corrupt. A Must Watch ASAP
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Quite and enjoyable film, not to sure how accurate it is.
jacknyblomprice20 May 2019
Connolly exposes a lot of greed and destruction caused by the upper class, for the pursuit of profit, however in a number of places the editing of the film is sub par a looks like it has been doctored, which brings into question some of the bigger claims the film makes.

Watch for enjoyment and do not take this as gosepl however there are absoltutly 100% verifiable points concerning the collusion between then nazi war machine and usa industrialists (henry ford, harrimen brothers) is true, some of the claims about 9/11 seem a bit absurd.
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Really well researched
audiodess12 July 2020
I double checked quite a few facts in this documentary and everything checked out. I learned very much that I didn't know before.
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One doesn't have to agree with everything to see that this is a tour d' force.
Paul11496 July 2023
This is an amazing dive into not only the JFK assassination, but also the forces that have shaped the world since WWI. One doesn't have to agree with every jot and tittle, or believe that the forces Connolly identifies are the complete explanation for the events, to find it immensely informative and illuminating.

The JFK assassination was a dagger to the heart of the nation, on a unique level with the Lincoln assassination. And clearly the official explanation of the 1963 crime is utterly false and only adds weight to the conviction that our government apparatus has gotten away from us.

Considering the direction the nation is going in, every citizen should take in the historical evidence so that he knows what he is dealing with. In a better world, this docu would be serialized by a major TV network. But there doesn't seem to be stomach for that. I'm frankly surprised it's still up on youtube.

Do yourself a favor and watch this film.
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Candy For the Ignorant
nikolasfeckert31 July 2020
A friend recommended this load of dung. It is pure conspiracy theory drivel, based on anti-Semtism and debunked lies. The filmmakers provide only theories and no proof. DON'T waste your time. If you have a brain, please focus your attention elsewhere.
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Watch it. Recommend it. Share it.
brendandelaney-7578016 February 2023
Some of the "historical secrets" revealed I was aware of, but in total probably 5% at best. You don't need to be someone who is regularly called a "conspiracy theorist" to enjoy this documentary but if you are and want to be well informed then it's a must see. If you're not I can pretty much guarantee you that after watching if you have any social media presence you will be! The ONLY WAY that society has any chance of being changed is for a large amount of society to first be truthfully informed, and at the very least this will change the way you look at the world and even if a couple of things discussed ARE incorrect as another reviewer stated, this definitely points you in the right direction.
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Untangle the web of lies!!!! MUST WATCH!
bnnerb-047665 July 2022
At first I was skeptical, especially with 3.5 hours. But absolutely the best historical documentary I've seen! Everything spoken is backed up. If your curious about certain facts, research and you won't be disappointed. It's absolutely disgusting to watch this and know this has happened and yet there are no repercussions. America has learned to live with the deception and the rich men dictate the narrative in society. This documentary can really leave a person in despair. However, you learn to have reservations about everything you hear and read thereafter. The time flies by and you don't even notice. I watched it once and then several more after while pausing and taking notes.

I'm hoping we see more from Francis Richard Conolly.
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Blue Bloods, Bad Brains and Bloody Butchers
jbrldgoo4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This one connects the dots and ties it all together. The blue bloods, the bad brains and the bloody butchers. CIA, FBI, LBJ, Texas Oil, Vietnam profiteers, Anti-Castro Cubans and Mob revenge. The only suspects not implicated were Castro and the Russians. Get the full story of the biggest conspiracy of all time that the public has always known existed.

Conolly provides the historical context and names all the names. He exposes the Bush crime family, the Dulles brothers, domestic Nazism and the deep state coup that ruled the USA and needlessly sacrificed American lives for decades. This is a convincing, comprehensive JFK assassination documentary.
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