Love Everlasting (2016) Poster

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Suspend disbelief at the door, bring lots of Kleenex
A_Different_Drummer16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Said it before and I will say it again. There is nothing wrong with the Indies, especially those expressing the vision of a single writer/director. They provide a place to improve skills, learn your craft, produce a better product. I have reviewed dozens of indies here and I expect to review a dozen more in the years ahead.

But, indie or not, the audience is entitled to certain minimum levels of plausibility and character building, which unfortunately is in short supply here.

Writer/Director Rob Diamond with hindsight may have stretched himself too thin. The core story is about a mother and son who escape an abusive relationship and go on the run with less than $200 in their pockets.

The mother is textbook perfect, think Amy Adams on a good day. (Well played by Emily Proctor).

The son (Lucky Blue Smith) looks like he escaped from the cover of Esquire (which I think he actually did) and suffers from a major medical problem. Which is aggravated by the fact that every school bully who meets him instantly wants to beat the snot out of him since he looks so damn good.

On the run, their vehicle dies but -- back to suspension of disbelief again -- the car mechanic that they cannot afford to pay even for the tow "takes them in" with free room and board.

Hold on, more disbelief to come. The mechanic, a widower, has a daughter who is psychologically scarred from a gun accident.

Now, if you did not know that, and walked into the film late, you would look at the girl (Christie Burke) and see a supermodel who never wears makeup and has what appears to be a cat scratch on her right cheek. But according to the script, she is a damsel in distress who finally finds true love and acceptance from the equally attractive boy who is now staying in her dad's trailer... see?

All these plot issues might have been solved by great writing, or great acting, or great directing. But the fact is that the entire film just sorts of floats by over its 90 minute length, milking these weak plot points for whatever they are worth.

Which, at the end of the day, is not a lot.
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A movie with dual personalities
jordan22404 May 2021
Some of the scenes and acting were very amateurish (like the opening one), and others were very well done. Some had me rolling my eyes, and others had me wiping away tears. Overall, I found it engaging and enjoyed the relationships portrayed. If you can overlook the negatives, I think most would find it a satisfying experience.
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Horrible ending, but I liked it
TomcatMurr8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead...

I did enjoy it. It was a random Roku find, thought it would be good to fall asleep to, and ended up watching the whole thing. But...

The acting is spotty... none of the performances were incredible, but most were convincing enough. The writing and directing... In some cases - like with Albert (the desperately, and slightly bitterly, in love but friendzoned guy) - the characters seem to almost be caricatures, like they were supposed to fill a comedic role, which just seemed out of place. You get some very cliché dialogue that does effectively move the story along, but seemed very by-the-numbers. There's a random cast of characters (mostly Clover's former friends), who just seem like convenient plot devices who pop in when called for, but who aren't really developed beyond that... you kind of have to take the premise of Clover's distress based simply on a nightmare/flashback, and take seemingly incidental motives (ex: from Bo, I think his name was) based purely on that, just to have them all come back in near the end to drive the plot forward. Point being: it's far from a perfect movie.

But there's something idyllic and pastoral about it all, both in atmosphere/feeling and the storyline. At it's core, it's a solid coming-of-age love story between Bridger and Clover, both with their own psychological (and physical) scars... don't try to make sense of them both being very attractive, but (in Clover's case) psychologically scarred by what looks like some moderate eczema by her ear (it's a scar from a gunshot, k?). Their relationship develops slowly (I mean, until the montage to cover a few months at once), and both of their characters are actually developed well - certainly their bond with each other. And as much of a coming-of-age cliché as it is, it's really effective and is bound to give anyone the feels. Rustic settings, open skies, somewhat atmospheric music in the background - and a love story that perfectly fits that. There's also an endearing (though again, underdeveloped) love story between their parents, Helen and Will, which has a similar pace and a similar lost-people-finding-each-other vibe. This feeling of being lost, but forming connections through that, is a huge theme in the film, and - whether fully developed or not - has this calming, lulling pace with a sense of sincerity that was very impressive... again, with settings that seemed to perfect match that, and actually added to the story. Of course, you also had the savior/mentor (Bridger's shop teacher, whose name escapes me), and... while not the best developed dynamic in film, there is something very beautiful and sincere about it.

The ending, however, is bad. Or... it's not bad, but it's annoying. Bridger is hospitalized; he wakes up from a coma and immediately proposes to Clover (obviously, right? Marriage makes for a wholesome teen love story, I guess). Fine, good for them - so you see them on the open road, heading for the ocean, Bridger continuing the journey he and his mother set-out on at the beginning of the film. Perfect ending... Wow! Very powerful, these outcasts finding each other and sense of freedom together. Naw, they have to get to the ocean. So, they're sitting there, looking out at the ocean, their parents (who came along on their honeymoon, of course) sit there with them, all staring out to the ocean. Great, good ending. Nope! Parents leave, Bridger and Clover are there, screen darkens, Bridger and Clover are in bed together. Ah! the real prize her, nevermind the ocean now. Beautiful ending! Naw... Bridger wakes up the next morning, walks out to the beach, and sits there looking out to the ocean. Alright, the ocean is symbolic of how far he's come (sitting on his own, making it a personal journey)... I get it, fair ending. Wait, no? wtf is this? Clover walks out to the beach to find him dead. Their parents suddenly get there (perfect timing) and everyone is gathered around Bridger - you see these new familial bonds have formed, this loss that they now all share - Bridger's death helped unite them and create this family, who will all miss him together. Alright, fine, it works. NOPE! Cut to a few years later, Clover has a daughter (presumably Bridger's, I'd hope), and they're at a playground, as a family, as this little girl is smiling, swinging on a swing - they're all smiling, they're a family. Freeze frame, focus in on this little girl's smiling face... finally, the movie ends.

Not that it was a horrible ending in itself (except the freeze frame close-up), but that series of several endings, one after the other - as though the director couldn't decide how to end the film - just seems mawkish and heavy-handed, in what was otherwise (despite all its faults) a very nuanced, slow-paced, and sincere coming-of-age love story. Had they decided they were content staying where they were, and we went from Bridger's death at home to the family with this little girl to carry on his legacy, it would've been fine. Had they decided to end it at the ocean, symbolic of how far they'd all come, great. But both? No. As much as I enjoyed the move (for all of its faults and successes), the ending sort of ruined everything that had been effectively developed in the film.

Honestly, I should be rating at 6, max (maybe a 5 for that ending). But I do feel the movie is a worthwhile watch, so I'm bumping it to 7. If anyone's read this spoiler-laden review and wants to watch the movie, I suggest turning it off when they're all sitting at the beach. If you keep watching after that, your opinion of the movie will probably sink. Keep the moment. If you can keep that moment, it is actually a thoroughly enjoyable movie with a fantastic (and believable) love story.
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Not your average teen romance
wrxsti541 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when 18 year old world famous platinum blond lanky super model Lucky Blue Smith plays a high school senior in a small high school in rural Utah? You get Love Everlasting. Smith plays Bridger who arrives in town penniless with his mother Helen (Emily Proctor) on the run from Missouri escaping an abusive boyfriend and they are taken in by local mechanic Will (Shawn Evans) who is a widower with a shy and reclusive daughter Clover (Christie Burke) the same age as Bridger. Turns out Clover's face was damaged in a gun accident and despite plastic surgeries, she feels ashamed and embarrassed by her scar and she is bullied at school. Turns out similar bullies target Bridger and Clover and they help each other out then fall for each other.

So far this is pretty standard coming of age teen romance. Bridger loves Clover in spite of the scar and Clover doesn't judge Bridger and his mom for their poverty and circumstance. Turns out Bridger had a heart transplant as a child and suffers periodic rejection issues if he misses medications. The plot moves into real fantasy territory as Clover and Bridger marry right after graduation with the blessing of both parents, her Dad and his Mom seem to be an item and their honeymoon has the parents tagging along behind as they travel to the ocean in California, a life long dream of Bridger's growing up in Missouri. On the morning after their first night as a couple, Clover finds Bridger dead on the beach and that's the end of the movie. Like I say, not your usual teen romance.

The only reason why this weak and oddball story line deserves a 6 is because most of the acting is not too bad - not Oscar winning but a solid B+ including Lucky who does a bit more than give smoldering model looks and appear glamorous regardless of what he wears.
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Sweet and Sad
salzgeberr13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So what if it's predictable! Some say , predictable, some say boring ,, Who cares ! I think it has a kind of beautiful message hidden in the movie. Life is short ! Take off, take a chance and see where the road leads! Yes,,maybe homeless in Utah! Lol, but hey. As far as the acting,,it's okay ,,some better then others but Bridger "" Let's be honest ! He's a beautiful boy !

"""Spoiler """. In a way Lucky Blue could probably relate to the character, young, married, baby ! As far as the movie ""I did not expect the ending ! Unfortunately as I have come to know,, people do fall over and are gone ! Just like that ! I thought maybe it would work out as a happy ending, but in a way it was ! A beautiful little girl lived on !

I see a lot of movies ! This is a very LMN type movie, but I enjoyed the movie ! I seem to enjoy many of these kind of movies. They make you feel good , sad , ect but that's all that matters with these type of films, they make you feel !
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very good but confusing towards the end
laurendeighan17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Towards the end of the film i was confused on what was happening with Bridger. I was unable to enjoy the film because it was very anti climatic. towards the end of the film when Bridger was walking towards the beach and I said in my head, "he's gonna collapse and die. This movie was very odd for me but I enjoy some of it.
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Predictable and anticlimactic
lk_gage19 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As others have noted, this film is fatally lacking in plot and character development. It's extremely predictable and anticlimactic. To start off, we are supposed to believe this 6'2 platinum blonde Ken doll is somehow a loser who magically falls for the town outcast. Next, suspense is built around his girlfriends mysterious scar earning her the nickname "scarface", yet I've seen acne that looked worse. The entire story is centered around Blue, although his character lacks depth and intrigue, he barely has any lines, and spends most of the time pouting and smizing at the camera. Midway through the film, there are several long and awkward kissing scenes between the two (oddly named) main characters, who have about as much chemistry as I have with my pet. Finally, there is an arc about the main character having had a heart transplant, although he doesn't die and absolutely nothing comes of this, so might I ask, what was the point? It ends with Blue looking gorgeous in a skillfully tailored and very expensive suit, which solidified the subtext of this film. Actors need to embody the character. Giving a supermodel a strange name doesn't somehow turn him into a brooding, tortured soul.
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Heartfelt and engaging
lisapaul23 November 2016
I enjoyed this movie. There was plenty of humor. There were very touching moments that had the tears streaming down my face. I felt that Lucky did a great job. It is a lot harder to convey emotion without words, and he was awesome at this. He is very engaging to watch. Landon did an excellent job as the teacher. He was very believable and I enjoyed his character. Emily did a great job and I enjoy her as an actress. Shawn did a wonderful job with his character. Christie was very believable and I enjoyed her chemistry with Lucky. The other supporting actors were believable and fun to watch. I was drawn into this story. My only criticism is, I would've enjoyed more of a backstory on Lucky's character's condition. I thought the scenery and music were wonderful. This is an enjoyable movie to watch.
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When u wanna force an ending...
binaaaridi15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it overall, heartwarming great script I love the commons they have I loved how the character's we're on spot, but the acting for non main characters was off sometimes but it's good for what's here as an indie , it all was great he got beaten up was in danger then hospitalized and with a miracle he survives when clover is reading there fav book( teen romance I guess oke) all good but like straight after he wakes up from a come and non working hurt transplant he asks for marriage ( they just graduated, he just woke up its all out of a sudden overall) indeed it was nice they're married now they finally go to see the beach ( note that u can see his death coming through the whole movie somehow if u have watched alot of these movies) they reach there. Go to bed sleep together (cool it is we needed in such a scene) but then next morning he wakes up looks at her, and here I started skipping seconds cuz u felt that forcefull death coming he went to the beach layed there and then clover comes and finds him dead( I don't understand why not just take his medicine and make a normal ending) next up there parents show out of nowhere instead of calling the ambulance the mom decided to lay next to her son ( wow what an amazing seen accepting death to a view with the ocean) and the dad does cpr too instead of calling an ambulance again cuz if not how would they force this death. At the end they show the family gathered (His mom, her dad , clover and her daughter who Is also bridger son from the sleeping seen before we mentioned on a swing while they play and laugh). Why this stereotype ending with the forcefull death like step out and be realistic if he's gonna be dead anws don't marry her and get a kid from her. Overall it was fine the ending kinda ruined it although could see it coming.
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Very Disappointing
castercasting11 February 2017
Sadly, this "film" was just disappointing. I was hoping it would be decent but it was not well done. The cinematography was good but the poor direction and poor story greatly overshadowed that. I was wondering if this was Rob diamonds "directorial" debut, but sadly it isn't. The goal is to get better, not worse. I hate saying such things but films like this are what's dragging down the film Industry. If this continues no ones going to want to go to a movie or the quality of films will decline. I don't want that to happen. Again, I'm sorry for telling the truth but someone needs to. I hope somehow he gets better. keep it up.
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Exceeded my expectations by 1000!!
debrahatfield-7683521 November 2016
I watched this moving three days ago, thinking that I might hate it, to be honest. All I knew about Lucky was that he was VERY famous and was a model. The trailer seemed okay, but even then, I judged it- like one review- as a few super models thrown together, but I was floored with how much I loved the characters and storyline! The acting was phenomenal, Christie wasn't just crying to cry (some actresses can fart tears, but her's were really from a deep place), Landon did such an awesome job as a teacher and wasn't anything like he is in person and of course his timing is spot on- never fake..., LUCKY- wow, I really saw humility in this guy and forgot that he was a catwalk model/famous/well known Mormon, and totally bought that he was a humble kid with a good heart that has a SOUL.

First off, the storyline draws a lot upon Pride and Prejudice, besides the use of quotes from the book. I REALLY loved hearing the quotes from the book. This wasn't some light teen drama, the storyline really had some deep connotations and was very well written. They addressed insecurity, depression, bullying- very deep issues that are too often overly dramatized or ignored- but it was portrayed very well. Teens and adults, could all learn something from this film.

Another aspect of the acting, character development (something that Rob is actually VERY good at developing in a movie, better than any director I know- character development- acting from a sincere place...) were all portraying such humility. There was a stark contrast between hatefully bullies of the world and people who are giving, kind and forgiving. In a world of increased makeup obsession, girls wearing loads of makeup and obsessing over material things, a movie about being happy despite poverty, portraying beauty without a pound of makeup, you see one cell phone- but no ipads, computers- teens living and enjoying life without all that is pretty awesome; this is something the movie industry has been missing- and another thing that I loved about this movie. The Father of Christie's character and Lucky's screen mom both played their characters in such an endearing manner- such humility is all that I can think of to describe it, and I wasn't sure how I'd like the screen mom- having seen CSI-Miami- I never saw that heart in her character before, but her acting was really well done. (backstory, I lived in Utah and knew many people involved- so I developed judgements the past year or so- from photos I've seen and whatnot- but seriously underestimated how well the acting was and how well the film was done).

Only the beginning was a tad rushed, I would like to have know more of the backstory, more dialogue, before they bolt and in the car. However, Lucky's acting right off was honest and he really committed to his role, I thought he truly was going to pass out...

The storyline was great.Background music was great. Though it was a drama, I didn't feel dragged down, it had a great message that I think everyone could take from, but if you don't like humble people, references to the best book ever written, great acting... then you're not smart enough to appreciate this movie ;)
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Predictable story line, plain/thin characters
chrissparreboom24 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer itself gave a "hot guy falls for shy girl" vibe, so that's what I had in mind when I started watching the film. And I was right! Not only were the plot lines very, very predictable, but the fact that there was no chemistry between the leading actors made the kissing scenes actually very awkward and cringy to watch. Also, it would've been better if Lucky Blue Smith had his hair dyed in a more normal, natural color that would fit the theme of the film. Now every time he appeared on screen with the glazing look and barely moving eyebrows I saw only him, not Bridger. That, and the fact that not one character was properly being "deepened into". This, and the viewer just isn't able to emotionally connect with the characters and the film. It'll feel plain and empty. For example, the film starts with a scene where an older man isn't exactly nice, somehow the mom arrives at the right moment, and they decide to leave. It would've been better if they had played it out first (with a couple more "bad" moments), because now there is no way for the viewer to feel for the characters. We don't yet feel upset or remorse for Bridger and his mom because we've only been watching for what, 3 minutes? Do have to give props to the woman who played Clover. She did do the crying well, though, pulling crying expressions and letting out small pained cries. That was actually believable. Sadly Lucky Blue on the other hand kept a straight face during most of the film, when sometimes one would expect him to respond to the mom or Clover in an suited emotional way. To have him stare at someone else without doing anything might be extremely hot as a model, but not very smart if you want to make it as an actor as well.
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I couldn't take it seriously.
camilla-748888 March 2017
There were a select few good moments and quality acting, but overall this movie was ridiculous. Lucky and his love interest have zero chemistry, watching them kiss and say "I love you" was painfully awkward and not too believable. The special effects had me in tears of laughter because they were so bad. Did they just pick some of Lucky's old high school pals to star in the movie? Unfortunately the acting was so bad I was laughing for 75% of the time. So dumb. And the ending??? I won't spoil it but seriously who wrote that? It was like they had to finish the movie in 5 minutes so they just slapped together a confusing, weird, sloppy ending. But hey they're still good people who were just trying to make a nice movie so brownie points for that.
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Great movie! Little confusing though!
karalee-0583912 April 2021
I liked this movie a lot, but I never really understood what happened to clover. There's no context really in how she go her scar. Same with Bridger, there wasn't much background on him either, and the ending was very fast but overall it was a heartwarming adorable love story.
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Want to waste your time?
natalarconperaza28 May 2020
Just no. There was no clear story line. The ending felt forced. Placed a lot of stereotypes instead of writing more in depth characters. Acting wasn't awful but mostly, yes. A lot of bad writing and forced scenes. Very cheesy. Is this what you think teenagers are like? Also, reinforcing the glamorization of being "saved". A lot more to add on, but a positive? Shows what not to put in a show.
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Beautiful Film
robfilms77 March 2017
Great story. Heartfelt. Excellent performances all across the board. Lucky Blue Smith in his film debut is fantastic. The chemistry between the two lead characters makes this film come to life. Amazing cinematography, editing and score. It will take you on an emotional journey. Well worth watching.
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lizboes3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard great thing about this movie, so while browsing through amazon prime I thought I'd finally watch it. The story line had potential but the acting and directing was extremely poor. It was also a little... well I don't know it was all over the place and very predictable. You didn't really want to cheer for many of the characters and the vibes coming off this movie just weren't it. The antagonist was a real piece of work though.... and the conflict in this movie didn't really make sense like some guy accidentally shot her face and now everyone hates her..? The ending I have to say was a little unexpected...
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The script was outstanding; for a third grader
bobbylebay30 July 2019
I've seen a lot of films. Can't EVER remember a script this badly written. It just painful to watch. I truly mean painful.

I applaud the family, friends and 6 cast members who managed to stake this awful mess all the way up to a 6 with the false reviews.
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lademmeojela6 January 2017
This movie is so endearing and heartwarming. I cried a river watching it. This movie is pretty much relatable to all ages. All ages will definitely love this movie because it tackles everything that has to do with love.One thing I love about this movie is the self-realization after watching. This movie is not a feel good movie but you will definitely better after watching this. You will definitely love it as much as I do. The pace was never boring, the plot was not new but the story line will definitely touch your hearts. The two lead actors are such a delight to watch,they're believable. They are such an adorable pair.
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Good idea, bad execution
aimtrain102112 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love a classic teen, cliche, romance flick. But this was a hot mess. The idea was decent enough even while being done before and predictable, but the way it all unfolded was not good. The script was poor, chemistry between all the characters was lacking. Very stereotypical characters such as the friendzoned best friend, the bully, the teacher, etc. But the way these were portrayed was very cringy-especially the friend, Albert. He was supposed to be the awkward nerd, which is fine, but his lines and the acting of them fell flat and out of place. A lot of weird almost awkward silences or pauses in some scenes.

The bully character Bo was just over the top silly. And why was nothing really done about him? Until the end I guess. But way overdue considering he was bullying a girl that HE shot in the face. And the teacher knew, but didn't really do much. Very weird.

Also-Clover was a pretty girl and her scar was barely noticeable and certainly didn't make her ugly. Bridger was clearly better looking than Bo and the other boys in the school, so in reality neither of these kids would be the subject of bullying.

The characters just weren't fleshed out enough. No real depth when there could have been. The relationship wasn't believable. And I am OK with other similar stories, even if they are predictable, but I need a reason to care and cheer for the people to get together.

Sort of went in an over dramatic Nicholas Sparks direction at the end and it was unnecessary. Seemed like they didn't know where they wanted the story to end. They could have left out the coma garbage if they were going to have him be fine only to die two seconds later.

Just a mess when it had a decent plot to work with.
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Great Story
robdiamondfilms13 March 2017
GREAT STORY! Love Everlasting was engaging and heartfelt from the start. It's a classic love story with some unique twists and turns. Lucky Blue Smith in his first film was amazing. The entire film was well cast with some very inspiring performances. The comic relief in the film was perfect. It was shot and edited beautifully. It's tastefully done. I highly recommend this film.
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young-erika6516 January 2019
No wonder. This was a F list cast. Failure !!! One of the Actors is on the Blacklist. Can't act out of a bag. Never made it to the big screen. LMAO 😂
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Great Movie
sancheztravis27 April 2017
Awesome movie definitely well directed and great acting all around. Liked the way that it was Bridget's dream to go and see the ocean but he had some bumps in the road to get there, but overall a great film made by director rob diamond. Very emotional at the end but liked how luckys teacher was able to see that he was the type of kid was only trying to do the right thing. That was my favorite part.
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Loved It
brittanytoy-915727 April 2019
This might be my new favorite movie. I watched it two days in a row because I loved it so much. Such a sweet love story. Will bring you to tears. 10/10 for sure!
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Amazing movie!
jontacfc28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this movie and i had no expectations at all But i really loved it Very great acting and emotional moments 10/10 for me, it had it all.
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