The Method (TV Series 2015– ) Poster

(2015– )

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Very Good, But . . .
jeff-205126 January 2019
This was a tough one to finish. Don't get me wrong, I just started my second time through, so it's obviously worth the value of my subjective time. Nevertheless, each episode brought a moment when I asked myself "why am I watching." However, each episode, and the ending, was well worth every moment; this, the rating.
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Excellent series
marti-9853419 March 2018
I watched the first episode then a few weeks later the second. Eventually I was binging. This series was well done. The acting was very convincing even though the story line was a little out there at times. I enjoyed the city views since I doubt I will ever see Moscow. Overall I found it very enjoyable.
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One knows another, apparently.
S_Soma15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose I should begin my review of THE METHOD (original Russian language with English subtitles) with a disclosure or a confession, or whatever you'd like to call it, but I'm pretty heavily prejudiced AGAINST Russian dramas. This is based on a lot of experience of trying to watch a few and finding them to be tedious, interminable, and boring. Additionally, Russians seem to congenitally confuse irritating, unlikable and ill-behaved people as "characters" exhibiting "personality".

I hold out BETTER THAN US as a perfect illustration of this point. Monotonous and unremitting, I only managed to make it through BETTER THAN US as an expression of grim determination. Like whaling away on your own skull with a ball peen hammer, it felt so good when it stopped. It would be inappropriate to air the laundry list of things I didn't like about it and how unpleasant the experience of watching it was in THIS review. Suffice to say here that the only thing I liked about it was the vaguely THE ADOLESCENCE OF P-1-esque ending which was mildly enjoyable.

Having got all that off my chest, and with the proviso that you do have to give THE METHOD an episode or two to get airborne, I have to say that on the whole I enjoyed it immensely.

I would describe THE METHOD as sort of a synthesis of MONK and DEXTER with a little SILENCE OF THE LAMBS criminal insanity thrown in for flavor, though minus the cannibalism.

The plot line is relatively simple but organically intriguing just because of subject-matter. Apparently under the theory of "set a thief to catch a thief" slightly altered to "set a psycho to catch a psycho", the older than middle-aged male lead, Major Rodion Meglin, a mysterious and clearly unbalanced fellow in his own right, runs a little fringe operation of the police tracking down and neutralizing the worst of the deranged criminals preying upon Russian society. Given the fact that Meglin's charter is rather open ended, the practical implementation of the nature of such "neutralization" has a very broadly defined definition. He has the latitude to determine what's best for society in general when it comes to the disposition of the apprehended, and you can draw your own conclusions about that.

Over time, we gradually discover that he was specifically recruited for this "assignment" because of his personal background, training and mentality. Somehow his character manages to exude dangerous imbalance, alcoholic disability, rumpled affability and just a suggestion of genius insight. Is it really genius or is he just in a unique position to identify with, and therefore especially understand, the monsters that he hunts with his little cadre of helpers?

Newly minted graduate Esenya, coincidentally also the daughter of a high-ranking police official father, turns down the plum career offers carefully tilted her way to become the protégé of Meglin by the simple expedient of asking him, all to the horror of her very-establishment father. Over the course of the 16-episode first season, set against the background context of Esenya's life-long determination to solve the mysterious murder of her own mother, we slowly learn all of the intricate interconnections between Meglin and Esenya's own family history.

The technical story structure of THE METHOD features the sturdy and serviceable common structure of most of today's crime shows: a series-arch that is apparently going to span more than one season, a season arch that is resolved by the end of the season, and a mystery-du-jour that is most often solved within a single episode. There are occasional overlaps and intersections and slight variations on a theme, but that's mostly how the show is presented. Why improve upon a formula that works?

Some of the drama is a bit melodramatic and soap opera-ish. For example, Meglin's particular psychopathy, a mental illness faculty he has to exercise and employ in order to do his job, takes a physical toll upon him to the point that, if he doesn't take a break, it will kill him. But if he takes the needed rest, dozens of innocents will die. What to do, what to do? Wring our hands a lot, that's what.

Predictably, though still interestingly, Meglin shows a particular empathy for the criminals he targets. He, after all, is one of them himself, and could just as easily have ended up on the wrong side of things had circumstances turned out differently. Many, if not most of the criminals he neutralizes were more made criminally insane then born that way, and a lot of the evil that they do is an expression of mental damage and pain than willing evil. Still in all, can't have random butchery of the public now, can we? Frequently throughout the show there is reference made to "our kind" in reference to Meglin, his new protégé Esenya, some of the odd helpers that Meglin occasionally makes use of and the criminals, all as a group. I guess in a sort of murderous psychopath variant of "gaydar", apparently the criminally unhinged are capable of recognizing each other for their commonality, and there is a sort of general empathy and even sympathy all around.

Intentionally I have left many details regarding Esenya out of this review to leave plenty for you to discover on your own, but genuinely it would be a tossup as to whether Meglin or Esenya would be the "main character" of the series. Watching her evolution as a character over the course of the 16 episodes is one of those elements of the show that is particularly enjoyable.

Probably not for everyone, but in my opinion THE METHOD is well worth watching, even through the draggy bits.
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Russian New Noir
ondrejhasa7 July 2018

With each episode I liked the series more. Starting like classical procedural (policeman/woman + some strange character), we delve deeper and deeper to the dark world of twisted minds and worn out settings of backstage Russia. Cumberbatches Sherlock or Hannibal comes to mind. Outstanding acting of Konstantin Khabenskiy seconded more or less succesfully by Paulina Andreeva.

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Great chemistry.
petsie-244091 May 2018
The growing feelings between the two main characters is so very realistic. The acting is superb. Respect, love, understanding and caring for one another brings the familiarity home. I would love to be friends with these characters.
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Amazingly good
koteen17 December 2017
I agree w/ most of what was said in the "hmmm . . ." review; however, I found the series compelling thruout..

I thought that the acting was excellent. The story provided a lot of info on how mental illness is viewed in Russia. Considering how it was politicized in the USSR, this was useful.

When I moved to Richmond, VA, someone told me that it was destroyed in the Civil War and never rebuilt. This wasn't true, but the remark came to mind as I saw the interiors and exteriors in this series. It felt like Russia was destroyed in WW II and never rebuilt.
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Dark and menacing.
aprilmike-5199127 February 2020
Overall a refreshingly different type of cops and robbers set in the Russian capital. Beautifully filmed and acted. This has a pleasant and dark underlying feel. All the usual cop cliches, cops are the same the world over! Should keep you going until the end, is this the new scany noir?
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Loved it
theakv4 March 2018
I absolutely loved it. The characterisations were very compelling and the storyline fascinating. The overall feel of the series was professional and interesting. Thought the acting was very good, and I loved the dynamic relationships and realistic feel of it all (although much of the story was decidedly unrealistic!). It's one I won't soon forget, or the many tears which accompanied it.
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hmmm. hard-hitting but sometimes compelling
canuckteach17 November 2017
Surprised there's no reviews yet for this gripping series, as it is available on NetFlix (Canada, anyway).

This pretty young grad, Esenya, from the Police Academy in Moscow wants to do her internship with a reclusive, legendary homicide detective named Yosodin Meglin. For some reason, even though he hardly talks to anybody, he agrees to accept her, but only on his terms, of course, since he is very secretive - however, he is very successful at 'getting' the bad guys (and in Russia, with loony-tune government problems over the last 20 years, and a sky-rocketing alcohol-abuse rate for a couple of centuries, there are plenty of brutal murders to sort out). Meglin first shows his stuff in Episode One, whilst attending the 'grad party' of the graduates from the Academy. One of the grads is cut down by a trick piece of jewelry, and Meglin, attending to enjoy a few drinks, picks the culprit right out of the crowd. After a cheery conversation, the weirdo confesses and gives the police information on the silent partner who helped him perform this nefarious crime on a totally innocent young female.

I thought the first two episodes were gripping. The performances are first-class, and the stories are compelling. However, there seems to be boundaries to which we adhere (less & less, I agree) in the West with regard to cinema that are NOT observed in Russian movies. So, there are some gory attacks, and shocking displays of body parts (dead & alive) - I had my hand on the FF button throughout) - included in the episodes. Also, I did think the quality and coherence fell off somewhat in the later stories.

This is a macabre blend of the edgy British show Cracker, with characteristics of Columbo, Blacklist and Monk added (to give you some comparison). NOT for the faint-hearted.
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Really, all reviews are positive?
jparkin-338263 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This series was NOT good. I can't understand how everyone on here is raving about this awful show. The scripts/stories are childish and nonsensical. Episode 1: the police are already set up on the location but no one intervenes to save the girl. Really? Meglin begins speaking from 20 feet away just as she dies, but no one goes to save her or even check on her. Ridiculous. Every episode (up to 8, that's as far as I got) have similarly huge plot holes and incredulous plot points. 3 episodes Meglin almost gets Esenya killed with his carelessness. By that I don't mean he wasn't careful, he just doesn't care. And why is Esenya such a wimp? Do they not teach any self defense in Russian police academy? All the adversaries manhandle her like a child. The rooftop scene physically didn't make sense with her suddenly changing positions and the killer falling. She seems to have no training whatsoever. In episode 7 she's standing in front of the killer with her gun pointed at him, but she lowers her weapon and allows him to rush her and hit her head with a mallet. Then in 8, she's suddenly a ninja and leaps to her assailant and flawlessly stabs both of eyes out with that stupid pencil she's been wearing in her hair since her supposed deflowering in episode 1. The scenic locations: is Russia that dilapidated? I think their budget was so small they could only use abandoned propertied to shoot. They used several locations repeatedly. The park in 2 is the same one that's used in 7.As to the "Method", it is only related to his condition, oneiroid syndrome, which seems to be brought about by epilepsy and possibly intoxication. During these episodes he "sees" the origins of the perpetrators. This of course can't be taught, so when Esenya says she used his method she is ignorant of what she speaks. Other than that it just straightforward observational deduction with a bit of behavioral science and is blatantly obvious as the script makes no effort to conceal it. All in all, a very poor and boring police procedural.
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Fabulous actors
kge-1704112 February 2019
The show got better and better with a good written, well acted and great effects. Couldn't wait to see the next episode. I hope with the success on Netflix The Method will have a season 2 and more to follow. Also it would help to provide English sub titles, or English sap. I have recommended this series to many others who also loved it.
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Stylized Russian crime drama with a few twists
jimparrett27 November 2017
Stylized and sometimes silly, this series is fun if you leave your common sense behind. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. The acting is sub-par, the scripts feel rushed, the characters cardboard thin but still I watched the entire series. It's all so out there, so in-your- face, you can't help but watch with a perverted fascination. At times the pedantic nature of the 'teacher' character gets a little tiresome and his beautiful 'student' paper thin (literally) but this is so foreign to most crime series that it has the charm of its own. Not for binge watching but every once in awhile, a decent time waster. Caution might be exercised for younger viewers as it is quite violent, with many almost too-realistic images of violent death. Not at all PC, this show is not for everyone but if you want a change of pace, give it a try.
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aphillips-430572 July 2018
I don't understand the many positive reviews. My wife and I made it through four episodes. We couldn't take it. The series doesn't have any redeeming qualities. The Method seems to be to stay drunk and then to find the criminal in the end based on some sort of research that the detective does, but which is never shown. This is not really a detective series. Don't waste your time.
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Great series and phenomenal final episode
moggie-228 July 2020
Really well put together series with a captivating and unique, no holds barred story telling style. A bit heavy on the teal colour grade and music with clear influences showing, but still great visuals and good sound design that's overall very well produced. Highly binge watchable with a satisfying number of episodes (16) that I managed to spread out over several days. I also thought the subtitles were well done with subtle nuances and humorous dialog moments that could easily have been lost at the hands of a less adept translator.

The series develops over time, and while the theme of most episodes is broadly the same, unlike products such as the Blacklist that degenerate into interminable sameness with only a vague arc running through them that, along with the characters themselves, one easily ceases to care about over time, "The Method" sustains itself and builds up to a powerful and terrific final episode. Some 5 years later. a series 2 appears to be in development, though perhaps put on hold at the moment. The bar is set high, but I've high hopes.

With a fair bit of gore and tough story lines, this isn't one for the faint of heart, but it's a satisfying antidote to the usual style of investigative series. Stick through the first episode, which by the end gives a clue to the fact that it's going to be an exciting and somewhat quirky ride but isn't really representative of the series as a whole, and enjoy a great story.
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Simply the best
thedragonslair29 August 2018
Compelling story lines ,great acting , the changing feelings between Rodion and Esenya subtlety done. Loved every episode. I have re watched about 10 times now. Do hope Netflix get series 2 soon.
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Slow burn
whitmore-598-25566722 September 2018
A slow starter but stick with it. By episode 6 you will be hooked! I really! Fascinating glimpse into life in Russia. Well acted and compelling dark, dark drama
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Maintained My Interest
andrews-donald16 May 2018
The story lines are good and the characters are plausible. I thought that the laconic, blunt, brooding, super serious, vodka swilling chain smoker was a stereotype, but apparently not. There is a great deal of melodrama and the female lead seems to be in the foetal position even when she's not.

But if you can just go with it, it's a good ride!
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Cruelly portrayed murders, excellent acting!
neldewijn21 October 2019
Although I cannot imagine the cruel ways a serial murder dreams op and enacts his horrible deeds, the series portrays human beings doing the work they chose to do and completing it,no matter how hard the task. It reveals the need for acceptance and love and that one cannot live in isolation forever(Meglin), nor keep secrets from your daughter as Esenya's father tried to do! The love that slowly grows between the two main characters is admirable as it seems unlikely to happen given the circumstances. You find yourself hoping for a miracle for their sake. Loved the acting and the tone of the setting was as sad as the murders being investigated.
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Irks Me But . . .
a-cekelis26 May 2020
Parts 1 and 2 really irked me, wondered if I would continue. Interested in trying to figure out the male lead and what the heck he was up to. The female detective (on a trial basis) seemed out of character. She lived in a luxurious apartment, expensive lifestyle and yet wanted to study with this strange, alcoholic investigator. Ok by Part 3 I was getting drawn into this, still not happy with the female entitled cop, but what the heck. Part 4, hooked, enjoying this crazy cop, her, still not so much. We will see. Give it a try. Russian cinema is odd at best in any case. Started Part 4, okay, we are off!
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I Don't Understand All The Positive Reviews.
movieliker121 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
PROS; I think the lead actress (Paulina Andreeva) is gorgeous (at least from the neck up). I loved her in "Better Than Us". And I have a hard time looking away from the screen when she's on it.

CONS; - Who would have thought there were so many serial killers in Moscow? One would assume inbetween episodes, there is down time where nothing is going on. But that is not the way it is portrayed. Each episode ends with the next serial killer killing somebody. Gives the impression that it's non stop, one after the other.
  • I usually like detective shows. Especially with female leads. One, because they're fun to look at. Two, because they are usually more cerebral, and more socially sophisticated than men. But this show is often slow, boring and tedious. It took me a long time to finish all 16 episodes.
  • Supposedly, the lead male character (Rodion Meglin) has a serious illness that is painfully debilitating, and terminal. What illness is this? I watched all 16 episodes, and searched on the Internet, I couldn't find anything. And which detective would avoid treatment because "he needs to catch serial killers". Seems like contrived melodrama.
-The lead female character (Esenya) goes from cold blooded tough guy in the beginning of the series, to an emotional crying mess in the end. What happened? Didn't seem to make sense.
  • Her father is the police chief who intentionally lets out the 16th serial killer just to kill Rodion. He ends up almost killing him and his daughter. Then the series ends with the daughter and father hugging, kissing, and her telling him she loves him. Him trying to kill Rodion is never addressed. What is that?

PLOT HOLE; One of earlier episodes they, of course, are going after yet another one of the apparently endless number of serial killers who live in Moscow. This particular one likes to strangle women. We watch him kill a woman in a park. She just allows him to strangle her --- no resistance what-so-ever. Later Esenya is sitting on a bus in front of this strangling serial killer. Knowing he is the suspect. Of course he tries to strangle her from behind, and she does nothing. She doesn't scratch his eyes, she doesn't elbow him in the ribs, she doesn't kick him in the groin. Rodion had to rescue her. She's supposed to be an experienced police officer training to be a detective. What kind of police officer was she?

This is not the worst detective drama ever. But I had a hard time sticking with it.
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leahb-587967 May 2019
Another fantastic series from Russia, written with perfection. If only English writers could do the same. My partner teases me about watching foreign tv programs but I unashamedly LOVE them. This is not to be missed. Season 2 is a must!
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... you stay watching for one reason only
bjarias1 October 2020
... she would make a really good Bond-girl ... having that 'look' ... and her acting-physical-skills would definitely be up to the part ... w/o question she's the only reason to watch this excruciatingly lengthy TV series

... ... naturally possessing exotic beauty ... when glammed-up she's stunning-gorgeous ... you can't ever take eyes off her ... fortunate is the actor having to work opposite her in a steamy production

... as for this production there's just way too much repetition ... dead bodies pilled on top dead bodies ... psychopath upon psychopath ... enough already after half dozen episodes ... sixteen waaaay too much torture ... yours

... want her in a smaller reasonable dose try watching Locust also on Netflix
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bud2mac_032 July 2021
First episode was intriguing. Second episode evolved into nonsense and foretells what's to come....more nonsense.

If you have roughly 16 hours to waste, this series is for you.
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it's really cool and exciting detective
mburbo10 October 2020
This film is one of the best detective tv series I have ever watched. Every character is deeply described over each episode. Apparently each case is taken from real life, that is why there couldn't be happy end. The method is clear: to catch an animal you should transform your mind into the mind of this animal. Not every man could be normal after such transformation and have "happy" life.
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Method good
brucecarter-5039513 November 2020
Binged on this series ,I'm up to 13 episodes now .I love the two main characters,The trainee female gets better with each episode. But MEGLIN steals the show ,a real oddball character. The crimes have been done many times before ,but it doesn't get bogged down in too much detail . If this is your style of viewing Fayre ,you won't be disappointed.Also loved the Russian back shots ,makes a refreshing change .Hope you enjoy . Bruce
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