Zoombies (2016) Poster


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Thanks to Asylum ,the drive-in movie is still alive
dadatuuexx12 March 2016
Folks that are fans of Asylum movies will not be let down by this zombie/action movie,as it is fairly standard Asylum type movie.I myself do like the stuff coming out of the company,and have for years.Plenty of c.g.i. monkeys ,blood ,and other effects,and some decent effects,and make-up.The gorilla ,Kifa ,i think, was an actor ,and was cool enuf,and not c.g.i. .the actors,some regulars for Asylum ,did a good job,and there were some hot chicks in there.I wish these films had more eye candy,like some bare breasts,but this is not for everyone,and most of these films are for t.v. ,so ,it is what it is.For the most part,this was a cool way to kill some spare time on my week-end ,and knock off a six pack.Great for a one time watch.Back in the 80,s ,there was a movie from Italy that had some rampaging ,pcp influenced animals that wiped out a bunch of people ,and this shoddy gem reminded me of that movie.glad that Asylum is still pumping these out.
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Fast Wasps
scythertitus26 April 2016
There is a temptation to compare this to Sharknado in the whole 'so lame that it is cool' category of terrible movies. The problem is that while Sharknado utilises a stupid concept to make a movie that is pure trash but also pure awesome, Zoombies is mostly the trash part with very little awesome.

There are clear comparisons to Jurassic World, but where that movie's shaky plot is made up for by big budget effects, cool set pieces and Chris Pratt, this movie has none of these, so it is just mostly rubbish.

Sure there are some laughs at seeing actors pretend they are sitting on elephants and hanging from a rope (seriously how hard is it to actually shoot actors hanging from a rope - just put them on a rope a couple of feet above the ground), but overall it is far more cringe than amusement. Possibly good for a laugh if you are tired of all the other 'so lame it's cool' movies out there, but really this one is the pits.
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What did you expect with a title like Zoombie?!?
reddiemurf812 April 2020
Well, it's a cheap horror movie with lots of low grade digital effects,,, not too much going on there. Worth some laughs, but don't get your hopes up about anything else. Just skip it,,,
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For what you expect, interesting film
nboyle1111 April 2017
I came into watching this movie with no expectations and this made it a better film. It has a unique plot and although the acting may be sub par, it is filled with a lot of funny one liners. Overall, i would recommend as long as you're watching it for entertainment and not in a critical way.
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Cheap tacky C.G.I & visual effect what do you expect from asylum
gerry_barnaby15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Likes : I really don't know how to say this film is shockingly bad , the only two thing i can say that is good, it that its not your typical human zombie film's that have been done to death, which is a plus side in the concept of it being zombie animals. The thing is the acting is some what bearable at time so it does have though two things working for it , but sadly its not enough to stop this film being seriously bad.

Dislikes : Where do i start, there are so many thing bad about this film is shocking these film ever make it to DVD, the c.g.i is so poor & cheap looking it look fake & the scene with the gorilla some of it is bad C.G.I & half of it looks like a guy in a cheesy costume shop gorilla suit that so fake it just make this film even worst. There is a few seen where the dialogue is really bad along with its cuts scene it like this film has been made by an amateur but this is what you should expect from asylum pictures cheap, fake looking movies that end up being shown on syfy channel with all the other poor film's. Unless your a fan of asylum film i would avoid this trash.

These people that make this low budget film's on a low budget should not use C.G.I its cheap & tacky on screen it look fake, on these budget animatronic should be use only because it look better with a low budget than force a poorly made C.G.I effect film because it looks bad.
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Atrocious, poorly acted and generally stupid
ghstwolf6216 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
*******DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS, LOTS***************

Wow, there just aren't words to describe it. Awful, ridiculous, ludicrous are probably some to start with.

First of all the cause of the zombie animals is epinephrine.


So a doc has a monkey in full arrest and administers inter-cardiac epi which turns it into the first of the zoombies.


Don't even know where to start with that.

The acting is more of a caricature than anything real. Wooden. And the kid is creepy through a fair amount of the movie with that Stepford smile.

I won't even get into the two-way commercial radios they are supposedly using actually being cheap Chinese Ham radios which in the movie just happen to be on the police SWAT frequency as well as tied into the cellular phone network when they would actually be on a licensed business band freq. Not to mention they seem to be full duplex vox since no one ever presses the transmit button to talk.

All pretty much impossible. (Some cell interconnection on digital systems is possible but this ain't it)

I love how the security guy says they don't have cameras set up to see what's going on anywhere at the lab complex yet when they arrive at the lab there are cameras friggin everywhere and they are used throughout the rest of the film to see what's going on.

Got to love five lions surrounding the group less than a foot away ready to shred them to bits and eat them yet they manage to get into the jeep and get away just fine.

I could go on but it gets worse with the ending, with the mother killing the only friend that her little girl has in the world, the gorilla.

Really a waste of time to watch, sorry I spent 1 1/2 hours on it.
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Actually Not As Awful As I Expected
gavin69429 October 2016
When a strange virus quickly spreads through a safari park and turns all the zoo animals undead, those left in the park must stop the creatures before they escape and zombify the whole city.

Yes, the CGI is beyond deplorable. Yes, it comes from The Asylum, who have almost never made a good movie. And yes, it blatantly rips off "Jurassic Park" (though at least it acknowledges this). And yet, somehow, it manages to succeed as a so bad it's good movie.

Unlike garbage like "Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre", this film had a certain level of heart and humor. Few of the characters are likable, but it has an unpredictability to it that makes it fresh. And the way a child takes on a koala is... well, somewhat disturbing and yet hilarious.
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All over the place.
13Funbags25 August 2019
This movie never figured out what it was supposed to be. The story was a mess and the acting was worse. But a gorilla side-eyed a guy and for that reason alone I give it 3 stars. Not to mention the worst green screen scene ever.
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Nice CGI.
Krackoon14 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
My tolerance level for bad horror, at one point, was extremely high. However, the last few years, it's gone to borderline nonexistent. Did 'Zoombies' help the case?

Well, no - actually, 'Zoombies' is so terrible, that I skipped through half the film. That's right, folks, I'm writing a review after skipping through half the film. Do you know what? I'm not ashamed of myself either. Because these people find it hilarious to put out films so unbearably awful. I wouldn't doubt if one of the actors is reading this review right now, just laughing at me. Do you know why they're laughing at me? Because I tried watching a film called 'Zoombies.' Go ahead and laugh. It's fine. Do you know why it's fine? Because I may have suffered through 45 minutes of bad CGI, crappy acting, and bad writing, but YOU will have to suffer through an entire lifetime of getting garbage roles.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'Zoombies' is bad. It's not bad because I ''didn't understand it,'' as one of the fake reviewers will have you believe. It's bad, because the people responsible do not care about making good material. They care about getting their $50 paychecks, and mocking those of us who want to see good films. So, you can take 'Zoombies' and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Seriously, IMDb, you need to lower your restrictions when it comes to films and people like these. They deserve more expressive vocabulary, if you know what I mean.

Follow me on Twitter @Krackoon, so I can tell you how I really feel.
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Wild Beasts 2
shawnblackman9 December 2016
A virus gets spread through a little monkey that makes animals go insane and kill people. The monkey was at a huge wildlife park that is getting ready to open to the public. Before long other animals are infected and it is survival of the fittest as employees and interns try and get out alive.

This is one of the better Asylum Films which doesn't say much I guess. Watching zombie giraffes chasing people was funny. I know that's a stretch. For some reason they had to CGI the staff riding elephants. I thought of Calamity Of Snakes (1982) when the birds are attacking people. The same cheesiness when they go about killing them.
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Great movie.
lisahbabe21 July 2020
If you love gory, zombie or horror movies (oh & animals) you'll love this. Yes it's cheesy and the acting and special affects aren't too great either. But it's ok for a laugh after a few drinks. Give it a go.
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Predictable and low-budget, but kind of endearing
ahawk-6859015 November 2020
Let me start off by saying this: if you're expecting believable effects or top-notch acting, maybe set your hopes a little lower.

This movie is definitely what you might expect from one of the old SciFi Originals movies. Low-budget with passable but sometimes cheesy dialogue and actors that aren't terrible, but aren't going to be getting any nominations either. The best acting in this movie was done by the little girl character, and even then it's not spectacular.

But if you just want to waste some time with a so-bad-it's-funny kind of horror movie, or are just really, really emotionally affected by the thought of endangered animals turning into zombies, you might get a small, cheap kick out of it. I did, even despite how lackluster it was.

The CGI isn't great, and there's a scene where one character is held up in the air by a zombie animal and her body position looks laughably fake. (Her pose is so stiff and does not look at all like she's dangling in the air.) But if you can manage to ignore that, it's entertaining enough.

Overall, not the worst movie I've ever seen. It had potential, and you can tell there was some heart in it, but not enough to make up for the lack of budget. Still, if you've got an hour and a half to kill and don't mind cheesy low-budget horror, it's not terrible and is just barely worth a watch.
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IF you have NOTHING better to do...
camarossdriver11 June 2020
WOW! From the FIRST glimpse at the CGI monkeys,you KNOW you are in for one heck of a cheesy ride. On the PLUS side,this movie is slightly better than "Rise of the Animals"...but not by much. The acting really isn't THAT bad. WAYYYY better than "Birdemic" (but what ISN'T???) The CGI "zoombies" are laughable,but this is an Asylum film,so what do you expect? Once you see a zombie giraffe,your life is complete! I'm not going to bash this movie too much. Is it GREAT? No. Is it kinda fun? Yes. Get some friends together,and have a good laugh Mystery Science 3000 style.
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The best thing about this movie is the CGI and thats saying something.
hollyleaf-3915314 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so zombie b movies are some of the best things to pick apart and make fun of but the way the acting and plot falls apart as the movie goes on. The best part would be the small blonde having beaten a koala to death. But the worst parts I cannot get behide would be the acting between the mom and daughter. But the editing and cinematography are the worst ive ever seen and its such a hard thing to mess up. Its a hard questions to ask if they finished this movie and dusted their hands off like "yep thats a wrap, this movie is gonna be a hit when it gets to the big screen." And for the zombie virus goes its not like they wanted to eat anyone it just killed poeple and they didnt even turn.
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acottagecheesedemon30 September 2017
This movie was an instant classic for me. Everything about it is perfect, from the jaw dropping practical and special effects, to John Williams beautiful score, this movie just works. It works as an action thriller, and even as horror. I remember recently watching this film and thinking, "wow. Just wow." Allow me to start with the characters, each one feels real in their own way, and has excellent motivation. Even the villain is likable in his own way. Great writing. Next I would like to mention the score. Personally, I think the soundtrack to this movie is what ultimately "makes" the film. Every time I hear The theme, both inside and outside of the movie I am moved to tears. This is some of John Williams finest work, and it works perfectly with this movie. The last thing I think I should mention in the effects. Man, the first time I saw a Dino on the big screen, I was more than blown away. Both the practical and digital effects of this film are great. So great I'd say, that they even hold up today! Impressive. To sum up my review, this movie is a classic and a masterpiece of cinema that both movie lovers and casual fans alike should both check out.

I give Jurassic Park, a 10/10
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Decent, but could be improved
wicca_wolf28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not that bad, but not the best either.

1. Virus and patient zero: The movie leads you to believe that something happens to a few monkeys and then one dies; the vet uses an epi-pen and the monkey becomes a zombie.

-the story line mentions the virus could be airborne, but they don't o into more detail and it leaves you wondering.

2. Actors and acting: seems fake in some places. The actress playing Amber seems to be overly scared in simple scenes. There are scenes where it looks like the actors get their cues and then the scene starts.

3. CGI: decent but you can tell that they relied on the CGI a lot. The animals were basically CGI, but decent as along as you ignored that you knew it was CGI.

4. Prey vs. Predator: in one scene elephants appear and they talk about elephants being safe due to not being predators. Then in a later scene, all of the animals have been affected and are running down the road.

  • also, you would think that becoming zombie like, then they'd turn on each other first. Zombie animals going after non zombie animals. However, there are no scenes like that.
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Cheap, low quality amateur effects.
MorgAmanda10 June 2016
I usually love low budget B-list movies but this was too much. The special effects were so bad it was comical. I feel like a middle school movie making class class would have done a much more professional job with the special effects. The animals look like cartoon characters and when the people are riding the animals they look like there were pictures of the characters copied and pasted on top of the animals. This movie seemed like a really good idea but I believe the animators could have worked a little longer or used better software or something to make the animals and the special effects at least halfway convincing or just make the whole thing a cartoon, because the mix of real people and cartoon is very annoying.
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Soundtrack from ALIENS
ray-bowman26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When the special forces arrive then go into the basement listen to the radio contact ,, I might be stupid but this is the soundtrack from the film Aliens and its word for word including u can just about hear ripley telling Burke to recall his men .. Don't know if that's legal for them to use it ... The film wasn't the worst I have seen but certainly not the best ,, switch the film on and then switch your brain off u will like it better that way but if your one of those people who look to criticise every film then please don't watch it lol coz u will be forever writing about how bad this story and effects were, one good thing at least my kids were well entertained for hour n a half
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Good idea, not good execution.
XpocalypseSurvival2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Movie has a good premise, location is good, and for what they were given, I think the actors did a good job.

The beginning was promising, and while the CGI wasn't good, it worked okay with monkeys. Later in the movie, though, the elephants and giraffes were a bit too ambitious for whatever CGI budget they had available.

Ultimately, the main failing is that the plot really doesn't make sense. Everyone is running around worried about the birds, even though the monkeys could very easily escape? Didn't make sense (among other things).
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That questionably animated wild side of nature that you never see...
paul_haakonsen15 April 2017
When I purchased this movie from the Amazon market place, I had no idea that it was going to be one of those abysmal movies by The Asylum. And you know that as soon as you see their logo, that it is going to be one of those movies...

...and "Zoombies" was just exactly that. Don't get your hopes up, that way you will not be disappointed with this less than mediocre attempt at a foray in to a hitherto relatively unexplored zone of the zombie genre. Zombies and zoo animals, sure, why not?

It might have worked out well enough on paper, but transferred to the screen, not so much. Well, it might actually have worked out well enough with some proper special effects and CGI. But no, that was not the case here. They were left with some questionable and shoddy CGI attempts at making zombified zoo animals, which mostly turned out to appear more like something you'd find in a "5 Nights at Freddies" game.

The storyline was as simple and generic as they come. Actually to the point where it was just blatantly taking ideas from "Jurassic Park" at times. But it didn't help the movie one bit that the storyline and script was so inept and so poor. And it didn't really help to promote the movie either that the storyline was so predictable that you knew what would happen a mile away.

As for the acting, well, let's just say that you know what you are getting with a movie such as this, and that way you don't get your hopes up for anything grand. But on a personal note, then I will say that I found the acting to be as rigid and unappealing as the characters were generic and one-dimensional.

I was suckered in by a fairly interesting DVD movie cover. But, of course, you can't judge a movie by it's cover alone, for most of the times.

"Zoombies" was a foray into the zombie genre that attempted something new but failed most horribly. And as such, then it is a movie that you watch once, if you even get through the entire movie the first time. Trust me, you will not be watching "Zoombies" as second time around.

These poorly animated zombified animals score a meager 4 out of 10 stars from me.
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CG Cheezfest
bhsfacebook20 February 2019
So much cheezy computer animation. If there was an award for bad CG this would win. Animals, gun shots, and fires all looking as fake as could be. So hilariously bad that it's nearly entertaining!
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Not another Jurassic Park.
michaelRokeefe17 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Glenn R. Miller directs this campy flick that at first could be caste off as being stupid; but given a chance, ZOOMBIES will sucker you in. Actually not a bad movie at all. Dr. Ellen Rogers (Kim Nielsen) takes on an animal safari park in honor of her grandfather. Maybe a lack of credentials, but just enough education to run such an endeavor. She cares for the animals as well as her workers.

Somehow a mysterious virus breaks out in the lab among small monkeys. The monkeys soon become vicious killers and take on traits of zombies. Now the workers are no longer caretakers, but prey. These undead creatures must be stopped and contained inside the safari park before "infecting" the other zoo animals. Not even think about a body count.

This movie is well photographed even if some of the CGI is a bit "cock-eyed". Some pretty dumb situations and foolish dialogue; but if you are in the mood for a crazy horror animal flick...this is it. Not so scary the whole family can't enjoy.

Other players: Marcus Anderson, Andrew Asper, Brianna Joy Chomer, AAron Groben, LaLa Nestor and Ione Butler.
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I've seen worse.
unclezombie-6218017 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So threw this on to kill some time during a long watch. Went in expecting it to be horrible, and it wasn't the greatest, but when a zombie monkey rips out a vet's eyeballs -and then throws them at the other vet- inside the first five minutes, you know exactly the territory you're headed into.

Acting varies, with Ione Butler and Andrew Asper being more towards the 'Pretty Good' end of the scale. Nobody is really awful though, and manage to make it through remarkably straight-faced. The movie never takes itself too seriously, and how can you, when one scene involves zombie birds ripping out a woman's entrails and then laying eggs in her. One character gets both his arms ripped off by graffes (immediately following one of the more laughably awkward CGI scenes), and Lizzy and Gage have a cutaway scene where they each rip the wings off a bird, so... judge by that I guess. And as others have said, Thea vs the koala is amusing in a gory way. I'm not well-versed in the Asylum oeuvre, so either the CGI is as a whole intentionally bad or they improved significantly between 2016 and 2018's Triassic Park.

During these long boring watches I've been sampling some B-grade fare on Tubi and I was expecting this to be as wooden, slapped-together and disappointing as Jurassic Shark but it was a pleasant waste of an hour and a half.
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Zoombies, provides everything thing you'd expect.
ofcogsandwheels30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lololol! Two words: Zombie giraffes!

Can't get any funnier or more pathetic than that. But what can you expect from a movie about zombie zoo animals? If you want a good laugh or if you enjoy "So BAD they're GOOD" movies then this might be the movie for you. I'd give it more than one star if it were meant to be humorous, but it wasn't. I would give it a half star if I could, but I can't. I wouldn't give it zero stars because it was funny which provided a modicum of entertainment value whether it's creators intended it to be funny or not.
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tlmyasirs24 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
** spoilers**

other than the concept of animal zombie. the whole movie is trash. People are acting like brainless zombies like they don't act immediately when there is plenty of time to exit and or lock the door. zombies are thinking like people.

the little girl ultimately scare and ripped the animal into parts the next minute. more over the gate is just about 10 feet. cheap CGI. doesn't explain the cause of zombie. the police arrive at the scene and there not doing any thing after the first attack. in overall the good concept is spoiled with cheaper making and weaker plotting.
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