Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie (TV Movie 2016) Poster

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This was hilarious!
sildarmillion25 May 2018
I liked the humor in this a lot. It was ridiculous without going SNL-level over-the-top. All the jokes paid off. The pacing was a tiny bit off, but it's short, so it doesn't make a big difference. The cast was really great. A lot of familiar faces playing familiar characters. Johnny Depp especially was great. You wouldn't even have known it was him if you didn't specifically know it.

Honestly, after what happened in 2016, this is what we needed. I wish I had watched it before, but oh well. You need the distance from the event to be able to see the comedy.
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More fun than funny
peefyn13 February 2016
Context: I am not American, and do not live in the US.

In many ways, this could be compared to the 2015 HBO TV-movie 7 Days in Hell. It's essentially a long skit based around one central idea, featuring a number of celebrity cameos. It's something where those involved obviously must have had great fun making it, and that joy is transferred to the viewer.

There is also a case to be made for a comparison between this and 2015s Kung Fury. Both rely heavily on replicating (and exaggerating) the looks and feel of popular media from a former decade (specifically the 80s).

While I can not be sure about their motives, it's easy to imagine that the people involved with this meant this as a sort of satirical reflection over Trump's character, or as an comedic attack on him. Because of Trump's way of handling his legacy and public image (basically not caring), this is not a very successful game plan. And because the caricature of Trump in this movie is (sadly) believable, it never becomes all that funny.
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Depp Does a Great Job as Trump
jcomixrm4 January 2017
While not the most amazing satire or the best by any means, Depp manages to do a great job at lampooning the man who gives them so much material to work with. There are a few dull moments or moments that where the humor is targeted to people specifically in the political sphere, but the majority of it is a good time. There are some 'reviewers' here who, like the Parody Trump portrayed in the film, are claiming 'character assassination' and 'politics have no place in media' and other such idiotic nonsense, while at the same time demonizing their own political opponents. There are also various cameos from 80's pop culture that will be a nice treat for fans of that generation of film. So if you are looking for a fun little comedy about our President Elect and his boisterous and often obnoxious personality and don't have a political stick up your butt, then give it a watch. It's worth 50 minutes of your time.
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Depp parody brilliance
amesmonde1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A parody film based on (ghost written) Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal.

Packed with celebrity cameos including the likes of Ron Howard, Henry Winkler and Christopher Lloyd to name a few this comedy directed by Jeremy Konner captures the essence of the time periods on a limited budget. The look is of an old VHS tape with Joe Randazzo's send up dialogue encapsulating political satire and irony. Not only is it hilarious, there's a serious message as child actors are replaced for there they race and people are forced to move in the name of development real estate.

With a sub-plot of Trump wanting to buy the Taj Mahal Casino and Resort in Atlantic City unrecognisable Johnny Depp is outstanding, as he breaks up the megalomaniac shenanigans with power statements to camera echoing the books 11-step formula for business success.

Johnny Depp as Donald Trump and A.L.F appears too, as a parody and a warning it perfectly covers both bases.
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Maybe Runs a Bit Long
gavin69422 September 2016
Funny or Die presents a satirical rendition of Donald Trump's 1987 best selling business book, The Art of the Deal.

I have to commend Funny or Die for putting together an all-star cast. Even Johnny Depp does a fine bit of acting here, and it may be his best work in a long time, aside from maybe Jack Sparrow. This could have been disposable Internet fluff, but everyone seems to have taken it about as seriously as you could.

My only concern is that it might run a bit long. I know it's not very long, but even in its shortness, it tends to get repetitive and they rely far too much on the "Trump is a racist" jokes. That seems too easy to me and really takes the bite out of what could have been possible here.
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Not Very Funny...
framptonhollis12 August 2016
The concept of this movie is actually really fascinating to me. Personally, I really dislike Donald Trump, and a good satire of him would work extremely well! Also, it's interesting how this movie is a) an adaptation of his book "The Art of the Deal" b)is shot as mockumentary, and has a cool visual style, and c) Johnny Depp is playing Donald Trump!

However, the movie itself is nowhere near as good as its concept!While I did laugh a couple of times here and there, it was, overall, very unfunny. Most of it is immaturely making fun of Trump instead of packing the movie with little details about Trump's life that would take actual research. I'm ALWAYS impressed when those behind the scenes actually do research on whoever/whatever they're satirizing.

But, despite the movie not really being funny, I thought Johnny Depp did a pretty great job. He doesn't look or sound much like the real Donald Trump, but his performance is extremely unique and bizarre, and I really found myself enjoying!

Also, I'd like to comment on the people angrily calling this movie "propaganda". I highly disagree with them. It's just a quick little comedy that pokes fun of Trump, it's no "Triumph of the Will"! Really, calm down!

Overall, this movie made me agree with what Ron Howard said at the end of the credits.
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a YUGE success, except in those few moments it isn't
Quinoa198410 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In this spectacular and frighteningly spot-on satire of Donald J Trump (though the fact that a lot of it is so close to his worldview is part of the point - that he COULD have made something this sloppy and tacky and all about himself), we see the man, the myth, the legend in the 1986 glory days of when he turns 40 and he is telling his life story while in the framing device of making a deal for the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City from Merv Griffin (Johnny Depp is Trump, Patton Oswalt as Merv Griffin, easily two of the funniest casting choices this year that WORK damn it all).

It's important to remember this is a "Movie of the Week" from the website Funny or Die, and the context is all about timeliness. This wouldn't of worked three or even four years ago, when "Drumpf", as he's now delightfully called on Twitter (at least by myself thanks to John Oliver), was first running for president. But now it's 2016 and this has been one of those years that you simply can't write about in fictional terms - a grade A narcissist (and whatever you think about the man, he IS that) who knows one thing: Trump is amazing, the best, YUGE, and he will do great for his country as he did great for people back in his years as a real estate mogul. Of course it's all an illusion, and a kind of pact perhaps with a devil, and there's even a scene here where Trump, talking to himself in the mirror in the bathroom after being unable to take a s***, sees briefly a figure of a skeleton, this after a homeless man intoned to him 'You will not get the Taj Mahal.' What could these symbols mean? Eh, it's nothing, of course, Trump says.

The entire conceit of the project is what counts here, of a self-financed passion project dug up from obscurity from the 1980's (the kind of thing that might show up on the series 'Best of the Worst') and it's all about making the same joke but in different variations, like a jazz musician playing 'My Favorite Things' for half an hour: you know that Trump will make it all about himself - "written/music by/starring/produced/co-produced/lyrics/directed by Trump" - so why not use that to leap off into his various sleazy and skeezy business practices? Or that he has an Immigrant wife (as he does now)? Or how he sued the NFL and won, but got a $1 settlement offer (that I didn't know about but hey I believe it)? And it's also all resting on Johnny Depp's shoulders as a performer, and what he does here is a goof, a long SNL skit, but what a skit!

Yes, it's clear that he's taking on a lot of make-up once again and putting on a New York Trump-y drawl, but it works. He carries best I think Trump's instability and lack of self-consciousness (except when that comes to his suit or if he's talking to a minority child in his propaganda, which is hilarious in that he changes up the kid a few times, with a black kid given the shortest amount on screen), and the narration gives a lot of jokes at the image of Trump as a kind of public persona who is basically ripe for mockery, not to mention his interactions with others (Jason Mantzoukas as a bum, Paul Scheer as Roy Cohn, Alfred Molina as his "Jewish Lawyer", no, really, he's referred to as that on screen, and he has to demonstrate how he eats the c***s off of the plaintiffs Trump's against).

Does every little attempt at humor work? Maybe not. But then this is the kind of satire that aims high and low - there's a poop joke, or rather about how Trump *can't* poop - but more often than not the lines connect and it's consistently funny and at least amusing. The ending is slightly problematic in that it doesn't keep things into its 1980's aesthetic (spoiler, Christopher Lloyd pops up from 2016 with the presidential news). I think that it is the one major fault is that it doesn't keep its references to the 80's solely and goes into present day context so strongly (hell, even Alf shows up, performed by the original actor, and it's great) when we already know watching it what the context is all about: meet the new Donald, same as the old Donald, only without the actual coiffed 'Helmet hair', only now (to at least me and I'm sure others) the visage of a demagogue.

But as far as acidic satires of demagogues with plenty of 'cards' of Deal wisdom go, this takes the cake. And when it comes to satirical targets, the only downside is that he's almost TOO good for right now, like it may take a couple decades until the next big one can come around... like The Producers. 7.5/10
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Funnyish, clearly partisan but worth a view
sandiegoharry15 September 2016
It appears that several Hollywood folks do not love The Donald - big shock. So these folks decide to make a movie that ranges from poking a bit of fun at His Donaldness to outright attacking his character. Again, big shock. So view this knowing that it's a slam on Trump that's amusing and nothing more. I too think that Trump is a buffoon, and I get that this "movie" what whipped up in a real hurry, but a better made, more well thought out effort might have been... well, more entertaining. This movie will likely really please folks who are terrified of Trump, annoy his followers and leave the rest of us with a big "Meh... it was okay".
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Hilarious and no-holds-barred
Gin-ster17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if this is a spoiler or not so I checked the spoiler box, but at any rate, going into it I knew nothing about it so was amazed and astounded at the end when I found (SPOILER) that Johnny Depp was playing Trunp; I kept wondering throughout who was doing such a great job.:)

As to the film - it is cheesy, insulting, contains a lot of fabrications (I looked up Der Scutt and (SPOILER) found nothing that would suggest he had Nazi sympathies). It is also spot-on in capturing Trump and his attitudes; so much so that I was wondering how it could be so much in line with what Trump is saying in August, 2016 of his presidential campaign.

Someone here said it is "fun" but not "funny." I can see that point - it is really fun to watch as it is amazingly over-the-top; I didn't get too many laughs out of it, but it definitely held my attention and I recommend it, but only for people who dislike Trump as others will be infuriated, not entertained nor enlightened. Also, please note, it is cheesy by design - I gave it an 8 not because it is a work of art but because it succeeds very well in what it is trying to do.
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Bulletproof Toupée
pyrocitor18 February 2016
Donald Trump didn't coin the phrase "There's no such thing as bad publicity," but he may as well have (and he might even take credit for it anyway). For a titanic media figure whose image was already virtually predicated on self-satire (even before his recent bid for presidency), Trump's belligerent braying has courted many a satire in his time, but few that have made much of an incisive mark. If anything, the glut of recent Trump riffing, from SNL to Jimmy Fallon, have more than likely backfired in their riffing intent, and only served to further bolster the outrageous silliness of Trump's media personality, rather than drawing much- needed attention to the many problematic aspects of his campaign. As James Poniewozik from the New York Times mused, "How do you spoof a candidate who treats campaigning like a roast?"

This is the major sticking point with Funny or Die's 'Donald Trump's the Art of the Deal: The Movie'. On paper, a fantastic idea - Ron Howard introduces a videocassette of Trump's (fictional) '80s-set informercial-turned-TV-movie, lost in "the Cybill Shepherd blouse fire of 1989" (one of the film's choicest one-liners) - the film plays as an overlong skit which flounders due to not being terribly funny, and crucially lacking in any particularly percipient satire. Is it amusing? Yes, for the most part, but fairly blandly so. With an unfocused sense of humour broadly skewing for everything from Citizen Kane gags (thank goodness for Patton Oswald and his cinema-literacy) to occasional pokes at the fourth wall (some more successful than others, though one mid-film "re-casting" bit is a winner), to toilet humour, preciously few bits raise more than a faint smile. Oddly enough, where the film really excels is as an '80s pastiche, with its washed out VHS fuzziness, corny montages, and chirpy, gratuitous child lead(s) acing the tropes enough to make John Hughes proud. There's even a Kenny Loggins theme tune, bless 'em.

Of course, the film's main bid for attention is its 'who woulda thunk it?' stunt casting of Johnny Depp as Trump - and, yes, it's as much of a rollicking success as you've heard. With the aid of some impressive prosthetics and a mighty hairpiece, Depp nails Trump's fidgety physicality and distinctive Queens bellow. However, he's also wise enough to dig beneath mere mimicry, finding notes of preening sinisterness and occasional desperation, entirely devoid of empathy, all coalescing into a performance that feels entirely human, and all the more unsettling for it. The gaggle of guest stars are also generally good for a laugh - Oswald, transposing his characteristic neurotic schlub into a Miami Vice villain is a scream, while Alfred Molina tirelessly fishes for peanut gallery one-liners as Trump's seedy "Jewish lawyer." Even if most of the cast are invited to retool their best bits from other work, they're all still on top form - Jack McBrayer revisiting his bubbly, hollow- eyed imp from 30 Rock, Henry Winkler his blustery hypocrite from Arrested Development, while Robert Morse gets one more adorable 'top of the ladder' yuk, and there's a Christopher Lloyd cameo so stupendous I won't spoil it here. Still, it's a shame such a superb ensemble isn't given more to do than be fairly repetitively roasted by Depp's Trump, believable as it may be.

'Believable,' ultimately, is the sadly operative word. If Funny or Die's intent was to defame Trump's image midway through the primaries, it's a bit of a redundant effort: such an unfortunately gentle satire is hardly news for Trump-opposition, while those firmly on Team Trump are unlikely be shaken by any of Depp's mugging, excellent as he is. Call it the Wolf of Wall Street effect (though The Art of the Deal is a far feebler effort): the artistic intent is to present Trump's misdemeanours at barely exaggerated face value, intending them to speak for themselves as inherently absurd and satirical. However, due to Trump's cult of personality, those already swayed by him are all too likely to reppropriate the joke as sincere, making it a bit of a disappointingly apolitical backfire of a political satire. Ultimately, Funny or Die's The Art of the Deal means well, but it's lazy, highly produced, and lacking in cohesion and teeth, muddying its point in a bunch of loud, airy bluster counterbalanced with infectious enough buffoonery to ride out in spite of itself. In short, it's everything Donald Trump would love.

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Hilarious and the genius was capturing trump's cult of personality and ridiculousness without exaggeration
ThomasJeff27 April 2016
The jokes are very intelligent and satirical but it takes some effort or knowledge to understand some of them. Much of the plot is based on Trump's real life. That's the key to satire, showing the absurdity of Trump's candidacy without exaggerating much at all and everything is 100% true.

Trump's cult of personality will of course not be swayed but that's the thing about cults, their spread slows and eventually the cultists just go away into the forest with their own nuttery as people start to see just how insane they are.

The jokes were not only smart but very offensive which I find to be exactly what I'm looking for in a comedy.
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Oh Good Grief
kdiamond66622 April 2022
When you can't make comedy funny, call it satire. There, I fixed the title of this movie.

Same old Propaganda preaching tripe.

You'll get way more laughs out of Shaknado

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10/10 because 5.8 is way too low
joystickjake18 March 2021
This movie is absolutely funnier than the 5.8 it's sitting at. Y'all salty af and it's hilarious. You coulda told me this movie was an exact copy of the book and I probably wouldn't have questioned it. Depp and Alf pull off a great performance!
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A Sketch would Have Been Fun, Fifty Minutes was Too Much,
lesleyharris309 August 2016
Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie is a mediocre TV movie that has its ups and downs in terms of writing, despite a talented cast. Funny or Die certainly gathered an impressive creative team to parody the most controversial presidential candidate in American history.

There are great cameos throughout, such as Patton Oswalt and Ron Howard as himself. The star of the show is Johnny Depp, taking a very interesting turn as Trump himself, he may not sound very much like him, but his mannerisms and dialogue is stellar, he brings the character to life in his own very unique way.

It does get tiring after a while, twenty minutes it and the humour started to die down for me, it was very one note, fifty minutes was too much. The run time may have been a bit more bearable if they were not so inclined to make the movie look extremely low budget, purposely making the colour off putting, I got the joke but it took me out of the "plot" too much. While there are certainly funny moments, The Art of the Deal falls flat for me, if you enjoy making fun of Donald Trump you might as well check out Funny or Die as they take the joke way too far, other than that avoid it.

A satirical adaptation of business tycoon Donald Trump's bestselling novel, as he teaches a young boy how to make it big in the industry.

Best Performance: Johnny Depp
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i really wanted it to be funny.
katastrofkatt17 September 2019
I mean, there is so much to make fun of. a little too obvious jokes and cheap shots. i apperciate the try tho. and maybe now, like 3 years later, someone should give it a another go. i mean.. a lot of sick, twisted and hilarious things has come out of that clown in these years. a plus for the likeness. ecpecially the pout.
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Satire of the Man with Delusions of Godhood with an Absolutely Believable Performance by Johnny Depp
classicalsteve5 August 2016
While Darrell Hammond on Saturday Night Live does a decent Donald Trump, Johnny Depp of "Pirates of the Caribbean" fame proves why he may be the best performer in Hollywood. In this relatively short satirical film, Depp delivers an absolute spot-on imitation of the business magnate-turned-television reality star-turned-republican presidential demigod. If this was a more serious film at feature length, you'd start thinking Academy Award! At 50 minutes, it's just about as long as I could take in a movie concerning the most arrogant man on the planet with delusions of Godhood, although Depp's performance is more than worth the price of admission.

When I first found it on Netflix, I didn't know what to make of it. I began watching the featurette with lots of questions, the biggest being why had I not heard of it? The film begins with an explanatory intro by film director and former child/adolescent star Ron Howard. He explains the film was produced, written and starred Donald Trump in the late 1980's but was pre-empted by a Monday Night Football game in 1988, a lousy one at that. All copies were destroyed in a fire, according to Howard. Decades later, Howard was rummaging in a yard sale and he and another pack-rat found the only surviving copy among heaps of stuff. The other pack-rat was about the build of Melissa McCarthy, but luckily Howard won the day and has brought the film out for public consumption.

The film begins like one of those TV movies of the week you used to see in the 1970's and 1980's. Just about every television cliché is present from the music, similar to "Dallas", "Knots Landing", and "Love American Style" to the glittering fonts. Every credit is "Donald Trump" from producer to actor to editor. The film begins with a kid stealing a copy of Donald Trump's "The Art of the Deal" and escaping into an office. Of course in the office is Donald Trump (Johnnie Depp). The film becomes a mish-mash of episodes through his book as Trump explains how he got to where he is through being a ruthless and heartless American businessman. The kid is a mesmerized one-person audience hearing Trump's "story", if story it can be called. Chapters include among other things how to win lawsuits and how to defraud tenants. A few Hollywood name talent also appear including Alfred Molina (da Vinci Code) and Henry Wrinkler (who used to play Fonzie with Ron Howard on Happy Days in the 1970's).

While in some ways, "The Art of the Deal" is sort of like a long Saturday Night Live sketch, Depp's performance is superb. He's captured all of Trump's gestures and idiosyncrasies right down to fiddling with his hair. If a more serious film about the rise of Trump were ever produced, Depp would be the hands-on choice. A real interesting experiment in filmmaking, and if it weren't for the fact that this narcissist disguised as a human being is trying to become king of the world, he'd probably being suing Depp and the director Jeremy Konner and writer Joe Randazzo. Luckily, Trump is rather busy. Trying to become king of the world is a full-time job.
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Great for what it is
sbaderdeen16 May 2016
It is a GREAT piece of internet-only content that has at least thirty strong jokes and that remains fun, engaging, and enjoyable experimental throughout. Think Cheech and Chong or Sealab 2021. It rolls along happily from bit to bit to bit at the expense of no particular policy or American ideals, just the personality of Donald Drumpf

It should not be considered a classic piece of political satire like many overeager people have claimed. It's a bit shallow and it's jokes are hit or miss. Rather, it is a great movie when you consider its context. This movie was written very quickly with that false notion that it would eventually become irrelevant. Therefore the script never got the chance to be worked on and improved over the course of say 6 months through the hands of 5-10 writers.

If you made it down here, I want to direct you to the review made by Peefyn who gives a spot on analysis of genre. This doesn't deserve to be compared to Anchorman or Blazing Saddles or Life of Brian. It is more at the level of a TV movie, just an extremely well-written and often funny one.
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Depp is a brilliant Donald
Jxsbee22 November 2020
It's very easy to see why Depp is one of the greatest in his field, he channels Donald Trump perfectly in this.
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Great Movie and Worth The Watch
leoliseno24 March 2021
Great movie and well worth the 50 minutes it took to watch. People who gave this movie such low ratings are just jealous of how accurate this movie really is. Great movie and great adaptation of the truly terrible book that this is based off of. People don't realize with political party is the REAL satirical party, and it isn't the Democrats.
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This movie is hilarious and I love Donald Trump!
LouAntonyMorris8 August 2017
They did a good job at making fun of him even if it's mean at times and if you can do your job properly, particularly when it comes to being FUNNY rather than getting off on CRUEL, then what's the harm?

In fact at one point they have "The Donald" make the crack about only caring about what neighbors do to property values...and I wasn't sure if they were actually this inept when it comes to the working class or were genuinely trying to bash him.... The working class ALWAYS cares about what new neighbors do to property values! lol. I've heard that mentioned in my small working class town for 30+ years. Teachers, parents, cops, siblings I mean EVERYONE.

Ultimately they meant it as an attack and are truly outside the fold of who Americans are and what it means to work yourself to the point of injury to have a life worth living and help the people you care about. Ron Howard endorsed a smear site on President Trump which was of course implications but posted everything as facts. Was accused of. Was thought to have. May have been involved with. Could have been responsible for.

The most irresponsible rhetoric controlling the small minded and emotionally driven that I now consider it a dialect. But the movie was funny!

So for all I boycott out of entertainment and social media which I have been doing for the last 10 years? I thought the movie was harmless and fun.
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