The Last Rite (2021) Poster


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Pretty generic
YaBigGaymo26 December 2021
Nothing remarkable but not the worst possession film I've seen. None of the characters are remotely likeable, relatable, or interesting. While I understand one could reason that the boyfriend was behaving the way he was because of the demons presence I am countering that argument with this- he's just a knob.
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Can be a one timer
kaolacc2 January 2022
It's ok kind of movie and can be watched once, but u need to ignore the main male lead. The female lead was convincing and the film have some scary moments.
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Divorce is in her future.
markinok7 March 2022
The movie would have been so much better if the husband/boyfriend/whatever was exercised early on. He brought the entire cast down the toilet with him. Very difficult to watch to the end.
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Quite the amateur-movie
train107726 November 2021
Well this movie has a ok atmosphere. It is in no way a scary movie and the effects well, there are no special effects.

The male antagonist is just about the worst actor I have ever seen. And I have seen a few. He is incredibly unbelievable. The female is mediocre.
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Unlikeable people in a dark unpleasant environment
LJ2730 April 2023
I guess I'm too old to appreciate modern horror films. This movie is yet another where two unlikeable people live together and one goes to a job he hates and the other stays in their haunted house. The house is always dark, even in the daylight and they never turn on any lights. The woman does very little. She rides her exercise bike but mostly sleeps, or lays awake or stands in the kitchen drinking, while staring blankly at nothing, but is in school. When he's home, he is always angry about his job and blows up at her frequently for no actual reason. He supposedly loves her but never gives her the benefit of the doubt if the cabinets are all suddenly opened by supernatural forces. I don't see that whatever boogeyman is wreaking havoc could be much worse than the jerk she lives with who has only one emotion...anger. They don't play music or watch TV or movies. They never leave their cold, dark, sterile house, not together at least. Demons, or not, stalking her, one thing is certain...she's already in hell. She could pack her things and move out. Her life could only improve as a result. Why she wants to stay with that volatile plank of wood of a boyfriend of hers, is anyone's guess. Her girlfriend tells her she should leave him but she refuses. If you enjoy watching boring, irritating people sit around and talk or yell at each other, then this is the movie for you.
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Awful Horrible Acting
annaelawrence-6069331 December 2021
Whoever cast the main guy made a terrible mistake, every scene made me cringe. Just ruined the movie completely.

Shame because it had such promise, but it also feels like it starts in the middle of the film.
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Misleading poster klaxon!
Go_For_The_Jugular26 November 2021
I'm not 100% sure what I was expecting after seeing the poster...but it wasn't this!

It's more of a TV drama with a hint of horror, than an actual film.

It looks like one of those 2-part dramas that you see a lot on BBC One and ITV. In fact, my gf walked into the room while I was watching it and said "what channel is this?".

The sound, lighting and cinematography make the film come across very amateurish. It's very unpolished.

The acting is mediocre at best - the only person that was convincing as an actor, was the priest...everyone else seemed like this was their first gig.

Full of horrible and unlikeable characters, (especially Ben the boyfriend). He seems to switch his mood from loving and caring to abusive and disrespectful in the blink of an eye...very annoying. Plus his acting was sub-par, particularly when he was shouting. Lucy's friend acts like a random person that they literally grabbed off the street moments before filming...she was awful...couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Her acting was so bad, that she ruined the scene...and it kills the suddenly become very aware that you're watching a film.

IDK...the poster gave me pure demonic possession/exorcism vibes...and i was looking forward to a film dedicated to that...but that's not what I got, there was hardly any.

Not the worst film I've watched this year, but definitely somewhere in the mix. Very disappointing.
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I don't know where to start...
ngrfrthrc3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pros None

Cons absolutely no atmosphere acting is appallingly bad literally stole some of best bits of a possession film and made it awful failed in every way to conceptualise exorcism there's a female bishop?! If the director had done his research he would know that catholic clergy don't ordain women the guy who plays Ben is so punchable I wanted to hit my TV the worst film I've ever seen.
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Let me be as shallow as the grave
secretstory14 October 2023
If ever you find yourself starring in a movie of any kind: Prepare.

The boyfriend being the worst actor, ever, we continued watching, half heartedly. The idea behind the man in the black hat, the shadow man, the dark man, is a common enough premise, however sleep paralysis and demonic possession are two different things. None of which was executed believably. I usually can watch just about anything supernatural but this was bad. The only good came from the priest. I am still looking at twenty more minutes before the end and cannot wait.

Let me be as shallow as the grave: The scariest part of this movie was the lead actress' skin.

Forgo this one if you crave frights.
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Incredibly slow paced, generic and predictable...
paul_haakonsen19 March 2022
When I stumbled upon this 2021 horror from writer and director Leroy Kincaide, I wasn't really harboring much of any hopes or expectations for the movie, given the movie rather low rating on IMDb. So I sat down to watch the movie, figuring that it would probably just be another run-of-the-mill and a dime-a-dozen possession movies.

But still, as I hadn't already seen "The Last Rite", and I do believe in giving a movie a fair chance, of course I opted to watch it and see what Leroy Kincaide had to offer.

I will say that "The Last Rite" had some interesting enough elements to it. I liked the concept of the shadowed entity with the hat, though I couldn't help drawing parallels to Reverend Henry Kane from "Poltergeist II: The Other Side".

The acting performances in the movie were good enough, for the most parts. Bethan Walker (playing Lucy), Kit Smith (playing Father Roberts) and David Kerr (playing Dr. Andrews) definitely put on good performances, while Johnny Fleming (playing Ben) definitely left me wanting more of proper acting on the screen) for someone in a secondary lead role.

But now comes all the bad things about "The Last Rite" and all of its shortcomings. The movie was slow paced, so insanely and unbearably slow paced. After having sat through what literally felt like 90 minutes of movie, I checked the timer on the player and to my dread saw that only 34 minutes had passed of watching the movie. So this was going to be a drag of a movie, and believe me, it was.

And not a whole lot is actually going on to make "The Last Rite" an outstanding movie from the numerous other movies of the same genre that proved to be more enjoyable and entertaining than Leroy Kincaide could muster to deliver. The director drew on the generic tropes of the possession and haunting genre, which made "The Last Rite" bland and generic. I mean, you have things like a door opening and closing on its own, drawers and cubboards opening by themselves, a quilt slowly being pulled down while the person is laying in bed, and such stuff. All things that have been done and seen countless times before.

As for the scare factor and for "The Last Rite" being a horror movie. Yeah, this was a mere stroll in the park. Exactly, the movie was too generic and predictable to be scary. Sure, there were a good atmosphere being built up in the movie, so writer and director Leroy Kincaide definitely managed that. But it was by no means scary.

The ending of the movie definitely was predictable and it wasn't an ending that left the movie complete. So after having suffered 1 hour and 47 minutes of slow torture, the ending was just a final slap in the face before the end credits.

If you enjoy horror movies and demonic possession movies, then "The Last Rite" is not worth the time, money or effort. And this is not a movie that I would recommend you sit down to watch, nor is it a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of "The Last Rite" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.
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Well-Executed Indie Horror!
hturman29 November 2021
The Last Rite is an exceptional indie horror film. The performances are strong and the tension/suspense pushes the story forward at a tantalizing pace. For anyone who has experienced sleep paralysis or struggles with vivid and horrifying dreams, this is a must watch!
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Solid, if unspectacular.
tekkieman88029 March 2022
A little generic at times, and certainly doesn't add anything novel to the genre, but the story unfolds in waves and the acting is convincing - Bethan Waller and especially Kit Smith are both genuine and bring depth to their respective roles. My only gripe is the boyfriend, who feels unhinged at times - we don't know whether to like him or hate him, and while those conflicted feelings are often a sign of complex characters, here it just feels confusing.
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This is unreal
loftusgage27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this move is quite the waste of time. Not a lot happens in this movie, and if it does, it will go unexplained and unresolved. The boyfriend is horrendously rude for no reason, and never resolved. Not only that, his personality switches on command with no explanation, there was a lot of focus on his career with no connection or necessity. He doesn't believe in anything that's been going on despite seeing photo evidence and a physically ill partner who explained her religious trauma, he then decides to get drunk and become too afraid to join in the exorcism. Useless character to the entire story. The demon recites the famous "legion" line, explaining how powerful it must be, yet does nothing but hop around the house and sneak away. For being such a powerful presence, nobody is harmed in this movie and the possessor doesn't really do anything except waste peoples time talking about it, such as mine.

The extent of the demons power is opening and closing doors, aside from choking the female lead several times, yet always letting her go at the last minute for some reason.

There is no explained connection made between the hat man/sleep paralysis and Christian demons, and neither are really even explored. At one point, the girlfriend asks the partner "who lived in this house before you?" To which he replies defensively and horribly aggressive, as if he's hiding something. Still, he explains that it's fairly new and the old owners moved to Australia for reasons unknown, and never to be known. ??? What is the meaning of this? Why do we know they didn't own it long, how new the residence is, and where they went to? Why do we know the boyfriend is wealthy and work obsessed and should be speaking with some dude named Jason? None of this makes any difference to anything at all.

We are introduced to a father in a local church, who decides to perform the exorcism without church consent. Cool enough idea, he then introduces us to an ex minister and explains so many things at once. Why do we need to know all this when the ex minister is in maybe 10 minutes? And during which, he runs away from the exorcism, shows back up to help, and then drives the father home. There's some information about his wife having died because of church decisions but that is about all we hear of it, as suddenly he decides that he will help with the exorcism. No explanation. The overall feeling of this film reminds me of a depressing day. No visible colors aside from grey, no true relationship between any two characters, no real stakes, unexplainable emotions, and most of all, what you are witnessing feels bizarre but not memorable.
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Cheap Rip-Off!
stanleyeroberts5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever wrote this script literally watched "The Exorcist" and some other crappy horror flicks and decided to merge a bit of this a bit of that - and pronto, you have a total waste of time.

I mean, that last scene where the priest is driving away and looks up in the window - tell me that's an original idea!!

Horrible acting - worst I ever saw.

Can't find 1 single positive thing about this - and I honestly tried.

Maybe perhaps the house, which gave me massive home envy - it really was a beautiful house. I would move there in a heartbeat, evil spirit or not, lol.

But yeah, apologies to the director/actors - but you should have really done some research before releasing this.
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Aren't there enough Exorcist ripoffs?
lee_eisenberg2 November 2022
"The Last Rite" at first seemed like it was going for a "Poltergeist" or "Babadook" vibe, but then turned into an "Exorcist" ripoff. A lousy one at that. I watched the movie just because it was Halloween and I figured that I had to watch an available horror flick, but I found one of the crummiest ones. The poor acting and direction make this scary only in the sense that someone was willing to release it.

In conclusion, stick with "The Exorcist", "Poltergeist" or "The Babadook" (or for sheer horror, "Psycho" or "The Shining"). Or, if you're in for something silly, "Re-Animator" is a real pleasure.
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Guys... what did we just watch??
anaraguilar24 March 2022
The acting and script are only ok.... for an adult film.

To be fair, with a script like this, I can't imagine any actor being able to pull this off. Their responses to each other are not natural.. ppl don't say these things to each other...

The husband is happy one line, furios the next , to happy again and I can't for the life of me figure out what caused these emotions.

If you want a scary movie , don't watch this. If you want a good laugh, I recommend it. Just when you think the acting and script can't get any worse... BAM.
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At least try...
LargeTortoise15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're going to make a ripoff, at least try and be faithful to it. This changes main characters three times throughout its run and introduces several side characters for no reason other than padding. Additionally the ending is just bad. Many of the advertising and professional reviews try to play the ending and point of this film as an allegory/representation of religious trauma making its way into adult life. No. The religious trauma in question is mentioned once in the film as a throwaway scene to show the boyfriend as an inconsiderate and less than evolved partner. It is literally never returned to. Then the final main character shift goes to an ex machina priest thats played off as an idiot until the last few scenes when he becomes an all seeing divine pillar. In the paraphrased words of John Zoidberg, Your movie is bad and you should feel bad.
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Had potential but ruined by the bad acting
merielmyers-3848129 November 2021
This sounded an interesting movie and could have been a good film had the acting been better.. Every performance is unnatural and stilted, especially the two leads. I can never understand why directors let bad acting ruin their work ..

The film also suffers from a bad script and terribly slow pacing but the camera work is decent as is the subtle score..

It could have been a good British horror so two points for trying ..
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Can't take it seriously
jdiz11520 December 2021
The way the woman is "possessed" is comical at best. Imagine your friend goofing around acting like a possessed person on Halloween. That's about the level of acting we're dealing with here.
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Sleepy Saints
jeroduptown28 March 2022
Nothing to report here - just some ghost guy in a bad hat and a girl that 'let him in'. But if Linda Blair is your plumb line, this movie is way off base.
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It's not the exorcist, but what is?
tonyjoeltaylor9 March 2022
This was a very good story. It didn't rely on gory special effects or the cliche shocking ending of most possession films. I like that it combined sleep paralysis and possession. It was realistic and relied on psychological horror which is almost never present in this genre. I have watched countless horrible demonic possession flicks. This is honestly the best one I have seen since the exorcist.

Ignore the bad reviews. Most of the people who leave reviews on this site are just trying to be funny. Again, great story. The acting could have been better, but a solid script saved the day.
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Good movie
fluffchop25 December 2021
It's English so we expect some different cultural inclinations to how a mystery unfolds, aka slowly. I think this couple needed couples counseling long before she was possessed. He's a horrible man with anger issues which kind of plays into the whole he doesn't believe her thing early on in the film. Ok so there's that. Also the guy that wrote the book on Shadow People or hat men was a total jerk also. So what is wrong with the men in this movie, sheesh. The movie isn't rushed. It unfolds. We see things happening. There is a conclusion of sorts. I would have been in contact with the previous owners of the house in order to build the suspense. They didn't have that part of the story and they should have. The theme of Church bureaucracy was well played although brief. Perhaps this could have been fleshed out a bit. I mean the film was quite long for this sort of fare, so they could have reassigned some of the time to those elements of the story. It's a dark tale, it's not meant to be all rainbows and unicorns, and I think it succeeds well in telling this sort of tale. Kind of an older school horror which showed restraint in not having split pea soup vomited everywhere and so on like the Exorcist. It's a good movie.
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Really bad
jboscarino7 December 2021
Somebody here said this was a "chilling masterpiece" and on Rotten Tomatoes it got %100. There's something wrong here because this movie is bad. Acting, direction, name it. BAD. The fix is in.
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nimmeh5 December 2021
Worst acting I have ever seen in my life. They say a poor presence on screen is wooden, honestly I think if they had tree's stood in for the lead roles in this they'd have come up trumps. The only acting that came across half palpable was the priest who appears in the final third.

I'm not sure who was fooled here, the production crew on the ability of the actors. Or the production crew beguiling the acting accompaniment on telling them the final cut would be released.
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Not in the top 10 possession films watch something else cheap imitation of exorcist misleading trailer!!
joiningjt25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If I knew it was going to be another possession film I would have passed I have seen enough of them and there are some great ones especially the classic exorcist of course and the exorcism of Emily rose is another favorite of ours and we also really enjoy the rite with Anthony Hopkins and s couple others but this 1 was extremely weak. The priest was ok but the possessed woman was terrible so that wrecks it right there and we only watched it cause we thought it was going to be a ghost or demon and then they went the way of possession and it was wrecked. Trust us dont bother go watch one of the ones I just recommended. This is a c title at best. Oh and the boyfriend needs to quit acting and get a job at the DMV.
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