
9 Reviews
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Incredibly, even worse than Karate Kid 2
10 August 2004
I watched Karate Kid Part 2 about a month ago and was impressed by just how poor a movie it was. Amazingly, this manages to be even worse than that. It is a pretty typical tale of teen rebellion followed by redemption as they see the error of their ways. It's been done a thousand times before and a thousand times better than this poorly acted, badly written fiasco.

I can't say enough to stop you from wasting your time watching this film. It is a shame when I think just how enjoyable the first movie was. This and the other sequels just go to show how bad film-making is when people try to squeeze as much money as possible out of a single idea. The fact is, once the idea has been done, there is no point in re-doing it.
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27 June 2004
I watched this film on TV over the weekend and expected the same sort of mindless, yet entertaining fun that you got from the first. Boy was I in for a surprise.

What you actually get is a blistering display in Japanese stereotypes, dreadful acting and one of the worst storylines I have ever seen in a film. The whole thing seems completely pointless and whilst I appreciate that the vast majority of sequels are written just to make money off the back of a successful first venture, most at least try to be entertaining in their own right.

I can definately say this is the worst film I have ever seen, and I've seen Teen Wolf Too!
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28 October 1998
Not a bad film, with just one problem. Wasn't Britain involved in the 2nd World War somewhere. Oh no, I forgot, the Americans won it single handed.
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Platoon (1986)
28 October 1998
I'm sorry, I know this film is pretty high up in the top 250 films. I know it has an average vote of about 8, but I just didn't think it was all that good.

It was filled with supposedly touching voice-overs and the like, but I was completely unmoved by any of them. The point where Willem Dafoe gets killed I though was laughable, and only served to turn the film into some sort of gung ho farce.

All in all the acting was reasonably good however and the direction was good, with some of the action scenes being very confusing and I imagine all the more realistic for it.

All in all, not the movie it is made out to be. I still think Born on the Fourth of July is Stones' best Vietnam effort.
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16 October 1998
Superb, the only word I can think of to describe this film. It is, from start to finish nothing short of outstanding. To think that it is as long as it is is unbelievable as the film fairly flys past whilst you are watching.

James Woods gives an incredible performance and the remainder of the cast don't do too badly either. The plot is captivating (if a little controversial at times - rape is a hard thing to watch) and along with some excellent direction, you are drawn into the world of the film with ease.

I would recommend this film to anybody, except before you watch, you must be prepared to be shocked at times.
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At times very funny.
11 October 1998
It's safe to say that this flim should not be seen by people who believe in political correctness, because they won't find it here. Many of the jokes are aimed at touchy subjects and whilst I didn't find them offensive, others may.

Just like in Dumb and Dumber, the directors don't rely on cheap gags all the way through the film, concentrating instead on a few very funny moments (about five in this case). In between the main jokes though, the plot is pretty thin and meaningless.

I would however recommend it to most people though as when you do laugh, you laugh hard. I was most impressed by Cameron Diaz who shows a great willingness to have jokes directly aimed at her, something which many people sadly aren't willing to do.
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Nil by Mouth (1997)
Arguably the best British film ever made.
1 October 1998
This is a film which I went to see on a whim, due to there being nothing else on at the cinema at the time. It turned out to be one of the finest films I have ever watched. The acting, especially from Kathy Burke is spellbinding and the direction draws you in, making the film all the more real and believable. I would recommend this film to anybody. It is moving and very shocking and is a great example of how to film a difficult and often taboo subject.
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1 October 1998
This film is proof that sequels should never be made to comedies. Its plot is mind-bendingly thin, with poor acting all round and is swimming with ridiculous ideas (indeed the main idea that the mother and daughter could be pregnant at the same time is stretching it a bit).

My advice - do not watch this film, unless you like being bored out of your mind.
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A brilliant piece of film making.
1 October 1998
I often think I go into films with the wrong attitude. I go in expecting to be disappointed by what I see, and as a result, I often am. This film is one of the biggest exceptions to this possible. It caught me in an instant and I was mesmorised by the quality of the writing, direction, acting, everything about the film.

I expected to have Tim Robbins' view on the death penalty shoved down my throat, but to tell you the truth, I have no idea whether he is for or against this form of punishment.

I always think a good film is one where I leave talking about it, and the ensuing debate on the relative merits of the death penalty went on for days, surely the mark of a good film, as most are forgotten before I even leave the cinema.

The only problem with this film, is that I see it as a perfect example of how films should be made, and as a result, nothing else manages to live upto it, leading to even more disappointment in other films I see.

I would urge anybody to go and see this film, it is, put simply, a masterpiece.
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