
3 Reviews
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Winchell (1998 TV Movie)
Could have been so much more
29 November 1998
Stanley Tucci is an amazing actor, and in this film we were only treated to a mere glimpse of his ability. The best performance, I think, was by Paul Giamatti as his long-suffering ghost writer. This film was engaging, and at times it was very much so. However, it tries to convey too much history and too much time in its hour and fifty minutes. I don't know, some movies manage to tell the story of someone's entire life and make it seem like a life is actually passing by. This one, however, seemed fragmented. They began to lose me with each large jump in the timeline. It was like a synopsis of his life--it left me wanting more because it only seemed to scratch the surface of the many events in his life (for example, when he went to Brazil during WWII).
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Blade (1998)
Very good action movie
28 November 1998
As nearly every other person has commented, the action sequences were definitely the strongest point of this film. They were great. The film was created very well as far as keeping with its theme and comic book origin. I don't think Wesley's poker faced acting was a "bad" thing. How many conflicted superheroes in comic books are anything but the same?

It's definitely a macho, testosterone-filled ride, but don't think that women won't like this movie! After all, there are plenty of scenes that show off Mr. Snipes' significant bodyshaping work!

Yes, the special effects were corny at times--not cheesy or badly done, just corny. But, my main thing is this: a key element for an action film is comic relief. This seems especially important for a movie with a dark theme. "Interview with the Vampire" had its funny moments. This movie had virtually no funny lines. They tried, but it simply didn't happen. The guy who kept losing his hands, and kept giggling all of the time, was supposed to make us laugh. It didn't work.

I thought Stephen Dorff's Deacon Frost was a bit corny at times. But, I really enjoyed this movie. It was one of the best ones I've seen this year. The ending was a bit of a let-down, and it wasn't funny but even so it still was a pretty fantastic action flick. The action sequences alone make up for any lacking in other areas.
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Like "Dumb and Dumber", so utterly silly you can't help but to smile!
8 October 1998
I really enjoyed this movie. Lisa Kudrow's performance was so convincingly ditsy it almost seemed as though she wasn't acting at all! Many people don't like movies like this and "Dumb and Dumber", because they seem overly stupid. But they're missing the point--this movie doesn't take itself seriously and neither should we! I think that it takes talent to create a film that can cause a person to smile despite himself if only because of the sheer silliness, no matter what his mood is. Most people will be able to relate to this movie, because most people have at *least* one painful high school memory. And, this movie also features a sentimental soundtrack of 80's music that will definitely bring back memories for anyone who was in high school during that time.

For a comedy to be effective, it must be funny throughout the entire movie, and this movie accomplishes this. However, with its running time of an hour and thirty minutes, I only wish it had been longer!
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