
11 Reviews
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More a historical record than a movie
5 January 2006
I could not be more pleased that Lobster Films in cooperation with various European cinematheques have seen fit to preserve this footage which is primarily a compilation of acts from the Folies Bergere and other Parisian variety shows. Included are two clips with Josephine Baker who was actually a pretty clunky dancer, but a larger than life personality. The framing story of a young girl hoping to hit it big in the business can be dismissed, as can the sub-plot of her claiming to be robbed in order to attract publicity. However, the early two-strip color filming of the various artistes is not to be missed by any one interested in the development of film techniques. It's a pity however that the orchestral score was so out of keeping with the period.
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Alone (1931)
Fascinating but incomplete
3 December 2004
I was bemused reading the previous comment. I recently saw a 2003 restoration of this film which ran 90 minutes, not the 80 minutes listed in the combined details. However apparently the sixth reel is lost and the action is delineated by intertitles on a black screen -- this includes the heroine's rescue from the mountain (not by a plane -- that only appears at the very end of the film). I wonder how the previous reviewer could have seen the complete film or at least not mentioned that an important part of it is missing. Despite the obvious propaganda, the acting, particularly by Yelena Kuzmina, is first-rate.
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The Cremator (1969)
Between a rock and a hard place
6 December 2003
How to marry a brilliant gothic expressionistic style with repulsive subject matter? While I am pleased to have had the opportunity of seeing this film which is firmly in the great Czech fantastic/grotesque tradition my enjoyment of the visuals was ultimately marred by the storyline which only an anti-semite could love. I felt I needed a long soak in a hot bath afterwards.
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of curiosity value only
28 May 2003
I was keen to see this film when it was recently broadcast by a minority BBC channel since I was unable to learn much about it in advance; it was not reviewed by Variety nor were there any comments on this database. To summarize the very thin story, the staff of a nightclub run by crooks leave to set up their own club (early Beat Generation) which is very successful and therefore find themselves pressurized to pay protection to the crooks which they won't, etc. etc.

The (presumably) main attraction when this was made was Jacques Helian whose orchestra is featured like the Glenn Miller band in films like "Sun Valley Serenade" but rather less spectacularly with a bunch of indifferent novelty numbers.

The main interest of this film for today's movie fan is the 22-year old Jeanne Moreau in her second film role. She was then under contract with the Comedie Francaise who probably made better use of her talent than she is offered here in the thankless role of the love interest of an existential poet!

I'm glad I saw it but only 4 out of 10.
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Saimin (1999)
Not as hypnotic as it might have been
2 May 2003
Despite an involving opening and an intriguing premise, the film was undermined by choppy editing which left me wondering at times what the heck was going and on and which of the many characters was I watching. Despite getting scarier as it proceeded, the final revelation left me with more questions than answers. Perhaps I need to view it again -- but not today or tomorrow!
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get a new summary
13 January 2003
I haven't read the other user comments but whoever did the summary for this film possibly hasn't seen it! It has absolutely nothing to do with a serial killer of women (the killer in question kills butchers because they kill animals) and Soper accuses his cousin Molyneux of having poisoned his (Molyneux's) wife. The whole thing is an absurdist's delight -- a French film set in a London that never was.
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Music is more than the soul of love
23 August 2002
This is an incredibly strong anti-war statement, beautifully photographed and most unusual in that one realizes the horror of war without the usual heroics of battle. I was reminded of John Ford films which often gain their power and their ability to move the viewer by the use of music. Ichikawa shares this with him by the various songs -- particularly "There's No Place Like Home" sung in tandem by both Japanese and British soldiers and by the eerily beautiful burmese harp itself. The whole experience was overwhelming!
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Restored to brilliance
23 July 2002
Having seen this film some years ago on television in a dark, dubbed and cut print, I had all but forgotten it. Yesterday I saw Kumel's restored cut in his own Flemish language, running 124 minutes, and my reaction was "brilliant". The picture was actually originally made in English, French, German and Dutch versions and then hacked to bits in the various markets. This film is a "must-see" for any serious film fan with its fabulous photography, stylish composition and surreal overtones - Magritte too was Belgian. It's more than a horror film as it has often been tagged, but a series of dreams or perhaps nightmares with all the illogic of dreams. I am fairly certain that Welles did his own Flemish dialog and that too makes it a must for the connoisseur.
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Humanity (1999)
Is life really this boring?
18 July 2002
At nearly two and a half hours this film could only have been slower if it was going backwards. Glum storyline, glum characters and glum setting. Most of what did happen felt like "filler" rather than serving to drive the action forward. And far from being a prude, I found the gratuitous sex and unnecessary close-ups of sexual organs totally puzzling. Why??
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The Penthouse (1967)
Not the top -- the pits
26 June 2000
This is the only movie I regret not having got up and walked out! Although it is some 30 years since I had the misfortune of seeing this film in the cinema, I have never forgotten what a thoroughly unpleasant experience it was -- with unlikeable characters and stupidly unbelievable circumstances. I can forgive all sorts of things in a film if there is at least one redeeming quality, but you can look in vain for it here. I am amazed that its rating is as high as it is since I would have given it a minus rating were this possible.
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Drive (1997)
Funny fast exhilarating
10 September 1999
Dacascos is up there with Chan, Hung and Li in this fun film -- STV or not. Far better than any US or Non-Hong Kong attempt. Rent it for a lot of super amazing and inventive fight sequences.
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