
5 Reviews
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The Simpsons (1989– )
The Best Comedy of the 1990s, not just Best Cartoon!
29 November 1998
That's right. Better than "Seinfeld", better than "Cheers" better than anything out there in years. Forget that it's a cartoon. The writing is superb, the comdey is hilarious and BEST of all... It is often not expected! I can not count the times I have had near disasters while drinking a beverage during the show. For me the musical numbers are the best part. The "Sherry Bobbins" (Mary Poppins) episode is classic viewing! The laughs originate in left field and settle in your chest, to the point of painful laughter. No other TV comedy can come close to this effect week after week. While the characters may be 2 dimensional, their depth is equal to that of humans. They have become part of our society and part of our life. We identify with them! Bravo to the Simpsons and all the wonderful actors and actresses who for so long have made us laugh!
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Better than "Young Frankenstein". Now that's saying something!
2 November 1998
Mel Brooks truly at his best. This western spoof, set in the tough racist town of Rock Ridge is simply hilarious. A Black intelligent sheriff is dropped into a town of white inter-related bufoons and the adventure begins. Brooks exposes sterotypes as simple folly. The casting was perfect. Gene Wilder & Cleavon Little are perfect together. The movie is Slapstick, Childish, Ridiculous and FUNNY. Full of memorable lines and scenes. The classic scene (for me), has to be the Fireside Flatulance after the Bean dinner. Sure it's stupid. But it makes you laugh! I have seen a TV version once which had 3 extra scenes in it. I have never seen it since. Rent it, it's a sure winner. Don't sit so high in the saddle to let a classic pass you by!
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Halarious remake of a Classic! One of the BEST
2 November 1998
Terrific! One of the top 10 comedies in my opinion. It will make you laugh, even if you are alone! Not many movies do that for me.

Mel Brooks' remake of this classic is outstanding. Most of the props are from the original "Frankenstein" Movie series and the story line follows the original. If you have seen the original "Frankenstein", than this movie will be even funnier. The casting is perfect with shining performances by Marty Feldman (Igor, pronounced Eyegore), Peter Boyle (The Monster) and Gene Wilder (Frodrick Frunkenstein). Classic scene (for me), The Monster meets a Blind Gene Hackman. You HAVE to feel bad for the Monster! The movie is full of memorable one-liners which most people can recite at the drop of a hat. Rent it. You will love it.
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A brilliant comedy beyond compare. One of the best!
1 November 1998
As good as comdedies get! In my opinion the movies ranks in the top 5 comedies ever done. John Candy plays a "regular guy" like nobody else could. Even with all his faults and annoying habits you can't help but love the character. Del Griffith (Candy) teamed with prudish Niel Page (Steve Martin) are a perfect combination. They make the viewer sympathise with each of them, one time or another. The "classic" scene for me is the entire sequence in the (first) Motel room. From Martin's verbal assault, to the wounded look on Candy's baby face. All sealed with a kiss. The movie is a Thanksgiving tradition for me. Rent it once and you may find yourself buying it!
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The Ref (1994)
To Xmas as "Plains, Trains & Automobiles" is to Thanksgiving
31 October 1998
Without a doubt, the funniest Christmas time movie ever made. Kevin Spacey & Denis Leary are terrific together. Teamed with a drunken Santa Claus, over zealous Mother-in-law and over-all dysfunctional family, Leary & Spacey shine.
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