
9 Reviews
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Twin Dragons (1992)
Cheese thy name is Jackie
11 September 1999
This movie is SO bad, it's hardly worth my time writing this! Horribly dubbed, cheesiest jokes, terrible acting, awful script, poor direction, the only part of it worth watching (as always with Chan) is the stunts. And I'm not sure it was even worth the rest to see the stunts! There weren't even any outtakes at the end! PATHETIC! Clearly one of Chan's worst!
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I couldn't even watch the MST3K version!!!!!!!
8 August 1999
This movie was SO terrible that even Joel and the Bots couldn't keep me watching! It was just so poorly put together and boring that there wasn't enough to make fun of to keep me entertained. For the sake of your health DO NOT watch this film!
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What would Brian Boitano think? He'd think it's hilarious!!!
5 July 1999
This is the most daring, influencial, political, hilarious, crude, disgusting, amazing film I've ever seen! With non-stop laughs and perfectly planned musical numbers, it's gotta be the funniest movie of the year!!! Trey and Matt have done it again, pushing the lines of political humor over the edge, without it being stupid! You have never seen a funny movie if you haven't seen this! You'd never believe what you'd find in this *@#%$!&^#@^&#@*^%%! quiet, little mountain town!
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Just Write (1997)
The Perfect Romantic Comedy
21 April 1999
I first saw this film on an airplane to Hawaii and loved it! I had never heard of it before, but it was good in so many ways! If you want to see a movie with great characters and great acting, see this perfect romantic comedy!
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Norm (1999–2001)
An Instant Hit!
26 March 1999
This is a hilarious show. It's destined to become the next "Drew Carey Show". Norm MacDonald is one of the funniest comedians ever and he makes this show all that it is. With great sight gags and brilliant writing. Watch every episode!
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The best film of 1997!
9 February 1999
This is truly the best film of 1997. Forget Titanic, this film is so much better. Jack Nicholson gives one of the best performances of his career, Helen Hunt shows her deeper side than that viewed in Mad About You. But Greg Kinnear truly steals the show. After past career problems like A Smile Like Yours, Dear God, and Sabrina, this is definitely a career saver. He should have won best supporting actor for sure. Never before have I experienced a film like this and I doubt I ever will. But why people keep saying they couldn't stop laughing doesn't make sense to me. Sure there are funny parts, but this is not a complete comedy.
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Veronica's Closet (1997–2000)
You've GOT to be kidding me!
19 January 1999
This has GOT to be one of the worst shows on television! Kirstey Alley is the same annoying, whiny character she always is, the writing is TERRIBLE, the jokes aren't funny. They call it a situation comedy, but none of the situations they get themselves into are at all funny, simply pathetic. The only good thing about this show (if you can call it that) is Wallace Langham as the somewhat witty Josh, and I do mean somewhat! And adding Ron Silver to make it FUNNIER!?! You've GOT to be kidding me!
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Friends (1994–2004)
good at first, but now is just boring
19 January 1999
When this show started it was GREAT! Matt LeBlanc, Lisa Kudrow, and Matthew Perry were hilarious! Courtney Cox, David Schwimmer, and Jennifer Aniston had wonderful chemistry, and the show was one of the best on TV! But now, Kudrow and LeBlanc have lost their edge, Cox seems lost, Aniston doesn't get enough of a chance to show her talent, and Schwimmer is just plain BORING! The only character worth watching is Perry's Chandler, and even that is starting to fade away.
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Frasier (1993–2004)
Funny when it wants to be
19 January 1999
Frasier is a good show. It has fun characters and shows their funny ways of dealing with their problems. ORIGINAL!!! But every once and a while they have a VERY funny show. By this I mean there's not time for breathe while laughing from it. Some great examples of this are:

When Frasier has a Live Murder Mystery on the radio and everything goes wrong.

When Frasier and friends go up to a ski cabin and get mixed up on who's sleeping in what rooms.

When Niles hosts a dinner party and hid neighbor thinks he killed Maris.

Those are only a few of the many episodes that are hysterical, but for the most part, this show needs to lighten up.
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