
3 Reviews
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The Innocents (1961)
The "forgotten, lost" masterpiece!
10 November 1999
The "lost" masterpiece of gothic, ghostly terror. That this film isn't better known by the masses, esp. the horror and terror film fanatics boggles the mind. It is an astounding work of cinema, superbly directed and photographed with an aire of unsettling "creepiness" that will stick with one long after viewing. Even though I've seen this many times it never fails to "get" to me and stay with me for days after.

You must buy/rent this movie and watch it with ALL the lights off. Discover this great film for yourself. A resounding 10 out of 10, a masterpiece - the best ghost movie ever filmed. Watch out for that climax.
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One of Hammer Films Top 10 of all time.
24 October 1999
Now this is a film!, not a flatly photographed movie that so many films of today suffer from (i.e. they look like they were yanked directly from network television). This movie is a beautiful and intoxicating photographed almost dream like fairy tale of gothic horror. Terence Fisher's directing is among is finest, and the acting is for the most part top-notch (though missing Christopher Lee, David Peel is very effective, cold and very calculating as the bloodsucker).

Horror film fans MUST VIEWING, see why "old-school" film making is so good.
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" will too after seeing Yutte as the vampire."
13 September 1999
The absolutely stunning Danish actress Yutte Stensgaard stars as the vampire seductress Mircalla in Hammer films part two of the "Carmilla Karnstein" trilogy. Not a great film but a worthy one for all Hammer/British horror film fans. Originally to be directed by the ace of gothic horror, Terence Fisher, he was injured in a car accident just days before filming started. A good/decent film from Jimmy Sangster, but one thinks of what it could have been in Fisher's hands. MUST viewing for all Yutte fans and fans to be.
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