
2 Reviews
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Apple Pie (1975)
A must-see for any fans of the late, great Tony Azito!
30 March 2010
While it's been difficult lately to find existing copies, any fan of Tony Azito will definitely appreciate his starring performance in this film! The first thing that came to my mind when viewing "Apple Pie" was Fellini's "Roma" with the various story-lines, song/dance numbers, theatrical scenes and such. And as mentioned in a previous review, the extended dance number at the end of the film is pretty incredible even by today's standards. Move over, "Slumdog Millionaire"! This film apparently had lots of play when it first came out (film festivals, midnight showings, etc.) years before "Flashdance" and many people felt that the big street dance scene at the end was a bit of a steal from "Apple Pie". Irene Cara (who sang the theme song for "Flashdance") was even one of the dancers in "Apple Pie"! Let's hope this once-forgotten gem makes it to NetFlix soon!
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Seeing is believing
18 May 1999
Well, I was lucky enough to see a trade screening the morning of Saturday the 15th without having to worry about other people spoiling what happened for me so I'll extend the same courtesy of not spilling all of the beans here. The critics may have put "Phantom Menace" down but there is some merit to what they have to say. The movie certainly was eye candy but I'm glad it didn't turn out to be like the Special Edition where the new scenes blatantly popped out at you and treated the viewer as if they had ADHD and said, "Look at me! I'm a new effect and the reason for paying the price of admission." Lucas was more discrete when selecting what would be exposed in the trailers and previews. I don't believe the trailers spoil much in terms of plot and suspense. The movie could have used more character development with Darth Maul and a lot less screen time with Jar Jar who detracted from the overall experience. The voices used for some of the aliens sounded reminiscent of poorly executed voice-overs for Jackie Chan film and seemed completely out of place for an environment in a galaxy far, far way. This made me question why Lucas would do such a thing as use ridiculous voices for his creatures. I liked how Queen Amidala's voice was manipulated to sound lower in pitch which gave her more of an air of authority. And I liked how the movie had a deliberate end to it instead of cutting off in the middle of an action with the over-played " be continued" tagline. Episode One leaves you still hungry to see what will come in the latter two. I think the most challenging film will be Episode Three because it must act as a keystone between the series. Overall, I'd give the film 8/10.
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